Watch KT TV - Colin Dye - A Light to the Nations

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[Music] of the goodness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days [Music] oh i will see of the goodness [Applause] [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know you as a father is [Applause] [Applause] again [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held by your hands from the moment that i wake [Music] oh i up sing of the goodness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love your voice so i love your [Applause] [Music] i know oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on [Music] you're is me in okay do it again do it again [Music] foreign good afternoon everybody and welcome to this very special 230 service in which uh yeah let's give jesus praise you're gonna do it and uh today it's a bit different we're going to be showing you in two parts a documentary entitled light to the nations the documentary was made just about over a year ago to coincide with the time when amanda and i'd be stepping out into our new missions ministry but kovid made us wait and also trying to find a successor that had to wait and eventually both those things are now resolved so today it's the story of my life and um it's personal as well as describing some of the things that god has done through us over the years and i hope you find it interesting but i want you to watch it uh can't pick up the kind of theme all the way through my birthplace in east africa being brought up in australia being based in london for many years and traveling the world what's that all about so we're going to find out more about it now on the way in you should have a special offering envelope with the blue strip on the top which is going to go into our missions activity and also a leaflet and a brochure and if you are watching online you can participate in this as well we'll tell you more about that later so we're going to dim the lights and get ready we present to you light to the nations the colondai story on october the 9th 1953 in el dorado kenya a young boy was born and his parents named him colin walter died and i want to tell you tonight in the royal albert hall god himself has put in the best is yet to be don't be frightened to dream the word of the lord came to me saying [Music] before i formed you in the womb i knew you and i appointed you as a prophet to the nations [Music] the miracle of tonight is this that in many ways we're handing the ministry of the body of christ to you because the work of jesus christ is in the hands of the body of christ now we are also seeing absolutely amazing growth we have now grown to 1 800 cells now we are talking about 10 976 people inside [Applause] [Music] [Music] i was born in east africa in kenya in a small rural town called eldoret in the rift valley 1953 was the year and around that time there was the mao mao uprising the movement towards uhuru independence it was quite difficult for some of the farmers in that area and we moved quickly into tanzania which was called tanganyika at that time [Music] we were always on the move as a family my father worked in farm equipment he was a car mechanic and farm factory mechanic and salesman we never seem to be in one place for very very long i lived for a short time with my family in a mud house in in tanzania and remember my little dog judy just wonderful memories they say once you have the dust of africa under your toes you're going to be connected to africa for life also remember playing with my my elder brother ray and uh enjoying the sunshine enjoying the carefree life it was a very happy childhood 1960 the family moved to australia we took a ship from east africa the rhodesia castle it was called changed ships in aden and then caught the earth over right across to western australia fremantle my early years in australia were wonderful remember attending junior high school taking the trip up the bus my parents ran a service station at the bottom of of those hills and remember going out into the bush camping out in the bush swimming in the lakes i remember where i was the day president kennedy was assassinated i was too young to understand exactly what was going on but there was shock in the family were in the outside in the garden in geraldton very warm and sunny i remember the parents adults really quite disturbed very recently i was at a school reunion at kalamunda high school actually we met for coffee just opposite kalamanda high school with some old junior and senior high school friends and we recalled the time in 1962 when john glenn called perth the city of lights because as he was orbiting the earth late at night the city switched on its lights and john glenn said the scene was spectacular remember that remembered also watching the moon landing together in 1969 i was in governor sterling high school which was the senior high school at the time and my friends were packed into a classroom watching this tiny black and white television screen watching that first step on the moon when i was living in kalgoorlie i was 10 years of age and a friend of mine from school attended dance classes i think they were highland classes and i begged my parents to let me go and try it out my mother was rather keen she had taken tap lessons as a child my father was not so keen but eventually i was allowed to go i did three classes one in highland dancing one in tap dancing and then one in ballet now that was my first love so at the age of 10 i entered into the maureen lamb school of dance it was great time but also a really rough time kalgoorlie was a rough gold mining town and i remember being bullied and threatened and even attacked after school by different people because they thought this was a thing to do but there was something about dance that attracted me i remember even as a boy in africa climbing out of the window and going into the local village late at night secretly and watching the africans dance and celebrate in their festivities now joining in the background without anybody knowing from kalgoorlie where i did a few junior performances we went to perth and there i joined the kira busloff school of dance kira busloff was a formidable wonderful lady of exiled russian parents part of the ballet rooster monte carlo the baby ballerina season and her associate kiril vasil koski was an accomplished male dancer and i've really begun to understand what were the rigors of classical dance and the training was remarkable and wonderful the inspiration of madame busloth was fantastic and some of the that inspiration is still with me today so around the age of 16 my parents said split up and it was a devastating time and my father offered me the opportunity to go either to melbourne to dance with the australian ballet school or anywhere else in the world eventually i ended up at the age of 16 presenting myself at the royal ballet senior school which is in talgarth road hammersmith in those days it was where we would go every morning for classes and the discipline and the progress was wonderful and i entered the male graduate class from which company members were drawn [Music] and after two and a half years at the age of 18 i was selected to join the royal ballet company for two years i was in a small touring group called ballet for all and we toured the provinces sometimes doing as many as uh seven weeks in a row of one-night appearances in different places it was rigorous taxing and we were given opportunity to dance principal roles at a very young age during that time i was selected for a number of major roles including giselle the invitation which was a ballet by kenneth macmillan and also lace of feed which was one of those early ballets that had been performed by the ballet routes to monte carlo but i knew that my destiny lay elsewhere because by this time i had come to know christ my mother was and still is a practicing anglican she's taken her anglican faith very very seriously she took us to church every sunday