Adolf Eichmann: The Nazi Who Orchestrated Hitler's Final Solution | True Evil | Timeline

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this channel is part of the history hit Network [Music] [Music] they seem like ordinary men civilized articulate educated but they will turn into depraved Twisted monsters they will commit acts of unimaginable cruelty for which they will feel no shame or remorse here is true evil Christmas Eve 1944 the Russians are closing in on Budapest within hours the occupying German Army will be trapped Adolf Eichmann a lieutenant colonel in the SS manages to escape the city he makes the difficult Journey back to Berlin when he arrives he finds much of it in runes he reaches his office in kerfirsten Strasser and begins to destroy hundreds of documents documents which reveal his activities during the war he has good reason to worry Adolf Eichmann is the senior Nazi administrator who organized the Holocaust Eichmann is a principal architect of the final solution and administrator of genocide thank you April 1945 as the Allies close in on Berlin Adolf Eichmann once again decides to flee [Music] Eichmann rushes to see his family in Austria he warns his wife that he'll have to go into hiding Eichmann is nervous and rightly so he is the man who organized the systematic murder of millions of innocent people he disguises himself as a man called Eckerman so in case if his name is shouted out but you can say no no one said Eichmann and they said Ekman he's not a famous Nazi leader his role in the Holocaust is not yet widely known not till later will the name of Adolf Eichmann become known and reviled around the world when he is picked up by American troops he is disguised as an ordinary luftwaffe pilot posing as Ekman he spends months in relative comfort in an American POW Camp but things get tricky for Eichmann in November 1945 as the first war crime trials begin at Nuremberg up to this point Eichmann has done remarkably well in removing all trades for himself from the records but his cover is blown when his Deputy testifies at the Nuremberg trials and the World Hears the name Eichmann for the first time Eichmann is so gray and invisible as a character when his name comes up in the Nuremberg trials that people begin to put together the picture of quite how involved and responsible he was before he has discovered Eichmann decides to escape Junior SS officers organized for him forged papers and civilian clothes and in February 1946 he slips out of his Pow Camp Eichmann heads for the British Zone the British authorities have decided that hunting the Nazi war criminals is not a priority Eichmann will be safe here at least for a while eichmann's becoming a very nervous figure he's very worried that he might be betrayed he might be spotted he might be found out but he still stays in Germany for another three to four years though the British authorities seem prepared to let Nazi criminals get away survivors of the Holocaust are less forgiving they organize themselves into informal bands of Nazi Hunters determined to bring Nazi monsters to Justice the most famous Nazi Hunter and for nuts is on the run the most feared is Simon wiesenthal spent five years in ghettos and concentration camps by some miracle he survived at the end of the war he's determined to bring Nazis to Justice when Eichmann hears that vicental has raided his wife's house he gets scared and decides he must get out of Europe history then you'll love history hit our extensive library of documentary features everything from the ancient origins of our earliest ancestors to the daring mission to Sink the Bismarck history hit has hundreds of exclusive documentaries with unrivaled access to the world's best historians we're committed to Bringing history fans award-winning documentaries and podcasts that you cannot find anywhere else sign up now for a free trial and timeline fans get 50 off their first three months just be sure to use the code timeline at checkout he uses a very well-worn Escape Route through Austria and through Italy and hundreds of war criminals had used this very same Escape Route fascia's sympathizing Roman Catholic Bishops have organized a so-called rat line for Nazis on the run like Eichmann with their help Eichmann secures passage on a transatlantic ocean liner Bound for Argentina the president of Argentina is Juan Domingo Peron leader of the labor party and a strong fascist sympathizer having studied Mussolini's brand of socialism in Italy when he comes to power in 1946 Heron does as Hitler and Mussolini had done he expands the public sector and nationalizes large parts of the Argentine economy he also provides shelter for German National socialists who are on the Run Argentina provides a very welcoming and receptive home for many of The Fugitive Nazis because the ruler Perron had served under Mussolini in Italy was very in favor of European fascism so Argentina is a natural place for Nazis to flee to when Eichmann arrives in Buenos Aires he has found a place to stay and give an Argentinian papers Eichmann changes his name to Ricardo Clement and sends word to his wife and three children to join him he gets a job at the Mercedes-Benz Factory and starts working his way up the company bureaucracy just as he had done under the Nazis [Music] Eichmann and his family socialize with other fugitive Nazis in Argentina men like Joseph Mengele as a doctor in Auschwitz Mengele had performed horrific experiments on Jewish