WATCH THIS Before Fighting The RED WORM in MW3 Zombies!

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so you want to unlock the best schematics here in Modern Warfare zombie well you're going to need to fight the red worm at the end of the game and I'm going to show you how now the most important thing about defeating this red worm it's not about your load out it's not about your perks it's not about the weapon Rarity you have it's about how many people are in your squad and unfortunately I'm going to start off solo however I am going to type in chat I am going to be doing the red worm if anyone is interested in joining me and then the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take a look at our fate and hey actually this is a really good spawn right here because the first thing about the red worm is you are going to be looking for these ammo caches there's only four spots this can be but when you see two ammo caches right next to the storm that means that's where the worm boss fight is going to take place now the other location I believe is right here in the like prominade shop area but then there are two tier 2 locations one in this like football field right here and the other one is in in the Foothills I believe somewhere over here the problem with those is that they are in tier 2 and they can be a far bit more difficult than the one in tier one but honestly it's not that bad so don't like make a big deal about it if you don't have to especially if you have people on your side now I know I said your load out doesn't matter but I do like most times have a legendary Aether tool and a Flawless a Flawless tier 3 Pack-a-Punch Crystal because time is well actually now time is on our side and of course we'll get all of our perks here too now I really did think golden armor was like the way to defeat this boss really consistently um so I have it here but ultimately it's not too bad especially if you have a team but now for the first real step there are four locations of these pictures right here of four other locations in the map and if you don't know by now these four pictures correspond to specific locations within the map those locations have a UAV Tower Where We Are going to need to get four USB sticks there's a good example of the tower right there those USBS are going to be useful for these machines I forget what you call them but that is going to be what summons the red worm so I'm going to link two things that I use to really get this down quickly one of them is a Reddit post with all of the locations and the other is like the war zone tactical map that has like everything on it this picture seems to be the apartments in tier 2 this is one of our favorite areas of tier 3 this is actually really close by here in Tier 1 and this is also close by in tier one so it looks like we got some good spawns here now the good news about this is that if you aren't set up as well as I am with all of these Pack-a-Punch and all of these perks you have the entire game to get set up now the downside is I haven't seen anybody reply to me saying they want to join so that means we're probably going to be doing this by ourselves which I've never done before but that also means when we pick up these USBS they are going to take up four slots in our inventory which is going to severely decrease how many items we can carry so here's what the UAV Towers look like we're going to go up to this it's just like a DMZ UAV Tower we're going to go up to it click clack on the keyboard a little bit here and it's going to pop out little USB data now the next key is going to be about 800 M away and just like that we're already at this next location hit this Tower get the USB and you know what I am going to do this contract here to get some points so that way we can fast travel around the map and this would be the perfect time to talk about the load out that I have here we are clearly using the akimbo swarms because they are still really good here but also they're really maneuverable they have a good speed and they're good at distance with good hip fire so this should be pretty good against the boss hopefully and they should be pretty good against this tier one mimic oh man that's absurd ooh self-revive perfect we are going to want that and I'm going to take napom burst because why not see you guys on the other side side oh you know what it's been a while but here it is here's the Convoy and here's the next Tower woohoo and that just leaves the tier 3 USB and as you can see we only have one USB left and I've got 30 more minutes of this game so don't feel like you need to bum rush all of the USB UAV Towers like I am right now you've got plenty of time get your contracts get your weapon level up get your perks and all that stuff but we are going to be heading on the roof and I believe it's just around this corner yes it is the last USB that we need woohoo let's go so now we're going to do some contracts here get some points so we can get fully geared up as well as we are going to be going for some sentry guns sentry guns and self- revives I guess I should say now I believe self- revives and sentry guns can be bought from a tier 2 buy station so that's what we're going to do all right looks like ooh sentry guns are only 2,000 points that's awesome and you know what it is about 15 minutes left I'm going to send another message I've got all the USBs just to remind people hey I'm still in this we're still doing this because I tell you I've done it with like six people seven people I think eight people one time it really does make a difference it makes it so much easier for everybody involved and I don't really think that's