Warcraft 3 | Custom | The Imagica RPG

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all right here we go the Imagi ker these are the heroes you can choose from you got strength heroes you got intelligence heroes and troll Ranger heroes I see troll Ranger because that's what I'm known for he's an AW crane jur apparently but he's a troll as facing he sounds like one so you start the game off with your base template hero picking up an item or two you can only have one of each type of item we're ranger so we wouldn't mind something that increases damage and I'll come out of that move over to here you can purchase boots of speed always good movement speed is love you go into this circle of power this is where you'll spend your first mana soul if you are a really Ranger you go here for the starting levels strength hero here and spellcaster here spellcasters could you know they can learn rate of fire blizzards it depends what tile thing could be like World of Warcraft innocence they're like different specs so you could have frost spec or fire spec or heal spec that kind of stuff wanna go so we're gonna go with there's heat cold or swiftness we're gonna go with swiftness you can sell the oil and try a different set and it gives you a couple of different spells so you got searing arrows true sharp cold arrows monsoon or crit and bloodlust so of course we're greedy we're gonna go with crit and bloodlust you really don't want to die because you lose gold and experience there are some ants that you can get for free at the start so we'll start off with those so that's your beginning village you basically have a template here oh so good damage each point of strength will give you twelve well it depends on your stats so if we look to overclock Z as a string zero here get one point of damage twelve hit points and hit point regeneration agility heroes like me will get one point of damage six points of agility equals one armor each point increases attack speed he's so fast I can bloodlust other people as well which is bloody nice creeping is certainly pretty intense with this character I mean look at the speed of it is insane and intelligence heroes they gained one point of damage for each point of intelligence and manner by seven and mana regeneration so we've got to kill the wolf which we have done the farmer can now continue with his work and supply the village with food all players receive 35 gold and gain one level of experience bloodlust is pretty good lasts for 60 seconds can't complain too much with that so we're doing a little bit of creeping I'm not sure we have any other questions to reward your party while have you managed to kill an old sea beast lurking under the waterfalls north of the river so with our River so maybe go north [Music] Rex's hammer the Rex the village Smith lost his work hammer while mining in an old cave near the western shore Rex promises to make you through some free armor maybe retrieve his smithy hammer for him so it's pretty long RPG this normally I wouldn't sore get too deep into very long RPGs it's estimated to be potentially up to 5 hours but we might go for this quicker we'll see there you go Carson hi I'll play that for you love you can defeat Legolas no probs also I'd like to request that you pay via magic or RPG one of my favorite RPG joyful games for WC threes good luck and keep it up laughing face so yeah I agreed Thank You Kay ISM I just played that so that's what we're doing you can't request custom maps as well as strategy games so that's what we're here to do try to play through this see if we can go through this nippy pace doesn't seem a problem so far just don't get yourself killed thank you arena for the sub you just said what chaos and no I was just mentioning how I sort of this is a request from yourself he's in the twitch channel twitch.tv slash witty that would have been overclocked how do you pick up that gold coin so fast did we actually kill the old sea beast this is going out quite a quick face so far there's also ich dich magic bag the old village shaman politely requested your help in aiding him retrieve his magic pouch which was stolen by a rogue orc tempt south of town near the southern shore and there's a bunch of undiscovered optional quests we've done the village farmer and you got a whole bunch of main quests so we're doing a bit of light dungeon crawling right now in this RPG here comes the boss fight baby take down the little ones first try not to die guys and give each other space to move that was a good scroll [Music] there's the work hammer [Music] there's the gold coins so you can just town portal out if you wish you've got wind teleportation this will take you to a location that is friendly to you [Music] but like this derpy derby music so if you're past level 5 you can learn so if I sold this all and then reap inked it up from level 5 does that work so that's for moderate swiftness so that's now perfect shot which is another form of career and it looks like just bloodlust again monsoon core where I assume is like a higher level version okay this guy's happy that Rex's hammer got nails I'll try not to but they're so warm-hearted I think he is an improvement because that says 20% I