WATCH OUT! Narcissists' toxic money habits

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in the long term you are in big trouble money is power and in a narcissistic relationship power is abused and this money will absolutely be a tool of control punishment and coercion today we're going to talk a little bit about the narcissistic person's hypocrisy about money now the entire goal of this series is really to get to the core of some of the really complicated issues around money with narcissistic people because money is such a source of power and validation as you can imagine it can really become an uncomfortable space with narcissistic people so let's talk a little bit about this okay pretty darn clear now now that narcissistic people use money to control other people to get status to get validation to punish people and if they don't have it it sets off a vulnerable narcissistic Cascade of sullenness victimization and rage and another really difficult theme around money especially in any kind of narcissistic relationship is there Financial hypocrisy and double standards around money any of you who've ever been in a narcissistic relationship have noticed that there are definitely two sets of Standards now what does that mean remember that hypocrisy is closely related to entitlement one set of rules for you one set of rules for me do as I say not as I do and it's a classical part of the narcissistic presentation and definitely plays a role in the financial piece the financial hypocrisy of narcissism is such that a narcissistic person will have no problem spending lots of money on themselves or for themselves but will become cruely miserly when it comes to the basic needs of the people around them much as was laid out in the shaming series they will shame people for spending money on themselves wow you are selfish spending that much of your money on a new code but they'll turn around and do it themselves in essence it does leave you wondering they're shaming is very likely about envying what the other person is doing and that the other person is doing something that they want to do for themselves and possibly doing it better than the narcissistic person but the idea that someone else might be doing what they're doing it brings up all that inadequacy the two sets of rules around money for anyone with a narcissistic and entitled style one set for themselves and another set for all other people all of this makes money really complicated in any kind of narcissistic relationship in fact these kinds of hypocrisy laid in conversations about money are often what get people into the abyss of defend and explain and engage with narcissistic people The Narcissist May shame or judge someone for purchasing something or spending money on a particular experience and will then turn around and do it on themselves and you will be sputtering and saying but and but they will find a way to make it seem as though their situation is truly different and Heaven help you if you record them or put documentation of the hypocrisy back in their face they will then write you off as Petty and sort of surveillency and even paranoid for doing that remember the Mantra of all narcissistic relationships in addition to that they won't change you can't win this hypocrisy about money brings in two of their themes their superficiality and their status seeking and their need for control the superficiality is obvious they need the things that signify their status whatever those may be cars clothes credentials experiences grown-up toys houses but that comes up against controlling almost always narcissistic people are very controlling around money and if you are in a relationship with them they would all they will often control the access to money if you are in a family with them they may be controlling about money so they can spend with abandon or spend on anyone they want but everyone else may be judged for engaging in that spending this financial hypocrisy and the double standards also mean that they are the ones the narcissistic people are the ones who get to decide what is worth spending money on you may be in a family situation or an intimate relationship where there are some shared finances and perhaps want to have a collaborative decision about saving for something as a relationship within your relationship or as a family maybe you want a house in a better school district that house may be smaller but it would be a significantly better education for your children or you might argue about school tuitions but any of this is at odds with what the narcissistic person wants for themselves and let's assume that they are the ones who have control over the money what will happen is that their spending will be labeled as selfish or stupid or will be judged contemptuously by the narcissistic person's more egocentric needs for the money one parent may be interested in trying to create better opportunities for their children the narcissistic parent might be more interested in getting a new car for themselves or living in a much bigger house and may turn around and frame and manipulate it as let the kids go to this other school who cares if it's not that good then hey our kids will be the smartest kids at that school or some other Twisted rationalization that allows them to stay in the big house with the new car with little regard with how it's affecting other people in the system keep in mind that the self-righteous part of narcissism can result in them making no compromises around taking it and around it and taking a sort of simplistic view about it it's my money I earned it I can do whatever I want with it so they take a role if they earned it so sometimes earned can be a bit subjective but they have it's their money so then they can spend with abandon and yet they will criticize how other people spend the money that they themselves earned it's back to the you can't win waiting for them to sign off and approve of how you spend money or do anything else in your life is like waiting for a train that is never going to come this egocentricity about money can result in lots of inconsistency around it and then every so often to get supply the narcissistic person will engage in a generous flourish with their money confusing everyone who may now want to view the narcissistic person as generous but keep in mind