Watch These 39 Minutes If You Want To Live To 200+

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could you explain the nightly erection stuff you expound on that for all of us my mom is here I'm back on my old stomping grounds and it's the third day since I've been back home I went to my old house I went to my childhood grade school I went to my high school visited some neighbors hung out with my parents and just the Deep reflection that ACC companies going back home and taking stock of what's happened in life I'm now going to meet up with a few hundred people in Utah most of them are Mormon so my former faith and I don't have the Contours of the room I don't know what they think I don't know how they feel I don't know what's going to be offensive so this could either be disastrous or this could be neutral or be positive because I've been accustomed to speaking around the world and I generally have a feel for where people are at I've build up intuitions with reading comments online and hearing reactions you know of course from ERS to supporters and here I just have no bearing and so I'm going into this blind I really want this to go well I'm very invested and it's going well so normally I walk into this with a l a lot of confidence and today I'm feeling like I don't really know what I'm walking into all over the world this individual has become pretty Infamous for many different things and my favorite is when I invite people to events like this and seeing the reaction cuz everyone has an opinion of what Brian's up to my favorite was my mom's question who was is that the guy having all those erections at night so we're going to learn a lot today and I hope you ask some questions mom I really do hi everyone really nice to see you I spent the past few days in Utah here uh revisiting my stomping ground so going to my old home and schools and friends and so it's been a really wonderful experience to collide my different worlds I'm in a very pensive disposition about life and where I was and where I am what I've observed in you and your protocol is this incredible mindset and mind control even to the point where I've heard you say that the protocol the blueprint protocol is the boss over your brain can you speak to the details of developing that mindset especially from having previously experienced depression I like the thought experiment that if you lived in the year of 1870 and the future could whisper into your ear hey there are these new ideas about these microscopic objects that are the source of infection they're called germs and you can't see them with the naked eye but that's what's happening when doctors deliver babies and they don't wash their hands in between or it's what happens when you perform surgery and you don't wash the instruments now if you live in the 1870s your natural disposition might be that's crazy I mean that's weird you're telling me that something I can't see is the source of this infection and causing death now if you're open-minded you might say huh okay that sounds weird it challenges many of the Notions I understand about reality but I'm going to be open to this concept and we know throughout history that this has repeated itself all through time that the future is always present right now it's present and the majority of our ideas are representations of dead people and we're living them out but we treat them as universal truth and so the question is right now if the future could whisper into our ear right now what would they say and if they said something would we bat it down and say Ah that's probably not possible now some things are probably true but other things might stick and so this idea on blueprint what I tried to say is if the future could talk to us what they might say is that we have reached a point of technological and medical progress where death is no longer inevitable or at least we might be able to radically extend how long and how well we live and so the whisper is don't die above all things don't die uh but to me that's really the culmination of this moment that we all exist thank you I didn't even answer your question I love it though you know being future focused is what I'm hearing from you essentially helped you to develop this mindset and writing the future in the way that you want to kind of going into like the future store and putting into your basket whatever you would you would want to be like the Practical answer to your question is what I wanted to show with blueprint is I wanted to show that we could build an algorithm that could take better care of me than I can myself and so homo sapiens have been the dominant form of intelligence for 200,000 years we reign supreme with intelligence and there's a new form of intelligence in the form of artificial intelligence that is becoming better every day and doing the things that we do so when it drives our cars we're like that's cool because it's potentially safer when it drive when it flies our airplanes when it reads images for cancer Imaging we give thumbs up or when it drives our you know get us to a destination and what I was trying to say is it's now potentially in the realm of what we consider to be the most sacred of all things which is deciding what to eat when to go to bed what nutrition to put on my body and even though blueprint is very analog in its implementation I wanted to show that just like when the first message with the telegraph was sent the Pony Express was dead now it was sad that people were no longer going to ride horses to deliver mail but the telegraph was making it obsolete first time GPS allowed arrival at a new destination maps on the lap were dead and so what I'm basically saying with blueprint in its most extreme form is the mind as the primary source of intelligence to to manage our health and wellness is in its final stages and this new algorithmic inputs are now going to run our lives so if you think about it from a very practical sense no one here right now is thinking about breathing now you are but you weren't before it just it just happens no one thought this morning when