CBS News Bay Area 10am 4/26/24

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[Music] I'm R mamoto and this is the minute Fire tour through a four-story building under construction in San Francisco it broke out just after 4:30 this morning at lion and clay in prido Heights firefighters say six residential units were damaged they were all vacant it reports of any injuries students at Stanford University on day two of their sit in protest on campus they are calling on the school to divest from the Israeli government Stanford says it supports the right to peacefully protest but it does not allow classes to be disrupted or overnight campaign well today the Oakland Police Department is holding a memorial for former officer Jordan Windgate he died on Saturday from injuries from a car crash while on duty in August of 2018 that Memorial is taking place at Three Crosses Church in Castro Valley the bay are's only Prime Time newscast at 8:9 p.m. on the allnew PX plus 44 table 12 I'm Ryan Yamamoto this is the minute [Music] all right since it is the wind that's going to be the bigger Factor on this day let's get some specifics on it it's Breezy through the afternoon but once we get to the late afternoon and early evening the wind intensity has picked up and now you're seeing 40 mph gusts rushing down the coastline it's more like 20 to 25 mph winds if you're Inland that means you've got a wind chill factor so if the daytime highs today are going to the low to mid-60s that's going to make it feel more like the upper 50s for day time high it's going to feel a little bit cooler as a result let's get into the 7-day forecast because after today with its hit and miss don't count on much rain obviously the big Focus then needs to be the weekend how does this impact Saturday and Sunday there's going to be less wind on Saturday still a bit of a breeze but not as windy as today so I don't think you've got a factor in a windchill on that 72 it's going to feel like 72 Sunday we get a couple of degrees warmer Inland you'll be in the mid 70s and then through the rest of the 7-day forecast it's just sunny and warm warming still so you're going to be back up to near 80 for daytime highs once we get towards the middle of next week if we do the same thing for the bay we see the story on that with the warming Trend that gets us towards the middle of next week we will see daytime highs that will have climbed up to uh around 70 so low 70s back here great looking middle of the next week but you still have the wind for Friday and a bit of a leftover breeze on Saturday 64 is going to feel more like say 58 but by Saturday Saturday that 67 is going to feel like 67 uh because we'll have a little bit of less wind around for the weekend well San Francisco mayor London breed is back from a trip to China and making a visible push to fight for her job in the middle of a tough reelection fight she has major opposition several H high-profile Challengers campaigning on the Promises of change each are touting their own solutions to the city's problems from crime to the housing crisis the candidates have made it a strategy of getting out into the City's neighborhoods to hear from voters directly Wilson Walker went along with mayor breed as she walked San Bruno Avenue in the port TOA district oh my goodness you Leon you got my grandmother's out here in the cold in a blustery afternoon wind mayor London breed hit San Bruno Avenue going door too along a business Corridor with a large Chinese population in a sure sign that the campaign and hand-to-hand politics are well underway we got a whole crew come on come on accompanied by the woman she calls her Asian grandmother breed led a team of supporters up and down this street for some voter Outreach her other job was never far away um I was asking uh the mayor um if she's going to be fixing the potholes and Mission Street here in San Francisco um we do a lot of low riding there and our cars are getting messed up you said low rer I'll talk to Roberto all right yeah sounds good and my hope is that by being out here I can answer questions I can deal with people's uh issues and concerns I mean even a speed bump that still hasn't happened beyond the job of being mayor breed must also convince residents that things are getting better in San Francisco something you do hear in the city quite a bit however do you feel enough people feel that way and will ultimately in couple months decide to give you credit for well my hope is to get credit for it and like today out here in San Bruno uh I am talking to people about the various programs that we provide from the city people um are realizing that it is attributed to the work that I am doing as mayor so the posters went up along San Bruno in some cases right alongside those of an opponent a reminder that this is a complicated race for the mayor as voters have options it's hard to have a conversation about the race with anyone in the city and they don't mention rank Choice voting do you have any thoughts on that well my thoughts are it's important for me to run my race and to talk about all the things that I have done and the fact is and and just to talk about safety crime is down lower than it's been in 10 years not including the pandemic and even in 2024 it's continuing to Trend down so we are seeing the difference but we also have to make sure people feel the difference