Warning! Part One- Australia's most dangerous conman | 60 Minutes Australia

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good evening and welcome to 60 minutes I'm Tara Brown be warned the man you're about to meet is not to be believed or trusted Goran Markovic is a con artist and very good at being very bad for 40 years he's been perfecting his nasty craft lying his way around Australia and the world fleecing almost everyone he encounters from millionaire businessman to unsuspecting women no one is safe even investigating police have been mocked by this elusive catch me if you can crook but tonight the tables are turned as the Khan gets stung by two of his victims Goran Malkovich is finally caught and it's all on camera [Music] karma Harkov each table conniving you use an old-fashioned con me exploits people's weaknesses in dohee defrauding of everything they've got [Music] this is Goran Markovic a man who makes his living robbing the unsuspecting and the trusting you're a con artist and you are a safe yes you are no I'm not actually I reconnected it's done tonight two strangers have been brought together by the actions of one man but Julie maximovich and Kelly bolter have a surprise for Goran Markovic who conned his way to their lives only to steal their money and dignity okay what is your plan now Johnny what do you wanna do a campaign to cool Goran I'm going to tell him come see Julie who is owed $40,000 is intent on exposing Markovic for his lies and Kelly who lost one hundred and twenty thousand dollars also wants justice not just for herself but all his victims do you know how many victims you've come across do you know how much money has been lost to this man I probably been in contact with about 40 victims in this country in Europe and the UK and I think it's millions and millions of dollars now they want retribution unsuspectingly Markovic has agreed to meet with julie and hidden in the hotel room right next door Kelly is praying for him to arrive he said he'd be here at 10:00 a.m. by 10:30 Julie still has no word from Markovic I think fundamentally what I call him the lex luthor of the motor industry you know just couldn't lie straight in bed as sydney businessman ian Hyman now knows all too well Goren Markovic has been successfully conning people for decades but in 2000 unaware of the man's long rap sheet for fraud and forgery a made the mistake of hiring him to buy cars for his fleet sales business for several months that boy like clockwork until car stopped literally stopped turning up so as a representative of your company Markovic was seeking payment from the company's coffers for cars that it was divine that didn't exist so where was that money going I went into a bank account we don't know where that bank account was well he couldn't look at where the vehicles were and it was obviously there burn afford according to Ian it was a devastating fraud Markovic stole nearly five hundred thousand dollars by putting in bogus invoices but the true cost of his scam was much more so you lose your business over good people lose their jobs how much did that cost you in a pretty close to 1.6 1.7 million what are the members of the community have you come across that have been fleeced by this man professionals the car dealers thanks in 2002 detective Bob Brisby was called in to investigate yet another Markovic con this time he'd netted nearly $80,000 scamming close friends detective Brisby got his man but Markovic got bail saw his chance and skipped the country and when I went to pick him up couldn't find him and it doubt to you later just sitting in the office I got a phone call and it was it was good Goran st. Bob just wanted to let you know that I was too good for you I've gone from the country saying you'll never get me I don't never coming back I said yeah fair cop going okay wanna be this week this month or this year but I'm sure we'll meet again for the past 15 years this tenacious copper has been on Markovic tail keeping track as he crisscrossed the world the 58 year old Khan traveled on false passports impersonated army Colonels azio and Interpol agents and claimed to be a pilot no matter the lie it always came with a con and no matter where he was there was always time to taunt Bob by phone and with postcards did that make your blood boil oh I think the best way to say is to me it's just another job I mean he was interesting to me is a the lawn is to a gardener it was just another job but it's a job that doesn't seem to be going away no Dave's persistent coming up Goren's trail of deceit did you believe that your life is in danger I did now a daring plan to catch the conman sure yep and later in the program Charlie is charmed nice people go into politics by New Zealand's pregnant PM plus of the real Robbie Williams there's this whole ship that is the Titanic I'm the captain and you're trying to not crash into the iceberg all that stirs come on 60 minutes
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 895,333
Rating: 4.6052098 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, 60 Minutes Australia, Crime, Fraud, Investigation, Goran Markovic, Tara Brown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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