you ate food about digestion it just happened and so what I'm suggesting is this extension of autonomy is going to go further and further to maintain you know as perfect health as we can and so that's what we tried to demonstrate in analog form is that the technolog is here and that a new era has landed we read about how you were striving to live to 200 years old obviously on your chest we don't want to die at all um do you believe that the medical technology is present and here today for you to accomplish that goal of 200 years or are we banking on a medical advancement that has yet to occur in order to hit that goal Homo sapiens have been able to reliably well with some degree of accuracy predict the future for 200,000 years where you can say okay I'm born into this existence I can see what previous generations did before me I can model out what my life is likely going to be in the 1990s you could say in the US I'm going to finish high school I'll go to college I'll learn this discipline have a career retire at 65 and you can basically plan out your life and we're now in a situation where we cannot plan more than 3 months it's the first time in the history of civilization that intelligence has a wall of fog we can't see it and my son right now he just went into his first year of school he has four years of school that's insane what the world is going to be like what does he study now he's looking at math physics and Cs and it's kind of like maybe we still care about those things maybe we we humans still have it but like how do you even know and so this idea that we would map 200 years from now is impossible we can't do 3 months and that has a really serious practical and philosophical invitation where we're transitioning from a species of knowing things to a species of not knowing and that's happening so fast so we have approached reality from a first principes perspective we acquire knowledge we try to make few assumptions we stack it and we then do our behaviors and to have these feedback loops and now we're walking into the unknown unable to do that process and it's a exact opposite way of being as we have been because we derive security and Confidence from knowing and when we don't know we feel fear and we we pause and we stutter step and so in this case of the 200-year goal I think it is an interesting frame it triggers all these defense mechanisms where people will want to shoot it down they want to kill the idea because they'll say I'm going to be bored I don't know what to do I would rather live a you know robust 65y year life than I would a boring 200e life and so humans have all these conditional responses and I imagine in this situation if we're talking to homoerectus a million years ago and we say Homo rectus how's it going you have an axe what do you imagine of life and they're thinking like I've already slayed all the animals in the area I would kind of be bored homoerectus would not be able to to talk about all the things we're doing today like have a magic box in front of you that allows you to talk to any human at any time in the day and to create new forms of intelligence and so the question is in this moment are we Homo erectus we don't think we are we think we're the Apex of intelligence but maybe we are and so maybe we know nothing about what our future preferences or opinions or wants may be and this is the state of Unknowing is our minds desperately want to know and to me this is like the the layered Challenge and opportunity we all have because it's just it's kind of counterintuitive to how things are today for us yeah I think one of like my philosophical beliefs is that anyone can have an opinion on how long they would want to live I think that it would be ultimately a human choice for us to be able to decide how long we want to live and not to have disease or death overtake us unwillingly I've been uh thinking about the relative aging of our body versus our brain and one of the things that I've been worried about is let's say that blueprint works and we can get to a 100 years old and you can be looking just like you're looking now or even younger is there any type of entropy in how the brain is structured that imposes some physical limitation that we should be concerned about or do we think that the body and the brain are deeply interconnected and if can maintain the health of the body then the brain can benefit and last just as long a common reaction in viewing what I do is that it's overwhelming which is true and the second is that personalization is important but the way to soo that anxiety and the way to actually get yourself in a good place uh this is for optimal brain health and everything else is to understand that there are power laws that play that everyone in this room can do so the five power laws uh that you look at all the evidence uh one is don't smoke two is 6 hours a week of exercise the details of that it's 4 and 1/2 hours in zone two through 4 so that's roughly 110 BPM to 159 BPM changes a little bit according to your chronological age and then 90 minutes a week above 159 and then three is a BMI between 18.5 and 22.5 four is a blueprint like diet and five is uh little to no alcohol if you do those five things you get roughly 32 two years of life you'd have a a life expectancy of around 92 here's the bad news that also means you need to stop the bad stuff you know whether it's peanut butter at 11:00 at night or whether it's the cookies or whatever A lot of people want to do things that are positive for their body and their and their mind but they get stuck on the personalization and it's overwhelming and then they do nothing they feel paralyzed and so my experience has been these power laws help make it understandable so people can say I can do something that affirmatively is positive for my health and I don't need to f overwhelmed with this endless list of stuff one of the challenges that I have is that my brain wants me to eat Sour Patch Kids you what I'm talking about everyone's got their thing yeah yeah and so what tips do you have on how I can overcome that uh