Rightly Dividing | Questions Answered with Pastor David Reid

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Not many teachers have such a unique ability as David Reid. Pastor Reid seems to be able to untangle any mess that one may have when it comes to God’s word. In this video, Reid tackles a wide array of questions, and clarifies with direct answers from God’s word.

By using a “literal” approach from the KJB. ALL doubt or confusion on any viewpoint or subject are obliterated by the strength of words that God himself selected to use !

In the way David Reid handles the word of God, he proves to be a skilled ...”workman.”

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thomaswhobelieves 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
what does it mean to rightly divide the word of God what is the revelation of the mystery of Christ did the body of Christ begin at the cross did the body of Christ begin at Pentecost is the body of Christ spiritual Israel what books in the Word of God today do we look to or instructions for us today as members of the body of Christ are we found in Hebrews to Revelation at all is there only one gospel where will we spend our eternity as members of the body of Christ are we gonna rule and reign on earth as part of the priesthood is the body of Christ gonna be a priest or are we a king and we're gonna walk through the 12 gates of the the New Jerusalem what exactly does being a priest mean in who's that for is that the body of Christ did the New Covenant start yet are we living under the New Covenant right now is repenting of sin and confessing your sin necessary for salvation are we going to be here within the New Jerusalem because we received the Holy Spirit does that mean that we have the law written on our hearts is the pre-tribulation rapture or biblical where exactly are the Old Testament Saints now so when we are in heaven we are going to be judging angels is this is something that's biblical but what does it mean that we're gonna be actually judging angels in heaven the pre-tribulation rapture can we can we rest and knowing that one day this glorious day that this Blessed hope of ours is going to take place you believe that Christ is sufficient that he did all the work for you when I came upon write the vision it just the light came on right the vision clears up all those questions so we now know the the clear gospel is is trusting it in the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ alone all right so we are live for anyone that is tuning in right now my name is Chris this is last call to Calvary tonight we're gonna have a special guest on someone that for the last couple months has been a true blessing to me has helped me out with my walk and understanding the Word of God rightly divided 2nd Timothy 3:7 says people are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth so hopefully tonight we're gonna get people that are in that state where they're they're learning they're eager to learn the Word of God they want to get the the discrepancies and what seems to be contradictions now we're good we're gonna get to the truth hopefully rightly dividing the word of God so I'm gonna introduce you guys to a brother his name is David Reed he's from Columbus Bible Church like I said he's been a huge blessing to me for anyone that's been wondering where I've been or why I haven't been putting out any content I actually took down a lot of my old videos was because the Lord has brought a lot of brothers in my life and showed me some things and has taught me rightly dividing the word of God so you know the old videos are taken down I'm going to be putting out new content hopefully this will bless you guys for anyone that's just looking to grow in the Word of God I've got a special guest tonight he's gonna really bless you guys so without further ado this is brother David Reed from Columbus Bible Church well Chris thank you so much it's really an honor to be with you and look forward to our conversation together absolutely so what I did was I actually sent out a request for anyone that wants to learn about right division they want to learn about rightly dividing the word of God to just ask some questions so we can kind of address them all little by little and for anyone that's new to rightly dividing we're going to start at the ground we're gonna start at the basics hopefully so we can all grow together and learn exactly what it means to rightly divide the word of God so let's dive right into it the first question I think it's a great one to start with what does it mean to rightly divide the word of God I think a lot of people who hear the word right dividing they immediately assume that you're supposed to ignore the Old Testament and just focus on Paul's teaching but that couldn't be further from the truth so brother David if you could just what does it mean to rightly divide the word of God so that's that's a great question and it's a question that people have pondered and struggled with for a long long time so the verse that we're talking about is 2nd Timothy 2:15 and it starts with the word study in fact 2nd Timothy 2:15 is the only verse in Scripture that explicitly tells us to study the word God and what it says is study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so it commands us to study the Bible course but then it tells us how to study it we are to rightly divide the word of truth now if you just think through that for a minute what that tells you then is the Bible must have divisions in it if God commands us to rightly divide the word of truth then there must be divisions since it commands us to rightly divide that means it's possible to wrongly divide so just from that verse we see a couple things we see that the Bible has divisions and we see that we have to be careful to rightly divide it and in what happens is I'll just put it this way 100% of the Bible is true every single verse every single word every single line it's all true but it is not all written to us today so for example the Bible commanded Noah to build an ark we know that's true but I've never met a Christian today that actually is building an ark because they're scared of a worldwide flood Leviticus commands the offering of animal sacrifices I've never met a Christian today that thinks they should offer animal sacrifices it's because we all realize those things are true but they're not written for us today so the qiyan rightly dividing the word of truth is to simply understand what the Bible says about what's written for us today does that mean that the words of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels were they written directly to us you know when we read the four Gospels a lot of people they see the red letters they think as soon as these words are the most important to me so what does that mean with rightly dividing that when we see the four Gospels was the words of Jesus Christ directly written to us today as members of the body of Christ yeah that's a great question and let's let's start by just talking about red letter Bible for a minute so red letter Bibles are very popular of course we all know that when God originally dictated his word to mankind there weren't red letters in the manuscripts that Paul wrote and James and John and so on because of red letter Bibles people tend to prioritize the words of Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry more than anything else but if you think about what scripture says like Luke 4:4 for example man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and so my encouragement to your listeners Chris would just be this we have to value every word that God spoke not just the red letters but all of them so when we start to look it at what the Lord Jesus Christ spoke during his earthly ministry there's a there's some fascinating things like for example in Matthew 1:21 it says thou shalt call his name Jesus for he came to save his people from their sins he was clearly sent to the nation of Israel in Matthew 10 verses 5 and 6 when the Lord sent out the twelve he told them go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel you know the verse Matthew 15:24 the Lord said I am NOT sent but under the lost sheep of the house of Israel and so what happens is as you read through Matthew Mark Luke and John it's very clear time and time again that the Lord Jesus Christ was sent to the nation of Israel and he was not sent to Gentiles the twelve apostles were sent to Israel and were not sent to Gentiles now most of your audience most of the people on the earth today in fact the vast majority are Gentiles and we live during the dispensation of grace and and we have an apostle today his name is Paul Romans 1113 describes him as the apostle of the Gentiles Paul's ministry was obviously different from the the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry so to get back to your specific question are the words of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels written directly to us no they're not written directly to us we can learn from them they're certainly true but they're not addressed to us today just like some of the things in the Old Testament are not dressed address to us today it was simply written to a different audience got you I actually starting my walk with rightly dividing I actually picked up a book and sure you're familiar with its Jesus was not talking to you by Terrence McLean it kind of is what started my whole looking into rightly dividing and it's not something that someone it's easy to accept when you you grow up one way and you believe that the words of Jesus Christ obviously in red letters or so more important than anything you read for someone to come to understanding that who he was speaking to and that we've been wrong all these years that he wasn't speaking to the body of Christ today it's not something that's easy to understand it's not something for a lot of people to accept but the more you dive into Scripture and you really read what Christ was saying he really was sent to the lost sheep of Israel he wasn't speaking to the body of Christ yet which brings us to the third question which is what is the revelation of the mystery of Christ so if you want to just touch on that you know in contrast to we know Christ's words were to the lost sheep of Israel so what exactly what was was Paul speaking to when he spoke on the revelation of the mystery of Christ that's a great question and the way we should start to think about that is we should first define what a mystery is in the scriptures so if you if you turn to 1st Corinthians 2 verse 7 what Paul says is but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery and then he says even the hidden wisdom and one of the things that scripture does is sometimes it will give words specific meanings and in 1st Corinthians 2:7 it tells us what the meaning of the word mystery is for scriptural purposes its wisdom that is hidden and so what a mystery is is it's God's wisdom that is hidden for a period of time until God chooses to reveal it now you asked the question about the mystery of Christ and and so in order to understand that we need to go to the book of Ephesians and what Ephesians 2 verse 11 says it talks about time pass so we all know that the basic division of time