War Thunder: Russian Ground Forces Tier VI/VII- Review and Analysis

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hello everyone welcome to the channel so it's been a very long time i hope you've all been well thank you for bearing with me for this very long break i'll talk a bit about what's been going on in regards to the new job towards the end of the video if anyone's interested but i won't take up time with that here as i've been away for a while some of you may be new what this series is about is covering every single vehicle in a tech tree going over the basics its strengths weaknesses etc and talking a bit about how i personally think it can be best played this video is very long it's my longest video ever so feel free to watch it in parts or skip ahead if there's a certain tank you're interested in there will be time stamps integrated into the video that you can skip along to so we have a lot to cover today in tier six and seven let's get into it thank you all again for sticking around and as always i really hope you enjoy [Music] so first off today we're starting with the t55a a version of the most widely produced tank in the world and it improves on the previous t54 models in almost every way it features an improved engine which doesn't push it to a higher top speed but it does improve its overall mobility and acceleration firepower though is the largest improvement this version comes with a full stabilizer all previous shells from the late t54 and an unlockable apf sds round as far as dart rounds go it's far from the best but it does still work you'll mostly be able to get through all the armor you'll meet but you won't do a huge amount of damage if you penetrate at least when compared to some contemporary shells all around though firepower is acceptable enough armor sees basically no improvement however the changes are mostly small and superficial in addition to this its coppolas are actually a bit larger than the previous versions as well which does make it more vulnerable to aph rounds although meeting tanks that use aphe isn't too common around this br of 8.3 which really leads into the main problem this tank has it's a very master of none kind of vehicle and at 8.3 it will commonly be getting sucked up into high tier matches against vehicles that entirely outclass its advantages in one way or another what it does have however though is a base level of versatility that lets it function to some degree in almost every situation which means there's rarely a map or br where this thing is entirely useless of course it's not going to do too well on hilly terrain due to the ever present poor gun depression or in fill up tears against thermals etc but it does have a dark round and decent enough mobility so it still can get a lot of things done speaking of the dart round one of the main considerations when playing this vehicle is choosing what round to main effectively the apf sds round or the aph round of course by now you know the advantages and disadvantages of each type so i won't spend too much time on that but the apg round really should have some consideration here just because of how inconsistent the performance of the dart round is if you're rushed into a shop and not aiming for ammo or crew your round can quite easily pass through the armor only causing very minor damage whereas if the 100 millimeter aph round penetrates a vehicle it's likely getting one shot or at least severely crippled frontally there are a bulk of vehicles that you will struggle to get through just with the aphe so it is more of a high risk high reward strategy to main it the aphe will likely secure you more kills but the dart round is a safer bet so i can't really give you a black and white answer on this one so let's get into playstyle what should you go for well as this vehicle is fairly versatile it will have a level of applicability anywhere although i would avoid the very long ranges with this one it doesn't have any form of rangefinder so no helping hand there and really if an enemy can penetrate you at close range they likely can penetrate you at long range as well you are a smaller target at range shore but to be effective you'll have to sit hull down and with this thing's terrible 5 degrees of gun depression you'll have trouble finding good spots not to mention that the performance of your rounds will struggle at range as well at close range of course your armor is hardly reliably effective but it is one of the few mbts around this br that's frontally immune from auto cannons the side armor as well is 80 millimeters thick so an spia or similar will have to get a pretty good angle to get through so your armor isn't entirely useless in this respect where i've had the most consistent success with it has been at close range or at least mid-range being a bit of a vulture and sticking with your team and also trying to play around areas where you can generally knock out your enemies with the aphe as it is a more reliable kill in addition try to avoid one-on-one fights you have one of the longest reloads at the tier at 11.1 second stock most of your enemies will be firing at least two to three seconds faster than you so on equal footing you'll likely lose a one-on-one unless they mess up a shot which of course is something you can't rely on try and play around cover extensively you'll need somewhere to back up into to reload as well as you don't have any smoke grenades so if you get caught up in the open there's not really much you can do you do have the mobility to reach some decent early game spots so this is where i'd aim to go don't stray too far from your team and know when to switch up your rounds as well the rest of your success will likely just come down to map knowledge and good shot placement so pros decent firepower decent mobility and versatile cons long reload and unreliable armor like the last video i won't be adding poor gun depression as a con here as it's the same for every single vehicle with canon element so just take it as a given anyway verdict i'd get it it's not the best in any respect but it will form a good backbone for your lineup around the spr and will still be able to perform as a backup down the line too it's likely going to be one of the first vehicles you'll be getting access to at this pr so it's not a bad choice to go for this one first when you reach tier 6. all in all it's definitely a fair introduction next up another very recognizable vehicle the t62 visually similar in many ways to the previous tank but unlike the t55 the t62 actually commits to an advantage and that's in the firepower this thing is equipped with a 115 millimeter smoothbore cannon that performs a lot more consistently than the 100 found on the previous vehicles it can't fire any aphe but it comes with darts and heat mobility is near identical to the t55 it's very difficult to notice a difference with this one armor though is somewhat improved the hull armor-wise has very little difference but the turret is entirely redesigned it has no protruding coppola and better armor values across the front of the turret the cheeks and breech are a lot harder to get through as well not to the extent where the turret armor will save you against heat and sabo but it will be able to bounce a lot more poorly aimed shots than the t55 so overall it is an improvement it doesn't however get the 50 cal machine gun on the roof but this does give the already smaller t62 a lower profile which definitely can help this tank comes with an he shell and three other main rounds unlockable heat with 440 millimeters of flat penetration and two dart shells 3bm 4 and 3bm3 3bm3 is the unlockable round and features higher penetration against flat armor and light angles whereas the stock 3bm4 has weaker flat penetration but higher penetration against harsher angles generally i've found that the stock round will perform just fine you very rarely will actually need that extra flat penetration from the unlockable shell and the improved performance against angles really works in this thing's favor so if i were you i would really just stick with the stock shell although at the end of the day it doesn't really matter as both rounds will rarely fail to get through most armor around this br range but it doesn't hurt to just keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses as for where to aim you can generally shoot the sensor mass and get a one-shot the shelves generate a lot of fragments and due to the nature of most post-war designs you can usually wipe out the crew from the front with a single hit from the side though the round won't quite pass through enough armor to generate high spalling so it's best to go for a two shot kill if you're not quite as confident try to disable the turret crew or breech and then pick off the crew that's left if you are confident though try aiming for the ammo as it will more than likely go up in one shot for playstyle this thing is quite well suited to the longer ranges it doesn't need to get in close for its rounds to work and it also comes with an extra degree of gun depression whoop whoop i am down to clown and of course the improved turret armor as well so it does have more viability here as it only stores two rounds at the side of the turret whereas the t55 has rounds stacked at the back of the turret making that vehicle much easier to one shot through the turret face the t62 will commonly survive a shot into the turret and at long range it will be easy to back off into hard cover repair and re-engage it still doesn't get a rangefinder though but as the rounds are such a high velocity this gun is easy to aim and you will have to make sure that you land your shots accurately as this thing also comes with a longer reload 12 second stock which gives you even more incentive to avoid one-on-one fights at close range you can of course play at the closer ranges easily enough but you won't really get any hard advantages from doing so you're more vulnerable while reloading still don't have any smoke grenades and you don't quite have the directional mobility to escape quickly you do of course have the ess but this isn't quite as useful if the situation calls for it though you can push into the map and play at close ranges you will likely get more kills but a good spot at range is where this thing has the most advantage and will likely stay alive the longest pros great firepower good mobility and versatile and the cons long reload verdict get it it may not be quite as versatile as the t55 but it does have much better firepower comparatively and more reliable turret armor although not completely reliable personally i have much more consistent results with the t62 than the c55 but they both work well as versatile but technologically lacking mbts speaking of technologically lacking mbts this is where things start changing up in this line next up we have the t62 m1 this is a modernized version of the t62 improved in every single way armor itself is probably the most apparent change as the m1 has additional armor on the frontal hull and turret the whole package adds 150 millimeters of material protection which makes the hull immune to 105 heat and sabo darts and high caliber heat will still have no problems getting through though the turret is similarly well protected the base armor is the same but the package adds over 250 millimeters of material protection which is really good although this doesn't protect the front of the turret face or breech so you'll need to use a couple of tricks to really make it work for you also with the unlockable armor upgrade modification you can equip this thing with gill slats on the side of the hull which can be quite effective against chemical rounds if you angle as these gill slats will set off the fuse of heat projectiles so against weaker rounds this thing can be a bit of a beast and it doesn't quite stop there it's a lot more mobile with a 690 horsepower engine compared to the t62's 580 horsepower engine so this thing can reach a higher top speed and maneuver pretty effectively as well firepower 2 is all around improved it holds the same reload and gun angles but it has quite the arsenal of effective rounds stock it gets a heat shell that can cut through 500 millimeters of armor which is usually enough to defeat early spaced armor and of course will trigger hull brakes as well so not too bad also stock it does get a high explosive shell that can get through 40 millimeters of armor which can be effective it's not quite as reliable as the he found on the later tanks but a good shot into a coppola or roof optic can get you some kills from time to time if you need it for the conventional dart shells it gets two 3bm 21 and 3bm28 the latter is a direct improvement across the board holding improved penetration over all angles and a pretty beefy 450 millimeters of flat penetration it isn't a long rod but still pretty decent for 8.7 also a first for the tier it gets a barrel fired atgm with 600 millimeters