Anastasia Kingsnorth | Behind Closed Doors | The Podcast | PrettyLittleThing

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- [Interviewer] Hi Anna. - Hi. - I (mumbles) to sit up on stage. - You did. - I surprised myself though you know what I actually did. Welcome to the PLT Podcast. - Thank you for having me. - Thanks for joining us. Where have you come from today? - Milton Keynes - Okay, so was it a good journey down? - It was a good journey. I slept on two of the trains. - That's the best. - So it was a nice journey. - That is the best. Well I don't know if you're familiar with the PLT Podcast but we like to get to know our guests kinda from the top to the bottom. - Okay. - So that sounds a bit weird but today is all about you and I really want to know everything from where you start out until where you are now. - Oh, okay. - You've had such an incredible journey so far. - Thank you. - So we'll talk about where you are now in a second but I want to go back to your beginning like kinda where did you grow up? Let's start there. - I grew up in Milton Keynes - Okay. - But I'm 19 now and I've been doing YouTube for eight years. - Eight years. - So I started when I was 11. - You're like do you know what you have to have the date down when you start by it if not calculate the fact that you were 11 years old. - I was 11 because I had two channels before my channel now. That like no one really knows about. - Stop right tell us about these two channels. - Okay the first one is a little bit embarrassing I used to do like toy opening videos when I was like a kid kid. - Are you joking? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, honestly I loved it. And I did that for maybe like two years. - That's amazing. - And then I just kinda got into the more like beauty like fashion side of it and then I made another channel. Did that for maybe like six months and then I decided I wanted like a complete different name so I made a third channel which is this one. - Oh my God. - I've been doing this channel for like five years. I've been doing YouTube for eight years. - So how like at 11 years old did you even know about YouTube because obviously YouTube's been about now for while but like where did you get the inspiration to start a channel from? - Literally from watching other YouTubers. All my friends watched YouTubers. - Wow. I was like okay I wanna do that too. Then I used to watch like all the classics like Zoella and everyone like that and then I thought okay I want to give it a go myself. And it kinda just it took off. - And were any of your friends doing it at the same time? Or was it just like just you? - It was just me. - I'm like that's quite a big thing to start at 11 years old. - It was amazing. - Like you're literally.. - It was a big thing. I think I was a near seven. - Oh my God. - A near seven six or seven yeah. - And what did your friends think of it in the beginning? Because it you're all watching it isn't it not kinda weird for your friends to be like oh my God you're on the TV basically? - It was weird. It was really weird. Because when I did my first channel when I used to like open toys and stuff none of my friends knew. - Stop. - That was like a complete like just me doing it and then someone actually found out at school. I don't know how but it come up on like you know how you like get recommended videos? - Yeah. - It come up on the side. - Well that's what you get recommended at 11 wow. - Well it was great but it come on the side and I didn't really want anyone knowing because like I was proud of it but I was also like not embarrassed but do you know what I mean? - Yeah. - It was just a bit like. - It was your little thing then. - It was my little thing and then when everyone started finding out I was like oh God like and then it kinda turned into a big thing at school. But now. - Wow and how was it when everyone found out in school? Were you always really confident? Because you come across obviously now so bubbly so confident. - I wasn't at all. - Were you not? - I was like the shyest kid in school. Like I wouldn't put my hand up. Like doing a school presentation would actually scare the life out of me. - Stop. - Like I'd think about it for weeks before because I hated it. Like I used to hate public speaking. I was the quietest person in school. Like it was almost like I did that to have a voice. - Yeah. - Because you're kinda in a room with like no one listening. You can edit out what you want to. And yeah I guess I kinda found like my voice through doing Youtubes. - So do you think that's actually kinda helped grow your confidence? Cause I'd say you're a confident person now. - Oh yeah a hundred percent. - Oh my God. - Yeah that's definitely where like all my confidence has come from. - And so going from starting your channel at 11 when did it kinda start to take off for you? - For the first