Watch The 11th Hour Highlights: Oct. 28

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candidates are almost out of time when it comes to convincing the voters here's just a sample of what they had to say this week the elephant in the room I had a stroke he's never let me forget that there should not be involvement from the federal government and how States decide their abortion decisions I want women doctors local political leaders maybe I'm old-fashioned but I think in marriage ought to be between a man and a woman and you've got people who are afraid of being pushed in front of oncoming subway cars they're being stabbed beaten to death on the street with hammers yes or no Ron will you serve a full four-year term if you're real like the governor of Florida it's not a tough question it's a fair question he won't tell you the only worn out old donkey I'm looking to put out the pasture is Charlie crisp well we have got a great Friday night cat panel here tonight and we're going to start with a final midterm preview on Amir dadas joins us MSNBC political analyst and author of the new must read the persuaders at the front lines of the fight for hearts minds and democracy my dear friend actor actress activist and author Amber tamberlain her new book listening in the dark women reclaiming the power of intuition is out now MSNBC legal analyst Charles Coleman he's a civil rights attorney and the host of The Charles Coleman podcast and David guerr is here NPR's business correspondent let's talk about this week we just had we are ending with poll Watchers carrying guns and with Nancy Pelosi's husband being attacked in his home by a potentially politically motivated attacker how much trouble are we in I mean I think we I have been trying to suggest to people that this is not I think as many of us now recognize a contest between the different tax rates or or different Health Care uh policy proposals this is a contest between part of the country that believes in continued and expanded liberal democracy uh effort to pursue a more perfect union and a part of the country that is now attracted to the idea of fascism in the United States and when you see violence being normalized like this second in line to the presidency that was is Nancy Pelosi in her home the guy's attackers looking for her allegedly we are seeing a normalization of violence and I think if people want to live in a country defined by the core idea of democracy which is that we choose the future together through talking about things not with hammers it's going to be incredibly important to vote accordingly okay but that same party they're immediately going to spin they've already started to say look what happened to Paul Pelosi see it's violence violence in Joe Biden's America when first of all the most violent cities are in red cities and states absolutely I think we're in a a very scary time where everyone is feeling very numb to a lot of of these conversations My Hope Is that we can sort of resensitize our base and the Democratic party and young voters especially to understand that things are not actually going to get better things are going to continue down this path this is a long old sustained war that has been going on against the frontier of our bodies our stories our rights and in order for us to fight against that we have to be really present we have to show up and vote but we also have to find new ways to sort of be in community with each other and in communication with each other but isn't the numbness the problem that there's so many people that aren't at risk people of privilege who are kind of ignoring this and getting tied up on things like taxes when the future of our democracy is at risk the attack itself is so startling an 82 year old person attacked in this way woke up to that news I think almost as startling as just the response to it and so you had members of the democratic party expressing outrage what had happened it was torturous waiting to see how Republicans would respond to this and I think that's indicative of what is talking about how normalized the violence has become that the impulse to recognize How Deeply wrong this is isn't there anymore and um I don't I don't know how that party picks up picks themselves up and sees as a result of that that's right or it's something that the way that they should be approaching isn't so brave and terrible is this then what is what do Democrats need to do in these final two weeks what does their message need to be well I think we have to make it very clear to the public that this as we said is not a conversation about tax brackets it's not a conversations about you know where you sit on the Spectrum this is a conversation about the future of American democracy period And I think one of the challenges that we are overlooking quite squarely is that we're talking about an opponent we're talking about an alternative side we're talking about competing ideologies for whom facts do not matter if there's any challenge that's the biggest challenge you can't have a reason discussion with people who are not willing to listen to facts you cannot have a reason discussion with people who are going to be okay absolving themselves of responsibility and accountability when the data does not support it we have sensationalized crime we have radicalized crime in terms of the narrative and how we go about discussing it in America and that's why we're having this discussion that we're having now across the board Republic has been have been able to weaponize the conversation around crime in America simply