Was Hitler Really A Drug Addict? | Hitler's Secret Sex Life | Timeline

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my name's dan snow and i want to tell you about history hit tv it's like the netflix for history hundreds of exclusive documentaries and interviews with the world's best historians we've got an exclusive offer available to fans of timeline if you go to history hit tv you can either follow the information below this video or just google history hit tv and use the code timeline you get a special introductory offer go and check it out in the meantime enjoy this video [Applause] [Music] [Applause] adolf hitler believed he possessed superhuman qualities in public he claimed he'd never been ill in his life hitler was a complete hypochondriac but in private he was hiding a terrible secret he had to keep covered up for his entire life as a member of the master aryan race there was a strong bias against congenital problems by the time the most destructive war of the 20th century turned against his aggressor he could no longer hide the illness that was attacking his body he drools he can't keep his arms stuck now what they were picking up was of course the escalation of his parkinson's and hitler's drug-filled madness was taking its toll he had become a drug addict hitler just degenerated and became this raving sick guy this is the truth behind the propaganda and lies about the 20th century's most hated man in reality hitler became a human wreck [Applause] adolf hitler has been described as a grotesque figure hollow-chested with thin and spindly legs narrow shoulders flabby flesh and brown rotten teeth a drug addict insane and delusional but adolf hitler claimed to be one of the hardest men germany had seen for decades equipped with the greatest authority of any german leader [Music] and the right propaganda ministry went to great lengths to promote this myth a leader who worked tirelessly for his people a non-smoker and a vegetarian as with many aspects of hitler's public life his sex life his family life his public image was an invention kyle hitler meaning healthy hitler sound of body sound of mind was a well-worked propaganda message to promote the power of the fuhrer it was an important part of the cult that the party created around hitler to portray him as basically a health saint he was always shown and presented as an abstinent person he people knew that the fura doesn't drink alcohol he doesn't eat meat he walks with his dog every day he's in the clear mountain air hitler's glorified public persona belied his deep narcissism and many ailments he complained of skin irritations stomach problems and explosive flatulence according to us military medical reports hitler regularly took over 82 medications while in power when hitler's physician dr theodore morrell suggested he write up his medical history drug adult hitler said he'd never been ill so there was nothing to write about by the time the end came hitler no longer had a clear understanding of what was happening to him as a terminal illness ravaged his failing body [Music] his drug-addled brain didn't seem to be able to grasp the enormity of what he and his nazi party had inflicted on the world on april the 30th 1945 as allied forces converged on german cities in a bunker under the chancellery in berlin hitler took his own life [Music] days later fragments of hitler's body were recovered by the red army since hitler's death vast resources have been poured into the forensic examination of what remains of hitler can forensic examination of remnants of hitler's skull medical notes and personal accounts help explain the evil of adolf hitler in 2017 russian authorities permitted a team of researchers to examine what was left of hitler hitler's teeth indicated cyanide poisoning and confirmed he was on a vegetarian diet hitler was 56 when he died and he had only five of his own teeth left over the years historians and researchers have analyzed hitler's mental health an examination of hitler's physical health relies on accounts from his inner circle his physicians as well as the fragments of his burnt body apart from the discovery of rotten teeth hitler may have been predestined for poor health [Music] hitler's ancestral homeland was in lower austria in this isolated region intermarriage was common between peasant farmers and their families hitler's parents were second cousins so he came from a pool of genetic stock that may have been weakened by centuries of inbreeding certainly that may have played out in his mother clara's life her first three children did not survive past infancy [Music] so there was great relief when on april the 20th 1889 newborn adolf survived clara doted on adolf and they formed a very close bond but as a boy he was prone to violent outbursts and considered a lazy child a teacher at hitler's secondary school was not impressed by the young student recalling him as willful and arrogant unwilling to listen to advice and demanding his fellow pupils give him their unqualified subservience i think this was characteristic of hitler from a very early age and it exemplified the fact that he was totally self-centered totally obsessive incapable of having any opinion that he did that disagreed with him and he simply reacted in kind at home adolf hitler's father alois an alcoholic customs official was abusive and violent he would explode into a rage and attack his son and at times his wife clara hitler learned to be silent through the beatings once telling his mother that he didn't say a word even though he was whipped 32 times so if you look at the household hitler grew up in it's really a classic model of a dysfunctional house first of all he had a doubting mother and secondly he had a distant rigid and punitive father so you've got the same kind of scenario there that you have with many serial killers they have an over-bonded relationship with their mother and a much more distant relationship with their father on the 3rd of january 1903 alois hitler died of a heart attack over his mourning pint when hitler was just 14 years old four years later hitler's mother clara died