think the previous true shot was 10% so we looked at the level one Korea two times damage 40:25 three times damage 40 25 okay so you want to pop in every now and then I just want to double check when the next level is level 10 too far away from that we're gonna head for the waterfall now thank you a fire alarm so it seems like a pretty simple pickup and play RPG that you can do with friends so be mosque would be almost handy on my character so I can just spam bloodlust I think he can pick up so be masks back at the shop could be a better version of it though even though the original was very good I'm getting close to 500 gold yeah I can pick up a couple will continue with this quest for the moment we want you oh that's the sea beast the rooms obviously help a lot for keeping players alive would you say you can solo this khaosan oh man give me you happy aren't there yeah you can write lion's heart it chrises the hit points of the hero by 500 and I'll show what the other one did but the sea beast was slain some gold Wow as a quick good pickup that's probably it for this area having one so grabby [Music] level 10 now may as well go back in replace this so let's have a look at the level 10 versions see I gave a zerk on top of bloodlust on top of the three times chance for a crit or crit for three times I suppose that doesn't seem as impressive so the heat ones swaps does it you no longer get the aura it's this manager all right that's the man of capacity perfect shot an aura that gives 25 percent bonus damage that there's ranged attacks how do you fix the caster not their allies maybe that was the case for the other one men and this is level 15 onwards so I don't know there's a more expensive item other than to just keep buying the manor capacity oh I can't only have one of course but the downside is is that's now dropped on the ground so if anyone wants a pendant manor there's one for free over here and I can provide an additional 15 bonus damage and I can also pick up a ring you can get like a weapon a ring shoulders and additional damage what happened here dreadlords crashed I suppose so we've lost one champion lots of speed there's only so many items I can have and I'm already kept any more quests we got ish next magic bag which is the orc and the south the village is continue going southbound it's fill in the spaces that we haven't been to though one step at a time I got berserk activated as well [Music] that's how I I'm stunned [Music] well sure exactly what happened there because my ankh isn't gone I still got free arms oh thank you for the here that was a very clutch time of healing there's the magic back [Music] give up Dunphy on [Music] one of us needs to take me in the magic bag back what did your are to be honest that's rough [Music] there we go all heroes gain a level seek out the other races of the land depending on manner over there I guess we're just loaded with cash are we do I really need the boots it's debatable I think I still move quicker with the busine with a blood loss probably don't need the boots especially with the town portal ability ringer recovery there's so much stuff that you can kiss all keep going back and selling I think it would really help just to clear out the inventory honestly I'm gonna risk get rid of the young and always hold that for later potentially pretty good on the mana [Music] let's go and pick some more stuff up and sell we've missed a quest nonsense we've discovered every section of this map so far I miss my boots of speed he feels so slow now Oh spiders man damn I can't pick that I gotta go back the traditional way now because it'll be quicker than town port on to someone over here so the creeps respawn for a future grinding he's having nightmares this guy oh man looks like there's some spiders up in this crib it's a slight problem of these please don't have the spider spawn up here are there more Opie items now that's what I suspected there might be oh yes yes yes yes puff puff give that's the rule someone's bought my spear temporary items and no one wants those we can always we could always go back and find some more quests if we skip some I'll come back for this maybe that's why overclock wanted to be like melee character so you could be closer to picking the items up it's pretty handy that you could put that bloodlust of everyone and it's not just exclusive to your own hero well thank you trying to remember who I bloodlust at last yeah your level 15 cheeky son I'll get my fountain of mana so percentage-based that's not necessary that Scalia quick oh well at least we know what happens when you die now I'm back so I lost 700 experience didn't I or something you know like 350 gold was that yeah where was my heels Kitson it's gonna get us both cure now you can certainly take a lot more here than I can alright someone's TPN on me now it's just as that comes free stop CPR on me I'm not gonna get the last his name I need to make my mob my gold back is this delivering well what's happened here I'll take the gloves of speed sure 40% extra attack do you mind it still need to get level 15 so I give what do you mean your writings they dropped by from the unit's all this then why do these keep all dropping