children and other inmates at the camp sent to him by Eichmann and his team [Music] and their Nazi friends have plenty to talk about and regularly meet in the cafes and bars of Buenos Aires Eichmann believes he is safe at last and he is until his son Klaus meets a pretty young German girl called Sylvia Hermann the family are completely removed from their old lives and so much so that sir eichmann's oldest son actually begins to date the daughter of a German Jewish emigry who had fled persecution so in effect had fled Eichmann himself when Sylvia tells her father that she's met a German boy he naturally wants to know more and soon so does Mossad the Israeli Secret Service and it was her father Luther Hermann who is the one to tip off masad to say actually the eichmanns are out here they're living in Argentina the state of Israel is formed just two years before Eichmann reaches Argentina for many Jewish people it's a godsend hundreds of thousands of people who survived the Holocaust only find safety when they reach Israel even after the war Jews in Poland and other countries are still being killed in local pogroms but even here in Israel their future is not certain Arab leaders like the grand Mufti of Jerusalem actively supported the Nazis during the war meeting with Hitler and even organizing Muslim units within the SS foreign but after centuries of vile anti-semitic persecution the new Jewish state of Israel offers hope and its new government is determined to defend its people young men and women are recruited to build an Israeli Army and a new Israeli security service is formed that will soon become famous across the world Mossad Mossad quickly gains a reputation as one of the world's most efficient and ruthless intelligence agencies mosset agents don't just spy they assassinate and they kidnap and in 1960 an elite team of Mossad agents is sent to Argentina to get Adolf Eichmann in 1960 the Nazi Adolf Eichmann is under the protection of the Argentine government but that does not deter the Israeli Secret Service Mossad iPhone's capture is like something out of a spy novel [Music] Mossad agents track Eichmann to the outskirts of Buenos Aires they find him living in this house when Mossad do catch up with him they are unable to really comprehend that a man like that could be living in such a small and irrelevant little building and it almost makes it feel worse for these Israeli agents the man who organized their destruction should be living in some huge evil looking Castle [Music] on May the 11th Eichmann leaves the office and catches his bus from the bus stop it's a walk home Moss Out Asians are waiting for their target he's grabbed and bundled into the back of the car his captors tell him he tries to escape they'll shoot him the mossite agents gag and bind Eichmann and head for the airport the challenge now is to get him out of the country the Israeli agents don't have permission to extradite Eichmann so they have to smuggle him out they drug him they dress him in the uniform of an LL Steward he was administered just about enough drugs so he can't talk but he can still walk they explained that he's a little unwell as an over-indulge no one bats an eyelid and they fly him back to Israel on May 23 1960 Israel's first prime minister the polish-born David Ben-Gurion announces that Mossad have captured Eichmann that is being held in a fortified police station [Music] in Argentina there are anti-semitic riots and the Argentine government appeals to the UN to have Eichmann returned but Israel will not give him up they are determined Eichmann should face Justice and be seen to do so the 55 year old Eichmann is the first Nazi to be tried in Israel for the first time the Jewish public will see in the flesh the man who callously organized the slaughter of millions of their relatives and Friends [Music] an art center in Jerusalem is converted into a courthouse in order to accommodate the world's press a bulletproof glass Booth is built for Eichmann too many people simply want to kill him there and then the world's media are present this will be the first trial of a Nazi war criminal to be broadcast on TV in the immediate aftermath of the war the full horror of the Holocaust had not received the media attention and coverage it deserved the Eichmann trial will change that what the open trial represents is suddenly the world becoming aware that this thing had happened that actually millions of people were murdered 15 years before and so therefore it's a real wake-up call there was this testimony about the Holocaust that was being played out for all the world to see almost live as the trial is about to begin a plain looking middle-aged man emerges from a door and takes his seat in the bulletproof glass box at last people can see the face of Adolf Eichmann people who went to his trial expected to see an evil monster the audience is shocked they're confused this is supposed to be the devil incarnate but he's just a man he doesn't look the part because he's balding he's wearing thick glasses he doesn't look like a fanatical Nazi or a mass murderer Eichmann is charged on 15 counts of war crimes of crimes against the Jewish people and of crimes against humanity foreign together with others During the period 1939 to 1945 caused the killing of millions of Jews in his capacity as the person responsible for the execution of the Nazi plan for the physical extermination of the Jews known as the final solution of the Jewish Problem s