Was I Wrong About RTX 4070 Laptops?

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So it’s about 3 weeks ago, one day after I  published my RTX 4070 vs 3070 Ti comparison when   I find out that there might be a problem with my  4070 laptop, meaning the results could be wrong. I get this message from XMG, who sent the 4070  laptop I used, showing that at the factory their   4070 laptop hits 185 FPS in Shadow of the Tomb  Raider at 1080p highest settings, which is 18%   higher than what I originally got! A fairly big  difference. I only got this 185 FPS number after   I’d already tested a few games on this laptop  and they’d told me I was good to proceed. Unfortunately their first batch of early  mass production samples had two issues,   which were high unit-to-unit  variance in CPU cooling,   and higher than expected GPU  memory temperatures on air cooling. I actually discovered performance problems on both  the 4080 and 4090 configurations, which is why we   haven’t tested them yet. We went through days of  troubleshooting and eventually were told that the   4060 and 4070 laptops should be good to go. So we  started the testing. But as it turns out, there   was a problem with both the 4060 and 4070 laptops.  It just wasn’t quite as obvious. I just want to   make it super clear that this only applies to the  early samples that were sent to reviewers like me,   any customers that pre-ordered these laptops  have been kept up to date and the laptops were   delayed while they fixed the problems. So just  to be clear, no customers were affected by this. Being able to provide you with  accurate results and be a trusted   source for benchmark data is one of my top  priorities. So after hearing that the 4070   laptop GPU might be 18% faster than what  I originally showed in the first video,   my first panicked thought was that I need to  delete the video and redo days of testing as   soon as possible. Except it would take a couple  of weeks for the root cause to be fixed and it   would take time to send me a replacement  laptop, which is what we’ve got here. But hang on, after 4070 reviews went live,  others like Hardware Unboxed said that the   RTX 4070 was so boring that they’re not  even going to make a video about it,   so the 4070 can’t be that much better than what  I had in my video, right? I actually spoke to   Tim before the 4070 embargo ended, because I  thought my results were suspiciously close.   There was no real difference between the 3070 Ti  and 4070, which I thought was a bit strange. But   we had similar results, and at that time I thought  great, someone else has confirmed what I’ve seen. But then a few days later it hit me. Hardware  Unboxed were also using an early 4070 laptop   sample provided by XMG. So if my RTX  4070 laptop wasn’t performing properly   then it’s possible that theirs wasn’t  either. It could have the same problem. I also remember a conversation I had  with someone from one of the bigger   laptop brands. I asked them what they thought  about the 4070 performance and they kind of   laughed and said something along the lines of  “yeah I guess there’s a reason that Nvidia are   launching the 4080 and 4090 first”. So this  big laptop brand also didn’t think that the   4070 was anything too special, so again  I thought that my results were correct. After thinking about it, I decided to keep the  original video up until I could get the new 4070   laptop replacement to retest everything. It  seemed kind of silly to take down the video   based on one game test that was provided to  me. Especially as their testing was done with   different memory. They used DDR5-4800 while  I used DDR5-5600 but with slower timings,   and Shadow of the Tomb Raider is known  to be memory sensitive, so it’s possible   that some of that 18% performance gain they  showed me was due to the memory difference. Anyway, we've got the new 4070 replacement  laptop here which has been rigorously tested at   the factory, so it will provide us with accurate  results. We could have just retested a few games,   but I decided to spend the extra  time and re-test all 25 games at   1080p and 1440p resolutions, as this will let  us fairly compare against the last comparison. Alright these are the 1080p results from the  original RTX 4070 vs RTX 3070 Ti comparison   video. In 25 games, the 4070 appeared to be 3%  faster. Basically the way to read this graph,   is these games were this percent faster on the  4070, while these ones ran slower on the 4070. Now here are the new results after retesting  the RTX 4070 in the same games. The 4070   is now 7% faster compared to the 3070 Ti on  average, with just 3 of the 25 games running   slower on the 4070. So a better result for the  4070, but it’s not really a major difference,   at least when averaging the results from all 25  games, and pretty much all the games towards the   top are CPU heavy. Which makes sense considering  the major limitation before was on the processor. Now these are the old results for the higher  1440p resolution. In the original video,   the data showed that the RTX 4070 was  almost a percent slower compared to the   RTX 3070 Ti. Basically no real difference  once you average a bunch of games together. After the retesting, the RTX 4070 was now about  2% faster compared to the RTX 3070 Ti, however 9   of the games were still performing better on the  3070 Ti laptop. So the 4070 is better than before,   but there’s definitely less of a difference  at 1440p compared to 1080p. Even at this   higher resolution, many of the games that were  doing better on the 4070 laptop are CPU heavier   titles. And based on my conversations with XMG,  it seemed like the 4070 in the old laptop was   working perfectly fine. The problem was that  the CPU could hold it back in some workloads. You can see all the results with actual FPS  numbers from the 25 games with the link below the   video. I’ve uploaded them for free to my Patreon  page, you do not have to pay to see them, but if   you’d like to join our discord community and get  behind the scenes details like this before the   video, then consider supporting our independent  testing. Or in this case, our re-testing. So was I wrong about the RTX 4070  laptop? No, I don’t think so. The data collected from the first  4070 laptop certainly wasn’t perfect,   as we’ve seen there was a clear improvement  retesting with the fixed 4070 laptop,   but the difference really wasn’t big  enough to affect any of the conclusions   or anything else I said in the original  video, especially at the higher 1440p   resolution where the GPU change makes less of  a difference, and this is a GPU comparison. So after completing this re-testing, I don’t  think that it’s worth deleting the original video,   but I will update it and leave a link to this  video with the new results. The 4070 still isn’t   really that much better compared to the 3070 Ti,  at least without features like frame generation. I really love the idea of getting next gen  hardware like this before it’s available so   I can thoroughly test it out to let you know  how it performs, but after this experience   maybe it’s not worth the hassle. I’d rather  be accurate from the start and not have to   redo everything. Even if it means waiting a  month or two. Fortunately, it wasn’t that big   of a deal this time around, but regardless I  am glad to have that correct data out there. I also want to say that I don’t  blame XMG for any of this,   I really appreciate that they were willing  to send me the same laptop with a 4060,   4070, 4080 and 4090. We’re going to have some  really awesome comparisons coming! We’re still   waiting to get the 4080 and 4090 replaced,  but I’ve already got the 4070 and 4060,   so I’m hoping next week we’ll have that 4060 vs  4070 comparison, make sure you’re subscribed! Although there wasn’t really much  difference between the 4070 and 3070 Ti,   there actually is a much bigger difference  between the 4080 and 3080 Ti. You can   check that comparison over here next. I’ve  compared them in 25 games at 1080p and 1440p,   but also the higher 4K resolution as those GPUs  are more powerful, so I’ll see you in that one!
Channel: Jarrod'sTech
Views: 230,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JarrodsTech, NVIDIA GPU Comparison, NVIDIA graphics card comparison, RTX 4070 vs RTX 3070 Ti, 4070 or 3070 Ti, gaming benchmarks, GPU comparison, gaming comparison, GPU difference, 4K gaming, 1440p gaming, 1080p gaming, best laptop graphics 2023, most powerful laptop GPU
Id: pc2DDklgiJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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