so when you hear people say it's getting better they're starting to feel it but we want them to feel it more consistently and I think that's going to be a determining Factor when folks go to the polls you know whether or not they see the consistency and we have plenty of time to get there now the mayor had made one neighborhood walk about since her return from China and that was in Chinatown probably gives you a pretty good idea of how the mayor's campaign team sees this race taking shape with just over 190 days to go until election day in paloalto students at Stanford are spending another day camped out on campus it's all part of a nationwide effort to call attention to what they call a genocide in Gaza organizers say the University's Administration should not support Israel through its Investments the encampment at Stanford showed up last night with more than a hundred students setting up tents in signs saying divest now and hands off Rafa this is the second Pro Palestinian demonstration by students at Stanford that first encampment lasted about 120 days and disbanded in February after they met with University leadership and students were allowed to express their concerns meantime demonstrators who are camped out on campus at UC Berkeley are showing no signs of leaving anytime soon more than 100 people are staying in tents at spra Plaza including students with Palestinian backgrounds who say they want their school to take a stand Jose Martinez went to Berkeley to to check on those protests on their third night I'm here at UC Berkeley where as you can see more than a 100 Gaza protesters continue to camp out right outside the Sprout hold building I talked to some of them about their [Music] concerns malaka a lost student at the University and a daughter of Palestinian immigrants sends among over a 100 Palestinian protesters who have set up camp outside spur Hall their message is clear they call for a ceasefire in Gaza and demand action from the University it is absolutely ridiculous that the university that Prides itself on diversity equity and inclusion Berkeley specifically on having a very radical history of student organizing refuses to stand on the side of justice and divest the lock tells me that this Thursday marks the fourth day of their demonstrations the group has outlined some key demands one uh being that the UC Administration end their silence that they categorize what is occurring in Palestine as a genocide because they have failed to do so um the second is utter and complete UC Financial divestment from any entity complicit and apartheid especially weapons arms manufacturer companies but Malak is not alone youf a mechanical engineer and student at uz Berkeley shows his support by assistant with the protesters Logistics I feel like if all of us of students on this campus you know citizens of this country um so on and so forth really like experience even a fraction of the of the pain the fear the violence that you know Rin um Palestinians as a whole live under um day by day um and so on and so forth I feel like if we understood even a fraction of that pain all of us would be out here do students say they are willing to risk expulsion and arrest UC Berkeley officials say they are absor obing the demonstration but there has been no disruptions of University operations a spokesperson says the university guidance directs us not to request law enforcement involvement preemptively and only if absolutely necessary to protect the physical safety of the Campus Community the governor is also following the campus demonstrations we're working with the trustees uh and with the University Systems as it relates to our public role and responsibility uh and so we're very mindful of what's going on on the campuses and want to maintain people's rights to protest at the same time do so peacefully uh without any hate uh we don't want uh any any more uh you I I just want to avoid a lot of what we're seeing uh in other parts of the country in the meantime more students keep joining the protest according to MC at least 100 students have been camping out here since the beginning of the protest and they say they're not planning on going anywhere until they see results I'm optimistic that we will achieve our goal of divestment we're willing to risk suspension um suspension expulsion and arrest um until divestment is achieved and we're not going anywhere and ultimately they all agree on one thing it's time to end this conflict that's been happening for too long and for continuing coverage on what's happening in the Middle East the occupation at UC Berkeley and other college campuses all across the country stay with us on air on our website at and streaming on the free CBS News that still ahead on CBS News Bay Area a family of four killed in a crash in the trive valley but we learn about the victims in the history of tragedy along a troubled roadway l in the Bay Area City are notorious for parking tickets some of the officers leaving them behind are afraid of who could be following them and mass layoffs at Tesla workers here in the Bay Area we'll ask a UC Berkeley Professor what this means for the company and for California I'm a pilot for the California Army National Guard I five Blackhawks here in the state there is nothing that Jessica Burch can't do she is dedicated she's super fun Jessica is remarkable I like the idea of