Watch Out! These are the 10 Habits That Instantly Annoy Other People

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Oh, boy, it feels great to be out and about again!  You’re excited to be enjoying the great outdoors   and meeting both new people and old friends.  There’s just one problem - the people. For every   new friend in the making, there’s someone who just  drives you nuts. They all seem to have bad habits   that drive you up the wall. Why can’t they just be  like you - no one has a problem with you, right? You might be surprised. Bad habits  are surprisingly common - and you   might even have a few. These are the ten  habits that annoy other people the most. #10. Rude Noises Remember when you were a kid, and the teacher  would drag the chalk across the chalkboard? You   were just about ready to tear your hair out. Well,  if you’re sensitive to noises, it might be pretty   hard to handle being around other people for long.  There are a lot of little noises that people make   day to day that just drive others nuts. Some of  these include cracking their knuckles - which   might not be healthy for the joints either - or  smacking their lips while they talk. Sometimes   even something as simple as tapping legs while  sitting and talking can get on someone’s nerves. So why do people make these noises  - and why are they so annoying? There’s no one reason. Sometimes  people are just a little bored,   so they do something with their hands  to occupy themselves. Sometimes it’s a   nervous tic. Some people are loud chewers and it  might not even be totally under their control.   And neither is being annoyed by it. Some people  have a condition called misophonia that makes   certain sounds intolerable to them. Something  as simple as people chewing the wrong way can   make them panic or even become enraged - so it  might be best to just end the conversation there. But this next habit definitely  isn’t unintentional. #9. Being Too Blunt We all know that person - they say the  rudest things and then announce “Oh,   I’m just telling it like it is!”. But really,  no one needed to know that this dress made you   look like a hot air balloon, or that you were  their third choice to go on a date with. Sure,   there are sometimes when bluntness is a good  idea - if you have a friend who can tell you   when you’re being an idiot and about to make  a terrible decision, that can be helpful. But   there’s a difference between that, and someone  insulting you and trying to pass it off as   bluntness. And if they don’t like being told  that, well, you’re just telling it like it is. But why are some people unable to  keep these comments to themselves? Some people are just mean. It may have been  acceptable in school to give someone a wedgie   or push them down on the playground, but  after graduation that’s just called assault.   So bullies have to find other ways to bully, and  the targets are often their friends. But not all   blunt people are bullies. Some are trying to  help, but don’t know how to say it politely,   or are mirroring things they heard from  their parents. But good intentions or bad,   this habit annoys people because it never  feels good to be insulted. People who get   this treatment are likely to either become more  self-conscious - or just find other friends. You might want these people to go away -  but these next group are just the opposite. #8. Being Late - All the Time! You get that call that your friend wants to  meet for lunch! You cancel the rest of your   plans for the day, get dressed, and hold off  on eating until noon - and then they call and   say they’ll be a little late. A little late  turns into 3:30, and the restaurant isn’t   even serving the lunch specials anymore. Sure,  delays happen, but if a friend is constantly late,   it’s easy to start wondering why you’re scheduling  your day around them. This is an even bigger   problem if you’re planning a vacation with them,  or relying on them to pick you up from somewhere.   A lost afternoon is one thing, but consistent  lateness can cause much bigger issues. So what’s the holdup, anyway? It’s not hard to see why lateness annoys people.  If you make plans and then someone shows up late,   the whole schedule goes out the window.  And if a whole group of friends has plans   and one person is late, it starts to seem  easier to just leave the squeaky wheel out   of the plans next time. But what causes  consistent lateness is more complicated.   Some people have trouble judging time, and the  next thing they know they have ten things to do   and too little time to do them. Other people  get thrown off by their sleep cycle. Others,   though, just assume people will wait for them  - and eventually they might be surprised. Of course, some people might  want this next guy to stay away. #7. Being THAT Guy at the Party Woo-hoo, party time! There’s no better way  to meet people than an old-fashioned mixer.   You dance, play some party games, and maybe get a  little drunk. But there’s always that one guy who   takes it too far. He thinks the party starts when  he shows up, but really, everyone’s just wondering   what he’ll break this time. He’s loud, seems  to think the party is his private stunt show,   and if it doesn’t end with someone driving  him to the hospital after a kegstand mishap,   the odds are you’ll still have  to explain a few broken lamps. So why does he keep getting invited to places? Well, sometimes this guy is the life  of the party! He provides comic relief,   but there’s a fine line between being over the top  and just too much. Sometimes this guy is trying   to get positive attention, and sometimes he just  can’t handle his alcohol too well and doesn’t know   when to quit. His friends are usually willing  to put up with him - until his poor judgement   goes a little too far and he says something he  shouldn’t, or breaks something too valuable.   And if you don’t know who that guy is in your  parties, think long and hard - are you that guy? This next person won’t wreck your  house - but they may wreck your nerves. #6. No Sense of Personal Space! An old friend sees you for the first time  in a while! You wave to them and hold your   hand out for a handshake - and the next thing  you know you’re being swept up in a bear hug.   They sure are excited to see you, even if  your ribs aren’t exactly happy about it.   Even after you’re released from the vice grip,  they’re so close to you as they talk that you’re   pretty sure you can see their tonsils. We’ve all  had that friend who talks a little too close,   hugs a little too tight, and gets your  attention by punching you in the arm.   Sure, they mean well, but you’re a little  afraid for your safety when you’re around. Why can’t they just back off? This can often be a cultural thing -  body language and personal space is   different in different cultures, and even  in different regions of the same country.   What feels natural and friendly to one  person may feel intimidating to another.   