is past present and future everyone knows that scripture in Ephesians 2 talks about time passed but now ages to come in other words past present future it just uses the terminology time past but now ages to come so we live during but now but let's just make sure we understand time past because if we understand what time past was like it'll help us understand but now so Ephesians 2 verse 11 says this wherefore remember that ye being in in the in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands so it's obviously it's talking about Gentiles now verse 12 says this that at that time that's time past ye were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world so what's that mean we all know that in time past Israel was God's chosen people Gentiles were not what Ephesians 2:11 and 12 tells us very specifically is Gentiles at that time there are aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel they're strangers from the covenants of promise there without Christ there without hope for the world it's hard to overstate how bad that was it was just really bad for Gentiles but we live during a time today that's different and so if you could think about Ephesians 3 with me I want to just cover some verses in Ephesians 3 because it's going to tell us how but now how the time prayed in which we live today the dispensation of grace is different from time passed so Ephesians 3 verse 1 says this for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles now we know that's very different from what the Lord said in Matthew 15:24 then verse 2 says this if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which has given me - you were verse 2 specifically says that the dispensation of the grace of God is given me it was given to Paul now what some people will say is they'll say dispensationalism never existed it was just invented in the 1800s and didn't exist before that well the word dispensation is in it has been in the King James Bible since 1611 and obviously the word was in Greek since the first century when the Holy Spirit dictated it so when people say dispensationalism recently invented it's just not so so if he's just 3:3 how that by revelation he made known to me the mystery now let me just pause here for a minute Paul says he learned the mystery by revelation if you think about what Paul was doing before he got saved he was on the road to Damascus he was persecuting the kingdom Church and he was persecuting the kingdom church because of their doctrine that is the very reason he was doing it and if that's what he was doing he knew Peters doctrine Paul did not need Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus to appear to him and say have you heard what Peters preaching Paul absolutely knew what Paul needed is he needed revelation to learn the mystery because the mystery was completely different from what Peter was preaching now if we look at Ephesians three five it's gonna say which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men in other words the dispensation of grace in verse two which is called the mystery in verse three in other ages it was not made known so Isaiah didn't know what Jeremiah didn't know John the Baptist didn't know it Peter didn't know it and they didn't know it for the simple reason that a mystery is hidden wisdom and it's hidden until God Himself decides to reveal it and he didn't decide to reveal it until he revealed it to the Apostle Paul now Ephesians three verse 6 is going to give us the specific definition of this mystery here's what it says that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body now you recall just a few moments ago in Ephesians 2 it told us that the Gentiles were without hope they were aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel strangers from the covenants of the promise it didn't say they were fellow heirs it said they were without hope but today in the disc of grace but now things are different Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel which they were not in time past and then I'll just read verse 9 and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery notice this next phrase which from the beginning of the world have been hid in God what what most of Christendom does is they say Peter and Paul preached the exact same thing Paul comes along a little later because he's stubborn but once he gets saved he preaches the exact same thing as Peter that's not what the Bible says the Bible says that Paul had a mystery which from the beginning of the world was hid in God and if it was hidden God don't say that men figured it out they did they didn't know it until God chose to reveal it to Paul so what is the revelation of the mystery of Christ is that today in the dispensation of grace is that Jews and Gentiles are fellow heirs in one body that wasn't true in time past we just covered that the words of Jesus Christ were to the lost sheep of Israel and the gospel and the doctrine that you and I have nowadays it was a revelation that was given to Paul the mystery of the body of Christ and what we have in Christ is we live in Christ and he lives in us if I'm correct Dave and we don't need to get these blessings from going through Israel is that correct that we we are blessed because we are in Christ and he is in us that is what was completely different from time pass where if a Gentile wanted to be blessed they had to go through Israel we don't need to go through Israel we come through the blood of Christ and as through Christ we are co-heirs with the nor is no Jew or Gentile we are equal heirs with Christ is that correct yeah that's well put I mean if you think about time passed the Gentiles were without hope it's it's fascinating when you just think about David when he's fighting Goliath what David says is who is this uncircumcised Philistine well is David just using nasty language well he was making the point that the Goliath was an uncircumcised Gentile and as an uncircumcised Gentile he was an alien from the Commonwealth of Israel he didn't participate in the blessings that just you know he was just without hope in the world now of course a Gentile in time past could convert and become part of the nation of Israel but unless they did that they're without hope and what you just said is right today do Gentiles have direct access to God yes we do hallelujah it's very different from what it was Amen so moving along that then the next question that I'm sure people are asking is if we're getting our doctrine from from the the revelation that was given to Paul apart from Christ can we find anything in the Old Testament that is going to bear witness to what Paul has been given or we found anywhere when we look in the in the Psalms and we look at in you know all these books we all need for our daily lives but as far as doctrine for today as members of the body of Christ are we going to go and find anything in the Old Testament that's going to be directly to us as members of the body of Christ you know the body of Christ is not mentioned anywhere between Genesis to Malachi it's not mentioned in Matthew Mark Luke or John in fact it's not mentioned in Scripture until Romans 7 the first time you see the phrase the body of Christ referring to the Church of today is in Romans chapter 7 and for the simple reason that it was just a mystery that that God had hidden until he revealed it to Paul now to just to be super clear we can learn things from the Old Testament and we should read it and we should study and all of that is true but if we're thinking about the question of what commands did God specifically give us today that he wants us to obey that information is contained in Paul's epistles Roman to Philemon just to kind of to build on that I just wanted to show some comparisons acts 3:21 it says whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began okay so this is something that was spoken of by the prophets that was prior to Paul getting the revelation of the mystery and then you see in contrast Romans 16:25 it says now to him that is the that is our power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began so we have something that was that was spoken by the prophets since the world began and something that was kept secret so we see a complete contrast there is indifference as well as in John 5:39 it says search the Scriptures for in them he think that you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me this this was something that Christ was spoken of in the scriptures that testified of him in comparison Ephesians 3:8 it says Paul was saying unto me who unless then the least of All Saints is the grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ so these are what we have today in the body of Christ are not anything that we can find in the Old Testament these riches that we have the blessings that we have in Christ today are unsearchable we cannot find them in the Old Testaments we have you know that the one that the in the Old Testament that testified of Christ and they were very much searchable to find Jesus Christ and him dying on a cross it was all in the Old Testament but what we have today as a member of the body of Christ as a Gentile a fellow heir the unsearchable riches we you cannot find what we have in Christ today in the Old Testament yeah that's exactly right and that's well said I mean one of the things that happens is sometimes we're taught to explain away what scripture says right but there's a difference between things that are spoken of since the foundation of the world and things that are hidden and they're just not the same yep moving on the next question that was sent in did the body of Christ begin at the cross Dave that's that's a that's a big one that's because a lot of people they you know grow up in the churches and you automatically think you know because when we open up our Bible it says Old Testament and New Testament beginning at Matthew and then we automatically think that the body of Christ starts the day Christ died but is that truly when the body of Christ began no it didn't begin then the body of Christ was first revealed to the Apostle Paul and of course at the cross the Apostle Paul is not even a believer you know when we first see him in the book of Acts he's persecuting the church so the body of Christ does not begin at the cross it begins after the cross when that information is revealed to the Apostle Paul in the middle of the book of Acts so then I the next question obviously would be well did the body of Christ begin at Pentecost because that's another one where you know when we read Pentecost we automatically think that that group the little flock of believers that that was they were getting saved the same way you and I were which is just not it's not true it's not when the body of Christ started so if you could just touch on what exactly took place at Pentecost if it wasn't the the start of the body of Christ yeah that's that's a great question because if you took a survey of folks within Christendom a very high percentage would say that the Church of today started in Acts chapter two and you'll hear people say we need to get back to Pentecost meaning we need to get back to how things were in Acts chapter two but if we just spend a little bit of time looking at Acts chapter two it's going to