he is genuinely frightened because he knows it if he's going to be found guilty he will almost assuredly be hacked Gideon hausner the attorney general and chief prosecutor presents the case that Eichmann is a man whose job in Nazi Germany was to find a solution the final solution to the so-called Jewish question put your right hand on the New Testament [Music] eichmann's guilt seems beyond question but his lawyers will mount a robust defense of their client Eichmann they point out had been a civil servant his excuse is the same as every civil servant in Nazi Germany he was just following orders [Music] my enemies Eichmann doesn't get his hands dirty he's an administrator he organizes transportation and train timetables Eichmann argued he was rather a low-ranking bureaucrat he was a cog in a much wider and more powerful machine therefore it was unjust that he was on trial in the first place eichmann's defense lawyers in effect turned his trial into a trial of every German public official who put Nazi policy into practice who were as they always said simply obeying orders if so many other German civil servants are innocent then surely so is Eichmann um the prosecution now lays out its case the world is about to hear the story of Adolf Eichmann the man who organized the Holocaust [Music] Adolf Eichmann is born in 1906 in the German Town of solingen his father is a bookkeeper his mother a housewife he has a conventional and comfortable middle class upbringing there's no evidence that he was a rabbit or a vulgar or violent anti-semite his upbringing is entirely unremarkable and Eichmann ends up like countless other Germans a public official [Applause] before the first world war Germany had the world's biggest army served by a truly enormous bureaucratic State employing more than a million people [Music] the Prussian Ministry for Public Works was the largest employer in the world going back to time of Frederick the great German bureaucracy was renowned and in fact it was something that helped the Nazis rise to power but the first world war leaves Germany crippled with debt soldiers and public officials find themselves without jobs they turn for help to the Nazis the Nazis are the party of big government big public spending and the state regulation of almost every aspect of life under Nazi rule state officials suddenly find themselves back in work with more power than ever Central to the Nazi belief was absolute obedience to the state this is what would direct and guide the German people to Greatness within eight years of coming to power the Nazis have doubled the size of the Civil Service public Ministries see their budgets expand 10 20 30 times each week thousands of grateful white-collar public officials teachers and other public sector workers joined the Nazi party the association of Nazi civil servants swells to 1.2 million members by 1937 in Prussia just one in five civil servants is not a member of the Nazi party [Music] among other social groups in Germany the Nazis are less popular they struggle to win sport among industrial workers like the Socialist rulers in Russia the Nazis ban trade unions the Nazi party is in essence a party of army veterans and Germany's middle class public sector the civil service is absolutely vital to the Nazi regime because ultimately it represents a machine that the Nazis can use in order to consolidate their grip on power for many Germans the reward for joining the Nazi party is a public sector job Adolf Eichmann is one of them he like the others will repay the Nazi state with loyalty and devotion Eichmann sees no difference between him and every other German complicit in the Nazi regime anyone below him in the hierarchy from Postman to bus drivers they were all following orders and they would all have done what he did but Eichmann is not delivering letters or driving a bus he works for the SD an administrative branch of the SS Fightland was part of the SD which is the SS's intelligence service um and the intelligence service was there to gather information about the enemies of Nazism like all good civil servants Eichmann is conscientious thorough and unquestioning Eichmann is extremely pragmatic he thinks on his feet and he acts you know with with more Zeal than any normal bureaucrat would eichmann's Devotion to the Nazi State leads to promotion his pay is rising he is able to rent his own apartment in Berlin and to marry his girlfriend Vera in 1934 Eichmann is rewarded with a big job from now on he will gather information on German Jews [Music] the German civil service is riddled with anti-Semitism many of them blame money-loving capitalism for Germany's moral Decline and the group who introduced the poison of capitalism to Germany are the Jews foreign the Nazis pass laws forbidding Jews from holding public office stripping them of their citizenship and forbidding marriage between Jews and non-jews this is a self-defined culture that believes that it is building not just a new Germany but a new German race it's absolutely essential to this that there can be no Jews in Germany Empire to the Nazis the presence of Jewish people in Germany has become a problem to be solved the Nazis wanted rid of the Jews the Civil Service ensured that it would happen and They carried out their tasks with shocking efficiency the job of finding a solution to the Jewish Problem Falls to Adolf leichmann's Department of the SD Eichmann has a really key role in the SD in order to start managing what