because number one they don't understand it and then number two they're content to speak with narrative that is not based in data and not based in fact and I think on that point there's a there's an important detail in this story of this attack today that really stuck with me and to me felt like just the biopsy of America and that is this attacker apparently was radicalized on Facebook with big lie election stuff and covet stuff and all the disinformation Mark Zuckerberg has allowed that to flourish because he's too greedy to shut it down shut down outside the Congress as has Congress as have other social media billionaire barons and so Mark Zuckerberg profits this disinformation flies this man David depape is radicalized spreading my pillow big lie stuff and then when this attack happens Paul Pelosi ends up at Zuckerberg General Hospital in San Francisco thank you so much Mark thank you so much for donating a small fraction of the money you made poisoning the information system in this country a small fraction donated to treating the wounds that you have helped cause David right now economy is on the minds of the American people so Charles is right that this is about democracy it's about something bigger but when you talk to voters around the country they are talking about the struggles they're facing with life you know getting paycheck to paycheck what the Democrats do with this because Republicans strike fear in their hearts day in and day out but somehow these voters don't know you know what Republicans are going to do cut your Medicare cut your Social Security it's astonishing it's the person through which I look at at this midterm election and a business reporter as well and to your question about what Democrats do they do what they've been doing which is to talk about it I think there is empathy and awareness of how this is affecting everyday Americans that's there and you hear it from the president on down those candidates are talking about this I think what's startling we saw this in the aftermath of that GDP report earlier this week its Republicans are are keen and content to criticize how bad the economy is how difficult it is for Americans but there's no substance behind that and why don't voters ask for more substance behind it they're distracted by all of these other things and they think that the alternative is better from than what they have at this moment I don't fall Democrats completely for not conveying that but Democrats I don't think are highlighting enough the fact that there is no Republican plan to bring inflation down for instance they'll talk about until the cows come home and how difficult it is Democrats will as well but there is no Republican plan to bring down inflation right now or one that is that radically different from what the Democrats have proposed Amber this is the first election the first midterm election since Roe versus Wade was overturned we saw how energized the country was women were over the summer and then I keep reading headlines they're not as motivated how could that be well I think one of the things I want to point out speaking of to the economy as well is that I think we're forgetting that that abortion and and this kind of access is an economic issue it's a huge economic issue it's just not a front and center in the moment economic issue it's not for a woman who has an unwanted pregnancy it is and also for the sons out there that are going to have to deal with this the families it's going to be a whole generation that it's you know it's going to make gas and groceries look as difficult and complicated as that so you know I think I think we have to remember um as women and people who are capable of carrying pregnancies that this is a long old war and that it has been waged for generations and generations and that we have to have a way to uh to communicate our needs and the truth about the situation as it pertains to what we're going to be able to do going forward we have to find a way to sort of reconnect with ourselves and as I said earlier our communities in an effort to as Anand was saying push against the disinformation and keep talking about the things that are true and one of those things is what I just mentioned about how this is an economic issue how this is going to affect families on a day-to-day basis it's not just something that's someone else's problem it is every single person's problem in this room and that's watching television in general whether you're watching this show or you're watching Fox News I I really want to stress how important that is I for a very long time have said that the Democratic party has a messenger problem but moreover they have a message problem and what I mean by that is I talk to apathetic voters or people who are voting age all the time in community and part of the problem is that there has not been the connection made as to making these things relevant I talked about how the The Narrative around crime for example I talked about how that has been sensationalized and that training has gone off the track and now you're talking about how this connection between economics and women's reproductive rights has not been made in such a way that makes it real for voters that is a fundamental flaw of how Democrats have approached election after election after election in such a way where you cannot sell a central message to your voting base in a way that energizes them it is not just a problem with the messenger it is a problem with the clarity of the message I agree with that so deeply and that is in many ways the argument of