Washington Behind Closed Doors: POTUS finds out CIA director has been helping opposition

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you can send them in now rekka moss come in damn i appreciate your seeing me on such a short notice of your office said it was urgent it is the president has been put in an awkward you might say embarrassing position regarding the nomination of an ambassador because of a Senate committees overzealous prying the nomination has not only been withdrawal but certain inferences have been made to possibly cause speculation regarding the motivation behind the nomination it seems this was solely the work of one senator man who it appears is embarked on a personal vendetta against the White House so it was thought that the FBI could by sharing some of its information help us to better understand get to the point I'd like to see the file on senator Jack Atherton that's what I figured I reviewed it this morning avidin John Jay San Diego California Bachelor Mission Bay High School UCLA Dean's List last two years working fathers real estate business ran for City Council elected state assembly elected first senatorial campaign financed primarily by father and Friends elected served on several committees Senate career only reasonably distinguished generally a low profile up till now are there any vulnerable areas a certain hasn't announced it but we have information that indicates that he intends to run as his party's presidential nominee and the primaries certainly the publicity he received as a result of the national coverage of the lowman business the considerable help to him what about a personal angle for the last ten years Appleton has been involved with several women in Washington none of the marriage for the most part these Affairs have been a brief duration never more than a year his last relationship was with a widow Sally Whelan apparently the relationship terminated on a very friendly basis missus Whelan is now the mistress of William Martin mark of the CIA does this tie in any way nineteen days ago a man named Simon Capel flew from Washington to the Bahamas he was later observed in the rock more back there you know whose number-one assistant Simon Capel is mr. William Martin his own executive assistant Martin wasn't about to trust anybody else Morse even pinpointed him at the rock more back did more say that this Simon kept out gave everything he got directly to happen no sir well then he gave it to Martin Martin was the one that seemed to be the implication implication he'll Morse wouldn't have said anything if he didn't know right it was Martin that's really something the FBI keeping tabs on the CIA camera Morris keeps tabs on everybody Roger including you remember that look into this Atherton was running for the nomination Roger who he's running against in the primaries where his money's coming from everything I want the whole ball of wax yes sir I want this man out Frank I want this man finished right now let's help anyone who's got a shot at it money inside stuff anything we'll have talk would work up some stories I want this a certain cut off at the knees what about Martin I'll take care of him personally director Martin is here to see you sir eighteen wiretaps and nothing well something else will have to be done mr. president something more definitive unless the situation is resolved now unless we can identify the source of those leaks tell me about it Carl send my urn man yes sir how how I good yeah mr. president we've just received a signal from our sources in Athens as a result of the presence of The Sixth Fleet in Greek waters the attempted overthrow his failure materialized the military police mr. president have already taken the major ringleaders into custody well that's more than we hope for I understand mr. president that the Greek premier is planning an unofficial appreciation his personal envoy is coming to express the government's gratitude now perhaps a little moodier than usual before you came in but that's all just don't let about he just sat there and say a word that stone cold look quite extraordinary what do you think he's trying to do oh I'll give you a message of some sort obviously not a friendly one why Carl would you try to find out for me would you do that bill I could say yes the truth is perhaps
Channel: Richard Clarke
Views: 2,115
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: potus cia watergate
Id: snpe-a25V3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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