Elle St. Pierre breaks American record to win Wanamaker Mile at 2024 Millrose Games | NBC Sports

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now the glitz and glamour that is the New York Road Runners want to make her mile this is just such a special event such a stored event and it's just very exciting they end the end the meet with the races The Women's and the men's it really finishes off a great meet and these miles are always so fast Paul everyone is so on it everyone is so committed to being here and running fast here we expect a very fast race in this women's race it's a pretty good Hardware too at the finish the W maker trophies handed out as part part of the pump and Circumstance here Danny Jones and several NCA championships University of Colorado May Ramden is here the Harvard athlete looking at maybe the Collegiate record but Ellie St Pierre ready to run and what in a pressive debut she had last week in Boston I am so impressed by St Pier her son is only 11 months old her son Ivan that was her first indoor hard track race since she gave birth and it was just fantastic she ran so fast so close to Breaking the American record in that 3,000 M and it bothered her that she got out kicked by Jessica Hull right in front of her there Hull's a little bit sharper has been racing a little bit more but she loved nothing more than to get her own personal best and win the Waker Mile and Jessica Hall there being introduced was a standout collegiately at the University of Oregon trained in the Northwest but has now gone back to Australia came all the way to Boston last week and you mention it another slingshot win absolutely and these women were so far ahead of the rest of the field but Jessica Hall showed she was just a little sharper and able to overcome St pier in those final stretches that bothered St Pier it wasn't personal she just came here for a win in American record and she missed them both just ever so slightly so she is the American record holder in this event the M indoor mile she is the pace is going to be fast the pace is well under that time we'll see what happens and does Josette Andrews have any motivation here oh absolutely Andrews has been second here twice in a row and you know last year when we saw her here it was her first race after entering a brand new program she had just joined the program a month earlier now she's a full year into that program and her coach says she's made so much progress she's adjusted to altitude we've got her lifting weights she's a new athlete a totally different athlete than she was last year and that's very very exciting to [Applause] hear the first of two w to maker miles to include the festivities at the 116th edition of the milrose games a look at the full international field here that will be pulled Along by pay setting early on stie Henderson being asked to cover the first four laps very quickly 206 the prescrib time very very quickly I mean that would be scaring the world indoor record so we'll see what happens there I don't think St Pier was very happy she kind of got pushed out as she was trying to move her way up to the front now but now she's finding a little bit of room on that that Rail and she looked to see who's by me and she saw of course Jessica Hall who is just running phenomenally right now as Hall slips in there in effectively fourth position Lucius Stafford the Canadian Tokyo Olympian 25 years of age right behind the pace Setter here but a lot of room between that pace of Henderson and the rest of the field as they come down the main straightway just a minute elapsed here in the watermaker mile as that race continues to run yav mahu already having one the high jump third attempt at 68 and 3 qus cannot put it together been the best jump in the world this year she is the world leader and the prohibitive favorite for the world indoor championships and perhaps the Paris Summer Olympic game she comes to New York and will leave as the winner all right so the field events are done now it's just racing on the track Susan aor trying to fight her way back into the mix here she's now back there in fourth and we saw Hall and St Pierre mov their way up over that last lap they want to be right on that pacemaker they want the help as long as they have it because once she steps off it's just going to become a battle so they want to take advantage of Henderson as long as she's there to help them draw them out and we start to see ever so slightly a little bit of separation from the rest of the pth so Henderson will be likely to drop off here shortly as she gets to the half mile Mark we'll get an official time of 20950 at the halfway mark and now Hall in St Pierre on the backstretch trying to break away a little bit now for major and Jose at Andrews back and forth well we see now St Pierre tucking in behind Hall trying a little bit of a roll reversal from what we saw at the New Balance Indoor games and we see Andrew's moving up now she's moving into that third position she ran so well here last year she's more confident this year I can see her being able to close down that Gap a little bit but Hall continues to push out front Andrews ran a 5,000 earlier this year in Boston knocked out her Olympic qualifying standard at that distance so now trying to mix it up here at the mile distance trying to re haul and St Pierre back in but they're going to start to run out of time and real estate the crowd sensing a good battle here upcoming for the Waker trophy so St Pierre likes to grind from 400 m out so that's what they are seeing here it's an indoor track so two laps to go but this is where the grind really starts Paul is trying to just maintain her form and keep pressing pressing pressing don't give St Pier any indication that you can be overcome yeah rolls reversed here from Boston a week ago where it was Hull being the Hunter and St Pierre being the the hunted does that change in strategy afford Ellie St Pierre the opportunity to move ahead and surprise Hall she's going to test her right now and it's going to try to get to the inside rail with a Lap to go she wants to take this with 200 to go and press press press she doesn't want to wait for that final turn so here we go and she starts to open up Paul little bit of daylight on the back straight now St Pierre and Hall losing ground with every stride a woman who does not like to lose two weeks in a row is now pulling away look at this race and the time 4642 that'll be a new American record that was an awesome race out of La St Pierre this woman is on a mission as a woman who gave birth and return to competition trust me 6 months from now we're going to see her in even better shape and even more confident and she is sending a message she is dangerous she missed that year away she's ready to be [Applause] back at that Bell lap I thought St Pierre might go she likes to drive a little farther out she doesn't like to leave it to the last 100 meters so she's mimicking what she would do outdoors but again she just went by with such Authority and it was immediate the space she opened up was just immediate and she made that turn for home and you could see she was zeroed in on that clock she knew what it would take to be a personal best which was be an American record since she was already the American record holder and she fought all the way through that line to lower her own American record Chase singing to that tape and leads a flurry of record-breaking performances National records for St Pierre Hall aor gambe and Perez take a breath and let's send it down to Lou all right a big smile here with the American flag wrapped arounder so a year away you come back as a new mom to be on this story track here in in New York and break the American record what does it mean to you what does it say about what's possible this season um you know I'm just really happy to be here really proud did that for all the moms out there don't feel like themselves but you just got to come back stronger you got it in you and you know it's just like awesome to be here and be back and feel refreshed and happy and fit and it's awesome to you know run against girls like Jess and Jette and you know it's awesome to be out here with a Lap to go it just like you weren't going to be denied take us side that move and just the determination we saw over the last lap here I mean I uh got El sprinted last week and so I definitely was thinking I really don't want to get out spred this week so uh I just gave it everything I got awesome congratulations on the new baby everything in life we look forward to the can't wait to see him all righty we hope you'll see him soon thanks so much all right Paul
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 299,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nbc sports, Olympics, Millrose games, Millrose 2024, Track, Track and field, Track 2024, Sprint, Race, Team usa, Indoor track, Indoor track 2024, Usatf, usatf2024, wanamaker mile, wanamaker mile record, wanamaker mile american record, mile, mile 2024, wanamaker mile 2024, women's wanamaker mile, women's wanamaker mile 2024, elle st. pierre, elle st. pierre 2024, elle st. pierre mom, elle st. pierre interview
Id: uVSuh0nMJ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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