after a long and painful battle with breast cancer hitler was shattered he'd idolized his mother and struggled to cope with her death his mother gets cancer when he's 17 and he's absolutely devastated edward bloch the jewish family doctor said he'd never seen anyone as devastated at a funeral as he saw hitler there when his mother died with both parents gone hitler joined his childhood friend august kubick in vienna hitler's dream was to be an artist he applied to the academy of fine arts but was rejected twice the knockbacks devastated hitler with very little money and living in a men's hostel kubercheck observed hitler's mental health deteriorating he would choke over a catalog of hates railing against everyone who didn't understand him or appreciate him he felt he was being persecuted and cheated his friend felt sure that hitler was becoming unbalanced he was certainly shattered when his mother died and i think he internalized this into this just carrying on with this loose lifestyle and somewhere trying to think what am i going to do because i don't think he really had any idea he really was drifting and it seems hitler's physical health was about to be called into question two the first world war was about to change europe and the austro-hungarian army was calling for recruits [Music] when hitler reported for his medical examination he was rejected as unfit for combat [Music] this might have been the first indication that something was wrong military medical boards are notorious for being pretty tough they're not interested in excuses and there certainly are cases where they've stamped people with with missing a leg as fit for combat duty hitler was found unfit for duty and there was vague talk or he gave vague talk that it was for respiratory reasons now this is nonsense hitler never had chest illness so my theory is the only other reason they could have knocked him back was they found the congenital defects and that's something they didn't want in their army apparently the standards in the german army were not as high as in the austro-hungarian military and hitler was accepted there adolf hitler enjoyed being a soldier but his colleagues found him odd and peculiar hitler was uh a competent soldier he was a bit of a lone wolf we don't really know exactly what his officers thought of him occasionally in private conversations there's evidence that there was something about hitler that didn't um endear himself to other people one account from a soldier in his regiment claimed hitler would suddenly jump up and make loud speeches attacking jews and marxists they gave him the nickname crazy adolf but something else made hitler the topic of barracks gossip hitler's close friend ernst hansdangle says that hitler was the victim of sexual bullying old army comrades who saw him in the wash house noted that his genitals were almost freakishly undeveloped well there were always rumors about this and it started with the fact that when he was out say picnicking with his friends and he'd go behind a tree to pee he could always see that he leaked afterwards whenever a doctor examined him he would never let them take the shirt off or examine his abdomen or pelvic area so that's sort of set up the thought amongst people who are looking at him there's something wrong there and it seems there was a soviet pathologist examining hitler's burnt remains at the end of world war ii stated that one testicle couldn't be found this report was later challenged by some historians as an attempt by the russians to portray hitler as sexually deformed but it turns out they may have been telling the truth recently discovered documents from hitler's time in landsberg prison after a failed attempt to overthrow the government point in the same direction like the popular school boys song it seems hitler did only have one ball he went into landsberg prison after the barvarian putch and like any prisoner he was examined by the prison doctor and the prison doctor noted his weight his height all the details said he was pretty healthy and fit but he was missing the right testicle the likely explanation is that he had what we call spina bifida occulta it is strongly associated with genital abnormalities so in hitler's case he's got a missing testicle it's called crypt orchidism so he had right cryptocratism uh which is a congenital defect and he's got hypospadias and that is a hole at the base of your the tip end of your penis which makes you leak hitler's secret was now out but of course it lay there almost like a non-smoking gun until the discovery of the landsberg medical records could such a deformity go some way in explaining hitler's brutal regime american psychoanalyst dr henry murray believed so during the war murray was involved in the covert u.s operation to understand hitler's psychology he concluded that hitler dealt with his insecurities about his genitals by exhibiting brute strength ruthless domination and military conquest in the world at large this can have considerable effects on someone and certainly in hitler's case he never was seen in a bathing costume he'd never let a doctor examine his abdomen or take off his shirt and it's highly likely it would affect his attitude to intimacy the contrast between hitler and the allied leaders could not have been more stark winston churchill loves swimming and despite franklin d roosevelt's severe disability he too was far less body conscious than paranoid adolf hitler [Music] but the biggest issue is in hitler's racial attitudes as a member of the master aryan race there was a strong bias against congenital problems because that was carried by so-called others jews gypsies thieves homosexuals so this was a strong contradiction to what he was putting out publicly and must have led to a lot of ducking and weaving on his part lance corporal hitler was injured twice in combat at the battle of the somme in 1916 when a shell exploded wounding his left thigh and two years later in a british mustard gas attack he was sent to a military hospital but while he was recovering germany surrendered hitler was broken later he would write of that day