Rarest Causes of Death

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Do people actually get sucked through airplane  windows? Did a bunch of Russian peasants really   kill a real-life zombie? How  did a Nintendo console once   end up causing someone to die in extreme pain,   and did you know something as harmless as  carrots and cute little house cats can kill?  All will be revealed in arguably one of our  strangest shows yet, and that’s saying something.  18. No one really likes cockroaches,   after all, they often come after dark and start  using your house as if it were a free hotel.   The good news, while cockroaches do sometimes  bite, the mark doesn’t usually do anything   other than cause a bit of itching. You’d be  unlucky to get an infection, although we won’t   deny that these little space bugs can leave  disease-causing bacteria all over your food.  Still, not many people throughout history have  died directly because of a cockroach. That’s why   death by cockroach deserves a place on this list. His name was Edward Archbold. In 2012, the world   media reported that this Florida man had indeed  succumbed after getting on the wrong side of a   cockroach, or some cockroaches. He’d attended an  event at Deerfield Beach in Florida to promote   a local pet store, and with a bunch of other  folks, he entered a food eating competition.  Basically, they had a time limit in which to  stuff down as many cockroaches as they could,   but this unlucky 32-year old man choked on the  things. The cause of death was “asphyxia due to   choking and aspiration of gastric contents.” Had  he won, he’d have gotten himself a pet python,   but when “arthropod body parts” clogged  up his throat, he couldn’t breathe.   All other 29 competitors came away unharmed. This is the only death from choking on a cockroach   we can find, although choking on hotdogs at  eating competitions happens more than you’d   think. It happened to a young woman in 2021  in the US as she was trying to raise money.  A guy choked on a bunch of pies in Australia  in 2013, and in more recent years there   have been choking deaths at such competitions  involving pancakes, cakes, and tacos. Actually,   choking on food is hardly a rare kind of death,  but choking on a cockroach might be a one-off.  Ok, now let’s talk about one of the most  frightening diseases the world has on offer.  17. Can you imagine turning to stone, or what seems   like turning to stone? Your entire body gradually  starts to harden, making movement hard for you   and in time making life impossible. It happens to  very, very few people in the world and it's called   “fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive”, or  in more simple terms, “stone man syndrome.” In short, because of a faulty gene  mutation, the body doesn’t repair   normally. Instead of just going about its  business like it does for everyone else,   when a sufferer’s body gets injured-  and that could be a very minor injury-   tendons, muscles, ligaments, and other  tissues ossify. That means turn solid.  Like something out of a superhero movie, new bones  form, but instead of the person becoming stronger,   they lose the ability to move. They turn into  stone. And there’s no treatment for this.  Only around one person in two million  people will get this, but when they do,   life can be incredibly hard. A guy in the  UK named Joe Sooch has it as we write this. He explained, “Imagine breaking your arm and you  are in a cast - but it’s permanent. Bones are just   growing and locking my body into place, I can’t  get surgery because more bones will just grow.”  That’s the most messed up thing about  this disease, if any surgeons go in there,   the body might see this as more damage, and  further exacerbate the problem. For this reason,   most sufferers are confined to  a bed by the time they are 20,   or at least a wheelchair when they leave  the bed, and many die around the age of 40.  We’ll come back to diseases, but first,  let’s talk about accidents again.  16. Ok, so we expect many of you have   put some of your hard-earned money into a vending  machine only to watch that deviant spring unfurl   and not let go of that item you so dearly want  or drop it into the abyss, not the trough. It’s annoying as hell. We’ve been there. We  know your pain. But, A) Should you walk away   and go get help? Or, B) Should you attack  the insentient hulk with all your might?  As you know, the correct answer is A,  but hey, after a long day in the office   writing Infographics Show scripts,  sometimes one allows the red mist   to take over. That doesn’t usually end well. We know this partly because of a research paper   published in the Journal of the American Medical  Association called “Soda Pop Vending Machine   Injuries.” Here’s some text from the paper: “Fifteen male patients, 15 to 24 years of age,   sustained injuries after rocking soda  machines. The machines fell onto the victims,   resulting in a variety of injuries.  Three were killed. The remaining 12   required hospitalization for their injuries.” It seems not all the deaths were related to the   machine not giving out paid-for items, but someone  trying to get a freebie. All the deaths happened   at various US army bases in the world since  that’s where the researcher focused his study.  