Warframes Best Ostron Standing Farming Method | MAX STANDING 10 MINUTES

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hey everyone my name is pupsker and today i want to go over the best ostron standing farming method so far in warframe like without a doubt oddly enough the bounties for ostron are terrible like planes of idol on and fortuna have really bad time to standing bounties so what we're going to do instead is we're gonna go hunting all you really need in order to max out your ostron farming every day is literally just go do conservation hunting so all you actually need is just really a tranq rifle like with with that you'll have no problems i don't know if planes of eidolon was like this originally but all of the conservation targets now just kind of spawn out freely in anywhere in plains of eidolon so it's a lot better getting standing this way now than just running bounties you could also kill tusk thumpers tusk club for domes etc etc if uh you have a good build for that and you're good at that but i still think conservation is the fastest method possible so what you're going to want to do you know it's pretty simple just make sure you equip your tranq rifle and head out to the plains of eidolon technically you don't really need your arc wing launcher to be able to like do all the conservation fly around but it definitely makes hunting a lot easier because you can just fly overhead and shoot down all of the cute little critters so the idea is generally like this you go out into the world of planes of idol on and then you honestly just fly around my strategy personally is i like to go to the right once you just get out into the plains of eidolon and just follow along that big river slash like body of water generally i feel like a lot of uh verminx and a lot of i guess birds spawn around all of the lakes so i pretty much just go all around that one big lake found out that i'm not the best conservation hunter i missed a ton of targets generally all i would do is go back and forth because you can quickly blink out and then blink back in if you go like 500 meters or something and then it just resets the spawns for conservation like they're kind of they're kind of dynamic spawns where if you leave the area they despawn and if you come back they respawn or essentially the respawn points refresh so it's really nice that you can just go left right constantly on that one big body of water and catch all of your targets so you can probably get this done in about 10 minutes if you're either good at hunting lower m r or just get very lucky with spawns and high standing spawns it took me about thinking back now it actually took me about 16 minutes to fully uh max out my standing i'm currently mr19 took me that long only because i'm pretty bad at hunting and i've missed a lot of targets so i think the biggest group of standing i found was if i would have perfectly captured three of the uh or two of the falcons i would have gotten either god what was it either i think 3600 standing or like uh 3200 standing but i only ended up hitting one of them so i only got like a little bit or like a thousand or so it's kind of a pain so you do have to make sure you're actually capturing the targets pretty well it is a little annoying because the verming are very small and they hide when you're using your tranq rifle very easily if you don't know the easy way to hunt is scope into your track rifle if you hear a beeping it means there's a target around you if you don't go fly around sorry there won't be any audio in this video because i take it out of my recordings but that is how you do that generally the verminx though they they're really annoying since they're just little puff balls so they're tiny little orange puff balls so they are sometimes hard to find so that's why sometimes it helps to just fly over top and get a good scanning view and just look for that pulsating orange of the target's outline it is definitely kind of a pain but the birds are deaf are the ones that give you the most reputation slash standing so if you just farm the birds and completely ignore the vermink you could also do really well but i'm the type that just i can't get over it unless i capture the current target one last thing to note is conservation is kind of buggy in the plains of eidolon i had multiple verminx spawn inside rocks so i couldn't get to them so i just ended up killing them so just keep in mind for that that sometimes the spawns will be buggy and they will spawn in objects you still should be able to see the orange outline but it's going to be a little harder so yeah just be careful fly around those bodies of water and perfectly capture everything as best as you possibly can that should get you honestly max standing in under 10 minutes if you're good at it like i'm not good took me a little bit extra time if i would have perfectly captured everything 10 minutes no problem like this is such a fast farming method that i'm just probably gonna do this until i'm maxed out i've always ignored maxing my ostrom standing but hey now it's time to get that done guys so that's the end of this video if you liked it or it helped you at all i'd appreciate it if you were to subscribe check out some of my other videos comment down below maybe some other farming methods or if there's any guides specifically you want me to make and i will see you guys next time peace
Channel: Pupsker
Views: 125,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pupsker, pup, gameplay, games, Warframe, warframe gameplay, warframe guide, warframe ostron standing farm, plains of eidolon, free to play, ostron standing, how to, cetus standing, plains of eidolon warframe, plains of eidolon guide, plains of eidolon standing farm, plains of eidolon archwing launcher, plains of eidolon hunting animals, Best Ostron Standing Farming, Warframe ostron farm 2020, max standing, fast standing, fast farming method warframe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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