with despair and anger and ask whether it had all been in vain so a gang of wretched criminals could lay hands on the fatherland hitler was shattered and this started his train of thought that led to what am i going to do now that the war is over and how do we get revenge for our unfair loss i think hitler believed that it had all been for nothing that they that germany had been stabbed in the back by those on the home front the civilians the marxists the jews that didn't understand what fighting at the front was like what that sacrifice meant and he aimed to put that right his outrage at germany's defeat along with his anti-semitic anti-communist beliefs found a home in the beer halls of munich where far-right members of the german workers party gathered the germans felt that they had lost a war they had lost economic power prestige and territory they wanted greater economic strength not to be reliant upon american loans they wanted greater job security and they wanted the prestige that they felt was owing to germany [Music] by 1921 hitler was chairman of the newly formed nazi party a party that saw the german race as superior to all others it was a rapid rise to power and a demonstration of hitler's early commanding authority hitler became leader of the nazi party through the force of his personality i think hitler was super charged by it gave him a reason for being that perhaps he hadn't had up until that point by 1930 with hitler's leader the nazi party was the second largest political party in germany [Music] and hitler's brilliant oratory skills were drawing huge crowds he was called a born natural orator who began slowly and then all at once seemed to take fire as he railed against all the evils he saw as the ruin of germany particularly the jews eyewitnesses commented on how in person away from the public stage he was a peculiarly insignificant and vacant figure dorothy thompson the head of the berlin bureau at the new york post was definitely not impressed when she met hitler in 1931 she called him formless almost faceless he is the very prototype of the little man [Music] everything in public was a cr the most crude way of saying i am powerful i am big i am the ultimate weapon as a human being i think a good way of understanding it is existentially inside hitler there was nothing he was only something when he projected out particularly with the speeches so take him away from that and he just about collapsed the nazi propaganda machine wasn't relying on hitler's looks and physical bearing to promote the fuhrer instead the reich advanced hitler as a leader who worked tirelessly for his country clean living healthy vegetarian who avoided all stimulants like alcohol nicotine and coffee but privately hitler was suffering from a number of ailments firstly hitler was a complete hypochondriac there's no question about that when he became chancellor he developed all these minor problems skin rashes bowel problems remember he was the great father of history uh headaches those sort of things a lot of this came from what you could call stress probably his diet this kind of thing no treatment seemed to give hitler any relief but all that changed in 1936 when he met dr theodore morrell the man who would put hitler on a path to certain destruction [Music] hitler and morel for the first time met in munich in 1936 they had a mutual friend his name is hoffmann he was hitler's photographer hitler told morel that he has been suffering from pain in his stomach that his doctors couldn't cure him and then morel offered an unorthodox way of treating him [Music] according to morel hitler's stomach issues were caused by a complete exhaustion of the intestinal system he prescribed a treatment of vitamins and probiotics and hitler immediately felt better [Music] that was the start of hitler and dr morrell's relationship and it would last until a few days before hitler's suicide nine years later hitler now swears by morale he will not go anywhere do anything without morel what hitler didn't know is that morel amidst other things gave him a yogurt preparation with the organisms taken from the bowel of a bulgarian peasant if hitler knew that he would have gone crazy so this is the basis on which morel formed his relationship with hitler morel really was a quack dr morell became indispensable to hitler and by 1937 he was appointed one of hitler's personal physicians [Music] although he was a trained doctor hitler's generals were suspicious of morale hitler's main physician carl brandt feared hitler was in danger of being poisoned by morel's prescribed cocktail of hormones and vitamins but hitler wouldn't hear a word against the man who was making him feel better he said he had the greatest confidence in morale and would follow his prescriptions to the letter morale gave hitler these daily injections he slept late he slept like till 11 a.m it was normal for him to wake up roll up the sleeve of his pajamas and get his first injection from morel then he thought he's ready for the day these injections contained mostly of vitamins in the first four to five years of the treatments so an early you could say psychological dependency developed he thought if morale is close to me i'm fine and this is actually how it was in the beginning hitler's inner circle was unnerved by morel's power over their leader general heinz guderian called morel a fat unappetizing quack and hermann gerding disparagingly referred to morel as the reich syringe master by 1943 with the tide of war turning against him hitler's health was declining as well as stomach cramps the fuhrer also suffered from headaches double vision dizziness and tinnitus hitler's secretary trudy younger reported that hitler had become very dependent on morale she claimed the doctor would turn up in person every day to administer his usual medical working injection and these started to contain some very alarming substances where i was giving over 90 different medications about a dozen of them were heavy drugs hitler's favorite drug was oicodale which is a euphoric making opioid that is on the market still today as oxycodone it