the persuaders book which is that this when you're talking about Dobbs there was that moment and then what happened what happened is Democrats think politics is self-explanatory and that policy is self-explanatory if women know this decision has been made by the Supreme Court then women will fully radicalize themselves organize themselves and do the thing you want them to do months out nothing actually works like that in politics and the Republicans understand they know that you have to organize people they know that they have three messages every night on Fox News immigration crime economy all day every day I spent time with organizers in particular for this book and the organizers were remarkable because they they use this word meaning making to describe what their work is and their work is is to take you from noticing a Supreme Court case take you from that one to the Ten of being ready to lay down in traffic or for that issue or to take you from the one of hearing a story of your friend being mugged as the right does to a ten of like the Border needs to be secured or whatever and the left frankly is absent on that kind of meaning making I would have loved to see President Biden the next week after the dab decision in Texas signing women in at an abortion clinic absolutely absolutely make stunts um the Democrats are struggling to pick fights as you were talking about struggling to to have messages that that Galvanize people and struggling to offer a thrilling alternative to the to the awfulness of trumpism it's not just enough to say those people all right we're going to leave it there David we got to take a quick break the final message is Democrats need to take the gloves off and start fighting this group is staying where we are after the break Kanye Elon Trump we're going to discuss from the 11th Hour nightcap continues foreign you would think the GOP house Judiciary might have reconsidered this tweet but nope it's still up there Kanye Elon Trump and our panel is here too all right Elon Musk is officially the chief twit what's going to happen here David I don't think that anybody knows but it feels ominous and I'm somebody who's covered this back in April when all of this started to happen I had my hotel room booked in Delaware I was getting ready for the trial that never happened and um I'm left with no understanding of what he wants to do with the site so he's talked about being a free speech absolutist we've seen that sort of start to erode over these last couple of days we've seen really bad signs today of who's been let back on and what the discourse is like I wonder what he wants to do exactly how fully he's embracing this role as Chief twit as you say or the person who owns this 444 billion dollar product so she said this one and also just what it means for discourse in this country going back to what we were talking about before and I've been thinking a lot about something you wrote about in in your last book and on which is the role of these very wealthy individuals in our society who by virtue of that being successful having a lot of money feel imbued to make decisions feel right in making those decisions about how our society should act and how we should communicate and deal with one another they give to lawmakers they then are controlling so much of our government what do we do about this and even when you think as people are panicked over Twitter where has Congress been for all these years as these platforms have become Public Square utilities Congress has done nothing and now we're all left at the whim of Elon Musk I mean this whole thing illustrates how American plutocracy functions because this guy Elon Musk if you were to just write down like the three biggest strategic problems Twitter has is a platform that they have actually earnestly been trying to address but not nearly enough you talk about disinformation you talk about just kind of bringing out the worst in all of us and you talk about hate and not protecting the people who use your community for marginalized groups and this is a guy who embodies those three problems like he he is what those problems look like in the flesh and so now the person who incarnates the problems is in charge of finding the search for solutions to the problems that he is that's how this works and that's how it's a closed loop and the only answer to this is going to be real public Force as we have in the European Union we can copy and paste a lot of what they've done but we need to have a real public response to these companies this mug is subject to way more Federal Regulation it's not a joke yes it is yes it is a ton more Federal Regulation not to mention the water in it yes it is than any of these software platforms we're talking about hate we have to turn to Kanye obviously Kanye West this week lost his billionaire status lost his contracts with Adidas with gap but here's one of the ugly truths he has been saying awful hateful largely anti-black things for years where were we all these years because during those years is when he made all that money and signed those big deals and I think that's the question that we should be asking the question should be Kanye didn't wake up and all of a sudden start spewing anti-semitic remarks and then from that point we decided he's no longer welcome here your money's no good here Kanye has been problematic in terms of his rhetoric for a very long time he could walk out and say well slavery was a choice and he gets rewarded with multi-million dollar contracts across a number of different industries that requires us