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guys welcome back to the channel i hope you enjoyed the first video there on the e55 amg i am back in the car um if you are a big fan of huvi's garage and tyler hoover like i am and watch all of his videos you might have recalled a video where he went to mako to have a porsche 911 painted in his daughter's uh favorite purple color so i am taking a cue from hoovey and i am headed to mako to have them quote me on some paint work for this e55 amg if you remember the hood is basically uh completely barren of paint i've got some scratches there's a couple of panels that look off so i've never been to mako i remember back in the day i was looking at getting a paint job for an old bronco but not something i have a lot of experience with so we're gonna go check it out and see what these guys have to say see how much it costs i mean if i could get uh it's good of an experience that who be had was his then maybe it's worth it so uh let's see what they have to say all right guys i'm just now leaving mako um brought the car out here like i said here's the car uh you can see how bad our hood is jacked up right so we kind of went over the car we got a big scratch here running along here and then looks like on this side these two door panels have been repainted and repaired but with what they said was cheaper paint which is pretty obvious because i don't know if you can see but the difference between the original paint here and this paint is quite a bit different this is much duller so bottom line is i got the estimates for the car and i'm excited to share them because i'm shocked to be honest for the mercedes um i got two estimates all right uh the first one was for the hood uh and the hood to do the hood and the fenders 962.74 when i bought the car the guy told me that he had somebody that would um basically pay for 700 bucks and i was like all right so 960 but check this out all right to paint the entire car with a base and clear coat matching to the manufacturer mercedes black all right basin clear coat is the highest level one they do at mako fifty one 1251. and ninety cents that is insane okay twelve hundred fifty bucks to paint this entire car i mean uh unbelievable when they when they told me what the estimate was i was like here's the key when can you start i mean they said it take one week too which is insane so i mean i hope that i have as good of experience and results as hoovy did with his porsche um but you know again this is kind of a beater car it's kind of a hoopty car so yeah they're going up in value but it needs work and between the car and painting the entire thing for six thousand dollars and it's gonna look like a million bucks on the outside like that's amazing unbelievable so um before i get too excited we got to do the work i'm not going to go nuts just yet so i should get the car back hopefully in the next week they're going to repair the front bumper is totally messed up and so i don't they said they don't know if they can repair it because it's already had some work done but i said at least paint it see what you can do so they're gonna work on that um so yeah so 1200 bucks uh i don't know what that's going to look like but we'll be back and uh and figure out uh if it was worth it all right so we picked the card from mako uh it took him a little bit less than a week to complete the job um it's now a few weeks later i've just been busy with a few things so i couldn't update um the finished product but now we finally have our finished uh painted um mercedes e55 amg so a reminder um the guy said if you want to paint the hood it's going to be about 900 bucks but then if you want to paint the whole car it's going to be 1200 bucks and he said we're going to do the best job we're going to give you the highest level of what we do i said hey that sounds great i'm unbelievable let's do it for 1200 bucks results are not that great to be honest in fact i'm i'm pretty disappointed um i think maybe what hoovy did in his uh videos was he maybe paid a little bit more maybe double probably triple what i paid which is we're only still talking about maybe three thousand dollars but got a little bit higher in service um when i picked up the car i had the guy come out with me and say you know this doesn't look right and we went back in the office and i said well what's this other package that you offer he said oh that one's starts at 2 500 bucks and we strip the paint and we do it straight from finish you know it's much more like showroom and i'm like well that would have been uh nice to know you didn't really sell me on that one you just sold me on this like high end of the basic ones so uh regardless here's the finished product um i will say that the best part of the car is the hood you guys recall earlier in the video you saw the hood was kind of a wreck and it turned out you know pretty good uh you know there's some some marks here and there that i'm not sure if you can see but you know for the most part it's a good sort of 20-footer much more presentable than it was but here's the problem and okay let me step back why this the hood turned out good was because it didn't really have much paint on it so i think what they did is they primed it and paint it so most of the paint was already kind of gone so it looked pretty good um it's a bit sunny out here today so i'm gonna make sure i've got try to be in the shade a little bit but here's the problem so they painted all the other um all the other panels and i think from this you can see pretty good look at the look at the the gray the you know texture of this paint job you guys see that see this texture here it's all over the car it's not so much on the hood because there's no paint there here's the other side same thing you guys see this it's like a grain you can feel it it's almost like a pebbly sort of all over if you recall these two panels had been repaired before and the guy said oh well they've been painted kind of crappy so we'll make it look much better and i don't know if you guys can see but yeah you can see all this see that and then if you look at the reflection here see how it's on very unclear unbelievable so this is all over the car had i known this i wouldn't have had to do the whole car because the paint wasn't that bad i mean yeah there were some marks here and there right but it wasn't too bad i'm not even sure they did the back because the back actually looks pretty good but here same thing look at this you could feel it too right so yeah you know the car didn't really need to repaint but it was going to be 1200 to repaint the whole car versus 900 just to the hood so we might as well do it so pretty disappointed with that to be honest um you know what it looks like they did is they just primed it and painted over the original paint you know the guy said oh well that's how the the metal is and it's it's rough like that and if you want it smooth you know they got to take it down to the bare metal and i thought well i kind of thought that's what you were going to do i didn't know you were just going to paint over the original paint because now it looks worse i mean from the you know from 15 20 feet i think the car looks pretty solid and that's fine but you get up close and people are gonna say this is a paint job so uh that's kind of where we're at um you know i know that most there a lot of makos are different like who he said in his most recent video he had his lamborghini painted and they had some issues and so i think maybe some makos are better than others and some do a better job um i will say this here's the only thing i am happy with the hood i think is okay um they did buff out the headlights because the guy said it looked pretty bad the headlights were very foggy they did buff those out they look better i'm gonna try to do them again with another um another kit that i have and then the only thing that i am pretty happy about is that they repaired this um the uh lower spoiler here if you guys see that so it was kind of cracked at the bottom which you can't see as well and they also added this piece which i had that missing uh previous owner gave it to me so this actually turned out pretty good and again this is a 99 amg e55 and so this is a one of one this year they only made the bumper this one year and in 2000 they changed a different bumper so it's very rare to find these bumpers intact um so that actually turned out pretty good um so you know overall it's a thousand dollar paint job i complained to the guy i said hey man this this does not look right i mean this is kind of bad and he goes well we can run it through again if you want um and i said well that's just going to take more time and i don't think that's going to do us any good so i said is there anything you do for me knocked off 10 i mean the guy was nice but and sorry the car is still a little bit dirty here the guy was nice but you know when i picked it up he's kind of like hey this is what we do we're a volume shop we got you know guys that maybe don't know what they're doing and this is what you get for a thousand bucks so um you know it is what it is i i may not mess with it i don't know if maybe wet sanding is could help so maybe in the comments you guys could tell me like hey what can i do here with this um do i wet sand it down and that's gonna smooth it out again i'm not really sure so um yeah that's the story of the paint job again maybe some makos in different parts of the us are are better than others and do better jobs i'm just not very happy with this but hey you know it's a thousand dollar paint job so uh thanks for watching and uh be sure to subscribe watch the other videos i've been posting some more about uh some interior work here so thanks for watching
Channel: Hacktivist Mechanic
Views: 16,082
Rating: 4.5393939 out of 5
Keywords: a maaco auto painting, is a maaco paint job worth it, whats a maaco paint job cost, locate a maaco, what does a maaco paint job look like, mercedes benz, mercedes e55 amg
Id: 0vRyVc_kf1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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