being able to serve the Northern California people out doing search and rescues helping out with calfire missions and I also feel like I have a Heart for Service also when it comes to forecasting for our local area I mean getting people prepared for their day that's a huge importance for me wake up with a Morning Edition weekdays on kpix [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] itic looking sky today with billowing clouds and breaks of blue in it more blue than not actually but all the while we're watching for the chance for some light range today you see them working their way down the coast not much to that we've got blue skies while that happens and then a complex of thunderstorms is going to graze the East Bay I don't think we actually get any rain from either of these but it's possible we'll keep a close eye on it the bigger issue and the more likely noticeable item for today is the wind we're going to look at that coming up in the full forecast in just a bit well in Pleasant in a community is a morning after a tri valley family of four including two children were killed in a fiery crash Friends of the family were there to leave flowers behind at the crash site on the western edge of the city the car crashed on Foothill Road between Stone Ridge Drive and Las P's Road Wednesday no other cars were involved the car slammed into a tree and burst into flames leaving behind a mess of mangled metal and a burn scar soaked from foam from attempts to put out that fire Andrea aano spec spoke with family friends and about the terrible [Music] loss Hassan shik was one of many friends to stop by the crash site with flowers in hand it's really sad and tragic to uh kind of uh see this and uh you know hear this he used to work with a man that died in the crash for roughly 5 years it's very shocking uh you know very nice person always you know um energetic and it was always a pleasure to work with him and you know talk to him and we used to have a lot of conversations many other stopped by friends neighbors and kids that went to school with one of the children Pleasanton police have not released the names of the victim but say it was a mother father and their two children the Pleasanton Unified School District says both were students one in middle school and the other in elementary John rigs lives near where the crash happened and could hear and see the accident just popping noises and uh and then we looked out our window and saw uh fire he wonders how this crash could have happened but he has noticed aggressive drivers on this street stretch of Foothill Road every night we hear cars uh going pretty fast on that road and uh you know we've lived here for almost 10 years and uh it's been a a problem ever since friends describe the family as very social and active in the community the father enjoyed outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing he was a great personality and very active and this isn't the first time tragedy is struck on Foothill Road in Pleasant and there have been four other deadly crashes in the last two decades that includes Christmas night on 2009 twin teenage brothers and their friends were killed their vehicle also slammed into a tree Julia Goodrich was at the scene and says the road has a reputation for these kinds of accidents I can tell you from growing up here in pleason and living here as a resident now Foothill Road has always been known as a dangerous stretch of roadway and in particular this spot right now where it just merges into one lane you can see these cars right now going the speed limit but sometimes that's not always the case parents have had petitions they've tried to get things changed along the roadway and I can tell you as a parent anytime we hear that there's an accident or a fatality we call our kids to make sure they aren't behind the wheel and the pleasant and Unified School District tells us counseling and support services will be available to students and staff in the wake of this tragedy in San Francisco parking enforcement officers are being told to step up enforcement but they told our Amanda Harry now they feel they have an even bigger Target on their back it's very stressful um I have anxiety and it's scary San Francisco dozens of parking Control Officers with the San Francisco municipal Transportation agency took a break from enforcing the city's laws to rally and fight for themselves including mishan Shak snater she says two years ago she had an experience she'll never forget she placed a parking citation under someone's windshield wiper and drove away thinking that interaction was over she was wrong someone got upset because they got a ticket so he followed me about two or three blocks waited for me punched the window and it cut my eye the glass from the enforcement vehicle's window cut her face and her eye she couldn't work for 10 months while she recovered I thought I was going to lose my eye Shak snater says sfmta is pressing charges but the case is still pending she did think about leaving her job I thought about just doing a desk job but I was like I'm not going to let him win and so I initially went back out but I'm still apprehensive to this day Trevor Adams the president of the parking Control Officers union says shakes nater is not alone in her experience we deal with everything from U objects being thrown at us um all the way up