WATCH: President Trump delivers remarks at West Point graduation ceremony

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] the united states representative the Honorable Steve Womack [Music] the 24th Secretary of the army the Honorable Brian D McCarthy [Music] the 40th chief of staff of the Army General James C McConville [Music] the assistant secretary of the army for manpower and reserve affairs the Honorable dr. Casey worden ski the Commandant of Cadets Brigadier General Curtis a buzzard [Music] the Dean of the academic board Brigadier General Cindy our Jeb [Music] the director of intercollegiate athletics Mike buddy [Music] United States Military Academy command sergeant major command sergeant major Jack Love [Music] and the United States Corps of Cadets command sergeant major command sergeant major Kenneth L Killingsworth [Music] take seats [Music] I will always place the mission first I will never accept the field I will never quit I will never leave a fallen comrade these are the words of the Army's Warrior Ethos a set of principles by which every soldier lives that defines both who we are and who we aspire to become [Music] each of you chose committed to becoming that 21st committed to serving your country committed to defending freedom in our rally to living above the common level committed to be a leader of character exemplified the model duty you have chosen a path traveled only by a few pant that is challenging a path that is demanding on the path that is rewarding you will learn how to think and you will learn how to fight more importantly you will learn how to be a leader of tremendous integrity and character you'll know what it means to lead honorably to live honorably and to continually pursue and demonstrate excellence each of you will join a proud legacy of American soldiers who answer their nation's call serve in the crucible of ground combat to leave to fight and to win [Applause] ladies and gentlemen family and friends thank you for joining us this morning as we come to you live from the beautiful and historic grounds of the United States Military Academy at West Point the world's pre-eminent leadership development institution today we honor the achievements of West Point's newly promoted graduates please welcome the United States Military Academy class of 2020 established in 1802 West Point is a national treasure and has been developing leaders of character for over 200 years with each graduate exemplifying personal devotion to the ideals expressed in the West Point modern duty honor country this year graduation is being held on the parade grounds commonly referred to as the plane the plane sits 150 feet above the picture ex Hudson River and over the years it has served various functions to include drillin Calvary moat movements summer training encampment and sports venue today the plane serves as the primary location for cadet reviews and outdoor ceremonies at Western hello everyone I'm Secretary of Defense and fellow West Point graduate mark Esper congratulations to the United States military Academy's graduating class of 2020 today you join the long gray line during a pivotal time in our nation's history and I know that your education and training have prepared you to be strong leaders of character competence and courage as commissioned officers in the world's finest army I encourage you to take inspiration from the brave soldiers who serve before you and I expect you to remain committed to our core values loyalty Duty respect selfless service honor integrity and personal courage these principles will guide you in challenging times and in the face of new and emerging threats I'm confident that each and every one of you are ready to serve the nation and defend the United States and our interests at home and abroad thank you for being a part of the world's most capable and lethal fighting force ever known I look forward to watching you lead congratulations it's my honor to address the faculty and staff the Friends of the graduates but most of all you the West Point class of 2020 congratulations now as we all know these are truly difficult times perhaps more difficult than most of us have ever experienced but can disrupt or delaying the long grade his viruses attacked many things it is scaled and subverted many defenses but it cannot invent or weaken or kill those eternal values that make this institution a unique force for our nation duty honor country our society will overcome this chair and sewing you and when the worst is over we'll need your help to rebuild our country even stronger than it was before you are our future leaders and we faith in you so I say to the garage once again congratulations you have earned this day so this is a chance to thank Maloney and it's my great honor to represent the many cadets faculty active-duty soldiers and alumni at West Point right here in New York's Hudson Valley this is my backyard and United States Military Academy it's right over there so I hear the cannon every morning and every night and it's a wonderful way to begin and then my day and it reminds me of the motto of duty honor country and all of you are committed to you know those are more than words they're words to live by and you all live by them and that means you're leaders in our society and we need leaders now more than ever in these difficult times when we faced so many challenges and divisions we look to you our young leaders who represent the values and the decency and the integrity that we so desire in all of our national institutions so here's to you congratulations to the West Point class of 2020 and be Navy I'm general a Babers commander United Nations command combined forces command and the United States forces Korea West Point class of 1982 to select view on behalf of our three commands here in Korea I congratulate the West Point class of 2020 for their hard work and resiliency on their graduation and commissioning as officers in the United States Army standing next to me his command star major tang while he's down at West Point graduate he is my senior enlisted advisor and my most trusted confidant as you enter the ranks of our great army as second lieutenants we will learn to rely and depend on your enlisted soldiers and NCOs to accomplish your mission trust our advice and experience they will not fail you today you are members of the long gray line and will lead our nation's finest the most precious assets our people we know that you are up to the challenge with vision we lead our be strong congratulations to West Point class 20 you're about to be a leader of the greatest soldiers in the world in order to be a leader sometimes yet to be a great fall and remember Trust works both ways you have to trust in your soldiers and they have to trust in you people first winning matters wreck should suck you from the class of 1965 congratulations to the class of 2020 on your graduation like all of us you've spent your time at West Point preparing for the storms the dangers of demands you're likely to face during your service to the nation well the first of those