maybe three or four years it kinda just stayed like steady. I was doing it just as like my hobby. - And then when I was on about 30 or 40,000 subscribers on my channel now I got contacted by my management and I was like oh okay this is kinda like serious like this is actually possibly gonna go somewhere. And then last year in August is when it like really took off. Like all my videos did insane over the summer and it kinda just like went from there. - Because you've got a lot of subscribers. You've got two channels now haven't you? - I've got two channels. - So you've got your blog channel and your main channel? - Yes. - So you've got like combined 1.5 mil if my maths is correct? - Yeah 1.5 mil. - That's a lot of subscribers. - It's a lot of people. - How does it feel having that many eyes on you? Watching you on your YouTube and watching your social media? - Oh it is quite scary. - It is scary because I've got I think 700,00 on Instagram as well. So I'm just like I never expected to have that many people watch my every day life. And it's weird because people have more of an interest in what I actually do in my day. Like people love my blogs more than anything. And they just wanna see what I'm doing at home. - Wow. - And I'm just like why because like to me it's not interesting. To me I'm just like laying in bed. I'm having a bath. I'm like talking to my mum and my brother. But like everyone loves it. I don't know why but... - How do you think you've turned it into a job from it being a hobby and from it being you know your passion in school? How do you think you turned it into a career? Cause it is your full time career now. - It's my full time job. It was only just luck. Like I didn't do anything specifically to turn it into a job it was almost as though it just kinda. It genuinely was luck. There's no way to it. I just got found and Brinstied wanted to like talk to me and like do videos. - Wow. - And I was like wow. - And so many young people aspire to be YouTubers now as a career. I mean it didn't exist let's say 20 years ago so a lot of people want to be YouTubers and do that for their jobs. What kind of advice I guess you get asked this all the time but what advice would you give to anyone who is starting out now and like wants to be a YouTuber? - So I always say to people literally just be yourself. Because there's already like a me. There's already a Zoella. There's already like do you know what I mean? - Hum um. - And if you're trying to copy someone else it's just never gonna work. People wanna find someone new. They wanna find someone fresh. Like do you know Emma Chamberlain? - Yeah. - When she blew up? Like she blew up completely new no one had ever edited like her. And that's why everybody loved her when she blew up. It is genuinely just to be yourself. - Be yourself and do what you're good at that kinda thing. - Not to copy anyone else. Just do what you want to do. - And something I think you're known for is being really transparent in your videos which you know is really refreshing to see. - I would like to think so. - Yeah, you are and I think that's something that's really important in the industry. - Yeah it is. - But do you think there's a lack of transparency in YouTube? - Yeah, 100 percent. I feel like a lot of YouTubers nowadays just make videos for the sake of making videos and they a lot of people just make an average make-up story which is fine if that's what you enjoy. But people love watching you as a person and your life and the genuine you. That's what I found anyway. Cause I could upload a make-up story but no one's actually getting to know me. They're just looking at my face. Or like on Instagram they're just looking at what I'm wearing. Where as like in my blogs and stuff when I'm actually talking they're getting to know me as a person which I like. - Exactly and you're just 19. We spoke about it before. You've just turned 19. - Yeah, I just turned 19. - Happy belated birthday. - Thank you. - How was your birthday? - Oh God it was amazing. - For anyone who didn't watch the blog which I have how did you celebrate? - I went clubbing with all my friends. - Okay which dress did you choose in the end actually cause I watched I obviously watched. Which color? Would you just say the color? - I went for a white dress. - The white? Yeah I watched that one too. - But it was a good night? - It was such a good night. - But see you're 19 years old You're killing it in your career. - Thank you. - You've got so many subscribers and followers watching you constantly how do you stay grounded with everything that's going on in your life right now? - I think it's just it doesn't really like I don't really think of it as when I'm making a video oh my God this many people are gonna watch. Like it doesn't actually sink in to me how many people there are watching. Because it's kinda like as though I'm so