archaic dopamine system that wants me to trash my body I call my version of myself evening Brian he showed up at 7 p.m. and so he would be on shift when I was tired and I had fought the day's battles at the company we bathed and fed the kids had a fight with a partner and then you settle in and you just want to be soothed from the pain and sometimes that's the kitchen or the pantry and I tried to stop this guy hundreds of times from doing it and no matter how much I promised myself I wouldn't do it I would do it and then that would wreck my sleep it would make the next day awful I would be grumpy and irritable it would lower my mood had this really compounded effect where life kind of was not great and so one day out of desperation I said evening Brian you're fired I'm done with you like you make my life miserable and weirdly I kind of had a smirk and it's like okay this is kind of an interesting thought and I just made a rule that between 5:00 p.m. and 10 p.m. Brian could not eat no matter what he couldn't even eat broccoli it was just nothing and so I wrote down his name evening Brian I made a list of all of his clever arguments like just today this is a special occasion just one all the clever things he said and very persuasive and I would say thank you for your suggestions even and Brian we are not going to do that and I was slowly able to wrestle control and then I could go to other versions of Brian that I didn't like and say hello Brian like I appreciate your existence we're also going to stop doing these things and remarkably I would say I have almost eliminated all negative behaviors in my life oh wow I just don't have vices and it's actually remarkable coming from a place where I was just unable to control myself in the most basic of ways and it's such a liberating experience where I can now if I feel the urge to do something I can look at that and say I know what pain it's going to cause it's absolutely not worth it and I don't want it do you find that meditation or mindfulness plays a role in Blueprint or do you how do you consider like times of deep thinking or or meditation are those part of the protocol that really has to do with sleep and so I would suggest my suggestion to all of you would be to make sleep your number one life goal there's literally not anything that is above sleep because there's nothing that influences your conscious existence more and when I did a study with my company kernel where I looked at my brain and we gauged my capacity to have willpower and my willpower went down proportionally relative to how much deep sleep and how much REM sleep I got and so the less REM and deep I had the less self-control I had which increased the likelihood that I would eat poorly that night which would wreck my sleep again and so if you want more power to be the person you want you get more sleep and this is why sleep is a number one priority because they didn't has this domino effect in the opposite direction leading to other positive things so evening Brian's power is correlated to how much sleep entirely sleep is your your first remedy your first medication your first intervention nothing beats it in its power pop culture is a really great tool for us to speak a Common Language it brings Bridges between people's understanding and one of the more remarkable stories that have been told over the past couple years is Lord of the Rings and who's seen Lord of the Rings for reference okay good so we have a lot of fluency so you remember the the battle at the end Helms Deep right the the final battle and they go out and they try to get all the people of Middle Earth to convene and say we are going to unite against this common enemy and it's a story of each culture and their own cities some of these cultures have conflicts between them but they come together and they ultimately Prevail but it's a long night and it's precarious and I think in this moment I would say all of us of Middle Earth let us unite and the foe is death and to get there however you need to follow these steps we've talked about you need to basically smooth out time so my education is primarily reality is reading biographies I love traveling in time and going back to the 15th century and the 13th century and the 17th century and trying to see what was happening then and then who was able to see the future like pluck it out of the air see it endure all the hate that they got everyone thought they were crazy that a few people might have grabbed but it's a skill set that has been demonstrated throughout history and so if you occupy that mindset you say the people in this room you are building the future you initiate endeavors that other people sign up for you're shaping reality and so in your mindset in doing this if you can imagine the thought experiment of the of the future whispering in your ear you can Divorce Yourself from time and place right now and say all this is probably just going to go away and then you can incorporate what is really happening that you know algorithms are getting very good they'll complement our abilities they'll augment our abilities so what is this longer term Horizon with that as your basis you can build a future that is distinct from right now whereas if you build within the framework that's existent today you'll be led to make certain decisions that are very 2024 Centric they're not 25th Centric and they may be blind to the realities what's happening in this larger time scale and this has to me been the most helpful thought experiment and it would be remarkable if as a species if the solve of tribalism which is the thing that provokes some of the worst acts of violence between human if we can solve that and bridge that with the United purpose and don't die is the single most played game across the world every second of every day it's number one capitalism is not even played as much we breathe every few seconds we have smoke detectors we look both ways before we cross the street we throw out moldy food so if we say as a species how could we possibly agree on anything don't die is the only thing we can agree