to take some more accountability that requires us to look in the mirror and say why is it that if he talks about this group that we immediately sanctioned him but when he talked about these other groups over here we kind of sort of Let It Ride we didn't like it we none of us liked it but we allowed it and I think that that in and of itself is an interesting conundrum because now that he is being punished as he has talked about certain groups in some ways unfortunately it proves our point or improves his point rather the other thing that I want to say is that I think that Kanye is the great miscalculator and what I mean by that is I think that he took a calculated risk in his mind as to what he was going to lose by going into this battle if you will with the different companies that he was aligned with he went and out of those contracts we know that he was very public about that and he realized this is the nuclear option and I'm going to take it his miscalculation wasn't necessarily what he was going to lose I believe that his miscalculation is much more connected to his ability or what he thought was his ability to regain it that's why you saw him show up at Skechers and get turned away he thought look I'm going to be able to fix this because I'm Kanye West and now he's getting another answer in another story okay well he's being rightfully punished but he's not the only one who spews hate take Donald Trump take Tucker Carlson take Marjorie Taylor green and what do they get more money more power how do you solve for that I mean that's a big question I think that again this is a fight for our lives and a fight for our democracy and everything comes back to the disinformation war and doing what Anand does when I see him on Twitter which is to constantly be fighting that and not to equivocate and to be talking constantly about the things that are true that are correct that are not alternative facts and we have to use that and use all of our Collective platforms to keep that narrative going and to keep fighting it at every turn because there's no other way to stop it from happening because the war will keep shifting towards that everything will keep shifting in that direction if we are not con if we are not talking about the ways in which we are complicit with it and also talking about how to change it I do want to say one thing in Kanye's defense um this week in an interview he revealed that he has never read a book and so I think yeah he said he thinks Brooks are like brussels sprouts and he's never he's never read one and so because he's ignorant we should embrace him no I I think in so doing he has revealed an important PSA like we do like an NBC the more you know avoid becoming Kanye read books I think the danger these two have two new ones out for you you know I think the danger in that though is we are you know Kanye's brand of brashness is easily an emotional violence that is inflicted upon all of us but specifically certain cross-sections of community the danger is there are people who are just as ignorant if not more who are actually enacting physical violence against vulnerable people across the country who are defenseless and that sort of thinking can be perverted to allow it to just wallow in their own ignorance and in the meantime people like Kanye are relatively still shielded by way of their station in life from the actual effects of that but on the ground in community there are people who are literally going to be affected by that we saw it at speaker Pelosi's house right like that's an example of how ignorance left unfettered and just said yeah they're ignorant and I know that that's not what you're saying I'm saying to the viewers I've been reading there are there are tons of them and we have to double down on that message because there are still people who are talking about his Brilliance and you can be incredibly gifted in one lane but at the same time be incredibly problematic in another and I think that that's the dichotomy of Kanye West that we have to settle on David last point to you to bring It full circle I mean these are two very different individuals but what they have done is they've felt wronged they think that they're funny and provocative both Elon Musk and Kanye West and their impulse uh when Society pushes against them is to spend billions of dollars or I don't know how much parlor costs but to buy the social media platforms and I think that says so much about where we're at that the impulse isn't to think about how they've acted or what they've done or how that might be egregious it's instead to use the money that they've made to buy a platform that exists and shape in the image that they want it to be listen we know how dangerous this rhetoric is we saw it this morning with Paul Pelosi we can only hope that there's going to be dialing back but the truth is there's not there's not unless we take action and be the Agents of change and live in a stronger smarter better world thank you to our Friday night Friday night cap panel on Angier didas Amber tamblin Charles Coleman David Guerra on that note I wish all of you a very good night and from all of our College things across the networks of NBC news thanks for staying up late with us I will see you on Monday night [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 78,801
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Keywords: msnbc, MSNBC, Specials
Id: 5gBQ9gUcydo
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Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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