The injuries included someone losing a toe,  someone’s bladder getting punctured, a fractured   skull, and a few broken bones. But the researcher  said that it was, “common knowledge in the   barracks that the machine that crushed the victim  would dispense a free soda if rocked vigorously.”  The same guy updated his study, with  the next one mentioning 15 US deaths,   all male except one. In fact, the word on the  street is three or four US citizens die each   year after messing with these massive machines. So, guys, just leave them alone. Accept failure.   Don’t try to cheat. Some of them weigh 750 pounds  (340 kg). They can’t be bargained or reasoned   with, they don’t feel remorse or fear, and if you  mess with the wrong one, they will terminate you.  Ok, this next guy’s death maybe shouldn’t  be on this list, but the man himself,   he should. He deserves to be talked about forever. 15.  When a man named Frano Selak did karaoke  and sang “I will survive”, people listened. What’s interesting is not so much how  this guy died, but how many times he   almost lost his life in very rare circumstances. In 1962, a train he was traveling on derailed   and after falling into the water, he was fished  out and survived while 17 others died. He only   suffered broken bones and hypothermia. In 1963,  he took a flight in his native Croatia to see   his sick mom. A door malfunctioned while he was in  the air and he was pulled out, only to land on a   haystack and survive. 19 others weren’t so lucky. A few years later, a bus he was traveling on   crashed and it veered off into a river. Again,  he got out, but four others didn’t. He later   had two car accidents and both times the  vehicles blew up, but both times he survived.  In 1995, he was walking when he was hit by a  bus, and he came out of that with just cuts   and bruises, and just a year later, his car was  hit head-on by a United Nations truck. He was   thrown through the windscreen, and over a cliff,  but survived by grabbing hold of a tree branch.  Sometime later when he was 73, he won the  lottery, taking home about $800,000. He’d   already retired from his job as a music professor,  so he bought a boat and lived pretty darn well. He   gave a fair chunk of his winnings away, too. As for his luck, he once said, “I am going to   enjoy my life now. I feel like I have been reborn.  God has been watching over me all these years. The   Devil has moved on to torment someone else.” Some media have questioned his stories,   but those that know him say he’d told the truth.  He once said about his buddies, “There came a   stage when I was lucky to have any friends at all.  Many stopped seeing me saying I was bad karma.”  He died in 2016, aged 86, but we  can’t find the cause of death.  As we said, what’s interesting here is how rare  some of his accidents were, so let’s talk about   the freakiest one. 14.  We guess you’ve all seen those movies  when a window or door breaks on a plane   and people get sucked out, their bodies sometimes  being broken up as they are forced through   such a small place. But that’s the movies.  Surely no one gets sucked out of airplanes.  The odds of dying in a plane crash are low, and  nothing close to the odds of dying in a motor   vehicle accident in the US, which according to  The National Safety Council is one in 102. The   same study said dying in a train crash is one  in 178,741.The odds for dying on a commercial   aircraft because of a crash or some other kind  of plane malfunction is one in 29.4 million.  That’s rare, but getting sucked out of  a window or door while everyone around   you is screaming like mad is even rarer,  especially when you’re the only one to go.  It’s happened, but is really unusual since  there are three layers in the window and   even if you wanted to break it, you’d have  to do a fair bit of banging with a hammer.  So yes, very, very rare. But it’s what happened  in 2018 to a retired nurse named Jennifer Riordan. She was traveling on a Southwest  Airlines flight when a bit of the   engine broke and smashed the window next  to where she was sitting. She was almost   immediately stuck to the hole and looking like  she was about to go through. Other passengers,   described as heroic, tried to pull her to safety,  but the force of it killed her. She didn’t leave   the plane, but she was half in and half out. “This is not a frequent danger,” one expert   later said “A lot of research work was done in  the 40s and 50s to make sure it wasn’t a danger –   double-skinned windows and precautions like that.” Mainly, this kind of thing would happen when there   is a hole in the fuselage. That happened on  a plane going from LA to Sydney in 1989 and   nine folks ended up in the sky. There have also  been cases of people going through broken doors,   but again, this is about as rare as rare comes. Let’s now talk about your favorite thing: Poop.  13. Can pooping kill?  The answer is yes, but you’d be one in  a few million if it happened to you.   We don’t mean just dying on the throne from  some other thing, such as a heart attack,   but when pooping is the reason for the death. It can happen after something called “Defecation   Syncope”, which in layman’s terms literally  means Pooping Fainting. It’s so rare that   the US National Institutes of Health says it  “is infrequently described in the literature.”  