Warm Audio Pedal Clones (Foxey Tone Box, ODD Box, Warmdrive, Mutation Phasor 2, Centavo, Jet Phaser)

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to uh episode here all about these warm audio pedals and the company warm audio I'm excited to do this I've got uh Joshua with me how you doing over there hello I'm doing well he's braced in the comments for the upcoming Wrath of comments I believe so this thumbnail is a little clickbaity because I think the subject is sort of click-baity without even being clickbaity I don't know if that makes sense um the the subject is has warm audio gone too far with these particular clones and so this is like a Hot Topic I would say I think it deserves the stinger and Hot Topics is just like this is all over forums uh probably a couple weeks late on this but I don't care and I think it's a really interesting subject that I've covered to some extent on some different episodes um talking about our clones bad things like that and this is such a particular case of one part of the story that what we're doing here is kind of just we just want to hear what you think um this this brand has gotten some heat for this and if we look down at them these are very very like obvious clones of things so I'm just going to go through them here and show you uh what they are and then we're gonna hear from warm audio I have a couple Clips so I told them I was doing this I invited them to this I believe they're in the chat as well and one thing that I do want is to keep this super civil be kind or you don't have to be here and we can be out we just really want to have a discussion about a bit of what I feel to be at times a double standard a little bit of a hypocrisy and petals is what I would call it where it seems like pedals are forced into some vacuum possibly that no other industry or even in the Guitar World products are forced into so I feel fairly neutral in my opinion of these but I want to hear from you like I think there's a lot of amazing stuff and then I think there's things like this odd that really push it um where it's like man Mike Fuller there's no way he likes that you know and so I understand the Dynamics here and I just want to go through what each one is and then we're going to have a discussion and we're going to actually take some surveys so the first thing would be the first release the foxy tone box this is a replica of a long out of production Fox tone machine even down to what's called flocking um this is a material where it's it's put on with elect it's hard to explain but Google flocking and they even replicated that and honestly this is a masterfully done clone the warm audio foxy tone box is phenomenal it has the original NOS Fairchild transistors and there is something about the aesthetic that's part of the charm here so I I personally love this uh boxy tone box and then let's go across here this is a new release that came out with the odd box here these two so the moot they call it the mutation phaser two you can't really see it because of the glare but it is a clone replica of a musatronics neutron phaser II now it's obviously quite smaller that is literally it's a little above it but it's almost twice as small but it is identically made like the proportion is just halfed so it'd be like halfing the recipe of cookies or something you know same cookie this smaller batch and it's it's much smaller you're missing this rotary as well which is unnecessary so there's that okay now this company exists this company Fox no longer exists as it did but mutron technically exists so this is a a debate here let's keep going through these and then Josh I'll come to you with any comments there might be or questions and we'll just kind of worm through this with another video from warm audio next we have jet phaser this was in the first batch in the mid late mid 70s um Roland kind of pre-boss they had this amazing jet phaser the ap7 my knob is broken I am I'll be okay it's if you have a knob out there just mail it to me because I can't find one but this is a really nice replica um obviously it's almost identical but there's obvious changes but you get the idea so the trade dress Isn't So exact here where it's a little more exact here the format knobs labels you get the idea it's pretty darn close and they were even able to say jet phaser because this has been out of production so long um we'll go to this this was a recent one we all know what this is this is the clan centaur um is it out of production or not is it available or not that's part of this discussion we're going to get into can you actually buy the big box clone anymore hypothetically you can he makes them and sells them on eBay but it's like I don't know if you could say it's accessible I don't know so this is a discussion maybe as I'm going through these tell us what you think here like too far or okay on each one I've gone through and kind of name it you know tone machine Neutron phaser jet phaser con Centaur next up is warm drive so the centavo is obviously a clone the warm Drive is a clone replica of the Zen drive so this is hermita audio Zen Drive is a legendary really the first um dumbbell pedal Maybe and they're still in business with a question mark it's like it's where do you buy them are there any made I it's hard because I look and I really can't find them um but is it accessible like we're just walking through this together just wanting to hear your feedback is this too far you know um different case this is the smaller mxr size case this is the larger case like I use so obviously they have the the yin yang is opposite on this it's kind of funny they they flipped it um but yeah this is a Zen drive and then this is the most controversial of all I think this is obviously um an OCD so let's take something like this I have a bunch of versions you know there's the old original versions and then you have like