a bad thing either I think it's cool that you know playing cooperatively can help you out I'm just kind of terrified of doing it solo all right let us empty our thing here I don't need you I am going to buy an uh two self revives actually if no one's going to help me I'm going to get as many self- revives as I can three extra is pretty good all right so we are at The Bu station I am going to spawn in this dog right here so that way I have another slot and I've made the decision I think I want an extra self Rive instead of a Sentry oh I can have both ooh but what do I get rid of do I get rid of this Casmir I think I get rid of the Casmir I haven't really used them all that much so I think I'm going to get a sentry gun okay we've got our dog which is a great dog you always got to pet the dog wa waffles hey we got Mr waffle waffles with us that's so great and now there's nothing left to do other than head on over to the boss fight just going to tell the whole Lobby even though nobody's over there yet no one's going to fight this with me I'm going to have to fight this solo I did not anticipate that which I guess is probably the best tip I could give you if you see somebody doing the red worm like do it with them because the more people it really does make it super easy like I've done this with triple pack-a-punched blue guns before just kind of being the bait for everyone else so long as you shoot it you don't need to be in the same Squad you don't need to be in the same team as everyone else you just got to participate now we're at the boss fight area we only got 30 seconds until the storm starts expanding but we've got a lot more time until the worm actually gets here and the storm actually gets here so I guess I should have told you beforehand uh you want a durable gas mask that's something that I've got in a previous game I think it goes without saying you want you know three armor plates large backpack you know the usual Modern Warfare Zombies attire so these are the four little reactors that we need to activate but the problem is the twist is they only activate in The Ether storm so The Ether storm is going to come over we're going to put all the USB in by ourselves it'll spawn the worm and then we are going to fight it please people come over here they're going to the xville how disappointing it is useful to maybe ping an ammo cach so when the storm gets here and it gets all chaotic you know exactly where an ammo refill is for your mask and your ammo as well now I'm bringing in Casmir because I'm terrified of the zombies that are going to spawn with us but a lot of people really love that gas grenade they say it does good damage over time to the worm and that's definitely something to consider I would recommend The Ether blade if you have it as well all right beautiful people it's showtime here we go here's the first reactor slowly encompassing the storm look at that all right Alpha activ activate let's do it let's do it number one got to be quick here Delta let's do it Bravo here we go now we only have 12 minutes you can see this took quite some time for the storm to get over here which is not ideal all right we've initialized it let's go ahead and put down our sentry guns try to face them kind of in between the two uh ammo caches here I'm just going to put them right over here plus these will also help with the regular bosses as well oh boy and here we go everybody here we go I hope you're ready cuz I sure am not we're going to try to get some good damage on them going to try to keep running keep moving he's got a lot of really cool attacks he oh okay he spawns in some zombies he spawns in some enemies right there we're going to get there we're doing some good damage man we're going we're already doing some good damage we got the orbs like we know and love from the other boss fight here all right you just got to be careful when he's looking directly at you oh boy got some manglers going that's okay let's get some ammo refills here now the biggest attack you want to look out for is that laser attack right there it seems like he's aggravated on my dog right here which is really really good that laser attack is a on hit instant kill so you want to when he does his head back like that you want to be careful of that attack as well just always try to get some damage on him when you can big circles guys big circles try to just ignore the zombies cool he's down used this time take care of the zombies right here get the manglers out of here get those orbs out of the air hurt him oh there he is okay this is a good example here oh he missed us he missed us awesome oh that's going to take some time to fall down from oh boy that's fun isn't it oh no my parachute didn't deploy that's a down you don't want to take that's all right he's distracted by our dog again that's really good we're getting some good damage on him getting up close getting these things going we've got 400 bullets right here we're going to run away we need to go find those armor oh ammo caches again so we're going to just kind of move our way over here yep pardon me we got the the orbs coming in very good oh that laser attack you want to dodge out of the way here oh he's got his head moving oh boy nice Dodge Donuts even though it was kind of luck got this guy okay his head's back move it move it move it nicely done get those weak spots get those weak spots get those weak spots move out of the way of that disciple oh there's a lot of zombies there's a lot of zombies here oh good Dodge again there you go let's get back to these ammo caches here o good Dodge again you can kind of hear he kind of Roars when he does those attacks here