Full SOLO MW3 Zombies Easter Egg Guide: Unlock ALL Schematics EASILY!

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this is your ultimate solo Guide to the brand new bad signal Mission and dark ether Bounties in Modern Warfare 3 zombies if this video helps you out please drop a like as this is no easy task and I'm fairly certain that making this has started turning my hair gray but without wasting any more of your time let's get into it first things first your load out what are the things you should be bringing with you into this mission for the gun the wsp swarm with the aftermarket part seems to be the main player right now that a lot of the community are using for bad signal I do have to say a huge thanks to fellow zombie creat donuts for putting me onto this gun as without it I'd be in shambles now if you're already stacked to the teeth with high tier loot all the perks you could want then just skip to the time frame on screen for the rest of you I want you to make sure that you have a tier three armor and a large backpack you can get these from Bounty rewards mer strongholds have a guaranteed tier three armor in the safe you can also buy these from by St in the high threat zone for 10,000 Points each I've already mentioned what gun I recommend you use but there is also the MCW that I've seen a lot of people using if you want to use that plus if you're comfortable with other weapons just use those but to do a USB swarm is something that I still would recommend but now let's talk about Rarity and Pack-a-Punch at minimum you should be taking an epic tier weapon into the dark ether Zone epic weapons give you 150% extra base damage and legendary gives you two 100% so make sure you have some ether tools laying around if not don't worry ether tools are a pretty common reward from contracts especially in the tier 2 and high threat zone just focus on Bounty contracts and you'll get one soon enough pack a punch is a no-brainer get to level three use your ethereum crystals if you have them or do a bunch of contracts until you can afford to buy it there is a pack-a-punch inside the dark ether as well it's located right in the middle of the map that you'll absolutely run past pass at some point so don't worry about not being able to find it for perks there is no harm in grabbing them all they all cost 2,000 points which is 18K if you're going to buy all nine but once again you can get them from contract rewards they spawn very frequently in caches located in infested strongholds you also have Acquisitions if you have them unlocked not to mention the free perk Easter eggs scattered around the map for the field upgrade guarded frenzy is great as it will refill your plates when activated and armor plates will be a necessity when you're in the dark e so getting some for free is always great healing Aura and Tesla storm are also strong candidates as for tacticals lethals and killstreaks just take what you want all right so when you load into the raid you will have the standard 60-minute time limit to get fully set up for the bad signal Mission so take your time use all your Acquisitions perks weapon upgrades so your backpack is now empty do a couple of contracts to end some points so you can buy any outstanding PKS or upgrade your guns depending on what crystals you brought brought in whilst you are getting those things I want you to focus on getting as many plates and self- revives as possible which is where the large backpack comes into play depending on how confident you are in your own ability is where you can decide how much of what to bring in but I would recommend taking three self- revives so one is equipped and two in your backpack these are pretty common rewards from contracts and you can also buy them for 5K from buy stations and then fill the rest of your bag with plates I don't care what loot you may have found unless it's the best of the best fill your bag with plates and revives nothing else so when you have all your Ps and maxed out weapon and a full bag it's time to head into the bad signal Mission which you can find here it will be marked on your map as one of the X4 missions with the star when you load into the dark ether you will have 30 minutes and there are five things you need to do four of those are seals that are spread around the map you can go to these in any order but I like to go left and then the two in the middle and then over to the right side when you get to a seal activate it and you will start a soul boox lock down kind of thing these are all really easy as the zombies in this area around the tier two so if you have a fully maxed gun you will tear through everything just make sure when you are killing the zombies they are inside the elemental ring that you'll be able to see once the seal is active so the sols are actually counting go to each of the four locations and complete the lockdown it will take you no more than 5 to 7 minutes to get them all done from here you are going to be told to xville but really what is going to happen when you reach the xville is an ether worm is going to spawn and this guy is difficult to kill do not think this is going to be an easy fight like at the end of act three this worm is stronger and way more aggressive I cannot stress this enough but once the worm has spawned get the hell off the beach do not stay there do not go back there once you leave unless it's full ammo or to get him to stop hiding on the ground which we'll talk about in a second but other other than that do not even think about fighting this guy on the beach he will kill you instead what you are going to do is Retreat to this bathroom building that is going to be your little Safe Haven it's going to protect you from all but one of his attacks which is where he shoots out those little orbs other than that he cannot hit you you are completely safe from the worm there may be a time when he makes his way over to you on the road but don't worry go into one of the rooms and stay there until he leaves yet again he cannot hit you the only attack that will get you is the orbs which you can easily shoot and Destroy so to deal damage to this guy you want to be aiming at these glowing purple sections on his body they are the weak spots and that is where you'll be dealing the most damage just focus on those and watch out for when he's going to attack so you can get behind the building the only attack he'll do when you're up there and he's on the beach is his laser ability and the orbs you'll know the laser is coming when his body starts to light up like lightning so get behind the building and for the orbs he'll basically let out like a roar so watch where the orbs go stay behind the building and just wait for the orbs to come to you where you can shoot and Destroy them there are going to be times where he goes on the ground this can be very annoying to deal with don't worry you can see where he's going by just following his Trail and you can also shoot him doing this will cause him to resurface where he will usually shoot out some of those orbs so keep a lookout for where they go as they do hurt when they hit you he will also go underground to heal you'll know this is happening when the purple ring appears and you need to disturb this process or he will heal a good chunk of his health you can shoot or throw grenades thermites and whatnot at this ring that will get him to resurface but I find the best way to do this solo is to channel your inner evil can eval and quickly run onto the beach this will instantly stop his healing but he will attack you if you don't have plates do not do this as he will swallow you and if you don't get out in time he'll spit you out and just instant down you if you do do have plates however he will just throw you into the air when he hits you where you can redeploy your parachute and land safely back behind