and allied chapters and support their revenge forgetting my health so happy level 15 may I have a heal please I'm not sure if I should cast my buster okay I guess that's happening now that was me leveling up snakes hey I got some go at that time why should want me do I got one menasor us acid rain cold shot warriors rage alright I don't take quite so much damage that time and not unless I make a blood bust Wow look at the stats on their makeup bloodlust is insane you got a huge 50% extra damage that's really greedy it's like extra green I miss out the blood bust if I wasn't supplying the bloodlust that would be like the greed we can blame race meal for that he's my the Greenfield now it's 4:30 here oh I love this guy [Music] I got distracted by overclock going for the gold coin on the right-hand side so I wanted the barrel on the left-hand side how'd I get the item there you realize I'm the streamer right I can just ban all of you so your greed he says it gets killed for being greedy if it has anywhere else to go here go them there is that we came from it's time for a little bra yes why does this tank have almost pure DPS icers yeah no more bloodlust for over grants the user the ability to cast various Crusader spell what happened to it did I get mad a soul for picking that one out it's a crusader but none of us are Crusaders you can't have multiple orbs so it got refunded yeah I for overclock might be a crusader but I clicked on him and it doesn't say he's a crusader this is elite human fighter failable - all fastest the where do you even spend it 115 it's too late to spend now isn't it it's gone your blanks remember readily scope him something come from [Music] now Oh diam we need to get out we've gone too deep I'm out of mana do we actually go over there what you want me to go you can feel like I cranny more oh there's one you try to take down the angry spirits first and steal the stuffs we've missed a safe zone in the caves are we not in the caves then currently this looks pretty Cavey to me going for that cinematic feel the RPG feel what you want me go who you want me there we go back to normal now I know it's not enough mana move kids we were getting too many items our first uh come on my lady right now who you wanna kill we get one of them I mean what's my understand you will be mine they're being stubborn yes [Music] you think over here is the safe area I'll just keep it up yeah firstly my character almost attacks of it's slower than he originally did Samba music as we fight first as the ancient spirit I can attack quick enough this is a profiteer in troll or orc as you can clearly see our warriors having what you want there's still another safe sign to get see so I'm gonna do that what should we go gonna take the safe road just by walking through all these mobs [Music] our warriors have engaged the enemy power is mine these level 25 [Music] you Glenny have won our time aspires I'm a star going greedy but I now which one now 300 bonus fire damage seems like her along I don't think we have bloodlust anymore their bloodlust his gun the rum is gone all right I'll try your heat mana will drain quickly now so where was the swamp no over here like we got kind of stuff that we haven't done over here I'm so used to Carson bloodlust to myself I can't do that man better damage just need some mana regeneration to back that up man Wow anything you you cheeky kids still getting lost yeah can you create with searing arrows let's see if I creo there was gold coins when I was trying to look for Chris ko seems to think you can keep an eye and see if my character actually doesn't there's the boss respawn I sure he doesn't we'll see enemy Chris don't mess with the back I've turned it off now there's a crack so you can create but can he create with the Syrian errors my suggestion is he probably can't I haven't seen one single crit damage could be higher with the searing shot yeah that's true potentially for their sever little that's just also 50% extra damage they and the chance to crit and it Chris for a lot more so I think that's still better it's like least greedy it's good breed there's some good green Wow I so don't need to worry about manner issues why should want me do anything smart my sniper take some fresh healing this is so punishing because I can't really take their heads but obviously the higher mother additional one flowers a hit place there we go boys less likely to get killed now it's not ready behind my one two thirds to be K so you can have that everyone I'll wait until the next bus to snipe an item [Music] should we follow the sign ah what the other Crichton I was actually gonna go for the flat damage item but I think it is like 5,000 gold there might be new items to pick up soon because the other one was 25% chance 40 times damage which is good but I wanted to just replace it there's only so many am i inventory spots i got i suppose that one could go can there Yorkists farmer it's the issue that's an auth this map has a confusion as to what an orphan she is now it is the next boss gotta get close when the time is right but no sooner did he it's like a trunk I got stunned I can't get over there I was that's well I'm not gonna say what