actually created the opioid crisis in america and in other countries and hitler was getting this oxycodone this oikoda intravenously in very high dosages so the effect was extremely strong it's a much stronger effect than your everyday junkie has when uh he or she injects heroin for example it's no wonder hitler's unassailable faith in his physician prevailed but dr morrell was testing dozens of unknown drugs on hitler including extractions from the intestines of male animals and amphetamines [Music] hitler's girlfriend ava brown also took advantage of dr morrell's endless supply of drugs morel told hitler's personal secretary christa schroeder he was giving him hormone injections from bull's testicles claiming that should pep him up with so many drugs in his system hitler's failing libido was obviously a problem hitler's armament minister albert speer questioned dr morrell's methods and influence on the fuhrer he commented that the injections had to be given more and more frequently hitler was under dr morell spell and completely convinced of his personal physician's genius and forbade any criticism of the man what speer was describing was a classic relationship between a junkie and his dealer there's no doubt that throughout his time in office hitler had bouts of great sickness maybe of depression and so he became increasingly reliant upon morale his advice and his drugs and it was a bit of a vicious circle by 1943 dr morrell was giving the fuhrer the addictive drug euchadol as well as high grade cocaine injecting him several times a day [Music] it's incredible to realize that hitler was making decisions every day that directly affected the lives of tens of thousands of his own soldiers all while he was constantly high on drugs hitler became a human wreck from 1943 on because all those medicines that morel gave him late in the war started to show their side effects so he started trembling his skin was yellow he was losing his train of thought he was not fit anymore at all did morel turn hitler into a drug addict or was he simply powerless to resist the furious drug-addled demands british intelligence actually stopped their plan to assassinate hitler they realized that actually morel is doing that job anyone high on drugs is not that much in contact with reality and and if you are the leader in the war you have to be very much in contact with reality you cannot live in a dream world this ultimately has to lead to terrible decisions so they were quite happy with the degenerating hitler still in power hitler began showing signs of a serious medical condition his left hand would often shake dr theodor morell noticed this peculiarity in 1941 and diagnosed it as a stress-related condition hitler appeared perfectly healthy to people around him and of course the german public but from 1942 it became very obvious to people to uh to guderian and other people who've all listed comments that suddenly he's a very old man he looks overwhelmed he shuffles he drools he can't keep his arms still his deteriorating health was a secret hitler could no longer hide he was suffering from parkinson's disease a degenerative neurological disorder with no cure now what they were picking up was of course the escalation of his parkinson's and that explains a couple of other things about his behavior in the past he'd always been meticulously neat as the parkinson's went on you could see he had food dripping down on the front of his shirt and it got to the stage that he couldn't sit down in a chair he needed pushed underneath him did hitler's parkinson's disease affect his decision-making abilities and influence the outcomes of the war neurologists suggest as much questioning the reckless choices hitler made as his parkinson's disease took hold the russians settled upon a strategy that was to pay off handsomely for them realizing like hitler's steadfast refusal to allow von paulus to surrender its stunning blood in the face of overwhelming odds in january and in so doing 1943 their supply lines to the snapping point or his 1944 failure to defend normandy or consider tactical retreats on the eastern front condemning millions of his own troops to death it's also likely his worsening drug habit left him unable to make clear-headed decisions so hitler really used very strong drugs in regular intervals his drug intake became completely mad you could say because he was using cocaine which is a strong upper and then getting oxycodone which as an opioid is always kind of a downer so he had this what in street language is called speed ball effect by the 20th of july 1944 the tide of war had turned against germany and a plot to assassinate the dictator was underway at a meeting inside hitler's wolf's lair headquarters in poland nazi officer lieutenant colonel klaus von stauffenberg placed a briefcase with a bomb underneath the conference table close to the fiora when it exploded the table leg protected hitler from the worst of the blast four people were killed and thirteen injured morel rushed to the scene of the bombing to attend to hitler and began removing splinters of glass and wood from his body hitler was scheduled to meet with mussolini later that evening and convinced the doctor to give him something to get him through [Music] his injuries would have been very painful [Music] but morel dosed him up on one of the strongest opioids yucatol and hitler was ready to meet the italian leader well mussolini got out of the train at the wolf's lair was obviously informed that there had been an assassination attempt hitler was standing at the platform uh high on the opioid so he didn't feel any pain and mussolini said this is a miracle you are superhuman you can already greet me and have meetings with me even though you you've nearly been killed a few hours ago we know that there were at least 42 assassination attempts on hitler between the 1930s and the end of the war hitler knew about many of the assassination attempts the fact that he survived them reinforced his view that he was uh sort of a superman that had been you know chosen to lead germany in this you know struggle for survival and that