way back in africa and then on into australia what was also interesting about those days was there was a boys choir and i was in the boys choir and i remember the consternation on the face of the choir director when he actually heard my voice and but nevertheless they allowed me to continue so long as i sang softly but they had other activities we did certain productions and i was able to use my dance in the church as well as in some of those those productions so with the formative times i was an altar boy and i remember some of the sermons which still with me today i remember archdeacon kemp who was the leader at that time saying these boys who come and serve at the altar what they are doing is going to build a faith that will last a lifetime however i must say that my faith was not necessarily evangelical it wasn't necessarily a personal commitment to christ and i wouldn't say that i was born again that that came much later after i'd moved to great britain i arrived in london in 1970 the 22nd of march and i stayed with some distant relatives and during that time i was attending dance school and life was a bit tough my father died about a year before that time and i was left very much on my own but my elder brother came to the united kingdom to visit me and linked me up with some distant relatives living in the uk up in the north of england and one of these was married to a man called uncle will a bit distant relative but a wonderful man so ray my brother went with me to a place near carlisle to spend christmas with him and ray had become a christian and the change in him was dramatic he talked to me about the gospel he talked to me as if he had a personal relationship with christ he talked to me about the gifts of the spirit and speaking in tongues and water baptism and i was intrigued but my brother's words were very powerful and also uncle will work very patiently with me he was an accomplished artist some of his paintings made it into the royal academy and i'd watch him paint and talk about this and talk about art and all the things i was interested in and and even gave me a little bit of tutoring in sketching and drawing but he would also talk to me about christ and his life was so influential and they conspired to take me to an evangelistic meeting in a nearby town of wigton and it was a very old-fashioned quaint mission hall but they had quite a famous preacher passing through his name was dr alan redpath he preached john chapter five the impotent man or was we say in the other translations the paralyzed man at the pool and he focused on jesus question in the authorized version wilt thou be made whole in our modern versions dude you want to get better do you want to be made well but the preacher paused and made a great deal of that question do you want to be made whole what does it mean to be made whole the preacher said there's only one person who's ever been truly whole and his name is jesus so jesus was asking the question do you want to be made like me and that question appeared to be spoken directly to my heart and inside i answered yes i want to be like jesus a couple of days later i was writing in a notebook and i started with these words jesus has come into my life through god the father and god the holy spirit i looked back and i thought that's exactly what has happened and i began to share that with others and so after christmas i returned to london living in west kensington and i was convinced there was not another believer in london i was the only one but i surprised to find christine a good friend of mine but never spoken about christianity turned out to be a born-again believer and she attended saint mary's west kensington anglican church not far from where i lived so i went to saint mary's and i couldn't believe it these people were saying the same things that i was hearing from the brethren believers of uncle will's family the pentecostal side of it from rey in south africa and i realized that we're actually part of a family that spans all different denominations but there were two things outstanding for me one was speaking in tongues i wanted to be baptized in the holy spirit so at st mary's in the coffee fellowship time after the service i was asking around and i met a very lively and i may say somewhat eccentric lady by the name of denise i asked about the holy spirit and denise introduced me to um a prayer meeting charismatic prayer meeting that took place once a week in a private home in brompton not far from holy trinity brompton and many of the people there were part of holy trinity brompton i remember the date it was the 7th of february 1972. and uh the prayer meeting was wonderful it was i left so joyful and it was quite an uplifting experience but i had not been baptized in the holy spirit yet i knew that and i was so thirsty for the holy spirit that coming week i got so thirsty i even dreamed one night that i was speaking in tongues february the 14th a week later we were all assembled and they were prepared for me i felt something bubbling up on the inside and it finally flowed out of my mouth with words that i'd never learned couldn't explain but i knew where an expression of something deep from within me things that i always wanted to say but i didn't know what and i didn't know to whom and that was speaking in tongues something definitive had been added to my christian experience the bible came alive in a whole new way i threw away all my old records thinking they might all be sinful giving god the benefit of the doubt and i was back at st mary's this time i wanted to talk about water baptism and of course in the anglican church it is infant baptism which is which is the usual practice and so they introduced me to a lady who was known as sister kate kate was an attender of kensington temple and so very early on 1972 i was introduced to kensington temple there i met the pastor eldon corsi who baptized me in april 1972 and i became a church member i was still dancing professionally at that time and they saw me through all of that time as i was traveling and they were praying for me as i came back to london week by week to attend the services but then there was the issue of the ballet ballet was almost a drug to me it was almost an idol it was like the meaning of my life when i was born again in december 1971 within a week i knew that god had called me out of dance out of ballet and the theater into what i would call now ministry although at that stage i didn't exactly know what to call it but i knew my future my destiny was outside of the theater and my uncle gave me a stern talking to you haven't finished your training you haven't finished your course you can't just get up and walk out you have to complete your studies and you have to at least fulfill the purpose of your training i thought he was so wrong the impression was so clear to me that god wanted me out but of course mr too hasty mr too enthusiastic had to learn to wait on the lord's timing so i did dance professionally for three years and i was glad i did because i fulfilled some of the major roles that i might have dreamed about fulfilling and dancing in but at the end of those three years it was clear that the royal ballet were pairing me up with a senior ballerina and were going to build a number of seasons around us there were going to be five principal roles i was going to be promoted in the ranks of the royal ballet and i could not stand by and let them do that knowing that it was going to be temporary so i spoke to peter wright the director of the touring company at that time and uh he said having listened to you i want to tell you dancing would be second best for you i thought that was a wonderful word of affirmation so there i was 21 years of age very little education passionate about wanting to study the bible i found myself at romsey house theological college in cambridge burning the candle at both ends doing some o levels doing some a-levels and studying theology and after two years i graduated with