just happened if you're keen eyed enough to know what happened there you get to you get to know what happened but if you're not then well I see your own damn fault for not being observant enough I guess no one gets it though that's a shame I wanted that I am that is actually good for me I didn't mean to do that I just got carried away Wow no here we go yes I was too expensive to replace it's not a massive enough upgrade that one look at that that's definitely an upgrade I'll take that that I can use now we got to escort this guy or something this you go for so quickly through this it's hard to pay attention to what all the quests are they get there we haven't done the bottom right yeah halfway so we should fill in the blanks so at least we know where we've been oh nothing at all need level 30 the escort needs to go to the other Tusker guy where you first enter the caves okay that's quite a distance then hey I'm big make sure you pick up their items oh wow yeah it's just a big improvement on what I already have reliable damage with the bloodlust damn that was a 2000 gold item it's pretty rough it's an old-school idea isn't it where your hero sort of evolves it's a nice idea because this is a fairly old map it's something that used to happen like a lot of the older maps where's the escort then is there an item that's really good for mana regeneration like an upgraded version of Sobi mask or something my own mana now the dream is over damn I know if I just might have to TP every now and then and just sit by the manna fountain instead of getting an item and he takes 15 seconds so probably don't really need a manner item you have to manually ask or or we did we just done you 1500 gold ye anything left it shares the same hotkey I think the searing shots is actually catching up on the kills it seems quite reliable not all my style manner again it's the wrong one to CPC actually neither you think you mind about here as well we are eating this use my power Oh basta oh yeah searing arrows for the win the wolf is back okay it's time to get grabby it's not that Oh what did you get [Music] it must have been the glossary pasta again [Music] she's definitely useful I could use that I got a quest from the cave town for a femme pie Lord in the caves to kill it's in an area have already visited all right could you give me a rough idea where in the case it is and I'm like head back there get some pink this up there phase Kitson right or as Kitson full of I don't know I feel like we killed a vampire at some point it's in the area under the entrance to the fortress under the fortress of where I am right now or this fortress like I'm confused what's that ah oh come on the exact area he said look like the boss area so what we've been here they're all right I'll teleport and I'll try to get there yeah but it might shock chaos and up oh there's nothing here we be jamun I'll assume that the dreadlords dealt with them math monitor see you guys land Hey and we get direct my bleed my work here is done direct map I got reinforced weapons plus one of anyone's that you got the same one an allied champion has fallen oh sorry the one time he didn't try to kill you can hike Yugi I wasn't even like deliberately targeting you there he'll be back and Syria narrows is the ultimate kill steal at least this version of it the last one I wasn't so convinced but this one was good because I got the attack speed and the bloodlust is why there's another boss have you got men on your mother nice meal really likes those gold coin ah [Music] what was it maybe as reinforced weapons type plus 2 which is an expensive item [Music] [Music] it's just great for the last hits then I still get like 50 gold if I get lost since none of us have saved it yet oh I guess she still can't save in multiplayer so glad I got that surfing Odyssey useful ability Oh Kitson don't forget to heal may smell died now because if you his death is on your hand his blood is on your hands basta we be Charmin pasta yeah I'm not the saint of water terrible but it's just like we move so quickly it's good in a spot like this the trick was that I had eel all along it's quite well made for such an old man like there's not too many complicated triggers going massage is quite simple in that front but it's just quite expensive about being too tedious I think you can do that through it a pretty quick pace because he made the attacks basically what jobs how did you kill a boss sir quickly [Music] battlekey oh wow there's the new items that one I've gone Oh [Music] and then he sells an item that does eight health per second when compared to these items [Music] level 64 those these items are mega expensive oh the anyone going to go gonna be my next big dam use my power you had to farm to get those items to kill the last boss yeah if you're soloing this yeah I imagine you got to do a fair bit of farming actually probably look first I tried to heal you but then it canceled this thing in a second I'll come and help you again kid soon so tempted to tap portal again there I'll give you a bit more space to breathe oh you're chicken for the family I think we probably killed it where are the level 40 orbs where's the 30 40 down here yeah all right