Warhammer The Old World: Bone Dragon Kit Review

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[Music] hello and welcome to my latest video so in this video I'm going to be taking a look at the Bone Dragon from the new Tomb Kings Army box because G's Workshop sent me the the box and I'm only reviewing the Dragon kit really because all the other models in the Box are really old and there is quite a distinct difference in the the quality of the models really between the dragon and the other models uh just because they're old although they do have like a certain charm to them and I think when they're all painted up and used in ranks and things they look pretty cool but uh the dragon definitely is the the bright spot in the box and I actually really like this model uh it comes with quite a few options as well so you can build it like I have and this is this was my preferred uh version or it might not be the best for gaming but I very r take that into account when I'm building something I always go for what I like the look of uh so this is the high priest but if you want you can have a tomb King uh on it instead and that changes the look not only of the rider obviously uh but also the howder as well so for start off you lose the the cool little uh vulture magic spell that's coming out of it um and also the um like the canopy off the top and there's also like a back plate and it's all and the front plate as well actually there's quite a few different little bits and pieces um but also if you don't use the uh the tomb King you can use uh the spur model to build like a a foot walking uh tomb prints and also you can stick his little cat uh on on the base as well the cat's supposed to be uh to go on the dragon but I thought it's you know quite a cool little model so I'll be sticking that on the base of my Tom prints and so here's one variation of that that I've built um he does come with multiple weapon options as well and uh so he has like a spear and uh I think some sort of like like a flail and a couple of other things but this was the one that I like the look of again the best so uh don't just glue them together how I have uh if you're like into really Competitive Gaming because um I probably haven't picked the best things but U for me to paint him uh think this is a like a nice looking weapon um also you have to be a little bit careful when you're building this guy because he has different arm options uh but he doesn't so the shield there um is the only thing he can hold or like the only option he has for that arm if you have him as a foot version but if you build him to go in on top of the um the Bone Dragon he has another arm that is holding the front of the Hower so you know he's like standing on it it uh and steuding himself but you could put the that hand on him by mistake and it won't fit uh the same is also true for his cloak at the back so the cloak is designed this cloak only is designed to go on the walking one the other one it's a bit bigger I accidentally did this myself it looked better so I put that one on then I discovered the shield wouldn't fit uh so just be a little bit careful when you building it because you can end up with uh something that you can't actually uh complete put putting together because um you know various parts only fit with uh other parts and it doesn't explain it that clearly in the instructions uh also you have to be a little bit careful when building the bone dragon as well uh generally it's a very simple kit to put together uh it's the really nice thing is it's very open and you can access all the areas without a problem so I pretty much just stuck the the whole thing together apart from obviously the the howder there is held on with some white tack so that'll allow me to uh pull that off and paint it separately also the head on the Bone Dragon is really really nice because that's not glued on at all and it's not tacked on either the Connecting Point on that uh is fantastic like it's so tight and stable that you don't have to glue that at all and you'll be able to leave that on it just won't ever fall off but uh if you want to spend a bit of time painting it and doing a really nice job uh you can also take the head off and then you know really focus on that which is what I'm going to be doing uh the uh so for the rider as well I've also not glued him on to the Hower uh I there's it just niggles a little bit this but if you look at the hand and arm connection point so obviously he's only tacked onto the base so it's it's not quite lined up perfectly there I wasn't too bothered about that but the hand is part of the spell with the vulture coming out so when I was building him I wanted him to be a complete piece just because mainly so I don't have bits laying all over my desk uh you know when I when it comes to painting so I'm only going to be painting this as like a a high tabletop sort of standard as a a gaming piece but you know you can't separate the hand out from the magic spell so and he's not designed to be an independent piece so if you put the uh the tomb King in here you can't use him as a separate walking model or I mean I guess you can if you wanted to go and convert him quite a bit but you know just be aware that if you want to have a a walking character model along with this you have to use this build that I've done here you can you could probably tweak it a little bit you wouldn't have to use the staff that he's holding you could switch that out probably quite easily with the the tomb King weapons but I don't think that's going to make a huge difference and I think this is probably suits the look of the model a little bit better uh the only other slight annoyance with this and this is just me being lazy really but on the The Bangles on the dragon uh you know the the sort of wrist things um when you glue them together there's a slight sort of indentation so it's quite hard to fill so what I usually do was fill it with sprew glue and then when it's all dry I'll sand it down or whatever and that's kind of what I've done here and then tided it up with a bit more uh like very thin glue on top so it's all sort of nice and neat but it looks a little bit deformed still uh if you wanted to do a like a really high-end job you'd probably have to go back and sort of sculpt over the the join part