Warrantying My PS5 | Broken PS5 - How To Get It Repaired

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multiple maniacs rip my ps5 it's bricked actually i don't know if it's brick it's broken though 100 i cannot fix it without opening it up so i called sony i want to go through the process to let anybody else who is crying tears of joy that have turned into tears of sorrow if you got your ps5 and it broke what you can do stick around let's talk about my newly bricked playstation 5. all right so what the heck happened well my son actually bought a ps5 and so did i on lunch and this is actually his playstation 5 but as his dad i'm the one taking care of all the problems so what he did is he accidentally pressed the power button instead of the disc eject button he was playing madden with patrick mahomes on the cover a day after the super bowl mind you and the disc did not come out because he pressed the wrong button he pressed the power button i'm still blaming patrick mahomes because instead of pressing the disk button to eject it he pressed the power button no big deal usually it just resets your console it's honestly nothing it may not even do anything but in this moment it turned his playstation off now normally when you turn your playstation on you press the power button or you press the ps button on the ps5 controller and it boots back up now i'm going to have some b-roll kind of going through this you're not staring at my mug the entire time kind of showing you a basic boot up screen on the ps5 so normally when it boots up you get the normal log into your account or it goes right into your dashboard well when he went to reboot it to get the discount all the sudden it beeped and then it beeped again and then it had a screen which i'll put up here that said connect your controller through usb and press the ps button that made him nervous so he goes like anybody dad screamed for me to come downstairs which i did and sure enough it was no big deal like okay put the controller in and we'll put push the button and so we got to the screen that had a bunch of different options for resetting for reloading for updating if you want to do a manual update well i didn't really know what the screen was um so i just said you know whatever let's unplug and do it again so i did it i figured out this is a safe mode so i'm like okay the playstation's booting into safe mode so what does that mean why googled it well safe mode is when you hold the power button down on your console it goes into safe mode and it allows you to do different updates if you can't get online or you want to do a manual update let's say you live out with sticks and you need to update the latest firmware you can download it on a usb drive plug it into your playstation and you use safe mode to do some updates if that's how you want to do it great we're not getting into the safe mode but what i realized is that his playstation when you push the power button for some reason is now stuck so as you can see when it's booting up it never actually gets past this mode that goes the dashboard it literally boots up as if the power button is stuck the entire time well how do you fix that well for me i could probably open it up and try but here is the good news i think with it for like an hour i tried to set up a brand new update i won the sony website download the latest firmware i downloaded the latest sony info into a full system reboot full system restore it worked the usb was red but every time it went to reboot to start back up it went into safe mode and that's when i realized okay the power button has to be stuck so i'm spamming the power button i'm tapping it i'm kind of pulling on it the button sounds like it's working but it's not so that told me that inside this playstation 5 console the power button is somehow stuck it's a hardware malfunction again not really that excited about it i bought this on launch so what it's been three months almost to the day the day after the super bowl this happened and i'm thinking what the heck and i didn't buy an extended warranty i didn't buy any warranty because i taken care of my stuff and typically it takes good care of me so i called sony at 5 50 at night on monday and i said hey and they close at six and i got a nice gentleman don't even know his name but the process was super easy they asked for my son's playstation id his email then they asked for my email and my phone number because i'm gonna be the point of contact they asked for the serial number of the playstation 5 they asked for the model number of the playstation 5 and obviously they tried to assess the information that i'd given them but i basically said here's the deal guys i have done the reboots i've done the restarts i've done everything you know they told me i've never heard that problem before so that made me feel really good great i love being the first in a lot of things especially when there's a brand new console they cost five six hundred bucks to pay where you bought it i i i don't like hearing that i'm the first one with this problem but here's the thing guy goes i'm going to say an email i'm going to send a box your way you're going to package a ps5 up you're going to send it back to us and we're either going to fix it or we're going to send you a new ps5 no questions asked i was like seriously i got an email right away with the tracking number for the box from fedex they're sending to me so i can actually track the box i'm going to put the playstation in there no chords nothing just the playstation by itself i'm going to put in the box when it gets here and i'm going to ship it back and as of this video everything should be going fine so if something changes and i don't get my ps5 back or there's any issues i will most definitely make a follow-up video but as of right now customer service was fast it was like 15 minutes in the phone all i gave was the basic information serial model number they sent me a little bit of a form to put in with their box which i will send you i'll show you so they can actually keep track of it in case the tracking gets messed up at least have a slip inside but that's it i was amazed i believe the ps5 has a one year manufacturer's warranty you can buy extended warranties if you want but i'm always under the impression that typically stuff breaks within a year if it's a uh uh malfunctioning hardware which is exactly what happened here he pressed the power button one time again it was his mistake he shouldn't press the power button he should have pressed the eject button that doesn't matter it's a power button it resets or it goes into safe or it goes into rest mode typically but for some reason when you press this button it literally got stuck and now everything boot up it goes into safe mode so that's my story i have a bricked ps5 i have the biggest heaviest paperweight in the history of expensive paperweights but the good news is sony has been awesome and i just want to make sure that you guys know that if you have a brick ps5 there's hope but you got to keep your receipt that's the other thing they wanted i bought mine off amazon so it's easy for me to go into my amazon account and print my receipt off if you don't have your receipt i don't know the you know big thing that's going to happen there if you buy from gamestop i'm sure they have a receipt online if you're part of a gamestop players club if you buy it from amazon obviously it's easy to track it and if you have any accounts where you bought it it's easy to track it but if you bought from walmart with cash you better hope you find that receipt because i honestly don't know i'm sure the warranty is still valid but the receipt was a huge deal and i had all that and there has literally been no questions asked so i want to let you guys know my bricked ps5 it's toast it's not even technically bricked it's just it's jam the power button is jammed and i think it's because patrick mahomes the madden curse hit this playstation 5. it took a while but the madden curse from patrick mahomes hit it just hit directly in my house so my son was bummed i told him he could use my ps5 but he plays fortnite so he's fine using his ps4 but i just want to let you guys know there is hope if your ps5 is bricked or broken call sony they'll take great care of you the serial number and the model number are on the box as well as on your console and all you need to really find is your receipt if you don't know where it's at other than that no questions asked they try to diagnose the problem they can't do it they send you a box so my box is actually gonna be here in two days from texas i'm gonna load it up i'm gonna send it back and they said it's gonna be a five uh our 10 to 14 day turnaround so we're already a week out from when i called the box hasn't showed up so we're looking at about seven days to eight days for the box to get here and then it's probably gonna be another week or two for them to get it and start working on it so this is probably gonna be close to three weeks to a month in full me calling sending it and getting back you know what it beats a broken ps5 so all right guys there you go my ps5 brick story and how to get it warrantied sony was awesome and honestly it's super simple other than the fact of being sad that a brand new system doesn't work pretty happy with the way the process has gone if you have any questions let me know in the comments below i'd be more than happy to help you it was so simple even a caveman can do it keep trolling keep rolling see you next time you
Channel: Chris Christensen
Views: 25,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bricked ps5, broken ps5, sony warranty, ps5 warranty, how to fix bricked PS5, ps5 broken, telesplash gaming, retro refresh, ps5 restock, ps5 startup, ps5 safe mode, playstation 5 broke, how to warranty a ps5, how to warranty a ps4, ps5 warranty sony, ps5 warranty sticker, ps5 power button 3 beeps, ps5 power button not working, ps5 power button turn off, retro gaming, gaming channel, video games, videogames, ps5 fix
Id: 8q79qoHN4Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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