the Nazi party now it's in power is actually going to do with the Jewish people within its borders Jews are to be downgraded as Citizens to help Eichmann and his SS men identify Jewish people more easily they are ordered to wear a yellow star of David badge on their clothing at all times Eichmann wants to identify the Jews because he is going to deport them from german-occupied territory in 1938 Eichmann sets up the office of Jewish immigration in Vienna he built a system for getting Jews out of Austria and he's enormously successful at this he works very hard-headed he's very well organized Jews are stripped of assets to pay for their own mass transportation they will be forced to leave their homes their belongings their jobs their friends within eight months Eichmann expels 45 000 Jews from Austria is he following orders of course he's following orders but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a mind of his own the pain and shock of German Jews tends to relief when they are accepted into the United States and Britain others escaped to Palestine little do they realize they are the lucky ones [Music] January 1939 Hitler is preparing for war in a speech Adolf Hitler promises that if another world war breaks out it will be the fault of the Jewish race and it will result in the destruction of the Jewish race foreign Germany annexes Czechoslovakia and then invades Poland the fate of Europe and perhaps the whole world trembles in the balance War wins Germany territory but with ever more territory comes ever more Jews for Eichmann to dispose of two and a half million of them Eichmann has a problem the United States and Britain are limiting the number of Jews they're prepared to take he looks around to see where else he can get rid of them one of the projects that Eichmann worked on was this idea to send them to a camp abroad but that camp was going to be the island of Madagascar but eichmann's idea for a Jewish state was not a safe haven it was a containment area the prison this was a madcap Nazi idea to send them to an island in the middle of the ocean bereft Hitler approves eichmann's idea in June 1940 the German government announces it will ship a million Jews to Madagascar within a year but there is one insurmountable problem the Atlantic Ocean is controlled by the British Navy the sea route to Madagascar is blocked since the British Navy is not defeated the Madagascar plan is absolutely possible and it's abandoned until a solution can be found the Jews and Nazi occupied Europe are herded into containment areas pockets of living hell the direction that the Nazis go in is to begin segregating populations of Jews in what become known as the ghettos Eichmann has collected the addresses and details of every Jew living in german-occupied territory [Music] in this rarely seen footage his fellow officers in the SS are filmed as they start to evict them from their homes old men and women are dragged into the street many are stripped naked and beaten utterly degraded and humiliated the terrified Jewish people are herded towards the ghettos like animals worse than animals foreign Jewish people who make up a third of the population are crammed into a tiny sealed off area of the city in the ghettos Jews will live up to 30 in each room they are allowed starvation rations of just 250 calories a day there are no medical supplies the conditions are truly horrific Jewish men women and children die in their tens of thousands from starvation and disease all of this is overseen and organized by the efficient and conscientious civil servant Adolf Eichmann Eichmann is like a conductor directing the flow of human traffic from the cities to the camps and ghettos he makes sure that every single Jew is registered and accounted for but for the Nazis the ghettos are just a temporary solution Hitler Himmler and the Nazi leaders are drawing closer to a terrible new plan under orders from the head of the Gestapo Reinhard heydrich Eichmann is sent on a research trip to the Lots ghetto in Poland why not heydrich is a very Sinister figure indeed one of the organizations that heydrich's in charge of are the einsatz gruppen now these aren't soldiers these are actually technically um SD intelligence agents whose role is to go behind the advancing German Armed Forces to murder people Jews Communists Freemasons anybody who the regime perceives to be an enemy by the end of the war eichmann's comrades in the einsatz groupen will have shot dead more than 2 million innocent civilians they shoot so many people each day they complain of blisters on their trigger fingers starts looking into more efficient ways of killing ever more people the einsights group and are already using carbon monoxide from car exhaust tailpipes to gas their victims Eichmann sees a mass gas execution in operation the gas fans are designed so that the engine's exhaust is filtered into airtight container this is where the SS load their victims once the van is sighted up the carbon monoxide fills up the airtight container the passengers are suffocated and poisoned when the screaming stops Eichmann watches as the corpses are unloaded Eichmann reports back to heydrich these methods of killing are too slow and inefficient the Nazis need a new solution a final solution [Music] 20th of January 1942 Reinhardt heydrich calls senior government officials and SS leaders to a meeting in wannasi Berlin here the fate of millions of Jews and others will be sealed heads of the Civil