be very clear that Acts chapter two is not the beginning of the church of the body of Christ for today it's not that it is the continuation of the kingdom church that John the Baptist started in the gospel so let me give you a couple verses just to prove that point so if you look at Acts chapter two verse one it says this and when the day of Pentecost was fully come well Pentecost is that is the Jewish feast of weeks it's a Levitical feast that's mentioned in the Old Testament so what we're seeing in x2 is it's a Jewish feast acts 2 verse 5 then says and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven so first one told us it was a Jewish feast day verse 5 tells us we're in Jerusalem and it tells us the people that are present are Jews Acts chapter 2 verse 10 describes the people there as Jews and proselytes in other words it's Jews and it's Gentile converts to Judaism then if you read Acts chapter 2 16 it says this but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel I just pause there and think about that a lot of people want to say acts 2 is the beginning of something new it's really the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in other words Peter stands up and by the authority of the Holy Spirit he says this is what was spoken about in the book of Joel if you look at Acts chapter 20 chapter 2 verse 22 ye men of Israel again this this whole section of scripture in Acts chapter 2 is addressed to the nation of Israel and then if you look at Acts chapter 2 verse 41 at the conclusion of Peters preaching here's what it says then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 Souls the added is important because what's happening is it's an addition to the church that was already in place so in other words when you think of the Ministry of John the Baptist when you think of the Twelve Apostles during the Lord's earthly ministry they were adding people to what Luke 12:32 calls the little flock they were adding people to that kingdom church what happens in acts 2 is it is an addition of 3,000 people to that same church it's not the start of a new church and if we could let's spend a little time together in Luke 13 because I just think this this passage is might be helpful as we think about things so Luke 13 verse 6 and this is the the well-known parable of the fig tree Luke 13 verse 6 he spake all this also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his and he came and he sought fruit thereon and found none then said he under the dress from his vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why Cumbre that the ground verse eight and he answering and said unto Him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after that thou shalt cut it down now what does that parable mean well here's what it means he comes to the fig tree and he finds it doesn't bear fruit that's exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ does when he comes to Israel he comes to Israel and he doesn't find Israel and belief he finds them in unbelief he finds them not bearing fruit well how many years does he spend with them he spends three years with him that's his earthly ministry and the suggestion is made cut down the tree and what the Lord says here is no I'm not going to cut it down I'm gonna give it one more year so if you add that up it's obvious what's happening the first three years are the three years of the Lord's earthly ministry and then the additional year is the one year in the book of Acts between acts chapter 1 and Acts chapter 7 which is a continuation of the very same kingdom ministry that took place before the cross it's the same ministry in other words the early part of the book of Acts is not the start of the body of Christ it's the continuation of the same kingdom ministry that was in effect prior to the cross yes so to kind of slow things down for anyone because that that parable really is what got me on pit on board with studying more and learning right division what he's saying is that when when Christ came to the earth and and they were printing repent and be baptized and he was preaching the coming kingdom Christ's earthly ministry he was coming to fulfill the promises of the forefathers to bring about a physical kingdom on earth after he died when Peter was I'm sorry when Stephen was stoned when he looked up after he right before he died and gave up the the spirit when when Stephen looked up Jesus Christ was standing up so at that point had Israel repented of their obviously killing the Messiah repented of their sins and started following Christ teaching at that point the tribulation would have started him out in my right day where there would have been a seven year period where Christ was standing up where he was ready - I guess allowed this the the tribulation period to begin and then it would have been his second coming for a physical Kingdom on earth or him am i off there yes so it's oh yeah the way I would put it you say something very sort of that yeah so in Acts chapter 2 when Peter speaks by the power of the Holy Spirit he says the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool so two things we need to notice there he says sit so the Lord Jesus Christ was gonna sit but then it says until I make that foes life footstool so it acts - because the Lord had ascended to heaven in Acts chapter 1 what he was doing is he was sitting at the Father's right hand but he wasn't gonna sit at the Father's right hand forever he was gonna sit until he makes his foes his footstool so when we fast forward in time to Acts chapter 7 and it's it's fascinating because when you read Acts 7 verses 55 and 56 it says this in each verse in other words it says it twice Stephen looks into heaven and he sees the Lord standing in other words what happened between acts 2 and acts 7 is the prophetic clock ticked forward and the Lord Jesus Christ was standing because he was about to make his foes his footstool now if God had not interrupted the prophetic program if he hadn't interrupted it with the body of Christ with the dispensation of grace what would have happened is those prophetic events would have continued to tick on work and eventually the 70th week would have happened in everything that prophesied would have taken place at that time but but praise God God did something that really benefited you and me he basically called a timeout he said I'm gonna put the prophetic program on hold it's not that I'm going to choose not to fulfill these prophecies I'm gonna choose just to delay them I'm gonna fulfill them in in the future at a time of my choosing because right now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to give this unprofitable grace where Gentiles can now be fellow heirs and so what he did is he put the prophetic program on hold and today you and I can be saved by the gospel of Christ which wasn't revealed before amen and then that really is something that people need to get when rightly dividing that you know the the prophetic program for Israel is not done away with you the Lord did not you know just do away with Israel now he's focused on us today and that's going to get into our next question but everything that the Lord promised to Israel is still coming to them okay so what we're in right now the dispensation of grace is not it's not doing away with Israel in any way so leading into that let's also get into the next question is is the body of Christ spiritual Israel this is a big topic because you could see in just in the in the online community just around the world there's the Hebrew roots movement the Torah observant movement that they're they're placing themselves as being Israel so if you could just touch on that is the body of Christ Israel in any capacity then we take away from anything any promises of theirs are we spiritual Israel or something like the claim and if you could just elaborate on that what exactly what that means as far as who we are then yeah that's a great question I'm glad you asked that people say that all the time at the body of Christ is spiritual Israel and you know the short answer is that's just not true the body of Christ is not spiritual Israel there is no verse that says that and you know frankly just think through this with me for a moment when God made promises to Abraham and to Jacob and the the multiple promises he made in the Old Testament was God a liar or was he not and and we both know the answer is no he's not a liar so when he made those promises to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and so on he is absolutely going to fill those promises to the people he promised it to okay he absolutely has to do that because he is a God of truth and he is a God of his word and so let me you know introduce the subject this way this might help I think it's it's very helpful to just think about Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth so when God you know he chose the first sentence of the Bible very carefully and he could have said God made you know the heaven and he made the planets and he made the animals and he could have worded it any way he wanted but he worded it in a very specific way he said God made the heaven and the earth and what I would suggest to you is that all of human history the entire timeline of history is about a warfare that plays out between God and Satan over who's going to control heaven and earth now the reason why that matters is this is if you think through it it's very clear that Israel is God's people that are going to dwell on the earth forever so if you if you look at Genesis 13 verse 15 for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever that's what God said that Abram in Genesis 13 in Genesis 17 verse 8 and I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan for and her lasting possession so think about this with me just for a minute if God says to Abram I'm going to give you this land to you and to your seed forever and he tells them it's going to be an everlasting possession can he just aside 2,000 years later you know psyche didn't really mean it I'm giving it to these Gentiles well did that that is just not possible God is a God of truth and he did not do that he would not do that so Israel is God's people that are going to dwell on the earth forever but let's talk about what we are today we're the body of Christ so today when someone believes the gospel they're spiritually baptized into the body of Christ where are we going to be and where we're gonna be is not on this earth so if we look at Ephesians 1 verse 3 it says this blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ so you and I we're gonna spend eternity in heavenly places we're not going to be on the earth forever 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 1 says this for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens so we're we're going to be for eternity where the body of Christ is for eternity is the heavens if we had taken the place of Israel if we were spiritual Israel Israel if we were to take the place of Israel we would have to be on the earth forever we're not we're in the heavens forever so when people say the body of Christ is spiritual Israel it's it's just not for that to be the case God would have to break his promises to Israel and he just will not do that amen and you know it's it's