the newers um either way let's just put one of these here um I think you see the similarity uh down to the the screws on the side um the whole thing is incredibly similar and it is an exact chassis um or enclosure even down to where this is put the printing location so again did they go too far um so that's really the point of this conversation and I think this is just a good healthy thing instead of getting on forums and like gnawing into people and just saying stuff let's talk about it and I think the first thing to talk about is um what what makes something go too far so I think there's two things that can be cloned a circuit and the look and so what we're really talking about here today is the trade dress look and that's what I just showed you the look in the trade dress to be frank it's not hard to clone any of these petals or really any pedal on the market there are exceptions to this but to say you can't clone a clone and make it sound great is absurd so I'm not even going to get into that subject people do that stuff all the time people clone I mean I have a Legends of fuzz line I've cloned all the rap models you know cloning the audio is hard work but if you're good at it and you have a good team and you know what you're doing it's not rocket science where people feel like this crosses the line is the trade dress so I think today's focus is trade dress I will say off the top these all sound phenomenal they sound incredibly accurate but did the trade dress go too far so Joshua maybe there's a couple comments or something then I want to play a video from uh from them so take it away yeah so the first thing I did I dropped a poll um data warm audio go too far with trade dress and it's about a third two thirds split 37 percent of people say yes they did 63 percent of people say that they did not go too far um Charlie T says that warm audio is just doing what every other pedal maker is doing but at better prices than most the OCD is out of production so warm audio is doing us a favor um Q the Q show bottom line talked about whether or not petals are available reasonably so he thinks or sorry he or she thinks that if they're not available I take issue with that they've been doing it with Studio Gear for years okay so I think those kind those comments kind of sum up what people have been talking about I think most people don't care as long as the original pedal is unavailable or not available probably at a good price or because of Rarity okay let's uh I'm gonna show their website and talk about their other products and let's watch a video this is first I have two video clips that he graciously sent me like I said I believe they're in the chat correct are they in the chat Maybe uh maybe so Matt is yeah Matt is in the chat so you know ask them questions let's be nice this is a civil conversation this is who warm audio is so I'm going to play this clip he's going to tell you about the company hey everybody my name is Bryce young I'm the president and founder of warm audio uh Josh asked me to just give a couple thoughts about recreating and what we do and why we do it um what got me into this business is I recorded myself in my own band back in high school and uh we recorded at some local uh studios in Madison Wisconsin where I grew up and we weren't super happy with the sound quality of the recording so I started learning how to record myself in my own band and then learning about equipment and how expensive it was and then started hand building microphone preamps to get the cost down and make it more affordable for me that moved into microphones compressors other things and so we are now in the recording World a brand that's sold all over the world and there's some big names you know we've found out that James Taylor has has used our our equipment I mean Dolly Parton recently in a YouTube video is using one of our microphones so the words got now our products are are accepted and used far beyond anything I ever expected I thought it would just be a Cool brand that guys at home that wanted the sound better would buy and so it's neat to see it grow and then the last couple years we've gotten into guitar pedals the reason why is I'm a guitarist I I like effects pedals I wanted to get into that world and I think there are some pedals that are not available or underserved or maybe not manufactured correctly our first one was the foxtone machine which is just such a cool pedal because of the um the look The Fuzzy furry look and we found a lot of the transistors that were used in the original ones the uh the Fairchild transistors and I was like wow if we've got the Vintage early 70s Fairchild transistors let's build this pedal and make it available again you can't get it with the proper parts and so we made that we also made a jet phaser and then recently we've released our odd or the odd box and then also what came out with that was the mutation phaser um the mutation phasers uh based on a neutron pedal and the odd boxes is based on a pedal that I think many of us know is a pedal board staple and it's no longer available it's no longer sold or manufactured and so hey why not make it um available again and we also look at uh these things as you know making it available that's that that term making it available what does that mean you know if if a pedal is only available on one website used for example is that available and we think that the answer is no we sell in hundreds of countries all around the world and if you can only buy something one in on one website used it's not really available especially if it's no longer in production so we want to make things available that we feel like people want and um we want to do it right though we want to do it well it's not gimmicky we're not going to make something that looks kind of like something and it sounds okay we we want to build it and have it sound incredible have it