of penetration it can also fire this missile on the move which is a really big advantage in general the darts will still be more useful as they travel faster but the missile can take out helis cause hull breaks and can be pretty useful for knocking out enemies on the move at long range the m1 also gets smoke launchers and the laser rangefinder as well so that's quite a long segment on this thing's advantages so safe to say it's a pretty powerful machine at least at its own vr at 9.7 it's going to struggle a bit more but it'll hardly be useless the rounds will still work and due to the armor this thing can also be effective at the closer ranges as well now it has the maneuverability and counter measures to deal with threats and the armor will sometimes save you if you know what to do with it from the front the turret armor doesn't have too much use enemies commonly will just fire into the breach and disable you but on the sides where the bulk of the armor is it can actually be pretty effective if you turn the side of the turret towards the enemy this does of course make your barrel and breach vulnerable so i wouldn't do this if you're still able to fight but if an enemy has disabled you and you can still turn your turret it's a good way to buy yourself some time as an enemy by this point in the game is generally conditioned to see the side of a tank's turret as a weak spot so they'll likely plant a few rounds into the side for reference at around mid-ranges the side of the turret can even stop dm-23 on the 105 guns which is great for 8.7 in general though this thing can really work anywhere around its own br you can be effective at the closer ranges and at any br you can be effective at long ranges your rounds will still work great at distance and you have the laser to help you out too additionally at range if you're quick enough if you know an enemy is about to fire at you you can start angling the turret to prepare to take an incoming shot this might be a bit excessive but it definitely can work if you can get the timing right i can't really give any more advice for this one it will just mold into your playstyle one way or another depending on what sort of gameplay you feel fits you best it will lose its armor advantage and up tiers but around 8.7 to 9.0 you can get some pretty great results with it pros great firepower good armor good mobility and versatile and the cons long reload verdict i get it i know it isn't required as it's folded with a regular t62 but it's a very strong vehicle around its battle rating and it can work as an effective backup in the higher tiers as well so if you don't want to rush to the end of the line which i very much recommend not doing it will be a decent tank to pick up for sure next up a very familiar design change most likely this is the t-72a the first t-72brys and the start of a design that will only get more familiar as we get into more russian mbts now the first thing to take a look at is the armor and the armor of these sorts of tanks can be a bit tricky to get your head around as it's not as visually easy to assess the arm performance of these tanks as the majority of the armor can only be seen in the x-ray view where we can take a look at all the internal plates so to outline this i'm going to take a minute here to cover the basic line of thinking for all of these tanks at once just so we don't need to cover it again later so bear with me a bit for these sorts of vehicles i find it simpler to describe the armor in terms of which tanks can penetrate the armor reliably and which tanks can't rather than just talking about the exact armor thickness itself especially as the armor has different effective values against different rounds so all of this precise information could easily get a bit confusing with lots of numbers to remember so to streamline it we can just talk about what common rounds or tanks the vehicle needs to worry about and this way we can still cover all the relevant information regarding the tank's protection without delving into every single one of the specifics which will take a really long time and it's also not really necessary what's important to note though is that the t72a and basically all of these mbts that share a similar design all have three crew and have consistent weak spots the breech driver's port lower plate and to an extent the turret ring as well this basically never changes which means you're always vulnerable hull down or not you'll never be completely immune even 105 sabo can get into the breach and driver's port on all of these tanks so it's never a good idea to be entirely complacent if you're fighting an enemy that knows the weak spots and you're making yourself an easy target they likely will get through you there are ways to get around this to an extent but we'll cover that aspect with each individual vehicle model later on so going forward when i go over the armor i won't cover the specifics of the breach and driver's port as it's safer to just assume that these spots are always weak the extent of the weak spot does differ from tank to tank with some later vehicles having a smaller weak spot in these locations but overall the improvements will never be enough to rely on it's the general armor covering the hull and turret cheeks that we'll be focusing on as these are areas commonly hit if an enemy is rushing into a shot so this armor does still matter for the t72a specifically the turret cheeks are immune to everything but the atgm such as the hot and ito missiles and can withstand all kinetic rounds underneath only the highest penning shells like m900 found on the striker and the 120 millimeter dm-33 the turrets of these tanks will almost always follow a similar protection scheme they're constantly the strongest parts of the armor the hull though is mostly what we'll need to focus on and for the t72 it's not incredibly strong stock the t72a can only really protect against 105 sabo and 105 heat although even the heat can get through if it lands low enough on the plate basically all apf sds can cut through this thing although it does get an armor upgrade the 1983 mod which adds a 16 millimeter rha plate to the front of the hull it might not seem like a lot but this does help and if you're slightly angled you can nullify dm23 and similar 105 apf sds rounds so this upgrade really does help increase the viability of the tank but still not really enough to make it reliable right finally onto something different firepower god this'll be a long one all of these tanks again use very similar armaments they're all equipped with 125 millimeter guns that have similar ammunition and also loaders too apart from one tank we'll cover later the autoloader can fire off around every 7.1 seconds so even if you lose a crew member you'll still have the same reload even if you're using a low crew 2. although 7.1 seconds is still fairly long and most other contemporary mbts will beat this reload on a good crew but for all the advantages it does bring to the table it isn't really that bad the 72a comes with stock heat that can get through 440 millimeters of armor and three apf sds rounds 3bm 9 15 and 22. 3bm9 is the first round you'll unlock and it's good enough to get through most tanks especially if you aim for the weak spots it will struggle at range with some of the thicker armored vehicles but it's still not unusable 15 and 22 are the last rounds you'll unlock 22 has a higher angled penetration and 15 has higher flat penetration as a lot of the fighting at this pr is against angled armor in some form 3bm 22 is the best round to go for you do also get three of and a g round that can get through 42 millimeters of armor with over 5 kilograms of explosive mass so you can lob this shell onto the roof of enemies to them which can work really well once you get the aim down and to help in this respect and in general you can unlock the laser rangefinder modification as well now on to mobility once upgraded the t72 is fairly decent it can cruise at around 40 kph off-road and maneuver well enough it's not quite up to par with leos and similar mbts though so overall it is comparatively on the slower side but it's still on its own isn't exactly slow the fatal flaw of the mobility though that we'll be seeing a lot is the reverse speed at 4 kph which is painful for a vehicle at this high of a battle rating and severely limits what the tank can safely do much like the gun depression as well this tank doesn't quite have the armor and mobility it needs to be consistently aggressive most tanks in 9.3 and above can cut through your front plate at close range and similarly at close range all of your weak spots are easier to hit too this tank and most others like it can of course work at close range but the majority of their advantages come into play at the longer ranges when you have the mobility upgrades you can roll around and try to flank and occasionally get some good results but you can't really afford to make any mistakes here so if a good long range spot exists in the map that's where i'd aim to be although this tank still is versatile so i wouldn't really want to pigeonhole it too much your turret armor is the most effective and at long range you can really make the most of it the breech weak spot will always be a problem if you can find a hull down spot but it's commonly the least lethal weak spot usually you'll lose the breach turret ring and one crew member on a crew with low vitality you can still get one shot through the breach sometimes but overall it is the strongest weak spot if you get what i mean so a location at range will likely keep you alive the longest something else you can do at range is move around a lot as well if an enemy is aiming at you the weak spot for the breach is very small at range and moving a few meters will likely cause the enemy to bounce this is something that will likely take time to master but getting this right can save you on occasion and really there's not too much else to add for this tank it's versatile enough to be able to perform anywhere as the gun is very good but it can only really perform consistently at range hull down it doesn't have the hull armor to brawl and it lacks the mobility in reverse to back out of an engagement quickly range effectively nullifies its drawbacks so really that's where i'd aim to be the rest just relies on good shot placement and map knowledge at 9.3 it currently avoids top tier and at its own vr it can perform pretty well it might just require a bit of luck pros good firepower decent hull down protection and versatile and the cons weak hall armor and slow reverse speed verdict get it when slightly angled and spaded you can protect against early darts hitting the front plate which is pretty good and it does have the gun to deal with basically anything despite its drawbacks in the right spot it can be a very strong vehicle and as it currently avoids top tier matches at 9.3 it is in a good spot so next up a direct upgrade the t72b this version is improved in every single way and sits one notch higher at 9.7 the most obvious change of course is the armor or at least the era stock this thing comes coated in contact 1 era bricks that offer 370 millimeters of protection against chemical shells and have effectively no buff two kinetic shells only a few millimeters or so but the armor layout itself has been improved the turret cheeks are similarly well armored only the strongest darts in game will be able to get through the turret face excluding the area around the breach of course so not a huge change there the frontal hull though is very much improved being able to shrug off most of the common rounds at this br to very quickly generalize at normal combat ranges 500 to 800 meters the front hull excluding the driver's port is immune to every 105 dart shell apart from the m900 on the striker and from basically all but the strongest 120 millimeter rounds as well dm 33 on the leos and ariettis m829 on the abrams l26 on the challengers you get the idea only the strongest unlockable shells on the top tanks can point and click at you effectively so you will still have to be cautious around the m1a2 leo 2a6 leclair challenger 2f etc but for the most part the armor is improved to a level where it is usable firepower wise it does get a couple of new shells with the main unlockable shell being this one the 3bm 42 the mango shell this is a long rod dart round that is pretty good not the best but it will let you cut through every weak spot on all of the weaker vehicles very easily apart from one example we'll cover soon this generally is the best shell russian mbts currently get so don't expect much more power from the majority of these mbts the second type more of a secondary round is a barrel launched atgm now this can get through 700 millimeters of flat armor which isn't bad and it can be fired on the move as well generally i rarely use this as the darts are way more consistent and of course reach the target