upon you take one step above don't die and we all disagree on everything but we can't agree on one thing and then you bring that together with the basics of Health and Wellness the revolution of the future begins with the food we eat the time we go to bed and specifically rejecting anything that except accelerates your speed of aging and the onset of disease and death but it's a it's a revolution of thought of behavior of norms and that's what I hope we can lock in because there's no way this is happening if the community is isolated it's really everyone together well we're here to play with you thank you br let's do a few let's do a few questions so we're supposed to spend about a third of our life asleep so and you said sleep is our number one priority or should be so what would you recommend for a good sleep routine like what kind of things do you do what could the average person that doesn't have millions of dollars what could they do yeah the the power laws are really straightforward so I have my last meal of the day at 11:00 a.m. and so when I when my bedtime comes around 8:30 my resting heart rate is 46 if it's 46 I'm going to have a perfect night sleep if I eat at 5 or 6 and something like pasta or breads my resting heart rate is going to be 59 and I'll have 75% less RAM and deep so I've always caveat over the years I've said you may be different but every single time the person comes back and says you're right the earlier I eat the better my sleep so I would encourage all of you to trial that eat earlier and if you want to do dinner with family to be you know in the social group fine just eat very light but watch your resting heart rate as a predictor of your Sleep Quality then number two a lot of you I don't think have problems with this no alcohol it just it w sleep uh then other things if you can control your environment like a blacked out room or eye cover that's great uh this one's a little controversial if you can sleep alone it's great because when you have two sorry everyone when you have two people who are trying to synchronize their efforts you can't control bed times wake times movements and it creates a lot of variability um with the protocols I've been doing I'm potentially the world's best sleeper I had eight eight months of perfect sleep using the whoop device now no human in history has ever done that not to say others couldn't I just did it when not others didn't but I wanted to demonstrate you can get predictably high quality sleep so eating time no alcohol sleep environment is really important uh I have an eight Sleep mattress so temperature controlled that's really been helpful then going to bed at the same time every night because right now sleep is a thing that always gets moved if your favorite show drops or you're out with a friend or you need to finish a work project or whatever is always pushed and if you make sleep a non-negotiable everything else is second tier to it it just shifts your mindset you have to also understand that the psychology of why we think that we're really in grind culture so there's this idea that if you tell a story about someone who went days on end without sleeping you know did some amazing coding and whatever there's lore and they increase in status in our in our group and so that's just encourages really bad practices a lack of sleep does not increase value it just lowers the value what's done so it is really a myth that cheating on sleep is a good idea how concerned or not concerned are you about oxalates and then second I just bumped into methylene blue a couple weeks ago I'm wondering if what your take is on that it's supposed to upregulate your mitochondria the the thing we did at blueprint that was unique is we looked through every single scientific publication ever published on health span lifespan we rank them according to effect you know increase in lifespan or health span extension and then we scored the uh believability of the evidence and then we took that list 500 things long and we applied everything in me according to those power laws and then we did the same thing and put it into a a product that could be Mass market and so on oxalates like we definitely have an answer if you go down that power list of rankings of like the strongest evidence and you get down to a certain level of oxalates or blank or blank or blank um they're important but but there's basically like thousands of these things that pop up along those tier and this often times is the thing that contributes to paralysis where if a person wants to do a given thing they hear someone mention something about blank and then their entire regimen is just now like out the door because they're like oh I'm so worried about oxalates that I can't move forward in life and they miss the power laws so like yes we walk we watch oxalates yes you know like methyl blue is something that our team is looking at also we always try to come back to the power laws of where to apply focus and effort and I've seen this conversation happen so many times in our own internal dialogues where it's so easy to go down a track of something and you lose sight because you can play in this thousand Point area but often times there's insufficient evidence to break through the dmate and everyone's just stuck so sorry not answering it directly we try to minimize we also try to move up to power laws how do you see I guess AI or blueprint being able to help shift people those beliefs that then lead them down the right path yeah I draw the parallel of you know when when the 13 colonies were trying to figure out what to do it themselves there was this argument you know the the king is sturdy and powerful and nice to have and then there was this new emergent ideas of what if we did this new democracy thing where people voted and the colonies were split and it was a vicious vicious debate Thomas Payne wrote this pamphlet Common Sense and he said look the Monarch I understand it's stable and we know this thing but they also stink they're not really good at managing Affairs we understand what's going on the ground here like