that spending was self-serving getting them they were spending this money on other people to get them narcissistic Supply not just to be generous to somebody else everything the narcissistic person does has to be viewed through the lens of how does it benefit them do as I say not as I do are words that narcissistic people live by there are two sets of rules on money can be extremely galling when it comes to a relationship and to be criticized for spending when you are in a relationship with someone who is spending it far more irresponsibly or selfishly can really be gaslighty and enraging remember in the narcissistic person's mindset everything is seen through only one point of view what works for them what gives them Supply and what allows them to better regulate themselves your spending goals your needs your plans are completely irrelevant we know that in any kind of relationship that Financial issues may be the most contentious and often destabilizing type of issue that there is in close relationships and likely cause the most relational disruption pay attention to these financial hypocrisies and double standards early on because they definitely show up early on if you aren't in agreement about money whether real and realistically or philosophically even early in a relationship you never will be especially if you are with someone whose attitude about money is that it's all about me and there and the way they approach money has massive blind spots but Financial stuff again philosophically conversations about money with narcissistic folks early on will definitely show double standards and other red flags pay attention to those let me tell you when it comes to money sometimes that kind of rigid thinking rarely shifts and we know narcissism is an extremely rigid style you know a lot of us think of how generous in grandiose narcissistic people are with money talk a little bit about stinginess the funny thing about narcissistic personality is that it is not a unidimensional one-way only construction it can look different ways because there are so many subtypes of narcissism and money brings out the worst of it one of the most confusing things regarding money was people who have narcissistic personalities is how they go back and forth between being either really really stingy and miserly to being really almost overly generous well there is a reason for that and so let's break some of that down let's start with the stinginess right that's what we were leading with being stingy or miserly is not the same as being fiscally prudent or careful being stingy for example is keeping things around long after they are useful just because you're thinking like I'm not throwing this out I paid good money for it it's about easily being able to afford to split the check but then not being willing to pay this you know the same amount because you because the narcissistic person or stingy person didn't have dessert it's about fiercely enforcing the upper limits on an office holiday grab bag gift it's about keeping track of how much money they spend each year on family birthday gifts and then reminding everyone how much they spend it's about telling an elderly parent that you know this year I think I may not give you a birthday gift because I had to chip in a little extra money for your wheelchair or your Walker it's gross it's Petty it's small-minded it's uncomfortable and it is not done out of necessity but out of a real mean-spiritedness and you can see how the stuff of narcissism comes into play here the lack of empathy the entitlement the low-grade paranoia and the sense that people are always trying to take advantage of them it's not about Big Ticket stuff that has real Financial ramifications and stinginess is often accompanied by rumination they will track every cent and even keep these bizarre records so for example if there is a divorce or a will or an estate or trust or even a friendship be prepared that they would present someone with a bill for past anniversary gifts or childhood expenses or a dinner you had years ago just because they're mad there is a meanness to stinginess and it overlaps quite clearly with the meanness of the narcissistic personality but what confuses the hell out of people is that sometimes this very same narcissist and if not this one others can be very generous almost grandiosely generous think love bombing expensive gifts big nights out narcissistic folks May throw down the credit card and pick up the check for a big group of people on dinner out or a bar tab everyone will clap and congratulate them oh thank you oh my gosh you're so generous and you can see how much the narcissistic person loves that grandiose moment but at the same time if you watch really carefully you can see it on their face they love the grandiose moment and the show of it all but there is a tiny resentment underneath the mask it's Primal at A Primitive level they know they got the narcissistic Supply which relieves the tension because they always need it but now we'll slowly start the nagging ruminative doubt of they only like me because I paid for this big dinner and I will guarantee you they will bring it up at some point in some future argument ugh you friends are such freeloaders I'm sure they want me to come they expect me to pick up the check they I picked it up that one time they expected that or your family is a bunch of users and they're always just waiting for me to pay or ugh you're such a gold digger always looking to me for money even when the reality was that everyone was not only fully ready to split the check but really really we're pushing and trying to but nope The Narcissist needed their grandiose moment remember the golden rule of narcissistic relationships you can't win as a general pattern narcissistic personalities tend to be generous when it is public when it will get them Supply when it will get them noticed it's what we can call something called agentic generosity it's a means to an end it's something they do actively you get what they need it's not in the spirit of generosity the idea of like I'm lucky enough to have and it makes me happy to share what I do have and they might even think like gosh everyone around this table has been really kind to me and it's nice on this day to be able to do something nice no no no no for narcissistic people