Watch the Opening Ceremony! | 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games

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and welcome back to Olympic Stadium as the 2023 Special Olympics World Games continues from Berlin 176 delegations in the house now featuring 7 000 athletes in a variety of colors Dana Shields generata Kevin De Gandhi here with you cannot wait for the performances ahead we will hear from Tim Schreiber as well the chairman of Special Olympics International and the fans the emotion throughout the arena here you can feel it it's palpable right now Dana it is it's uh I just keep getting teared up because it brings me back to when I came here it's amazing this energy this feeling it's so incredible and to look at it through this TV won't even do it justice these athletes coming here in here for the first time are crying because they're so proud and they're so happy to be so happy to have a very special time here I'd be really happy to have him here tonight the NBA champion and basketball legend Drake Nowitzki and on his side Special Olympics sessions River International Club of messenger [Music] [Applause] Derek I know you for a long time partnered up these special Olympic Games in the US it's a huge thing over there so why is it important for you to be here tonight in balloon hi everyone I'm I'm happy and thrilled to be here and raise awareness for this special Olympic World Games we know in Germany a lot of clubs don't even have the possibility to have sports programs uh for for athletes with disabilities so that's why we're here for this event uh to hopefully improve that in the future Hannah what do you think about the Special Olympics in Berlin well to be honest with you doc I uh haven't been to Berlin before so this is new to me I've been tired all day so that's a bonus um but that that we got that powerful I've been talking all day which is doing fine um so I guess I would say um for now is well thank you for asking dog it's so incredible to be here with you and those amazing um crowd I think this is a great opportunity for us to build connection that requires everybody coaches volunteers families and of course the athletes together we could wait I would filled with mutual respect and kindness throughout through our through our work this week sorry about that that's my bad I forgot scripture okay so back to this week can a father of the inclusion Revolution we can't be unbeatable together now let's get chased in storage and have a ground time in Berlin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know I know I know there are some people waiting there are so excited to get this game's here started so we have to welcome and we love to welcome some more people up here so please great the representatives of the Special Olympics International our Global Messenger speaker assassin's driver International Global Messenger and we welcome Timothy Shriver chairman of Special Olympics International who will have a few words for us we are so happy to have you here tonight and welcome to you the president steinmeyer and Chancellor Schultz all the dignitaries the world of Special Olympics extends to you our deepest thanks to all the people of Germany who have welcomed our movement with open arms and made us feel like we are the most welcome human beings on Earth thank you Germany what what a beautiful night right they said it was going to rain not on us no way the stars are shining up from a million miles away right down on us all if only we could see them but look around you the smiles are shining just as bright as the Stars we couldn't be more proud to be able to say that this is the night when all the labels disappear all we are is Loretta or Mina or Mark or manu all of us just individuals here to shine with our own unique beauty congratulations athletes we've I think I think maybe we have so much enthusiasm tonight because we've been away from each other for far too long three long years of isolation sometimes it felt like it was too much but you athletes you know what it's like you know what it's like to have isolation you know what it's like to be told don't come out you know what it's like to be told stay home but somehow somehow you are the experts at turning every form of pain into Triumph you've been doing it all your lives and you did it for all of us during the pandemic you helped us all through it and I want to say personally you helped me throw it and I thank you for reminding us that there is nothing more inhuman than being separated from our fellow human beings and there is nothing more powerful than coming together we are unbeatable together now for those of you around the world if you're searching for a reason to believe that we can overcome all the division in the world we say Lawson's enough barely in Coleman let you come to Berlin come to Berlin and see Maliki who has cast off his chains and is running in Berlin come to see Sanaa who was locked away in isolation she's in athletics here in Berlin come to see nausea who was homeless and is teaching everyone here how to find a home you don't have to trust me do you remember that line let them come to Berlin it comes from my uncle President Kennedy who said it here in 1963. many remember his visit but many don't know that together with him here in 1963 was our mother Eunice Kennedy Shriver she accompanied the president to Berlin he said to everyone when he was here berliners look Beyond the Wall to