look incredible make you feel good owning it based on how it looks and um yeah I guess that's that's the gist of it thanks so yeah straight from him that's that's about the company and then he got into a little bit about what they've done there's a separate clip I want to show in just a second but first let's go to their website and just honestly talk about the history of warm audio and I think this is very useful because there is this kind of there's a statement that I really really like um I interviewed George Gruen who is like a the authoritative guitar historian and he was teaching me some stuff once and he talks about guitar is not in a vacuum and I find it interesting on this clone subject that warm audio has made pro audio gear so if we go and look at microphones they have made Neumann and all these different you know u87 clones and you just don't see the fire fights that you see over pedals like people just from my perspective and you can you can tell me in the comments if I'm wrong I have never seen an argument about these um it's almost like pedals have this harder standard um I would say I mean even talking about guitars like where do you really see someone digging into like Nash for making a Stratocaster that's amazing you know because Fender does Fender's not making something of that quality it's just an interesting thing I mean look at this we have Studio pres these are obvious this obvious what these are if you're from the studio world I mean we're talking API and Neve stuff and you know it's interesting to hear him talk about availability being his motive um I think it's important to understand why they're doing it and again not citing I'm just pointing this out I'm trying to I think a good argument is to see both sides and then you have these petals so are these too far you know Joshua what's the general consensus here on the like have they gone too far thing yeah yeah so like I said uh with the poll there was yeah I wonder where it's at 60 well I ended it okay I ended it at about 60 some percent um people thought it was not too far um about 40 percent said it was but I threw up another one that said do you care do you care that warm audio is all but copying trade dress um and 28 of people say yes they care 72 percent of people say no so there's like a 10 to 15 percent range of people who think that warm audio is going too far and yet they don't care and I'm assuming that means they would buy the pedal if the opportunity Rose so that's that's interesting because it's like a conflict it's like an inner conflict of Ethics um yeah we were seeing earlier I was eating my Subway sandwich at the break table and we sat down and was like this feels like an ethics class which I think you and I get too much fun out of because it just it just feels like there's there's this there's an Ethics philosophy there's always this philosophical leanings and all this like what do you think how does it make you feel it's interesting to see that about 70 of people just say they just straight don't care about trade dress yeah yeah so that's that's the interesting thing because like if you don't care about if you don't care then where does the like where do you get into talking about whether they went whether it's right or wrong yeah to infringe on trade dress yeah so I have you know interestingly enough I think I need to speak as JHS for a second and at the risk of whatever you might think of this I genuinely get annoyed when I see people cloning morning glories and things using the trade dress like people do it uh Brazil is like the worst like there's so many clowns there but the accessibility in Brazil is like almost non-existent we almost can't ship there because our packages come up missing and it's been very hard like a super bolt I was talking to this amazing guitarist in South America and he's like a Super Bowl's 500 so there's this availability issue the economic issue of availability the economics and that's not just the money that's the supply demand issue creates these circumstances where people want to feel that they have the thing and so people will go as far as to perfectly rip our graphics and put them on an angry Charlie or a case on Angry Charlie or a morning glory Super Bowl and do I enjoy that no because that is my brand circuits I really and I've said this before I've given schematics away I don't really care there are schematics right now for morning glories most of them are wrong which I want to get to in another series I'm doing called short circuit but I care about what matters for my company and what matters for my company of 30 I don't know where we're at now 34 people or something like that the trade dress is my brand and my brand is what I've worked for 15 years on and that's what employs my employees it's what feeds their kids the circuits are circuits almost everything is derivative of something else even though I work hard I modify I create original things I still can't hold those sacred because that's silly it's a circuit that's why you go to Costco and there's 15 versions of a 52-inch TV because there's just it's you can't do anything about the tech and the circuit so I think from my perspective there is this case of are any of these Brands modern and is it hurting the company and I have to go I honestly don't think so on any of this this one's touchy I think just because of of Mike Fuller's reputation to possibly be you know whatever you want to say about him but at the end of the day it's not being made people have things to say well I'm sure they do and I I have nothing but respect for what he's done in the industry and like he's a father of Boutique whether you like him or not and I say that separated from emotion or whatever and so I'm just saying point and blank that company is not there and anyway so I'm going to play the second video and um this is where he talks about why they've