Warming Winter Squash Ginger-Turmeric Soup

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hi i'm jane esselstyn i'm paulie labar and i'm ann esselstyn and paulie is my daughter-in-law and polly has done some great videos with us in the last uh season if you will and right now by the way it is winter of 2021 so we're all here tested and together and so happy but polly has a wonderful alliteration of a title for us i'm calling it a warming winter squash soup i got it right wss yes and i kind of tweaked and invented this with a lot of help from my daughter's babysitter maria we've been making different rounds of it and the idea was what could we make that was nourishing and simple and invigorating and energizing all the things you need in the dark january uh doldrums and we have no idea polly has like all these systems in place right now that we don't use usually when we cook so she's saying it's simple in this nest and we're and we're gripped well it's simple it's just a few you see all the ingredients right here plus a little miso the main star is kabocha squash i am a fanatic i think this is the best tasting squash that you possible to be with because whenever you're somewhere where there's cabbages and squash she buys all of them i mean where do they hoard them it's the one thing in my garden winter squash that i've not been able to grow you can use other squash if you like if you like a red curry or you like a coconut which is a new kind of squash that's that again coconut coconut dan barber the guy from um stone barns has a new seed uh company and they have crossbred kobocha and butternut squash and i got a few but i still this is still my favorite so how many of those would you need to equal one of these well you can put both in i wouldn't do the whole soup with this i just think the flavoring and if you can ha use a squash that has skin on uh qualities and that would be the coconut that would be this what else can you use with the skin on delicata powder yeah so it depends on what you like i just think the nuttiness of this really contributes to this soup then we're going with fresh ginger i get this ginger from my farmer's market it's so you can see it hasn't cured yet so it almost looks like albino isn't it awesome can we get a close-up on that look at that yeah so that's fresh ginger and what i love this is my my ginger which is like what i love about this ginger is you don't really have to do anything you obviously don't have to peel it it it smells like a difference it grates and slices up so nicely and the flavor's wonderful so we're gonna grate that i've already grated the ginger and then turmeric you know looks like little crazy knobs sticks uh yeah and so i've graded up a bunch of fresh turmeric and you can see my fingers are yellow from that look at that look at that look at her nails so great all right so we have squash we have fresh ginger we have fresh turmeric we have bok choy and we have napa cabbage and then miso and those are the ingredients okay wow so this is super powerful ingredients for myself i will say i've tried this with a bunch of different squashes as i said different greens but i decided not to use kale because i use kale every which way to sunday every single day every single week and i love the crispiness and the different textures that you get from these so follow along if you want to throw in peas or you want to throw in kale or you want to throw in collards this soup is completely fungible the only thing you really have to have is a squash ginger and turmeric tangible sounds a little like fungus so can we define fungible meaning you can swap things out in and out it's very easy was [Laughter] no we're going to get to work now my goodness okay so the first thing that we're going to do is what i usually do this is this is sort of a um prep and coordination intensive recipe but not a complicated recipe if that makes sense all right first two things we're gonna do is we're gonna come on over wait if you'll come on over jane and ann can you get the grated you know maybe uh yeah get the grated uh turmeric and ginger and we'll show people how we do that after i'm gonna get two things going in your biggest steamer pot if you this is just a pasta pot uh with an insert so if you have something like that i'm throwing um a few thumb length uh ginger and turmeric whole can you get a picture of them in the middle yeah and this was maria's idea which was you can infuse the vegetables because we're going to steam the vegetables with the ginger turmeric flavor and while they're steaming okay then the same thing we're going to i want to get this going on your stove we're going to throw in three tablespoons each of grated fresh turmeric where are you going ann and i already measured this is measured and grated ginger just throw it in here we're gonna this is the base for the soup we're going to simmer this for about 15 minutes while we finish our prep all right so that's going to get done let it go just let that simmer and we're going to cover this because we're going to start to steam some vegetables in that now let's go back to our prep uh do you think we want to show people how to grate the ginger and the wee bit a wee bit weave it super easy with this with this fresh stuff i just use a microplaner or even a box grater boom boom boom boom boom boom boom so easy to do and then same thing with the turmeric i do peel the turmeric because it can be like sort of a nasty root with dirt on it so you might want to then you get your fingers that turmeric is amazing gosh yeah look at that and the smell you're already getting the aroma so this soup is like the aroma is feels healthy and and as you see paulie you're also all always turning yellow and i will say this soup is so i'm gonna add this to here yeah we don't want to waste it i've been eating this soup for breakfast lunch and dinner lately it's my new favorite all right we're going to get started on prep the veg is really easy i've started to chop up roughly some bok choy if you would just do the rest and then we're going to wash it jane's going to roughly chop you know roughly roughly chocolate the whole thing yeah we'll we'll use we might not use the whole thing in the recipe for this with one kabocha squash this