storms arrived in 2020 in the form of a pandemic and the outrage being expressed over the killing of George Floyd follow us sharing that outrage already you being tempered for the leadership challenges you will inherit upon commissioning prepare to be better than we were at all of your responsibilities other storms will surely come uninvited just as they did for my class remember accomplish your mission take care of your soldiers in that order support and defend the Constitution of the United States for all of us life liberty and the pursuit of happiness promises you must help to keep for each and every one of us you're gonna do great good luck this would currently the superintendent of the United States Military Academy shares some of the history of West Point with today's guest speaker inside quarters 100 built in 1820 quarters 100 is one of the oldest surviving buildings at West Point and has served as the superintendent's residence for 200 years Center face take seats sound attention class okay should in honor of today's guest speaker the President of the United States the United States Military Academy salute battery will now render a 21-gun salute breeze ladies and gentlemen the President of the United States accompanied by the superintendent of the United States Military Academy [Music] [Music] holder arms on cover dance on cover ladies and gentlemen chaplain Matthew public offski will now offer this morning's invocation all-seeing God we gather here on the plane and online to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2020 with vision we lead expresses their worldview that's leaders of the future have a responsibility to have a vision and to see that vision through four without a vision the people perish so make us Lord instruments of your peace that walls of Pride and Prejudice may cease where there is darkness let us bring light where there's despair hope and life where there is confusion clarity where there is hatred charity help us desire less to be understood than to understand and with this vision to renew the spirit of our land amen days take seats take seats tomorrow June 14th marks the 245th army birthday when we recognize the American soldiers bravery serving and protecting our nation at this time the West Point band under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Todd Addison will present a musical tribute honoring the legacy and history of our United States Army established in 1817 the West Point band is the Army's oldest band and has been inspiring America's leaders for over 200 years [Music] on this historic day the West Point class of 2020 adds to the Army's story of 245 years of honorable service from the birth of our nation the American soldier has stood strong as bearer of the torch of freedom protecting lives and rights they're conic legacies of West Point graduations MacArthur Patton Eisenhower and so many others continue to inspire our diverse force which welcome soldiers of always all genders and all queen whose varied experiences continue to make us the greatest army in the world we were always the mission first Americans and freedom [Music] kurz [Music] we honor your support by continuing to fiercely safeguard our Army's most precious resource its people the American soldier I'm just trying to be father raise a daughter and listen be a lover to their mother everything do everyone up and Adam brightener all business in my suit yeah I'm dressed up for success [Music] the price [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in celebrating our Army's birthday we recognize that the threat of our Army's legacy is inextricably woven to the fabric of American history today marks a continuation of our story written by the Army's newest class of officers West Point class of 2020 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boy band ladies and gentlemen please welcome the 60th superintendent of the United States Military Academy Lieutenant General Darryl a Williams mr. president Congressman Womack Secretary of the army honorable McCarthy chief of staff for the army general McConville Assistant Secretary of the army dr. warden ski distinguished guests staff and faculty family and friends ladies and gentlemen good morning and welcome to West Point a national treasure an historic landmark and to the great class of 2020 with vision we lead congratulations mr. president thank you for being here today we know you share our pride these incredible new leaders the class of 2020 has a special message for you class of 2020 on your feet go Arnie have a seat today's ceremony is unusual in a number of ways most notably the physical absence of family and friends to cheer on our graduates however there are still a celebration and we're thrilled to share it with friends family in the entire nation through a live broadcasts made possible through the support and generosity of several of our alumni to them I would like to express my deepest appreciation and thanks I'd also like to thank the members of the class of 1970 the 50-year affiliate class for their support and mentorship to these young men and women over the past four years you have demonstrated the strength of the long gray line as you gripped hands with the class of 2020 demonstrating the unbreakable bonds that link West Point's past present and future and to the moms and dads guardians and grandparents brothers and sisters boyfriends and girlfriends and fiancees friends and well-wishers thank you thank you for the love support and encouragement you've given these outstanding young men and women throughout their lives I'd also like to remember someone who was here with us in spirit today your classmate our teammate and our brother CJ Morgan CJ was an outstanding cadet athlete an exemplar of West Point values we miss him but I know his memory and example will be with you wherever you go class of 2020 today marks the culmination of your West Point journey you came here with the desire to serve and to be part of something much larger than yourself you encouraged helped and love each other as you became brothers and sisters in arms as a class you have completed the world's most challenging most demanding leader development experience and you've done it with honor with distinction with excellence fulfilling your oath requires strong character the West Point cadet prayer challenges us challenges us to always choose the harder right over the easier wrong the phrase is easy to say but often difficult to do your challenges ahead will require moral and physical courage in our great army there are soldiers awaiting your arrival right now wondering if their lieutenant will be worth following their loved ones wonder if you will care for their soldier your character and leadership are essential for answering those questions be the officer worth following and take care of your soldiers and their families emulate those who have come before you leaders such as ninninger award recipients captain Lindsay Heisler and Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Meyer who have marched upon these very grounds where we're