gone to this extent with trade dress and we're also going to give away a box of strings sorry about trivia time after this so I think another thing that Josh is going to discuss in his episode today is the look of products and how close is too close and why do people make products look similar to other products um what first came to mind when I heard that he's talking about this was in our studio here we have a studio recording studio in our headquarters and it has a bunch of Nash guitars in it and those Nash guitars are based on fenders they look just like fenders and I love picking them up like a Stratocaster a Telecaster that really feels and looks like a strat or a Telly it makes a big difference in how excited I get um you know the energy that I put into the song or the playing that look is really important and there's other brands doing it right you got like Mojo tone doing all these Recreation apps and you know they could say hey we're making this amp it's really similar to this other amp but it looks nothing like it but the look is so important right we want that that energy that vibe that Nostalgia that comes with the look and we're a brand that's not going to hide behind that you know if I'm making something that is similar to something else and I think the market needs it I'm not going to hide it and put it in a pink box and say oh I'm I'm just I'm kind of kidding it's not that it's like hey this is what it is um it's either not available or hard to get or not built right by another manufacturer or too expensive by another manufacturer we're going to build it and let you know what it is by how it looks so I have some things here and then I'll hand it over to Joshua to talk a little bit more um whatever he's seen in the chat so there's this obvious thing of what's the difference between this and something like these companies like I'll specifically say demon effects or something so this is a a prince of sound I mean okay yeah there's an interesting thing here so these are made in China Prince of sound this is a straight up Robert Keeley the tape echo of his um very obvious here I have fallen victim to trade dress so that's an an at that I love that one because it's it's an ampersand in a circle yeah and it's like it I don't know it just trips me up because it doesn't make any sense yeah um yeah I mean when I see this all I got all I can do here I'm a little it's a little hard to talk through because I think words is hard here the thing that needs to be shared I don't even want to give this energy to go get a real any Timmins plus I don't care but when I look at this I get angry not because they clone the circuit I'm not as angry as the main reason I'm angry even about trade dress I'm angry that the knobs are too big the case is the wrong size the logo is wrong it just looks bad the the toggles way too long like this toggle looks like you can bring a boat in with it or something I mean I I don't even know what that means it's just I think it annoys me that this and this is the problem people have does this represent my company to some people who don't have access to my actual brand are they thinking this is what JHS quality is that bothers me that is a very difficult situation for me look at this one this one's even worse this is the the double barrel V4 l y r it's just this doesn't represent what I created is that demonic machines also this is lyr demonic machines is not the uh sorry demonic machines is a great company wrong company demonic machines in my mind because he just like he just said yeah yeah to make sure to distinguish yeah yeah he's a amazing demonic machines is an amazing company from America go check them out he's a small boutique Guy this is demon effects here but like this the problem with this and this for me is like man I never want someone to get these they don't even feel good the plastic Jacks not that there's anything wrong with that necessarily the quality of the finish the big top like this isn't JHS so if someone's settling for this and thinking that's our brand you get what I'm saying Joshua it's like yeah so someone did uh hold on let me pull it up let me pull it up I copied it here are we civil in the comments yes mostly that's great uh Evan Fisher said I would be pissed off if I thought I bought a JHS pedal but I really didn't I think that that's something that's interesting to think about because it's like I think demon effects the intention is that you are deceived into buying a JHS pedal whereas warm audio is not trying to deceit and that that's something interesting that he was saying because um he was like why why put it in a pink box and pretend it's like pretend that it's something that it's not it's hard with these because it does say demon I don't know it's tough I don't the intention is obviously the intention is without a doubt here's the thing we're going to capitalize on the popularity of it and sell it obviously that's both cases and then I think the line gets crossed with is it readily available I think if anyone were to say if demon effects and I don't know them I really don't care like I don't lose sleep at night over this but it's like if they were to say well we're making this because JHS is not available it's like really that we have like 600 dealers worldwide you know you can you can buy our stuff on in every place on earth almost and so I think what he's saying about warm audio is these truly do have you can't find these um and they're out of production or whatever and so I think that is interesting um anything you're seeing that you want to talk about or comments interesting question I've used the word interesting a lot I'm sorry it is an interesting subject um Matt Duncan asks is that Matt the Matt Duncan I'm not sure Josh what if wore my audio came out in the US with a clone of the Morning Glory yeah no that's a great question I think that I know