faster but it is good at taking out helicopters and hull braking light vehicles as it is much easier to aim down the heat especially at long range mobility is also slightly improved the top speed is the same as the previous d72 but the engine gets an extra 60 horsepower so general mobility is slightly better with this one so with all of these improvements the t72b can get away with playing a bit more aggressively it still isn't quite consistent but can at least work better than the a model due to the armor sitting at range and sniping will still work too of course but the higher up we go the less reliable sniping with these tanks is and really that's down to thermals russia gets thermal equipped mbts very late so this vehicle a 9.7 that can see top tier is very much outclassed at this point thermals counter sniping to an extent as sniping relies on sitting far away out of sight and if enemies can always see you enemies with very high velocity easy to aim rounds sniping as a tactic does lose a bit of consistency here also considering how easy the revenge cass is at this tier as well sitting in the same spot is probably not the best idea around this vr you certainly can still snipe with this tank you'll likely avoid one shots this way by hiding the hull but it can employ advantages at close range this time which is definitely something to consider especially as a lot of maps you'll see at top tier require generally close range engagement anyway with fewer opportunities for sniping when relying on your armor playing vehicles that have constant weak spots the best thing you can do is try and rush the enemy into making a mistake i.e firing you too quickly and missing the weak spot or taking too long to fire allowing you to hit them first this is very much easier said than done though as if an enemy is competent they will likely hit your weak spots easily anyway especially at this br it isn't like the t-34s that we covered all the way back in the tier 2 video when keeping angled and on the move was consistent as certain parts of the armor were negated this way effectively because of just how effective most rounds are at this br and with the stabilizers as well enemies can pick out your weak spots much faster if you're even slightly more angled than you need to be even weak dart rounds will be able to just slice right through you so enough waffling how do you rush your enemy into making a mistake there are several little things you can do first of all when playing aggressively i like to angle my hull slightly very very slightly angling even a little too much gives the enemy a very easy shot into your side but what this does do is give the enemy a fake weak spot it gives them another option in their head if they're used to engaging russian mbts they know they need to shoot for the breach driver's port lower plate or if it's angled the side if any of the first three weak spots are visible they are weak anything can reasonably get through them so passively injecting a fourth fake weak spot into the mind of your enemy can mess them up the side of an mbt is an opportunity rather than a constant the driver's port and breach are constants and players will likely rather go with an opportunity especially as firing into the overangled side of mbts usually lands one shot and by this point they've probably learned this this will take a long time to perfect in getting the right angle but it can save you from time to time and really that's the best you can hope for something else to consider is to try engaging on the same altitude as your enemy sounds a bit silly for tanks but you'll see what i mean try and avoid lanes in the map that require you to go up or down in the terrain russian mbts have awful elevation speeds basically every other mbt will beat your speed so if an enemy has the high ground it's over you likely won't be able to elevate your gun fast enough so either try and stay on flat terrain or pre-angle your gun to match the level of the terrain you're driving on this can be tedious to do but it will help you out if you keep it in mind if you're in the open and know that an enemy is going to take a shot at you keep moving your hull around and stay on the move swing the hull slightly from side to side if they're using a weak gun this will help in getting the enemy to miss your weak spots something else to keep in mind are the sight lines and engagement lanes you're playing on try and avoid playing around areas with one lane and try to stay around areas of the map that have other routes around you because you have no reverse speed you can't rely on just backing up and smoking out once you take a hit you're too slow and basically every enemy mbt is reasonably mobile so they will be able to reach you before you're able to repair the best thing to do if you are damaged is to smoke and use your forward mobility to escape ideally by driving down other nearby lanes or around cover obviously this isn't always possible but do try and keep it in mind when you can as it will likely be the best option you have to slip away and repair apart from that there isn't a huge amount else to cover it is still a tank that can play anywhere to a reasonable degree as long as you keep in mind the gun depression pros good firepower decent armor and versatile and the cons slow reverse speed and no thermals verdict i'd get it for the vr it's one of the stronger mbts russia gets its protection is much more consistent and its firepower is good enough to deal with pretty much anything all the while being versatile enough to be used almost anywhere effectively you can snipe and you can brawl just try to play to your own personal strengths and you will likely do well with this one next up we have the t-72b 1989 and this version is actually really similar to the previous b mobility and firepower are identical with the only real difference being the type of era used the 1989 model is protected by contact 5 a much more effective type of era that protects against kinetic damage as well it offers 400 millimeters of extra protection against chemical rounds and 120 to kinetic which is pretty good the era covers the sides of the turret and the hull and the front plate as well the era on the sides rarely has an impact but it can save you rarely the blocks on the turrets similarly don't have too much of an impact either as it just makes the strongest parts of the armor even stronger enemies aren't really going to aim for the sides of the turret anyway the era on the hull though does help a fair bit only dm53 on the 2a6 and the top rounds the ariettis use can reliably get through the top round found on the abrams and leclair etc can get through near the bottom of the front plate but it isn't consistent even at close range even the arietti cl round can non-pen the front plate if it hits two bricks so the advantages this tank gets doesn't really help it perform any better it will just periodically save you if the enemy makes a mistake in where they aim to the point where if you were to play the regular t72b perfectly in 97 it would perform basically exactly the same as this one the 1989 just has some situational defensive advantages it is objectively better as a vehicle but its performance at 10.0 isn't immensely impressive this thing came out at 9.7 and it was really really good there very easy to use but now it is suffering a little bit and really that's just down to how vr and matchmaking work for those who don't know when you're fully up tiered say a 9.7 vehicle in a 10.7 game only 1 4 of the vehicles on either team can be 10.7 in this example which meant regarding the regular t72b it could see 10.7 games the current top br vehicle can have so most often it would only go up against four or five players with top tier machines artificially improving its performance the 1989 is at 10.0 though and an 11.0 br and beyond exists which means if you get into an 11.0 game the team can be filled with top tier vehicles which you can definitely knock out but they are all considerably more powerful than you in pretty much every way which does hurt this thing's performance a bit as top tier is an incredibly popular br games at 10 7 and 11 0 and beyond are very very common in playing this tank for around 20 matches or so recently for the video i only got three games that were below 10-7 and in those games it did perform really well but in top tier it's entirely outclassed and sadly it will get sucked into these matches most of the time the armor it has in the strongest spots is still strong and the mango shell is decent but the lack of reverse gear and gun depression really limit where it can safely play because of how common up tiers are i would aim to play this thing a bit more defensively if you have to it will struggle to go toe-to-toe with the tanks you'll fight in up tiers but generally it's so similar to the regular t72b that i would really just play both of them the same way as the 1989 doesn't exactly have any extra active advantages pros good firepower decent armor and versatile and the cons slow reverse speed lack of thermals and suffers and up tears verdicts i'd consider it it isn't a bad vehicle its own vr in any way but it just won't be that enjoyable playing the majority of matches against the strongest vehicles in the game especially while stock when it's spaded its performance isn't exemplary either so right now i wouldn't dedicate the time and effort required to spade it you don't even have to research it either as it's folded with a regular b model in my opinion the best thing it can really be in the current meta is a good backup maining it at 10.0 will rarely give you a good session so next up something much more recognizable the t90a one of the most famous modern russian designs keeping the formula similar to the previous mbts but adding some technological enhancements that were sorely needed by this point hull protection is essentially the same as the previous 1989 t72 the t90 gets some small extra plates but it doesn't change much the turret is very much redesigned though but doesn't offer drastically improved protection on the turret face the top rounds can still just about get through although this time around there is some contact 5 on the turret face which if hit can stop the top rounds it is still better protected but not invulnerable still the weak spot around the breech is also slightly larger on the t90 which to an extent lessens the positive impact of the turret buff as the weak spot is still very much still there and a little easier to hit although the turret will now be able to deflect more poorly aimed shots from the top cannons so it is still an impactful change just not entirely reliable it's also important to note that the turret ring is a lot harder to get through as well also as you can probably see t90 is equipped with the stora system the little boxes on either side of the turret and these are usually painted up red for demonstrations to look like eyes now these disrupt optically guided atgms and agms so tow missiles hot swing fire etc all will be thrown off course and at range will be almost unable in any instance to hit the t90 they do also angle upwards with the gun so if a helicopter is launching tow missiles at you angle the gun upwards and they will disrupt those too although it doesn't work against laser-guided agms hellfires and those fired by the adapts etc so keep that in mind mobility is improved as well as the t90 gets a 1 000 horsepower engine giving it much better overall maneuverability it can't reach a higher top speed but it's much better at turning and maneuvering in general the firepower aspect is the biggest active change though as the t90 gets small around improvements first off it gets thermal finally second generation so the quality is decently high it only gets this in the gun site though so no commander thermals but still it also gets an upgrade that gives the laser rangefinder quite common at this point but also a laser warning receiver this will pop up letting you know if a helicopter is lazing you with a missile or if an enemy tank is using their laser rangefinder on you which will give you a little bit more time to smoke up or drive off into cover not the most useful thing in the world but it does sometimes help the t90 also gets some new rounds an improved apf sds shell 3bm 42m which offers much better penetration against angles especially which does help this thing out a lot it can also unlock an improved atgm 9m11 9m1 a tandem warhead that can get through 850 millimeters of armor slightly slower than the atgm found on the previous tanks but still much better overall it also gets access to a timed ac shell this acts the same in terms of damage as the previous hg shell but if you use your rangefinder to set the range the shell will explode at the range you lays which is good at taking up mostly stationary helis but won't do too much against tanks using this method you're better off just using the shell normally so the