Silent Strike | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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an armored car vanished during a routine stop carrying nearly a million dollars it was supposed to investigators didn't know if the driver was involved or if he had been ambushed FBI agents and local detectives began to suspect a group of former law officers in the heist it would take determination in high technology to track the robbers and make them pay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] money may not be the root of all evil but for some men a million dollars is enough to justify murder even men sworn to uphold the law and sometimes be tempted I'm Jim Kallstrom former head of the FBI's New York office when robbery turned to murder the FBI would discover that a killer might be among them the Arrowhead mall Glendale Arizona November 28 1994 at 1:30 p.m. a van pulled up outside a department store at the mall [Music] it was an unmarked fully armored Wells Fargo vehicle several companies use these customized fans since they are less conspicuous targets for robbery following company protocol the driver remained inside the van while the courier went to pick up cash from the store the van was bullet and its doors would not be forced open from the outside inside the department store office the courier exchanged empty bags for those filled with the weekends receipts it was the Monday after Thanksgiving the cash pickup followed the busiest shopping weekend of the year [Music] when the courier returned to the parking lot minutes later the armored van and the driver were gone he notified police immediately the 9-1-1 call came to the Glendale Arizona Police Department they dispatched units to the scene and sent word to the FBI the nearest FBI field office is in Phoenix 20 miles from the mall because the money in the van was federally insured the FBI opened a case agents headed out to the scene Glendale detectives arrived at the mall first they began interviewing the courier he said he had been gone only four minutes when he discovered the van and his partner John m'gosh had disappeared the courier estimated the amount of cash checks and coins in the van to be just over a million dollars detectives interviewed others at the mall none reported seeing or hearing anything unusual [Music] FBI agents soon arrived from Phoenix [Music] evidence technicians had processed the area where the van had been parked they found a cigarette button and a pair of broken eyeglasses the courier confirmed that his partner was a smoker and said the glasses looked like those m'gosh needed when he drove [Music] the technicians collected and marked the items as evidence David Porter Porter detective Tom Clayton is a senior investigator for the Glendale Police Department and I think the first thought when we saw the van missing was a the driver took off with the money and and was gonna leave town we also considered somebody could've robbed him with the glasses laying there we weren't sure if it's you know as a set up or did something really happen we explored every possibility we could think of Supervisory Special Agent Steven Chenoweth now retired was the lead for the FBI the investigators organized a search for the van and its driver believing that whoever took the van would abandon it soon in favor of a getaway car [Music] they dispatched some officers to begin a ground search around the mall pilots from the Arizona Department of Public Safety conducted an aerial search the DPS officers began at the mall then widened their search in concentric circles looking for the van of the surrounding neighborhoods whenever they spotted a white van they radioed ground units to follow up Special Agent Chenoweth than the others new most armored car robberies are inside jobs were armed ambushes witnesses hadn't heard shooting perhaps the driver decided to trade his hourly wage for a million dollars certainly the van is supposed to be locked and the driver inside and there for unaccessible the fact that the van is missing would lead us to initially at least think about the possibility of the guard driver being involved investigators sought more information on the missing driver we investigated John m'gosh first off we started running his name in the computer to see if we could find any arrests or if he had a criminal history we started to the Wells Fargo file his employment file looking for relatives friends where he lived after securing a search warrant investigators traveled to his apartment his landlady let them in the investigators were looking for evidence that m'gosh had planned the robbery the apartment appeared undisturbed nothing indicated he had planned the robbery or that he was ready to leave town detectives learned that m'gosh had a daughter living nearby in Phoenix determining her address through DMV records Jolley went to interview the gash's daughter described her father as honest and stable he took his job seriously police found others who said the same 'gosh had no criminal record right now your father detectives began to consider the 61 year old grandfather not as a suspect but as a victim John McGraw she had a good reputation we talked to family friends relatives co-workers he was a person that did not have a lot of requirements in life money wasn't a big concern based on the background we did on him we didn't believe he was going to be involved in the crime with m'gosh eliminated as a suspect the investigators were back to square one they needed the public's help certainly when you don't have eyewitnesses you you try and put as much information out in the form of press releases newspaper articles things of this nature in hopes that it would reach somebody that maybe saw something that otherwise had not heard about it that afternoon the FBI and Glendale Police held interested to give you an update they released photos and descriptions of the missing van and driver [Music] anyone who had seen John m'gosh or the Wells Fargo man was asked to contact the FBI a reward of $60,000 be posted for any tip leading to the recovery of the money and the conviction of those who this is anyone may know where the van is [Music] hours later a 911 from a church in Sun City Arizona just