Watch Shopping With An Unlimited Budget With Teddy Baldassarre

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and then of course I crushed you like the Cockroach you are I just took off I was a chicken once now I'm a cockroach I'm I'm changing here I am one zero already I don't agree you know Teddy the funny thing is you're living with this inventory every day and I come in and just Crush you you started as a cockroach now you're a grasshopper one day you could be a mouse this is fantastic he moves up the evolutionary scale this sucks hey Mr Wonderful here and I'm in Cleveland Ohio what am I doing in Cleveland well I had to see it with my own eyes it's Teddy's new watch Boutique now let me tell you why this is amazing as you know the watch industry is over 200 years old and they move slower than Turtles I mean turtles are speed Masters compared to the watch industry what that means is opening up a new brick-and Mor retail location anywhere in the world is next to Impossible because you need multiple Brands to cooperate you need to get the licenses to become an authorized dealer it's almost impossible but Teddy pulled it off he started years ago negotiating he was in the watch industry online direct consumer but he wanted to go brick and mortar the thing about brick and mortar that's when you become real that's when you get the actually ad status authorized dealer then the brands come rolling in because they want to be part of what you're doing and here we are in Cleveland he's establishing a watch brand here smart move there's not a lot of competition there's some but not a lot that's the whole idea when you ask why Cleveland so I flew into town to check it out today let's go look inside let's see what he's selling I love this I absolutely love this imagine Teddy with his own watch store who knew Kevin Teddy how are you welcome in congratulations hug it out man your own store how crazyk you thank you it's been 5 years since we met each other in Cleveland and you were talking about it when we were in Miami we first met each other that one day you'd have brick and mortar I said ain't going to happen well here we are hardest thing to do there's been a lot of Joys with opening this store but one of the greatest Joys will be beating you in a shopping episode in my store great idea you got multiple Brands you might as well do it so this what we're going to do what are the rules this time rules this time we have five different sections we can go to Five watches each right no budget yeah best collection wins best collection based on retail price no just based on whatever consum viewers will what they like I've kicked your butt on this every time we've done it Kevin it's been a year in the making I have HomeField Advantage this time I am ready to go you may know every piece but you don't have my eye for dial so I'm going to kill you again listen I don't mind you trying you got to keep trying that's really what you should be doing making the effort but it's a slaughterfest we'll let the people decide that all right don't listen to this man he does this every time don't get wooed by him coin flip I'll let you do the honors all right call it when you flip it that's a first first person that D I might keep this is kind of nice is this silver dollar right it is it is that's beautiful all we got heads and tails here you call it all right winner we'll get to go at the store first go for it Tails uhoh uhoh Tails so you go so what happens is you go to a brand you choose first and I choose second yes okay let's go all right then when we go to the next brand do I choose first yes that's fair yes so we alternate back we'll alternate back and forth so let's start with brightening we're just here in the front of the store yeah so I'm looking is there some rhyme to reason as to why they're at the front of the store because I obviously you've negotiated with multiple Brands here I've noticed that right away you've got some really Heavy Hitters in here what was it like just working with them deciding positioning it's a back and forth game you know you have to make everybody happy you also have to think about what's going to grab an eye of somebody one thing that's great about brightling is they're very well distributed and known in the United States the you need something that when somebody walks by what's going to be that head turn not to say that gr SEO isn't that but bright Ling I think has just been known in this market for a longer period of time but what about the front window the front window you have to consider all of those elements so you come into a a a contract about who gets front window who gets that space every square foot of this space was talked about right no doubt well that's the hassle about brick and mortar why so many people can't do it it's not easy I must say it looks spectacular it's a beautiful space there's no question and brightlings I mean we we'll talk a bit about watches but I always just love how much of an impression this gives you too with the bricks we were holding these bricks in our warehouse for 3 four weeks yeah I mean those are real bricks that's not a fake wallpaper you're seeing there that's are real bricks that are being installed okay so that's the first brand we're going to go through yeah I mean I'm just you know following my eye here so I mean you're choosing first Teddy I know I this is great responsibility when it comes to picking first with you Kevin it's a little bit of a risk but I might go dive watch to begin yeah that could be interesting so I'm I'm going to head over here I'm thinking super ocean Heritage green dial I had my eye on that I had my eye on that I have now become telepathic in terms of understand I may have to forbid that selection that's not how this works we discuss the rules I'm going to go with this green super ocean well there you have it very interesting A wise man once