That paper explained that some people bear  “down to increase the pressure in the rectum”,   hence you’ve all tried to squeeze one out, as the  saying goes. The paper added, “The increase in the   pressure of the rectum calls for closure of the  epiglottis, tightening the diaphragm, tightening   the muscles of the chest wall, and stimulation  of the parasympathetic nervous system.”  This can cause a rapid drop in blood  pressure and less blood getting to the brain,   and before you have time to think, in  some people at least, it’s lights out.  The paper talked about a 55-year-old  widow in the US that had for ages been   struggling with constipation, and as some  of you will know, squeezing them out in   such situations can take quite a lot of effort. This woman was in the hospital for this condition   and at one point wanted to poo. She called for a  bedpan and pushed as she’d never pushed before,   although the paper stated: “a huge mass  was expelled through the vagina” instead.   She went into shock and almost died,  but she pulled through in the end.  Still, there have been cases of dying from  this, but usually when they were already   suffering from other health conditions. Right, if you can die pooping, can you die   laughing? 12.  Laughing yourself to death is a  bit like pooping yourself to death,   in that they both trigger some reactions  in the body rather than kill you right out.  While death by laughter is said to be “extremely  rare” there have been documented cases going back   to ancient times. Laughing, especially when really  hard, can cause a brain aneurysm to rupture.   It might also lead to asphyxiation or  suffocation, according to the experts.  In other circumstances, the person might not find  anything funny at all but laugh because of a brain   problem. That can lead to a seizure and death.  Then there’s that word syncope again, which in   some cases means the person laughs until they  faint and that may cause sudden cardiac death.  Let’s look at some fairly recent cases. In 1975, in England, a guy named Alex Mitchell   was watching an episode of a comedy sketch show  called The Goodies. In one particular scene,   a Scottish guy in traditional clothes and armed  with some bagpipes has a kung-fu fight with a   northern English man armed with nothing  but a black pudding, aka, blood sausage. He laughed for 25 minutes straight and  then collapsed in the chair and died.   It’s thought he might have had a heart condition  and the laughter caused cardiac arrest.  In 1989, a Danish audiologist named Ole Bentzen  who’d been working on the movie “A Fish Called   Wanda” found it so funny when he watched the first  screening that he literally died from laughter,   although again, it was the laughter  that caused him to have heart problems.   Writer John Cleese actually thought he should  market the film with this incident, but then   he said it was probably not in good taste. But our favorite story comes from the third   century BC and involved a Greek  philosopher named Chrysippus. This guy was famous for trying to understand  the meaning of life and the very universe   by applying logic to matters, but it  seems he was also a bit of a comedian.  One day he was out in his garden with his  slave when the slave suddenly shouted to him,   “Master, master, a donkey is eating the figs.”  Chrysippus then surprised the slave by saying,  “Ok, go give him some wine to wash them down.”  He apparently thought his own joke was  very funny and he died from laughing.  Now for a kind of death that we imagine might have  only happened once, and let this be a lesson to   all of you. 11.  Some of you went through school at times  seeing an idiot go up behind someone and   pulling the person’s underwear up as high  as it can go. That can be a bit painful,   and leave the person looking a bit silly.  As you know, this act is called a “wedgie.”  In 2013, someone died from this. The killer  was a guy from Oklahoma named Brad Lee Davis. He’d been having a fight with his stepfather,  and at one point during a tussle, he grabbed   his underwear and pulled it really high up, so  far it went over his neck. That cut off his air   supply and he died, with the press later  calling the act an “atomic wedgie.” That   just means when the underwear goes over the head. Davis pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter,   later saying, “Man, I did a horrible  thing when I gave him that wedgie.”  We can’t find any other death from wedgie  stories, but we did find a case in which   a woman wore such tight shorts on a date that the  wedgie caused sepsis which almost ended her life.  This next one is just plain sad. 10.  The last thing you want is to go to bed  and wake up with your partner dead at   the side of you, something you don’t  expect if you’re young and healthy.  This happened in the UK in 2011 when a man,  a rather large man, slept next to his lover,   a rather small woman. He work  up and she wasn’t breathing,   with an investigation proving that at some  point during the night he’d moved in his   sleep and suffocated her. It was called  a freak accident and he wasn’t charged.  Again, this is unbelievably rare, but  what’s less rare is dying while having sex.  9. We found a few stories of   people dying on the job, but they mostly included  people exerting themselves when they had heart   conditions and then they had a heart attack.  