This luxury DOME HOME was built in just a few days

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hey guys jenna here welcome to my channel  where i feature alternative home tours   in sedona arizona there is one home that has  been turning heads for decades some describe   it as looking like a dozen giant eggs while others  think it has a more futuristic or sci-fi aesthetic   today we're stepping inside the sedona dome home   we interviewed the current owners  as well as the original builder   to describe what it's like living inside of a  dome and why they enjoy sharing it with others this house spoke to me from the beginning because  i never was interested in a traditional home   i was always looking for something that was  unique you think about architecture through   the ages this is a very old shape of architecture  a rounded building and yet also it's very modern we always thought that was the smart way to  build and so if we ever had a forever home we   always thought a monolithic dome would be a very  cool way to do it i see a house potentially like   a sculpture that you get to live in and so i think  it's important to have an environment that really   brings out the best in you that can create a  sanctuary i wanted to show people that there   was an alternative way of living and they don't  have to live in a square box you look up at the   corners in your room that you're sitting in  and what use are they you know for spiders   maybe in a dome house everything is so smooth  and it's it's so comfortable on your mind and   it makes you feel different and when i tell  people that most of them don't believe me but   all i got to do is step inside of one  of these buildings once and you feel it the original idea behind this home was built as  a home of the future it was open to the public   more than 800 people at a time would come each  day to see this house and how it was constructed   to be inspired to maybe break some boundaries  about how homes can be built more efficiently   and also more economically you  can build houses like this for   less than half of a normal house and  they have insulation factors of r85   it stays cool in here it's something like living  in a cave down under the ground the amount of   money you would save on building a house like this  you could heat and cool it the rest of your life what makes this construction interesting opposed  to any other type of construction they come in   and they bolt down these giant balloons and  fill them with air once the balloons are fully   inflated they spray high density foam three to  six inches all the way around until it hardens   then they come back in and they tie rebar grids 10  inch grids all the way around giving it structure   and then they spray the concrete on the interior  very interesting to build i mean when we was   building it we had people coming here and standing  around just watching us do it they were amazed in   the morning there was nothing here but after  about an hour these big balloons are coming up   on the outside the exterior it looks like  a parachute you can see the seams of how   the airform was pieced together and sewn  together i love that hand-built look of it   there's just two of us we had a lot of  space and it was more space than we needed   when we first walked into this dome home  we immediately knew that this would make   a great airbnb we have plenty of space to  carve out a wonderful house within a house so here we have dome number one   one of the most fascinating aspects to these domes  is that they're connected one to another in a   circle allowing for the continuous space this dome  here is the largest dome with a height of 32 feet   i've always been interested in alternative  construction i wanted to have something unique   open and something that didn't constrict me   so now we're up in the loft you can see lightly  the grid pattern of the rebar showing as it goes   around and around and around like a beehive one of  the things that brings great joy to laura myself   is being able to host people and have people in  our home this home is too large for just us two   it's about six thousand square feet but what we do  have is plenty of sleeping quarters for people to   come and spend time with us we have single beds  we have king size beds we have full size beds   and we have queen beds in addition we have other  sleeping quarters available that can be converted   for more people so as we move from dome to dome  you'll see this beautiful arch as it merges from   one dome to the next and now we're entering in to  dome number two this is the great room it's about   30 feet in diameter it gives us this tremendous  amount of natural light because it has the big   huge five skylights both on the ceiling and on the  walls to allow us to be bathed in natural light so i wanted to share with you  the acoustics of the space one of the interesting aspects to these domes you  may even hear it as i speak it's the acoustics we   have two functions that are happening within  these domes when you build a structure that   comes to a point it creates what's called a focal  effect but the sound beams down at the very center   in our domes as you walk across the center  all of a sudden you'll feel the power of the   acoustics pounding down upon you at the same  time there's what's called the whisper effect   on the exterior of the room which is bouncing  around and around and around the room giving   this a magical auditorium type of sound  and one of the fun thing about this home   is how we've been able to find specific  furniture that seems to really fit the vibe   here we have this really unique chair but it  also reclines so you can go to the position of   using it as a recliner here we're sitting in our  sunken living room and it gives us some feeling   of texture some feeling of of sharing space  where we can get together on a personal level   this originally was a pond with a fountain in the  background when we bought the home i immediately   tore out the fountain the stones everything that  was around this area and built this stage over   that space with that i added this large eight foot  long fireplace i added cabinets and i built it in   so i could grab a hole of the curvature of the  wall but also the concave of the wall so we were   able to come up with something that was uniquely  interesting that was as important as the original   fountain and it really added value to the home and  really gave us more of an ambiance to the space the longer we live here we're finding that  there's a unique effect that happens there's   something about living in a worm with no  flat walls i don't know what it is about   human consciousness and how that works  but if you look back into the earliest   days of indigenous societies they built  round structures there's something about   this kind of space that affects the  brain a peacefulness a sacredness   we feel very fortunate to have three and a half  acres right here next to the village of sedona   and now this courtyard which adds a whole  another dimension to the home by the fact   that we are surrounded in this beautiful circle  of domes which allows my wife and i to be on one   side and for our guests to be on the other here in  this courtyard we have a beautiful fire pit which   guests use and sometimes we join them in the  evening to look at the stars and have conversation welcome to our standing stones what we like to  think of it as dome hinge the concept here is   is that we have 10 standing stones in a circle  they're 10 feet apart it's my understanding that   stonehenge is also divisible by 10. so i wanted to  follow that mathematics the original idea when you   build these kind of circles is you're looking  for orientations to certain solstice events   certain astronomical events but in this case we  went with geometry instead so now what we have is   this beautiful 32 foot circle and now it's ready  for the next stage we want to put in a labyrinth   but not a traditional labyrinth with rocks and  stones we don't we want to have a plaza we don't   want to have things to trip on so we're going to  be doing an embedded labyrinth that matches the   circumference of this circle and this is the  final step to really bring this whole thing alive   we want to have a place for people to do yoga and  other types of stretching and exercise activities   part of our mission is to little by little make  this house a green home and adding more and more   technology that works with the environment  in this case we've added 27 solar panels   in addition to the 27 solar panels  we also installed a house battery   so that we can be as efficient as  possible during peak hours of the day winston churchill said we shape our buildings  and then they shape us there seems to be this   catch-all term nowadays that you see people  referring to that they're looking for their   forever home and this home has provided that  for us people need to really experience this   to truly understand the domes we love that when  people walk in and they've got this the big   smiles and they're looking around and they've  got that aha moment because that kind of joy   helps us relive our first moment of walking into  this space and just the magic of it thanks for   watching this week's tour make sure to check  back soon for another alternative home tour   and in the meantime check out my playlist for  some of the most unique spaces around the world you
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 350,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, dome house, dome home, dome house tour, ecofriendly, green home, monolithic dome homes, monolithic dome, monolithic concrete construction, dome construction, earthbag, aircrete, airbnb, dome airbnb, sedona, arizona, dome tour, architecture, alternative architecture, home of the future, xanadu
Id: aku1WDAnXd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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