outside Glendale [Music] the caller reported a van idling in the church's parking lot [Music] parishioners arriving for a Monday night bingo game noticed a van which fit the description in the news reports license plates in serial numbers confirmed it was the van missing from the morgue [Music] investigators approached cautiously not knowing who or what was inside [Music] no one was in the driver's seat but investigators could see the outline of a body on the floor they tried to open the van but the armored vehicle was impenetrable even to the agents the engine was going it was locked and a cursory examination initially of the inside disclosed the body of line in the center in order to gain access to the van of course we had to call the armored car company [Music] no one at the church seen who left the van [Music] or what vehicle they use to get away [Music] checking the body from the window police could see blood on the chest near a Wells Fargo badge there was no sign of breathing authorities believed John m'gosh had been killed during the robbery there were no bullet marks on the band's exterior no broken glass and no sign of forced entry at the doors whoever had hit the van knew what they were doing an armored car robbery is a pretty sophisticated crime and it takes a lot of detailed planning and so we knew after finding the van and finding the body that we were up against probably some people who had thought this out very well-planned it extensively and certainly would not stop at murder in carrying this out investigators needed to get inside the van to know what happened on November 28th 1994 the FBI in Glendale Arizona police investigated an armored van hijacked from a mall and abandoned in a church parking lot in nearby Sun City [Music] [Applause] [Music] the driver 61 year old John m'gosh lay dead in the cab he had been shot once in the head but his death was not instantaneous technicians noted aspirated blood spatter indicating maga should continued breathing after being shot technicians lifted many latent prints from money cabinets in the Vans interior these would be compared to known prints of employees no foreign prints were found no hairs or fibers pointed toward a suspect either inside the van investigators found 132 thousand dollars in coins the cash and checks estimated at nine hundred twenty thousand dollars were gone the details of the crime suggested that there had been several violent criminals according to Special Agent Steven Chen after looking at the van we knew that we were probably dealing with certainly more than one person because this would be very difficult for one person to accomplish so we knew we were looking probably at least two or more and very vicious and violent people who certainly would not stop at anything in order to obtain their goals which was the money located inside the van to Glendale detective Tom Clayton the placement of the van outside Glendale city limits spoke to the criminals understanding of police procedure [Music] we believed they dumped a van in Sun City to get it out of our jurisdiction into another one to complicate the investigation and communication of police agencies maybe hoping we would not be able to link the two things together right away during the autopsy of the armored car driver the Medical Examiner retrieved several small bullet fragments from the left side of the victim's head the fragments were too damaged to determine the make of the murder weapon it seemed like a small caliber perhaps a 22 the medical examiner found no powder burns on the victim's head this meant he had been shot from a distance Lagasse's partner said the driver often smoked a cigarette while waiting in the van though it was against company policy he usually opened his door to let the smoke out investigators believed the killers knew this and shot him when he opened the door because of his experience tracking down elusive criminals now retired FBI Special Agent Ron Meyers was transferred from the fugitive task force to work the case from the beginning he knew they were not hunting amateurs one of the things they did that made us think that they were professionals was the manner in which they did the robbery they picked an isolated part of the shopping center were not many people parked where there wouldn't be many witnesses they drove through the type of neighborhoods where there weren't many people out during the day and they picked an empty parking lot of a church that had no one at it during the day investigators received dozens of calls to their tip line one witness came forward claiming to have some information that might be helpful he said he had seen a white van quickly leaving the mall at the time in question a red pickup truck followed not far behind but he wasn't sure if the two vehicles were together investigators were frustrated that no one saw the actual ambush of the mauryan we couldn't find any eyewitnesses and when you don't really know what happened or you don't have somebody that can tell you what maybe transpired with the van it's a mystery with no other solid leads investigators canvassed the neighborhoods between the mall and the church perhaps someone there had witnessed something Edward Morra a resident of Sun City recalled that he had seen the van on the afternoon of November 28th mr. Morgan was returning from the post office when he noticed a van mr. Morgan stopped because he thought they weren't going to stop for the stop sign and was afraid he'd be hit at that time he noticed the white van with this red truck shortly behind it both speeding through the intersection and driving off and he thought that was kind of unusual not only the way they were driving but the way that the red truck seemed to be following the white van mr. Morgan couldn't recall details of license paths or the face of the Vans passenger desperate for a break investigators wanted to place him under hypnosis to jog his memory Morgan agreed to travel to Texas with the investigators there they met with a forensic hypnotist perhaps under hypnosis a witness could remember more details about the incident statements made under hypnosis cannot be used in court but some police agencies find it to be a helpful investigative tool under hypnosis Morgan