just below the area where you enter the fortress yeah I don't know what the fortress is huh well good bloodlust again but we miss out on our Syrian arrows but the items are ridiculous those are ridiculous ciarán arrows certainly did bump up my Kilrain this is like the ultimate combo though 4209 Creek it seemed quite good that was the four times damage that one happy farming we're coming to help you we're going to rescue you ah what did he get this time I'm surprised he can pick anything up he's already got everything all right that was just the return the supplies for the quest reward ha you lose good day sir that's why you died wasn't it kids those mobs there there was an escort wasn't when you can kill mobs this quickly farming certainly isn't too much of an issue is it I think I put him on follow-on macemail but he might have got killed following mixture I don't have is any way to check where he is oh now you got it [Music] basta you know he really likes me man uh-huh I got the item but is crappy is for kids [Music] there is worth six thousand gold that item if you wanted to sell it if you don't think you need it kids and I'll just sell it but if you think it's helpful then keep it yes not therefore the arrows but I think the wombocombo that you get you get bloodlust back a ridiculous right you get crit and also pure damage on based on your damage the searing arrows ones didn't used to have like all three of those combined well if it did have the create you can benefit from the crap level 1545 looks on my kill rate went off a little bit I did do tiny bit about that I am a demigod see you were saying as demigod orbs but you have to find them all right and God Shane was the innkeeper over here or over here llaman we're gonna escort a hawk now the demonic gate was like over here no trying to find it now maybe it was here or something nope was that the one again my power direct my blade yeah we killed the demon so that's done was he in keep it was here he doesn't know how to get there though from this location it's not going to go back direct my big kick down sparking thank goodness another bloodlust how do I get to go to she gets the last year unless I get like a massive crit towards the end it's a bit spicy try now warrior managed to get to wherever that he was he was girl careful with that sort basta help me must we be German basta well you swapped over to the Syrian hours over getting a taste for the Sierra Narrows I see it now healing there's marks Syrian heiress is your ability so what instead of the heel no the snake ward yeah she need to come up here down once again I wasn't there like some orb over here or something swear someone sort of indicated there was a law over there oh my god estas oh he's selling times that's sick now the greed is real automatically bring Hiro back to life with four hit points contains six charges that's pretty safe but of course we've got to be greedy so it's 500 goes to 250 gold her agility 25 fails and for a hundred so the items are a little bit cheaper in terms of it but obviously the times are permanent nice colors in the very top are there we beat John Dingle they are overcome I thought no we want to pull this boss forever back but I guess we can risk it for a biscuit I didn't get anything if you did drop anything oh this might be the boss in ninja totally [Music] I try to heal myself but the damage weren't free before I could get heal that was really fast 1275 gold gum I guess that's why though songs before then a spamming time daddy wants some damage don't be giving away all the go I'll meet you halfway these guys are really annoying because I have two great cast my bloodlust they're not much good I see level 60 orbs yeah the times aren't too much more of a ripoff but they are definitely more expensive might take a while to get my money back where's my money I do a Gordon Ramsay impression and I cannot should you ask me to do that before the alphago is kind of cool I'll try to heal you there for a second I think at this point it's worth buying the soul of life overclocked I've that's the first thing I did once I went greedy and then when I died it was like well it's cheaper just to fricking have this uni downside is for overclocked is that he's gonna have to free up an inventory space which gives us one less an injured item that you can hold on to we can do a quest down in the swamp area to get some free experience what you mean if I'm pinging here is that the swamp area because they felt like there's something up here right we didn't go any higher there I noticed that a bit earlier all right well these guys are progressing quite quickly over here I can try it see being over there and have another right wasn't there something here I think I blew up the item though when I won some shaky Nagas Naga Ville gothic Oh stung really easy to kill her a lot of bad cost my bad her gold this is probably what I'm supposed to go towards once I've picked up the quest I head back Weiss [Music] where's the question where is she [Music] on Mystere seems I did yes [Music] move you up there [Music] [Music] or stuff to sell the greater good [Music] man what's my bloodlust though I didn't explore enough it's where the Nagas