a cambridge diploma in religious studies and later on through correspondence course which we call distance learning now went on to achieve a bachelor of divinity as i was in the ministry returning to london after cambridge the question was what shall i do kensington temple had been a place where i'd grown up there and it was an elim church and i loved the emphasis of that church it was vibrant and thriving and eldon corsi was a wonderful pastor lindenpowering his associate was an inspiring leader not so sure what it means to be an ordained minister i just wanted to serve jesus do you remember me arriving in the church in those days i'll never forget you arriving it was not just arriving it was an invasion you know with all these zest and enthusiasm and love for the lord and a very keen desire to do god's will colin made a very big impact on the congregation and it wasn't long before he was involved we had with us a man called john harris and he had two rehabilitation centers for addicts and alcoholics and colin got involved with that and he used to go into the clapham common with the boys to play football and john said it was a sight to behold this this belly dancer trying to play soccer was well it was the most graceful game of football but i did score some goals yes yes you scored a lot of goals for me john and dawn harris ought to be commended for taking the risk on me they were the house parents and the directors of this ministry i met amanda while i was a student in cambridge at romsey house theological college amanda was nursing in pediatrics and she attended the same brethren assembly that i attended it was panton hall led by some wonderful people including dr shepard who was one of the elders i noticed amanda in the meetings and one occasion i found she was not present and a little later on in the week when i was attending a christian union meeting amanda was there and i felt led by the holy spirit to inquire after her soul i haven't seen you at the meetings recently oh no she says i've been somewhere else i was greatly troubled and my prayer life stepped up as i was for some reason very very interested in the spiritual well-being of this young lady well soon i was fooling nobody not even myself i realized that there was a relationship developing and during the rest of my time studying in cambridge we became good friends in a group of course and then when i moved back to london and started working in the drug rehabilitation ministry amanda was posted to a well-known hospital queen charlotte's in london and we had opportunity to meet on my day off from time to time and over the course of two years or so a relationship developed there was romantic attachment there was a proposal and an acceptance and were married by elton corsi in kensington temple on june the 9th 1979 so we are celebrating up to and more than 40 years of marriage then in 1981 the human hurricane known as win lewis hit kensington temple wynn was an exciting leader very very strict great fun to work with but not anyone you would cross and you would never win over win and wynn's idea was that i needed experience outside of a church where i'd grown up in to see what life was like outside of kensington temple and so i was sent to wynton elam church in bournemouth it was not an easy experience for me but i was grateful for it during that time i was ordained into the elim ministry and i learned a whole lot of things usually it was about how not to do things but it was a difficult time because in those days kensington temple was one of the churches that was more open to the holy spirit more charismatic than old style stick-in-the-mud pentecostal it's very different now neo-pentecostalism and basic classic pentecostalism have very many features in common but those were the days been the battles between the radicals and the traditionals and it was a tough time but in 1985 when lewis called me back to kensington temple and i became eventually his associate minister on the team there and that's when so much more ministry began to emerge everything i know all that i've experienced i owe to the ministry of kensington temple first of all as a church member and as a street evangelist i remember those early days in the 1970s street evangelism a bit different from today we did it throughout the night friday night we had in uh the small hall at the back of kensington temple a coffee bar which was one of the common methods of evangelism in those days half would stay behind in the church to pray others would go out on the streets and invite people to come and drink coffee and share the gospel with them i learned some valuable lessons and passion for evangelism which in those days was under eldon corsi has a stayed with me till today and i just remember so many people coming to christ and the evangelistic anointing on the church was very strong because hardly a week goes went by without somebody not coming to christ we began with a small group of people in what we call the joshua program which was more a mentoring and training program but in 1987 we launched the ib iol as it's known today with daytime teaching training assignments projects and i developed all the training material virtually all of it myself in those early days those early training materials developed into what is now known as the sword of the spirit series as well as the bible school ministry i was involved in pioneering a new form of evangelistic department and emissions department those days are very important to me i remember what proved to be the first of a whole series of short-term missions was in kenya 1987. and this to me is remarkable because way back in 1972 soon after i was baptized in the holy spirit i'd seen a vision of africa very clear picture and it was as if the holy spirit was saying to me you're going to go back to where you came from you're going to return and the impression was it was a constant returning to africa and as soon as that thought registered and i took it on board the vision changed and i saw a map of south america you know africa and south america a little bit similar in shape and i saw no this is now south america and the same impression that god was going to send me repeatedly to south america so 14 years later i find myself in kenya back the first time since i'd left at the age of seven and interestingly enough i ministered in the kuru the birthplace of my father and god broke through in signs and wonders and and i saw something as we went further up into the mountains into the rift valley and we all saw such remarkable miracles that it changed our lives and out of those experiences were several principles about how it all operated in the spirit unity intercession faith boldness and many of those principles are with me today it's good to see everyone this evening i'm standing in the gap as you already heard so the gap will be filled by tomorrow morning at 7 00 am i think at heathrow but in the meantime i'm standing in she's been an amazing woman very different from me in many respects and i think a great compliment to my personality and to my my ministry she has stood by me all these years through difficulties during which time elizabeth was born 1983 in london it was during my time in bournemouth and i remember driving furiously up the motorway when the time for her delivery drew near the firstborn amazing irreplaceable a little while later amanda fell pregnant again and gave birth to laura a delightful second child unfortunately due to medical negligence shortly after birth laura suffered an e coli infection which ended her brain and was untreated despite amanda's obviously superior knowledge even to to the junior doctor that was taking care of this situation amanda's pleas for help were ignored and it was very painful to learn that laura's brain was severely damaged and she was not expected to live very long at all but she did live for 16 years thanks to amanda's 24-hour seven-day a week nursing care there were very very difficult times for us as a family