returned to the events of November 28th he recalled the white van and the man in the passenger seat investigators now believed there were at least three people involved in the heist two in the van and one in the red truck when asked about the trucks license plate Morgan was able to remember a portion it wasn't much but it gave investigators a start we had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to run all combinations of those license numbers and that produced several hundred possible vehicles because Arizona does not have color on their motor vehicle registration so we knew we were looking for a particular type of truck but from looking at the motor vehicle registrations we didn't know what color they were on the registration which meant we had to do interviews of everybody on the list investigators eventually tracked down hundreds of truck owners each was interviewed but no suspect emerged [Music] [Music] by the fresh memory of the vans passenger Morgan worked with a police sketch artist there was no guarantee that the details recalled through hypnosis were accurate but authorities were ready to try almost anything the FBI released the drawing to the media the FBI and Glendale Arizona police believed three men were involved in the robbery homicide yet as the end of 1994 approached they still didn't have suspects [Music] it began to look like the killers might never be found [Music] but the investigators did not know that the suspect in the composite sketch had been recognized by December of 1994 a month after the deadly hijacking of an armored car in Glendale Arizona the investigation had stalled investigators believed at least three people pulled off the heist they had a composite sketch of one and little else then on December 31st the investigators received a call a Mesa Arizona detective had been told that a local woman had information about the crime the background check showed that the woman had a suspended license this will make it easy to bring her in for questioning without arousing suspicion the FBI asked local law enforcement to pick her up on the suspended license charge [Music] the investigators asked the woman if she knew anything about the armored car robbery in Glendale she claimed that she didn't have any real information but she knew someone who did she told investigators that her friend Judy Espinosa had talked to her after the news reports of the robbery Espinosa suspected that her boyfriend might have been involved are you watching the woman told the investigators where Espinoza worked the investigators spoke with Espinoza they asked her about the robbery reminding her that interfering with a federal investigation was itself a crime she agreed to answer their questions she explained that her boyfriend James Greenham who went by the nickname Yoda had asked her what she would do if he held up an armored car and suddenly had a lot of money she told FBI Special Agent Ron Myers that Greenham sometimes worked as a bounty hunter and was usually broke Jim never had a dime but the day of the robbery he came home that night told her he had to kill somebody and he had plenty of cash on his person she told us that Jim did his bounty hunting with a guy named Tim ring and that she had been over to Tim's rings house and noticed several new all-terrain vehicles jet skis a new motorcycle and Tim had made a comment about how she'd never know how much money was in that garage the information was good but it was only hearsay investigators needed more solid evidence Espinosa had kept several rolls of coins that green and had given her [Music] the rapper's were consistent with those used by merchants on the armored vans route more than a month after the crime the investigators finally had names they looked into the two suspects backgrounds FBI Special Agent Steven Chenoweth was familiar with the name of one of the men [Music] Tim ring had been used as an informant in other FBI cases we had paid him for some information that he had furnished us in the past and you know in order for us to get information from informants you aren't dealing with priests and and with you know you know good people you're dealing with bad guys out there and rings a bad guy squeeze the trigger Jim ring and James Greene had worked his prison guards in Phoenix and now worked bounty hunter jobs together both had many hours of firearms training ring was an expert marksmen firewood ready pursuing bounty hunters would be dangerous the fact that the suspects had law-enforcement training in their background made the case pretty difficult for one they would be schooled in surveillance techniques if they were looking for somebody following them they'd know what to look for they'd know what to expect anybody following them to do so we had to be very cautious when we were following them around the FBI and Glendale police began 24-hour ground and air surveillance they had to be covert you know if they're looking for air surveillance they're looking up you know well we're way over here because we can't see anything if it right up here so we're way over here way over here the agents wanted to see how the pair earned money and how much they spent at the time that we were following mr. green and mr. rang around neither one was gainfully employed that we could tell they had no income coming in from any legitimate sources yet we observed them spending a lot of money ring overhauled his truck and green him got a new apartment agents track their purchases it seemed the suspects did not exceed a certain level in order to avoid the attention of the Internal Revenue Service and they always seem to be careful whenever they spent their money to stay under the $10,000 limit knowing that if they spent more than that in cash the expenditure would be reported by the businesses to the IRS investigators continued tailing ring and Greenham building a list of associates they photographed everyone the suspects met they still didn't know who the third partner was Glendale detective Tom Clayton hoped surveillance would spot the three meeting somewhere we would watch him go to restaurants where they would meet we would see him go to strip clubs where they met a couple dancers that they knew everywhere they went the suspects