If it’s a good friend, it may be best just to talk  it out and tell them that you’re not comfortable   with the high-intensity contact - and they’ll  probably get it. If they don’t, that’s a bigger   problem and it might be time to find another  friend. Either way, your ribs will thank you. But at least they’re happy to see  you? The next person, I’m not sure. #5. Being Too Negative Going on vacation with a friend can be exciting!  You discover new places and you have someone you   know and trust by your side in case of unexpected  events. You’re having a blast - but if they are,   they could fool you. There’s a complaint about  everything - the plane ride, the hotel room,   the restaurants. They even complained that  there are too many French people in France!   Some people feel like they’re impossible to  please. Even at the happiest event, they’re   the first to zero in on a little thing and spend  the entire rest of the day complaining about it. Why are some people so hard to please? Sometimes this is a sign of depression, where  they expect things to go wrong and keep their   expectations low. Other times they’re  mirroring past experiences - maybe dad   could never be pleased even when they got all A’s  on their report card. But whatever the reason,   being around this person can be a drag for  people who look on the bright side of things.   There’s nothing fun about having the  time of your life and suddenly someone   is talking about all the things that could go  wrong. You can hear about bad things at home! But at least being a debbie  downer won’t offend the senses. #4. Poor Personal Hygiene We all know that person who just  can’t seem to get it together.   Maybe they only seem to wash their hair once in  a blue moon and are constantly playing with it.   Maybe they’re a close talker and you  get a wave of bad breath any time they   open their mouth. Maybe they can’t keep  their fingers out of...everywhere. Ew.   These are habits most kids are taught to ditch  in preschool, and yet some adults still have   trouble getting a handle on it. Not only is it  gross to look at, but you might be worried that   being associated with these people will make you  look bad - or even pick up some unwanted bugs. You’ve got to say something - but what? There’s no tactful way to say “You stink”.  Most people might avoid the topic because   they don’t want to be #9 on this list and  lose a friend. But in social situations,   it can be tricky to hang around  someone with personal hygiene issues.   One of the most common causes of this problem  is depression - when someone is struggling,   even the smallest task can be difficult to manage.  Suddenly taking a shower can feel like climbing   Mount Everest. This is even more difficult when  someone lives alone and has no one to remind them.   But if the problem is getting out of control,  it might be time for a friend intervention. But this next hygiene issue may  be much more than an annoyance. #3. Smoking For smokers, the whole world sometimes seems  like it’s a big non-smoking zone these days.   Most places have banned smoking inside, but  even outside - that smoke carries. Not only   do many people not want their friends smoking  around them, but the smoke is so persistent   that it can linger on the clothes and on the  breath long after the last cigarette - which   makes a casual conversation with a friend  a challenge if you can’t stand the smell. So why does this old habit  get so many people worked up? Well, for one thing - even if you don’t smoke,  secondhand smoke can increase the risk of cancer   and other ailments. And if someone  has allergies or other lung ailments,   being around a smoker can make them sick.  That’s why many smokers are retreating to the   few remaining places that allow smoking indoors  - often casinos, cigar clubs, and other private   clubs - and many friend groups might as well  have a sign outside - smoking or non-smoking. Some people don’t get that their actions  affect others - like this next group. #2. It’s All About Me! Some people can’t help but turn the  conversation back to their favorite subject   every time - themselves. You’ve all had this  conversation - you just applied for a job and   you’re waiting to hear back, and the next thing  you know your friend is launching into the world’s   longest story about the worst job interview they  ever had. These people can even turn a best man   speech at a wedding into the story of how they  were the best friend you’ve ever had. If they were   a Disney character, they’d have a showstopping  musical number about how great they are. So why IS it all about them? Most of the time, it’s insecurity. People  who are genuinely confident in themselves   and their place in a friend group are more  comfortable taking a step back once in a while.   If someone feels like they don’t really  belong or was socially awkward in the past,   they might try too hard to make themselves the  center of attention. It can be an annoying habit,   but many friends just decide to put up with it. Of  course, if someone pushes it too far and hijacks   the wrong event, they might find themselves the  center of attention in the worst way possible. But at least these people won’t  get you kicked out of a restaurant. #1. Were You Raised in a Barn? The most annoying habit is one that shows up a  lot - at least three meals a day. Rude eaters are   a problem everyone deals with at some point,  and there are so many ways to make a dining   partner cringe in the restaurant. Maybe you’ve  got that friend who thinks every food is a finger   food - even spaghetti. Maybe they finish their  soup by picking up the bowl and slurping it down,   or maybe they can’t even keep their mouth  closed when they’re chewing. Either way,   it might just be enough to put you off your meal. So why can’t some people seem to eat properly? As usual, this comes back to how they were  raised. Table manners are one of those things   taught at a young age, and if their parents  made dinner a free-for-all, it’s going to be   harder to unlearn that later in life. The older  someone gets, the harder it is to break a habit,   and there’s no tactful way to say “You eat like  a wild animal” during a date or friendly dinner.   Maybe it’s time to consider hanging  out with this friend at the movies,   so they can face-plant into a bucket of  popcorn in complete darkness instead. For more on annoying behaviors,   check out “American Behaviors  Considered Rude in Other Countries”,   or watch “Weirdest Phobias People Suffer From”  for how unpredictable social interactions can be.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 229,378
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Keywords: annoying, annoying habits, bad habits, habits, rude, blunt, noisy, negative, hygiene, personal hygiene, smoking, self centered, raised in a barn, the infographics show, worst, most annoying habits, annoying things people do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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