Warhammer 40,000: Darktide | 'The Paladin' Zealot Build Guide for Ultimate Team Defense & Insane DPS

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okay what up ladies and gents it's your favorite Asian robot right here hopefully your favorite dark tide YouTuber and today I'm actually going to give you guys my Zealot build this was actually supposed to come out tomorrow but the win rate has been so high uh even with complete randoms in oric damnation that uh I actually decided to give you guys the build right now um this build is actually a hella scuffed build that I made with some advice from chat slapped together cobbled it together it wasn't really supposed to work this well it was just supposed to be something that like helped me dip my feet into Zealot but the thing is that it actually works so well and has such a high win rate that I figured I may as well give it to you guys so what I'm going to say before I even talk about the talents though is that this is generally a zealot build for players that don't play like zealots so coming from pyer and Veteran over to Zealot whole different whole different play style I'm not really that aggressive of a player so this build actually helped me bridge the gap while maintaining very high damage as well as great team support ability right so that's basically what it's all about you know I call this the the Zealot Paladin build because basically you're like the Paladin of the team the heavy front line doesn't even matter how much damage you take let's get into this right now here's the camera vanish okay now you guys have heard the introduction let me talk about my Paladin build so if you want to become a paladin first and foremost what you got to understand is that this build is going to be a little bit scuffed and very heavy on defense one of the major things you got to understand here is that we do not run any sort of cooldown reduction okay why do we avoid cooldown reduction because it is not necessary for this build you should not be spamming your course of spiritual fortitude if you start spamming this you are doomed already okay I'm going to go through the build right from the top but basically this thing has succeeded in almost every single kind of run that we put it through whatever modifiers high-intensity shock troopers like I said it wasn't even supposed to work this well but it apparently does so I'm going to show you what we've got now for part one of the talent tree what you want to have is disdain 5% damage on your next melee attack for each enemy hit it Stacks up to five times all right so you can get up to 25% extra damage on your next melee attack for each enemy hit this is to help you clear hord faster your first swing will not be heavily loaded but your second swing is going to hurt enemies within enemies without you replenish 2.5% toughness per second while within 5 meters of at least three enemies this is your toughness regeneration while within a horde and this is what will help you hold the line when you really need it okay toughness boost is for the base toughness stat and vicious offering is absolutely necessary because you replenish 7.5% % toughness on a heavy attack kill take note that this only applies to your heavy swings from your Hammer not your specially charged attack all right but in hordes once again this will help you keep up your toughness and it is exceptionally useful even outside of hordes because you will basically never be using your light attack except in very specific circumstances you will generally uh make good use of fishous offering okay from the middle tree now this is this is just your starter but the middle tree is where you really want get your good stuff anointed blood helps you deal more base range damage all right this is what will allow you to take on ragers and other types of enemies with your shotgun this anoid in blood is exceptionally useful for this next Purge the unclean you deal increased damage against infested and unyielding enemies this alone is exceptionally useful not only against hordes but also against the ogens all right specifically the bullwark and the reaper you will be able to One-Shot them with your Hammer just by using this next toughness boost toughness boost doesn't need explaining restoring faith is important because when you take damage you heal 25% of whatever damage you take and this occurs over 5 Seconds this is exceptionally useful because you will be taking a lot of damage and it makes sense to be able to restore that damage as well so take note that This only affects whatever damage you take to your health yeah your imulation grenade is exceptionally useful uh when you've got a big mixed horde coming in and the pressure is on throw your imulation grenade watch the entire thing melt this blitz is so good I do like the stun grenade but quite frankly uh compared to the imulation grenade I prefer the emulation grenade just because of what it offers yeah toughness boost is is what you grab here then you want to grab the emperor's bullet now this is not really very useful it only works for 5 seconds after you empty your range weapon but it like its use is quite depend is quite dependent sometimes in the field I don't even take into account whether I have this or not because what I really want is Shield of contempt Shield of contempt allow makes it so that when you or an ally in coherency takes damage they gain 60% damage reduction for 4 seconds it triggers once every 10 seconds and it is so good 60% damage reduction and triggering every 10 seconds so as long as you're not continuously taking a lot of damage this can save your life and it can also save you on taking a lot of damage so Shield of contempt that's what you want that's what you need I find it very good for keeping the entire team alive melee