Wasp 3D-prints eco-homes from local raw earth for $1K

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this is our headquarters and we have the production of the 3d printers and so this is shambhala park where we made our vision real so this is where you print the houses yeah and here the the tiny gaia what we love we love here so much because it was a profound cause of concept for us we start around nine years ago at wasp with the aim to print house but eco house using local material and basically soils from the place this is our big aim to reach this tiny house for us is the symbol that the project could be real it can happen can work properly so we take directly the earth by the the place here and so every time you you have a house 3d printed one you have also asthma lake so you're you have a small lake because you took the earth directly yeah yeah yeah yeah so whenever you build an earth house you're always going to have a lake yeah your quarry yeah yeah it's kind of circular because the rooftop collects the water and so when it rains the water is collected here and return directly to the small lake you have and can also use to cultivation and so yeah we hear fish also so like a sort of ecosystem you not only take from the earth but also give something so we think 3d printing and technology can really help us to go this direction there's a rooftop because for clay house traditionally you have to cover and protect the wall because there's any treatment on the surfaces so it's regular clay it's untreated untreated yeah and also you need big booths boots boots sorry hand boots as they say right yeah because of the same you have to protect from the water this is the way they traditionally create earth house we just print it instead of use hands [Music] yeah this is gaia the first proof of concept that so it's made of what what is we see in the walls here this is a clay it's a road we took directly by the place because of the lake we got to have like a traditional mix design for earth house but we create for being 3d printed so we took directly the earth by the place we put some fibers like straw or ask of rice because we have a lot in italy it will change place by place no but the mix will be always the same clay sand fiber like your natural fiber straw hemp whatever you have around you and insulation inside the wall and also you can we take the layers natural for show people which technology made the house but you can also cover and know nothing nothing about and it's a really big wall and so for insulation and for temperature in size so we are trying to put together a way to construct like a contemporary construction but using natural material and what about the structure why is it small and round it's round because the printer we have was only one and this was the maximum size we can reach but we scale up fast okay we have here this machine was the the biggest 3d printer in around six years ago i said 12 meters tall it's it was like a dream for maker like us and for our group of research and followers too [Applause] [Music] tecla was the dome it's kind of simple for 3d printing it's remain a topic for 3d printing because uh you want to go on the print directly without any rooftop and without importance structure dome is not a easy things with the earth so maybe with concrete is easier for sure because of the strength yeah because of the collapsing or yeah it's not easy so we need for sure time to investigate more and more on on dome but tecla is a really good beginning for sure this is our headquarter where we make our evolution in terms of technology so we are on 3d printing in general so we sells machine like this one one of the most interesting one is this one for pellet this way we can bring directly the grain of plastic yeah the grain instead of the filament we use directly the palette this is palette yeah that way we can open a new world of material to use and to print and that's plastic yeah it's plastic and could be also recycled plastic also a wrap there like this one it's 3d printed too this is nylon carbon really strong and super smooth also this is made by recycled plastic so that would come from you could just recycle for example yeah this is this is this material for sure you cannot put directly all recycled plastic you have to add something new because the the power of the plastic is not the same but you can use a lot to recycle inside so the surface is not perfect but this is not the focus no and we have here uh ceramic so all this was printed yeah this is printed this is porcelain why because we start we start to investigate natural material in order to scale up the process till the big machine you saw in the garden because no one prints clay or earth when we begin this company are we starting with seagate's clay difficult to print with clay in the beginning yes yes but now there's more big application and people start to know about but it was a kind of new stuff but we started with seagate clay it's very precise and detailed right yeah and we pre and we play scale it up the printers still have like big objects like this one it's a mix of art and industry here yeah yeah we are also close to fienza where there's a lot of ceramic tradition and pottery so i attended ceramic university as probably since roman times you have a very strong tradition and now you are sticking on a different step on yeah this is a new one we made with the honda the motorcycle company this is industrial clay you can print and reprint for if need time the material and smooth the surfaces is super cool and then you go with the reverse engineering and take the surfaces on the computer and then work again on the design and print again is a kind of assistance for your design objects to recreate the shapes of the motorcycle or a piece of car and here the section about architecture we made gaia tecla that proved us the project could work properly this is the cringe mask so we decide how many machines we