kensington temple church was very compassionate and amanda was very very determined throughout those 16 years i never missed one service one appointment amanda wouldn't let me what is interesting to me is that during that time my sense of fellowship and closeness with the holy spirit was unparalleled during that time also there's an explosion of spiritual gifts prophecy words of knowledge and a healing ministry out of my daughter's sickness came a militant attitude of on my part and amanda's part against all sickness and disease and and god led us into a healing ministry seeing remarkable signs and wonders and healing testimonies in five major continents on the earth but our own daughter was not healed at least not in the way that we wanted and at the age 16 she passed away [Music] sweet [Music] to carry me home it was a very moving funeral artie kendall spoke at it katie was packed with faithful katy members and supporters and sympathizers and people who'd interceded for us throughout the years and life after laura took on a slightly different turn amanda was more released to become involved in the women's ministry and in taking care of the nursery at the church and also human resources and she's been a remarkable partner in all of this i don't think in fact i know i couldn't have done it without her elizabeth our daughter has gone from strengths to strength she's given us a grandchild young gael she's a journalist and we do work together on various projects in brazil she's fluent in portuguese and is herself a remarkable young lady [Music] those early missions gave birth to four principles on which the bible institute was founded number one passion for evangelism two priority for discipleship three ministry in the holy spirit signs and wonders for world mission and i guess those four values are really my values and have been throughout my ministry after wynn lewis became the general superintendent of the elim pentecostal churches and i was left with the aftermath of the hurricane i realized that there must be continuity to flow from one ministry to the other after all i was joshua to his moses i was timothy to his paul and after the churches that we'd planted i believed we needed to develop a network a structure for these churches to operate and the vision of the london city church was born we continued planting churches after when lewis had handed over the senior leadership to me in 1991 and we continue to see the blessing of god and the growth in the churches and the ministry expanded in lots of different ways television live satellite broadcasts to different parts of europe and great britain the sword of the spirit was broadcast amen well it is a it is a very very great joy to welcome you today joining us for this very first satellite broadcast in the sword of the spirit series and i want you just we're amongst the first programmers of what is known today as god television the program that we started with was power for living publications were beginning to roll out relating to encouraging the london city church vision london and the world for christ god's word will give you the power the ability by faith to walk on difficult circumstances there will be a firm foundation the publications were written simply assuming that they could be used in other parts of the world where english was not the first language and kensington temple's influence continued to grow in different parts of the world we know that there are over 100 different nationalities in kensington temple and so like wesley we can say in kensington temple the world is our parish wynn lewis initiated a church planting program and many churches were planted i'd looked at the rate at which we're planting churches and predicted according to that projection that by the end of the year 2000 we'd have 200 churches when lewis walked past took offense at such little faith and said his accent wasn't quite like this so i exaggerate a bit 2 000 that's the number not 200 boyo he took a plane to africa i said when how he said don't worry me with details but for it to happen several things needed to happen one of them was that we shouldn't plant independent inward-looking local parochial churches that we should join together as a network as a city church and the city church vision was born my first book was entitled building a city church the vision was big and we went for it in fact we achieved 600 not 2 000 especially if we count all the groups and cells that when used to count as effectively church communities small church communities so the lansing city church vision grew and we we found that what was advantageous what was a blessing was to bring all the network together in celebrations we met in the royal albert hall we took london arena for our celebrations in fact virtually every major large arena in london we took also the years of mission to london working with maurice sorello and and then finally becoming the chairman of mission to london seeing this vision of global evangelism focused in mobilizing people from london to london and to the nations of the world i want to tell you that god is restoring his glory to his people amen hallelujah give the lord our network celebrations were glorious and wonderful we hosted visiting speakers benny hinn miles monroe morris cirillo and many others i always tell leaders none of us can win the city but all of us can and in that time in that season the grace for the city vision was born well that's the end of part one uh yeah let's give jesus praise so uh we're going to stretch our legs for a moment before we go into part two which is a little shorter than part one and as we do they're also going to receive our offering the offering today is going to kolandai kt missions let me explain how this operates next sunday will be the last sunday that i will be with you as senior minister but amanda and i aren't going anywhere we're still going to be based in kensington temple still working for kensington temple still attached to kensington temple and i'll be heading up one of the departments called kolandai kt missions there'll be loads of other missions that will happen outside of what amanda and i will be doing but we're going to be specifically designated to go into some of the specific nations that you're hearing about and hear a bit more about more information on that is in the brochure here collins ikt missions and the offering envelope with the blue rim on the top is giving to those missions this isn't to us personally it's through the work that we're going to do kensington temple will be supporting us to a point there's so much to do in different parts of the world and so we encourage you to do this in fact i have to say that this is a church board in junction they have said we are going to take an offering for you and i said no you're not and the church board said yes we are so i said okay well at least if it goes won't go to us personally please please put it in to the missions we're encouraging you to participate in this offering and you can join in online when you go to the usual online giving facilities there is a special option you can give straight to this also we're encouraging people to fill out standing order forms so that over the next few weeks and months and few years ahead we'll have the resources to do this kind of work so please prepare right now as as we get ready to do that um many of you will know that some of the nations which are mentioned there north africa sub-saharan africa some of the difficult parts of europe france germany italy and other places and then also into the middle east and countries where we travel and have to go incognito much of the time to encourage a whole new move of god it is called the mbb movement that is christians who come from a muslim background their lives are under threat many of them lose their jobs their families their income and even their lives these people cross dangerous checkpoints from far afield to come and sit together with me and other bible teachers