told me it's all about the dial it is about the dial you're right I think I'm already on the second lap Kevin has not even gotten started with this pick very nice what do you think Kevin that's very nice very nice Choice number one right Ling super ocean all right now I've also I've scanned the universe all right scanned the universe and I'm very partial to DS I got a much better eye for DS than you have you're kind of the head keeps getting bigger and bigger year it's scale beyond belief I'm known for telling the truth Teddy what can I say you know you may not like the truth but it's still the truth okay so in this case you've got some really interesting things starting to happen dial wise cuz I'm looking for something that pops and speaks to me I know where you're going to go the red dial okay going for the top time exactly and it's really you know I don't care what the retail price on it is to me it's the dial that really speaks out and it still keeps some of the heritage of the brand tap is another whole reference within their chronograph family that a lot of racing you know inspiration here you see like Shelby I see it as a sporty look of course I will eventually convert it to a red band that's the whole idea everything I have is a red band everybody knows that time red you know here I am one zero already I don't agree oh listen you can decide there's no question though I won already it's a pretty good pick actually of course I should have known this guy would have red okay so let's put that down as my first choice okay thank you very much brightling picks are in yeah let's good all right where are we going let's go gr SEO oh are you kidding I'm the master in Grand SEO Teddy you have no chance whatsoever I actually I'm feeling sort for you now I mean Grand SEO are you kidding I go gr Seiko I go all the way to credor this is a brand I absolutely love and the crazy thing about this is 5 years ago it's you that introduced me to ran SEO and then of course I crushed you like the Cockroach you are I just took off I was a chicken once now I'm a cockroach I'm I'm changing grasshoppers I love this brand the quality and I've gone as you have over to Japan I've seen the fact I've met the executives this brand is incredible for what it offers in value the finishing and this is a vertically integrated manufacturer so everything is made in Japan I I've seen beautiful the quality the crunch as I call it and the dials are fantastic these guys are fantastic dial makers well let's remember whose turn it is Kevin the Cockroach needs to pick first let's see okay let's wait a second you picked first now it's me no we're not doing a snake pick it's back and forth I won the coin toss so it's my turn again why do you get to go twice no wait a second you chose first on the bright Ling yes and I get to go again you mean everyone you're first absolutely this sucks I'm getting screwed here I'm never coming back to the store again it's over between us my store my rules baby let's go all right then we go to the next brand do I choose first yes that's fair yes so we alternate back alternate back and forth okay so I'm looking between two different watches here this is brand new this is the first time actually seeing this in the case they just put this in here today so I'm tempted there yeah but I also saw your red pick don't even go there Teddy don't even think about red you you don't deserve red that's I'm thinking I I I want to supplant your red pick with my own red pick so that is going to be the SBJ 273 I believe for that one so I'm going to pick that out High beat beautiful red dial I love High beat it's a good pick um you know I love Grand Seiko I just the Polish on the steel is insane seeing how they do it like zaru polishing because if you look at polishing wheels it's usually a left and right motion soft wheel but this is it's metal on metal and they are just going in and they such a beautiful contrast I me you can always see the time right out of the corner of your eye all the markers on that dial individually finished they have to line this up on a drum and they're hitting every one of those facets I saw this in person remarkable to see the hand and still they still they can go to high production they can make a lot of units which is so hard to do still exclusive but yes you know they can scale production yes that's fantastic my good luck kin all right you have some ground to make up am might no I know but it's not going to be a problem for me Teddy not at all not at all I saw something here getting the light coming in you Shin you know this is very interesting very interesting let's have a look at this blue dial they do such a great job on that because that's very striking that looks 38 or 39 it's actually 37 on that case right in the middle little little smaller case that's one of the man not worried about small I mean we're going back you know that's what's happening for men and the price on that too I mean you're talking about right under $5,000 for that was I mean it's incredible value 9 s64 moving on the inside yeah it's beautiful this is it for me it speaks to me you see I don't care about price with gr SEO I'm guaranteed quality at any price absolutely so for under $6,000 this is a fantastic watch and is going to go into my colle and Crush you so you went for more pure take of grand SEO no dial texture very classic 1960 it's a look look at how beautifully it's polished it's whether you pay 15,000 17,000 5,000 you're getting incredible polish it's it's amazing so I like it I'm going to take that okay blue D so blue and red so far all right that's Kevin second on this contest it's great I like that all right where are we going so let's go left and we'll finish up on the right at the end so what do you know about gluto ranal Kevin it's the brand that nobody knows how to pronounce another German maker right Teddy that's correct gluta is