this Matt Duncan highly respected person I no this is what I'm saying and and I and I got a few texts I'll I'll be candid I got a few texts about this when it happened and it's one of the reasons I wanted to do the episodes someone said Josh is another pedal three pedal Builders texted me at different times about a week after the odd the odd box came out Josh what do you think everyone wants to know what I think which to me is a little comical at times but I get it and the the comment was posed if warm audio copied my pedal the Builder's telling me this if they copied my pedal I'd be so pissed and then they let one of them laughing not that they would you know because because they considered themselves too small and he jokingly said this but and then the question is like what would I do well I would do what I've always done and I would do a cease and desist and I would say this is a violation of trade dress what I know of warm audio is no I'm I'm not like BFFs like I don't have a huge relationship here I've used some things over the years um I remember when they were wanting to get into pedals they actually asked for some advice I had no idea what they were doing you know they're very friendly they're very nice people we've used some of their mics we have some of their stuff everything they've ever made is quality that's all I know of them and then from the conversations I have a really hard time believing that's the game they're in they're not from what I can tell and I could be wrong I could eat these words later they're not in this game right that's the thing the thing is warm audio I don't think is going to make a morning glory there's no evidence that they would because we're selling it right now yeah if JHS disappeared and a year or two years later uh Morning Glory a warm Glory came up in in the store somewhere like obviously we wouldn't care because we're not making it we're not making money off of it yeah yeah I I think that that's as simple as it is right now someone was talking about the Zen drive that some that love love audio is making the Zen drive but the problem with that is that love we love tone love tone I don't remember anyway somebody's making this end drive but we don't sorry yeah do we not know if that's available go try to find a new Zen Drive I tried the other day and I couldn't and then someone says you can so I'm not sure but yeah I think to clarify and again in the comments really chime in here this is really interesting have they gone too far yes or no and then I I'd love to see some comments like where is the line um and to speak into the like guitar pedals in a vacuum thing why is it that guitar pedals have such a controversial lean on this stuff but I guarantee that people complaining probably own other devices like toasters microwaves cell phones cell phones TVs laptops again I'm not making a case I have no skin in this game I don't care I do what I do I'm transparent what I do I teach the stories and replicate stuff whatever you know what I do if you're watching this you have a good you love or hate me and that's fine what I'm saying is I think guitar pedal land is this weird vacuum that can be really hypocritical am I right or wrong I think that would be a good survey is guitar pedal land hypocritical is that a good survey yeah that feels like a good survey Bell is laughing in the corner I'm just like I just want to know I because it's I love economics it's like my favorite subject this and I think this plays into the supply to say that question again a long time yeah I mean it's is Guitar let's call it guitar pedal land is guitar pedal land hypocritical and what I mean by that is is there a double standard it seems like no one really cares about other stuff I'm not defending it I don't care I have no association with warm audio they've never paid me a dime disclaimer all these pedals showed up in the mail I didn't pay for them I think they sound good other than that I just I don't care but I'm asking what do you think there and so I think it's interesting while we're waiting on that you want to give away some strings sure um you want to do something first yeah okay I just want to make an observation that the 28 of people who actually cared that warm audio is doing trade dress stuff that never changed it is still 28 at 702 votes when I told you it was like 300 some votes okay that's interesting all right let's do trivia time good afternoon everybody this is part of the JHS show where we give away a box of free Ernie Ball strings if you guess if you know the answer to our Ernie Ball trivia question you see about that's how uh trivia yeah it is uh here's your question earthwood guitar and bass production included what four instruments in its production earthwood guitar and bass production included what four instruments in its production the first person to get the answer correct in our servers when's it for e-box of strings foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever around here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I just sing and love the Foxton machine it's so good so I have it I always like a drive after a fuzz so I have this uh the warm drive on after it [Music] thank you foreign that's fun that's fun let's get that answer trivia time okay so I'm picking two winners today man as far as I could tell nobody got it exactly right which is fair I think because it's kind of a long yeah it's like what's the blood type of Leo Fender kind of thing um so the the correct answer from Ernie Ball themselves is earthwood acoustic bases guitars mandolins and baby guitars um Jeremiah McCann said faces guitars mandolins and I think something else I can't remember exactly and Jake Reese said guitars mandolins uh sorry bass guitars and mandolins God he mentioned baby guitars in there somewhere anyway neither one of them got it completely right okay and since I'm a