the sword of the spirit teaching series going out in many many many languages being translated into african dialects being translated into kurdish language being translated into russian reaching the whole area of central asia and the caucasus and many many other things which i can't talk about because of their security impact we pray that you will join us in prayer that you will sign up for our newsletters our prayer letters amanda and i are going to be sending out a video bulletin once a month we'll be praying with you and praying for you some of them will be live others will be recorded but this is a partnership ministry i want you to know i'm not leaving kensington temple how could i possibly leave a church that has at its heart the mission london and the world for christ and i'll be going representing you and you will be going with me at least in prayer maybe we can take some people with us here and there but in the meantime kensington temple church under the new leadership of mark and kathy ryan will go from strength to strength and also we will continue to see how god will expand the work here in london with planting churches continuing to function as a region within the elam pentecostal movement and continuing also to build up new believers through the cell vision the work continues it's all joined up writing when it comes from the holy spirit so we encourage you let's stand now we're going to sing one song receive this offering while i'm on my feet let me tell you afterwards amanda and i will be here i'll be signing some books we've got some good book offers for you and this material will not only bless you and encourage you but all the money goes into the this missions venture so let's stand together give god praise and glory before we take our seats again for part two in the documentary light to the nations and we will [Music] dance rejoice praise him it doesn't matter what comes my way the greater one lives in and his name is [Music] is [Music] [Music] his name is [Music] his kingdom [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] against me is [Music] is [Music] a oh victorious [Music] grace grace yes grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] grace to the lord grace to this grace to this church grace to the city church my visits overseas extended and finally 19 years after the original vision i found myself in 1991 in brazil [Music] i'm here in sao paulo with the largest mission team ever fielded by kensington temple on monday evening our first experience of the fantasy renaissance church was at a christian rock evening with 5 000 young people praising the lord and celebrating the only drugs in the place were the ones thrown on stage by addicts repenting of their sins as they were convicted by the uncompromising message of god's forgiveness and love for them on tuesday the prophetic conference began i bring you greetings from the church in the london england kensington temple great and so many people have heard about you now that i've brought a very big team with me [Music] here comes the anointing i gotta be also one million two million people marching for jesus and and at the rally at the end of that the sound system could reach about four hundred thousand people but it was live on television all over the nation and to hear stories of signs and wonders and miracles and literally thousands of people coming to christ not through us alone but during that era it's estimated that more than 20 million came to christ in the brazilian evangelical revival those were great days god used us in a remarkable way thousands of people are coming to jesus all across the churches every day here in sao paulo and it's almost at revival levels the so-called toronto blessing has made a big impact on christianity around the world we first heard about about it things were happening in toronto um and people were being stuck to the ground falling and and laughing and we were used to similar things for years but never with this intensity and my introduction to that really was through rodney howard brown and rodney had brown was a manhood who had helped participate in this um and there was a connection with what god was doing in toronto and rodney howard brown as south african now turned american evangelist he visited london at our invitation and we hosted meetings and that's when we introduced dr artie kendall to rodney howe brown and louise arty's wife was healed at that particular time and we know it was not just a season of extraordinary phenomena and in our own toronto type meetings we prefer to call it the father's blessing rather than the toronto blessing but in those kind of meetings i felt obliged to write a book on revival phenomena do some research to show that what was happening in the 1990s in britain america and other parts of the world was not unusual archie kendall said it all happened in the welsh revival and more and so it was controversial in many ways i mean there were times when we felt we couldn't minister the the anointing of god's glory manifested in laughter and and in joy and it was like god was shaking the church up and refreshing the church it was a very very significant powerful time the happy hunters as we used to call them husband and wife team who are now with with jesus came to kensington temple and and there's a public record of me in an undignified position on the platform laughing and laughing and laughing with the with the joy of the lord there were great times after that extraordinary phenomena began to break out in the church it was what appeared to be like oil every service for two years i counted them every service for two years what appeared to be like oil came on people's hands i had medical people investigated talk about how that the skin can produce a kind of oily uh watery moist flow called sebum but but not so easily on the hands and certainly not on the thumbnails and in one occasion one of our bible school graduates at the end of term as we were praying for him there was a non-christian photographer took the photographs and there he was oil dripping down his thumbs and thumbnails and as we prayed for him out of the air a spray of what looked like dew or very fine oil appeared visibly appeared from nowhere and settled on his head it was a test for us um and the test was this are you going to chase phenomena or are you going to follow is see seek me so we took the phenomena as a sign pointing to something else and my best understanding of it that god was saying to us the oil the anointing is in your hands characteristically it was not the leaders but the people and this was to me a sign that god was freshly anointing his body to be mobilized for the global harvest and to be fully mobilized to reach out into the city and it wasn't long after that before we discovered the mechanisms by which that could happen practically which we call the cell vision in which every person can be trained to be a leader a minister a servant of god to be a disciple of others and themselves to be discipled around about the year 2000 something remarkable happened in the church one of our network churches grew from 300 to several thousand in a very short space of time and and we investigated and found that this was due to a vision called the cell vision in particular the g12 vision that had been pioneered by cesar castillanos in bogota colombia we investigated the vision prayed through it for several years every week as a leadership team and began to visit bogota and learn what this cell vision was all about and began to implement it in our own church we had the big celebrations of transitioning into the cell vision after that the g12 vision developed much more into a kind of denomination and as we already had our own denominational affiliation with the elim pentecostal churches we could no longer participate in what was formerly called g12 but we maintained the principles the principle of 12 and we've continued to implement that and to extend that and now it is part of the dna of