sad to see so many people walk away from grace because their this is why rightly dividing is so important I believe because it it clears up any of the the contradictions or anyone just that doesn't understand what they're reading in the word of god it makes the Word of God so easier to understand when you know who's it written to for the context of what you're reading whose are written to and we have a definitive answer now as far as who we are in the body of Christ today and where we get our instructions today which is the next question we know the Old Testament doesn't have the revelation of the mystery of Christ which was revealed to Paul we know that the four Gospels Christ came to the lost sheep of Israel to fulfill the promises of the forefathers us minister of the circumcision we know that Paul was revealed the revelation in mid acts so leading up to mid acts we're still seeing the little flock and preaching the kingdom gospel so what books in the Word of God today do we look to for instructions for us today as members of the body of Christ it's a terrific question and we know from Romans 1113 that that Paul is our apostle what it says is for I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles so Paul is clearly the Apostle the Gentiles and he's our apostle for today and the the the books that he wrote all of course have his name is the first word of those books so the books Romans through Philemon those 13 books are specifically written for the body of Christ today they are the specific instructions given to us and I'll just let me just emphasize this because you know the truth of the matter is you know sometimes people say things about dispensationalism that are not true and they'll say dispensationalists ignore the rest of the Bible or they chop up the Bible or they ignore everything other than Paul well we believe the whole Bible we think people should read the whole Bible we think they should study the whole Bible we think they should read Genesis we just don't think they should build an ark we think they should read Leviticus we just don't think they should offer an animal sacrifice we think they should read Matthew but we don't think they should convert and become members of the nation of Israel so that the question is not whether the whole Word of God is true it is the question is whether all of it should be applied today and and obviously it shouldn't be yeah so as people are hearing this I can I can feel their blood boiling already saying you guys you're only following Paul when you look in Romans through Philemon the words that are in there are not Paul's there they are pause but it's coming from our Lord Jesus Christ these are these were Holy Spirit inspired words these are instructions from Christ that he gave to Paul to give to us so when you read those words it's not you're not putting Paul in a higher plateau than Christ you're just understanding what Christ wants you to do today in his instructions for you as a member of the body of Christ today so with that said when we when we were saying Romans through Philemon are our instructions say as members of the body of Christ what does that mean Dave in your opinion when we read Hebrews through Revelation so for years we have debates and people have they spent their lives trying to study Revelation trying to put themselves in there are we found in Hebrews two revelation and on when you get the answer I'll let you answer this but it this really clears up a lot when you realize that you know we are our instructions today are in Romans through Philemon and that is it well that's exactly right and if you think about Paul's division of the scriptures into time past but now ages to come well there's there are ages to come and there needs to be part of scripture that's written for people and ages to come so Hebrews from Revelation is written for people in the future and ages to come it's not written for us I don't know it perhaps your audience is too spiritual and they won't get this reference but Carly Simon said you're so vain you probably think this song is about you and what happens is sometimes people think every verse somehow has to be about them and it's just not God has multiple purposes he's accomplishing throughout time and not every verse is about us and if I could just for a moment go back to something you said you were making a great point some people are gonna say that we're worshiping Paul and and I'll just let me put it this way when what Paul said in first Corinthians 14 37 as he said if any man think himself could be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord so in other words if your spiritual today you have to recognize that what Paul wrote are the commandments of the Lord we don't worship Hawks we care about his opinions we're not interested in his personal preferences the fact that matter is what the Lord Jesus Christ did is he appeared to Paul out of heaven and he gave him specific revelation that he expects us to obey and if I could just use this this example if you were alive in the book of Exodus and you were to say well you make too much of Moses I'm not gonna listen to this Moses guy I'm gonna follow God well the fact that matter is Moses was God's chosen vessel and when you disobeyed Moses you were disobeying God because that was who God's God chose so whether you liked it or not Moses was the revealer of the Old Testament law well the same thing is true for us today God chose Paul and if we're gonna do what God would have us to do we need to recognize God's spokesman and that's Paul yeah and I know for me now going back and reading Hebrews 1st and 2nd Peter first a second third John revelation reading these books in the mind state that when I'm reading them it's not written directly to me as a member of the body of Christ because there is when you read them there is very there's mentions of becoming are the royal priesthood and enduring to the end and there's there's words in there and this verbiage in there that is like James for instance he says you know can faith alone save a man and we know clearly Paul says we are saved by grace through faith we see these contradictions and we at least me for years what I would try to do is I would try to bend scripture around I would forget other scripture that is what rightly dividing does it clears up any kind of contradiction we know the Word of God doesn't contradict itself what we were doing wrong all these years was we were taking the whole pot and trying to make it all for us rather than what Christ said he men we don't have to spiritualize what Jesus said he meant it but he didn't mean it to you what James said when he said faith alone is not going to save a man is true when the dispensation of grace is over you know just saying that you know you believe but you know what you're doing on earth you know is not reflect our it's not showing that faith obviously that those words are exactly what they mean am I right Dave yeah that's that's exactly right and just to build on your point there if I could when you read Hebrews to Revelation you're gonna read first John and there's an unforgivable sin when you read the book of Revelation there's something called the mark of the beast now the fact that matter is the mark of beasts doesn't exist today during the dispensation of grace today during the dispensation of grace there isn't an unforgivable sin the only thing that's unforgivable is if you die without faith in Christ you're gonna go to hell but when you read Hebrews to Revelation and you understand these books are written for a future time period and there'll be a time in the future where there is the mark of the beast being administered and there will be unforgivable sins and if you just let those books apply for the people that they're intended to you don't have any of these problems but if you take those verses those books and you say well I have to somehow manipulate this so it applies to me you're just going to create problems for yourself because those books aren't addressed to us the next question that was presented was wasn't it or isn't there only one gospel in the Word of God you know I'm sure right now a lot of people spent the majority of their walk with the Lord preaching and witnessing to others John 3:16 and thinking that that is the the go-to gospel that we should be preaching to people and that it's the same gospel as 1st Corinthians 1 through 4 is there only one gospel and I'm sure you know you can elaborate on this greatly to help someone to show that there was obviously more than just one gospel or good news yeah great great question let me be really specific about this you can only get saved through Jesus Christ right we know from John 14:6 we all know this verse no man cometh to the Father but by me because Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and I paraphrase there but you understand the point but the fact of the matter is scripture says there's more than one gospel the word gospel means good news there is more than one item of good news in the scripture God can do what he wants he's not limited where there's a quota and he's only allowed to have one piece of good news he can have more than one and in fact scripture says he has more than one so as an example let me read to you Galatians 2 verse 7 and I'll just read it exactly as it is written but contrariwise when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me that's Paul as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter now we know that Peter and Paul had different messages we looked at that earlier but what I would just note here is if scripture is right and it is Paul had something called the gospel of the uncircumcision Peter had the gospel of the circumcision and just to state the obvious uncircumcision and circumcision are different the word unn means not we all know this something that is unusual is not usual so if Paul has the gospel of the uncircumcision and Peter has the gospel the circumcision they are different Gospels now just so we're clear that doesn't mean that there's different ways of salvation someone's gonna misinterpret this they're gonna say well you can be saved any old way you want and you can be saved by other religions and no no we're not saying that at all but what we're saying is did God at different times give different Gospels to mankind he sure did you know if you think about this for example did God say to Noah Noah believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that's not what he said he said no I'm gonna flood the earth you better build an ark and if what Noah had done if Noah had said God I'm not gonna build an ark because I'm just gonna believe on the Lord Jesus Christ he would drowned because the gospel to him the message to him required him to build an ark and there are just different Gospels in the Bible that runs contrary to some people's feelings about how it should work but but what I would just think encourage your listeners about is this we should believe what God's Word says rather than our own presuppositions right if God's Word says that Peter and Paul had different Gospels they did we may not like it we may think it should have been otherwise but that's the way it is amen and just so we can make it clear it is always been by God's grace