all right I think I think I am going to use a Casmir here all right there he is back again got more orbs out against us this is pretty overwhelming solo Dodge it Dodge it get some good damage get some good damage on him very good very good get some more ammo nice very good get that armor on him get that Armor All Right seems as though the biggest problem for solo right now not necessarily Staying Alive there is a lot of stuff to dodge obviously but uh it's getting the damage on him that's why the more the merrier cuz you really there we go very good getting that damage on him is very very important here getting those double yellow hit markers very good now the cool thing that I noticed just now oh he's coming it seems as though he's only got uh two orbs even though like because we're solo it looks like there's only two orbs which is really nice oh okay so he's swallowed us this is okay we're going to spam our button here very good job Donuts very very good job that's how you survive that very good and then we're going to slide because he's going to attack us there I'm going to throw one of these guys cuz I need to get some good damage on him right now I need to get those guys distracted yes yes yes we've got you going very good oh he's coming for us that's all right survivability it's hectic but it's not terrible not terrible at all instakill I love it let's take it very good I hope that does extra damage against him I really hope it does oh that laser oh you see how devastating that laser is that's crazy oh dang it we got down he ate us oh boy that's terrible it's all right a little disoriented here let's head on back starting right we are running out of time let's get our mask back the fight of the Sentry let's go and I think this is why everyone says you know oh we could use our oh man no we can't okay all right here we go I wonder oh shooting him shooting him Works shooting him works all right let's get some more damage on him some more damage spamming our jump button spamming our jump button beautiful Donuts beautiful you're such a Pro get out of here oh laser there's just so many attacks there's just so much stuff to deal with here oh man come on donuts come on Donuts there we go I think our dog died a while ago I think our dog died a while ago we're getting good damage on him dang it we're getting some good damage on him all right let's see if he's on the ground try to shoot him maybe that works oh it does work it does work awesome let's have him eat us for some extra damage that's all right we got some moments to just fire in on them that's cool too nice let's go Donuts let's go head on back to the ammo cach oh he's going to try to do that that's good it's all right you got plenty of time Donuts you got plenty of time let's go let's get this nice that's some good damage right there donuts let's try to throw one of these on them very good running in circles looking for that we're getting those orbs as best we can he's back down that's all right let's go uh try to shoot at him actually nice there we go shoot him shoot him shoot him get that get that going spam that jump button spam that jump button beautiful let's go towards our ammo refresh everything nice all right get him while he's while he's over here get him while he's over here we are so close I cannot believe we're doing this this is my first time solo let's go oh he's oh yeah whenever your screen darkens like that by the way that means he's going to attack you oh laser laser a nice Dodge nice Dodge okay orbs get out of here orbs yeah I would say if you're going in Solo golden armor plates are definitely the way to go here because if I didn't I'd be so screwed all right there we go weekly challenge done let's go all right 50 seconds we got a cool countdown now let's go let's go just you and me grey grey you and me let's go let's finish this yep yep yep yep yep yep mimic stop it no we're so close get some crits in there get some crits in there come on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh we're so close we're so close let's go come on revive 10 seconds let's go 6 5 4 3 2 one come on kill him kill him oh he's like one shot he's like one shot come on you can't end it here you can't end it here yes let's go let's go oh he missed no he missed that's going to take so long parachute parachute parachute oh I didn't parachute come on one last self-revive one last self-revive we got no are you kidding me I'm standing up I [Music] can't we were so close I can count the pixels I was five pixels away I'm speechless right now if I just did one more more thing a little bit better at least I got a calling card out of it I'm just glad it's very possible to do that solo I definitely feel like I got distracted in the middle of that and just wasn't shooting him enough but it is very possible to do that well on the bright side they nerfed the act four worm boss fight so that's really easy solo if you want to see me actually win be sure to check out that video and stay beautiful
Channel: Doughnuts
Views: 119,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty, tutorial, how to, discussion, guide, cod zombies, mw3 zombies, mw3 zombies red worm, mw3 zombies red worm boss, mw3 zombies red worm solo, mw3 zombies red worm guide, mw3 zombies red worm easter egg, mw3 zombies red worm boss fight, mw3 zombies boss fight worm, mw3 zombies legendary aether tool schematic, mw3 zombies flawless aetherium crystal schematic, mw3 zombies schematics, mw3 zombies red worm solo guide, mw3 zombies solo red worm, mw3 zombies solo guide
Id: Unp4dKgmIGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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