gathered here today leaders who have led in peace and in war today you take your place in the long gray line as the newest officers in the United States Army ready to lead to fight and to win on any battlefield as our chief of staff of the Army General McConville says there is no second place or honorable mention in combat winning matters in joining the profession of arms you carry on that proud legacy by committing yourselves to duty honor country you are ready to rise to the challenge of completing the mission while building cohesive teams based on trust put your people first always as you protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and as your class model compels you with vision you will lead and now ladies and gentlemen it is my great honor to introduce the 45th President of the United States of America the Honorable Donald J Trump [Applause] Thank You general and Aloka debts on behalf of our entire nation let me say congratulations to the incredible West Point class of 2020 congratulations everyone have a good time enjoy yourselves because we are here to celebrate your achievements and great achievements they are let us also recognize your remarkable Superintendent General Darryl Williams for his outstanding stewardship general thank you very much rich thank you few words in the English language and few places in history have commanded as much all an admiration as West Point this premier Military Academy produces only the best of the best the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave West Point is a universal symbol of American gallantry loyalty devotion discipline and great skill there is no place on earth I would rather be than right here with all of you it's a great honor across this hallowed Plain have passed many of the greatest and most fearsome soldiers that ever lived they were heroes who drove thundering columns of Sherman tanks into the heart of a wicked Empire they were legends who unleashed the fury of American artillery upon our enemies on remote islands and distance yours there were Titans who strode through cannon blast and cavalry charge and stared down our foes through grey clouds of smoke and shrapnel they were the army Rangers who led the way up jagged cliffs the airborne soldiers who rain down justice in the dark of night the infantry whose very sight meant liberation was near and the mighty forces who sent tyrants terrorists and sadistic monsters running scared through the gates of hell no evil force on earth can match the noble power and righteous glory of the American warrior I have no doubt that the young men and women before me today will add your names to this eternal Chronicle of American heroes you will go forth from this place adored by your countrymen dreaded by your enemies and respected by all throughout the world someday generations of future West Point cadets will study your legacy they will know your deeds they will celebrate your triumphs and they will proudly follow your example through the eleven hundred and seven cadets who today become the newest officers in the most exceptional army ever to take the field of battle I am here to offer America's salute thank you for answering your nation's call on this special occasion we are delighted to be joined by Congressman Steve Womack Secretary of the army Ryan McCarthy assistant secretary Casey ward in ski an Army Chief of Staff General James McConville an old grad from the class of 1981 let's also express our appreciation to general Curtis Buzzard general Cindy Jett and all of the wonderful instructors coaches and faculty members who are continuing response to century tradition of unrivaled excellence to all of the parents grandparents and family members watching this ceremony from your beautiful home even though you could not be here today we know this day could never have happened without you your love and sacrifice have given America these phenomenal men and women cadets please join me in sending your parents and families the heartfelt thanks that they so richly deserved they're all watching right now please thank you very much the depth and breadth of the United States military's contributions to our society aren't everlasting inspiration to us all I want to take this opportunity to thank all members of America's armed forces in every branch active duty National Guard and Reserve who step forward to help battle the invisible enemy the new virus that came to our shores from a distant land called China we will vanquish the virus we will extinguish this plague I also want to thank the men and women of our National Guard who respond with precision to so many recent challenges from hurricanes and natural disasters to ensuring peace safety and the constitutional rule of law on our streets we thank every citizen who wears a uniform and selfless service to our nation the members of this class have come from every state in our Union you have come from the farms and the cities from States big and small and from every race religion color and create but when you enter these grounds you became part of one team one family proudly serving one great American nation you became brothers and sisters pledging allegiance to the same timeless principles joined together in a common mission to protect our country to defend our people and to carry on the traditions of freedom equality and Liberty that so many gave their lives to secure you exemplify the power of share national purpose to transcend all differences and achieve true unity today you graduate as one class I new embody one noble Creed duty honor country every graduate on this field could have gone to virtually any top-ranked university that you wanted you chose to devote your life to the defence of America you came to West Point because you know the truth America is the greatest country in human history and the United States military is the greatest force for peace and justice the world has ever known the survival of America and the endurance of civilization itself depends on the men and women just like each of you it depends on people who love their country with all their heart and energy and soul it depends on citizens who build sustained nurture and defend institutions like this one that is how societies are made and how progress is advanced what has historically made America unique is the durability of its institutions against the passions and prejudices of the moment when times are turbulent when the road is rough what matters most is that which is permanent timeless enduring and eternal it was on this soil that American patriots held the most vital fortress in our war for independence it was this school that gave us the men and women who fought and won a bloody war to extinguish the evil of slavery within one lifetime of our founding it was the graduates of West Point towering figures like MacArthur Patton Eisenhower and Bradley who led America to victory over the sinister Nazis and imperial fascists seventy-five years ago it was under the leadership of West Point graduates like the legendary general Matthew Ridgway that the army was at