the day of peace with Justice he did not live to see that Wall come down but my mother did and my mother lived to see her Special Olympics movement Rise Up from the dust and the ashes of the walls of Institutions and the walls of hatred and the walls of Oppression all around the world and I only wish that my mother could be here tonight in Berlin to thank you for fulfilling her dream and for teaching the world how to see beautifully and there has not been I'm getting a hug hahaha but you know what athletes there has not been an Olympic torch in this stadium in almost 90 years until tonight right now you are The Heirs of the torch of Berlin you are The Architects of the future of Berlin of Germany and of the world you are the ones who will claim the next version of Olympic greatness in this stadium and so I ask you berliners are you ready for this week to cheer with all of your hearts let me hear it from Berlin and athletes athletes are you ready to blow us away with your skill and yours courage and your car and your bravery athletes to all of us these Special Olympics to everyone be like the champions of Special Olympics have a great games everyone [Applause] good evening everyone my name is Emmanuel Dutra known as Manu I am a sergeant driver International Global Messenger and it's my honor to share the stage with my fellow ssigms that work hard through our four-year terms representing athletes in forums panels discussions and to better express the thoughts of millions of Special Olympics athletes from 190 countries [Applause] we have been through tough days for these past years that made me think will we be able to compete among friends again I miss especially Olympics events I am sure some of you are asking yourselves the same but here We Are Tonight thanks for a bravery of facing bad days and striving again we want to say thanks for people that took care of us so we could be here doing what we love again thank you athletes coaches delegation staff for being brave in facing these tough days thank you for working hard so you could be here to represent your countries and sharing your courage love and determination with the world thank you sponsors and volunteers for seeing and believing in the bright future we are building together for people with intellectual disability not only for these world games but also throughout the year in sports health education workplace and Leadership you are part of this thank you to government Representatives ambassadors and family members from many countries that came here to this beautiful cities of Berlin in Germany to cheer for athletes thank you people of Berlin on having us share your love respect and make this event less for Revenue history all of us have a mission to break down barriers that people like me with intellectual disability face in your daily lives my friends and I cannot do it alone we need people without intellectual disability including our government officials to help us because it's all right our citizens and as human beings to have access to health education and other opportunities people without intellectual disabilities have had their whole lives thank you I don't want to talk about inclusion for the rest of my life I also don't want the Next Generation to have to talk about inclusion what I want is to all of us to truly live inclusion [Applause] and the only way we get there is by everyone taking action today to be more inclusive we don't want to be treated differently we want to be treated with respect and empathy and to have the same opportunities I invited you all on joining us to give hands to show the world that every human being with disabilities has the right to have a life full of meaningful opportunities welcome to the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 ladies and gentlemen we now approach a very special and official moment the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 flag will be raised [Music] let us all witness this impressive tradition and greet the bearers of the flag [Music] Olympic tennis champion for China and Special Olympics Global ambassador [Music] Olympic fencing Champion for the United States of America and Special Olympics Global Ambassador [Music] Daniela Special Olympics Germany [Music] Olympic swimming champion for Germany Christian shank Olympic decathlon Champion for Germany and friend of the games Special Olympics Qatar power lifter Fabiola Nini Special Olympics cotivoire 3 vs 3 basketball player Monica Jimenez Special Olympics Argentina rhythmic gymnast afternoon too far of place [Music] I will find my way I Can Go the Distance I'll be there someday if I can be strong I know every man [Music] be alone road to embrace my fate for roads may Wonder [Music] I Can Go the Distance [Music] oh [Music] I Can Go the Distance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] We Are One World when we all play a part in it We Are One World when we truly means nothing less than all of us our daily fights have taught us things that can be the key to a great future for everyone to learn to listen To Boldly love [Music] to bravely move forward and to choose to support speak out for justice and to demand our rights to act fearlessly and to get up again and again every time we fall or get shoved to the ground the rights we fight for today provide the foundation for the lives we get to live tomorrow let us come together be each other's allies and create a future that is so beautiful no one has ever