boost obviously Good Choice Movement speed boost than you want until death fatal damage grants you invulnerability for 5 seconds and it's on a two-minute cool down which actually is pretty short if you think about it unless you are always dying so please try not to die all the time yeah holy Revenant when until death ends so after the 5 Seconds you regain Health based on the damage you dealt during until death up to a maximum of 25% of your max health melee damage dealt heals for three times that amount but the maximum you can get back is only 25% so if you deal enough damage during until death you will basically heal up to say if I've got 2 30 hit points you will heal back up to about 50 something hit points which is pretty much good enough to survive I'll be honest with you um this is actually what works perfectly with a martydom build and this is a madm based build so this is how you survive quite a bit of stuff in the field all right next you want benediction then toughness boost and toughness damage reduction after that you will grab your course of spiritual fortitude you'll wield a holy Relic that releases a pulse of energy every 0.8 seconds while channeling allies incoherency have stun immunity and invulnerability people forget about that allies in coherency have stun immunity and invulnerability not you but your allies do which means your allies can go ham on whatever is attacking save your enemies during a demon host do whatever you want each pulse replenishes 45% toughness to allies incoherency if your allies already at full toughness they regain they instead gain 20 Max toughness up to a total of 100 extra additional toughness it's got a 60% it's got a 60c base cool down and if you grab banishing light each pulse from the chor of spiritual fortitude also staggers and suppresses enemies the range increases with every pulse this is how you can hold the line stop monstrosities now only the first and the last pulse will stun a monstrosity okay but it can still be used against monstrosities do not make that mistake that it cannot be used against them sure you can't knock them off cliffs now okay so you can't cheese them but you can seriously help your allies with this this is part two of the tree okay part one up here now let's go on to part three after you grab your banishing light what you want is your toughness damage reduction here grab your melee damage boost and grab sustained assault 4% melee damage for 5 seconds on hitting an enemy with a melee attack Stacks up to five times this gives you a total of 20% additional melee damage it's so good 20% additional melee damage is a lot and this is what we actually help you take out hordes so easily faithful frenzy 10% increased melee attack speed I would never give this up for anything else because this is what's going to make your Hammer really go hammering all right Health boost 10% Faith's fortitude the two wounds are to boost your martydom each missing wound grants you 8% melee damage up to nine missing wounds okay this is brutally insane I shall not fall also gives you 5% toughness damage reduction per missing wound and marom grants you 4% attack speed per missing wound it gets crazy it gets crazy okay so with this build in damnation right when we get into the gear and stuff what you realize is that we have six wounds in total that means you can get up to 25 uh sorry 4 * 5 20% additional attack speed and you can get 30% additional toughness damage reduction that's a hell of a lot of toughness damage reduction all right combine that with the 10% that you already get within the tree uh and from your aura another 15% that's a lot of toughness damage reduction okay and this is just what makes you an exceptionally good Paladin tank but your damage doesn't slouch either let's take a look at the weapons and the Cure iOS and I'll show you why you can deal plenty of damage okay now let's talk about gear choices in terms of gear choices what you're going to want is your cruus mark 2 thunderhammer this one try to roll all stats as good as possible why because damage increases your damage crowd control increases your light and heavy attack speed which you really want this this is like different from finesse but it also affects your cleave damage distribution your um heavy attack stack AER duration yeah you really want crowd control as high as possible okay um the minimum that I would accept is 70% for this damage same thing minimum is 70% penetration now I've heard some stuff about this but quite frankly just get it above 70 if you can all right it's still useful it helps you against flak and carrus armor targets there's no reason not to have it defenses again the lowest I would AC accept is around 60 % many people use defenses as a dump stat but it actually affects your Sprint cost your push cost your Dodge distance and your Dodge speed you really want this your Hammer only has three Dodges so you know but what you also need to understand is that without defenses your Hammer Dodges are going to suck even more than they already do so please be very very very aware of this although you know defenses may not be important to everybody it is to me so try to at least get at 60 65 okay if ideally also above 70 first Target again also very important why because if you don't have this as high as possible your thunderhammer special attack hits aren't going to deal as much damage as they should so really the problem with the thunderhammer is that you cannot sacrifice any stats if you want to use this all right you have to try and roll everything as high as possible so that would be my advice uh it can take a lot of dockets to get a perfect Hammer so get ready to roll a lot all right in terms of your perks and blessings now this is a whole another area that is absolutely painful you must roll at least