Service are present this will be a large interdepartmental effort Eichmann who is both a civil servant and a lieutenant colonel in the SS organizes the minutes Avante conference represents the moment to begin the systematic full-scale murder of All European Jews in preparation for the conference Eichmann has started to draw up a list of every Jew in Europe to be exterminated they number 11 million foreign are human beings millions of human beings discussed as if they were cattle and of course the man who's going to help put this into operation is Eichmann this is conference is huge for eichmann's career the idea of the final solution becomes one of the ultimate goals of the whole kind of Nazi program and therefore the Jewish expert becomes the kind of go-to guy to put this plan into execution Eichmann is instructed to plan and implement the Holocaust concentration camps will be expanded and converted into extermination camps new death cabs will open at belzech Sobe ball and Treblinka foreign ovens gas Chambers chimneys and other equipment are ordered from 12 engineering firms there is a purchase order for 60 metric tons of the deadly gas Cyclone B no detail is overlooked train lines are diverted more carriages are ordered and under eichmann's supervision the German civil service plans the mass deportation of Europe's Jews this is a gigantic bureaucratic and Military undertaking Jews in ghettos in Eastern Europe are to be evacuated from the ghettos to specially designed killing centers fixed installations the death camps purpose-built camps for mass murder he took to the job of managing the Holocaust of being the bureaucrat of the Holocaust of sitting in an office and murdering Millions as if it was just another clerical job and the efficiency he brought to that the normality with which he saw it is truly shocking whereas previously the removal of Jewish people from the bloodstream of German Society had been the responsibility of individual death squads now the onus of that is passed to the Civil Service eichmann's defense argues that there is a crucial distinction between the crimes of Nazi leaders and the acts of conscientious public officials Eichmann was just obeying orders foreign [Music] [Music] I think it's comforting on some level to think about Nazi Mass murderers as being Psychopathic thugs the reality is I think much more terrifying the most terrible crimes in history will be committed not by a few crazed serial killers but by Legions of government officials civil servants who are drawn from the brightest University graduates whose jobs are famously secure and come with generous pensions the National Socialist State holds in Scorn the anglo-american ideal of individual freedom and with it individual responsibility the people who actually administer the Holocaust are clerks accountants doctors scientists because their wives goodbye each morning and go to work Exterminating all the Jewish people in Europe they regard themselves as good German public servants [Music] the Holocaust was industrial murder it used industrial processes in order to achieve the killings it took much more than the SS guards in the camps there were Railway drivers there were signalmen there were police there were a vast number of people from throughout Society who had to contribute to this industrial process the terrifying achievement of the German state is to turn barbaric mass murder into something ordinary and every day in the right circumstances with the right encouragement the most seemingly civilized people are prepared to commit the most terrible crimes imaginable hatred of the Jews now called anti-semitism was not invented by Hitler but the Nazis converted into semitism into a doctrine of hatred which started with hostility and culminated in Murder the subordinates of Hitler all followed orders but they did so willingly they did so enthusiastically they did so very effectively in the case of somebody like Adolf Eichmann despite his role in the Holocaust eichmann's lawyers believe the case might be going their way Eichmann is no more guilty than many other Germans who are still free but prosecutor Gideon hausner now introduces a devastating piece of evidence before his capture in Argentina Eichmann is introduced to a Dutch journalist Willem sassen [Music] Sasson was a Dutch SS man living in Argentina like Eichmann and the two men start to befriend each other if that's the right word and over the course of several months and many meetings assassin interviews Eichmann at the time of the recordings Eichmann feels completely safe he is a guest of the Argentine government surrounded by fellow Nazis he never supposes that these tapes will ever be used against him in a court of law so he is relaxed and open when he discusses his involvement in the mass murder of hungary's Jews his mission in Budapest is really quite straightforward he's there simply to send the Jewish population of Hungary off to camps in occupied Poland where they are all in eichmann's eyes hopefully going to be liquidated his mission is that simple Eichmann Rangers for the entire Jewish population of Budapest to be rounded up half a million people most are sent to Auschwitz most are murdered on arrival happens Eichmann devises a plan to use 45 cattle cars and to send four trains a day to Auschwitz diminishes to eradicate nearly the entire Hungarian Jewish population Australia [Music] the um foreign sends Hungarian Jews on a death march they die of exposure