toysical assaults uh threats being made on our on our lives and our family sfmta said in a statement that they prioritize their employees safety and that safety incidents are down 48% since 2018 they say the officers get deescalation training self-defense tools and have access to a Dispatch Center that communicates directly to police but Adam says they're calling on sfmta to do more he says the parking Control Officers didn't know about the Intensive parking enforcement sweeps that were recently announced by the sfmta director it was kind of shocking to me because you know we do have forums where we can't meet with all with the with the mayor and with our leadership and never once have we been you know brought into that conversation the announcement and the upcoming sweeps makes both Adams and Shak snater even more concerned for their safety every day like I'm constantly looking over my shoulder like I'm traumatized and parking Control Officers say while they're still negotiating their contracts all options are still on the table including a strike in Alama County hundreds of former inmates are being connected to local businesses and nonprofits to give them a second chance the County held aob job fair at Oakland Coliseum yesterday they also offered support and a form of job training Social Services even haircuts and head shots we live in a world where Second Chances Make a big difference you know people make mistakes but everybody deserves an opportunity to grow from those mistakes and do better in life this is the second time the county has held the event it's all part of the national Second Chance month still ahead a new bill was introduced in California the Crackdown on artificial intelligence a professor from UC Berkeley joins us to break down what this means for a Tech Community and a reminder you can stream CBS News Bay Area Wherever Whenever catch all of our live newscasts plus news and weather updates throughout the day find us on the free CBS News app or on Pluto TV why are more people turning to kpix late night two reasons Sarah and Steven the late news with Sarah Don during out of then the Late Show with Steven coar back with all new episodes two shows you'll want to spend the night with then go to sleep knowing you want at TV what record it stream it watch it live the late news and The allnew Late Show week nights starting at 11:00 on kpix [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a system that's going to try and bring us some light rain today it already did this morning in fact if we use the virtual map to visualize an interesting pattern in terms of where rain had fallen and where it didn't it had to be on the coast Puma or at least near the coast Petaluma San Francisco and Half Moon Bay all got a couple hundreds of an inch of rain in this soupy stuff this morning look at the big picture though go Inland nobody got any rain today that was in the Santa clar Valley at least not in the morning and not in the tri valley there were a few showers we were watching falling down in the Santa Clair Valley but I just don't see anything measurable that actually accumulated down there so we're going to look ahead now because there's still a chance for more of this and on the big picture the system is going to continue to drop a few showers off the coast through this afternoon while we're looking at Blue Sky so it's kind of an interesting setup the wind is going to be the more impactful side of this and we could see 40 mph gusts moving across the coast this afternoon with 20 mph gust Inland that's kind of the review on this you can see how this will go in the afternoon strong winds out here 20 to 25 mph winds if you're in the immediate Bay or in Inland valleys what does this mean for the weekend we're looking at that coming up in the full forecast in just a bit well Tesla plans to lay off nearly 3,000 of its employees right here in the Bay Area documents filed by the company shows workers in paloalto and Fremont will be among the mass layoffs those layoffs are set to begin on June 14th and joining me now is global strategist Dr Olaf growth with UC Berkeley's Haw School of Business so uh thank you very much for joining us Tesla has been struggling lately its first quarter profit plunge 55% so what does this all mean for the company what does this mean for California yeah good to be with you this is this is a perfect storm for Tesla at the moment uh the 2700 employees of course hurt California but in the larger scheme of things uh 47,000 employees um uh here in the state it's probably not dramatic but it will probably get more dramatic Tesla is like I said in a perfect storm due to a few different things one is sluggish demand um because of high interest rates here in the United States as well as a slow infrastructure buildout uh then increasing price pressure uh primarily due to competition from uh other brands here in the United States as well as China byd very prominent Chinese manufacturer one of the biggest ones in the world for electric vehicles uh and then supply chain issues due to geopolitics around the world aren't making things easier what's looming then is also geopolitics as well as you know uh repair costs for the Cyber truck um also expensive new development costs for the cheaper vehicle Robo taxis you know humanoid robots there is a lot of heavyduty expenditures coming up here for Tesla