we have intimate knowledge of our own needs but then people are like you're telling me that like this guy is going to vote like nah I'm not going to believe that and so it was a very vicious debate but basically democracy turned out to be a better form of governance than a monarchy it was just more efficient at managing it better information management Theory and it was Superior what I'm proposing is a new way to understand self and So currently we have a monarch our minds our monarch decides everything we do if we want the brownie we do it if we walk down and we look at the menu of items we choose what we want and what I said is there's a better approach a democratic approach probe the body and ask the body what it needs like hey Hart what's up how are you doing give me your anatomical measurements give me your functional characteristics let's look at the evidence and create a protocol to satisfy the needs of the heart and then do that with every single organ of the body and so I said Monarch thank you but you're out a new system of democratic rule you're in and you're going to be paired with scientific evidence in this protocol this continuous feedback loop so now my body takes care of itself and my mind observes it and so it's just a new way to understand self that transforms how we have been as a monarch to this new system that is basically Superior to pull this outside of ourselves we have a self harm problem as a species all of us do we treat planet Earth the same way we treat our bodies it's an identical relationship we're destroying our home our bodies and we're destroying planet Earth and so the question is how do you respond to the existential nature of this crisis and so in short anything my mind spins up about a a future preference or want or imagination I kind of just chuckle at because it's not working in the current reality of what we're walking into the future reality may be unimaginable to us in every capacity how do you intend to bring this to other cultures and people that don't have the ability financially to maybe follow your protocol exactly because because I deal with this all the time where people want this but they can't they can only afford this yeah we just made blueprint into a mass Market product we made my diet into a uh a protocol that costs less than $1,000 a month and has over 100 active therapies embedded in the protocol so basically my exact diet into a price that is cost competitive with fast food it potentially is lower cost in groceries and so we're trying to take a power law of perfect nutrition and take into masses now there's a power law too because there is individualization according to things but we generally have hit that so yeah we're basically trying to take the first step of one of the top five power laws consumable by everybody replacing McDonald's and then the second thing we're doing is like I just did uh my first gene therapy it's ranks number seven on our list is the most powerful interventions known to science and and therapy cost $225,000 and I'm in discussions with the company to bring this to the masses basically like we we now have a community of you know thousands of people that we could do a group by and so we could try to like become the Costco of longevity therapies and just roll them out to everyone you know blueprints kind of interesting because we do have a profit incentive in the business but we kind of don't we kind of just we also make everything free so we're really trying to break this thing out to dramatically red cost and scale this to the masses almost like a a zi shift or like everyone can have enhancement um so yeah like I'm with you like we're right there we're trying to scale as fast as possible through the basics and advanced stuff what is the future of gene mutation so we didn't do gene therapy because we didn't think any of them were safe and that was because the primary delivery vectors of most the gene therapies out today are via aavs and once you get an aav in you can't turn off the gene therapy so if something goes wrong and has cancer progression you can't turn it off and we didn't want to take that Gamble and so what we did is we found a gene therapy that's delivered via a plasmid and so it just you I got two injections on my sides and a protein sits inside the nucleus and it basically just generates the the protein ftin and then if you don't like it or you don't like the effects you can just take tetracycline and it kills it and so what is encouraging to me is gene therapy which is the the thing that's going to bust open longevity is here and we found safer routes for gene therapy and it still is a seventh highest ranking therapy it's a 30% extension of life with this therapy and so it's remarkable and I'm doing my second gene therapy in two months for cognitive enhancement same methodology plasma induced generates a protein tetracycline killed and so um it's cool because this is again why don't die matters is if you take this longer Arc and you say really where are we at right now that's what the future Whispers is because we're there you travel how can you follow your regimen and how do you adapt you know the second one yes I uh when I travel it's really hard like basically it is impossible to find healthy food when you travel we can't go anywhere so I basically I'll pack most of my stuff everything I can to travel with and then when I show up I'll go to the grocery store and buy what I can but it's almost impossible to stay true if you're going into a restaurant it's just like very hard the blueprint food stack Sol most of that so I uh this week here in Utah I've been traveling with the blueprint stack for the first time and it solved most of my caloric needs so that's cool that we basically are making inroads there for the sake of Scott's mom could you explain the nightly erection stuff you expound on that for all of us my mom is here we could do it later you can answer the first one no I I I call my mom every week and I say Mom just so you know I did the following things this week for those of you who don't know I'm pretty