of exhaustion those who lag are shot those who reach the camps are murdered when they get there what happens in the death camps becomes known to the world only after they are liberated by the allies foreign ly shocking Eichmann visits the camps to check that the right number of people are arriving and being processed in the right way many women are forced into one of hundreds of brothels to be repeatedly raped by countless German soldiers pregnant mothers are normally killed immediately others are experimented on and their newborn babies killed many more are gassed shot hanged and starved many young children are sent to the labs run by scientists and doctors before being killed they are subjected to various experiments and procedures including the amputation of Limbs and castration in the tapes Eichmann admits visiting Treblinka to witness the operation of the gas Chambers he watches hundreds of Jewish men women children and babies stripped naked and forced into the huge Chambers he watches as the gas is turned on and he sees them die terrified and in agony choking on cyanic acid Adolf Eichmann claimed that all he did was manage trained timetings but there's much more to it than that right he is overseeing uh the forced transfer of thousands of men women and children he knows exactly how brutal it is a principal architect of the final solution he was an executive administrator of genocide there was only one man had been concerned almost entirely with the juice whose business had been their destruction that was Adolf the evidence is completely damning Eichmann is revealed for what he is callous boastful joking he expresses not a glimmer of remorse but rather talks in animated detail about what he did and brags about his importance during these interviews Eichmann is very very open about the pride he drew from his role in the Holocaust the Zeal with which he committed genocide and you know the absolute deep rooted conviction he had to commit mass murder Mick Right Guard next year guys the Sasson tapes were the Smoking Gun for the prosecution in the trial because while Eichmann presented himself as a simple bureaucrat the Assassin tapes prove that that's not true Eichmann is on tape confessing that he was proud of what he did and that he was happy to take part in the Holocaust as far as he was concerned it was an achievement s were Not Mere tools in the hands of evil men civil servants were core supporters of the Nazis they formed one of the largest sections of the Nazi party I think he's emblematic of the leadership of the Nazi party yes they followed orders but they acted and they had minds of their owns and they had ideologies they believed in Adolf Hitler they believed in the ideology of national socialism they were anti-semite was very highly political and also anti-semitism he is very much a very very zealous Nazi Eichmann and his fellow public sector officials do not merely obey the Nazi State they are the Nazi state foreign two-thirds of Europe's Jews will be killed by the Nazis this would not have been possible without the dedication and efficiency of Eichmann and his team of planners and bureaucrats what was evil about eifeman was the banality with which he sat in his office day after day and consigned millions of people to their deaths he was an armchair murderer he was a bureaucrat who facilitated the murder of millions and yet to him it was just a job as the Eichmann interview tapes run to an end there is a terrible silence in the court Eichmann remains expressionless in his glass box then as the world watches Eichmann makes his closing statement foreign was completely unrepentant about the extermination of the Jews it was a policy he was proud to have carried out in the name of Germany the cynicism inhumanity and lack of pity is breathtaking he was a willing component he wanted to kill people he was proud of what he had done he was more than just a bureaucrat it was more than just a cog in a machine he was a man as well and on a human level he was guilty as hell the day of sentencing of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg only a relatively small number were sentenced to death most escaped with prison sentences but Eichmann is in Israel Eichmann is told to stand and the judges pronounce that he has been found guilty of crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jewish people the sentence is death when the death sentence is handed down to him his face registers real shock to the end he really believed that he was doing what he was supposed to have done he saw no wrong in what he had done between 1939 and 1945. eichmann's wife Vera flies to Israel to see him for one last time his lawyers appeal against the verdict and then appeal for clemency but the Israeli government will have none of it at midnight on the 1st of June 1962 Adolf Eichmann the man who organized the Holocaust is hanged eichmann's ashes are taken to international waters to be thrown away the court will not allow Israel to be the final resting place of This truly evil man the civil servant who so conscientiously murdered millions of innocent human beings
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 366,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Timeline World History, Timeline, Full Length Documentary, History Documentary, World History, learn history, history facts
Id: vLfvJUvsVaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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