my hunch is we're going to see more layoffs in the future but overall the company is well position to come out the other end you mentioned the Cyber Tru not really making the big splash that was anticipated also having some major troubles too exactly right we had these brake pad problems um or brake pedal pads problems uh and a recall that was fairly costly now this happens to a lot of Auto automakers but it is unpleasant when a vehicle was first introduced and it put uh clearly put some cost pressure on on Tesla that it has to make up elsewhere uh turning down to the $95 billion Aid package a foreign aid package for Ukraine Taiwan and Israel recently signed by President Joe Biden that bill could also lead to a potential Tick Tock ban do you actually think that's going to happen that's a good question so I think um this will get fought out in the courts uh and it may well be that it gets overturned uh but I think the the bigger problem is whether it will incur a retaliation on the part of Beijing um because uh because a lot of companies here in Silicon Valley in the Bay Area are of course dependent just think about the big names like Tesla like apple uh you know probably three or four dozen other companies that are vital to our economy that have big dependencies in terms of supply chain and uh and and also Market positions in and with China so uh so that's really the bigger re risk here short term hopefully cooler heads will prevail uh Secretary State Lincoln is over in Beijing right now and it seems as though uh the conversations are constructive so fingers crossed so the Olaf Yamamoto Tik Tock feed is is going to be fine is what you're saying for now anyway the non-existent one yes yes all right uh finally both the state and feds are introducing bills aimed at regulating artificial intelligence what does this mean for uh the Bay Area Tech Community yeah so we have a very strict Bill forthcoming uh here in the in California AB 3211 uh that will establish what's called Data authentication Providence ownership uh and um and it's going to force not just big tech companies that make these AI models and use the data um to to think about their business models but also consumer electronics makers the makers of consumer recording equipment like cameras for instance to allow consumers to Watermark the content that they create before it gets you know moved on and used by some somebody in their AI model so that's a big one the second one is the American privacy Rights Act APR that got revived by two female senators um well one Senator one congresswoman uh in a cross the Isle bipartisan fashion still in draft um in draft mode but that will also include provisions on data ownership on data debiasing uh and and in fact also give executive responsibility uh for uh for for any sort of infractions here to uh to se level leaders in uh Silicon Valley and so uh there are a lot of heavy duty changes forthcoming if these bills end up passing it's pretty remarkable in an election year that is dominated by a lot of different issues but not necessarily by Ai and data so we're seeing that this is becoming more and more important and we desperately need new Solutions so we need to call on Silicon Valley to not just complain about regulation but put new business models in place and new Solutions you have to think that this is just the first of a wave of bills and and regulations are still to come right absolutely and you know what China is there Europe is there if we want to leave on the Forefront of the digital economy we need to have trust in that economy in order to get to that next level and we can't just play it less a fair anymore data and AI are too important in our lives not to go for the big trust game all right well thank you very much Dr Olaf gr for UC Berkeley always great information thanks for joining us all right thank you and coming up in our next half hour in CBS News Bay Area small businesses packing up and leaving San Francisco we hear from one Bay area native about why she closed up shop and hit the road and an art fair comes to San Francisco to bring hope for local artists out are Under One Roof how they're trying to paint a different picture of the city these are your neighborhoods this is your world CBS News Bay areia and still ahead on KP with Juliet Goodrich and the CBS Evening News with nor odonnell taking you to the day top stories smart comprehensive coverage and immersive weather like you have never seen it join Juliet Goodrich and nor odonnell week nights 6:00 to 7:30 on kpix [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm R mamoto this is a minute a stretch of southbound 680 will be closed this weekend calr will continue their repaving project in Pleasant in and solol the stretch of southbound 680 will be closed from the 580 connector to cman Road this starts at 9 tonight expected to reopen on Monday in Oakland horn barbecue is making a comeback today fired towards the restaurant's Mandela Parkway location last year and they were not being able to repair the damage well today the restaurant is holding a grand reopening at its new location on Eighth Street 499ers end of the first day of the NFL draft with the new member of the team wide receiver Ricky P piol he caught 65 passes for 965 yards last season with the Florida Gators he started his college career at Arizona State where he was teammates