In one such case, a British man had traveled to   Thailand and after one night prowling around the  Red Light district of Pattaya, aka, Sin City, he   met with a young woman for a so-called good time. He’d apparently taken Viagra, and in the end,   it was all too much. The police said he died from  a heart attack. He was vastly overweight, had been   drinking every night, and had underlying health  problems, so his night in the sack proved deadly.  Don’t let this scare you away from sex. Sex and  even earth-shaking orgasms are not dangerous,   but according to the Journal of  the American Medical Association   in very rare cases sex can lead to cardiac  events and in some cases, a type of bleeding   on the brain called a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What’s weird is the Journal of Sexual Medicine   said in a study that a fatal cardiac event  is more likely to occur in men when they are   cheating. That’s what happened to a former Vice  President of the USA named Nelson Rockefeller. The 70-year old man died in his townhouse in New  York City. The only other person there with him   was his 25-year old former aide, Megan Marshack. It was a bit of a scandal, but not so much,   because he was infamous for his extramarital  affairs. No one has ever proved he died while   making love, but people familiar with the matter  said he and Marshack were an item and he died   in “undeniably intimate circumstances.” As we said, that’s not so rare,   although when a lion killed a Zimbabwean  woman named Sharai Mawera while she was   with her man out in the wilderness in 2013,  that was rare. As for the man, a report read,   “Unfortunately the woman was mauled to death by  the lion, but her boyfriend managed to escape   naked. The two were romping when the incident  occurred. The lion came from behind and roared.”  We’re afraid that we can’t give you any  statistics here, because as far as we   know, there haven’t been any studies relating  to deaths caused by wild animals during the   act of fornication. Sorry about that. We may  write a letter of complaint to Johns Hopkins.  Then there were the deaths of Brent Tyler  and Chelsea Tumbleston when they fell from   a building while having sex in South  Carolina in 2007. Believe it or not,   we found a bunch of stories of people plunging  from balconies, roofs, walls after getting   it on. Safe sex is obviously a manifold term. Maybe death from sex in high places isn’t that   weird after all, but this next kind of death is. 8.  This disease we are going to talk  about is so rare that only around   400 people in the world have it right now. Its name is Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome   (HGPS), a disease that makes  a young person look very old. It doesn’t only accelerate the aging process in  how people look, but it makes them suffer from old   age-related diseases. That means a kid or young  adult will suffer from things such as joint pains,   and worse, cardiovascular diseases. These folks  have an average life span of just 14 years.  In short, this genetic disease makes  cells die prematurely. However,   it doesn’t affect a person’s motor skills  and their intellectual development remains   normal, as can be seen with the  YouTube star named Adalia Rose. Besides the way she looked and a high-pitched  voice, she sounded intellectually just like   anyone else her age would. Unfortunately,  the disease took her at the age of 15,   with her family saying she died peacefully. Now back to accidents and one case we expect   will never happen again. 7.  As you may know, when it comes to accidental  deaths, drowning is one of the most common ways   to go. The CDC writes that about 4,000 people in  the US die each year from drowning, while the WHO   says the global tally is around 235,000. So, drowning isn’t rare at all,   but drowning in a beer flood we can  say with confidence definitely is.  That happened in London in the year 1814. On  October 17, a massive vat at a brewery burst   open and that led to several large barrels of the  ale also bursting. The outcome was about 128,000   and 323,000 imperial gallons (154,000–388,000  US gallons) gushing into a nearby slum. The people had nowhere to run when a  15-foot tsunami of dark porter beer   smashed down the walls of their ugly abodes. One of the victims was a teenage girl. Five   others were Irish immigrants who’d been  attending the wake of a two-year-old boy.   This was a tragedy, but the English newspapers  didn’t think it was anything worth writing   about seeing as only poor folks died. Some folks did write about, though,   with some of them saying after the flood almost  every adult and the child ran around with buckets   trying to get all the free beer they could. As for  paying a fine or some compensation, that didn’t   happen. The Irish Times writes that the  government actually bailed the company out   after losing so much of its addictive product. Let’s now talk about another kind of drowning,   although one associated with  people trying to get healthy.  6. Carrot juice. Who would   think such a harmful thing could be deadly. On February 17, 1974, the New York Times   ran the headline, “Carrot‐Juice  Addiction Cited in Briton's Death.”  That addict was the 48-year old Basil Brown,  who it was said was on gallons of carrot   juice a day before his skin turned bright  yellow and he keeled over. Dr. David Haler,   the pathologist, said so much Vitamin A was  too much for the guy and the cause of death   was liver failure. Apparently, on the day  he died, he’d drunk 10 gallons of the stuff.  