are well that's I turned away from the Nagas because I thought that was where it looked like the kind of thing where I would say new goddess-born it looked like the soughing where you have to go back to pick up the quest to go kill the Nagas kind of deal it's like Oh am I going too far into this Nagas territory weapon to my fing alright oh where do they get I think it was from over here there's no level 55 one is there that's a demigod ranger but it says level 4 5 10 4 6 75 85 15 to 7 go man go all night someone's coming in to steal my credit well there's a tell but we ain't got a quest to kill the bloody thing [Music] this is a good party [Music] [Music] yeah you already had the question you got it when you entered their village in this one pair all right swamp Lord where's this one lobe right get out my way stupid buggers [Music] we're getting closer to the 400k this is very nasty to start with oh my god I don't know then I don't know her where's the undead leered the snake swarmed under Lord has the adventurous seeking vengeance on the swamp Lord lurking in the undead swamps so undead swamps it's wherever you see undead in this one Ward's can't really compete with the damage I'm doing at the moment so down left you say I'm heading down left from this location miss miss miss miss miss [Music] use my power we be job in oh there there while these undead swamps alright so these are the swamps quotation marks seems like spells are the best way to kill these or to attack doesn't necessarily seem to cut it that much oh my god kitchens become too strong ciarán arrows with the last hits where's my crit last since orb is you go yeah he's got level 60 old where'd you get their level 60 off I just need 3,500 goal to fulfill the best aney Kitson's greed is going to get us killed brings me closer to my destiny aha Destiny Fulfilled watch out for that mouse guy he likes to get the last hand mr. M thank you for subscribing thank you time to give up the greed oh what the hell I for IT feedback oh I don't get blood lost anymore feels my damage it's a nice win it Chris I just gotta wait until you get those Chris oh I forgot trying to go for the efficient Snipes gobby buff Awards ready now will be my next big dip probably to spend I pretty much feel over co-opted off cooldown it's still not enough oh hello I wanted that last hit so much so much huh don't know you can buy it two of those I would think you can't I would really want to just keep buying that item over and over but I imagine you can Kitson's hero became super oh thing plus he cheats Kitson's got some gold for me now I gave him gold earlier so he owes me Jesus ah firewood flamestrike coming in all so I repeat I spouse who would afford supposed to be more AP than freaking loyal to attack follow their kids his work here is done I need some gold kids so I can farm equipment like you I want to be a big boy I think it level 75 you can do or something's happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 90% 25% chance to hit an energetic strike okay angelic strike sounds good these many players Lexor a mask of death item or something to help them himself go right get some nose the way feels for kids them it's like four different AoE spell JoJo's gonna get 90 seen that was like a 20 mm it's just a flat one shot looks like you're having some fun with that boss I'm just coming in so tempted to TP in there you got too greedy time to cash in on the greed the greed is strong for Kitson there's too much to come for that's not fair there's all these healthy ones why they were here hey these are my kills we are enemies behind it by me some calls get some surprised no one else's bought those 300 damage clause hungry pet long had that nah he got the irony where's my I think he dropped that looks like a new item I think seeing him I I've got it it's like plus 50 armor like a second tier with a better collapse of speed as well so you say you didn't pick anything up how are you already had it to him I need level 90 I'll do no damage unless I crit it's like the only way I do damage there we go a little 9c Azaz so I definitely need the foster thanks baby where's Chris greedy kids in there oh yeah that's good oh yeah that's good I would just keep buying this clue I didn't realize those were there oh Jesus I guess I'll have to try and buy those at some point Gibson's gonna help us what's up overclocked how can I be of assistance I are supposed to get the attack speed clutch as well I think he might sell where's heat XP gloves for like plus money actually for attack speed I think I'm already a tax be capped anyway to be honest aren't I I wouldn't afford that wouldn't make it I don't know how it works in this game I know how it works unwise I don't see it's activated unless I'm blind uh-huh [Music] by look at these little legs guy you just got a kite like this and I'll just right-click I can't do damage when it's coming towards me really oh so unfair ah the first ball is complete vs [Music] so make sure we time to step into these Nagas again say these ones for now I'll put the sensual passing what he's seen [Music] [Music] I'll see him now just out that stomach oh I got my healing are they wrong screw that noise we just