the forefront of ending the terrible injustice of segregation it was army strength that held the line against brutal opposition and depression from communism and it has been thanks to Patriots like you that America has climbed to new heights of human achievement and national endeavor this is your history this is the legacy that each of you inherits it is the legacy purchased with American blood at the crest of Little Round Top or in the crimson beaches of Normandy in the freezing mud of best stone and the dense jungles of Vietnam it is the legacy of courageous selfless faithful Patriots who fought for every inch of dirt with every ounce of strength and every last scrap of heart and drive and grit they had and they did it because they believed in the undying principles of our founding they did it because they cherished their homes their faith their family and their flag and they did it because when they came to this school they were taught to hold fast to their love of our country to cherish our heritage learn from it and build upon it that is what young Americans are taught here at West Point that is the legacy that you carry forward a second lieutenants in the United States Army and you must never forget it through four long years you have honed your skills trained your mind and body overcome every obstacle and earned your place of pride in the long gray line you made it through the rigors of our day and beast an intensity of CL DT and weeks of training in the blistering heat you have pushed yourselves far beyond every limit imaginable some of you have even pushed the limits a bit too much so for any cadets who have not finished walking off their hours as commander-in-chief I hereby absolve all cadets on restriction for minor conduct offenses and that is effective immediately congratulations [Applause] that's a nice one isn't it don't you feel better now surviving the 47 month experience is never easy but only the class of 2020 can say it survived 48 months and when it comes to bragging rights no one can boast louder than the class that brought Navy's 14-year football winning streak to a screeching halt you did that I happen to be I happened to be there [Applause] you beat navy and brought the commander-in-chief's trophy back to West Point for two straight years so we say go army go this graduating class secured more than 1,000 victories for the Black Knights including three ball victories 13 NCAA team appearances and a woman's rugby championship with the help of somebody that I just met 2019 MVP Sam Sullivan fantastic job thank you [Applause] five cadets won national boxing championships and adaiah queen brought home to Brendon Brown earned the title of powerlifting national champion in academics 38 cadets of earned fellowships to continue their studies including first captain Dane Vander Waal who received one of the most prestigious awards in academia the Rhodes Scholarship congratulations Dane it's a great achievement thank you congratulations great achievement but no one modeled the values of the soldier scholar quite like Lindy Moretti and Lindy earned both the highest overall class standing and the highest physical program score she has published scientific research in a prominent journal and said 5 new records on the athletic track Lindy credible job where's Lindy where's Lindy somebody that did so well they didn't give you a very good seat Lindy we have to talk about that congratulations right now America needs a class of Cadets that lives by your motto with vision we lead we need you to carry on the spirit of the great general Alyssia sess grad soon after assuming overall command following three years of union setbacks General Grant encounters someone heading north to Washington during the Battle of the wilderness if you see the President Grant said tell him from me that whatever happens there will never be no turning back we need you to be as visionary as Patton who was a young man in 1917 became the first soldier assigned to the army tank corps one month into the job he saw the future riding if resistance is broken and the line is pierced the tank must and will assume the role of pursuit cavalry and ride the enemy to death under Patton's leadership that's exactly what they did we need you to be as bold and determined as the immortal General Douglas MacArthur who knew that the American soldier never ever quits after leaving the Philippines for Australia at a low point of the Pacific War in 1942 MacArthur famously vowed I shall return for two years he then took great strategic risks and placed himself often in personal danger on October 20th 1944 MacArthur stepped off a landing boat strode through knee-high water and proclaimed people of the Philippines I have returned by the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil he then called upon the islands brave people to rise up and join the fight America's momentum was unstoppable these great leaders were not afraid of what others might say about them they didn't care they knew their duty was to protect our country they knew the army exists to preserve the Republic and the strong foundations upon which it stands family God country liberty and justice they were true tough American patriots that is what our country needs especially in these times and that is what you are each of you begins your career in the army at a crucial moment in American history we are restoring the fundamental principles that the job of the American soldier is not to rebuild foreign nations but defend and defend strongly our nation from foreign enemies we are ending the era of endless wars in its place is a renewed clear-eyed focus on defending America's vital interests it is not the duty of US troops to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands that many people have never even heard of we are not the policemen of the world but let our enemies be on notice if our people are threatened we will never ever hesitate to act and when we fight from now on we will only fight to win as MacArthur said in war there is no substitute for victory to ensure you have the very best equipment and technology available my administration has embarked on a colossal rebuilding of the American armed forces a record like no other after years of devastating budget cuts and a military that was totally depleted from these endless wars we have invested over two trillion Trillian that's with $80.00 in the most powerful fighting force by far on the planet Earth we are building new ships bombers jet fighters and helicopters by the hundreds new tanks military satellites rockets and missiles even a hypersonic missile that goes 17 times faster than the fastest missile currently available in the world and can hit a target 1,000 miles away within 14 inches from Center Point for the first time in 70 years we established a new branch of the United States military the space force that's a big deal in recent years America's warriors have made clear to all the high cost of threatening the American people the Savage Isis Caliphate has been 100% destroyed under the trump administration