Is this Australia's most dangerous conman? | 60 Minutes Australia

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good evening and welcome to 60 minutes I'm Tara Brown be warned the man you're about to meet is not to be believed or trusted Goran Markovic is a con artist and very good at being very bad for 40 years he's been perfecting his nasty craft lying his way around Australia and the world fleecing almost everyone he encounters from millionaire businessman to unsuspecting women no one is safe even investigating police have been mocked by this elusive catch me if you can crook but tonight the tables are turned as the con gets stung by two of his victims Goran Malkovich is finally caught and it's all on camera Goran mahaki feature table conniving he's an old-fashioned con me exploits people's weaknesses in doe he defrauding of everything they got this is Goran Markovic a man who makes his living robbing the unsuspecting and the trusting you're a con artist and you are a safe yes you are no I'm not a cheese tonight two strangers have been brought together by the actions of one man but Julie maximovich and Kelly bolter have a surprise for Goran Markovic who conned his way to their lives only to steal their money and dignity okay what is your plan now Johnny what do you want to do a campaign to call Goran I'm going to tell him come come see Julie who is owed $40,000 is intent on exposing Markovic for his lies and Kelly who lost one hundred and twenty thousand dollars also wants justice not just for herself but all his victims do you know how many victims you've come across do you know how much money has been lost to this man I probably been in contact with about 40 victims in this country in Europe and the UK and I think it's millions and millions of dollars now they want retribution unsuspectingly Markovic has agreed to meet with julie and hidden in the hotel room right next door Kelly is praying for him to arrive he said he'd be here at 10 a.m. by 10:30 Julie still has no word from Markovic I think fundamentally what I call him the lex luthor of the motor industry you know just couldn't lie straight a bit as sydney businessman ian hymen now knows all too well Goren Markovic has been successfully conning people for decades but in 2000 unaware of the man's long rap sheet for fraud and forgery a made the mistake of hiring him to buy cars for his fleet sales business for several months that boy like clockwork until car stopped literally stopped turning up so as a representative of your company Markovic was seeking payment from the company's coffers for cars that it was divine that didn't exist so where was that money going I went into a bank account we don't know where that bank account was well he couldn't look at where the vehicles were and it was obviously they burn a Ford according to Ian it was a devastating fraud Markovic stole nearly five hundred thousand dollars by putting in bogus invoices but the true cost of his scam was much more so you lose your business over good people lose their jobs how much did that cost you in a totally close to 1.6 1.7 million what are the members of the community have you come across that have been fleeced by this man professionals the car dealers thanks in 2002 detective Bob Brisby was called in to investigate yet another Markovic con this time he'd netted nearly $80,000 scamming close friends detective Brisby got his man but Markovic got bail saw his chance and skipped the country and when I went to pick him up couldn't find him and it died out to you later just sitting in the office I got a phone call and it was Goran st. Bob just wanted to let you know that I was too good for you I've gone from the country saying you'll never get me I don't never coming back I said yeah fair caught going okay wanna be this week this month or this year but I'm sure we'll meet again for the past 15 years this tenacious copper has been on Markovic his tail keeping track as he Criss crossed the world the 58 year old Khan traveled on false passports impersonated army Colonels Azio and Interpol agents and claimed to be a pilot no matter the lie it always came with a con and no matter where he was there was always time to taunt Bob by phone and with postcards did that make your blood boil oh I think the best way to say is to me who's just another job I mean it was interesting to me is a the lawn is to a gardener it's just another job but it's a job that doesn't seem to be going away no days persistent coming up Goren's trail of deceit did you believe that your life was in danger I did now a daring plan to catch the conman and later in the program Charlie is charmed nice people go into politics by New Zealand's pregnant PM plus of the real Robbie Williams there's this whole ship that is the Titanic I'm the captain and you're trying to not crash into the iceberg he's like a chameleon he just takes on the persona of what he thinks will help him to steal money and it changes from victim to victim con artist Goren Malkovich is most farcical and brazenly made worldwide headlines in 2005 at a routine Road check in Serbia Markovic tried to pass himself off as action hero and movie star Bruce Willis handing over a forged Australian passport in the American actors name Markovic was jailed not just for his stupidity but for the stolen car he was driving and the dozen other fake identities in his possession I mean Bruce Willis why would he do something like that no no and and I guess there is a slight resemblance back then to Bruce was unaware at the time of the ridiculous Bruce Willis impersonation Kelley bolter was immediately taken in by Markovic when they met at a Florence youth hostel in 2014 he started telling me that he was very wealthy and he had done many assignments for Asia on and off over the years did this wealthy spy explain why he was staying at a youth hostel yes because his documents and credit cards and passport had been stolen they quickly bonded as