with Brandon auk in 2019 the bay AR only Prime Time newscast at 8:9 p.m. on the allnew Pix plus 44 cable 12 [Music] all right since it is the wind that's going to be the bigger Factor on this day let's get some specifics on it it's Breezy through the afternoon but once we get to the late afternoon and early evening the wind intensity has picked up and now you're seeing 40 mph gusts rushing down the coastline it's more like 20 to 25 mph winds if you're Inland that means you've got a wind chill factor so if the daytime highs today are going to the low to mid-60s that that's going to make it feel more like the upper 50s for daytime high it's going to feel a little bit cooler as a result let's get into the 7-day forecast because after today with its hit and miss don't count on much rain obviously the big Focus then needs to be the weekend how does this impact Saturday and Sunday there's going to be less wind on Saturday still a bit of a breeze but not as windy as today so I don't think you've got a factor in a windchill on that 72 it's going to feel like 72 Sunday we get a couple of degrees warmer Inland you'll be in the mid 70s and then through the rest of the 7 forecast it's just sunny and warming still so you're going to be back up to near 80 for daytime highs once we get towards the middle of next week if we do the same thing for the bay we see the story on that with the warming Trend that gets us towards the middle of next week we will see daytime highs that will have climbed up to uh around 70 so low 70s back here great looking middle of the next week but you still have the wind for Friday and a bit of a leftover breeze on Saturday 64 is going to feel more like say 58 but by Saturday that 67 is going to feel like 67 uh cuz we'll have a little bit of less wind around for the weekend San Francisco's retail challenges have been a big part of the conversations about the future of the city there's been a wave of major store closures downtown from the owner Westfield ball walking away from the property to Macy's announcing plans to close as iconic Union Square location the tough environment also LED hundreds of small businesses to leave San Francisco the city is trying to offer resources to help the ones who are hanging on but for many it's too little too late our an Movic met up with a Bay area native who packed up and moved her boutique to Los Angeles and Is Not Looking Back Sasha darling knows that being a boutique owner has its ups and downs so you really have to be okay with the unknown and be the kind of person that can quickly adapt Bell jar Boutique started with a bait area girl from Marin making a dream come true I really wanted to open a boutique in my hometown that really reflected my San Francisco style and the style of all my girlfriends her store in the city's Mission District was a success when it opened in 2007 but 10 years later her landlord raised her rent from3 to $8,000 I think we need a necklace hundreds of businesses have left San Francisco since Sasha closed her boutique then it was high rents cutting into profits more recently concerns about crime and a lack of foot traffic since the pandemic about half of the stores in the city's downtown have closed since 2019 so much so that rents are backed down this past year the San Francisco office of small business added a commercial leasing specialist offering free advice to business owners dealing with wild swings in rent they offer a variety of free services from help with permits to marketing hoping to keep small businesses in the city we know how important they are um and many of the business owners are very good at their craft and what they do and there are some other areas where perhaps they need a little bit more assistance from and that's where we come in to assist but it's too late for Bel jar Boutique Sasha moved her business to Los Angeles business is definitely a lot better than it was in San Francisco before her San Francisco shop closed Sasha opened another Bell jar in LA's Los FIS neighborhood she was planning to run it remotely I mean I was definitely one of those people that hadn't spent any time in LA but being from the Bay Area had like a prejudice against it for being superficial and like vapid but a change of scenery opened her mind she rented a small apartment for a third of her rent in the city and stuck around to take care of the new shop and I still had my house in San Francisco but I just found myself spending like 70% of the time here and like 30% of the time in San Francisco after dealing with the ups and downs of property prices she bought a new house the perfect accessory for her new life in La so we were curious as to whatever happened to Sasha's old storefront in San Francisco's Mission District well now it's a comic book shop specializing in lgbtq material called sour cherry Comics it's on 16th Street near Valencia near where the owner Le morette lives she says she's opening it has become a dream come true went LA and we're excited to be here um and our sales have improved um like year after year um it's just everything's very expensive um so you know we are hopeful that we can um stay in the same place um if our landlords like willing to work with us on that the store has been open for about two years and her current lease is about to come to an end she hopes to expand to an online store in the future but right now she