everything's a transaction to get something usually narcissistic Supply or to posture narcissists may use these episodes of generosity as a way to shame someone else they'll toss down the card and say to someone at the table out loud in front of everyone hey hey you I know you're going through a tough time and I know that your job doesn't pay that well listen it's really nice to be able to show you a high-end not a high-end night out at a decent place instead of those usual dumps you go to it's you and it's gross and it can feel humiliating and degrading for not only the people on the receiving end but to anyone who's witnessing this now because of the narcissistic tendency to feeling persecuted or victimized if they feel that their generosity isn't getting enough gratitude they will become Sullen and glum and passive aggressive you almost wish they would tell you how many thank yous do you want for this necklace for this gift card for this dinner because if you don't thank them if you don't thank them right or you don't thank them enough they will experience a narcissistic injury and they will lash out if others don't thank them enough it's exactly the same they will also as I already said they will often ruminate after they've been generous this idea of I'm being taken advantage of these people are only coming because they want to drink my great wine from my collection or hang out in my nice house everybody always expects me to take care of them meanwhile no one's expecting that the narcissistic person just keeps doing it they will whine endlessly about it but it's a real Catch-22 for people with narcissistic personalities because most narcissists struggle with being alone even the vulnerable narcissists because they need Supply so they can regulate themselves and they like to dominate social interactions so they will use money to control those interactions and control the narrative and then resent the idea but people spend time with them because they spend money on them and we could look at this in the certain kind of transactional relationships out there there's definitely a certain breed of narcissistic person who consistently gets into transactional relationships with Partners usually it's someone older who has the resources finding someone much younger but who's very considered very attractive or something like that the younger Partners often there for the free ride and for the goodies the older narcissistic person is aggravated because they want the attractive younger partner but they resent how much they have to spend and want the younger partner to want them just because they're lovable good luck with that it's not how transactional relationships work but ultimately the the cardinal rule of narcissistic relationships you can't win now this whole stinginess thing can also see you can see it happen in families where generosity and stinginess are used as a way to either keep people close or punish them if you purchase the family members they will then show up to holiday dinners and birthdays and other family events so that the family the family member who's got the money can hold Court but the generous high-spending narcissist is a way that the reason is aware that the reason that people are at the family dinner is for the money and the narcissistic family members especially parents will often use money as a way to triangulate manipulate and play favorites and then if a narcissistic family member spends money on someone and those people don't show up they will feel very betrayed and let them know it now over time especially in a classically love bomb devalue discard cycle the transition from generosity to miserliness can be seen it will transition from gifts and nights out and vacations to lots of penny pinching and then accusations about you only being in it with them for the money it may go from them consistently picking up the check even if you offered to help out to accusing you of using them at the end of the meal so you that might find yourself paying more and more for meals out even meals that you cannot always afford especially if there's a significant difference in how much money you earn compared to the narcissistic partner it may manifest in them becoming punitive about household expenses and the market contrast will be striking you might find that you went from going first class to Paris to hearing complaints about why do the kids need new clothes for school over the course of the relationship and there is plenty of money to spend and yet they're complaining remember all relationships are transactional for narcissistic people so it's about the narcissist spending money to get supply or love or adoration and then when they finally kind of have that relationship nailed down or are no longer really interested in that person then they no longer want to spend it and then they feel used so then they they sort of slide into that stinginess territory money is such a complicated language to speak with a narcissistic person it doesn't matter if they are a billionaire or if they are broke it always raises issues their generosity is actually really just a way to control people control the conversation and a quick way to be perceived as a nice person their stinginess is a manifestation of their incapacity for empathy intimacy and it also reflects their chronically sort of just under the line paranoid sense that they are being taken advantage of there is little middle ground and as such always beware a gift horse with the narcissist gifts always carry strings ask yourself if that gift is actually worth the cost what happens when you loan a narcissist money so I'd like you all to reflect on that question maybe you've even done it what happens when you loan a narcissist money what's your guess drop it in the comments I'm guessing because I can't I'm doing this now I can't see your comments is most of you said you ain't gonna get it back and that's a good bet why because narcissistic people actually kind of feel entitled to your money they have interestingly people who are narcissistic have enough of a filter to not say hey I'm great so you should give me money but they're probably thinking it narcissistic personality is sort of associated with Shady Shifty deceitful gaslighting and impulsive behavior so again all of that means that not only do you not get