the building I know it's high risk but it's also High reward just rinse and repeat this process and take your time I know you're against the clock but it will not take you that long I promise stay behind the building deal as much damage as you can with the Swarm when you can and you will be fine you'll eventually kill him and yes I did get a little excited here but you will eventually kill him and when you do you can collect your loot I got a VR 11 and Scorch a case you might get different you might get the same I'm not really sure but before you leave for the love of God go over to the reward Rift and store the item you receive in your bag you're going to need this for the next part that diary is one of four parts you need to access the dark ether Rift that is located down by the high threat zone you can leave this item in your stash so it is safe and you can also XO with the other three parts so don't worry about having to do this all in one run you can simply just do it one by one and then when you're ready ready take all four parts into one raid all right so starting us off we have the toxic item to get this you need brain rots on one of your guns with brain R equipped head over to an ether Nest specifically a nest and shoot one of the cysts make sure it's one you can actually reach though once the cyst has been shot go over to it and open it from here clear out the nest and head back over to that cyst you opened and collect the pill bottle that it will drop from here you need to find an ether Rift once you go through it spam the crap out of your parachute to or key or button as soon as you're in the air because you will need to find and go through a green ether Rift once you do this you will see a glowing wisp follow it down and you'll notice a purple tier one Bounty pick it up and take out the mimic and then collect your upgraded version of the pill bottle for the next item you will need to find a harvester orb make sure you are using dead wire when you find one shoot it and it will turn gold now make sure you destroy it and collect the item it drops this time it will be a CCTV camera now we repeat the rift step except this time when you're Airborne you are looking for a gold Rift once again go through it follow the whsp grab the Bounty and now you'll have to take down a tier 2 Disciple This one is a bit harder as it spawns a bunch of enemies including more disciples so make sure you've got some strong Firepower once the hvt has been defeated collect the upgraded item from the reward Rift for the final item you will need a chunk of meat that you can get from killing zombies with either head shot or fire damage you will also need either a Molotov or a thermite look for a dog house place the meat and the molotov in and then kill the hellhound that it spawns and pick up the dog collar once again find a rift and once Airborne go through the red Rift following the Wisp and grab the Bounty this time it will be tier three manglers you have to take down this is the same deal as the disciples where it spawns a bunch of enemies and it's got very chaotic for me in my game so make sure you are prepared for a fight once the hvt is down grab the item and that is four for four with all four items you are now ready for the dark ether equip all four items from your stash and bring with you any High tier tools crystals and perks you may have I also recommend using the tier pistol for this next part it's still the best gun in the game and with this new tier four difficulty which if I'm being honest is basically just a ramped up version of tier 3 zombies so the tier will have no problem taking down anything and everything in the dark ether I also recommend switching over to the energy mind build upgrade there are a lot of enemies here and the en mine does a great job at just clearing hes of zombies plus it recharges very quickly in comparison to other field upgrades all right after loading into the main raid use whatever items you have with you and yet again you'll have a full run to get any leftover PS and weapon upgrades which I would focus on before you take on the dark ether once you are set up make your way over to the dark ether area where you will need to place those four items in these podiums the diary goes into cryo pill bottle in into brain rot camera goes into dead wire and the dog collar goes into napon burst once these items have been placed there will be a big the rift spawn along with a hvt mega Abomination and a bunch of zombies do not worry yes it's a small area to fight in but it's very easy to train all the enemies around in a circle be patient and wait for the a bomb to open his mouth or do the laser attack exposing that weak spot and you will be all groovy once the aom is down it will drop a reward Rift that will have a Sigil in this is what you'll be using now and in the future to open this Rift you can get future ones from tier 3 contracts so you do not have to collect those four items every single time there are also Elder sigils which can only be acquired from the dark ether by completing contracts and this basically just makes the dark ether more difficult meaning better rewards to access the dark ether place the sigil in the circle thing on the left of the rift and you are good to go upon entering the dark ether you will have 30 minutes and there will be three Mr Peak bunnies these will act as contract pickups and they spawn in the same three areas every single game also quick note at the end of the bridge when you first spawn in you will spot a mega Abomination if you jump over to the left or the right I went left of the bridge before you get to like the actual Road and whatnot you can skip fighting the mega Abomination he will not Target you he will not lock onto you and then you can just avoid them for the rest of the game making your life way easier now as I said these contracts were spot in the same three areas every single game there is one to the left on top of the toxic seal building and this will give you the extractor contract where you diffuse the Rockets there is an Outlast contract on this green Bus near our favorite building and this will always take place in the cryo seal room and it is very easy lastly there is an escort mission on one of those Towers now as a solo player I would recommend avoiding this one as it is way harder than the the previous two contracts that Mega Abomination I just mentioned he's going to be there annoying you tons of manglers tons of disciples tons of zombies it is just pure stress so I just I would avoid doing it it's not worth it doing these contracts are how you unlock the new schematics which are the golden armor plates ether blade and the dog bone I'm not sure if you can unlock things like the scorcher and the legendary ether tools and whatnot I think you can but at the end of the day I'm not 100% sure so I don't know to leave the dark ether there are two portal Rifts smaller versions of the one you use to enter the dark ether much like the one you Ed to enter the bad signals mission one is placed on the ground and there is another one that was spawn on one of the towers if you are unsure as to where they are do not worry they emit a very unique and loud noise and you can use this to locate where the rift is when you use it it will instantly end your game with a successful xville and that ladies and gentlemen is your solo Guide to the brand new act for Mission and dark ether bounty once again if you found this video helpful please drop a like I wish you all the best in your dark ether loot hunts my name has been satch thank you for watching and as always I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Satchino
Views: 193,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kEjPTmg70tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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