is kind of a big kombucha squash i use about four to six of these baby bok choys if you only have big bok choy use three to five you know you can you can figure that out depending on how big your napa cabbage is because sometimes they come enormous yeah they're like small children right um use half or use a whole this one will probably put it in half and then do it because you can do it however you want again this recipe should be it's fungible it's fungible okay carving the kabocha this is not going to be pretty guys and we'll try not to lose a finger polly is inordinately strong what's happening over there so that she can wrestle her kabochas to the ground i'll get this started and then we won't bore you with the entire details but okay i need a spoon right in front of your right in front of you here okay so this is how i do this i just spoon out spoon out the seeds is this is this too small i'm surprised some kind of rough chop like linguinish yeah linguine or bigger yeah even big even bigger i think for the napa cabbage i do i do half an inch to an inch oh okay i'm getting bigger there you go how about on this should i cut this one you see how i have it no that's probably too small of a chop i should have said that i think a rough chop is nice for these in the so do i put this in the pot already nope not yet we're gonna go squash first okay i just want to show them how to cut the squash and then we'll maybe we'll speed it up so the way that i do this again the sl slices and we can we can share more details in the show notes because this is a made-up recipe it's not in any book as yet but so uh i just like to do little like half inch to quarter inch slices that's probably almost too thick but you know this is hard to work with so it really depends on your knife and how like this is an ideal and so i'll just go through this whole squash get that ready and then we'll we'll once all the veggies are prepped we'll get on to the next step so we'll do our jumping jacks and get this going i have a quick question before we do that actually um sometimes we've been working with butternut squashes and things people said like i like to microwave mine for just a minute or two to get a little bit softer so it's a little safer but if um have you ever done that you don't have a microwave no we have a microwave but that yes that rings of sacrilege no we are going to steam the ever living guts out of this squash because we want it almost falling apart um so we're going to just get these slices going and then we're going to do a big steam batch steam job before we assemble the soup i love this sort of motion i mean that is really cool did you invent that necessity that's just my style you know other people may have a different style because i find you know it's you got to be careful you don't want to get your fingers i wasn't even doing the right you know hold your fingers back right would this recipe take this whole squash i'm we're going to steam this whole squash so maybe jane's going to try that's what i'm trying to get let me get this out of your way and we'll oh that's all right you're good you keep you you're doing the big work do you you do you yeah so one of the inspirations behind this soup was um i'm i was reading this book about chinese medicine and the five seasons and you know moving from fall to winter you're moving from yan to yin and what what is energizing but also also nourishing and miso which figures into the soup is you know alkalizing and nourishing and immune boosting so oh should i get to six tablespoons of that going or to maybe well let's wait okay all right so this can go over there just to wait yeah those are all going to go over to the steaming central because we're going to do a batch steaming of all the vegetables so is this soup smooth or is it rough is it pureed or is it chunky well i'm gonna try to be like polly this soup is um not pureed the whole i love that you have the chunky chunk chunks of vegetables and um my husband zeb your son loves it as it coalesces over time because what happens is this which is super hard right now uh first it gets steamed then it gets cooked and then the flesh of it starts to integrate with the broth and it becomes just delicious oh i can hardly wait for the final product you know what well okay we'll just get this done i was thinking we could throw some in the steamer and why don't you maybe do that just pick it up and five second rule it's gonna get seamed anyway i throw a layer so what what ann's gonna do right now is she's gonna throw the first layer of squash into the steamer i do this in batches because you can't put everything in at once um that might be too much anne no that's good we can do a whole another handful so we're going to paulie is this one okay that's perfect so we're going to put the top on that smells so good over here guys oh the with the ginger and the turmeric ginger and turmeric central over here it's so hard to put the extra r in the turmeric i always say turmeric but it's chunk turmeric so we're going to batch steam this and on the kabocha squash last time i made this i didn't steam it as much as i could have you want it almost like when you when you pick it out of the steamer kind of falling apart you want it that cooked uh and you'll it'll just integrate with the soup better if we do it that way this knife that you gave us is so much better right oh my gosh i mean i know it let's see let's wash the uh we haven't washed this like that and a smally washer that was too small it's okay it's fine you and you didn't finish your job well that seems like a lot well we're gonna use a dog you wanna you wanna just chop that up over wow we're working for this soup i mean this is like half i made this soup for the half esselstyn thanksgiving oh yeah oh i saw you yes i heard that it was a smash well you know what there was so much else that was good that i think it was almost like it was almost like um a palette cleanser the next day it mostly got eaten as leftovers rather than on thanksgiving don't let this be prohibited this difficulty jumping because i think it's really worth it but it is it is gold in this mine of uh i think kobocha sounds so much like kombucha okay now i can't say the other one what do people drink