says she can only employ two people one day a week and this weekend in the city you can see art on display at 85 different gallies from all over the world come together Under One Roof but San Francisco art fair opens today runs through Sunday Sean chitus got a preview of the work of some local artists featured in the show who hope to shine a bright light on San Francisco and the Bay [Music] Area art right has always been a leader and a unifying force with Whenever there have been challenging times Cheryl derot is an artist who has lived in the Bay Area for 12 years and one of the challenges she sees currently her community framed with negative images too often so she is painting a picture of her home in a positive perspective San Francisco's really been thriving and anyone who takes a look at all of the great artworks um a lot of new businesses and galleries which have opened in in San Francisco since the pandemic is really a story of resilience and recovery after the pandemic she's curated a collection of pieces at the 2024 San Francisco art fair with other local artists their work United in the message we didn't get the memo because in their eyes and through their art the Doom Loop narrative doesn't tell the whole story they say the Bay Area has so much to celebrate including nature we are all part of the same system and we need to treat it as such Cheryl's own work showcases the redwoods in our region part of a range of art forms portraying the landscape of where we live and saying there is plenty to be proud of here the opportunity to gathered this way at the San Francisco art fair is you know absolutely a privilege and also I think just a really important Collective moment for people to be together in the Spirit of community and art up next El Faro is known for their food they Mission burritos but the San Francisco restaurant is now getting a whole lot of attention for its soccer team the part-time players who just took down the pros it's a piece of mind to me being able to step f with my teammates like to call them brothers I would like to see the headlines that the national press picks up on and say look there's another side to the Bay Area we take those headlines a little step further to sort of connect all these wonderful communities here really embracing the positivity and hopefully spreading it the Bay Area is full of some amazing Innovative change makers people that are out there making a difference that in fact I feel privileged that I get to share those stories wake up with a Morning Edition weekdays on kpix [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dramatic looking sky today with billowing clouds and breaks of blue in it more blue than not actually but all the while we're watching for the chance for some light range today you see them working their way down the coast not much to that we've got blue skies while that happens and then a complex of thunderstorms is going to graze the East Bay I don't think we actually get any rain from either of these but it's possible we'll keep a close eye on it the bigger issue and the more likely noticeable item for today is the wind we're going to look at that coming up in the full forecast in just a bit well interest in soccer is on the upswing in the Bay Area thanks to impart to the newly formed Oakland Roots as well as the older clubs from San Francisco whose name you're just as likely to see on a bag of tacos as you are on the pitch maren IU explains from the kitchen to the field the alalo story may have began with tacos but it's moving forward with new goals every kick gets him closer to his goal Gabriel Aras is a center midfielder with the AL farito amateur soccer club in San Francisco the team started back in 1985 named after the owner's chain of beloved Bay Area taras at 25 years old even after college Gabriel says he's grateful to have an outlet to continue to do what he loves with a community he's grown to Love Means A Lot brings peace of mind to me um being able to step on the field with my teammates like to call them brothers a team of Brothers of all ages and backgrounds the club team plays in the National Premier Soccer League and while the players are all passionate about the sport most have regular day jobs to allow them to continue to do what they love as for Gabriel he's been working hard to balance being a construction engineer by day and soccer athlete by night he hopes to play professionally one day but sometimes even during practice practice those work demands continue it's a whole different world being an engineer in the field of construction there's way more stuff going on when you come here it's all just Brotherhood A brotherhood that evolved when the original owner of lalitos Salvador Lopez opened his first takaria in the mission now with 12 locations throughout the Bay Area diners who frequent the chain like Taylor Burks love supporting the sport too I love soccer I'm a soccer player myself so it's good to support soccer wherever I can and the burritos are good so it's a win-win and speaking of winning from the open cup to their strong standings in the npsl just how far can alaro go well according to Gabriel all the way he wants people to know just how passionate the Bay Area soccer scene is there's great talent here you know more Scouts should come out here and look at all the talent there is Talent passion and Limitless