This is the only carrot juice overdose death we  could find, but this next kind of overdose could   happen to you. 5.  Death by drinking too much water is super  rare, but it does happen from time to time.   It’s called water intoxication. This can lead to hyponatremia,   which means the sodium levels in a person’s body  are too low. It can also cause water on the brain,   or cerebral edema, and that doesn’t just  hurt like hell but can finish a person off.  It happens more often with athletes who’ve  drunk loads of water after an event or training,   but we found three cases when it happened to  soldiers who’d been through some tough training.   The reports said the men had drunk over 5 liters  of water in a few hours. One of our staff writers   here at the show even had a guy die during his  military training from this rare condition.  It’s hard to say how much is too much,  but medical professionals tell us   that the kidneys might be overwhelmed if a  person drinks three to four liters of water   in a short period of time. They don’t say exactly  what amount is dangerous, so for educational   purposes, let’s look at some real-life cases. One case involved a healthy 22-year old guy in   the US who while in a detention facility guzzled  6 liters of water in about three hours, which was   apparently part of a game he’d been playing.  A research paper said, “He showed progressive   psychiatric and neurological signs including  restlessness, peculiar behavior and convulsions.   On his admission, 15 h after the discontinuation  of the water drinking, he was in a coma.”  Then there was the recent case of a  17-year old who after football training   at a Georgia high school drank two liters  of water and two liters of Gatorade very,   very quickly. He collapsed and later died. In 2007, there was a famous case when a woman   in California went on a radio show to try and win  a Nintendo Wii games console. This 28-year woman   along with 18 others was told to drink as much  water as possible without going to the bathroom.  A nurse was listening to the show at the time,  and she called in and warned, “I want to say   that those people drinking all that water can  get sick and die from water intoxication.”  The woman actually won, but then she could be  heard saying to the DJ, “My head hurts. They keep   telling me that it's the water...that it will  tell my head to hurt, and it'll make me puke.”  In the competition, called “Hold your Wee for  a Wii”, they had to drink an 8-ounce bottle of   water, wait a bit, and then drink another.  Some people backed out at eight bottles,   but this woman kept going. It’s  estimated she drank around two gallons.  The mother of three got in the car and complained  of a horrific headache. Five hours later she   was found dead on her bed by her partner. The most recent case we can find was in 2020,   also in the US. It involved parents  making their 11-year old drink around   three liters of water in four hours. He threw  up, but they kept telling him to drink more. They were charged with first-degree murder and  some other charges relating to their utterly   terrible parenting, although the murder  charge was later dropped for the mother.  Again, we don’t have statistics for death  by water intoxication, but it is very rare.  Now let’s return to the super weird. 4.  One way no one wants to go is what we might  call an ironic death. Unfortunately, such   deaths can be tragic and funny at the same time.  One such ironic death would be to die at someone   else’s funeral, a kind of two-for-one deal. We found plenty of cases when someone had a   heart attack at a funeral, and some more cases  when a car crashed in the funeral procession,   but the most messed up cases involved  someone being killed by a coffin.  The first of which was in London in 1872 when a  man named Henry Taylor tripped on a stone while   doing his duty as a pallbearer. At that point,  with the coffin being too heavy for the others,   they all dropped it and it fell on him. The Police News-Gazette at the time wrote, “The   greatest confusion was created amongst  the mourners who witnessed the accident,   and the widow of the person about to  be buried nearly went into hysterics.”  The second case happened  in just 2018 in Indonesia. A 40-year man lost his footing while carrying the  heavy coffin up a ladder that led to a ceremonial   tower. The coffin landed on him and crushed  him. But guess who was inside the coffin?...   His mother! Talk about tragedy. Now let’s ask a question:   What do you get when you cross a rather large  clowder of crazy cats and two helpless women?  3. There are a few stories that   relate to cats being involved in people’s deaths,  such as the one when a cat smothered a kid,   or another when a feline caused a fatal bicycle  collision. There have been cases of cats giving   people rabies and other dark tales of people  dying from the so-called cat scratching disease,   aka, bartonella henselae, but unlike  their avowed enemies, dogs, cats don’t   kill people in a moment of extreme violence. But a cat mauling may have taken place in Iran in   the 1800s. How true it is we don’t know, but the  usually trustworthy BBC wrote a story about it.   