and it's barbaric leader al Baghdadi is gone killed over and the world's number one terrorist kasam soleimani is likewise dead as commander-in-chief I never forget for one instant the immense sacrifices we ask of those who wear this nation's uniform already you have known the crushing pain of losing a brother in arms today we remember an extraordinary cadet who made the supreme sacrifice in an accident last year CJ Morgan we're deeply moved to be joined by his father Christopher Morgan and CJ was something very special Christopher is a Secret Service agent a tough guy great guy great son is looking down right now Christopher I want you to know that we will carry CJ's blessed memory in our hearts forever thank you very much thank you [Applause] tomorrow America will celebrate a very important anniversary the two hundred and forty fifth birthday of the United States Army unrelated going to be my birthday also I don't know if that happened by accident did that happen by accident please but it's a great day because of that army birthday and as you know the Army's first commander-in-chief General George Washington called the fort that stood on this majestic point the most important post in America its strategic location on the Hudson River was vital to our war for independence if British ships gained control of this River they would have divided our young nation into so American soldiers stretched a massive metal chain across the waters of the Hudson from West Point all the way to Constitution Island I saw a piece of that chain it's incredible no enemy ship even dared tried to cross every link in that great chain was formed from over 100 pounds of pure American iron mined from American soil and made with American pride together those links formed an unbreakable line of defence standing here before you more than two cents later it is clearer than ever that general Washington's words still hold true West Point is still the indispensable post for America the vital ground that must not lose and the survival of our nation still depends on the great chain reaching out from this place one made not of iron but a flesh and blood of memory and spirit of sheer faith and unyielding courage today each of you becomes another link in that unbroken chain forged in the crucible known as the United States Military Academy the greatest on earth it has given you soldiers that you can rely on to your right and to your left and now we are entrusting you with the most noble task any warrior has ever had the privilege to carry out the task of preserving American Liberty as long as you remain loyal faithful and true then our enemies don't even stand a chance our rights will never be stolen our freedoms will never be trampled our destiny will never be denied and the United States of America will never be defeated with the grace of God and the heroes of West Point America will always prevail nothing will stand in your way nothing will slow you down and nothing will stop the West Point class of 2020 from achieving a true and lasting victory god bless you god bless the United States army and god bless america congratulations thank you very much the class president Joshua Phillips will now come to the dais for the presentation of the class gift mr. president on behalf of the West Point class of to 2020 it is my honor to present to you the first class cadet saber as a token of our appreciation [Applause] please remain standing for the singing of the Corps a cherished West Point song it is second and importance only to the alma mater the Corps was first sung at the graduation ceremony in 1911 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take seats ladies and gentlemen the Dean of the academic board Brigadier General Cindy our Jeb class of 2020 your education has prepared you to be a leader of character sworn to uphold the values embodied in our Constitution so on behalf of the academic board I present these graduates and recommend each as worthy of the Bachelor of Science degree will the members of the class of 2020 now come forward to receive your diplomas congratulations hi I'm coach Mike Saskia the Duke University Blue Devils congratulations to the graduates of the class of 2020 Wow what an accomplishment and especially in this environment you know what though you've shown great resiliency and now as you move forward as officers in the greatest team in the world show that resilience show your adaptability show your courage and lead us in this new time congratulations hi I'm Pete Dawkins and as the president of the class of 1959 I want to extend my sincere congratulations and best wishes to you all you know I frequently recall the words of the Harrow school song 40 years on growing older and older what will it mean to you 40 years on well 65 years since hourglass graduated it means more than you could ever imagine best wishes and God bless hello West Point class of 2020 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo here I graduated from this amazing institution and was commissioned United States Army 34 years ago my time at West Point taught me about self discipline the pursuit of excellence and the high calling of public service it also taught me about camaraderie stick close to your classmates they're likely to be some of your closest friends in good times and in bad you will all now forever be part of the long gray line congratulations congratulations you make me proud as a fellow old grant and never forget beat maybe first we will recognize the honor graduates beginning with the first captain and brigade commander the class president the class valedictorian and the army athletic association trophy winners Dane a van der Waal first captain and brigade commander Joshua OH Phillips class president Gavin P McAuliffe class valedictorian thomas e funk army athletic association Trophy winner [Applause] Samantha K Sullivan Army Athletic Association Trophy winner Lynn D Meridian J Alexander Albright Michael K Deegan Nathaniel J Schlosser Samuel D Reich and fall Truman J Gabriel Brian t savage Haley M Watson Jordan D Tian's Kevin a ring cliff [Applause] Joshua M Mooney Benjamin J Petrella Thomas v Morin Zachary K Danes Samuel s Humphreys Seamus P magetta ghen Sean J O'Leary Jacob M Murdock Seth t-bar bro Zachary H Tarble John s gray jr. Murray L Johnston the fourth Parker s Peterson Judson see Haggard Gartrell see bowling Colin II Parker John Dee Burke Nerissa j sy wits the remaining graduates will now receive their diplomas alphabetically by company members of the first and second regiments are seated on the south side of the platform to your left members of the third and fourth regiments are seated on the north side of the platform to your right first regimen Peyton a Boylston third Regiment Tyler D Abbott NACO Kadim nor Luke I are gettin Aaron J Joe Annette e Belle Marcus M Cox the second Connor s Benny Rowan W Crowley Rashad D Bolton Giuliana T Dwarfs Shaq Julia a Joshua D die John see Erskine Jared D facet Jason Fung Christopher w-4 Dhin catherine i hilbert Nicholas age Frank Matthew s Hopwood Catherine s Harris