t90 a drastic technological improvement but the same limitations of the reverse gear are still there so despite all these buffs they don't really open up any viability for new playstyles there's also a bit of a regression with this tank as well as it only gets minus four degrees of gun depression compared to the minus six degrees on the other versions which further limit the map spots it can use although it can afford to be much more aggressive the armor improvements really help catch poorly aimed shots and the extra mobility will help it roll around the map easier and as well the improved shell will likely cut out some of the aiming time required to get a penetrating hit which does let it play better aggressively and more so defensively as well your thermals will let you scan ridgelines and spot enemies easier at a distance the stora system will deflect missiles at range too they're not really common at this vr but still and as well the turret armor improvements while not substantial are still more effective than the previous model especially at range as the weak spot is harder to hit the t90a can't really do anything majorly different to the previous t72s but it can play to the same strengths even better but its drawbacks are all still there even more so with the gun depression it's quite severely limited to certain areas of the map comparatively to other mbts which is really its biggest drawback in my opinion it lacks the artificial survivability nato mbts have and not in terms of actual protection but what i mean is that those vehicles when they're hit and lose the breach say they can then use the reverse speed to back off repair and re-engage which will keep them alive longer and give them another chance effectively because these russian vehicles lack the reverse gear they often don't have this chance which is a soft limit on their lifespan trying to describe the perfect playstyle for the t90 isn't really possible there is no definitive perfect way to play this thing that removes all of its negatives while still having a meaningful impact on the match when i make these videos and talk about the playstyle i personally recommend the recommendation i go with usually boils down to what you can do to keep yourself alive the longest while simultaneously having the most impact on the match as you can and of course that usually comes with some compromises playing at close range for example will almost always get you more kills as you're closer to the action but it comes with increased risk playing at long range eliminates a lot of that risk but you'll usually get less kills being further away from the action the advantages of the t90 mostly point to a playstyle that heavily suits long range engagements but i think it's reductive to pigeonhole a top-tier vehicle like this in that way i can't really deal in absolutes when talking about a vehicle like this because of the versatility and the general faster pace nature of top tier matches i don't want to recommend you only snipe with it as a lot of maps don't have good locations for sniping and it won't be consistently engaging to play and i don't want to recommend you only brawl with it because driving in and relying on reflexes won't always lead to success personally i've had more success sniping with it than brawling although i have had sporadic success with both styles there is a later vehicle that is much better suited to brawling so in an ideal world where you have the perfect lineup containing all top tier vehicles you can take this one out if you get a map suited for the long ranges and don't have to risk close quarter fights the performance of the improved round is really good at range and will still let you easily defeat most enemies at a fair distance and even with imperfect aim the new round does give you a bit of leeway there using the t90 in a good lineup with the intention to take it out for long ranges is ideal in my opinion although if you're confident you can still use it at close range if that suits your playstyle but the further away from the enemy you are the stronger your advantage will be anyway pros great firepower good mobility decent armor and versatile at the cons slow reverse speed verdicts get it it probably is the best long range tank rusher gets a top tier but that doesn't mean it can't play in other ways too essentially if possible stick at range if it isn't viable and you need to pick the t90 you can play it at close range too just keep in mind some of the tactics mentioned with the previous vehicles and it should still work fine next up we have our final vehicle in the line the t72b3 which at this point is actually quite easy to explain firepower wise it's a bit of a downgrade from the t90 it doesn't get the 3b m42 round but it does still get the tandem atgm which is good but it won't be your main round so just stick with 3bm 42. it also does get the same thermals as the t90 which is great but it doesn't get the laser warning receiver what it does get though is a fast turret drive 20.8 degrees a second stock when compared to the 14.3 degrees on the t90 and t72b series which will save you some time when reacting to enemies armor and mobility come in two forms as the b3 gets a fairly significant unlockable package stock it's essentially the same as the t72 1989 but with some slightly better contact 5 placement on the turret front mobility is the same as well at tier 4 though it gets the ubh modification and this adds two things first it improves the engine giving the b3 a 1 130 horsepower engine in place of the measly 840 at previously in addition it gives the b3 some additional armor cage armor around the rear but more importantly it adds relict era to the sides of the hull and the rear side of the turret these slats add 600 millimeters of chemical protection and 22 kinetic well there is also another set of era behind the slanted set but this is currently mislabeled it doesn't give this level of protection but it is being looked into as i type well speak i don't know why i said that as if it was a fresh thought i wrote it into the script so the b3 doesn't change too much at least in terms of what these vehicles can do it's way more mobile and the turret can turn quicker which does give it more control around the map it also goes back to the six degrees of gun depression which definitely helps as well much like the t90 again i can't really tell you exactly how you should play this one it has the most advantages at long range still but comparatively it has more close range advantages than the t90 so it can be more reliable in those situations down to the turret drive mobility and the buffs to the side armor annoyingly because of how these videos are structured going down and across left to right there is one vehicle coming up later that i'd like to compare this one to but can't really this thing falls into the middle ground of the top tier russian mbts it's not the best at close range or the best at long range but it can hold its own in both situations it just won't be objectively the best at either this is probably a good time to mention something i think is important when discussing how i recommend how top tier vehicles should be played at this point the vehicles almost loosely speaking reach a peak of design not in the sense they're perfect and flawless but they all basically excel at the tank trifecta of mobility armor and firepower for this tank the b3 has good enough armor in the strongest parts a good enough round to deal with every enemy with some good aim and good enough mobility to get where you want to be in the map excelling in the top tier vehicle can't really be described when they're so versatile like this for lower tier tanks that don't fill all the points of the trifecta by working out the objective strengths and weaknesses you can eliminate what not to do in order to work out what you should do but you can't exactly do that to the same extent for top tier mbts there's nothing they absolutely can't do and largely in my opinion to use top tier tanks effectively mostly all you need is map knowledge reaction times and luck and in a video like this i can't really extrapolate on those points if you know where to put the vehicle on the map and you can click on enemies accurately and faster than they can click on you you'll win that's pretty much obvious and goes for every tank in the game but as top tier vehicles have all the mobility and firepower you need the tank will do the rest for you nothing holds its performance back apart from how quickly and accurately you can click on your enemy and of course where you choose to put the vehicle the luck element comes in here when taking shots and hoping your enemy can't aim and also hoping that you don't run into three enemies at once down a single sight line these are more so the factors that determine your success here rather than the cold data of a vehicle's performance at this pr and i think this is the most honest way i can describe how these vehicles work for the b3 though without wanting to retread old ground you know the deal by now poor gun depression terrible reverse gear i won't be patronizing and go over everything again pros good firepower great mobility decent armor and versatile and the cons slow reverse speed verdict i get it it's worth aiming for in the long run to complete the lineup although not the best top tier tank rusher has it's not the best top tier in any regard really it doesn't have the best firepower mobility or armor but it's good enough in all of these aspects to be able to do everything it needs to do it's a great jack of all trades tank to round off the top tier lineup with next up back to something a bit lower tier the t10m the final heavy tank brys in any of the research trees and despite being classified as a heavy tank it will struggle to play to the strength of heavy tanks mainly as it's placed at a br 8.3 where armor starts losing a bit of its effectiveness overall the t10m itself is on a hull similar to the is-3 but improved with 10 millimeters of extra frontal armor on the upper hull and some extra protection on the sides as well the turret is where the protection is best though being almost immune from 105 sabo a round that's still pretty common at this pr 105 heat and any similar rounds can get through this thing almost anywhere though especially dark rounds although the mantlet block is pretty strong it can even stop heat and even some of the lower grade apf sds shells but still not really something to count on in addition the v spot around the driver's port is fairly weak to everything sabo heat even some strong aphe can get through in general the t10 is strong against some of the weaker shells and auto cannons but can't quite hold its own reliably against heat or dart shells which it will definitely start seeing in up tiers especially mobility for a heavy tank isn't bad though it has a 750 horsepower engine that lets it cruise around at just under 40 kph off-road which really isn't bad in addition it accelerates quickly maneuvers nicely enough and has a workable reverse gear as well firepower is where things start to get interesting it's equipped with a fully stabilized 122 millimeter gun that comes with sabo heat and stock aphe and this stock aphe is really good at being able to get through just under 300 millimeters of armor with 184 grams of explosive this thing one shots a lot and can deal with almost everything easily the heat and sabo are very much the backup shells here although they do work fine in their own respects heat will trigger hull brakes if you need and the sabo can defeat all army will come up against while also being fairly easy to aim as well with the trade-off being not one-shotting quite as often it also comes with two 14.5 millimeter kpvt machine guns which are great at knocking out aircraft and helis and can chew through some light vehicles as well the downside to the main gun though is of course the reload at 19.5 second stock which really hurts this tank because of how mobile tanks are around this br it's very easy for enemies to rush you once they know you fired or just catch you on reload this thing can't comfortably use its armor to brawl with because once you fire if any enemy is nearby they know they have a fair amount of time to push you and take you out so your positioning is very important here the t10m is only really a heavy tank by classification in practice it's much more like a decently protected mbt the armor isn't an overwhelming advantage an enemy that knows what they're doing probably equipped with armor negating rounds and stabilizers can knock you out fairly quickly but against weaker guns and anti-air it can be fairly strong comparatively the armor will sometimes save you but just don't roll around expecting to bounce everything for using it the main drawback to trying to gate apart from the obvious terrible 4 degrees of gun depression is the reload which means you'll need to have a lot of situational