fellow Australians abroad and like travelers often do decided to take a road trip together little did Kelly know she was being groomed to fund this man's outlandish Odyssey it's odd to say but at the beginning I felt very safe with him I guess I started seeing him as an older father figure they ended up in Brussels where things got truly bizarre he was investigating an assassin of American oil executive there and it had gone terribly wrong he said and that this international crime gang knew of my existence and my life was in danger so we basically left to Brussels in a hurry so now you're on the run yes now we're on the run as far-fetched as this scenario sounds he furnished you with emails that Ryan Markovic a scam of Kelley was cemented by elaborate details which convinced her they were both in danger and it didn't have the Asia logo with it as well it was an extraordinary setup by Markovic Kelley started receiving direct communication signed by Todd Brown who claimed to be the assistant director of azo the man Goren told her was his boss they now have over 400 personnel in more than 50 emails from Brown Kelley was told she had every reason to feel terrified therefore they have red flagged all the accounts the bottom line is the longer this drags on the less chance you both have of getting through this unscathed do you think that Todd Brown ever sent you emails or no no I think gar and Marc fitt wrote all the emails at the time Kelly did not know this she truly believed Todd Brown was real even as Markovic as claims became wilder and Wilder Markovic told Kelly he now had to go on the run from his own people at Asia he was also wanted by the US Secret Service and don't forget the nasty international crime gang that was out for his blood and by default Kelly's too just take me to your mindset during this seven months I mean did you for that entire time believe that you were on the run did you believe that your life was in danger [Music] I was extremely isolated I was traveling alone I didn't know anyone at all by now kelly was completely at the mercy of Markovic who'd become her tormentor he taken her credit card and had started to abuse her at other times he'd leave Kelly stranded claiming to be on another assignment scared for my life and I just often he took my passport so he just stranded me literally I felt like I was being held hostage Markovic kept Kelly captive by falsely claiming she'd be detained indefinitely by authorities if she tried to leave Europe in the end even that was a better prospect than staying with her abuser and as she found of course she was free to return home at what point did you realize that you were a victim here not of an espionage nightmare but of a complicated elaborate scam it was very difficult for me to accept it had been a scam why was that difficult it was so embarrassing and shameful that I'd fallen for such a scam and I just didn't think someone could be that ruthless and cruel Markovic stole 120 thousand dollars from Kelly and her family after she escaped he turned his attention to conning people in France kind enough to give him work the amounts were smaller but enough to get him deported in 2016 and eventually back into the hands of detective Bob Brisby did you always think you'd get this man no no but I maintained with international authorities where he was coming back into the country that's when rather than just monitoring and watching him loose we were able actually to act picking up some 15 years later yeah Markovic was finally convicted for the $80,000 fraud he committed back in 2002 and last year was sentenced to 18 months jail of which he served seven months but as you'll learn even while incarcerated Goran Markovic was up to his old tricks if he's knocking on your door down and saying if he's ringing don't talk if he wants something don't give it to him simple because if he sees an opportunity he will exploit it so don't give me one coming up caught in the act okay should I call you Goren no should I could you risk well at all who are you today but this time there's no escape what are you going to do now you know run again you're a straight-up fake that's next on 60 minutes Julie maximovich is in the middle of Goran Malkovich's latest scam he owes her money and as you'll hear every day he has another excuse for why he hasn't paid it back while she knows who she's dealing with now it was a very different Julie six months ago everyone deserves a second chance in life let's help him what was he offering you a sob story what was it that oh yeah convinced you he needed a second sob story there is nothing in the world like this person he is so convincing so convincing Markovic persuaded julie to lend him $20,000 she admits she was too trusting of a man she'd only ever spoken to on the phone and who was in jail for fraud at the time a fellow inmate who was a relative of Julie's had got them talking I found the best friend the way he spoke how gentle he was how understanding he was how supportive he was Markovic claimed he was temporarily short of cash but would pay back Julie double the amount she lent him an irresistible deal of $40,000 in return and I began to share these such stories with my daughter Susanna so there is he's a serious scammer posted as a si AJ and she immediately said to me mum something's wrong mum get away from this man confirming their suspicions were online warnings about Markovic from Kelly bolter who had lost her life savings to the conman it seemed that you now had a mindset where gone Markovic was your target I realize is quite a bizarre unbelievable story now and so I was trying to gather as much information to prove it Kelly now had an ally in Julie who was tired of Markovic tall tales you'll get the money today you'll get the money tomorrow you'll get it the day after and it kept going and going in different stories different lies hi how are you and while filming with Julie we get to hear some of those