someone is saved that that is nothing new that is not the mystery that was given to Paul and it's always been necessity to have faith it's always been faith and God's undeserving grace to us that we receiving grace so that is nothing new that Paul received the difference is in the dispensation of grace we are saved apart from works apart from Israel we are justified today when we recognize our sinful state we we put our trust that Jesus Christ died on the cross was buried in a tomb and rose again on the third day at that point we are sealed with the holy spirit of promise until redemption seated with Christ in heavenly places given peace with God by believing the gospel believe in this good news now what Christ was preaching it if if I am NOT right here with this day please stop me but the the Old Testament states and the the the kingdom gospel that Christ was preaching was the they had to follow Christ's instructions believing that he was the Messiah it included water baptism we can get into that later water baptism repenting of their sins these things did not save them but they were proof of their faith that they believed who Jesus was who he said he was so it's always been God's grace it's always been about faith but in the dispensation of grace we live in we understand that we're justified by not works nothing not law keeping we are not justified by being a good person doing anything but trusting in the gospel and God doesn't look at us out for our works to justify us like in time past where that was a requirement not to save you but it was to demonstrate your true faith is that right Dave yeah I know that that's well said when it whitter reminds me of is this Romans 10:17 says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God which means that all true faith is not based upon man's opinion it's based upon the Word of God so I'll give you an example I don't know if any of you have had this experience some people will say you know some pastors or preachers will say you know we're going to start this new building program and we don't have the money for but we're going to just step out in faith and God's gonna open the windows of heaven and pour out dollars and we're gonna build this building and what I would say to that you can decide for yourself but that's not faith I mean proverbs has a lot to say about incurring debt and buying things that you don't have the money for right it's not faith when you do something just of your own volition it's faith when you do something on the basis of God's work so for you and me today what God said to us is he said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved so the heart of faith says I'm gonna believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now that's not what Peter said in acts 2:38 as you pointed out he said repent and be baptized so what faith does is faith responds to the Word of God that is addressed to us amen and this this exact question is very important because Romans 2:16 it says in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel so what Paul was given to us the revelation of the mystery the gospel that Paul presented us is it's so important that we get this that we are justified today not of your good deeds not of your ability to keep law or do anything but because you heard the gospel and you believed in it so this is what rightly dividing does it shows you what the gospel is today do you believe that Christ is sufficient that he did all the work for you or are you looking in other books in the Old Testament and sprinkling in I need to do XY and Z because at that point you are not believing in the gospel that Paul is giving you this is right it's so very very important that we come to realizing the importance of rightly dividing in understanding what our gospel is today it's all Christ God is not looking or holding you accountable for your good deeds your works in order to justify you it's trusting in and what Christ did alone that's why you know rightly dividing it's so extremely important and it for years my channel I prided myself I always had the gospel right Dave and I always was one that you know I always maintained the gospel and anyone that's come on my channel eternal security I've always had that right and one of the reasons I even searched for right dividing because I was on the front lines every day of defending the gospel defending our eternal security so it took me a lot of just just completely diving into Scripture and then when I came upon write the vision it just the light came on like I've been explaining it wrong to people I mean explaining our eternal security and I've been explaining the gospel but disproving the Scriptures they were giving me I was coming about it all wrong and right the vision clears up all those questions so we now know the the clear gospel is is trusting it in the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ alone so brother it was it was great that you're standing for the gospel like that because honestly the gospel today is corrupted by so many because they keep adding works to it and when you add works to it it invalidates grace yeah moving on where will we spend our eternity as members of the body of Christ I like this question because it's one where we me person I just grew up my whole life thinking that I'm coming back with Christ when he comes back I'm gonna walk through the the new gates of the New Jerusalem and I'm gonna rule and reign on earth I'd look in the parables where Christ would say he'd make you leader over a certain amount of cities and I'd work hard because I wanted to be over ten cities oh I don't know about you but I want to are we gonna rule and reign on earth as part of the priesthood are we gonna be here within the New Jerusalem are we walking through one of those twelve gates Dave or we have other plans for as a member of the body - that's a great question people ask that they wonder about that all the time I'll give you a couple verses that I think are relevant so Ephesians 1:3 says blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places it's fascinating that in 1st Thessalonians 4 we are caught up we're not caught sideways we're caught up because we're going to heaven if you think about Philippians 3 verse 24 our conversation is in heaven and if you think about 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 1 and this one is I think the most convincing one for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God and house not made with hands and then here's the key part eternal in the heavens well eternal is pretty long right so we are in the heavens I think sometimes what happens is people you know have an emotional attachment in terms of well I want to be on earth because I want to be in the New Jerusalem and I want to eat from the tree of life and you know we have these sort of sensational ideas about what we want to do and I guess what I would just say about that is every blessing God has is wonderful right and what he has planned for us in the heaven is spectacular and you know that's where we're going to be so it's going to be tremendous it's in fact it's going to be out of this world amen moving on so the next question is the the New Covenant star yet are we living under the New Covenant right now but when we read you know Christ breaking the water or breaking the bread and the wine and people celebrate it at church every Sunday you know the blood of the New Covenant are we living under the New Covenant right now or is that something that also we had wrong for all these years yeah it's something we had wrong and you know frankly I had it wrong - and just I should say this just before we go any further on all these things you know what happens is none of us has it perfect and we've all been through you know we've all been confused at times so as you and I know we're or like-minded on this we're just both trying to figure things out right so none of us have all the answers but as to the New Covenant the New Covenant has not already started and and we can tell that from Hebrews chapter 8 so Hebrews 8 verse 8 for finding fault with them he saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah now if we let God's Word to say what it says that verse says the new covenant is made with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah now the vast majority of people on the earth today are Gentiles and if that verse means what it says which it does the New Covenant doesn't have anything for Gentiles it's not you know is this sort of thing where if your neighbor wins the lottery you don't get any money right I mean that's just how it is I mean welcome to life well God made the new covenant with Israel he made it with Judah and that means it doesn't provide blessings for the Gentiles now Hebrews 8 verse 9 says this not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt well that again it just it's absolutely clear from Hebrews that the New Covenant is made with Israel it's not made with the body of Christ and it's not made with Gentiles now consider verse 10 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord and what some people will say is well say well the New Covenant that that started when Israel was brought back into the land in 1948 the new covenant was put into fact but listen to what hebrews 8:10 says i will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people now the sad reality is that most of Israel is in unbelief right if today if Israel was in belief what they should do is they should believe that Jesus Christ is the long promised Messiah they should have faith in the Son of God you know they should they should do all of those things that the scripture requires of us so what happened in 1948 with Israel cannot have been the start of the new covenant because God obviously didn't write his law on their hearts he didn't put it into their minds that they're still there unfortunately in unbelief so the New Covenant is not in effect today yeah the New Covenant if I if I'm right David is with the entirety of Israel so when the when the New Covenant begins it'll be when the entirety of Israel is is a Christ's second coming everyone will have you know it's not just for certain members of Israel for certain people that are you know the little flock or a couple here and there it's for the entirety of Israel on that day when the New Covenant will be for for all of them and obviously like you said earlier we don't we don't have that now it's it's not something that we have the death of the testator okay so it's it's ready to the new covenant is going to come when Christ comes when he comes to earth and you know obviously Israel's gonna have to go through the seven years of refining to get to there but that this is what's been promised to them since the beginning this new covenant that you know Christ is gonna rule on earth physically with them as their king they're going to be given the land that they were promised not what they're in right now or that you know there's so much more land that the Lord promised to them and the new covenant is for when the entirety of Israel they have their king they have the Spirit of God inside of them so they don't they don't have to fight to keep the laws that it is going to be something that they're gonna have the Spirit of