awareness of your team and your enemy and try not to get too close to the action either your gun will still perform a distance and of course the weakest point of your armor will be harder to hit try and position yourself around some form of hard cover so that once you fire you can back off and reload so try and avoid open areas if at all possible your weaknesses come into play the most when out of cover the other thing to keep in mind is your distance to the enemy or rather if you're covering a sight line the distance where enemies are going to appear from if this distance is too close and you mess up a shot your enemy will likely have time to rush you and this is really what you need to avoid wherever you choose to play the t10 try and engage enemies as far away from you as you can you can certainly be aggressive with this vehicle too rushing in and brawling etc it isn't impossible to play this way but it's just too easy to get caught out by doing it although if you click fast enough it may just work for you although personally i think playing it slightly more reservedly is the way to go pros great firepower good mobility and decent armor and the cons long reload and suffers and up tiers verdict i get it there is a decent lineup at 8.3 and one shorting stuff using the aph can be pretty fun it's not an incredible tank anymore but it's still a usable one that gets its best round stock it definitely has its place at 8.3 next up back to the mbts this is the t64a 1971 visually quite similar to the t72a we covered earlier and also at a battle rating of 9.3 and for comparison the t64a is really worse in every way its mobility isn't terrible but it has 80 horsepower less in the engine making it less agile it also has the same reverse speed as well firepower is effectively the same with the same unlockable rounds although it has to unlock the improved he shell whereas the t72a gets its stock it also doesn't have any smoke grenades or a laser rangefinder only an optical one which is still usable but just a bit slower armor is the real drawback to this thing though the turret cheeks are fairly well protected like all other similar tanks being able to shrug off everything but the strongest shells the hull though is very poor 105 sabo can't get through but basically everything else can 105 heat can get through the front plate and all of the dart shells as well at 9.3 it's reasonable to assume that every enemy can get through your hull it does have gill slats on the side though like the t62m which can help with chemical rounds if you're angled a bit but this is still a very situational advantage another aspect that doesn't help the t64a is just how recognizable it is when compared to the other versions to a general player a lot of the t64s and 72s look very similar if you're not experienced with high tier gameplay the t64a though is possibly one of the most recognizable it's the only one without a roof mounted 50 cal another slight disadvantage and it has the gill slats on the sides which can't be removed it's the only one of these mbts that has this arrangement which means every player who knows the very basics of identifying these tanks will know that your front play is a very very easy shot something else that doesn't help this tank is the ammo carousel the layout of the t64 series sees the charges stacked higher up in the hull whereas the t72 has them a bit lower down this means that a shot into the hull or driver's port will likely one shot the tank which further limits where this thing can safely play at 9.3 it does avoid top tier currently which is at least something but you can't reliably brawl against anything you'll commonly see within the br bracket which means to keep this thing alive you will need to play it a bit more carefully like i mentioned earlier this thing is just a worse t72 worse mobility worse armor when spaded the t72 does have some ability to brawl but this thing really doesn't it doesn't have the consistent armor or mobility to save itself in close quarter fights you'll really need to rely on your enemy making a poor shot which as always is never something to rely on you will keep yourself in the fight the longest at range sure it lacks the laser rangefinder but once you unlock the dart rounds the velocity is so high you'll get the hang of it quickly and additionally as all of these vehicles use roughly the same set of rounds if you play a lot of high tier russia you'll be able to land shots quite easily after a while so in any case this is where i played this thing the turret armor is still usable and as long as you can find a decent spot out of the way you should still do fine pros good firepower and decent mobility the cons slow reverse speed inconsistent swab ability and suffers and up tiers verdict i'd consider it with some explanation the t72a is a much better introduction to modern mbts in every way i also wouldn't say that maining a 9-3 lineup is the best idea either at least for quite a long time there are only two main 9.3 tanks and no impressive cass options and for 9.7 i'd probably only go with one backup mbt being the t72a the 64a can work though and you could make the argument that it's a good vehicle to get as it teaches you through gameplay just how important it is for these tanks to hide their hull if they can and it certainly does make you learn that although it can be a bit tedious to play and probably not the best choice to go for first i'd still aim to unlock the t72a before it but if you do unlock the 72 and like it after getting the hang of the playstyle you'll probably find some use for the 64a as well but it probably won't be an easy ride in the current meta next up a much needed improvement this is the t64b which brings the protection and firepower up to a decent standard well sort of again let's compare the 64b to the t72b and once again the t72s take the point the t64b shares essentially the same mobility to the a model although due to the increase in weight it is slightly slower though not by much the b does also get the earlier barrel launched atgm and the mango shell as well armor overall is improved but still not as good as the 72b the front plate can stop some of the weaker 105 dart shells the m23 m774 etcetera it can block some of the stronger examples dm 33 and type 93 but these rounds can get through at close range it can also stop a few of the weaker 120 millimeter shots as well it can just about protect against the 2a4 challenger 1's amx-40 and all those sorts of cannons when they hit the front plate at a fair distance but of course usual weak spots still apply drivers port etcetera etcetera you're probably a bit bored of this by now the tank does also get the bv upgrade at tier 4 which covers it in era providing some good protection against chemical shells so can't really complain there this thing's frontal armor is good but the problem is that it's just on the threshold of protection against a lot of these common darts what i mean is that it just slightly offers enough reliable protection so if an enemy has a slightly higher elevation than you and shoots down in your front plate by even a few degrees they'll cut right through which is another map related issue to consider and really for a lot of these russian mbts their biggest enemy are the maps themselves and a lot of the top 10 maps currently in rotation don't really suit these russian vehicles especially mainly just down to the comparatively small size and more so the elevation a lot of the most common maps i played for this video were those like corellia jungle cuban frozen pass these are all maps that have a lot of high ground and low ground which is a triple kick in the teeth for these tanks and the t64b especially in this example the chance of meeting an enemy on a different elevation from you on these maps is decently high depending on where you play so an enemy may very well be shooting down from above negating your armor you likely won't be the one shooting down at them due to the poor gun depression and even if an enemy is above or below you the terribly slow elevation and depression speed will likely get you killed anyway all of these aspects really limit where tanks like this can play on a lot of these common maps which puts them at a constant disadvantage especially as basically all russian mbts suffer from these same problems to negate a lot of these issues you'll need to play on flat ground or watch a sight line at range you can cover with the gun depression you have but this creates a further problem of you being predictable any nato player familiar with these maps at the higher tiers can filter out the locations russian mbts just won't be in and if they are in these locations they're a big disadvantage in my opinion one of the biggest negative factors against these tanks are the maps themselves they are just in no way suited for russian vehicles to fight in of course some maps can be better flat urban maps or wide open maps like the big eastern europe can be more suitable but even then the urban maps can be tricky because of the reverse gear and wide open long maps can be tricky because of the lack of thermals do you see what i mean the environments you fight in can be your biggest enemy and there's not a lot you can do to counter them of course if you are a very seasoned player you can work out the best spots but it's not fair to assume that everyone watching this video and playing top tier russia has the means to dedicate the time required to learn the maps in this way there's no easy answer for where these almost top tier tanks work best they are still versatile but just have a lot of limits on where they can play and what they could do and like i mentioned earlier tanks like this basically can do everything going back to luck map knowledge and reaction times but i can appreciate that that explanation doesn't help you if you don't have the time to learn the maps and don't have the best reaction times i can't really help with that here so recommending a good playstyle is fairly difficult if you are a confident player you can likely still just rely on what advantages this vehicle has and couple that with your map knowledge and likely have a decent time but if not this is what i think you should do from thinking about this problem a lot your best bet is to fully commit to a playstyle don't take any half measures with it if you're going to play to the inherent strengths of the vehicle sit back hide your hull and snipe make it as hard as possible for an enemy to knock you out and if you are going to play aggressive keep pushing don't stop partway through the map if you think you've got a good corner as there's always a better one the enemy is faster and more mobile than you so you will get overwhelmed if you just sit in the middle try going for the flanks and the less traveled areas of the map and try and get around the enemy if your luck holds you might just end up behind a lot of the enemy team or at least end up in a position they won't expect you from if you catch an enemy off guard they'll probably be a bit flustered and even more likely to mess up their shot on you so you can take advantage of this as well if you're sitting back and taking shots you'll likely soak up a fair few points and get a couple of kills too and if you're playing aggressively you can probably get some good kills and rack up the points this way all in all you probably don't want to make this tank your main vehicle for long it's versatile but unreliable which means you can't consistently have a good time playing and you aren't going to want to dedicate heaps of time to playing something you won't have fun in it is a game after all pros good firepower and versatile the cons slow reverse speed unreliable armor and lax thermals verdict get it but as a complement to the t72b this tank doesn't have anything over the 72b really and thus should be its backup sorry if this segment may have been a bit disconnected i basically just used the 64b as an example to explain other points but hopefully it did still help give you some ideas on how the vehicle can work for you i still wouldn't plan on using this tank too much as these sub-top-tier vehicles are just stepping stones to get you to the vehicles you really want but do unlock it as this is the point where the tables just start turning away from the t72s next up is the tatb the penultimate mbt of this episode oh my god we're still going the tv does change things up a bit which it does need to do at 10.0 and rejoice the t80 can go backwards with a blistering reverse speed of 10 kilometers an hour not amazingly impressive considering that basically every other mbt can at least hit 30 in reverse but still it's better than four mobility of this tank is the highlight really featuring a 1 100 horsepower engine this thing can cruise off-road over 50 kph easily as well as being able to maneuver much faster as well it's a really nice change for these tanks firepower is essentially identical