with some like green stuff or modeling putty or whatever because it like from the way that it's come out of the mold it does sort of curve inwards um or you could just leave it as like a gap maybe sculpt on a couple of clasps so it looks like it's actually uh got like a lever and a clasp clasp section on it uh which would also look quite cool and probably be a little bit easier than having to resculpt the whole thing so it's smooth all the way around uh apart from that the the model is uh you know it's it's just very easy to put together the only only so it's not hard but there is a couple of little sort of um I like weird points on the the seat that he sits on so when you're looking in the instructions at the throne there are points where it says to to glue it together and when you sort of like fit the piece in it doesn't the no real like obvious connecting points it just sort of floats a little bit there so you kind of like am I putting that in the right spot there's not too much to go completely wrong I mean you could obviously go completely wrong if you just wanted you know you weren't being careful like if you just use your brain a little bit you should be able to figure out where it goes but um it could be quite easy to you know slide it slightly to the left all right and it still look like there's no obvious thing on it that says you've done that wrong apart from when you stuck it all together and it looks slightly lopsided uh so that's true for the seat uh it's true for the Hower as well it's not very clear not the howder the canopy sorry on the howder it's not very clear uh where that connects as such like it just sort of it goes there so as long as it's kind of level you'll be fine like you know it's again they're not massive issues for you know you're going to go completely wrong but it could just look a little bit lopsided if you're not care with how you sort of glue it in and on the uh the front section so you can't quite see it in the video but he has like a little um like book tone of some sort um for I guess Raising Dead and spells and all that kind of stuff um it's not incredibly clear which way around the book goes I accidentally glued it upside down to start with because the Connecting Point again is not that obvious uh that also like is quite you have to sort of like just keep shuffling bits around so I wouldn't recommend using superglue like having some polyyne cement because it takes a bit longer to set just allows you to sort of Wiggle everything around to make it all sort of fit together because otherwise you could just end up with something looking you know slightly Twisted slightly offset uh it's not a huge issue because you can't even really see it that clearly and it's just stuff that he has inside the Hower to for like more character uh kind of also similar as well to the little hanging um scales that are just underneath the canopy so as I mentioned the canopy and obviously the scales that go with it uh these are only for the uh the hofan or whatever he is like the The Necromancer guy on top here so you know it's very easy to make it look like they're sort of swinging uh I say swinging because I haven't quite got M perfect with how I've set it because I glued it uh in into the the canopy when the canopy wasn't on of course that's the obvious way to do it because then you you know it's quite hard to actually get the little Connecting Point when if the canopy was glued at the top there but if if you do that you don't know the exact angle to hold it um while it's drying and obviously being poar inent it's very easy for it to move a little bit as well uh while it's drying so just all little things to be aware of when you're building it that it could like not be definitely wrong but just look a little bit weird after it's set um but the main structure of the Dragon incredibly easy that does have all very obvious connecting points uh the only slight tricky bit I would say on that would be on the feet where they connect to this rock they um like you have to have really nailed the how the dragon builds together um there are connecting points that show like the claws sort of clip into the uh the rock a little bit but it's quite hard to actually spot them and like it might look a little bit like the claws are floating if you haven't got it perfectly right but you know if you just look carefully you should be able to see them it's just it's hard to make it you know fit perfectly um but apart from that the like I think the kit as just like a visual aspect it looks great um pretty good for painting uh although if you're going to use it for social media posting with your uh photos and painting the dragon is very long so it's going to be you either either have to do a photo stacking or something like that to get it all in Focus because otherwise it's just going to be like you know the rider in focus and the head and the Tail of the Dragon out of focus that kind of thing uh or you can photograph it from the side and then you've got something that just looks weird and it's all looking in the wrong directions um but I'm quite Keen to paint this I'm very um tempted to go by the uh the box art not the the painted model box art but the uh 2D artwork on the sides of the box I think it looks fantastic so I'm quite Keen to do that uh it's going to be like a quite a quick style of painting but I think that sort of Suits the the artwork anyway uh and I want sort of a very kind of rough and grubby looking feel to my tomb Kings as well uh but you know that's that's it that's the the end of the video um so uh let me know what you you think of the model as well um I'm not going to be uh doing any painting tutorials for the uh the other models in the box but uh this one will be coming out I I might do the the Tom prints as well because I think he looks uh pretty cool as one of the new models as well uh but anyway so that's the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Richard Gray
Views: 6,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Gray, Daemonrich, Tomb Kings, Old World, Warhammer, Warhammer the old world, Games Workshop, Undead, Warhammer Fantasy battle, AdWIP, Bone Dragon, WarhammerCommunity, Paintingwarhammer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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