God inside of them keeping it and we just don't have that right now so all the the churches on any given Sunday you'll get up there new covenant churches we're just not in it has up first of all it's you never heard Paul mentioned that that we are a part of the New Covenant at all you can go through any of Paul's epistles he never mentions it so when we think of New Covenant we need to have the mind state that of what exactly the New Covenant is realize that it it hasn't happened yet but it will when Christ returns that's right building on that obviously the next question would be so do we have the law written on our hearts is that something that's because we received the Holy Spirit does that mean that we have the law written on our hearts if you want to elaborate on that David I know that's something that a lot of people teach that we have today the law written on our hearts the moment we trusted in the gospel yeah people do say that and you know the greatest proof that the law is not written on our arches look how we behave you know Paul talks about in Romans 7 that which I hate that do I that the reality of it is is that the law has not been written in our hearts but let me give you a couple verses about that so jeremiah 31:33 but but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days saith Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts then that just it's wrong to take blessings that are given to other people and claim them for yourself right so in other words when you look at Jeremiah 31 and God made that promise it's specifically a covenant that he made with the house of Israel he didn't make it with Gentiles and so is God's law written in our hearts today no it's not that's a blessing that that's promised to Israel we see the same thing in Hebrews 8:10 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts the simple fact the matter is during the dispensation of grace Gentiles don't have the law God's law written on their hearts just it's just not something that he's doing today amen is repenting of sin and confessing your sin necessary for salvation we get people every day when you when you tell them that you know repenting of sin is a change of heart and confessing sin that they get from first John 1:9 obviously without rightly dividing you're going to hear that and you're going to apply it to the to the Gospel as far as what we need to do to to not either get say they'll maintain our salvation it turns into a daily ritual that we feel we need to continue to uphold and do every day in order to sustain salvation when you know rather than then confessing saying we should be lifting up you know the sacrifice Christ did for us and who we are in Christ and realize that we are perfected in him but I'm going to let you two answer that is repenting and confessing sin necessary to not just obtain salvation but to sustain it as well yeah this is a great question because there's a lot of confusion about the word repentance and just I would say as a general matter one of the things that happens is people often take scriptural terms repentance as an example and they will then attribute a non scriptural meaning and when they do that they end up confusing the doctrine what I what I have found and I know when I've studied this you'll see a lot of gospel tracts and people will use the word repent in a way that means quit sinning so in other words what you need to do to get saved is you need to repent you need to stop sinning but if you think about that for a minute salvation is not based upon works right so we all know Ephesians 2:8 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so that tells you that you don't have to you don't have to quit all your evil works to get saved and by the way you couldn't if you wanted to right because we know that salvation is not of works what I would say is important about this subject is to get the right understanding of what the word repent means so if you look at Genesis 6 verse 6 it says this and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart now the way that people typically define repent repent means you got to quit sinning well God repented in in in Genesis 6 6 so did God have to quit sinning in other words when you take scriptures and you look at how scripture uses the word repent you would not reach the conclusion that repentance means to quit sinning that's not what repentance mean repentance is a change of heart God grieved in his heart because in Genesis 6 when he looked out at the earth Genesis 6 it was corrupt it was filled with violence and God was grieved by that so let me put it this way repentance the proper definition of repentance is that it's a change of heart it is not you have to quit sinning so what happens when you get saved today let's just make this clear then to get saved you have to have a change of heart because you have to believe the gospel right I mean the problem with most people's they don't believe the gospel well what if you think of Acts 16 when Paul was in the jail and Philip hi the Philippian jailer comes in to him and he asks the question that every man has to answer sirs what must I do to be saved that question is the dividing line for all eternity and what Paul said to him is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved so you get saved today by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ believing he died on the cross through senses bearing rose again the third day so you have to have that change of heart in order to get saved but you don't have to stop your sinning you don't have to turn over a new leaf you don't have to quit all your bad habits that that salvation by works and salvation doesn't work that way and we're not encouraging anyone to continue in your sin me walking by faith it's the grace of God well we should be seeing changes in our lives in newness of life and we're not we're not telling anyone to be complacent with Simbel we're saying is it is nothing to do with your justification which a lot of people because they don't rightly divide the word of god have like you said Dave they've corrupted the gospel and it's now Christ has become an afterthought and it's more so focused on on what I can do and what I am and I look at all the changes I've done in my life and yeah Jesus did this but look at how great I am and none of us are good if it isn't through the blood of Christ none of us have any shot of making it to sustain before the Lord at the end of our lives so I just also wanted to put it you know it rightly dividing if you can go back and look there's nowhere in any of Paul's epistles does he say we confess your sins like first John 1:9 which says confess your sins but we do see it in the Old Testament David in like Leviticus 26 40 which says if they shall confess their iniquity you know psalm 32:5 says I acknowledge my sin unto thee and my iniquity I have I hate I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord second Chronicles 6 24 says if I have night people Israel to be put to the worst before the enemy because they have sinned against me shall return and confess my name we see it throughout the Old Testament it was up it was a requirement that they confess their sins and when we read first John 1:9 David in the light of obviously what we see in the Old Testament that is not saying today that we need to be confessing our sins every time we fall short we need to ask God for forgiveness we know that we're fully justified then what we hear and believe in the gospel but what did it mean for anyone that's listening to trying to understand right the vision what did it mean when first John 1:9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive us what what exactly is going on there because I know it's a question that people are gonna want to know when well you know trying to rightly divide the word of God they're going to say well what about first John 1:9 don't we have to confess our sins what would you say to that in light of where we are today in the body of Christ yeah great question so first John 1:9 does talk about confession of sins when we were talking earlier about Hebrews to Revelation we talked about how Hebrews revelation is written for ages to come it's it's written actually for the time after the body of Christ is already gone from the earth we'll be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and we'll be with him for forever so first John 1:9 is not written to us probably the easiest way to make the point I would say is this if you think about the Old Testament all the verses you just quoted you're right about in the Old Testament they had to confess their sins again and again there was a specific Old Testament sacrifices them so that when you trespassed you would bring a trespass offering and and God expected them to do that and they had to continue to do that but there's a contrast so if you think about Ephesians 4:32 in Colossians 2:13 they talk about God having forgiven us all trespasses so in other words here's what happens the moment today you believe the gospel God forgives you of all trespasses everything you did in the past everything you'll do in the future so do you need to go then confess those to God to get forgiveness you already have it if you think about Romans 5 verse 1 it says therefore being justified in other words a wonderful thing happened at the moment you believed the gospel the moment you believed the gospel God forgave every sin you would ever commit he justified you he declared you righteous and you had peace with him from that very moment and that is not what happened in the Old Testament that's not how it operates under the prophetic program when you think about verses like Matthew 24:13 it talks about enduring unto the end when you think about Ezekiel 18 it talks about the righteous man that turns from his righteous ways see the what's what's truly marvelous about the dispensation of grace is the moment you believe the gospel God forgives your sins seals you you have eternal security you can't lose it it is just a miraculous wonderful you know awesome arrangement but the way it worked in the Old Testament none of the prophetic program was you sinned you had to go to confess and then when you sinned again you had to go confess and that's just not it didn't work that way then but it's not that way for us remember this is the next question Isaiah 53 obviously it foretold a prophesize of the death of Christ so for anyone that's saying you know balls rub the revelation of the mystery I was given appalled how can anyone say that it was a mystery when Christ obviously in in Isaiah 53 was told that he would die on the cross it goes into detail of him dying being wounded for our transgressions so would exactly obviously talking more I think the mystery is the most important part of rightly dividing understanding what exactly was revealed to Paul and what obviously was not the mystery something that was told in the in the Old Testament that we already that that we already had and that obviously was not nothing newly being revealed to Paul so what exactly is Isaiah 53 in regards to was that part of the mystery that was revealed to Paul so that's a great question because sometimes what people will do is they'll say exactly what you said which is well doesn't Isaiah 53 