your money back but also that you may be so gaslighted and manipulated that by the time that they are done with you you may even think that they don't really owe it back to you and that maybe they did you a favor by letting you loan the money is really confusing well since narcissistic folks are such Hot Shots why would they even need to borrow money well in some cases it's realistic they just may not have any and because appearances are so important to them most of them except for the self-righteous ones who that's their own that's their own kind of animal um most narcissistic folks are relatively impulsive with money and will spend it to get validation they'll spend it on how they look they'll spend it on other people they'll want to look like they have a certain lifestyle and as a result they may simply borrow money to supplement what they the what little money they have to just look better they may also borrow money in the name of grandiosity an idea they want to get off the ground some deal or some great deal or some great business that they want to get everyone into that sort of thing just as a sidebar self-righteous narcissistic folks are the ones who are a little bit funny about money they're really rigid about money they probably won't ask you for any they will criticize how you spend your own money they won't ever use their money to help someone else they will use money to shame and control others so they kind of do money in a different way so the other question may be does it bring up shame for narcissistic people to borrow money probably yes but that happens at an almost unconscious level and they're really masterful at coming up with rationalizations and to engage in denial in denial things like well nobody ever's ever paid me what I'm worth so they may actually feel entitled to people giving them money but at the core of it if the narcissistic person needs the money it will bring up shame for them to ask you and if in fact you are actually able to loan them the money they may actually also resent you for being able to do so and resent the dependency on you that it raises so they will project that shame on you and hate you even though you're bailing them out it gets really messy a narcissistic person may also try something slick like borrowing some money from you and then they pay it back then they'll borrow a little more maybe a little more and they'll pay it back they may slowly increase the amounts like a grooming process and pay it pay you back and if you don't know their financial situation well and they seem to be portraying a decent lifestyle you might actually become confident because they already have paid you back in the past that they'll keep paying you back and when they don't pay you back and you ask them about it they'll Gaslight you and say oh what's wrong don't you trust me I've paid you back in the past of course I'm going to pay you back and they'll make it really aversive for you to ask about the money every time you bring it up they'll argue with you they'll shame you they'll call you petty they'll call you miserly or other names or they'll just give you the run around and this Behavior may leave you questioning yourself and also disincentivize you from having the conversation with them and you just may not want to keep asking them because the conversations are so convoluted and you just simply get exhausted the way a narcissistic person gets money from you may not even be a direct ask it may be a version of backdoor borrowing they might say something like I forgot my credit card can you front me my ATM card isn't working my venmo isn't working my PayPal isn't working can you just cover me I'll obviously pay you back so it's not a loan but then you may find yourself having to ask for the money back they'll claim like oh I forgot about it and if you're someone who's conflict or request a verse and don't like asking these things this may start getting really uncomfortable for you and in fact when they first ask you to front them and if you were to ask something like hey are you going to pay me back they may even contemptuously sniff at you and say please of course I'm going to pay you back who do you think I am do you think I'm some kind of freeloader and then you may feel bad for suggesting otherwise so it all becomes a very Twisted manipulation getting into any kind of financial setup with a narcissistic person is always going to be a mess money has too much Surplus meaning for them so it will always end up badly but it's not always the straight up loan as much as it is the back door ask that creates the problems or even the victimize ask where they say ah everything in my life is going wrong and then you being the empathic Soul you are might just give them money usual guidelines on any money lending to anyone which is basically never expect money you lend back so don't give any amount of money you can't afford to lose lie if you have to but be prepared to lose it especially when you loan money to a narcissistic person and just as a sort of final follow-up question you may be wondering what if you try to borrow money from them all I can say is Holy heaven they may pull out some kind of 50 loan shark agreement or they may just say no or they may humiliate and degrade you about why you need it or even make gross suggestions on how you can pay it back to them if they have it and you need it to be in that it disempowered a position you would probably do better with a predatory lender or credit card borrowing fees than to pay the psychological interest rate of borrowing it from them if it's a self-righteous narcissistic person you're trying to get the money from they are so miserly that they will lecture you for a shame you and humiliate you and then still not give you the money money and narcissistic people never mix when it comes to any form of relationship don't borrow don't lend and don't expect it to end well the interest rate on borrowed money whenever narcissistic people are involved is basically an annual percentage rate on your soul it's kind of in opposition to what we think is the truth right there there are the big the town I'll take I'll pick up the check I'll keep well that's part of the whole love bombing when you over manipulation phase since those Glory Days Are Done you start to see a very different narcissists