spent a lot of cash unaware that investigators were watching circumstantial evidence linked them to the robbery and homicide but the FBI and Glendale police still didn't know exactly what had happened and who else was involved somehow the investigators had to get inside the Bounty Hunter's shadowy world as the FBI and Glendale Arizona police continued to investigate a deadly armored car heist they got a tip from an associate of their two main suspects [Music] bounty hunter Michael Sanders said that he had cased armored cars with two other men he believed those men did the Glendale hit without him being cut out of the deal he decided to talk he gave FBI Special Agent Ron Myers a lead a third trader Sanders came forward to tell us that he thought that Tim rang and Jim Greenham were involved in this armored car robbery and that an ex Phoenix police officer named Fergie who worked for a camera shop in the Paradise Valley Mall might be the third man investigators needed to identify Fergie they reviewed their case photos surveillance teams had watched ring and green a meeting with a bearded man who drove a Camaro the car was registered to William Ferguson since Santa said Fergie was an ex-cop Glendale detective Tom plate and check the personnel records of the Phoenix Police Department as we investigated William Ferguson's background we found a retired at 20 years from the Phoenix Police Department and his retirement was precipitated by some disciplinary problems investigators began surveillance on Ferguson they saw that the ex-cop met often with the other suspects and was also spending a lot of cash agents believed they had identified the three men responsible for the robbery and murder [Music] the investigation was affected by the three suspects having law-enforcement training because we knew that they were going to cover evidence and they were also known to have firearms training which made them dangerous to the surveillance officers detectives and agents needed evidence linking the men to the crime during surveillance they began trash poles confiscating trash bags from the suspects in the hopes that some clues might surface FBI technicians examine the trash in rings they found several 3x5 index cards each card had notes detailing armored car routes analysis confirmed the handwriting was rings but investigators needed more they wanted tapes of the suspects discussing the crime all three men had keys to James green UM's apartment FBI Special Agent Steven Chenoweth believed they used the apartment as headquarters Timothy ring was married had a wife children and I think the likelihood of discussions occurring in regards to this armored car robbery at his house or somewhat remote but we felt that they were occurring at Greenham residence so that was the impetus for which we decided to go ahead and proceed and place a listening device inside the apartment of of Greenham special agent Myers was part of the team that entered the apartment to place the bug when we opened the door to go in an alarm went off immediately at which point we shut the door and exited the area we had to come back at a later time with an expert in alarms and when we went in the door that time we learned that it was just a real simple motion detector setting on top of the refrigerator and all we had to do was just flip the off switch wasn't anything sophisticated at all while the teen was inside minims apartment the detective surveilling Tim rings saw him leave his house ringg owned a red truck like the one reportedly seen following the van the detective trailed behind ring after a few turns he realized where the suspect was headed agents were still in the apartment Tim ring was headed that way ringg often went to green homes place even when Greenham was out if he went to the apartment he would interrupt the planting of the bug the team inside needed more time I'll pull them over and hold them together the detective called in a uniformed officer to stop ring for speeding anything to deliver cell the officer lectured bring on the dangers of speeding detectives wanted to keep him busy while the team finished at the apartment they made it out just before ring arrived [Music] investigators also tap the home and cellular phones of the two other suspects to get them talking Supervisory Special Agent Steven Chenoweth released false information about the case we decided to make a press release talking about the investigation which we thought when they would hear would certainly generate some telephone conversations and and other discussions amongst these three suspects and it did have its desired effect and that they did talk about the information that we released and how accurate they thought it was and whether or not we were on the right trail and and and whether or not they thought we were getting close to them [Music] as the suspects talked the investigators listened [Music] we didn't get an actual confession where they said I did the armored car robbery what we got were several conversations among themselves about different aspects of the case they would always listen to the news follow the any planted reports or follow any television stories and as soon as anything would appear on TV they'd call each other and they'd make comments like well this isn't the way it happened you know they'll never find that license plate the evidence against the suspects building but prosecutors wanted more direct statements about the crime before they ordered arrests [Music] investigators provoked the suspects one more time [Music] a glendale detective went to James green ohms apartment when the suspect was out on the door he left his business card with the note lead 173 investigators watched green homes response to the card he knew what the note meant the authorities considered him a lead Greenham became distraught he sped away from his apartment calling Tim ring on his cell phone [Music] agents kept watts from an airplane and listened in on the phone taps I mean him drove out into the desert before stopping his car in my door look Manny God doesn't on you don't worry about ring tried to con green him down promising that the authorities had nothing on them but green him said he was scared he even threatened to commit suicide finally