Was Sonia Actually in Breath of the Wild?!

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Hey listen so about three months ago before tears of the Kingdom came out I actually made a video talking about who I thought the eighth heroine was but I wanted to touch base with it since it's been about three months and since we have a little bit more information now on who the eighth heroine is spoiler alert if you haven't finished the game yet maybe don't watch this or if you have finished it and haven't finished the seven heroine side quests and you still want to keep that a secret for yourself until you complete it maybe don't watch this either but moving on so in the first video I actually argued that I thought the eighth heroine might be none other than her majesty Queen Sonia but of course at the time I didn't know who Queen Sonia was this was before the game came out all I had to go off was was the trailers and the similarities between her and Zelda thinking that she was the eighth heroine as like a eighth Sage outside of the what we usually have is the seven sages and that Zelda was part of the seven sages amongst others as well hey your sister isn't bothering me quit jingling anyways I thought there would be seven sages Zelda was part of the seven and the eighth heroine was at the time this mysterious figure who we now know as Queen Sonia but was I right well let's see what tears of the Kingdom had to say about it so in tears of the Kingdom you can actually access the side quest for the seven heroines pretty quickly once you get to Gerudo town all you have to do is go down to the shelter and once you're in you can talk to Rotana Rattan is actually the one that helped us in the side quest for the seven heroines in breath of the wild when you speak to her she'll actually talk about some of these monuments that are scattered throughout the shelter in Gerudo Town she's missing four of the six monuments that are said to be so she asks you for help in finding them and ask if you could bring back a picture or some kind of representation to show them to her once you show her the four pictures of The Monuments that remain then it moves on to the second part of the side quest once you get into this portion of the side quest you actually start looking for these seven orbs that are scattered throughout the Gerudo region they're actually identical to the seven orbs that we put in place in front of the seven heroine statue in breath of the wild to unlock the shrine however this time we're putting all seven of the orbs in the hands of the seven smaller statues that are actually in the shelter side note I think it's really funny how they help us find them if you go talk to Patricia you know reduce sand silk and you give her a splash fruit the Gerudo woman that's with her actually tells you of her prophetic numbers that Patricia is like shouting out and they sound like just a bunch of random numbers they're actually coordinates to find all of the orbs that's laying around the Gerudo region each showing your X Y and Z axis really like how they did that but once we place all seven of the orbs in the correct hands of the small statues in the structure a pathway opens up in the middle of them where is revealed a larger orb which is actually a key to getting into a monument for the eighth heroine so me being so involved in this at this point is super excited because I'm about to get confirmed whether or not I was right was it Queen Sonia was this the seven sages who is this well once we unlock the door go through the tunnel and finally reach the monument we can actually read this text on a tablet which states long ago a monstrosity of the Saiyans attacked Gerudo Town its war cry rang out over the dunes like a raging demon we seven heroines of the Gerudo the most stalwart chosen they surged forth to engage it yet this monstrosity tossed us about like the tumbling weeds we feared that the parade Gerudo would be extinguished and then a hero appeared from afar he marshaled the seven heroines counseling us to combine our strengths the strength upon strength of we seven routed the monstrosity we named our benefactor The Guiding Light of Gerudo yet though we had not but the highest praise for him he was refused entry into Gerudo town twasgrudo law that all those like him were barred how hollow our gratitude and praise must have rung in this Hero's ears thus was the link between his people and the Gerudo sever though we never bequeathed it to him the gift into which our feelings are bound is enshrined at this Sanctuary so it looks like who I thought was the seven sages were literally just seven Gerudo women I mean saying we seven heroines of the Gerudo the most stalwart chosen they which is obviously women in Gerudo surged forth to engage it so it looks like it was seven women and the ape heroine is just a guy and the only reason that he wasn't represented with the other seven is literally because he's just a guy and it seems like he was actually the one that helped him win like they said that he marshaled them to use their might together to beat the monster but because he was a man he was kind of outcasted at least I'm assuming so because it says yet though we had not but the highest praise for him he was refused entry into Gerudo town and why are people not allowed in Naruto town because they're men which is very interesting because they actually had a name for him The Guiding Light of the Gerudo I mean dude got enough praise that they gave him like this name as like some kind of thing to go down in Legend and then they're like nah you can't come in because you're a man so yeah the seven heroines seem to just have been seven grudo women who were great warriors and the best of the Warriors of the Gerudo people at the time and the eighth was just a guy who helped them kind of get their stuff together so they could go beat this monster but because he was a man he wasn't allowed in the city which is very interesting that they even made a monument for him if they didn't allow him in the city maybe after they didn't allow him in and his ties with them got severed maybe they then realized hey we really should have like praised this guy more and built a monument for him afterwards but hold on I know what you're thinking you're thinking this is the end right this is where it all stops but not yet I have something else I want to say I do believe that the seven heroines are the seven grudo women and the eighth is the man I think that's probably the overall truth of the entire thing but I got really interested in a site that we visited in the last video that I hadn't visited yet in tears of the Kingdom so I went to where the original Seven heroine statues were the big ones you know where we originally put the orbs yeah they're mostly buried by sand but there's enough sand left off of one that you can actually see that it says still in Gerudo script the seven sages and I also went and checked the eighth Arrow one and it still says in reverse the seven sages so it makes me wonder are there two sets of seven heroines with an eighth heroine the first being the Gerudo and the eighth being the man and then the second where it's the seven sages and the eighth being Zelda since we've played tears of the Kingdom now and she's the one that kind of traverses time but regardless of whether it would be Sonia or Zelda or any other sages from a different time why do these seven statues say the seven sages I went looked at the small statues down in the shelter they don't say anything on them and in the location with the stone tablet speaking about the eighth heroine that we just read I looked at all of the seven heroines surrounding the eighth and there's nothing written on them either just some designs yet the big one still has the seven sages on it maybe they just left it ends for the sake of keeping it same between breath of the wild and this point or May maybe those eight statues were built much later in time as a bigger representation of the stories passed down and people thought that they could have been sages and put the seven sages on there I don't guess we'll ever know unless we get a third game and then maybe they'll tell us yeah there's actually two separate sets of seven heroines with an eighth mysterious one that's separated for some reason but more than likely the seven sages part was just left for consistency's sake and it's just the seven grudo women and the guy is the eight but let me know what you guys think down in the comments below do you think there's two separate sets of seven heroines with an eighth one that's kind of excluded for some reason or do you think that it's just the one set represented in numerous places which drives me crazy because if the big ones say the seven sages why would they not be related to seven sages but I mean it is what it is and obviously things probably changed between one game to the other that they really didn't anticipate but if you like the video please leave a like And subscribe for more content and thank you guys for checking out this one see you in the next one
Channel: HeyLissen
Views: 6,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelta, legendoftearsofthekingdom, taresofthekingdom, zleta, alzet
Id: aZer5phLe-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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