the original origin of many of these Brands so 1845 this is where this region really came to be it's small little space gluta has 5,000 people but you have over 10 watch brands that call it home you're getting for a price less than a Rolex in many cases artisanal finishing in incredible value it's maybe one of the Hidden gems in watchmaking love it's probably true but they haven't really established themselveses yet in North America that's work to be done obviously but I guess if they come into your store they look at this and say what is this tell me about it and it becomes a talking item for sure it does it does like just to show you an example I mean I'll just throw this out here because this is great this is a panamatic inverse how the story goes with this is there was a customer that wanted a watch and they wanted to look at their movement on the front side so they they put it on the front of the watch it's a bit of a skeleton vibe to it does have that but you're getting engraved balance Bridge yeah insane I mean this is done by hand and I saw an artisan doing this by hand in glassa they produce 95% of their components nice clean dials what are the price points on these that's the crazy thing most of the things you're seeing here under $15,000 incredible you know it's so unfair that you're choosing first again it's just I mean obviously how about how about this you tried to rig the contest but my eye will still beat you you know what no what we'll do no what we'll do we'll do a little modification I am so confident but I'm going to win I'll actually let you pick first this time how about that that's good but that Cockiness will cost you I don't know who is setting the standard for Cockiness you came in here talking up a storm so go ahead yeah I mean look there's so much to choose from here you've got a great selection very very interesting no question about it and some beautiful dials these get a little more expensive now these are the gold pieces and what is that that is just under 30,000 um let's pull that out let me okay we'll pull out the calendar so we'll do that let's let's have a look at that and I think the real beautiful thing about this watch too is when reverse it around and you can see the movement I want to see it that's why cuz I actually haven't seen that piece before so same deal here yeah engrave balance Bridge 21 karat gold oscillating weight you also what they do with that rotor it's offset on the side so allows to keep it thin full calender you have a panorama date beautiful pH beautiful Crunch and then you also along the side that those are your months so you have that month indicator on the outside yeah very good with the balance of the dial too well I hate to break your heart Teddy this is my choice you know I'm so sorry I mean it's Pi the most expensive thing in the cas it doesn't matter it's the dial is so unique and it's going with my collection I've already got an inventory what I have already so I want to make sure this is completely different also gold so you know very very nice all right that's my selection okay what you did take advantage of being able to go first so I course I I deserve it because you went first twice it's ridiculous you're trying to rig the whole thing but thank goodness no no no no these are the rules of the house that's the problem all right my choice now so you went for a very clean approach the last two picks exactly I have been seeing this theme of color so far I was surprised you didn't pick that I was going to but then I thought oh then you were going to say people say all he's doing is color color color so I'm trying to make sure that I'm going dial as well so it's a very clean white dial on gold beautiful I'm also a dial Guy myself I've been told that as well you've been learning grasshopper yeah yeah well what what what color are a grasshoppers typically Kevin well listen you're not a cockroach anymore you've elevated yourself to a grasshopper I'm a grasshopper now great so we are shape shifting I am going to go with the green panamatic beautiful well look we I match a golden gold now I don't get a full calendar but I do get this stri I noticed that cuz I did think that but I said I'm going to go with the full complication you know what I'm going Tove is probably one of their Elsa Primo pieces I'm going to save $10,000 process too I love the gold moon on that one you have the blue sky which is nice and sharp I also Al like how my Panorama dat has a different you know backdrop for it color you these these German dial designers are going for big bold numbers which I think really work well there the snobs out there that don't want to buy a German watch cuz they think it has to be Swiss they're completely missing anybody that knows what they're talking about knows gluta as an incredible Powerhouse of watch making they make as good of watches as anybody these are two great selections we went right into the same case we went to the higher end on this brand I had to I had to punch back no I get it it's not about the money Teddy never about the money you know I've remember I've bought some of these entry level watches I met with you at low prices that are some of my favorites in the collection I wear them all the time in Miami they're just funky chicken watches so what do you guys think at home do you think Kevin should go first again I mean I don't think he took full advantage I think we have to maybe give him another chance I definitely think so why not it's only fair you want to be fair so let's go to the back of house I'll let you attack it first let's push the chairs back in to follow protocol here we brand that I my first watch Ever you know the moon watch 1975 Teddy I still have it in my colle that's why I love this brand so what are we adding today Kevin what what are we thinking this is going to be a little harder cuz you've got such a wide selection here this