but it does get thermals wowsers trousers only generation one and only in the gun sight but still armor is worse though compared to the 64b similarly it gets a tier 3 modification that gives the tank era so heat protection is decent but the hull suffers a bit anything around the performance of 105 dm 33 will have no problems with your hull even dm 13 on 120 millimeter guns can cut right through the turret is weaker as well with 120 dm 33 being able to get through a fair chunk of the turret face so the strongest rounds safe to say will just melt right through you this thing has more potential but it's much less forgiving at 10.0 you can't really rely on your armor at all we've basically already laid the groundwork for this thing's playstyle already it can do everything the other tanks could but this time it's just much more maneuverable and has thermals which gives buffs to every playstyle you can pick out enemies at range with a thermal sight and use the mobility to get to better spot to the map faster although just because you now have usable mobility doesn't mean you should always play aggressively some maps just don't really allow it and it is still very weak and you don't want to rush right into enemies head-on so always try sticking to the flanks or side routes if you are going to put the mobility to use but this thing can still do pretty well in urban environments despite the armor just down to how reactive it is you can accelerate change direction and move around the map very quickly and if you're confident you can take a lot of enemies by surprise the tatb can definitely do this but on fairly linear maps like finland and sinai it will struggle a bit it can't really use the mobility effectively on these maps and either just needs to play passively or engage enemies head-on which will likely result in loss much like the t-72b 1989 at 10.0 you will mostly just be seeing 11-0 and 10-7 games and your armor is entirely worthless in those matchups and if the map you're on doesn't allow you to put the mobility to good use there's not a huge amount you can do apart from hang back and hide your hull this thing absolutely works best when really pushing the mobility so always try using it when you can on the right maps apart from thermals it's the real selling point of this thing apart from that there's not a lot of extra info i can really add here you've pretty much heard it already and we still have a fair bit to cover pros good firepower great mobility and versatile and the cons horse 5 ability verdict get it this thing lets you change up the play style of all the previous vehicles in a workable way it is very unforgiving in terms of protection but if you can get it spaded and put the mobility to use it really enters its element and the thermals only add to this further by giving it a helping hand on those particular maps where rushing in isn't really viable it's good for the battle rating and good for some of the later lineups too so next up is the star of the russian mbts this is the tatu a massive step up from the t-80b and nullifies the weaknesses of the t72b and t90 this tank has everything it needs to have to reliably work in the meta firepower remains mostly unchanged from the t-80b though and comparatively is this tank's least impressive asset just having the standard atgm and the mango shot it uses the same thermals as well although one very welcome plus is the reload the u has a fixed 6.5 second reload compared to 7.1 on the other vehicles which is a really nice change regular nato mbts will reload faster on an expert crew most of the time but it's still a big plus and gives you a tiny bit more time to get those shots off the u also has a much higher zoom on the side at 12 times i usually don't mention sight zoom and fov as high zoom can be harder for some players and vice versa but it does make seeing targets range a bit easier especially the weak spots so it is worth mentioning as a plus here at least for me personally mobility is great even more so than the t-80b as the u comes with a 1 250 horsepower engine in practice it mostly reaches the same speed off-road as the b but of course is much more responsive and agile and again same speed in reverse too in addition the u negates the main drawback of the b in the protection this thing has great armor for its speed featuring a fairly small breech weak spot and strong turret so only the most powerful rounds from each nation will be able to get through the bare turret face although nothing can get through while also hitting the contact 5 which does cover the turret face everywhere apart from the mg port which is really good the hull is effectively protected as well with contact 5 again covering most of it and similarly to the turret only the strongest shells like dm53 and the cl round can get through everything else will struggle with the hull front dm 33 and similar rounds can get through the parts of the hull that aren't covered by contact 5 but those spots are really small and an enemy likely won't be aiming for them anyway the lower plate of the u also has an extra lip of armor although functionally this won't really do anything against the enemies you fight but it is there i guess it does also have some contact 5 on the sides of the hull but you can't really use this to angle safely as the spot between the era and the hull is still too large it will save you incidentally from various weaker shells but in no way is a protection you should rely on so where does this thing work well like i've mentioned before i can't really tell you it has advantages defensively and defensively and i wouldn't want to try and convince you to play it defensively if you're an aggressive player or offensively if you're a defensive player just based on my own preference as what works for me may not work for you to generalize quickly using this sort of vehicle i like to play somewhat around the middle ground of the map not too aggressive to the point where i rush into brawl and not too defensive to the point where i sit at the back and snipe i like playing in the middle ground as it allows me to react to what's happening in the match better if the team is losing i can roll back and be more defensive and if a team is winning i can rush out of cover and join in the push committing wholly to one area of play style makes it harder to react to what's happening if you rush in aggressively and your team folds you're stuck you usually can't retreat on your own and if you play it too passive and your team is winning you probably won't get the opportunity to do anything if you push out of cover too late so because of this i like to play somewhat around the middle of the map in any given situation if the map itself has a good spot like that for me to play in the tatu is versatile enough to be able to play this way somewhat safely which is a really big plus but this does overlook the one big advantage the tatu has and that's the power of its aggression and why it works playing this thing aggressively drastically improves the performance of the armor if you're pushing an enemy and give them very little time to land an accurate shot the armor becomes much more effective as the majority of your frontal armor can't be easily penetrated most of the hull and turret are no goes for a lot of enemy tanks and if you're rushing an enemy into firing at you it's not unlikely they'll hit one of these stronger parts of the armor and really this is the main way to keep this thing's armor relevant as we spoke about near the beginning of the video any enemy can get through your driver's port or breach so if you're staying still and making yourself an easy target you are vulnerable to every enemy the only way to nullify this is to give them as little time as possible to fire at you also if you can try driving an angle towards where enemies will be coming from only very slightly this again gives them the false weak spot but also makes the driver's port harder to hit on account of the actual perspective of the weak spot if you drive straight at an enemy the weak spot of the driver's port doesn't move it just gets larger relative to your opponent but if you're moving at a slight angle it again gets larger but moves laterally as well meaning that an enemy needs to strafe to hit the weak spot which will further give you more time to hit them or pressure them into missing this will take a lot of practice but it definitely can still work also one thing i like to do with this tank that you've probably seen me do already is to kick in the ess smoke from the engine and reverse into it thermals can see through ess so if you hide in the smoke and turn it on enemies will really commonly just push in and rush you usually without turning their thermals on this can be really satisfying especially if you're stuck at an impasse where an enemy is watching your corner or something if you back off into the smoke they'll usually just blindly rush which gives you a good chance to take them out but this isn't specifically connected to the tatu it's just a tactic that i like to use sometimes and it's probably the easiest to use on the u top tier is very fast paced and you can definitely take advantage of that mentality using this tactic and really that's pretty much all i can say about the tatu the benefit of all of these tanks being so similar is that once you start playing them the skills and tactics you learn will translate directly into the next t-series tank you unlock so once you've started playing the tanks in tier 6 you won't have to learn a huge amount of new skills or play styles it all bundles up so if you've watched all the way through so far you'll hopefully have a few ideas about how best to use these tanks in a way that works best for you pros good firepower good armor great mobility and versatile the cons constant weak spots can't really put much else in so is it worth going for and i think yes it's still a very relevant mbt that will work well in the current meta this is the best russia currently has to offer and it's an easy enough vehicle to pick up and play once unlocked personally i don't believe russia is currently the strongest nation at top tier mainly down to the map rotation and just how powerful the 2a6 is currently as well as how easy cass is at the moment as well but still it's very far from a bad nation and once you have the top mbts you'll have a pretty strong lineup but strong lineups will need support and up next we have the support vehicles so next is the light tank line and starting it off is the object 906 which looks a lot like a much meaner pt 76 which is very much the case actually the 906 is similarly fully stabilized and features pretty great mobility being able to cruise easily at around 40 to 45 kph off-road and the same in reverse now we know where all the gears went similarly as well it is also amphibious being able to travel at a max of 10 kph in the water although the stabilizer doesn't quite work here so this is mostly just a gimmick firepower itself though is this thing's standout feature it uses an identically performing cannon to the one found on the asu 85 with the very powerful aphe round and the heat round two but the best thing here is the autoloader this thing can fire every 4.3 seconds which is really really good for just how effective the aphe round is armor though of course nothing impressive by light tank standards it's protected by alloy armor so it has around 20 millimeters of protection in general so auto cannons will rip right through it same with even 50 cows from the side the 906 benefits from a pretty simple light tank playstyle without too many gimmicks flanking around the sides of the map is the way to go however even though it's fast it's not incredibly fast 40 kph off-road is as fast as the cruising speed of a lot of mbts around the vr stb amx 30 leopard 1 etc the 906 doesn't quite have the speed to outpace a lot of the competition but as it has the stabilizer and a pretty powerful aph round that does come stock you can beat a lot of these vehicles on the move just down to the stabilizer and the one shot potential of the round keep in mind though that of course any similarly stabilized vehicle can do the same to you you can hull brake and have no armor so you need to be very quick to the punch an enemy that's stabilized doesn't need to take a long time to aim at you so in this initial push to the flank you need to be very careful especially in up tiers where the stabilizers are a lot more common if you manage to get behind the enemy team this thing really gets into its element though the autoloader and one shot potential mean you can take out a lot of enemies very quickly and very reliably especially from the side but even if you're not quite fast enough to safely get to the flanks you can take out most enemies from the front as well if you are forced into this situation try to stick with your team for protection or lurk around cover in areas that let you watch over lots