the generous merciful person you're very merciful Jeremiah McCann Jake Reese you both win our new World trivia time today please email me at the jhsshow at jhspedals.com send me your shipping address and what kind of strings you want all right do you uh I think it's time to wrap it up but how do we wrap this up Joshua do we do I answer a few questions do you pose a few questions guitar pedal and hypocritical we have 427 votes yes 81 percent of people say yes guitar pedal and is hypocritical okay that's reveal I mean obviously the the market research here is held within our Channel I'm gonna ask you a Zinger question yeah a Zinger yeah um possibly for you sure somebody in the chat was asking if worm audio were to make a lucky cat yeah how would you feel I I so my first answer to that would be I think how I feel might be Irrelevant in some sense the fact is it's discontinued the fact is the trade dress is legally over that's the fact I can feel a lot of ways I can wake up and feel like I don't want to eat today but I need to eat there's like feelings the problem yeah we're getting we're getting into like this is where we go on the Rabbit Trail for four hours because it's like what's the fact you can say you don't here's the problem with a lot of guitar stuff well here's the problem with the world if you don't know the problem of the world it's like you can say you don't like something that's fine I don't like a lot of stuff but forcing that on that opinion as fact is not always the case it's just not a thing so I I think the thing where ethics matter yes let's do this because it does matter because how I feel is irrelevant in that question there are there are like personal ethics there are ethics of community and then there's business second yes it's hard I beat you um business ethics are a really interesting thing that kind of get me riled up sometimes yeah because personally I anyway that doesn't matter so the way that you feel actually goes into the way that you practice your ethics yeah and so it's like what would you do would JHS if uh I don't know who's discontinued a pedal lately but let's pretend that Keely discontinues a pedal tomorrow the next day JHS reverse engineers and comes out with a clone like would you do that probably not but that's because of the way that you feel towards it yeah like I honestly I don't think like that I want to I recreate old stuff bring it back to life whatever I can't even I'm actually sitting here trying to think of a like a like a relevant I'm actually looking at the wall in front of me like relevant new releases over the last year I just can't even fathom a thing that I would do that to because I I don't care like I don't usually care about that and that I'm not in it to make that money like the motivation I don't know if that makes sense my motivation is not to like jump into that moment it's more like what am I interested in personally and I just share that and I hope it's contagious I'm not I don't feel like I'm searching the market every morning looking for the next thing that's where I have a problem with that yeah well I mean I think that's exactly it right because because of the way that you think in the way that you feel that is governing the kind of actions you take as an individual and as a business owner and so you would you this is my guess you probably would care if warm audio came out with a lucky cat but what would you do here's where business ethics it's a great question personal advice I would care but I think my feelings don't matter and you're not gonna like you're not gonna disown warm audio and never talk to them again I wouldn't I just feel like that's the game you you want to make pedals get in the game and in some sense I almost said get in the game and shut up but that's like a little harsh but it's like if you want to if you want to have a grocery store don't complain that the other person's selling bread for 10 cents less deal with it like I don't know what to say to that or come out with better bread come out with butter bread yeah okay that's all I got all right who won do we have a winner yeah Jeremiah I'm all riled up now I'm okay I guess this has been really really fun um I guess this is a place to wrap it up that's a great question I feel like we could keep going in circles and it would be pointless this is great because I'm doing a whole bunch of research on ethics right now completely unrelated it's amazing it's amazing um I guess this is it you feel good wrapping it up yeah okay we're gonna wrap it up I have nothing I feel like I've said too much let's say what we've learned all right what we've learned from the people is that number one uh warm audio probably went too far this is the people's opinion not mine warm audio probably is going too far in trade dress but nobody cares basically okay and that's based off the statistic of like 75 percent of people don't care but like 25 dude and we know that we're hypocritical that's what I've learned today yeah I like these discussions I think it's for our industry we need to be having a more people shy away from it I think people shy away from this because I mean in my position you might not like something I just said and that could be bad for my brand but like I don't care like I need to not be fake so I like hosting this kind of thing and just seeing what people say obviously this will be up forever and there'll be a lot of comments in the future so if you're watching this later just make your comments be nice be civil and I guess that's it desolate thank you for joining us joining us in the chat we love you yeah all right bye everyone bye bye bye yes see you later
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 112,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: D5Dasb8y6H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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