even been able to imagine it [Music] let's make this life our choice let's make it happen let's be that unified generation [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] company created in Argentina over 20 years ago [Music] so cool it just gives you who's watching and yeah they're all as one on that tied together and Dana we have to watch the rehearsal right with Jen and Dana said I want to be a part of this this looks really cool you want to do something she's the most Fearless person I know I do want to be on there but I know my mom and dad are listening and they would be saying no no no no no no Mom Dad we will make sure at least tonight she will not be up there but Dana recognizing the symbolism again of that dance troupe everyone working together moving in unison much like all of the athletes here as members of the Special Olympics community [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] on my phone number [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the officials oath in the name of all judges and officials I promise that we will officiate these World Games with complete impartiality respecting and abiding by the governors of all rules in the spirit of sportsmanship in the name of all coaches we shall follow zarita and the verbal instructions of Special Olympics officials at all times have our athletes as appropriate us and active test at purple time and abide by the rules and the policies and the spirit of spokesmanship [Applause] in the attempt let me win but if I cannot win Let Me Brave in the attempt [Applause] ladies and gentlemen dear athletes friends and family [Music] here to officially declare the opening of the Special Olympics World Games 2023 in Berlin is the president of Germany Applause [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now the words foreign [Music] and this is official [Music] thank you [Music] we now approach the lighting of the official Special Olympics Flame the flame of Hope let us all express our warm-hearted gratitude to the runners who carried the torch all the way from Athens to Berlin the law enforcement torch run is a long-standing and beloved tradition we thank our Guardians of the flame the law enforcement torch run officers who put their strength and hearts into bringing the flame of Hope to Berlin and to us the 2023 letr final leg comprised of 85 International torch Runners including 77 law enforcement volunteers and eight Special Olympics athletes from across the globe it began in Wichita Kansas in 1981 and exists in 51 countries with more than wow guys being brought here into the stadium to a number of innovative fundraising efforts including a plane pool and the polar plush [Music] eight athletes starting with the Africa region [Music] [Music] [Applause] a player handing off to Ryan swimmer from Libya what an honor this must be and you're representing your region and again there are eight regions we'll see East Asia Asia Pacific North America Latin America Europe Eurasia [Music] all leading up to legging The Cauldron to begin these games [Music] as Jen talked about the law enforcement torch run has attended 18 ceremonies across 23 miles these last few days and the crowd cheering on supporting thank you [Music] I love this you could feel that crowd emotionally carrying her as she looks to hand the torch off to the next runner in the relay oh my God [Music] a marbled and batter Hill table tennis players from Mongolia thrown in Wisconsin I was a few times I had to run a lot what's it like it is such an honor and Sana just cruising go go go go go go once you get it over there as quickly as possible [Music] that is awesome on the same on the same stadium where Jesse Owens ran and she is running for gold and she will compete in athletics so maybe she's just getting her warm-up running there Kev we're gonna have her turn around foreign ER back and do the handoff from Asia Pacific to North America [Applause] and again Kev you are hearing what separates Special Olympics the support from the fans parents volunteers athletes and coaches sharing that same theme of these games unbeatable together this is Daniella and Diana a unified football team members from Guatemala [Music] You're Going to Hear This Crowd Get Loud [Music] that's Sophie renzman tennis player from Germany Special Olympics The Host of these 2023 World games [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you saw her take a deep breath there as she gets ready to light the cauldron and unbelievable honor [Music] thank you yeah [Music] and there it is The Cauldron is lit [Music] the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 have officially begun [Music] thank you [Music] thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming Sports and premium content subscribe to ESPN Plus
Channel: ESPN
Views: 64,278
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Keywords: espn, sports, Watch the Opening Ceremony!, 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games, 2023 Special Olympics, World Summer Games, Summer Games Olympics, Olympics, Opening Ceremony, Ceremony, torch lighting espn, torch lighting special olympics, special olympics ceremony, ceremony, hercules, disney, disney world, ceremony espn, germany, german olympics, olympics torch pass, passing of the torch, torch passing lighting, light torch olympics, olypmics
Id: zaYnbGj5Lss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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