of sidelines because of the directional speed and fire rate you can reposition and engage new enemies very quickly even at range the advantage of the autoloader range is that even if you miss the first shot and alert the enemy to where you are you can likely follow up a second shot before they can react to you which is a really great advantage the 906 is fairly versatile as light tanks go in this respect you have advantages at close range and long range admittedly you have a lot more advantages at close range but if you're forced into a more defensive position you can still fight back like all of these tanks but more so for the 906 as it's a light flanky tank the lack of gun depression really does hurt it as light tanks generally work best by being sneaky and using the terrain to flank around and take enemies by surprise and you can't really do this quite so easily with only 5 degrees of gun depression this aspect really limits the spots in the map you can safely play which is a bit of a problem but in any case the advantages this thing has really do make up for it pros great firepower fast reload good mobility and versatile and the cons poor survivability verdicts i definitely get it it's a decently versatile light tank that's kept relevant down to the firepower it isn't quite as good as it once was as just so many tanks that counter its playstyle have been added since but it is fun to use and if you can get it into the right spot you can have a lot of fun and even if you can't it still does work in other areas too next up something fairly different the bmp2 which differs functionally from the bmp1 quite a bit compared to the one the two has practically identical mobility being able to cruise at around 40 kph off-road and being able to hit 10 in reverse not bad armor as well isn't really changed enough to have any functionality it's still very weak although it does get the unlockable bmp 2d modification which adds additional side armor to the tank which doesn't really add much to survivability when angled the hull can stop some autocannon fire but flat on the side won't offer much protection this mod also removes the bmp's amphibious abilities and adds 0.7 seconds to the acceleration time so pros and cons the most interesting feature of this bmp2 though is the firepower this thing is equipped with a fully stabilized 30 millimeter cannon and a set of four conkers atgms the same ones found on the bmp1 as an upgrade the autocannon performance is pretty decent but has been nerfed a little in the past it gets access to four belts default majority he majority ap and an apds belt the regular ap can get through a max of 65 millimeters and the apds 82 millimeters with better angle penetration as well with this cannon you can take out two belts that you can switch between quickly in battle a primary belt and a secondary belt the first belt will always contain 340 rounds while the secondary belt will always be 160. although keep in mind the apds belt is always limited to 160. from the side the apds belt can get through basically all enemy mbts fairly easily from the front it can take off barrels and can get through turret rings on some vehicles too and can elevate almost vertically meaning that this thing is very very good at taking out helicopters especially the first spawn ah1gs that are fairly common around this bracket in any case the bmp2 can make best use of its advantages at close range the auto cannon is really effective here and will let you make good use of the flanks especially as on the flanks you will quite likely be meeting some light vehicles and this thing shreds them with the sabo belt you don't need to worry about messing up your shots either as you can just hold down the fire button and spray them down this lets you start engaging any potential enemies very quickly as you can correct your aim to their weak spots while still firing at them and putting them under pressure so urban environments especially work really well for the bmp2 and in general maps that give you lots of routes into the map itself with lots of branching pathways can be really good for this thing as it lets you flank and get close to enemies fairly easily the closer you are the more effective your main gun will be if you do get caught at long range though you can still use the atgms they're decently powerful at 8.3 and are easy to aim as well they also reload quickly too if you are planning on maining the atgms on any given map try to avoid linear sight lines i.e try to avoid watching down a road or valley with one entrance as if an enemy sees you at the same time you see them their round will likely hit you before your slower atgm will try and cover a wide sight line quite open if possible as well as this will give enemies less time to dodge out of the way if or when they see your missile also make sure that you're stationary while playing this way as the atgm can't be fired on the move if at all possible try and stick close to combat and if not you can rely on the atgms for a while until you run out at which point you can if you like make your way to a friendly cap point to reload them as well pros great firepower options good mobility and versatile and the cons poor survivability verdict i'd get this one for sure it's very versatile for a light vehicle and can use a lot of the map in one way or another its ability to combat helis and slow plane to the big plus too and really it's also quite easy and forgiving to use especially if you come up against light vehicles all in all the bmp2 has a lot for you to make use for all around the map and it's definitely a good support vehicle to go for next up is the bmp3 very similar in name but quite different in function the 3 definitely does change it up a bit firstly it's a completely new design the hull this time is larger and slightly better protected though not really to a reliable degree frontally it has around 50 to 60 millimeters of protection so some autocannons will take a while to get through your armor but the protection is still largely superficial but it is a bit better than the bmp2 it's also slightly faster as well with an extra 200 horsepower in the engine the 3 is slightly heavier though so it isn't a huge improvement but it is noticeably a bit more mobile it also has a much more effective reverse gear and get to 20 kph going backwards and also it features hydropneumatic suspension which means it can adjust the hull position you can angle it forward to get more depression lower the suspension to hide behind cover or raise it to help you cross rough terrain although that last one isn't really useful most of the time it's largely just a gimmick but the ability to gain more gun depression is honestly really useful firepower has seen the most radical change though it features a coaxial 30 millimeter gun with the same ammunition as the bmp2 but it fires slower it also comes with a 100 millimeter main gun that can fire hg rounds and atgms and this is where things get a bit annoying with this thing the hd rounds reload every four seconds which is really good although they don't have too much of a wide use the main hg shell can get through 36 millimeters of armor so you can knock out light tanks and even mbts by hitting the bottom of turrets or landing a shell underneath the tank this can knock them out but it's not really reliable and hard to do with just how low velocity the shells are but the atgms have a longer reload at 26 seconds stock they are still fairly powerful though the standard atgm can get through 600 millimeters of armor with 4.6 kilograms of explosive mass but the improved tandem atgm can get through 750 with a longer range and with the same explosive content the bmp3 can also fire these acgms on the move which is a really nice bonus also an even nicer feature on this thing is that it gets thermals generation 2 in the gun sight which is really nice for an 87 russian vehicle all in all i think the bmp3 is harder to use than the two but has the potential to do more the slower fire rate of the 30 millimeter isn't too detrimental it does mean that you'll take out barrels slower which could catch you out and you'll be less likely to get a kill at range but this does mean that you'll retain more ammunition especially with the sabo belt which this time can carry up to 195 rounds i don't think i've ever run out of ammo for the 30 even if i've had a really good game the atgms are probably what you're going to be using most often and they are pretty good but the drawback of the reload does hit hard especially if you're playing at range and relying mostly on the missiles as once you fire you can't really do much for the next 25 seconds which is a bit annoying although of course you are still a scout vehicle so you can mark enemies for the team but still the larger profile and slower fire rate of the 30 does make it a bit harder to play at close range but it definitely can still play in the same way the bnp2 can in my experience i've had the best results using this thing hull down at range sat behind some cover or a ridgeline this lets you use the atgm safely and really helps keep you alive unlike most tanks the gun of the bmp-3 is effectively very high up in the turret there isn't much more space above the gun which means you don't need to show the enemy much of your tank to fire at them the turret is very small and because of the suspension control you can use a lot more hull down cover than most russian tanks can't which lets you play the vehicle in different ways which is really useful up until now basically all the tanks in this tree had areas of the map they just could not safely play in because of the gun depression but this thing can actually use those spots which means it can work on the maps that the other tanks just can't and for me this is where i've had the most success with it using the atgms at range in tandem with the thermals once you get them can be a really good way to play it lets you spot vehicles easily and fight back with relative safety all the while being able to play at close range if you need to pros good five power options good mobility usable suspension and versatile and the cons horse5 ability and slow reload for the atgm verdicts i get it i still don't think it's quite as easy as the bmp2 but it does have the option to play in unique ways at least as far as russian vehicles are concerned which is a really big plus for me one of their biggest drawbacks is just how limited they are on maps and this thing with the suspension can really just do things they can't playing it in this way does require a bit of map knowledge but even if not you can play it just like the bmp2 and still get some results if you stick around the team and play a little bit safer next up something a bit different i keep saying that it's almost like vehicles change or something this is the object 685 which really looks like a much meaner object 906 which it very much is this video is getting really meta now anyway it's so dumb anyway hilarity aside this tank is very similar to the 906 in a lot of ways forward mobility is almost exactly the same it can cruise at around 40 to 45 off-road and can hit 20 in reverse so again not bad protection is better but remains similarly superficial a turret will get eaten up by auto cannons and the lower plate is an easy pen too the upper front plate can bounce some of the weaker rounds but as always it's never good to rely on armor like that this thing carries a stabilized 100 millimeter gun that has essentially the same performance as the 100 found on the t55 it uses the same heat capped aphe and dart round all the while having an auto loader that can fire off a shot every 6 seconds which is decent however the problem with this vehicle is that it just doesn't improve upon any of the drawbacks the 906 had it still isn't quite as mobile to flank reliably and that hits it even harder as 8.7 it's fighting vehicles that are much faster even mbts common vehicles like the radcamp chentoro kpz slash mbt-7t leo a1a1 and all the ifvs all either match this thing's speed or outpace it entirely so getting into the spots it needs to be in the map can be really tricky especially when stock the firepower is decent for sure but not really incredible for the vr it gets a comparatively weak dart round no thermals and even though the autoloader is good it's still only around one second faster than the reload on the standard 105 guns on an expert crew much like the t55 it shares its firepower with this thing just doesn't commit to an advantage it's the point where you could even argue that the 906 has more to offer having a faster reload and really a better round as well the apht on the 906 is 85 millimeter still has better penetration performance than the 100 although not by much but it's still usable in the higher tiers despite the smaller explosive mass this tank is also currently at the end of the line so its modification cost is huge and given that the stock performance