is fantastic you know you've got the devil the dille you have constellation I have a constellation on my wrist right now so I'm a big proponent of that however I think I'm going to go classic right back to what people love about Omega uh the heritage of the brand the classic Moon watch you're going for a Sapphire version okay Sapphire sandwich y yeah you're going for very pure straightforward approach today I'm used to craziness from you I know but I think what you're going to find out today when I clean you up out on this contest is that people are really moving toward the purest Vibe these days people usually say that I have that approach but I'm trying to match the craziness of Kev you see this is such a classic piece recognizable from yards away everybody knows this style that's beautiful yeah and the sapphire it's fantastic yeah so you get to see the 3861 on the backside I mean it's just I mean that watch is going to sell first out of this collection somebody's going to walk in here and say I've got to Habit that's what's going to happen yeah these are insane I mean this is if you look at watching the dictionary I mean it's this right there I mean it's beautiful watch can go on that's my choice that's fantastic okay okay so you want speed master no you you you're out a speed master now cuz if you get too shut I couldn't do this it would be a big mistake for you to do that so I have a dive watch yeah the problem right now is I feel a chronograph is the missing part of the formula but I do not want to copy you yeah that would be a huge mistake guarantee you lose again Kevin are you a dial guy I don't know if you ever mentioned that those are great dials too I'm going to show you maybe one of the best dials here let's get this side of the moon out yeah it's not not as welln but I agree with you it's a beautiful piece the speed master is fantastic hold on we we'll pull out John if you could check that out very nice very nice it's a little bit large for my wrist I noticed I mean you know but I mean I think I light lightweight though with ceramic it's quite a thick watch as well it is it's a chronograph yeah I mean that dial is pretty special though it's very special and ceramic is very if you don't have a ceramic watch it's interesting to get into this you know so I get a different case material I get a dial and that's spectacular yeah and I get a chronograph all in one and I be Kevin it could help you but qum it could help you but Grand Slam no I don't think so I think but it's nice I'm going to give you that I'm going to give you that okay it's a nice attempt Kevin is very good at talking himself up he can't give credit I've given you credit how many have we done now four that's four so we have one final stop okay so this is a space known as our Teddy space but this is we have this is all brands so we have a warehouse down the street and when anybody wants to see something on our website and they want to have an appointment this is where we can pull things over have a sit down these are all of the different brands you've brought forward over the years as entry level pieces yes and we sell over 30 Brands so we want to make sure that we can still keep the part of our identity this is a cross brand interesting idea so if they want to come into the store and see them you've got one of everything here so we don't have everything cuz we carry over 30 Brands hundreds and hundreds of watches but if you ever wanted to book an appointment we could pull anything out and get it out for you so you wanted to take a closer look and some of these Brands here you don't have distribution well this is going to be the brick of rck is it's going to be lots of fun here because there's so much to choose have a lot of options so we we put out some fun things for you to get lost in Kevin remember we talked about this looking so much like a pek you know the no I mean it's TV big day that's what they call that no I know but it's for you know obviously you're wearing that across the room oh yeah I mean you know oh yeah and it looks a little bit like an aquanut to me and that's a Hamilton up there you have a Hamilton bronze which you own correct I own and I tell you it's actually a fantastic value it is that's that watch is just over $800 I know and it looks beautiful and people ask me they stop me sometimes when I'm riding I wear also wear it when I'm riding my bike in Miami I wear the Hamilton people say oh my goodness that's fantastic what is it um I think you're choosing first now right no I'm going to let you go again because I'm I think I just smoked you on the last pen no no not at all I mean that's just look you can talk it up but it doesn't matter when the voting comes in you'll you'll be crying like a grown man again but something else has just caught my eye okay back there the black dial yes that is a Yung Han's Max build that was one of my gateway into the H of watch you know what I'm taking that just over $1,000 in that range for that watch but that is a piece unique in terms of look so do you know the story about this watch I don't but you know I've learned a lot about these entry level watches I've always said uh why am I spending my time they're not collectible but I have a lot of them now because of you I bought these because the dials are absolutely spectacular so this comes off of a design there's a wall clock first it was by the Swiss designer Max Bill he went to the bow house School of Design famous School of Design we see a lot of inspiration from Apple to many other Inspirations throughout designed today but it started as a wall clock and I love how you can see it on the wrist the reason why you probably saw it in there it gravitated towards it was just because you have the curvature of the dial you have this Dome Crystal it just pops out at you it's very simple but very elegant and I think a beautiful piece that a lot of people