kensington temple we are a cell church not just a church with small groups but a church through which the ministry is expressed and developed evangelism discipleship church growth and outreach all happen through the cells it was the missing piece of the puzzle and the structure that god had given us as a believer the type of impact i'd like to make is one that shows them that i'm genuine authentic in my approach to reaching out to them i'd like to show love to all my team members and hopefully hope that they will emulate that love towards other members of the team we would like to impact the community that we all live in we can build bridges we can grow and strengthen and encourage one another it's all about following what jesus told us and taught us to do which is go out there preach the gospel don't be shy just realize that knowing him is the greatest gift of all it would be good if through my faith i can influence in such a way that people um see that my priorities are rooted in something that is just is true and is working for the greater good of um people you know if revival gonna begin in this nation it will start within us you know the wonderful thing about revival is this government also change us and transform us and turn us towards god around 1991 a visiting preacher by the name of canon james wong prophesied over kensington temple at the beginning of the 1990s and he said for this church to fulfill god's plan it must become the most effective disciple-making center in london but it's not just that we should be in small groups discipling one another we should be salt and light into the whole of society and during that time we developed what is now called the giant's vision we went away as leaders for a weekend and we prayed through how we could be effective to bring change to bring influence into all the various domains of society which we call the giants medicine and health sports recreation thought philosophy family education and so on and so the giants ministry was born still strong today as we realize that the meeting place is the learning place for the marketplace that was a quote from david pictures in my early days of kensington temple missions activity we ministered in kenya and different nations south america god laid on my heart the importance of the french-speaking nations so went back to school brushed up my french probably learned it really for the first time and started a base in marseille which also looks out to north africa so the the french vision is as much a vision to reach out to those nations those muslim nations to share the good news with our beloved friends from the muslim faith in the muslim religion that also leads into the arabic missions and we've been very systematic with that we planted french-speaking churches in london we went to benin republic center missionaries there for two years we had large meetings to learn how to develop missions we work characteristically not by taking our denomination and planting our flag but bringing together lots of different groups of churches different denominations and encouraging them to grow and to develop and plant churches and reach people which are just closer to them in by way of culture than us the base in france has proved to be strategic from the earliest days i've lived in many places many countries born in kenya grew up in tanzania and then also in australia and then living in london traveling as a dancer but also as a missionary lots of different nations so travel is in my blood i i don't know that i could literally call any one place my home of course london's my home but so is africa so is australia so it's france my home and i think that god prepared me in the very early years for a broad wide international vision they say travel broadens the mind and so i've had the nations in my heart god called me into the ministry from the book of jeremiah jeremiah's call where he was called to be a prophet to the nations god was sending him to the nations and that ministry is very relevant to me not just internationally but jeremiah was called to tear down to to break down as well as to build him to plant and i find that is a kind of apostolic and prophetic ministry that god has given me i see things which need to be changed i believe i'm a reformer i'm not content to do business as usual i want us to get back to the principles of the new testament that would become a fully vitalized mobilized evangelistic discipling community that reaches out to the nations just like the early church i don't think any church can fulfill its call as a church without mobilizing equipping training and releasing all its members we're all called to be leaders we're all called to lead other people to christ to lead them deeper in the faith we're all called to lead by example and so the cell structure enables people to minister this is the priesthood of all believers that was a great reformation principle originally it meant that we all had the right to come to god directly without going through the mediation of another person whether it be a priest or anybody else we could come to god directly which meant that we could minister as priests to the lord directly through faith in christ by the blood of jesus christ we have access into the presence of god but the logical outflow of that is that if we can minister to the lord we should also be able to minister to one another every one of us so really in the new testament and in bible language there is no distinction between these people who are ministers and these people who are not we are all ministers of course there are leaders in in the church but they are also servants and they are there to lead and equip and train others demonstrate by doing it and also by releasing others into doing it so in the cell groups we can train develop evangelize encourage and release people into in-depth relationships with each other and to turn those relationships outward into reaching others for christ for big meetings which are evangelistic you're preaching for souls you're standing between the living and the dead and with the expectation or desire that god would confirm his word with signs and wonders and miracles i remember in the rio de janeiro march for jesus i had spoken at the beginning of the march for jesus in sao paulo and there was a testimony of something that happened a previous time when i was in brazil there was a word of knowledge i spoke into the camera named i think i named the place where it was but to certainly describe the situation and there was the mother watching this um this television broadcast and next there's a child dying of cancer go lay hands on the child she came to the rio de janeiro meeting and testified with the doctors of medical certificate as well the extraordinary privilege of cooperating with the holy spirit but to see what god does the length of his compassion and his love for the lost his far more compassion than we could ever imagine the joy on the face of people and those notable miracles i think were very much for a for a season in brazil at that time when it was the height of what we look back on as an evangelical awakening an evangelical revival and so if somebody was to ask me what what was the impact of such big meetings and such powerful meetings upon the nation i'd find it very hard to know how to answer certainly by the evidence of testimony many many remarkable healings i would say even creative type miracles were evident many many people were saved and stood with the faith from then on but we we were part of what god was doing in the whole nation it was by no means unique we were by no means the only ones but i think that what happens at a time like that god takes you if you're a willing vessel and it's the right time is timing for you to use you in ways which might be extraordinary and i god has used us in similar ways in different parts of the world and different occasions although i look back to some of those meetings and times in african meetings uh as as the highlights