grateful for it it's a number on a screen and I only ever realize it when I'm like doing a meet up or when I'm like out and about and people come up to me and like oh my God I love your videos. I'm like oh my God there's people watching this. Like to me when I'm making it in my bedroom it's just almost just for me because I enjoy doing it. But it's also the fact that I live with my mum and my brother and we have such a close relationship that just like they just keep me grounded. - And what do they think about it? Because they feature quite a lot on the channel. They must love it. - Yeah they're on there all the time. - Your little brother is the cutest boy I think I've ever seen. - My little brother Atticus adores YouTube. - I can tell. - He wants to be a YouTuber. - I think he will be. Because when you're posting anything he keeps like interrupting you like excuse me Anna you need to come... - He's like a 40 year old man in a five year old's body. - Stop. I love him. - Like he actually is. He is so wise for a five year old. It's weird. But like I love him so much. He loves it. The attitude and my mum loves it as well. - And your mum most how does she feel with everything that goes on? So We mentioned that you've got so much engagements, so many comments on your channel. Something you've spoken about is online hate. And kinda the hate and bad comments you kinda get. Nasty and bad comments unfortunately. How does your mum deal with seeing those comments? And does she see? Is she aware of what goes on? - Yeah my mum is probably more aware than I am because I think because I've done it for so long I've learned to just block it out and become quite numb to it because I'm like well they don't really know me fully as a person. They're just commenting on the 12 minute video they're seeing. Block it out. But from a mum's prospective when they're saying that about their daughter when they're saying that about their son or even my mum she gets her guard up. But we've had the conversation of ignore don't say anything. It's better to just leave it and them go on with it and put it down to jealousy. - And do you ever turn to other YouTubers for advice? Because I guess I could never relate to that see. So, you couldn't speak to me you know if we were friends you couldn't speak to me about it. So do you ever turn to any of the girls or the guys and say you know how do you deal with it? Because it must be really intense. - It is. It's a lot but I'm really lucky that I've got a really like tight friendship group of YouTubers like the majority of my friends now are YouTubers. - Are they? That was my next question. - Yeah so like we have a really tight friendship group so if I ever have a problem. - You go to them. - Go to them we can relate which is really nice. - So tell us about your YouTube friends because the YouTube industry is massive and people say it's quite a catty place. - It's so big. - Would you relate to that? - I mean I try to stay out of it as much as I can. I feel like when I was a bit younger it was definitely quite like catty and a bit like... - Really? Tell us about your experience with that? - I just there's a lot of people in the YouTube industry and we kinda clash. Like people doing it for different reasons. And sometimes it's jealousy and copying ideas. And everyone used to get really like in their head about it but now I've gotten a bit older I'm just like it doesn't really matter. And I will just stay in my lane. Do what I wanna do and like I've found my friends now. We've got like a really tight friendship group. - Who are your best friends in the industry? - Saffron she's like my best friend. We met four years ago. I commented on her video actually. - Really is that how you met? - I commented on her first video and then she dmd me on Instagram and then we swapped numbers - Stop. - And then we arranged to meet up and she came around to my house about six months later. - No way. - And we filmed a video. - And that's how it all starts. - Literally from there. - Have you been supporting her recently? She's on Strictly Come Dancing right now. - Yes I actually went to go watch her last week. - Did you? - At her studio. - Oh I didn't see. Tell us about it. How is that? - It was incredible. My bum was numb. - Really? - Because you'll sat there for like six hours. - Oh my God. - And it's really like tight. So like your legs and your arms are touching the person next to you. So when you clap you're like clapping and you can't move your arms. - Stop. - Like a seal. - She said it was gonna be like that. And I was like oh yeah no but I'll be fine. And I actually was like that. - No. - It was tiring but it was so good. - I went on movie week. - Really? - So I got to see all that. - Oh my God that's amazing. - Probably like the best week to go so. - Did you know the person sitting next to you when you did it? - I didn't. Well