reveal everything that Paul preached and the answer is that it doesn't so let's talk about it this way Isaiah 53 reveals that that the Messiah would die and that's the same thing for example as what the Lord said in John chapter 219 he said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up so it wasn't a ministry that Christ was gonna die it wasn't a mystery that he was going to die for Israel since Matthew 1:21 says thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins it wasn't a mystery that he would be resurrected but what was a mystery was this it was a mystery that when Christ died on the cross he not only paid for Israel sins he also purchased the body of Christ see what happens today during the dispensation of grace anyone who believes the gospel they are placed into the body of Christ because Christ died for their sins and that was a mystery the body of Christ was not revealed in time past it was not revealed that Jesus Christ was going to die for Gentiles that was hidden until God revealed it through the Apostle Paul now a point I should make that maybe will be helpful is if you think about Luke 18 I just want to read you a couple verses from Luke 18 this is Luke 18:31 then he took unto him the twelve this is the Lord with the Twelve Apostles shortly before the cross it sits near the end of his earthly ministry he says behold we go up to Jerusalem and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished so what he's talking about is a fulfillment of prophecy verse 32 for he shall be delivered under the Gentiles and shall be mocked and spitefully entreated and spit it on verse 33 and they shall scourge him and put him to death and the third day he shall rise again so did the Lord talked about the cross and the resurrection before it happened absolutely the prophets talked about it but notice what Luke 18 34 says and they understood none of these things and this saying was hidden from them neither knew they the things which were spoken I just paused for a minute consider that Paul in first Corinthians 1:18 calls his preaching the preaching of the Cross in first Corinthians 15 he says that his gospel is Christ died for our sins was buried and resurrected but in Luke 18 when the Lord tells the 12 apostles who've been traveling with him for years guys I'm going to go to the cross I'm gonna die and I'm going to be resurrected they don't understand what he's saying well that tells you that Peters gospel and Paul's gospel are not the same so they're just they're just different so Isaiah 53 did prophesy the death of Christ but it didn't prophesied the dispensation of grace the body of Christ yeah that mean Peter as we see he tried to stop Christ he tried to you know he had no idea even all the way if you read acts 2 when they are repenting of it they're looking at the cross as if it was a defeat as if it was a bad thing they were not glorifying in the sacrum and what Christ did on the cross they were not preaching obviously the gospel of trusting and that as being what's going to save us they were you know it was not preaching away as if it was a good thing because they truly didn't understand what took place so the next question Dave would be okay so where exactly are the Old Testament Saints now somebody sent that question and I think it's a great one because it does tie in to where we're going to be so where exactly are the Old Testament Saints in in regards to you know we're gonna be in the heavens that's where our eternal destination is where the Old Testament Saints now are they in heaven right now awaiting the rapture or where are they right now so if we look at Luke 16 Luke 16 gives the account of the rich man and Lazarus people sometimes say that that's a parable but it doesn't seem to be a parable every time there's a parable there's never someone that has a proper name like Lazarus so so Luke 16 is not a parable but here's what it says in verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and of course we know what happens in Luke 16 is Lazarus ends up in a place in the earth called Abraham's bosom the rich man ends up in hell and there's a great gulf fixed between them so in other words in the Old Testament before the cross when when people that were believers died they went to a place of blessing called Abraham's bosom if you think about Luke 23 the Lord said to the thief on the cross today thou shalt be with me in paradise so after the Lord died he went into the heart of the earth he went to the to Paradise he went to Abraham's bosom it's very clear that's where the Old Testament Saints were before the cross now what some will say is they'll say well after the cross all those Saints there were neighbor hams bosom they were caught up and they're now up in heaven but look with me in Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 verse 34 and this is Peter speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit for David is not ascended into the heavens I don't think that could be any more clear David's an Old Testament Saint he would have been in Abraham's bosom to new is after the cross it's after the resurrection it's after the Ascension in acts 1 it's well after the resurrection in other words and where's David he's still in Abraham's bosom and so let me tell you why I think that might be the case if you think about the Old Testament Saints what is their future destiny are they going to spend their future destiny in the new heavens no their future destinies the new earth so what God does with them he doesn't take them to the the new way he doesn't take them to heaven after the cross they remain in that place of blessing that paradise in the earth and they're waiting there until the Lord at the second coming resurrects them into his Millennial Kingdom so today right now the Old Testament Saints remain in paradise inside the earth amen so they're awaiting the the promises they're waiting the the new covenant where the the valley of dry bones where the the dead are going to raise they're gonna inherit a physical Kingdom they're gonna be living on earth with their Messiah different than you and I today we're that as in the next question we're going to see is the pre-tribulation rapture or biblical obviously like you just talked about the the Old Testament Saints when the when the rapture of the body of Christ takes place that is not their resurrection they're not they're not going up to meet the Lord in the air to be with him in heaven they are waiting Christ's second coming that's been prophesied all throughout the Old Testament where they're gonna inherit and raise up to inherit the earth for Israel the promises that was to them the mystery that Paul was given this is another part of that mystery of the pre-tribulation rapture a lot of people have lost their their hope in a pre-tribulation rapture because they're they're looking at Matthew 24 they're looking and revelation there in the Old Testament they're comparing that with what we have in in from Paul's doctrine and it's difficult to see a pre-tribulation rapture by not rightly dividing another great thing that rightly dividing clears up is the absolute Definity that there is a pre-tribulation rapture we can see it through Paul's doctrine and what Paul was given to us it was a mystery that you can't find in the Old Testament so for all you preachers out there that are trying to preach doctrine on the rapture in the Old Testament you're not your dick you're putting your hands and something that doesn't belong you and it's not you're not gonna find the old in the Old Testament the pre-tribulation rapture it was a mystery as Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15:51 behold I show you a mystery meaning this is new revelation this is something you're not going to find we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed Dave the pre-tribulation rapture can we can we rest in knowing that one day this glorious day that this blessed hope of ours is going to take place yeah we absolutely can rest in that and let me just give you a couple thoughts so 1st Thessalonians 4 tells us that we'll be caught up to meet the Lord in the air so we know that we're caught up what has happened today is some folks will they've lost the timing of the rapture right so they want to put it in the tribulation or after the tribulation a couple verses that maybe will be helpful about that 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 9 for God hath not appointed us to wrath the moment we got saved we were we were placed into Jesus Christ and God has no wrath for us well after the the the after the catching up after the rapture or to put another way during the 70th week that's a time of God's wrath so if God hasn't appointed us to wrath how could we be on earth during the time of Wrath it doesn't make any sense another clue that we're not going to be here during Daniels 70th week Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15 when he's talking about the rapture behold I show you a mystery so it was a mystery that was revealed to Paul earlier we established that the word mystery means hidden wisdom so think about this with me if you would in the Old Testament the body of Christ is not revealed because it's a this tree but if we're here during the 70th week and the rapture takes place during that time wasn't it then revealed I mean that would be the that the point is it wasn't and what God has done I would suggest to you is he really has designed the timeline of history very nicely believers during the dispensation of grace have eternal security during the 70th week people have to endure unto the end is God going to take us and who to whom he's given a promise of eternal security and say oh well things have now changed so you're now in the 70th week and you have to endure unto the end well God solves that problem because what he does is before there even is the 70th week he takes the body of Christ to heaven because he delivers us from the wrath to come so we can very clearly believe that there is a pre-tribulational rapture because that's how God operates because the body of Christ is not appointed to wrath amen brother amen being as though we know now that there is a pre-tribulation rapture we are separate from obviously the resurrection of Israel that takes place at Christ's second coming so when we are in heaven we are going to be judging angels is this is something that's biblical but what does it mean that we're going to be actually judging angels in heaven that in our eternal destination in the heavens we're gonna actually be judging angels yeah this is this is something that that's in some ways hard to believe but scripture says it so it must be true when Satan rebelled at the beginning of time God could have destroyed him instantaneously it would have been not hard at all for God to just speak him out of existence but obviously God allowed him to continue and what I would suggest that God is doing during the the dispensation of grace we looked at the verses earlier that say that we're blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places that we have a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens so what God is doing with the body of Christ is everyone who gets saved during the disc grace is placed in the body of Christ and at the catching