but nevertheless you are just one part of a season of a time in which god uses lots of people to reach out and to change a nation and of course with that comes massive responsibility [Music] the pulso ministry in brazil was birthed out of a realization i had fairly recently that all those years ago in let me call it the brazilian evangelical revival with all those signs and wonders and miracles and many many thousands coming to christ right across the nation in fact millions coming to christ that this generation has grown up without christ why i ministered to the parents so to speak back in those days and now the kids are on the street they're the young people they're the people from the alternative generation they are people who are not thinking about christianity in the way their parents did they are not thinking at all the way their parents they want to be more open they want to be more liberal they are drinking in the the effects of a kind of post-christian movement happening in the west beginning to impact the developing nations as well and so i have devoted quite a lot of time to get to know these people and minister to them and and here's the issue what went wrong and i tried very hard to warn people about it 20 or more years ago that unless we disciple the people who come to christ we will lose that fruit and worse still if the parents are not discipled the children will not be discipled and nurtured and so this is i believe is a new fresh movement of youth work and youth initiative and a man born in 1953 now of the of the baby boomer generation in my 60s rapidly advancing how remarkable that god should use an unlikely person to reach these young people i'd have to say that one of the first influences and lasting influences formative influences was my mother i am so grateful that she took me to church every sunday then of course my brother my brother ray it was remarkable to see the changes in him when he'd come to christ and testified to me when i was just a young 18 year old boy and then of course the great influence would have been kate waddell kate was the lady that discipled me she was the one who introduced me to kensington temple and uh paved the way for me to be baptized by eldon corset bible studies in her flat she was very patient with us and a whole lot of other renegade young ballet dancers searching for the meaning of life eldon corsi a man of god my first pastor and the senior pastor of kensington temple for many years his loving graciousness his link with earlier days in elim as a pianist for for great campaigns and crusades his passion for evangelism win lewis a great influence on my life i call him the human hurricane and he tore through kensington temple in 1981 when he became the senior pastor senior minister i called him up to the hospital after i'd had a car crash and said colin you need to take over kensington temples in temple i'm paralyzed i may never walk again i'm prone to accidents as you can gather now and he said i am not ready for it i will be your number two but not number one and that is the foundation of a true apostle of jesus christ one who has a servant spirit wynn was a great evangelist had strong apostolic gifts he was a church builder he was a church planter he was a great encourager of people but the greatest dreams that win ever dreamed were not for himself but for his spiritual sons and spiritual daughters and the plans and visions that were birthed within wind can only be carried out through his sons and through his daughters and through all who received something of the seed of this man's faith sown by the grace of god in all of our hearts i learned so much from rt i remember one of the first meetings he met with me he said colin you need my theology and i need your anointing and so we spoke frequently together typically lyndon bowering would meet with me first have a cup of coffee chat with lyndon who was has has been and still is on the staff of kensington temple then rt would join us and the three of us would be there and then uh lyndon would go and i'd spend time with rt and i learned so much there were great difficulties arising from the pensacola revival which seemed to be so legalistic although so much grace was being poured out by god i felt the need to invite him back to spend six months with us every year continuing to teach and help preach and and and not just give him a platform but to give us the opportunity to drink in this ministry god has revealed truth in propositions statements that are true and you must believe these god is creator that's a proposition jesus is god that's a proposition he is man that's a proposition he's the god man he died on a cross we believe that his blood forgives us all our sins these are propositions he was raised from the dead a man who in his 80s is being used by god i i think even more powerfully than ever he was used before his books his writing his teaching has gone all over the world and he really is a true true friend a mentor and again another spiritual father other people who've influenced me or people like reinhardt bonke i think one of the greatest evangelists of the 20th century those lord as peter and john did at the beautiful gate wherever we may find them the beautiful gate or the ugly gate but lord i pray that your power will shine forth in jesus name and i thank you that you do it glory to god glory to a man full of the holy spirit africa shall be saved signs and wonders and miracles and at times when i found myself in africa and other places leading great evangelistic campaigns i thought to myself well today i have to be a reinhardt bonke benny hinn now what can we say about benny hen flamboyant controversial i mean when i saw him ministering on the holy spirit and in the holy spirit i understood what he was doing there was an empathy the holy spirit one with the father one with the son he's the one on earth now he came on the day of pentecost and filled the 120 and he's still here maurice cirello a controversial american tv evangelist i hold in my hands a book it is called the holy bible friends this book is [Music] god's voice to us [Music] [Applause] derek prince influenced me i loved his combination of the ministry of the word and the spirit jesus was the first to do it and he said later he said if i by the spirit of god cast out demons then the kingdom of god has come to you so that's the the primary demonstration that the kingdom of god is here that we can cast out demons in the name of jesus derek prince stuck to his ministry a bible teacher his understanding of scripture his way of delivering the word of god he i would have great discussions with derek prince and stimulating discussions about understanding the scripture and understanding the spirit-filled interpretation of scripture what is faith the ability to give somebody first choice when in your natural heart you want that plane that valley of beautiful water knowing that the young man next to you will not survive on his own but there's a confidence in you to give somebody first choice believing that the leftovers with god shall be more than enough for you i first came across robert sledden in his book i saw heaven as a testament eight-year-old child i remember at that time my daughter elizabeth was eight years of age and uh was thrilled later on for him to visit kensington temple and and i remember he prophesied for about an hour in rhyming verse and was extraordinary in his flow of the holy spirit suzette hatting worked for reiner bonkett's ministry as as an intercessor and she came to teach in kensington temple how to pray and the importance of of combining evangelism with intercession and we had a week of prayer and fasting and waiting upon the lord she felt very directed to come to kensington temple and spoke into kensington temple very seriously and it was that season just before the breakthrough of missions and signs wonders and miraculous in kenya and i really believe that her ministry and the time we prayed together was the