goals well coming up an old tradition that could be making a comeback to new Bay Area lending library providing patrons with a blast from the past this is pix plus more of what you want more often more local news in the morning and the prime time Edition the only 8 and 9:00 p.m. news with Devon fely Elizabeth Cook Juliet goodr and Sarah d groundbreaking original storytelling from The kpix Newsroom plus bear politics Project Earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time Edition weed nights on the new pix plus 44 cable 12 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] going to try and bring us some light rain today it already did this morning in fact if we use the virtual map to visualize an interesting pattern in terms of where rain had fallen and where it didn't you had to be on the coast Petaluma or at least near the coast Petaluma San Francisco and Half Moon Bay all got a couple hundreds of an inch rain in this soupy stuff this morning look at the big picture though go Inland nobody got any rain today that was in the Santa clar Valley at least not in the morning and not in the tri valley there were a few showers we were watching falling down in the Santa Clair Valley but I just don't see anything measurable that actually accumulated down there so we're going to look ahead now because there's still a chance for more of this and on the big picture the system is going to continue to drop a few showers off the coast through this afternoon while we're looking at Blue Sky so it's kind of an interesting setup the wind is going to be the more impactful side of this and we could see 40 mph gusts moving across the coast this afternoon with 20 mph gust Inland that's kind of the review on this you can see how this will go in the afternoon strong winds out here 20 to 25 mph winds if you're in the immediate Bay or in Inland valleys what does this mean for the weekend we're looking at that coming up in the full forecast in just a bit well you might remember back in the day Blockbuster had about 9,000 stores globally 65 million registered customers these days only one store remains in Oregon but as our EOB reports Blockbuster Saga is now getting a bit of a sequel if you're one of the last h outs to own a VCR who may want to dust it off as Blockbuster is making a comback well sort of Thomas brungart and Tony bernes scone are the owners of the traveling Museum a vintage store in benisha Frozen recently they took their huge selection of VHS tapes and DVDs and launch the town's first ever free Blockbuster think one of those l libraries but instead of books they're filled with old movies we've got gig You've Got Mail 7even Years in Tibet since then the old newspaper box painted in Blockbuster's iconic blue and yellow colors has quickly become the hottest ticket in town as a kid I would spend hours in the movie store just picking up boxes reading the blurbs reading the reviews Kristen deur a business owner remembers hitting her first Blockbuster store when she was just a child fast forward to today she's back at it like there was one summer where I must have rented like five movies from Blockbuster every week and it's not just in Benicia these so-called free Blockbusters are popping up across the country and Beyond I'm surprised by the reaction every day it all started when Brian Morrison a movie producer and former Blockbuster employee set up the first box in Los Angeles he says this Blockbuster reboot is a plot twist he never saw coming do you even know how many of these boxes are out there it's hard to put an exact number on it but we have over 200 locations in the US Canada Mexico the UK and Australia but not everyone's on board with this idea dish the company that owns the brand recently sent Brian a letter asking him to stop using their trademark and while he says he's barred from discussing details he was able to tell tell us this much is it something that can be stopped with the Blair Witch Project Thomas and Tony say these Blockbuster stands are a reminder to be kind and Rewind not just the tape but life itself it just takes us back to being you know five six years old again at home you know watching the same tape over and over again hitting play on Nostalgia by thinking outside the box well free Blockbusters website shows a number of locations of the Bay Area including San Jose Oakland and roner Park May is the official month to celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander heritage month and last night we held our annual event to honor the community well throughout next month we'll bring you stories from the aapi community from the power of the aapi vote to the oldest Miss Chinatown but also bring you an hourong special celebrating the community well thanks for streaming CBS News Bay Area I'm r mamoto we'll be right back with your first alert forecast and a look at your top stories [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm R mamoto and this is the minute Fire tour through a four-story building under construction in San Francisco it broke out just after 4:30 this morning at lion and clay in precidio Heights firefighters say six residential units were damaged they were all vacant reports of any injuries students
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Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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