Bryson D Lacey Christopher P Jackson Dov L Landau Denali a Jackson Lance al Lawson the second Caleb Kay Johnson Debra see make a wits Christopher D Landon Nikita M para ver zijn Steve Jay Lee Jacob W pool Trenton our Leslie Philippe T Sanchez Rihanna L licked and all Lauren s Schultz Garrett M manly Joshua iw Swint Maxwell T McVicker Robert J seals ELISA M Milner Caleb and sceptre Austin a maroc Ken W song Junior Daniel our new burger Felix el sábado the fourth Henry D new strim William W Thomas Riley dub D page Peter J Valente's Ryan are reaching Madison are Radhika Joseph r-ryan Rebecca a Michael Robert T Santoya John H Wilson Benjamin s Shire Ryan M Anderson Ethan D Shepherd Silvan G Blankenship Roman sea Simpson Ethan see bloom Connor J sparks Jacob T pachón ik Wesley J Swain Lindsay n Bowen Alejandro s Tom brink Preston Mt Butler Hannah M white Jack em Carberry Kelly n as in gay Cameron G Connors Davis em Ben Jacob El Cortez Jonathan W Benson Evan M Crowell Haven e Bethune Connor s DeWitt drew P Blair Christian a fig Leola Georgia e Center vantes honor our Fussel men David R Cooper Christopher M Guin Anthony J Dinello the third da tree a Harvey Braden age durian Stephanie L Johnson Andrew G tithing Connor L long Luke D Hodson Gustavo L Lugo Jimenez William R huff Logan M Mar Sisson Adam see hug Duncan G McAloon Joseph II Hines Robert W McCarville Kaylin P con chase T Miller [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Elliot s Klein Celeste VL Nichols Joseph Kay Kyser jr. Brianna M romaine Eric are low Hannah age Schwartz Craig hey Maya jr. John be Sheridan Michael a people's Keegan J Smith Darin gin Charles D Stevenson Brandon Jay Rosen borough Ryan n Velez Timothy M Schmidt way Sean M Wong john g shapoval of Jayden G Watson our Alina shala from Kosovo Lucas J Weiland Noah m.stuart Michael E Willis jr. Brent T Tauri jr. Jade s Adler Frankie G Turner Daniel H Archer jr. Leah see Turner Reuben D our dairy Joseph T to sing Stephen L Barstow hunter see Wallace Denise s black men Jonathan are Willis Edward C shallow food the third Darrell K Yama Maura Dillon M Charlton Jason a Blackwood heaven Joe Braden P bleh ski Cooper e cone Cara L Bowser Stephen C demas Samuel W brush Matthew a DiBiase Jack em Buell Luke a early Elliot je veux Bello Fabiola Gonzales Joseph and dabbled hope n hack Dorothy are Dennis Olivia M Harvey Jonathan M Ellery Jacob G Hurtubise Michaela see Fran Joshua P Johnson Brian D herring John Chandler P keen Bernard Jenkins jr. Matthew W manone Tyler J Leary Connor M McDonald Zachary are Lenihan Brody E Miller Raphael a Lopez Gabriel H Parrish Delaney a marbot jaywalk Park from South Korea Cody J Maynard Montgomery II Potter Mia L Mel Gaza Evan M rata maker Jacob e Morgan Paris M Taylor Aidan G Mulligan Noah see Utley Adam Jay oiler Carson M Vil check chase G Prairie Bradley L Voinovich Christopher W Ritter Thomas J Weatherford the third Joseph peace Santoro James C white Dylan D Spencer James C white Samuel B Sutera Ashley M wolf Eric a Tollefson Jason M exlude Adrian Yoon Levi D Baldrige Francisco Sabri eros the third Nathaniel W bus Edmund s Coleman Jackson our Farrington Collin are pushing Donna G fanaa row Sean W Fallon Kyle II garlic Palmer a fields Nicholas and Gish lien on ax j fuji naka Aidan P Hanrahan Peter M Gonsalves Charlotte Oh L hair afford Jeremy D Hammes William n Kimmie Hunter s Knievel bard William t nor Jin H Kwan Grover J Laporte the third Tyler J La Coste Travis see Lee Andrew T Laflamme Jacob D Lemelin D&D McDonald Michael P McGirt e Gregory see Madden Liana M Mitchell Ashley P McCabe James M Murphy Amira T Muhammad Ryan e Murphy Joseph P more Nicole be Nettles Charles D Mosley Derek a nun Brian J narramore James a Richie Austin M nu n Andrew F Rivera James a Niemeyer gray l Sasser roman d all ur Riley em Scott Eden Elizabeth Phillips de han seong Helen f Schroder Cameron see Steven Alexander s Wilkinson Mitchell s Stifler we'll see Anderson Austin are Taylor Michael J abalone James II Tweety the third Brian see Brooks ty see write read age Burton Morgan L Yancey June a Copeland chase K Albert's Jacob M Covington Brandon a Anderson Peter be Cox Andrew see Arnold Peter W Davis Adrian M Barraza Anthony L del to fo k ly D Breslin Micah j.d Montgomery Dalton J Burke Riley J heck David WR Dahlberg Keegan M Fitzpatrick Robert T done the third Matthew and Gollum best ski magdalena a Eamonn Allen Z Gong Jacob T Ellington Hogan T Harper William II Espen she'd David B Kim Brian M gerstenfeld Taylor D Krug Alexander J Hopkins Sawyer J Madsen Mohammed T Iftikhar from Pakistan KO m McCormick Jacob W young Charles O'Brien Adriel e more'n a buck Oh Leon e OB Oman Michael J Nesta Christopher B Papa Liam Jay O'Hara Jacob are Phillips Joseph L Pierce Matthew J Robinson Katherine D Peterson Felix G ro Santa grown Rainier a porous michael s Rudisill le g Quinlan Julius T Shepherd Abigail are Smith Lacey M Swafford Logan Jay Smith Benedict G Watson Zachary D Sprecher William d-a-d Justin F stole Austin h-beam Jackson J servic Judson II Bucher Alicia are Thornton Jacob H Connors Michelle a to Ray Deanna are Edgar Jesse D Whipple Melissa are Gammons simian be Willis Brendan w Gunther Tyler J Amazon Justin Jane Jacob K ballmart Ricardo a jimenez jr. Evan see Brunner ever Aldo see John from Tanzania Keegan see burrows Jacob s Keith Samantha M Coletti Joseph H Kim George II Cox the fourth min sung kim Layla W Cunningham John T King Jackson M Deaton James H Larson Philip our Donner Jacob F Lepard Oh Jason a green Jonathan D low Murray H Greer the third Don F McLaren Kyle W Hershberger Devon em more Alexia t xu Elizabeth J or Ryan C Jennings Nicholas J para Edward K Kang Margaret Oh Redfield Caleb m KY fur Scott W sarsen son Jay Kim miles P Silva Gunther d Klee miss Mitchell II slow bow ski grant J Levasseur Jacob are Stauffer Matthew M McDonough Jackson V Sullivan Andrew J Mergen Michael J Tierney Austin J Myers Janelle M Tracy Macy k Newberry William QJ Walter Scott J Niebuhr James a Begley no John H Provost Nathan M Brooks Stephen L Robertson jr. Daniel H Chung Lily M rueland Michael T Clark Daniel J Salazar Matthew C Co hain Jake T Stucker ski Connor G Helmand doc Brian J Thornton Jon F Holman idea a Underwood Austin T Kim Paul a Adams Michael P King Zachary a Aloma Sarah J Clini Yashica A Beka Roo chance e Kramer Albert F Benenati the third william s quiet Kowski john f k hill Joseph J Khyber's max D campoli Madeline L Miller Steven a cilenti the third Robert P Norwood Joshua be couch David H Oh Thomas I cruise Sophie s Parker gunner J Doyle Emma J palace Zebedee decree the third Joshua de Robeck George see fair the fourth John a Stephen Julia our Gibbs Bennett see taylor-brady Jay golden so s AG TIA Christopher J Greg on be boo-boo-chh all Kim Oh in D Y so Seth be Lozier iris w you Matthew a Lugo Alexandra K ilaqua Sean our macclare mark f Babic Sean D Patterson Isaiah age ball Thomas J Rigney Dana P Cody john d Rusnak rock em curry Emily II Schultz Taylor J Davidson Andrea G shade Cedric are Davis Michael E Turner ii Christian M dipinto Jenny L Wang ashen M Hanna Adam Jay