Rowdy on social media I've posted several nudes I talk about my nighttime erections uh you know stuff that is typically Taboo in conversation and so if you really want to understand age you need to inquire the age of every organ of the body we say that you know I'm blank chronological years old but a more accurate way of explaining age to say my heart is anatomically this age my heart functionally is this age my diaphragm capacity is this age and so I have hundreds of age markers throughout my whole body and so my left ear is 64 because I shot a lot of guns as a kid in Utah culture we had a lot of guns and I was right-handed so I had the gun like that exposing my left ear to a lot of the sound and so I suffered between 2,000 htz and 8,000 HZ I'm basically de in my in my left ear and so understanding the age of my entire body is really helpful so one of the things we've been looking at is not just sexual function but males and females have nighttime erections and as you age they decrease and it's actually a really important marker of cardiovascular health physiological health and sexual health and there's a company that created a device for men to measure nighttime erections it's a little Cube that men put on and it's so small you just forget that it's on and it's harder to to measure female erections like there's no device to get at it a lot of my friends when they read about this they would message me privately and say I think I'm zero and a lot of them were because grind culture and lack of sleep eliminates that function and so it's a really good reminder for them that there are serious consequences for not sleeping well and so we really try to make a point that even though sexual health is largely a taboo Topic in society it's very healthy to make it okay to talk about and there's also ways to measure it to see how you're doing your life generally so yeah we've been doing a lot of therapies to see if we can basically deage my sexual function in all the things we measure a lot of things I do dying is an option and that makes that activity more exciting mountaineering whatever uh or injury and there's a lot of venturesome people in our culture that that they thrive on that but they also agree with what you're doing how do you merge the the don't die with people society that needs adventure and adverse to what you're doing yeah yeah I wrote I wrote a book uh don't I that is available on YouTube for free and in the book I explore this question I I pose the question is exploration dead and I have a few characters who repres present the argument to say exploration is dead we've basically we know planet Earth we've mapped every crevice there's nothing else to explore and you know space is so big we're not going to be surprised anytime soon so where do explorers go and that's really the the hypothesis is I'm saying that the most exciting exploration of existence is on our doorstep that what we have done for exploration of of the physical world has been one thing but we're now entering into this entirely new existence with the emergence of AI our interaction with that and what our minds are going to go and so I think instead of exploration being dead we're actually right now at the beginning of the most expansive Frontier in history and that if we can recognize that we all can sign up to be the explorers of this thing and the don't die framework um you know you mentioned some of the things you do that's adventurous if you think about the safety infrastructure that you use harnesses seat belts airbags tie ropes like all the things you are substantially safer now than you were before so you can take these risks and also have these things so I was working on this graph this morning my dad and I were talking and um yeah so this is you probably can't see it but as imagine imagining like on this so basically this first line is the capital that's been invested in D Technologies so think of it like alcohol and smoking and environmental toxins and you know all the things that contribute to death then you think about the economic curve of don't die so that includes things like safe water and Hy hygiene practices and antibiotics and seat belts and you know all the things that keep us safe on a daily basis that has also been increasing in spend and what I'm proposing is in the year 2024 the technologies that accelerate death hit a peak and then there's a slow downward Trend and the Technologies going towards don't die on an exponential increase and so if you believe that that the next Gold Rush is don't die then the corresponding personal uh accompanyment is that exploration along the don't die exponential curve is the place for people like yourself who enjoy that kind of and so I'd say that uh it's probably the most delicious future you could ever want and not dying is going to give you some unknown number of tomorrows for you to play the games you want to play so it actually is perfectly aligned with who you are and what you want to do I remember growing up in the church you're given all the answers you know exactly ly what's going on the only objective of life is to obey the rules to get the prize the reality I understand it now is we don't know the rules we actually know nothing now that does not mean that we can't cooperate like we can absolutely be together at Helms Deep and do this together it does mean that there's a diversity of perspectives but we do align on this one objective and that's what I hope we can do is you step one step above we're going to become tribal and we're going to want to superimpose our views on everyone else I could just who we are but there's really an opportunity if you understand our our time and place thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] Brian [Music]
Channel: Bryan Johnson
Views: 401,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Johnson, Blueprint, Longevity, Anti-Aging, anti-aging, Anti Ageing, Anti-Ageing, Brian Johnson, brian johnson, anti-ageing
Id: hkS1Eww5jTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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