War Thunder - "Victory is Ours" Live Action Trailer
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Channel: GameSpot Trailers
Views: 28,217,641
Rating: 4.8570094 out of 5
Keywords: War Thunder, victory is ours, live action, gaijin entertainment, WWII, MMO, Russia, comic-con, pc, game, games, video game, gaming, gameplay, juego, gamespot, gamespot.com
Id: VTzHj-R9McA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 06 2014
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Instead we got an over glorified, light feeling single action scene. The new trailer has been better though but this was a cool, scary life like wwii trailer.
For anyone who hasn't tried War Thunder, it is free. It does have some P2W vehicles, and it is very much a grind without having a premium account. But 560+ hours in and counting, this is one of the best games ever for me.
Holy shit, watching this I'm thinking this has to based off a short film....was not expecting war thunder. Is it really that good? I mean that trailer made me immediately interested.
There's nothing so satisfying in-game as successfully baiting an enemy with low energy into a stall climb only to turn it around on him.
This is also the best trailer I've ever seen for any game ever.
Fuck me.
Wargaming is getting really good at these live action trailers.
I play World of Warships and Wait for me is a pretty good live action trailer.
Whereโs the prosthetic arms? The war paint? This isnโt ww2....
That is an insane trailer. Only thing I didn't like was how the tanks shell spun the wrong direction, except from that it is one of the more amazing trailers I've ever seen.
The only off part was when the BF109 stalled first while rising.