these things kombucha kombucha kabocha yeah this is great and the veggie again you can roughly chop it doesn't really matter what it looks like yeah it's fine [Music] so now the kabocha squash is like falling apart steamed which is exactly how i want it and you might want to just i eat this stuff by the pound um so we're just we're just taking it out of the steamer and we're going to throw in the next batch and actually what i'm going to what if you just take it out yeah let's add a little more water wade you want to look and show them what this water looks like it's just it's just delicious it's just completely infused with ginger and turmeric and the other thing that you can see right next to it this we're basically making broth for the soup and the broth is water ginger and turmeric you want to throw that out yeah that's perfect okay we got to get that boiling again and we're going to throw in the next batch it's a little time consuming on steaming but it's really worth it if you put it in before throw it all in yeah oh there's a yummy chunk i want to try it try it jane wait until you try it you ca isn't that delicious taste just like the squash wait it's like um oh there's just sorry the skin i was stunned by how what does it thick what does it taste nutty it's nutty and wait look at a little ginger turmeric okay it's just as good we're eating the hide and look at the colors i mean the colors are just we're not going to have any soup left wow so the soup there's orange and green that is really good yeah once we get once we get the squash all steamed we're going to throw the napa cabbage and the bok choy into the same steamer just to wilt it we barely even uh need to steam it and maybe we will save time and not and then we're going to throw it into the pot the soup pot yep wow look at this look it's so yummy i just want to lick the handle probably i know and try not to eat all the squash while you're waiting all right we're in the home stretch so we're taking out the rest of the squash and in fact i might just oh is it is it is it it's decorating oh it's so great okay so we're taking out the rest of the squash now let me in you let i'm gonna let you in in a little secret which is i should turn it off or no no keep going oh good i'm going to throw in the bok choy now you can skip this step and go right to assembling the soup i like to get it a little bit wilted but we are gonna skip the step of putting the napa cabbage in the steamer so we're gonna start to assemble the soup uh so you can see we've got this broth going right here with the ginger and the turmeric the next thing we're going to do ow that's hot is we're going to throw not all of this but a good bunch of it and especially all the yummy little pieces that have fallen apart because those oh so we could have been snacking down little bits of it please snack eat as much as you want i make this much because having this in the fridge in a tupperware having all this squash georgie my daughter will eat it we'll put it in her lunchbox you can make another dinner with it put it over right i feel like it tastes like something i mean you put a piece like that in her lunch oh sure she she just eats this by the pound too so you can see i'm going to put some more in i mean i might end up using quite a bit of this you can eyeball it's like pumpkin meats i don't know even pumpkin it's like hummus i i don't know how do you it has a very different quality than other squashes it doesn't it's almost less vegetable and more more grainy and nutty yeah it's fungible no okay so i've used what have i used like two-thirds of this guy i could probably use more now see all this stuff that's almost turned into like a paste this becomes the thick broth okay let's let's stop there here here's some okay stuff why don't you this is good let's let's take that away i'm going to throw in some napa cabbage if you can hand me the how's this doing this is fine we can just turn this off let's just throw this in so again let's take like half of it throw it in again this is sort of an eyeball situation i think half of the napa cabbage will work and then jane can you throw in the bok choy yup get a spoon give it a stir the one thing you have to know about this recipe is you can see from my fingers don't cook this in a white shirt or sweater and realize that your cutting board in your spoon and probably your metal grater will turn yellow forever but it's good memories all right so that's good that's good we we probably have more vegetable matter and we might want to add water i neglected to say at the beginning that this is 12 cups of water so what i have is 12 cups of water simmering with three tablespoons each of fresh ginger and fresh turmeric that's the broth so this is basically the soup there's one more step here's what we're going to do you want one more cup of water let's throw one or two more cups of water in there yeah throw that in there um great okay we can move this out of the way and our final step is a fun one let's see how i just put the rest of this in there's not very much sure we're adding all the rest of the bok choy and always adds everything she can everything she can okay here we go unlike brian who leaves half of everything now i'm just the right part so now i'm just going to dip out oh let's say a cup a cup and a half try not to get any of the broth then we're going to take six tablespoons of miso so the miso on this you can use um i'm using sweet white sweet white miso i actually tend to use um there's a kind of misho miso called kyoto shiro miso which you will like because it has much less sodium than most misos because they use a higher proportion of the koji white rice to the soybeans how many did i do two three but you can use chickpea miso you can use mellow white miso for and you can use sweet sweet white miso five six you were missing you know you were missing a lobe of it last time so maybe you should go with that six well actually yeah and and it's a little bit personal how much you like miso the miso flavor i did this with one i'm gonna use a fork this is my way i make a slurry i i did uh one tablespoon per cup of water and it was not good [Laughter] it was very personal someone brought me some miso soup one time um and she was like i