ring talk green him down convincing him the authorities were not on to them what Greenham said that if another cop contacted him he was going to bury the money it seemed a direct reference to the crime Sam forty investigators felt they finally had enough evidence waiting six seven Avenue they sent unis to arrest Greenham in Ferguson Jim Greenham was arrested by one team William Ferguson was arrested by another and attempted to resist arrest but was quickly subdued Tim ring was lured down to the FBI office on the premise of looking at some photographs because ring had previously offered to help the FBI try to find who these people were which we believe was an effort on his part to try and find out what we knew the FBI agent who had previously used ring as an informant called the suspect ring agreed to come in on February 16th 1995 Tim ring arrived at the Phoenix FBI field office undercover agents were waiting for him in the lobby they believed he would not be armed at the FBI office but they couldn't be positive to ensure their safety they needed to surprise him we had two big burly defensive tactics instructors one of which was a guy with 25 years of martial arts expertise who came up and blocked him in the head knocked him down like a sack of potatoes before he knew what what he was doing all three suspects were off the streets now investigators needed physical evidence to make sure the prosecutions were successful On February 16th 1995 after arresting three men for an armored car robbery and murder FBI agents and Glendale Arizona detectives searched the suspects residences [Music] at the house of Tim ring suspected leader of the three they found him Horton Devlin's investigators recovered a note marked with the initials F Y and T each initial had a number beneath like the real numbers the numbers added up to the amount of cash taken from the armored car agents believed stood for Fergie wife or Green um's nicknamed Yoda and T for Tim it was the worksheet the three used to divide the money in the garage investigators found a red pickup truck that resembled the vehicle seen by witness Edward Morgan in Sun City the license plate number however did not match the ones Morgan recalled under forensic hypnosis ring kept several weapons and plenty of ammunition at his house [Music] in a duffel bag agents also recovered 270 thousand dollars in cash [Music] another 64,000 was found on his back nearly 600,000 in cash had been stolen noting the money spent by the suspects investigators found that about 100 thousand dollars was unaccounted for the case against the three suspects seems solid [Music] FBI Special Agent Ron Meyers hope the evidence might get one of them to roll we finally got first-hand information about this crime when jim Greenham decided to cooperate jim Greenham was the only one of the three of them that showed any remorse about what they had done about how they had killed this driver Jim decided to cooperate he told us what happened he told us all the parts that these individuals played in the robbery Green and met with the investigators and explained that the planning started in the fall of 1994 Tim ring had the idea to hit an armored car so they began to case Wells Fargo they drove around Glendale following different trucks and vans on their routes then they zeroed in on the van driven by John m'gosh tailing it for days they managed to observe this one particular armored car making several stops and they noticed that every time the messenger would get out to make a delivery the driver would open the door about eight inches to smoke and blow the smoke out the side of the door they observe the driver at several stops and they noticed this one particular stop on the backside of a shopping center and notice that he always parked in the same position on November 28 1994 the Monday after Thanksgiving a day they were sure a lot of money would be in the van they were ready to strike [Music] James Greenham and William Ferguson waited unnoticed by the store they watched until the courier was out of sight as if unscheduled m'gosh opened the door to smoke Tim ring was parked 50 feet away the stolen license plate on his truck the expert marksman had a silence around his 22 caliber rifle so no one would hear this shot he aim through the opening and fired once the force must have knocked Prakash's glasses to the ground with the driver down the van was unprotected no one knows the views they drove to the church parking lot [Music] it would be empty at that time of day they transferred the money and checks to the pickup the new authorities would be searching for the van they left most of the coins and went to destroy the checks and other evidence according to detective Tom Clayton they loaded the money into Tim rings truck and drove out in the desert where they separated the money change clothes and burned all the evidence Greenham said they buried the burned evidence and stolen license plate in the desert and you can take us to where the plates are very special agent Steven Chenoweth wondered if it was the plate witnessed by Edward Morgan we went out there and actually found the location and then dug it up and found that the three numbers actually on the plate did in fact match those that were given to us by mr. Morgan so he was actually right on on his information James Greenham pled guilty to second-degree murder and armed robbery and is serving 27 and a half years William Ferguson pled guilty to armed robbery and accessory after the fact and is doing 17 years on December 6 1996 Tim ring was found guilty of first-degree murder conspiracy and burglary any time that you have somebody actually assassinate a driver like this it's a very heinous crime and you certainly want to expend all of your resources in an effort to identify the people involved and and and put them behind bars for his crimes ring received the death penalty he currently awaits execution at the Arizona State Prison in Florence [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 4,537,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, robbery, million dollars, heist, John Magosh, Timothy Ring
Id: 4y-eUOtDoKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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