up we're going to be given a spiritual body that's designed to function in the heavens and we will move up into the heavens in Revelation 12 it's clear that there's war in heaven Michael and his angels fight against the devil and his angels the devil and his angels lose and they're cast down to the earth and the devil and his angels ultimately will be cast into the lake of fire so if you if you think about that what just happened well there were a bunch of positions in heaven that to this day are still occupied by the devil and his angels God hasn't gotten rid of them yet but he will and God there's nowhere in scripture that says God makes new angels so it seems what happens is certain members of the body of Christ move into those positions formerly occupied by the devil and his angels so when Paul says know ye not that we shall judge angels one of the blessings given to the body of Christ is that we have a leadership position over angels in the future which is incredible but scripture says that that is the that is what's going to be the case amen and I love the like I got up earlier that video you did on leading captivity capped a captive captivity when Satan went inside of Judas right to kill our Messiah he had no idea what Christ died on the cross he thought he was going to maintain his position in the in the heavens at what the angels he thought allowing Christ to die on the cross he still had authority in the heavens and he had no idea that by doing so he lost in both arenas on that day and if you want to just elaborate Jobe 15:15 we see like you mentioned before it says behold he put he putteth no trust in his Saints he had the heavens are not clean in his sight so to this day there are still the the the fallen angels that followed Lucifer that are still in the heavens that when the the rapture of the body of christ takes place we are now taking over essentially essentially and had satan known this would have never gone into Judas he would have never allowed Christ to die on the cross like that because he just sealed his own fate in not only the earth but in the heavens where where the Lord Jesus Christ has won on both sides of the coin which is it's amazing but if you wanted to touch just touch on that briefly to Dave sure so first Corinthians two seven and eight says but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory because it was hidden and then it says which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory so you made a great point about Luke 22 Satan enters into Judas because Satan wants the cross to happen and Satan wants the cross to happen even though he knows about the resurrection even though he knows that Christ was going to die for Israel's sins but there was one thing Satan didn't know Satan didn't know that the cross was also going to purchase the body of Christ which was going to replace him and his minions in the heavens and if he had known that he never would have been in favor of it now the thing that's fascinating about that one of the things that people will say about Wright division as well Wright division can't be true because there aren't enough people that believe it and that's just sort of a bad argument right before the flood there weren't many people that believed the flood but the flood happened and you know truth is not determined by majority vote but I would say this the reason why people don't believe dispensationalism today is that the god of this world hates it Satan hates dispensationalism because at the cross he thinks that something is happening to his benefit and he doesn't realize until later oops with the with the Lord Jesus Christ's death he purchased the body of Christ he's for my successors and I just sealed my own fate amen and that's why right division it's it's it is something that when presented to people it's not something that's easily accepted but you the nail on the head it just because it's not widely accepted and it's not widely as something that people are easily believing and teaching if anything that in my opinion would mean that you should trust it more because I'm not looking to be part of the bigger crowd I'm looking for the truth and if Satan is still in any way having control over it this world and we know he is corrupting the gospel leading people to adding their works into it when people come to understanding right division and you understand the gospel you have a clear picture now how to get saved we have a clearer picture now of our eternal security we don't have to walk in condemnation Satan doesn't want you to know that he wants you to feel everyday that you know you could lose your salvation because feeling that way you're not going to be able to be used by the Lord as much you you're not going to be able to truly go out and preach the gospel if you're doubting it yourself so right the vision it completely just lifts up the body of Christ it gives us definitive doctrine and what we need to know for today it reassures us of who we are in Christ that we not only live in him but he lives in us and Satan doesn't want you knowing that and that's why today I applaud anyone who is willing to step out on the ledge and preach right the vision because it's not easy to be accepted by others you're gonna take Heat but it is true that and and in the end it's something that Satan's gonna do anything in his power to stop being spread so you're doing an amazing job David and you've helped me out so much but thank you brother no problem one more question that will try to wrap this up Dave you you literally every I think every question we've had you probably have an hour long study on it so like I said I'm gonna have a link to Dave's channel go check out his videos just sit down one day you know or throughout a course of a couple days and binge watch him he's got some amazing amazing stuff you'll be blessed by it we could spend an hour long on each question but for now we I just want to kind of come together and give you guys the basics of what write the vision is so one last question being as though we are going to be in the heavens judging angels when we come across scriptures that mentions being kings and priests and in the priesthood that's promised to Israel that's not us in any we are not going to be priests we read about that in the Old Testament and and we can see water baptism and it kind of ties into what being a priest is and what it means for Israel but you want to kind of just speak on is the body of Christ going to be a priest or are we a king and we're gonna walk through the 12 gates of the the New Jerusalem what exactly does being a priest mean in who's that for and what exactly is that saying when it says a royal priesthood is that the body of Christ yeah the the the short answer to that is the body of Christ will not be kings or priests on a new earth because we're going to be in the new heavens and probably the best place to start in thinking about that is Exodus 19 verse 6 so it's a very at the very early stage of the creation of Israel Exodus 19 says this and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and then it says this these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel so when Moses spoke those words that God gave them there was a kingdom of priests that was going to be formed it was a holy nation but it very specifically it was Israel that's who Moses was speaking to that's who the promises were given to we're different than that so if ages to 6 says this about the body of Christ and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus where we're gonna be for eternity is we're gonna be in heavenly places the universe is a big place so God has a plan for the earth and that plan for the earth involves the nation of Israel that he made very specific promises to he's going to fulfill them God's plan for the heavens is the body of Christ and so all the blessings we see promise to the body of Christ or that we're going to be in the heaven for all eternity those two programs are separate they're not the same and in rightly dividing the word of truth and in believing the Word of God literally we need to let those things that are separate be separate amen I think that that's a great way to end this in this conversation let the things that are meant to be separate be separate rightly dividing the word of God understanding if you took anything from today understanding that we get today our doctrine in the book of Romans the epistles written by Paul through Philemon the whole Bible is for us we're not incur if anything you're going to understand when you read Romans to Philemon better when you properly are reading the entirety of the Word of God his entire counsel just like we were mentioned that royal priesthood you'll never see Paul ever mentioned the body of Christ as being a royal priesthood but that's why it's so important we rightly divide it clears up all of the the differences we see in the Word of God it gives us a definitive clear gospel it gives us assurance in our eternal security in Christ and who we are and it's just so important today and a lot of like I said earlier the videos that I did in the past I removed because I wanted to start fresh I wanted to be able to come on here and give you guys truth and if there was ever anything that was contrary to that I just wanted to make sure that you know I'm not in it for to make you know any money off I'm not here to make like to be mr. popular or friends I'm here for the truth and brother David has been a blessing to me along with so many others so you can expect Wright division on this channel if you're interested in really just sitting down and learning I would I would point you in the direction of brother David's channel I'm going to post his the link to his channel underneath this video start watching some of his videos he's a great brother if you have questions I'm not encouraging you to overflow him every day with thousands of questions but he he is more than willing to help and he he's blessed me so much and now hopefully I'll be able to put out some content that will bless others so brother Dave I just wanted to thank you thank you for for spending this this two hours with us thank you Chris I'm sure we'll be talking a lot more and I look forward to our conversations I look forward all your videos and if there's anything else you want to say before we get out of here brother please do I'll just say this thank you thank you brother Chris for this opportunity thank you for your continual Labor's which are long-standing and and thank you for your heart for the truth that is an important thing and we just pray that your ministry will continue to grow and continue to bless people with the word of God rightly divided so we appreciate your fellowship in the gospel we want to partner with you however would be would be good for the body of Christ amen alright guys so like I said before all of Dave's contacts going to be underneath this video please check out his videos and I will talk to you guys soon take care god bless
Channel: Columbus Bible Church
Views: 15,779
Rating: 4.8785424 out of 5
Id: lRAxvmeu65Y
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Length: 97min 55sec (5875 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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