Ward Brian C Hicks Riley a warns Michael H Jerome Caleb M Watkins Jacob s Kelly Kevin R waul guest Tyler M kopetsky Jose Maria G Borrego a Costa the third kaneen Oh Manuel William M Brigham William K McMillan Monica s Burciaga Daniel W messenger Ethan P car Sean s min Zachary a Coulson Sean M O'Brien Brock J Doherty drew em polchinski Bridget a Duffy Michael a Renard Garrett L done Joseph P ribbon burr Dominic M Franco Elizabeth L sang Vic Ryan H French Rachel L Slough Courtney M green Katherine M sire Samuel K Hauser jak ii sides Samuel see Howard Keanu and Stuart Wyatt J hoist Patrick Tuohey Swanton Michael C Klein yon UL j Trinidad Vasquez Kenny h ly Luke J Werner Stephen H Lee Justin M Williamson miles H Martin Kendall M Woodard Taylor see our forest s Zen Oni Morgan a Morris Taylor M Andrews David J Pinter jr. Chris are as Alton Samuel see pool Christopher J landing Aaron n Romero Jack H King Luke II Rose grant F : Isaac J Severson grant grace II and finger Jae young son Brandon J fast Kyle J summa Michael a graves James s Abercrombie Joseph I Henry David C Anderson the third Aiden are keys Jordan I Asbury Christopher J Kilbride John W Beco one huh Kim Francis Z Castillo de lune alert Eunice s Cole Tim chow jr. Payton are LaDuke Elliott W Clybourn Jong hak Lee Isabella Cortez Cosme a Lopez jr. Connor W done Ian D McKinnon Mary II English Paul M Meridian Arthur J fan de Maria a Morton Liam see theory Robert E Osborn damar see Gail Michael S Osburn Natalie our hails Elijah a pain Connor M engleson oddish post go from Bosnia and Herzegovina Bryce V Johnston Robert el Verde Amanda P Lynn Ross our reason anchor our Loesch Jacob s reser Dylan L query Kevin are seaward John II rogue a key autumn a Jay David W Russell Connor L sprout Thomas M Shaffer Benjamin T basta Jacques was J Steen Benjamin W Whitlow Elizabeth el TECA Paul T Williamson jr. Kendrick L Thomas Jr from 2nd regiment Olivia a AG Jacob hey Thompson Ryan s Barry John II von cleek Joshua aid Cox Cameron Jay Wilson Sean D coil from 4th regiment grant W alter ty q dang John our anthis William G Dietz Wesley our bales Sean P felon Christian our Leben's Alexander J good and cough Bridget M bordelon Sarah E Henderson Justin TCAP Mark W Jerome Nicholas B Bennett carpenter grant Karstens Thomas AC edge Aaliyah see the blue Viviana L Gonzalez John M Lorenz Jake T Holman Caleb P Marston Courtney are Horace E&T McCool Brandon JT Johnson Isaac W McMillan Daniel D Co Michael J McTiernan soon chao-li Nicholas M min yay Casper a Lewis Gabrielle M milanesa Liam J McCarthy Louie a Palumbo Michael E merit jr. Theresa M panchuk Ian Thomas our Musgrove Trevor our Parker Ivanka G new Shore Sinjin m true Carlos e Pineda Lawrence Jake when Donna Charleston be ro John P Royston the second Brandon are Rogers Taggart J Solomon Gino G seminary Gloria D son David P sales Bradley T Thrasher Rachel m smith Angela see white Brendan P SUSE Delilah a would Drake AC Titus Johanna J pure Matthew R Wilson James D Dorko Amy T Zuccarello John P economy Gregory P Zogby Cynthia and Garrett Jamin F Ashley Matthew G Gus tell Oh Albert GW Biddle the fourth Zachary Jade Gilbert Lauren M booze Sarika Jay Halstead grace see Brooks Richard C Hanson Claire hey Callahan Hayden h-help Andrew our Carter Thomas J Gill : Lucas D Cory Aristotle el clima Alexander s Cheung Justin M no Lee our Dean D laga to de Skyler be Cummings Edward J Lee Eric E del CID neil w Lockwood the third robert f downing Paul our Manfredini Yale a Flanagan marry a Menard Preston CL fuller Eric H Nino jr. Christian J welcome Seth our norming ttan Morgan M Hall de bead I Nunez Mejia from Honduras Yoon Joon han Bethany G nunnery Riley D junga Neil Catherine D Ontiveros Victor W GAO yuan Zi Oh koi s Kizzy Ian H Ramirez Eric a McMiller the second Courtney e-trade Sydney our Morris Rex a Scott David J never a--the Tucker J Symes Kenan W O'Shea Gavin our tom zachary d Petrowski Brandon Jade Tyson Steven J Parata Gerald J Walker jr. a daya DC Queen Braden J Wells Joshua Rhee Joseph H bendin mason bee Rahman Dylan ar verbs Steven our Rylander Houston T Buxton Matthew G Suarez Ryan J campy Jamar a Williams william p colleton Samuel a Williams Kevin J Dupuis Charles J Willis Scott our Flajnik Andrew J Winsky Bailey L gable Rafiq J Antoine Dalton J Hanlon Brendan P brown Christian T Hayes Hana M Bikaner George hey Horry honest the third gen Luca Cabana Robert a cupful Geron cake Carter Thomas D Koizumi Leo P chulo Anthony M lava be no Jared M Cochran John H lead the third Phillip P cut singer Angela a marsh Christopher Q Dow Cory see Michelle Zachary J Yvonne Chow been D G me new James II fake-o on mo Peter II W Fenton William R Morehead Kelsey M frisselle Wyatt e Morrison Jacqueline II Hamrick Josiah be Park Ellison M Huber Hanna see Potter Lauren II car blur Zane I Rojas Lucas J Conan Nathan W smooth Simon P crunch navel Jake be Shirelles Kendrick L lurid Justin G Thomas Christopher F little Charles s wasa Nikki NL Lum Arthur II Barry Vincent T McFadden Joseph J Bianchi Malik s Mitchell Andrew see blumquist Thomas a Moser E&J chambers on mu K Narong Paul II corapi William W Aukerman Elizabeth a cross Michael P Owens Hannah L deines Jessen see Pena floor from the Philippines Brian s Fairbrother Brody d Rock Randall P Han Benjamin K Wiggins Charles see Landa Feld Thomas B almond Madeline M Lahey Jared a Broussard Victoria J Martin Victor J Castagna Shane M McCarthy Caleb J clue what Colleen why McDermott Justin et Cooper Ethan a mac and turf and ferny be Crompton Thomas M Monahan who Li da la da GU from Kosovo Cameron a Morello Michael T Dylan Zebulon t Morgan Madeleine s Easter Sarah E Morrow Jake are Gigliotti Ryan a raka Justin II gross Victor G Rutledge Michael E Hagel scamp Corinne M Snell William K Helene es Tanner L Sheffield Noah L Putin Kevin W shinnok Jeremiah be amino D Harrison e Strickland Jessica L Jen Alan our Thomas the third Darrell a Johnson Alexander II Tasi Andrew P Meyer Anthony D whence Josephine M Marsh Thomas Dee Williams Kaylin M maze Benjamin kyushu David Medina Bailey our Abercrombie Dade our Mortimer Luke Jay Adams Nicole a Perry joseph s Alcorn Aiden M Riordan Robert B Anderson Taylor a rhyme mary-kate I Beach ler Christopher D score lovino Jamal M Brown Lloyd a Strickland the third Emiliano Concha Toro Kyle II Taylor Reed F D amico j t yang John em disa co lo che T Ellen Ishod T Ford Alexandra and basagoitia Breanna see Fox Benjamin I Bullock Malik D Hancock and drew are Clegg hunter J Hill Brendan Jai Cunningham James H Johnson the fourth 'no Cory ot Davis Benjamin L Jones David R Donnan Taylor J Korpela Christian be lucky Neil Krishnan no way a Gallegos testify a why larmy Michael Jay Hamilton Connor age Louis Ryan II heart Sean L Moriarty Hanna e home Z William L Morningstar Matthew our Houston Liam M Neary Jackson see Hufstedler Samantha M rows in day Jasmine s Jackson way Kong soon from Singapore Ashley D Kim Justin M trap Dylan T Lepore Cheyenne are drilling Thomas B may Francis I trivet Connor see McDonald Misha a Turner max G Messner Adrian I Alban Ian a Navarro Keller J balsam Christopher