in fact can be quite miserly there's a sort of a hypersensitivity slash paranoia that narcissists have about them they often feel that other people are taking it of them and they often tend to keep like a mental Ledger or a mental balance sheet like I did this for you now you have to do this for me they're very quid pro quo in their relationships and that matters even in matters of money I spent this much I expect you to do this for me and so it may not be as much as I spent this much you owe me this much but there can be something that feels very transactional about relationships with narcissists maybe not as unseemly as paying someone for sex but it is on that level of hey I'm providing for you I should be able to control you all right gave you this so I expect you to do that or make me look good and it's very um it's made very obvious which means it doesn't feel very good there's a real lack of insight to their cheapness too they don't realize that they they are sometimes they turn on and off their generosity it's the on and off that makes you realize that their generosity is actually relatively manipulative they'll be generous at times it's going to get them something so when they pick up the check for everyone and so they can look good to a large group of people but then you may go out with them one-on-one where there's no one to impress and they may not pick up that they may be they may be very inconsistent you generous generous generous for weeks maybe even months and then one day it'll switch and they'll say what are you doing why are you buying them and you'll be like okay gosh I got familiarized with this is how you wanted to do things men they'll change the rules on you changing the rules on people is a great way to always keeping them kind of mentally off balance but also for the narcissist because they're so insecure they will often use money as a way to say hey I can win you over you have to be my friend because I'm buying but in the same breath they don't like that that's the case so then all of a sudden deal with but when we think about someone being cheap we usually you think about this in terms of money 's not the only resource we have we also have resources like time and emotion so where they can also be cheap is with their time they will be they won't give you a lot of it they will be very chintzy with it say yeah I'll come to your concert for a little while or yeah yeah I'll come to your work thing for a little while it'll seem like they they hold back on the probably oftentimes the only thing you want from someone you love which is their time or their presence they may show up to anything including life but they're not really there it feels like they're either always on their device or watching TV or just not plugged in with you that they're just cheap they're cheap with their time they're cheap with their money and they can be cheap with themselves in terms of how much of it they'll give over the inconsistency in their so-called generosity the kind of manipulativeness of generosity and the way they often will view money as a way to get things done rather than a real sharing of it it does feel it feels kind of gross and it actually after a while it can feel really uncomfortable to accept their gifts and generosity because you know a generous Monday could be followed by a really almost verbally abusive Thursday after a while the gifts feel or the money feels like an uncomfortable offset you'll really desperately want to split the check or take on the whole check yourself to avoid this feeling and sometimes they'll even go so far as to believe you owe them that hey I've done all these things for you now you owe me but you may not be able to provide at the same level or they may make fun of the way you're able to do things so you might feel like in a fair world you're right you took me out to dinner last week let me take you out to dinner this week but if you choose a place that they don't think is good enough for them that might become a space in which they'll humiliate you so their cheapness can play out in lots of different ways it's often a reflection of some of their tendency towards manipulation it can be also the sort of the narcissist's cheapness is a lack of insight it's also it can also be a um it could be a real entitlement that they they feel like I'm owed things at times and again their tendency to view things that's quite transactional the fact is though it is quite uncomfortable and as they always say you know always look a gift horse in the mouth I think we can forward that too always look a narcissist gift in the mouth too it often carries extra meaning and their cheapness and their miserliness and not just with money but with time and with their set and with themselves can feel like a really destabilizing place or interestingly their behavior they're being cheap can leave you feeling cheapened yourself now this idea of a narcissistic person making more money than the other person in a relationship maybe the most common playing out of a relationship scenario with a narcissistic person research suggests that narcissistic people on average do tend to make more money they tend to have greater Career Success and they are more likely to pursue and Achieve positions of leadership and as a result of all of this your narcissistic partner is likely to make more money than you it may also be what made them more attractive to you unfortunately people are drawn to successful people and money now Society has always gotten behind the idea that a Rich Partner is a better partner or wealthy partner is a better partner and narcissistic people are also more likely to be chosen as good choices as marital Partners again as indicated by the research even if when you met you were making similar salaries or are both just starting out they're the ambitious and assiduous focus on work and money and power that we observe in people with narcissistic personalities means that they may ultimately end up outpacing you money-wise and as I raised in another video in this series before long especially if you perhaps decide to start a family or the narcissistic partner has to move for a job it may result in the other partner giving up a job freelancing or stopping working to either care for children or care for the household which ends up being much more