one perk carrus armored enemies you must roll at least one blessing as hit taker why hit taker gives you 4.5% power at at tier three of course ideally you want tier four it'll give you 4.5% power for 3.5 seconds on hit Stacks up to five times power affects your stagger damage speed it it affects everything so more power is good the other thing is that thrust now this one you will try you will want to get like you want to roll either of these two blessings but thrust also should be tier four I only have a tier three at the moment but it grants you up to 15% power based on the charge time of your heavy attacks Stacks three times this is what will allow you to really smack down your enemies with the hammer what exactly can you do with this Hammer well now that you understand all the perks let me show you what exactly can you do with this Hammer H you can twoot crushers with a properly charged attack like so you can damn near one shot a merer okay although uh it might be a little difficult to do so um sometimes in the field if the Mer's already taken some hits you can oneshot them you can definitely oneshot a muty even without a critical hit you can with a bit of saved up power you can get close to one-shotting a rager like so okay so this is what you can do with this amazing Hammer using a heavy swing don't use the light swing because it is exceptionally weak the light swing will not do okay make sure it's a heavy swing then you can watch enemies go flying okay you like seeing enemies fly you can do that fun fact you can also do this properly uh charge up your attack or go for the head and yeah there you go enemies get obliterated with this Hammer so you can do the same thing with monstrosities by the way you can't oneshot them with this build this is not a monstrosity oneshot build but you can deal exceptionally high damage you want to go fight the demon hose just get somebody to tank it for a short while they only need to last for a little bit of time and you can help them last with your course of spiritual fortitude then go then go Bonk crazy with the hammer okay we've done it live on stream even with my crappy Zealot skills we have managed to smack down demon host no problem Carry On The Run with no issue that's the best part about this build it's so good for everything thanks to the Hammer but you have to roll a really good Hammer okay okay camera vanish now let's get on to the range weapon you've heard about the melee weapon the range weapon for me there is only one choice with this build why the cantrail mark 9 combat shotgun is exceptionally vicious Brown body this is the high damage version of the shotgun but it's also a very close range um widespread type gun you cannot use it at long range very well you still can if you really need to shoot that sniper but you cannot use it very well at long range okay I'm going to tell you that in advance I've weak shot hit snipers at like 38 meters I still need a second shot to bring them down but what you can do is really brutalize your opponents at close range what you want on this thing my personal choice is Flack armet enemies why this is to designed to help you with ragers okay and several other targets just gun so having Flack armored enemies is a really good modifier to have on this okay the other one I was very lucky to roll range damage Elites but you can roll whatever you want on the second perk okay what is even more important is actually your blessings full boore and no respite are necessary you cannot replace any of this okay why fullbore gives you 20% power for 5 seconds when every bullet in a shot hits the the same enemy how easy is it to trigger just ads and it'll trigger next no respite will give you up to 18% damage on hit for a staggered enemy scaling with stagger okay how good is this gun well we'll find out shortly but first stats damage and stopping power both of these are exceptionally necessary take note however that these shotguns only apply a damage bonus versus un armed and infested targets when you are near them okay which means as far as I'm as far as I'm concerned I think that is about 10 Metter uh I will get confirmation for you when I do the analysis of the shotguns okay Mobility uh this is your dumb stat don't have to care about this stability must be above 70 damage minimum is 70 try to get it as high as possible stopping power must be as high as possible try to get it above 75 okay this affects your damage versus armored targets of any kind and much like with all other guns that have stopping power this is a necessity all right ammo try to roll it as high as possible um but above 60% would be good that being said ideally you want this at 80 so that you can have more ammo in the field okay Mobility like I said is your dumb stat but you know if you happen to roll High Mobility but a decent all around stats don't just try and roll for ammo okay it's much more important to get your blessings and perks right for this now how decent is the shotgun well let's find out if you want every pellet to hit the enemy just do that okay at close range it's going to take off heads like nobody's business at at a slightly further range you can do something like this okay I highly recommend that if you really want full board a hit or you re or you don't have confidence in it just do something like that even with a body shot you could take out most enemies and you're still going to get your full boar all right this is mostly used against ragers especially when they start coming in and they want to act cool yeah get them staggered and you can just blast them like this if you really really need to stagger them hit them with the fire okay the fire is piercing works best against uh lighter targets such as drag hunters and whatnot then after that you can like what I would do is the first