a Onorato Jason W Broder j.d Peterson Brett t carry the second Nika s pilgrim Marco si Cara Bota Zachary D Potter gardener s Crary Emma K R or T Anna Maria be dear Nicholas D steinhouse Nicole e Drago Jonathan M trout Wolfgang see Drake marry a bear Giovanna see Ferguson Lewis Jessica L Belle Sochi why Fernandez Savannah s Biermann Kaitlyn K gross grace e Blackwell Grayson oh he'll Nolan are Collins Ashley and Lassiter Ricardo a Damiani Thomas P McCauley jr. Joshua e de Silva Devon s men Chloe M distel Kevon a Moreau Wyatt e s Belle Alexander no sadi from Moldova Joshua L Fonseca Matthew our panner Anthony M George William M Preston burg Alexander L Ravi Dave Peralta Daniel M Rieger Adam T a bear Zachary see reamer Matthew C Hoffman Kathleen M sour Garrett T Houston Seth see shields Harrison see Jones owner Reno M Tambor II Jacob W man Wyler Ryan H Vaughn chance Cutler John J McKenna Levi T Walters Joshua L Meeks Miranda s williams-brice a Malin john g sy omec Micah J more dahveed p on TV on Ryan F Parker mark a baker Matthew J Penta Emily see Ballesteros Vishnu s perry Nicholas G basil hunter D Powell Luca elbow T's Lindsay M Rikard Anthony E Capobianco Luther a salmon Mary Claire Cassidy Monica a smell Simba j'tia D climb Cole a stack Island Jarvis foster be Dittmer Liam tea stills Michael are on helling Jacob e troll straw Liam G fury Brandon MP Vega Taylor and Graham Zachary e aponte Alexander J Hamilton Matthew are Arnold Noah M Hannah Nicholas II Cunningham Liam are Cain Jacob D dancer Russell J Kraus Richard II Dells L Riaz s Lane nihilo Louie Vuitton hakuna a shoe si Lang Lee Thomas are Gascoigne jr. Kajol P Maheshwara Ryan a Grady the third Matthew J macaron Kevin s Hong Callie F McCullen McMullen Devin are Joseph Danya M Nichols Andrea Jay Carlin John Dee Silver's jr. Adam P car Patrick D Sutherland Peter T kusik Amelia are Trotter 'not on s leads ear huge in ski Joseph P Tucker Thomas J Milton jr. William K urug jr. Vienna M Morrison Sally T Varner david c nichols hunter m Vogel Charles M O'Brien Daniel L Watson Angus PW paradise Emmanuelle and akka Ethan M Porter Antonino f Battaglia Melanie a Riddick Rigo knee brace see beverage Christopher B Robert L Oh Joseph M Brantley Aaron M Salinas Trevor D Brennaman Ruth a Talbot Kenneth a brown Ramsey our Wagner deal hey Joe drew P Bailey Joseph M Conlan Chandler our Baker Daniel Jay Dixon Madeline M burns James and Durst Glenn SI coats Cooper T Fergus Steven are Cromer Nico see flurry Benjamin D Harvey Danielle D Ginsburg Nathan P hein Joe Joe Rossi K go Hill Noah M enman David J hice Cameron H Jones Christopher II hope Justin a Karim sang Zoo Kwan Jonathan L Keating Kimberly J monterosso Brennan J Koga Ray J Neville Gavin J Lambert Philip M none the second Francisco J LaForce Isaiah see Ortiz Emily L McKinney Jeffrey a reffered James T Michener Zane T Rosencrantz and see Malvina Gregory V Smith Jr Tyler T Picard it Henry J Smith Kyle a Rose Otto keaston P Smith Michael S Sewell junior Samantha m.stuart Michael se-jin Allison em strong Tim Allen a Sagar L Seth M Thompson Morgan J Stockdale Kyle a Velez Brian km Suarez Frank J guidan Timmy s-walker serie s wolf Jacob W Wells Desmond L Young Jr Gregory s Brooke over Alex Cyprus Maxwell a Broughton Alexander T Dolan Megan M Carol Preston T Dre loose Devante Jake Carter vault Dylan D do be merry s cirebon Giuliana and Fausto low Madison a curry Jake a jurrac Dante a dag Estero Megan e-gold Ansley M Davenport Adam M Hudler Alexander J Decker Xavi odd Joe LaCava from Georgia Kevin D do Nicholas J Kanellis Lauren K Fairfax John you Kim Isaac T Farrell Jonathan J Lindstrom Leah e food Minh Donovan see Lynch Samuel H Gordon ur Emily II Malone Austin a Gutierrez Aiden J McCarthy Jackson F halt Robert S more Brendan d hue line Anant Mundra Elizabeth s houki winter see Nicholas Archie L young blonde Daniel a ferris Cole M Kaiser Galen a hero's Spencer SJ Lee Andrew F Roberts Nicholas a Lunsford Steven M Scott : t McGann Claire and Serna Hana our Mills Roderick F Stoddard the second Deon deep Aaron on Daryl J a Vincent the second Justin M rata maker Benjamin C vol Bach Seth D ruckman Matthew W ward Calvin see rue yak Michael are worth Joseph M Salta Mayer [Applause] Michael a Wilson Charles M Worsham [Applause] you're heading out into a world that's changing that's changed and we need your leadership we need your brand of leadership and you're up to the task so be that change leader make a difference and of course be Navy [Music] hi I'm Bob McDonald class of 1975 I want to congratulate all members of the class of 2020 on your graduation from West Point almost 50 years ago now I was in Mikey Stadium and I received my diploma from President Ford many things have changed since then the Berlin Wall is fallen the advent of the personal computer the iPhone the Internet many things have changed and certainly during your careers in the military many things will change but with your vision I'm sure you will succeed and that's why I want to congratulate you on your graduation with vision we lead class of 2020 thank you class of 2020 one more time round of applause [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen please join in the singing of the alma mater written by cadet Paul s Reineke class of 1911 it was first sung for the graduation in 1912 class attention [Music] we covered please remain standing while the oath of office is administered to the class of 2020 by the United States Military Academy commandant of Cadets Brigadier General Curtis a Buzzard raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name having been appointed an officer in the army of the United States in the grade of second lieutenant do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and then I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and then I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter so help me God please lower your right hand at this time please join in the singing of the official army song the army goes rolling along [Music] on covered Chaplin polokov Sookie will now give the benediction for such a time as this it is right to offer prayers for all who are in positions of high authority that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives but lieutenants you are West Point's gift to the Army on its birthday tomorrow crapped neatly in new uniforms and stuffed with commitment competence and character as we give you to soldiers and their families may God strengthen you to serve selflessly to give yourselves generously even to the last full measure of devotion to sustain the vision that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth amen second lieutenant vander waal dismiss the class of 2020 we cover class of 2020 dismissed [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Yahoo Finance
Views: 682,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: President Trump, West Point Commencement
Id: o3hNuSia_Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 50sec (10070 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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