Warframe | Protea & Protea Prime Steel Path Build 2024

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hello my lovely little whistles that is me your host the gaming whistle and in today's video I'm going to be doing a ptia build video I haven't done a prota build video in since 2022 and I think she is long overdue for two builds and not one now in today's video I'll be showing you a p build that is basically going to allow you tool crowd control not just one room but multiple rooms kill those enemies at the same time increase your damage crowd control basically be be Invincible throughout the game play and just everything that every Warframe player ever needs so without any more Dilly ding let's quickly get into her ability starting off with the passive now if she has this little bar in the bottom right side now each time you cast this ability One of These Bars will fill up and at three bars filled up you will have the next ability cast an additional 100% ability strength bonus B so that is very good now this applies to all four of your abilities that you have so that is very very nice speaking of which the first ability grenade fan now tamping dis ability is going to throw down strap vortexes three of them and these are going to be doing slash damage these are going to be very good for Crow controlling applying slash and with the right pet with one of the builds you can apply viral as well now holding down you will throw down Shield satellites which will restore your Shields and give you overshields basically instantaneously and this is also going to double your minimum Shield gate extend or I guess duration now what this means is basically as you know Shield gting 2.0 has the minimum amount of 0.33 seconds of invulnerability and then the maximum is going to be 2.5 seconds with prota it's different it's 0.66 is going to be the minimum amount and 5 Seconds is going to be the maximum amount so that is very very nice Blaze artillery the main ability of today's video now this is going to be dealing heat damage and the more enemies it hits it will give you even more power strength or I guess it will be more powerful now we're going to be focusing on this ability primarily because of first of all heat damage being very good against armored enemies because it does remove uh armor and also a very good thing is this is going to be killing and crowd controlling all of the enemies this ens well this basically gives you three extra pickups and you deploy this it gives you health orbs it gives you Universal ammo packs and also energy we're going to utilize this with the mod equilibrium to give us energy uh basically infinite amount of amounts of energy and also health and also ammo which is use useful I guess and then the fourth ability temporal anchor now temporal anchor basically what it does when you activate it you're going to be in this sort of rewind phase you're going to be running around killing stuff destroying stuff that's going to be very nice and in this phase when you do die you're basically not going to die you're going to be retreating back to your first position and this also happens when the ability runs out and in the duration of this ability everything that you spent will be return back to you at the end of the temporal anchor but this ability is going to be changed out for two different abilities the game plan in the background that you have been seeing is with korus and snare the grouping ability of and snare is very nice because of Blaze artillery the more you can group up enemies the more enemies can be hit by Blaze artillery the bigger the damages of Blaze artillery the faster the enemies die so the second ability that we're going to change this out is going to be Roar but we will talk about that when we get to it let's talk about the ins snare prota build so let's quickly actually just show you the build this is the build that I use I primarily focus on a little bit of power strength because we are going to need it and also we're focusing on range and duration now you might be looking the build you might be saying nice build I I appreciate it thank you first of all and uh it is going to be a plent of simple build mult efficiency and mult augment that I think are pretty much very important here but what is going to make this build shine even more is something that you might not expected we do not have a primary in this uh build we do not going to use one we are going to be using the grimoire and this build is very important with the Grim War because this is going to be giving us extra duration through risk invocation now with the old fire you're going to be increasing your duration with of course uh wrist invocation by 4% for 20 seconds stacking up to 15 times basically meaning 60% a 60% increase into our duration benefits all of our abilities at even sort of benefits in snare in this situation now if you don't want to use the grimore for for example duration because you don't really need energy or efficiency you can also use this build now this is the Grim War build that I use for power strength this is going to be because of volum invocation increasing your power maximum of 60% it's basically the same mod as RIS invocation but it doesn't give you duration it gives you power strength so this is very important because this is one of the main features you're actually not going to be killing it with this weapon you're just going to be increasing your duration and or power strength now once we are talking about the builds the archon shards I do have two Red AR cor shorts one for duration one for power strength I sort of mixed them up here because I didn't want to go overboard with the duration and we also have two for casting speed and one is going to be for extra shields uh I put that blue one just because you don't necessarily have to use it you can use another one if you want to but that is the one that I recommend you use now for the melee weapon of choice I use the nonon prime uh I will show you the build this is the build that I use even though I rarely use it because with this you're not going to need it now how is this going to work out uh first of all you're just going to be throwing down your I guess orbitals or sorry satellites uh which is going to regain your Shields class Blaze artillery ins sare the enemies shoot them down and cast your uh straal balls and you basically kill everything uh always have somewhere uh that you throw down the satellites just for Reserve you do have rolling guard which is going to help you as well with survive ability but believe me the amount of crow controlling that you're going to be doing with your first and second ability is so good that you're almost never going to need to utilize either Shield gating or just even the other satets that you thrown down but satellites yes they're in orbit and what we want to talk about is the second build now this is the proa roar build now why did I choose Roar over any other ability first of all roow is going to be very good in two situations it is going to increase our damage of our Blaze artillery and also our first ability uh the shapol and what is going to be good about this is if you for some odd reason cannot use abilities you maybe run out you still have the power strength to use with of course RSE buff to kill enemies either with your grimoire which is really good and or your melee weapon or even a primary if you have broughten one now the build basically the only thing that's changed is I put Constitution instead of range and that's basic or I guess Aug reach and that's basically it everything else pretty much stayed the same and the grimore is still going to be something that I recommend you use either the power or the duration one it doesn't really matter uh the principle here game play is the same basically all you need to do is activate Roar and then activate your abilities and there you go you have extra power strs you have actually extra jop chances through the dispensary as well because the drop chances or I guess the amount depends on your power strength so that's very good and what is going to make these two builds work first of all companions companions for the I guess first and snare build hello everyone it is editing gaming weel here I have sort of made a mistake I'm not actually talking about the worm Prime in this situation I'm actually talking about uh the paner vopo which I do mention later on uh which you will hear but for the roar build we're going to be using Nautilus with cordin because I just thought we do want that extra little bit of crowd controlling even though it's not as effective as in snare but just that I wanted to mention cordon and Nautilus the build is going to be up on the screen and there you go so they enjoy the rest of the video second companion for the Roar build is going to be the Panzer vopa and the Panzer vop is very good because of syn deconstruct viral quills as well because it's going to be giving you viral and it's going to be very very nice because you're going to be also armor stripping with the beautiful manifold Bond now this doesn't really sorry vicious Bond uh but this doesn't really armor ship a lot of enemies but believe me for some odd reason I always kind of get the eximus units armor stripped with vicious Bond even though it's not as effective for example Helios would be much better but I'm using the Panzer profa primarily through syn de construct and the viral quills mod so if you really want to you can try out Helios prime or Helios oh yes Helios Prime instead of the Panzer V and that has been mostly it I hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did I really am interested in what you think of the builds in the comment section down below uh do leave you know a like And subscribe if you did I do make war from content hello and that's basically it I hope you guys enjoyed this has been your lovely host the gaming weasel I love every single one of you I appreciate you all and I am over and out
Channel: GamingWeasel
Views: 7,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe gameplay, warframe guide, warframe 2024, warframe protea prime, warframe protea build, warframe protea steel path build, warframe protea steel path, warframe best warframe, new prime warframe, new prime warframe 2024, protea build, protea steel path build, warframe protea farm, warframe protea fashion, protea prime, best protea build warframe, warframe protea, warframe protea prime build, warframe protea prime release, protea prime warframe, free to play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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