nothing could do him in and that and that these merely confirmed his greatness hitler was very lucky to survive this attempt on his life but his delusion that he was protected by some higher power along with his accelerating drug use was taking its toll hitler's capacity was failing on all fronts germany was losing the war over a month before the assassination attempt 150 000 allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy overwhelming the german army six months later the red army encountered their first horrific evidence of the true nature of nazi excesses when liberating auschwitz concentration camp at the same time the americans launched operation cobra a surprise offensive and a key milestone in the liberation of france and germany despite these heavy military losses hitler was obsessed with seeking revenge for the attempted assassination adolf hitler who had survived a bomb planted by one of his own officers his paranoid state he told his generals that he would exterminate this nest of vipers once and for all and he did it is estimated that almost 5 000 germans were executed after the july assassination attempt on hitler's life the officers behind the plot were hung with piano wire from beat hooks their executions were filmed and later shown to senior members of the nazis and the armed forces [Music] at the nazi military briefings that followed this mass execution hitler was chirpy and optimistic it appeared he still believed germany would be victorious but it seems it may have been the regular injections of opioids methamphetamine and cocaine that were giving hitler a delusional confidence in the face of certain defeat after the assassination attempt hitler's drug use skyrocketed he used euphoric making opioids every other day to boost his morale he used cocaine a lot over 50 times from early august until september 1944 so after the assassination attempt there's no more sober day for the so-called fuel and a new ally came to the aid of the soviet forces by the spring of 1945 the red army was closing in on berlin a grey-haired 55-year-old hitler moved into the fjorda bunker in january and he insisted morel come with him the bunker was quite small actually the only people that had bedrooms in the bunker were hitler and morel so their relationship was still very intimate but that changed over the course of those bunker months and this probably changed because morel didn't have the drugs anymore the british had bombed the pharmaceutical plant responsible for making eucal and it was getting harder and harder to find the drugs hitler craved by 1945 hitler had no opiates no cocaine and no methamphetamine there's a note in morel's diary where he writes that two of his helpers are driving on motorcycles through bombed out berlin from pharmacy to pharmacy trying to find the drugs for hitler but even the pharmacies didn't have drugs anymore hitler would have been sick and suffering severe drug withdrawals he had become a drug addict and had no and didn't have the drugs anymore that he needed that was a very real physical problem which led to terrible withdrawal symptoms hitler just degenerated and became this raving sick guy who was just you know in pain uh all the time and just uh not functioning at all anymore a few days before hitler died he told morel to leave the bunker one mistake a dealer should never make is to make his uh client dependent on a substance and suddenly not be able to supply the substance anymore hitler fired morel in late april 1945 he said to morel uh get out of the bunker i don't want to see you anymore you've been turning me into an addict so hitler seemed to have realized by then what was hap what had been happening to him on the 20th of april morrell left the bunker taking one of the last planes out of a completely destroyed berlin [Music] the head of the german state was a spent force [Music] and we can see in those weeks in the bunker how he self-destructs he becomes very aggressive against everyone around him and he also starts destroying himself by becoming self-abusive picking his own skin with tweezers he just becomes a very unhappy unhealthy horrible person maybe that's the true hitler that he always was now it really comes out [Music] on the 28th of april 1945 hitler married ava brown in the bunker two days later ava took her own life by swallowing a cyanide pill and hitler was right beside her he wanted to make sure he was successful in his own death he swallowed a cyanide capsule and then shot himself in the head it was the final predictable act of a twisted mind hitler was the greatest narcissist in history death comes as a part of every act that he plans i will kill people who get in my way and i will eventually kill myself to show the world what they've lost it's another indication of his absolute self-belief the world must come to me otherwise i go [Music] hitler's health is still scrutinized fragments of his child body have been studied and re-studied by scientists hopeful they might find a gateway into understanding the destructive force of hitler [Applause] pathologists using pioneering profiling techniques have tried to understand hitler's intensity geneticists have looked into hitler's heritage for clues to his perversity doctors have poured over hitler's medical records some shed light on his health but i'm not a window into his mind we may never have the tools to understand hitler's evil but what hitler does confirm is that evil can exist in humankind [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,138,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biography, Controversial history, Dark revelations, Dark side of history, Discovery, Fascinating history, Hidden truth, Hidden truths of Hitler, Historical analysis, Historical anomalies, Historical controversies, Historical curiosities, Historical figures, Historical gossip, Historical investigations, History enthusiasts, Investigative history, Taboo history, Timeline - World History Documentaries, Uncovering the past, Unearthed history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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