convenient for the narcissistic person and then there is a clear differential in in differential in incomes right because if somebody's not working then the person not working is definitely not going to be making any money and they're going to be making less if you're not working they may if you are working I should say they may mock the amount of money you make they may make fun of your job or they may find other ways to frame the income disparity through a shaming lens however you get here if the narcissistic person makes more money than you the short answer to that is in the long term you are in big trouble money is power and in a narcissistic relationship power is abused and this money will absolutely be a tool of control punishment and coercion you may find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to ask for money for fundamental needs in the household you may find yourself in the dark about your family finances and you may find yourself shamed for spending any money on yourself initially in the love bombing stage everything can seem good if they make more money then you may find yourself in a situation in which maybe you're getting gifts or being taken care of or not having to worry about the headaches or the details of money all of this can be quite seductive reassuring and fun until it's not and once the devaluing begins it stops being fun during the devaluing phase you can expect to be criticized about money how you spend it how much you have and even start being viewed suspiciously and during the discard especially if it's a dissolution of a marriage you will be in a horrific epic battle that will change you forever listen the narcissistic partner may be the one who encouraged you to pull back at work and now they are criticizing you for not bringing in enough if it ends up proceeding to a full-on divorce narcissistic people who make more even much more money even though by the letter of the law and family of Court are supposed to pay spousal support they will fight that requirement tooth and nail the power differential engendered by a narcissistic person making more money in a relationship can make the relationship very uncomfortable for a very long time another issue that makes this challenging is the suspiciousness that accompanies the narcissistic personality style the suspiciousness that is observed in narcissistic personalities can sort of look like a low-grade paranoia a kind of constant victimization and a chronic sense of persecution and that like the sense that other people are out to get them as a result if they are earning more money then there's a constant suspiciousness that you are taking advantage of them that you are only in it for the money that you in essence are basically a grifter and yet if you were to raise the idea of earning your money or earning your own money or pursuing a job or something in your career that would result in more money in more than a few cases they will either mock that idea or even get angry at you for thinking that they aren't earning enough remember the Mantra you can't win listen unless you were in a really strangely unique situation where you are in a relationship with someone who maybe has the same job as you at the same level in any relationship someone is always going to make more money when there are two healthy people in a relationship then there are shared conversations about money collaboration about family budgets Clarity on role expectations and attempt to create equality in other ways in the relationship in a narcissistic relationship they want the power that comes from making more money and will use that differential that income differential to control punish or to harness as a sort of weapon to get what they need there can also be a strange culture around gift giving in a narcissistic relationship they might might buy from time to time might buy you expensive gifts and expect you to ooh and ah but when you need basics for the household you will be met with resistance in a family system it doesn't play out so clearly if other family members make more money the same themes of suspiciousness and coercion and power abuses will also unfold and by and large it's always to go best to go dutch in these family situations and not expect the narcissistic family members who make more money to actually Step Up now more people in close relationships are in this situation of somebody making more than the other than not believe it or not because it is more probable like I said that the narcissistic person will make more money be aware that other than in the earliest days of Love bombing this Dynamic will rarely be healthy in the long term the most important thing to remember is that no matter what relationship you are in healthy narcissistic you name it always stay on top of the finances never assume that another person is taking care of them even if you don't care for money and figures even if the two of you don't have a lot of money figure it out if somebody really pushes back early in a relationship on you really making inquiries about money and how you budget and how you manage it that is a massive massive red flag nobody nobody should ever be unclear on their own Financial picture this lack of interest in your own finances is a position that a lot of narcissistic people will take advantage of and when they make more money they feel entitled to having access to information and not being transparent with you again if it's early days you may really want to consider if this is healthy for you because it can be really risky if and when things go south because what you could find yourself is fighting the Battle of your life for money that you need and if you've been out of the workplace for a long time it can be very hard to make up that difference so this power differential created by somebody making much more and not only the power differential but the need for power in somebody who has this kind of personality can make this a precarious place so make sure you educate yourself and train yourself to be your own Financial Advocate thanks again
Channel: DoctorRamani
Views: 697,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BevQXO4PmQg
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Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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