just love this and she was eating and she was drinking it and i i have to wait till things cool down because my tender palate i took a bite of it and i felt like it was on my magic trick i was like there was so much salt yeah like everything in me just like went to powder right like how can she be drinking this and eating this and i couldn't have a second bite one note about miso is you never want to boil it so this is why we do this as the last step the soup is i did not know that why don't we well you don't want to boil it because this is a fermented food and and the enzymes and the bacteria boil away the aromatic quality boils away so when you're reheating the soup when you're making it at this point at the end of whatever yeah or but then you're going to when you reheat it just make sure it never it never boils just get it simmering okay so you can see that that's all dissolved now we have our miso slurry and we're going to miso slurry we're going to throw this in here okay oh well i hadn't had it completely organized but that's okay and then we're going to give it a good stir give the floor a good start to start to see what these beautiful colors again simple simple soup with quite a bit of prep but i promise you the prep's worth it uh so if we ate this right now it would be absolutely delicious but what i tend to do is make this soup say in the morning or early afternoon if i'm gonna serve it for dinner and i get it to this point then i put it the cover of the dutch oven on it and i let it sit on the stovetop for the rest of the afternoon while cooking or just sitting there just sitting there off the the stove is off what if we put it into the a wonder bag it would just stay nice and warm yes and the point is by the time that you eat it the a lot of the squash has disintegrated and and integrated into the broth so it's a much thicker so when when you serve somebody a hunk in your bowl and they get a whole half of a squash you just put that right in their bowl absolutely and it looks beautiful and it's so uh delicate and steamed and cooked but it'll fold yeah it'll fall apart bold that's why i like to do the half moons rather than chopped up because again it's a different look it's just i think it looks beautiful in a bowl i'm actually getting bowls out here if we're really going to taste it because i want to give it a go but again i don't think it's it's best until it's it sits for a little while okay what do you think i'd love to just try can we just try it though yeah i should try it can we just here's our are we out of spoons we have blotches let's try this i'm bringing our bowls over oh well so you're getting right now you're getting all the ginger and the turmeric and it will start to get creamier with the squash as you let it yum do i just do this or sure could we put it in here all right i want you to serve because i don't really know how to approach it it's got like like like i have a shark fin coming out looks like yeah it's not quite it's not quite where i would like to serve it but we're gonna we're gonna go for it i was dying to taste it yeah i mean in a way this is almost the super clean version i mean look at that that just looks like health incarnate the other thing the other thing that i do so you know that we put it we set aside some of the kabocha that we didn't sort of fit in i might even put i'm looking at it now i might put the rest in or the next day i might add a few more cups of water and then add any other vegetables that i have left over and throw them in i would love to know what other veggies and what other combinations other people would try with this i i experimented and this is what i came up with i tried peas because they're kind of sweet and that's kind of a neat um i tried uh i wanted to try a different color so you could if you do a beet it bleeds but like a watermelon radish or something but that's wasn't the right texture one more for wade can't forget wade no wait wait wait wait i don't know if this is going to be spicy enough for you oh no no it looks great this is the cleansing post post-holiday post-over-indulging uh january doldrum soup oh look what jane did pretty put a little thin in these because i don't want to have a shark fin i want to have a kombucha fin okay that one just just has skin over here well that's got more of a hunk okay wow so polly the star soup is going to stay on our stove apparently until tonight until we until we want to eat it for for dinner so we'll just literally put the put the nice heavy top on it turn it off wow and when we come back give it a whirl it'll be creamy and delicious but can we try it right now at this stage let's see it's still good we've been hearing about this for months and i can't believe the time has come to have our own bowl yeah you want some hot sauce on yours oh no gosh it's a ginger [Music] wow and fresh turmeric needless to say this has all those immune healing properties you could ever so it's mellow right now i'm glad i'm trying it now because it feels mellow or not um you know it feels more like a clear broth and it's gonna it's going to become and some of the gap light was totally different and the greens are gonna well thank you holly for our warming winter squash soup oh my gosh well and we have extra kombucha and kabocha but that's okay no i want to say it right we actually practice we've had google teaches how to say it um but thank you so much everything you bring to um our channel is unique it's unique delicious but just so so so nutrient dense and like authentic this is i feel like we're eating literally whole food this is great for breakfast oh that's what i've been eating that's my jam savory breakfast cheers like finally asked what are you going to put in here you're watching you're warming winter squash soup tell us what squash you like tell us what vegetables you use throw them in the comments and in the show notes we'll give you all the information polly will give you it's amazing just the broth is so good all right cheers [Music] you
Channel: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn
Views: 30,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: js42-a0pZ5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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