lives the first lie is extraordinary Markovic tries to play on Julie's sympathy and claims his mother is in a coma for sugar and if she tweets or any little movement that's that's a big sign but this is Goren's mother frail but clearly not in a coma as she delivers plastics to the recycling bin we transfer religion because I'd like to say flowers what a doctor's saying please and then there's Markovic says he's expecting a call from the National Australia Bank which will explain where Julie is missing many years and lo and behold Markovic gets a call within four minutes for no-one to be heard on the other line it's a good act Markovic feigns anger even though liz from the bank is obviously a figment of his imagination do you ever expect to see your money again never why have you not gone to the police shame fear embarrassment but together julie and kelly are working to finally bring down this career fraudster I just want that opportunity to face him one last time and to reinforce that I'm a strong person and that he didn't beat me as part of the plan julie has managed to convince Markovic to visit her today three hidden cameras placed around the apartment will capture their every move in the room next door Kelly will watch and wait I feel like I'm dreaming well I feel like did she's unlike me but this is part of what you wanted right you wanted to confront him I did I did and this is something I have to do running late Markovic doesn't bother to call Julie but leaves his home and appears to be heading towards her location okay we've heard now that he's very close how does that make you feel um very anxious yeah bit scared how do you think he's going to react to you oh he'll be very shocked he's getting out of the car now he's walking through the back of the car I'm filming him Markovic has arrived and is now only moments away Kelly has been waiting for this day for more than three years despite her rising anxiety Julie keeps her wits as she welcomes Goran in they talk on the balcony he tells Julie his mother now needs a $60,000 hip replacement as for the money he owes Julie he claims regrettably and without further explanation that it has been stopped by odds track a government agency that investigates money laundering and terrorism are you ready to go in you're sure about this you can still say that and the Goron lukovitch para browser in 60 minutes all right you know Kelly obviously I do you doing oh my god and I've exposed you for the liar that you are and the criminal that you are and we want our money back you you yourself you yourself light that I heard your cost hostage anything you like that I owe you for the Forrester and the lie that you are and where's our money surely you want our money back you and I want an apology and I want you back in jail it's way below is that right yes it is you're lied Goren let's talk about who lies here okay should I call you Goren oh I got you first when I roll I shouldn't call you at all you shouldn't corneal should I call you a dream or Demetrius that's gone - oh my or Todd or Stephanie who are you today you guys know we're not finished I think you would like to know where the money is going and when you're giving it back for a con Markovic forgot one of the first rules of engagement on arrival he didn't take note of his closest exit how can you stand here and accuse these people of lying when you're a fraud stirrer you're a thief you're a straight-up what I think it's what all those poor people you've ripped off things to do now you know run again run back to Serbia where you wanted as the records show Markovic is wanted in Serbia for embezzlement and of all those fake identities the only one he argues against is Bruce Willis get the idea that you looked anything like Bruce Willis actually it wasn't Bruce pretending you're someone you're not but not Bruce Willis is that what you say no the third that we walk the more he denies and the larger the lies why did you claim to work with the Interpol why did you claim to do that if you weren't trying to rip people off you have no idea and I'm telling you you have no idea Markovic finally sees an escape route oh you've got a car here Goren why don't you get into your car as Goren speeds away back in the apartment Kelly and Julie are mostly relieved I wasn't as scary as I thought and he didn't intimidate me like he did before hello but even now Markovic wants the last word within minutes he calls Julie to taunt her if only she had waited she would have got her money so he's underlying my money he said you should have waited till choose that when say you would have had your money but she's don't well you know this has been going on for six months needless to say Julie has given up ever seeing her money again Kelly continues to work on warning others unlucky enough to ever encounter Goren Markovic as does the good detective Bob Brisby who is all too aware of the pain behind the fast that's the biggest tragedy of it all and if they're real people families and just trying to make their way you were just being before it at the basest level of trust it's very sad it's the old saying that if there is doubt there is no doubt if you're thinking should I be giving this person or mortgaging my house for this person don't do it plain and simple hello I'm Tara Brown thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusive 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,292,137
Rating: 4.6440387 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Tom Steinfort, Ellen Fanning, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Michael Usher, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Sarah Abo, con man, worlds most dangerous con man, casanova con man, con, dangerous conman, australian con man, conman, scam, scammer, Goran Markovic, con artist, catch me if you can, love scam
Id: d8qzko41X5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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