breakthrough lord as we come to possess the land rising like the joshua generation we say father help us to be true kings and true priests of what you want help us father to truly fulfill the mandate of the cross go ye into all the worlds it was very much to do with the apostolic roots of kensington temple and elim george jeffries was apostolic and evangelistic uh minister who birthed who birthed the eli movement was used as an evangelist with signs and wonders kensington temple back in that day was the headquarters church number one was where he based his intercessory ministry and when eldon corsi my first pastor in before my time uh entered kensington temple building to renovate it and to use it for the elim church again in that generation found wheelchairs and crutches and signs saying church full all these things were the leftovers from the revival of george jeffries and we prayed that those days would come back in many ways they had already come back under wind lewis the church was full many times each week but it personal breakthrough in signs and wonders and miracles and we felt that it was vitally important to redig those wells and suzette hatting had a great impact on us and the church at that time in the 1980s sometimes it's very hard to describe your ministry it would be easy if god gave you one particular burden such as teaching or pastoring i found that that my ministry has incorporated so many things and the unifying factor is simply this hearing the holy spirit and obeying the holy spirit my motivational gift is that of a facilitator it's of an enabler an equipper throughout my ministry i've taken people with me on teams not that they could witness me do it but they can learn from me how they can do it i've raised people up i've told them everything that i know i've shared with them the secrets that i've learned from my own life not to put those as a yoke of bondage on the other people to follow but but the principles the dynamics so i genuinely get a greater thrill from releasing somebody else into ministry than merely doing it myself there is a prophetic dimension i know that god has spoken to me um on very clearly on wide-ranging and sometimes in a prophetic way that touches nations i've experienced that apostolically i think initiative breakthrough ministries i think that that has been there and more recently i i see myself as an apologist a christian apologist this goes back to dealing with young people who ask questions and so i sit with them with a blank sheet of paper and say i'm willing to start with a blank sheet of paper are you i am more convinced than ever by the evidence that's available that we can demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that god exists that miracles are possible and they do happen that the new testament is reliable and that the gospel is the only hope for salvation i don't see myself as successful um maybe there's some things i can look back on and thank god that we have achieved but success is is much more than achieving certain things if i ever wished for success it would be to be authentic in my interactions with people i've tried to be myself when i left the royal ballet i was a very flamboyant my first entrance into kensington temple as a young dancer was by means of a grand jete and i threw my arms around the lady who was one of the most staged senior citizens of the church mrs burke with a massive kiss on both cheeks i learned to tone down my behavior a little although there are moments when i would have flung my leg right over the pulpit in joyful excitement or or done the splits or a double turret only because of exuberant joy but these days age and wisdom and maybe a little more sober approach has calmed me down just a little bit but seriously i try to be who i am and i don't function at all in any situation from mere formality i really don't i i only function through connection so i try to build a connection with whoever i'm with wherever i get to know my staff members my leaders the people that i i communicate with so i think this perhaps is a gift to discipline an aptitude maybe even a personality trait that goes right back to the early days in in in the theater in seeking to communicate heart to heart with people and so that's i think a fairly accurate description and explanation if not apology for my exuberance flamboyance and i don't know sometimes i just share love of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] everybody's standing everybody's standing well thank you very much for being with us this afternoon um looking back at some of that i haven't seen that footage for a little while and um yeah you know what all of that is your story that's something of what god has done from the very early days even before this church was a pentecostal church right the way through the ministry of eldon corsi wynn lewis and colin dye put us all together many many many years but i want to say this one thing before we finish kensington temple and what god is doing here is bigger than us all god has plans and purposes for this church there are times when it seems difficult i can remember many times when this church was on the point of being closed down by the neighbors because of the noise by the local council but god has been with us and we are a church without walls we do not conform to the standards and patterns of men women we seek to be led by the holy spirit and i want us to continue to pray for kensington temple that we could truly say you ain't seen nothing yet the greatest days of this house lie ahead let's give jesus big big praise amen and amen well we're going to finish there amanda and i will be here i'm going to have copies of the living free devotional journal and other books please make use of all of this while you have us it's enjoy and next sunday come at nine o'clock and don't leave till 9 pm we're going to have meeting after meeting guests visitors testimony stories a fabulous meal together and we're going to really go out with a big banger at least one big sausage anyway so look forward to that next week and we celebrate with a great time of celebration on wednesday evening so god bless you thank you for being with us let's say the grace to one another as we finish this service to 5 30 service continuing claudette hichman will be there with us let's address one another in gratitude to god now may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all now and forever and surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen and amen and for your people i lie god bless you [Applause] [Music] on some place where you can write write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mess she never fails and me my days i've been held by your hands from the moment [Music] of the goodness [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] i love you lord [Music] i've been held by your hands [Music] of the goodness [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held by your hands [Music] of the goodness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know you as a father [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held [Music] of the goodness [Applause] [Music] i [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know you as a father oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] again [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days [Music] oh i will sing of the goodness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know you as a father [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails all my me [Music] i've been held by your hands from the moment till i lay my head oh i will sing of the goodness [Applause] [Music] every breath that [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey
Channel: Kensington Temple
Views: 404
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5Iq-EdO_TVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 47sec (7607 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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