pick out he just picked up an off what was the old [Music] I was wondering where the orc Turin was we beat Jarmon llaman it'd be a pleasure we beat Jarmon llaman move faster use my power I really should find a little girls oh my god that splashed onto me I need to find that two-hour and again man anyone got a spade go there was a Turin like but where he was like I can't remember where the hell that stupid Turin was he was having here it wasn't direct my lead anyone got 300,000 girl swear I'm race yeah well they're easier sitting down Oh take it down [Music] all my Guinness I think I just need exactly 300,000 gold now this item even that good anymore it's heavy sphere there's no better version of the heavy sphere is Oh I can sell my old clothes if I want to I was kind of I wanted to see whether you can have both the claws Oh you can't it's the same type did you try that if not I can sell them afterwards sometimes you did try oh okay says to 20,000 yeah 7,000 gold down I was getting ahead of myself a 300 pounds there'll be another Messiah way soon it'd be a pleasure faster llaman toss dingleman he'd be a pleasure that's what I suspected surfboard does aggro them quite nicely I'll pop over in a moment it's just leveling up my hero how can we end this when I haven't bought the item you need like a place there you go find like a one location where they can't surround you're completely alright hang on I think if anyone got 20,000 gold spare and you can have a demigod Claus afterwards because it probably won't work Kara's in said it doesn't work but I still help I feel like I want to try kids indefinitely house girl yeah mustard gold from Kitson alright I just need another thirty thousand gold now hang back I'm taking all right Kayson was right so if someone wants that twenty thousand demigod Claus they are over here free of charge just gonna go visit the Turin Oh am I oh yeah 20,000 for that's too much we go over clocks go happy now I'm happy boy will be my next big you got claws worth twenty thousand to sell no I mean yeah it's someone else can use them that's fair enough that's gonna help anyway isn't it because they cost forty thousand so no exactly chief she'd not just get like a level 115 because I'm so close like I really wasn't far away from level 115 yeah Kitson says yes come on kid son here boy sure about that kids on our level 112 hero all rangers curious as to whether you're right or wrong where you go them kind of sickens me how greedy Kitson's been this entire run classic Russian level 114 what'd you do did you just run in patience is a virtue you know I'm gonna die they got me I will have 115 now so we're okay good conductor release a kind of fire gives the hero 400 bonus points to Stan's huge heal and a 50% chance to do the crit I'll take it I think I've lost the an extra that 500 damage from if you lost that I went back that's plus 1,400 damage but you don't get the extra 400 stats which is also perhaps this orb is still better for me although then again I get a massive heal which might be useful first is this boss lose a bit of damage go again like a monumental here - almost 500 damage we're all kids in math this literally Hills for my entire health basically Bobby Hill so that one's like 2,000 year old that's 12,000 and it's on a 4 second cooldown and what the hell that's ridiculous so this is why I kid someone so strong can heal the undead Sinatra to get here on time I'll try the past be back fellas TP on there come on [Music] out of that I think it's being all right this way bosses down a half out get ready for the loop [Music] oh [Music] what you're a human fighter yes so I've finally done it I managed to kill either clock that allows here I really want to drop the other the other items though biank was the cheapest item I could drop congratulations overclocked how that makes sense yay overclocked what's the tree feeling it makes sense it really does why you so upset kid some overclocked the Lord as in this is all part of his plan this is why he wanted to get it over with so he could become the leader as quickly as possible you like this end in the overclock alright g-gee top-scorer and that's all that matters not the gold that was transferred over a stream of privilege that is two hours 43 minutes it wasn't quite crazy long but wasn't too bad over this is your favorite map is it Kasim I enjoyed it it was good fun nice little power trip I thought it was a it was very good in its own simplistic way it was a wall fleshed out gave you a lots of stuff to do it's a very nice subscribe like comment you know what you need to do thanks
Channel: wtiiwarcraft
Views: 63,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the imagica, rpg, role playing game, world, adventure, dangerous, destiny, might and magic, crusader, adventurer, warcraft 3 reforged rpg, warcraft 3 rpg, warcraft 3 reforged, warcraft 3, warcraft 3 rpg maps, new, wtii, wtiiwarcraft, warcraft, reforged, coop, co-op, cooperative, map, download, gameplay, video, game, magica, magika, magic
Id: zP7UqX1Cqdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 57sec (9837 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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