Was Christ Really Crucified - Debate - Dr. Zakir Naik V.S. Pastor Ruknuddin Pio
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Channel: shakirshuvo
Views: 105,282
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Keywords: Was, Christ, Really, Crucified, Debate, Pastor, Ruknuddin, Pio, V.S., Dr., Zakir, Naik, crucifixion, Jesus, Christian, Muslim, Islam, Christianity, Jonah, three, days, and, nights, Judas, Mary, Quran, Koran, Bible, prophet, Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed, Allah, God, Jehovah, Jehova, cross, resurrection, Roman, Jewish, Jew, Jews, Jerusalem, India, trinity, holy, ghost, spirit, Gospel, torah, injil, injeel, salvation, father, son, desciples, John, Peter, Paul
Id: l_886aC1enY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 2sec (12302 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2011
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