I took someone with me so I was with my friend Kira. - Okay so that's good. - But then next to me I had like another contestant's brother and sister. - No way. - So we just sat there all night. - It's kinda weird to be so close to somebody. I mean for six hours. Is that just because of how long the filming is? - Yeah and then I wanna say like you've got a break in between. They prerecord another show and it's just... - Oh my word. - It's a long time. - It's a big process? - It's a big process. - Okay and so they're your friendships in the industry but talking about your content something you are known for is challenges. You do like a good challenge. - I love a good challenge. - Tell us about them. Tell us about what you enjoy doing on YouTube. - I feel like for me I absolutely adore beauty and fashion like I love it. But I prefer to incorporate that in a more fun style video because for me it just it's not like I'm not passionate but thought that filming a 10 minute hole wasn't for me. I preferred making it more fun and engaging and make it something that people actually wanted to watch. Cause I feel like a hole's always gonna be in but YouTube is evolving a lot and I kinda wanted to evolve with it while still including the whole beauty and fashion element. So I kinda hopped on the 24 hour challenges. Which is where you literally do something for 24 hours. - That's so exciting. What's the craziest one you've done? - Craziest one I've done? I mean I wouldn't say I've done that many crazy ones. I do a lot of food ones. So I did like McDonald's for 24 hours. - How was that? - I love McDonald's. - I do love McDonald's - So I actually really enjoyed it. - Was it not really beige though? Like everything is kinda the same biege? - It was all yeah you eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks like for 24 hours was a bit like oh I feel ill now. - A lot. And you've done it backwards as well haven't you? You've done like dessert for breakfast - Oh yeah I did my life in reverse. Yes, I went to like Nando's and got dessert in my pajamas in the morning. - That is so funny. - So I walked into Nando's in my pajamas. (laughing) Everyone is like what is that girl doing? - Do you think that's one of the the weirdest ones you've ever done? - Oh yeah that's probably one of my weirdest ones actually. I forgot about that. - Is there any exciting ones coming? - Yes, some very exciting ones coming. - I'm excited. - Speaking of our tape I'm gonna let my subscribers pick my first tattoo. - Stop! - Yeah which is a bit of risky one. - It's risky. - There's a whole like plan to it. But yeah I'm gonna let them pick my first tattoo. - Oh my God are you gonna let them choose where it goes? or do you know where it's going? - I kinda know roughly where I want it to go. - Are you keeping that a secret? - I'm gonna keep that a secret. - Okay. - But yeah I'm gonna let them pick what it is. - Oh my God that's so exciting. - I've never seen anyone do it before so. - No well hopefully no one steals it beforehand. Let's get that out there. (laughing) Do you ever struggle to think of content ideas because you are constantly posting? And you know keeping it with the challenges and the trends that happening do you ever struggle? - A 100 percent because I've posted twice a week for the last five years without missing one upload. And it's so like I'm really strong on like I can't miss an upload. It will actually like stress me out. - I think we should just take a pause a minute. Twice a week for how many years? - Five years. - Five years. - Well that's why you're doing so bloody well. It's dedication. Wow. - It is proper dedication. - That really is. - And if I miss an upload it will genuinely cause me stress for the next week because I'm like that consistent with it. so coming up with two engaging ideas that people are gonna wanna watch every week is hard and obviously YouTube's evolving there's always new trends but like making them your own - That's it. - And doing two days a week is hard and blogging as well. It is a lot. It's a full time job. - Do you ever draw inspiration from a new arrival so obviously I know you want it to be your own self but is there someone that you watch that inspires you? Or is there someone else that gives you inspiration? - I tend to like for my video or whatever it is I will go down old YouTube videos from like five or six years ago and then put a twist on them. - Right like bring them into the new day. - Bring them into the new day. So videos that people haven't made for a while oldies. Like recently I did if it fits in the trolley I'll buy it for you. - Oh my God I love that. - And I did it like versus my mum versus my brother and don't get me wrong it was an expensive video. But it was so fun to film. Like it was one of the best videos I've made. - That's so excitin. And with your YouTube career and everything