have to use accordingly relief to depressure we have to print yeah you have to put obviously the pump here and this is the robot that we use for printing gaia tecla all the same so printing with earth yeah right now it's kind of a reduced machine but what we have to do is to investigate a lot on material because we work right now with the rice house they provide us this material it's really stable one but it's for mixed so our big objective is to go locally and use local soils but we have to investigate more because it can change place by place and we usually ask locally to send us some earth to try to print here before going directly so this would just come straight from the this is from our garden yeah but also potential clients send us earth to try to print or we investigate how the string nest how it works so we usually print a small object like this with the 3d printers for clay additional clay we scale up till this pre-mixed material or new material too for example this is a geopolymers now because it's really interesting no one yeah nobody investigates too much on this material what are geopolymers let me let me ask to massimo so it's a alkaline reaction traditional use also in the past this is possibility a [Laughter] okay how many years have you been experimenting nine years let me show you this is our beginning we buy with the colleague of my university these machines but we are designers and we don't have any skills about like electronics so i thought okay we have a couple of friends of mine that want to make these printers run so we started thinking that we can do something bigger and we start with this that's the first wasp printer yeah power wasp it was a machine for makers because you can change the tools and you can use a syringe or you can print there are also a milling tools we experiment a lot with this and all the best makers have won a lot of hacking and then we start to thinking about delta because we thought it was the best way to scale up four f houses and this is our first ceramic 3d printers where we put here the clay and there's a motor here that pushed down a piston or something similar and we print without any retraction then we moved to the screw inside the extruder that made the possibility to stop the printing and move differently so a more sophisticated way to print and we create a line for clay directly [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] this is uh not all but some of the code that we made for tech this is the entire model of one of the two dome that we print okay you can see the internal part of the wall so you can see the structural part that is the blue one the furniture part is the white one and externally the orange and red one are the parts that we use to create a natural ventilation in the outer part of the house our main work it's about the feel of the wall i think it's interesting because it's uh kind of really specific from our technology let's say the middle part of the wall is the thicker part than skipping into the inside for this kind of niches for structure and the cavities of course for insulation and then outside the pattern has to be the hardest part of the world for a weather condition and so on and you can also for the future thinking about different materials for different parts it's about like tailoring the wall and every time we optimize a pattern and the texture for the inside wall because we are used to to work like this like really closer the machine to the code to the codification of our work what you can see here and here for example and also here for the conceptual we made for dior i met luca alberos from dior and he was really fascinating by what we can do with the natural material the most particular things we have on this pop-up store for dr is the surfaces because this is the traditional very famous canage from the mizon and we put it on the surface so we we we do like a tech tailor no because the layer by layer we create these surfaces we use clay raw earth a bit of sand it was a mix natural materials this is a section of the dr wall because we made a section here to try these surfaces this cannaz like a tailor made on on the printing we tried this material here and we we print in dubai something really really similar and i think no one made something similar before so we have here something it's like a staircase we made with this university ayak they are really on earth houses and we try to create this this is a staircase directly in a 3d printed wall so this is like a frame because they have a really big project like a villa where the staircase is directly put into so it is really experimental but uh yeah it looks very uh every every shape and it looks almost like it's geomorphic it's like animals from the sea yeah yeah we can play this this way with 3d printers because bricks you know bricks we already have is squared with 3d printer we can push the design be housed we work for our parents to creating a sort of controlled environment around the house just to allow the cultivation of vegetable and algae and other organisms and why not a way to create vegetables instead of eating animals so that's a 3d printed yeah like hydroponic yeah hydroponic culture yeah we are investigating on it we have had four it works properly you
Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 803,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printed house, 3d printing, wasp 3d printers, 3d printed earth house, 3d printed natural material house, natural building materials, earth house, recycled plastic 3d printing, geopolymers, geopolymer 3d printing, local earth home, rice husk insulation, tiny earth home, round earth homes, dome home, dome earth home, dome 3d printed home, gaia, tecla, wasp 3d printer, delta wasp, massa lombarda, massimo moretti, francesca moretti, house of dust, crane 3d printer
Id: 4MLJs1KRa0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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