fire shell uh helps me knock them down and then I basically go to town on them but I mean you could use it either way in any way shape or form that you like um keep take keep in mind that you can still take out things like to flamers scab flamers with a nice weak spot hit all that kind of thing but you have to be at close range and I mean kind of like this all right this would be close range but assuming that you are at close range you can literally take out targets really well however the spread of this gun is high so please don't try and do like this like if you're this far away you're not going to do anything at all all right even if you trigger full boar your damage is going to be quite minimal so what do you do against distant targets you do this distant ogens burn them you see how much burn damage you can inflict on them yeah you can do the same on your bulwarks as well through your Shield so need these bulwarks done that's what you do burn them out with your special shell okay so you should have no trouble using the cantrail shotgun in a variety of situations M giving you trouble shoot him some nerd giving you trouble shoot him okay like that this is what I often do in the field I'll just like two tap a mer like that hit him with the burn then hit him in the body with a shot once they're staggered they take a lot of damage they're done all right so don't think of your shotgun as weak this is your supplement in case you need to do the job that your teammates cannot this cantrail shotgun is exceptionally useful don't sleep on this okay don't sleep on this now curios curios is the last thing I'm going to cover all right and yes I just showed my face for 5 seconds why because I'm vain okay I'm kidding I'm kidding but when it comes to curios right um I found that only one one way works for this there's you cannot replace this okay I've tried different combinations did not work this is the hands down best combination for this particular build number one you want to have a wound curio with stamina regeneration at least 10% get yourself damage resistance against Gunners and combat ability regeneration you must get combat ability regeneration across at least 8% okay why this will help reduce your um course of spiritual fortitude's cool down by about five to six seconds it is without a doubt very useful if you do not do this you are going to have a bad time okay damage resistance against Gunners is a must have as well as stamina regeneration okay stamina regeneration applies across the board um I found that having about at least two stamina regenerations is good then I've got some toughness regeneration speed here but if you really feel that you don't need the toughness regeneration that's okay go straight for even more stamina regeneration this will allow you to regenerate stamina faster unfortunately I only have one plus three stamina curio that is the last curio you're going to need go for damage resistance Gunners and and either stamina regeneration or toughness regeneration speed up to you up to you for me I found that I don't really need the St the toughness regeneration speed but I also don't need more stamina regeneration than 20% to be honest so I put toughness regeneration here and I've got Max Health there if you want you can even go for combat ability regeneration but the main factor is that you must have two plus one wound curios and one plus three stamina curios the perks can be you know whatever is needed for your character but damage resistance Gunners is necessary across the board otherwise you're going to get spammed to death in oric damnation and you really really don't want that to happen Okay stamina regeneration will basically allow you to do funny stuff like pushing things constantly while dodging backward push things Dodge backward push things Dodge backwards kind of like that you can create a lot of space in the field and it just gives you a lot of options in hordes push them push them whack I know it's I know it's fun to go to town but sometimes you just got to push in between whack whack whack it just feels so good and it's so easy to do all right that is literally it for this build that's all you need to know about this build we've covered everything that you need step by step you should be able to construct the same thing the only thing that you're probably going to have trouble with is getting the actual armaments uh done for this now one last thing before we go is that I am going to say that this build just does involve a little bit of a weirder play style you are not as aggressive as most zealots would be rather you are a very very team player based Zealot you don't really run off on your own you kind of stick with your team you act as this amazing bodyguard that fights the hordes holds the line and if some guy tries to act wise you crack them with your Hammer all right if you need a demonstration of how to play this build how do you play this build properly the combat demonstration is found in a link in the descript description of this video or you can click the card that showed up for a little while up top you can click that and it will take you to the combat demonstration on my sub Channel it is exceptionally important that you check out the combat demonstration if you Unsure how to play this build if you have not seen it on stream if you've already seen it on stream chances are you know how I play this build okay but if you don't the combat demonstration is there for you all right thank you very much for watching this video don't 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Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 46,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eI-dfQqE2ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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