It was reported first in Victorian  times by the Illustrated Police News. As the story goes, a wealthy and eccentric Iranian  lady lived in a rather nice house surrounded by   her servants and her cats, many cats, because  she was something of a fan of felines. But one   day a huge fire broke out in the house, which  left the cats in a compromising situation.  The woman told two of her two maids to  go to the room where the cats were kept,   which was dangerous since the house was  now almost entirely engulfed by flames.   This is what the BBC said happened next,  “The blaze had driven the beasts berserk.   The instant the door was opened, they  flew at the unfortunate young women,   tearing, scratching, and biting them in a frenzy.” Both women died from their injuries, although we   do wonder about the reliability of  Victorian-era police news reports.  Ok, now you have got to ask yourself  what a drunk animal could do to a person?  2. Ah, good old alcohol,   that legal high that has more blood on its  hand than a thousand tyrants put together.   If the booze itself doesn’t kill you, when mixed  with cars and fists and guns and sometimes just   the ground itself, alcohol is one dangerous beast. But the best booze death story we could find   involved a bear. Bears can be a bit irascible  at the best of times, and that might lead to   a handful of deaths around the world each  year, but can you imagine what a bear would   do if he was out of his mind on hooch? We know the answer to that because of a   story that happened in 1891 in the Russian  city of Vilnius – not the one in Lithuania.  An unnamed rich man had been given the bear  as a pet, and while it had been tamed, a bear   is still a bear. It was said the man’s  servants liked to play with the bear,   and one thing they enjoyed above everything  else was getting it drunk on vodka.  We don’t know how this happened, but one day  the bear had gotten out of this guy’s house   and ended up at the local tavern. There, it  somehow managed to sniff out a keg of vodka,   and it proceeded to drink it in vast quantities. The Innkeeper, named Isaac Rabbanovitch,   was less than pleased and so he attempted  to take the keg away from the bear, but now   with the animal half-baked, it did what humans  often do while drunk and went on the attack.   Rabbanovitch was killed, but the bear wasn’t  done. It also killed his two sons and daughter.  When the villagers arrived at the tavern,  the bear was fast asleep on the floor next   to a pool of blood and vodka. If it could  have spoken, no doubt it would have said,   “Guys, I have no idea how this happened.” They  shot it on the spot. This is the only death by   a drunken animal story we could find, so we’re  going to call this kind of thing very rare.  Ok, last one, and a story that is  like nothing else we’ve ever heard.  1. Zombie talk isn’t anything new,   in fact, some people from the past actually  believed in zombies, rather than as we do,   just tell stories about them. For instance, if  you were to look at a particular paper published   in the Journal of Archaeological Science,  you would come across a story of villagers   in Mediaeval Yorkshire in England chopping up  dead people so they wouldn’t rise from the grave.  You can actually find cases going back thousands  of years where people all over the world buried   their dead by weighing or tying them down, so  when we tell this next story, just bear in mind   that folks in the old days might  have taken the living dead seriously.  It happened in Russia during the 19th century.  According to the BBC, a funeral was in full   flow when the coffin opened, and a man opened  the door and got out. The article explained,   “This was, needless to say, an unexpected  turn of events. White-faced with fear,   the priest and the mourners alike ran from the  church of their Russian village and scattered   to their homes, bolting their doors.” The zombie apparently went after them,   walking out of the church and heading to  the house of an elderly lady. Meanwhile,   a quite rational priest had come to the conclusion  that this guy had been in a coma and come out   of it, and now just needed a bit of help. The priest went to tell the local peasants,   but by this time they’d already armed themselves  and gone zombie hunting. By the time the priest   caught up with them, the zombie had been cut  to pieces and subsequently thrown into a marsh.  People have been signed off as dead and come back  many times in history, even recently, but back in   those days in places where science wasn’t exactly  embraced, that kind of thing could be deadly.  We’d say being killed because you’re  accused of being a zombie was a one-off,   but in 2015, a Walking Dead fan murdered his buddy  in New Mexico with a knife, an electric guitar,   and a microwave, because he believed he was  a zombie. The killer, a father of two, had no   history of mental illness, although alcohol had  been enthusiastically consumed before the attack.  We don’t think we can beat that,  so we’ll end this show here.  Now you need to watch “SURVIVE THE  2019 ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE CHALLENGE”.   Or, have a look at “Best  Evidence of Life After Death.”
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Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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