Watch Dogs: Bad Blood - Mission #1 - T-BWNED (DLC)

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[Music] boss is in the stall next to her so man throws cigarette into the toilet the whole thing catches on fire Oh [ __ ] way what are you doing here hey that's my [ __ ] coffee whoa whoa whoa relax you guys first of all this is anything but coffee and secondly I'm here because head office hired me to run a pen test on your system and good job guys you passed yeah uh yeah everything's solid here okay yeah I'll tell him she wants me to check your routers - yeah yeah okay will do thanks bye now that's a [ __ ] huh [Music] little one though on here I got a move got had high hopes for bloom when I applied I felt for the whole damn sales pitch I knew it we do something groundbreaking but this thing was broken from the get-go now I'm too late and the CTOs is too big Danna locked in we're gonna have to find a vulnerable system pronto [Music] [Music] if I play it smart I can trap some of these mouth breathers in their offices [Music] [Music] the hell's going on [Music] whatever not my problem [Music] [Music] [Music] not my problem [Music] yep they just cut power to the elevators only hoping I get stuck in one damn is there a security convention in town I've never seen so many guards what's going on you know my dad said he was served really just a baby once you got me know yeah well your dad probably never saw any of the man did I just see that [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep an eye out [Music] stay on your toes [Music] alright I'm safe in here for now but I'm gonna have to find a vulnerability pronto [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's all she wrote time to bail well [ __ ] all that just for me thank you and CTOs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look up that way no way you lost us that easily [Music] [Music] find him sound or bloom it's been real fun [Applause] t-bone what's up I just want to let you know I'm now it's about time do you have an escape plan I just talked to false trail in the blue system over the next two weeks they're gonna see me pop up Wichita have a little o2 song I'll drop off their maps somewhere in Mexico now you head in the other direction hey I've got a one-way cruise out of Miami if things ever calm down I'll find a way to contact you but you take care of yourself people stay out of trouble this time oh I intend to adios amigo Eddie else [Music] [Applause] honey I'm home first rule is survival always use the back door prison never make a copy of the key you ain't pretty you ain't cozy you sure as [ __ ] ain't home and you were there for me when I needed you lady mmm-hmm need to wake up my guard dogs if you want to kill people because the book told you to do it it's time to expand your damn library friend I gotta burn these hard drives in the morning I never got to use these I guess it's better to be an unfulfilled paranoid than a dead one [Music] last night in the rabbit hole I should get some shut-eye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No am i answering you no just [ __ ] off go away all right all right it's been 10 years Frewer write this it better be good grace send the police wait don't the police they may be here can you find me calm down this is another one of your episodes my episodes kill me do you understand they who I don't know I think maybe I'm in a trunk I'm definitely in a trunk right not very well your GPS signals cutting in and out of course ha they're jamming it oh this is bad like Fixer bad alright I'm on my way sounds like Frewer is in real danger here but if I'm gonna get out of Chicago it needs to be now [ __ ] I can't just leave him [Music] my phone on the [ __ ] down now feeler on the latch for a trunk release if it's a newer car it'll have one alright so we know we're in an old car to start maybe they removed the track you got any tools back there with you check for a compartment there might be a jack in it yeah that's the idea but we don't want them to hear it pop so I want you to bang around why would you do it businesses what do you say building looks like housing projects sounds like you're in the wards good Brewer anything else ray my phone is almost dead hurry [Music] I see okay I need you to keep that rope closed brace yourself wait brace myself brace myself rods about to get bumpy [Music] you won't I promise [Music] you got a better one and I ain't got time to debate I'm trying to make him ditch the car [Music] Yuriko you okay just more fixers boys guys just don't know when to quit are you ever somebody help me damn [ __ ] got away looks like we're clear I don't know what to expect my open that trunk through war was masculine parted ways Eden ran didn't do it recently said he was homeless doped up on some nut barely coherent he'll Frewer prolly still blames me for all his problems [Applause] get me out get me out [Music] nobody helped me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody helped me [Music] [Music] Jesus ray he'd really shout me says to lunatic with the tire iron I'm not a lunatic so you're gonna tell me what you did to piss off the fixers me this is on you I'm still running from your mess I have been ever since you and Rose decided to blow whistles at bloom I had a good life ray you sure fooled me we had to walk around on eggshells because you were such a headcase Rose is dead now and your little tantrum in 2003 how many people died yeah and on the head case little [ __ ] I'm sorry I didn't you know what thanks for the rescue but I need to go eleven eleven people died Lindsay Garcia Jeremy corners you want more because knocking list them off for you if you run bloom will find you I know because I'm the one who wrote the goddamn code that'll help them to do it yeah I can get you out but I need to hit bloom again find out what the hell they know you can stay in my place just don't touch my stuff don't monkey with my system and don't make any noise yeah I'll try to control myself and most importantly do not touch any my beer I don't drink of course you don't I wasn't planning on sticking around I need to make a call detective Billings speaking she mystery man is that you I assumed you were dead did you miss me nope I love the growing tower of crime reports on my desk please tell me that's why you called mm-hmm why I'm running low on cash and supplies well there's plenty to do every gangbanger goons and gorillas out there fighting for a piece of the cake now that licky Quinn and Iraq are dead and I'm running out of people to trust within the department just pulling in the right direction and I'll do the dirty work or iffy taxpayer money keeping the thugs off the streets ain't it beautiful when the system works we are you are bad hold on I'll send you what I've got let me check my map I've marked one of the groups for you the chicago's south club now spearheaded by Quinn's baby boy all right some of these will be one-time targets of opportunity and some of them will be done to send a message hit those once a day so they know we're watching it just remember if you get caught never heard of you good give me a call before you go in
Channel: Willzyyy
Views: 53,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Watch Dogs, Watch, Dogs, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Cutscenes, Mission, PS4, Xbox One, PC, HD, Willzyyy, Bad Blood DLC, DLC, T-BWNED
Id: cD54GQ6CjL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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