would be surprised to see because they haven't seen anything like it it's a very nice style that's absolutely gorgeous it's a classy take I like it yeah good I got it all right again crushing you like the Cockroach you you're back from grasshopper down to we're going to send back up to grasshopper I might as send into a butterfly after my next pick here we'll see you know Teddy the funny thing is you're living with his inventory every day and I come in and just Crush you because the eye and the dial work together so quickly you know it's like I'm AI dial chat GPT yeahuh yeah let's see um uh this watch here in the front this changed the landscape of affordable GMT watches so mechanical gmts and the Brand This is Seiko 4 R34 movement comes out a couple years ago you now can get a mechanical GMT watch well under $500 I'm going to go for this one that crazy that's such that's a and you know the thing about Seiko you know you're getting quality you are that's the one thing I'll say about that brand over and over again the Japanese they just know how to do it so I'm going to pick that that's the ssk 003 all right pull that out let's have a look at it I don't think I've ever seen the piece it's a fan favorite people love this I think it's a staple was right in front must sell a lot of these oh people love it people love it so retail is $475 for that unbelievable Seiko you guys just kill it I mean it's just you know fantastic it's great because it gets people into watch collecting at an affordable entry level price with a spectacular dial I like it not as good as my pick but pretty good I have two gmts but I travel a lot ibly going costum probably we'll see okay so this what we're going to do Kevin we'll put all of the watches in front of us we'll tally up the total amount and we'll let you decide who let's have a look smack talk we'll let them no no there's there's no trash talk here it's just victory and loss we'll see let's go let's not get depressed about it you can't win all the time I'm very happy I'm I'm sure you are you got to talk you got you have to say look talk your book it's okay then we see the winning lineup here it's because it really meshes together beautifully and some fantastic selections I don't want this to go to my head I never do but crushing you again I I don't feel good about it okay let's go through them all we'll give the total so let's go through yours first you have bright link top time then you have a grand SEO sgw clean L not the most expensive no no it's actually one of the more entry level pieces from a mechanical then you have the calendar panamatic probably one of the best watches in your store here I I don't disagree with you it's a phenomenal watch speed Master Classic Sapphire version Sapphire s and this little gem I found Max Bill Auto yeah yeah beautiful it's a sharp watch so your total is $ 51,3 40 there you have it so now my watches brightling super ocean Grand SEO GMT panamatic lunar gold Omega speed master and then we finish off with the ssk GMT my total Kevin you went a little spending crazy I I shaved off $400 I was at 50,9 125 it's remarkable how close these are even though we were not even guiding ourselves by retail price yes we were just going with where our eyes going where our eyes were taking us but it these are it's $100,000 plus with the watches here but phenomenal value if if this was your collection imagine how much diversity if anybody owned all these together they'd have a watch for every occasion so the question now is you all have to decide who won I have the home field advantage I think I won I know these pieces very well don't be arrogant now listen don't feel bad about crushing Teddy again the great thing being crushed over and over again it gives you motivation it keeps him going one day one day he might win it's not going to be today but there's always the future I'll be back we'll have the contest again Teddy don't get depressed about this I'm a jolly grasshopper I'm a grasshopper it's great you started as a cockroach now you're a grasshopper one day you could be a mouse this is fantastic he moves up the evolutionary scale remember it's all about collecting and it's all about the dial you do not have to go crazy spending a ton of money we prove that today and never borrow money to buy a watch I always say that Teddy you agree with me I do agree yeah I do agree and I want to add something here I'm buying this piece I want to support Teddy I fell in love with this thing every time we get together he cost me something I love this it's got to come back to my collection I'm going to wear this a lot I love it of course it's going to end up with a red band on it we can work on that yeah because you know think about it it's black dial and it's going to look great with a red it's sharp that's tuxedo watch right there yeah beautiful you can find me a red band right we can make it happen all right there you have it he's on a sale you know give the loser something a charity I'm getting charity but I don't I don't need your it's not charity I'm buying it to support the store come on Teddy it was fantastic fantastic yeah that's great let us know comments down below thanks guys
Channel: Kevin O'Leary
Views: 407,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin O'Leary, Kevin O'Leary interview, Kevin O'Leary speech, Kevin O'Leary top 10 rules for success, how to become a millionaire, how i became a millionaire, how to make millions, money, wealth, cash flow, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur advice, success tips, success habits, millionaire habits, millionaire tips, how to make money, how to invest, shark tank Kevin O'Leary, ask Mr. Wonderful, watches, expensive, budget, howto, shopping, unlimited, dollars, watchexpert, review, luxury
Id: 9l8u18XtDLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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