that's sort of goin on in your life right now you must get some incredible opportunities? - Oh my God some incredible opportunities. - Talk to me about that a little bit. Like how has being a YouTube creator changed your life? - Oh it's completely changed my life. Like the places that I've been because of YouTube are just like phenomenal. Like I went to Coachella last year. - Oh I'm so jealous. - Wish a brand which was like I never thought I'd go to Coachella. - That's amazing. - Like I've been to L.A. I've been to New York. I like recently traveled down the east coast of America with like one of my best friends. - Wow. - All because of YouTube. Like it's incredible. - And what does your mom think of it? I know we spoke a little bit about your mom but what does she think because based obviously with my mom YouTube was never a thing. It obviously didn't exist. Did it exist? When did YouTube start? - I don't know. - That's a big question. Let's not think about that too much. - I have no idea. - But like it wasn't around. The jobs weren't around. So to my mum she wouldn't understand it. But does your mum like understand like oh I'm getting whisked off to L.A. and like this band is gonna take me here? - I mean like does now. But like at the start especially when I said to her I wanna do this full time. She was a bit like I don't know if that's a good idea just because she had no idea about it. She was like is it gonna last? What are you gonna do in five years? Are you still gonna be doing it? - Right. - Because I actually left school to do this full time. - Left school? - I left school no like I fully like didn't like do 6th form. I did home school for like a year. - So like until you were 16? - Yeah. - Okay. - And then I left to do this full time. - Wow. Which is quite scary for a parent. - For a parent my mum was like this is gonna fail. Like she had faith in me but she was like what are you doing? Like she always wanted me to go to Uni and everything but I just wasn't that type of person. I always knew that like as soon as I started this this is what I wanna to do. - Wow. - So now when I walk downstairs like mum I just got asked to go to New York. She's like she's just baffled by it. I think it's just like she doesn't believe it herself. - Was there ever a plan B? Or was there any other dream that maybe when you were maybe younger you felt like I would do? What was it? - I always wanted to be a spy. - Really okay. - I always wanted to work for MI5 . - No way like seriously? - Seriously no I always wanted to work for MI5. When I was in I actually literally just went to Washington maybe like two months ago. Because it's like the spy capital and we wanted to... - Stop. - Yeah my best friend came with me and we went to like all the spy museums and I learned all about it. And yeah it was so good. - So if you weren't doing YouTube you'd be like 007 or something? - Oh 100 percent. - I love that. - That was always my dream yeah. - And what do your friends think of your job? Apart from your friends in the industry what about friend like you know from home do they kinda think that what you're doing is crazy? Are they doing similar things? - No nobody's doing anything similar. I'm literally like one of the only people from my area to do it. I feel like from doing YouTube I've definitely figured out who my real friends were. - Yeah I bet. - Because I used to I was in like a fairly big friendship group during school and now literally talk to about four people from school. Just because jealousy and everybody wanted to kinda do YouTube and when they saw me doing it heads kinda turned. - Did you get a little bit nasty? - Yeah it got a bit nasty at school. But it showed me who my true friends were and now I've got like a nice little home group of friends who are always supportive. Like they're always like wanted to come and support me at whatever I do. And they always wanna be in videos and I know it's like genuine. - That's amazing. I did see them in your birthday video. Were they some home friends there? - Yeah some of them were home friends. - I could tell because you were pointing them in the video and I was like yeah she's not used to YouTube. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I love that. I love it it's so nice to see that you've got you know your YouTube friends and then you've got them girls from school that are always there for you. - Yeah it's a nice split to have. - Okay so you've spoken about all the opportunities but what's the biggest or the best opportunity that YouTube has given you so far? - Oh my gosh that's a big question. - You probably never sit and think about this on a daily. - Yeah I haven't properly thought about what's like the best one. I think just like giving me the platform to be able to like help people to make people happy. That's my favorite thing because the amount of messages that I get on the daily it's like you've helped me through this you've helped me through that and I don't realize. Like it's just insane. I didn't think my videos would like help someone but the fact that they do - That's amazing. - And it makes them happy. I'm just like that's amazing. And like the life it's enabled me to live as well. Like with me earning the amount of money I do at my age and the opportunities I've had like the places I've been at 19. - It's crazy. - It's like it's not normal. Like I never thought I'd have that. So like yeah the opportunities it's given me it's just like insane. - And where do see it all sort of going? So you've been in YouTube now for how many years is it? - Eight years. - Eight years. - What's the plan for the future? Do you think you'll ever get into anything else? Or is it gonna be... - I want to. I wanna go into like mainstream TV. - Amazing tell us about that. - That's like my goal now. Like I'd like to go into like maybe presenting. Acting was like something I kinda wanted to do for a while. - Was it? - But then I was like no I think I wanna to do like presenting. - That's amazing. - That's like my end. My end goal. - Oh my God so she's gonna be on TV presenting soon guys. Right Anastasia TV. - My end goal. (giggles) - Do you think that's come from having a YouTube channel or did you think you always wanted to do that type of thing? - No that's definitely come from having a YouTube channel. - Wow. - Like I always knew that like I liked the media and I liked that industry but from doing this it's has made me like really want to. Do you know what I mean? Made me want to do more. - Oh I think you can do it. You'll definitely do it. - I hope so. - I'm so excited. It's gonna be an incredible future whatever it holds. - Thank you. - Now you spoke about your followers asking loads of questions. So I want to know what is the most common question you get asked? - Common question will you do a meet up? (laughing) - Really? - I'm being serious. That is genuinely my most common question. - Really everyone just wants to meet you but that's incredible so many people just wanna see you. - It's incredible. That's 100 percent my most common question. Or do I have a boyfriend? - Oh and we'll go on to the boyfriend in a moment. But are you doing any meet ups? Is there any coming up? - A couple potentially. Coming up yeah. - Oh secrets can we announce any now? - Not yet but potential. - We're gonna keep them quiet because everyone listening hear is a fan. Everybodys's gonna be wanna be come in. Okay so we should look out for that. So you mentioned boyfriends. Your fans have been asking whether or not you have a boyfriend? And I just saw a Tweet the other day about Tinder. Can you remind me of the Tweet? - So I found someone on Tinder and their Instagram wasn't linked so like I had which is a bit like - Who doesn't link to Instagram? - I'm the type of person that like I'll just go look at their Instagram first before I start if I find them attractive. - Of course. - Weird I know. I don't know if anyone else does it. (laughing) - But he didn't have it Instagram linked so I screen shotted him and I sent it to my friend Byron because my friend Byron knows a lot of people in the industry like he'd know of a lot. This guy looked like a model. So I was like if anyone's gonna know him it's gonna be Byron. So I tweeted about it as well and everyone was like tweet his picture tweet his picture but I was like I can't do that. I actually can't do that. (giggling) Because if he finds out that's embarrassing. So I just tweeted like oh I just found the cutest guy on Tinder doesn't use Instagram blah, blah, blah. So Byron literally set a mission to find this guy. Found out so the guy's actually a catfish. - Stop how disappointing. - It was a catfish account. Because we found him after three hours of searching and he has a different name but we found his actual Instagram. - So someone's using his imagery? - Someone's using his imagery because Byron was like I've seen him before but that's not his name. And I was like oh you're kidding so it's a catfish? And then we found the real guy who it was. - And did you speak to him? - I sent him dms yes. - Did you? Wait. - I'm not afraid to like message first. - Stop. - Yeah, I sent him dms. - And how did that go? - It's going all right yeah I still talk to him occasionally. - No way so no boyfriend yet? - No boyfriend yet. - Can I say I do love the dedication of three hours of searching. That is pure dedication. - Oh yeah Byron wasn't like letting down. Like he was determined to find this guy. - He's a good friend. - Yeah he's a really good friend. (laughing) - So you're not in a relationship at the moment? - No not now. - But if you ever were to get into a relationship do you think that you would try to keep it private or would it be maybe like a his and hers videos kind of vibe? Like What's it gonna be like? - I don't know I felt like if I knew it was the right person and they weren't in it for like any wrong reasons. Do you know what I mean? - Hum yeah. - Like then I would share it but not straight away. Give it like three or four months when I know it's right and then. I feel like... - Do you struggle with that? Like people like even just friends like when you meet people in the industry whether they are you know truly there for your best interest is all? - But I feel like now because it's happened so much I can kinda see early stages and early signs of when people kinda just wanna be followers or people just wanna know you because you've got a YouTube Channel and you're a YouTuber and you do all this. Like it's very easy to spot now. But like it doesn't happen as much now but it definitely used to. - And how do guys react if they don't know who are you kinda thing? If they don't know what massive YouTube channel and what a huge Instagram you've got. How do they react when they do find out? - I mean every time I've told a guy they've had a fairly good reaction. They're like that is really cool. I can't believe you do that full time. I haven't really had any bad reactions. - Well that's good. I mean can't imagine why you'd get a bad reaction. - Which is good. - It's amazing job. - Everyone's like oh I like it and then you kinda get the common guys are like oh my God I wanna be in a video. I'm like bye. - You're blocked. - I'm like bye. - You're blocked. - Yeah literally. - So to anyone listening if there is any nice guys listening who do you look out for? What kind of guy do you look for? - Oh I hate the fact that I have like such a basic type of like tall, dark and handsome. - You can't go wrong. - I do have a common like type. - I feel like every girl enjoys a tall that could sound so wrong I'm gonna stop myself there. (giggling) I don't need to say that. No it's not a basic type. I think a tall, dark and handsome it's like a... - Yeah a Tall, dark and handsome but then judging people I've been with from the past they all have curly hair. - Oh really. - And then initially I wouldn't say curly hair so. - Oh, there you go. So curly hair people if you're listening you could get your chance too. - Hi. - So it's been a really exciting year for you this year but what is coming next? What is 2020 holding for you? - Hopefully some exciting stuff. - Anything in the pipeline? - There is some stuff in the pipeline. Some exciting stuff in the pipeline. - How exciting. - I feel like 2020's gonna be there year. - Is there anything you can share with us right now? - Not yet. - She's looking at me like no don't ask me. - Which is so annoying not yet. But like it's gonna be a good year. A really good year. - Okay well we're really forward to seeing what comes next for you. - Thank you. - And what you more you go out to. Like we say you're absolutely killing it right now. - Thank you. - So can't wait to see what comes next. Now we have gotten an exclusive part of the podcast today which is a brand new thing for us. You've actually asked your followers. - I have. - To send in their most burning questions for their chance to win a Facetime with you. - I have. - Have you ever done anything like this before? - I've never done anything like this before. - Are you ready to do it? - I'm kinda nervous. I'm excited. - I'm kinda nervous as well you know. Okay so to everybody watching on YouTube you'll need to now click the link below so that you can come over to iTunes and listen to the exclusive part of the podcast where we FaceTime a fan. - Exciting. - I feel like we should do a drum roll. (drumming on pillow and legs) (laughing) - Ana it's been amazing getting to know you today. - Thanks for having me. - Thanks so much for joining us. - You've been so much energy. It's been incredible having you here. - I've loved it. Thank you. - I can't wait to see what you do in the future. I know you're gonna do some amazing big things. - Thank you. - So we'll be supporting you all the way. - Well thanks guys. - And thank you to everybody for listening This has been PLT behind closed doors. If you have enjoyed this episode make sure to subscribe to our podcast and leave us a little review. - Thank you. - And we'll see you next week.
Channel: PrettyLittleThing
Views: 224,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pretty little thing, pod cast, personal style, video podcast, plt, anastasia kingsnorth podcast, interview, look fantastic, behind closed doors podcast, plt podcast, inspo, anastasia, podcast, prettylittlething podcast, behind closed doors, anastasia kingsnorth, anastasia kingsnorth interview, natalie o leary, prettylittlething, female podcast, beauty podcast, interviews, fashion podcast
Id: BIuZxg_Vmwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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