is less than stellar dedicating the time to play this thing's stock for the amount of time you need to spade it really is a bit of a struggle in my opinion and it's a struggle you don't really need to make as before this thing a three perfectly usable vehicles that in one way or another do the same job arguably better in the right spot this thing can definitely work the aphe will usually one shot and the autoloader will really help but 8.7 with some tough competition this thing is in for a rough ride for playstyle i can't really recommend deviating much from the playstyle of the 906. this thing basically is just the 906 scaled up to fight tougher tanks at least from a gameplay perspective it still benefits from trying to hit the flank as hard as you can and hoping that you can make it to a good position far into the map and if not holding back and staying close to the team and supporting them there either the aphe or the dart will work on this thing similarly to the t55 it mainly just depends on where you're fighting and your preference they both have advantages and drawbacks to the point where i can't really say which is objectively better for you this thing for what it's worth is actually quite decent as a late game spawn where generally weaker vehicles are rolling around and there's less immediate confrontation with the flanks you can use them up a bit safer in this regard although with just how common the g91s are right now maybe that's not such a good idea either pros good firepower and decent mobility the cons poor survivability and low versatility verdict this is a bit of a hard one i would probably have to go with and avoid it it does still definitely work as a vehicle when upgraded but dedicating the time to unlock it and spade it will take a while and considering that it's not the easiest vehicle to use in the first place and comes directly after vehicles that work just as well if not better your time can definitely be better spent going after other vehicles in the tree this is one of the tanks i'd go for last personally at least where it currently sits maybe this thing could go to 83 or even keep the br but move down and get folded with the 906 as they're very similar at least this way the modification costs could potentially go down next up on to our atgm carriers and this is the it1 a pretty unique vehicle it's on the hull of the t62 and shares identical armor in that respect with the turret being 200 millimeters angled fairly effectively mobility is almost identical to the t62 as well the it1 is slightly faster due to the decrease in weight although not by much really of course though the main thing to talk about here is the firepower and the it1 is equipped with the 37m atgm which is decent it has a max penetration of 500 millimeters and an explosive mass of just under 4 kilograms so the damage isn't bad it's also also loaded being able to fire once every 10 seconds the main issue is that the missile is quite hard to control overall it is mouse guided but isn't very responsive to input meaning that if you need to change the direction of the missile quickly say to hit a maneuvering vehicle at distance it can be quite tricky to land that hit although in general the missile does have its positives it can be fired on the move at any speed and also actually has gun depression well gun depression at 9 degrees which is really quite nice and lets this thing play in some of the more defensive areas similar to the bmp3 this thing's hull down protection isn't terrible the sloping of the turret can bounce some of the weaker shells and it's quite hard to one-shot through the turret blob as well due to the crew spacing as far as play style goes the general rule i subscribe to is that if i'm not playing behind cover i should be playing something else the main advantage of this thing is how effectively it can fire from concealment and in my opinion this is how you should aim to play it you can play it aggressively sure rolling around and shotguning people with the missile but you can do the same thing easier in conventional tanks the t-55 or 62 for example at the same vr this thing loses its unique advantages the second you leave cover so this is where i'd aim to be if you're out of cover and see an enemy at the same time they see you their dart is hitting you before your missile hits them as far as exact positioning i'd aim to avoid the very long sight lines this missile is comparatively slow and hard to aim and if an enemy is peaking cover they'll likely dodge out of the way before you can hit them so mid-range is ideal really you can play at close range but you will need to be much more careful a few meters off the mark and you're going to miss you're not going to have much time to correct your aim and this thing is fairly defenseless on reload so stick to cover and stick to range if possible and you will get the job done pros good firepower and can fire from concealment and the cons low versatility verdicts get it stock it works just fine and fills a role the other tanks can't granted it is very niche and specialized acgm carriers are a bit obsolete in today's meta but there is a strong 8.3 lineup so if there's a map or vr where none of the other tanks are going to work very well this thing still can have function in an up tier it doesn't lose its main advantages so it's a good tank to have in the back pocket if you need something a bit different next up we have the sturm s and apc fitted with an atgm system it has a very low profile and a pretty powerful selection of missiles but not a lot else going for it armor is extremely poor with only 7 millimeters on the sides and 14 at the front it's also only made up of two crew members so it's incredibly weak to everything basically mobility isn't that bad but it doesn't really come into play much the sturm can cruise off-road in the 40s which isn't really bad but as it only has a 240 horsepower engine it struggles with hills and braking through soft cover the firepower is both parts effective and annoying it works but it's not easy to use at all really the sherm comes with 12 missiles that load automatically every 13 seconds stock it comes with a regular acgm that can get through millimeters of armor and travels at a pretty fast speed of 400 meters a second for the unlockable missiles it gets an improved tandem 80 gym that can get through 800 millimeters of armor and travels very quickly at 550 meters a second which isn't bad at all it also gets two additional specialized rounds an he atgm that's quite useless really it doesn't do a lot of damage and requires a fairly careful hit to knock out most vehicles so it isn't really worth it and a proximity he atgm i read that line about 10 times that's really difficult to say this proximity doesn't have any impact against tanks so its performance is basically the same as the previous round but it does act against aircraft which does make this thing fairly decent at taking out helicopters aircraft not so much as the missile can't easily track a fast moving target but it is decent enough for helis the problem with this thing is mainly down to just how unuser-friendly the firing system is the sight for the atgm is positioned in the front it's this thing here which means that this site needs to be exposed for you to be able to fire on an enemy you can't just poke the missile out of cover and use it like that in third person the launcher can't really depress either it can only angle down at five degrees so unless you find the absolute perfect spot of cover you will need to expose the front of the vehicle to use it which means it will almost always be incredibly vulnerable another negative is that the launcher will fold away if you exceed 20 kph and will take about 4 seconds to redeploy so if you get caught out of cover there's likely nothing you can do this thing's cruise control in gear one is exactly 20 kph as well which means that even if you cruise the launcher will still retract which is a bit of a shame and further hurts the vehicle's performance another tedious aspect is the selection of the ammunition once you fire the missile type you already have selected will be chosen and can't be cancelled which means if you're on reload and quickly need to switch to the vt shell for a heli there's nothing you can do but waste the shot this does make sense as a feature so it's not broken it's just a bit of a drawback my personal issue with this thing is that it can't really play anywhere safely and there are a handful of common maps that it's almost entirely useless on close quarters and urban maps are a death sentence for this thing as there's rarely any decent cover for you to use it can work on very long range maps as it does have thermals and the unlockable missile travels very fast but that is it really it has a very very small niche and doesn't work at all outside of it you need to be so careful playing this thing to the extent where the advantages you get from playing the sturm well don't justify the effort required to keep it alive the bmp3 can do everything the sherm can but better with more versatility and more reliability of course the sturm can take out helis a bit easier at the far ranges and reloads the atgm faster but these are surface level advantages really for using it i would just stick to the longest sight line you can and try to hide behind cover the missiles do work so you can keep yourself as safe as possible while still being able to fire them that's really the only way to go pros good firepower and decent mobility and the cons horse fire ability poor weapon handling and low versatility verdict i'd avoid this one at eight seven it's almost entirely outclassed by the bmp3 and only really works in very specific locations on very specific maps and currently it's not really worth dedicating the time to spade it in my opinion there's no lineup it works in and it's quite rapidly outclassed by something objectively better which we will look at right now next up we have the chrysanthemum s which improves upon the foundation set by the sturm but still inherits a lot of its problems offensively it is drastically better though having two barrels and a much improved atgm the tandem 9m123 with over 6 kilograms of explosive mass and 1 200 millimeters of penetration which is really good there's almost nothing in the game currently that can resist these missiles it does also get an unlockable hd missile but similarly to the sturm they don't really have much use and often struggle to do any meaningful damage its offensive properties get even better though it gets high quality thermals in the gun side and in the commander view making it currently the only researchable vehicle in the tech tree to have this feature pretty nice it also gets another unique feature a ground radar this radar picks up tanks within a direct line of sight and also lets you lock onto them if you do this and maintain the lock you can launch missiles that will automatically track the locked tank pretty reliably which is pretty good for hitting a vehicle moving at long range mobility is also pretty good it's very similar in speed to the bmp3 once upgraded so it can get around the map easily armor is similar as well it can survive some glancing hits from autocannons but largely won't be surviving anything more serious also like the sturm only operated by two crew now from looking at it one of the most appealing things about this tank from the officer is probably where the missiles are placed right they're positioned very high up so they can surely fire over a lot of cover oh my sweet summer chrysanthemum no such luck like the sturm the sight on top of the hull is where the missiles are guided from and if this is obscured in any way you can't use the missiles they just point down and will just fire right into the floor they can't depress much either only 5 degrees again this isn't at all an error with the game it just works this way and it's kind of annoying like the previous vehicle these factors really limit where it can play which is a shame is in the right spot this thing can be really satisfying to use generally though this means that if you're playing the game with the absolute intention to use this vehicle you'll likely get maps where it just won't work again urban locations and small maps are not a good environment for this thing it very much works at the longest possible range from behind adequate cover it works really really well here in tandem with the thermals and the radar lock you can set key for this lock by searching lock radar target on in the ground vehicle controls you can though still use the missiles without achieving a lock which in some situations is actually a better choice if the vehicle you're engaging is behind partial cover or moving past foliage you might lose the lock so in these engagements manually guiding is the way to go so in short hide the hull as much as you can and stay as far back from the action as possible and this thing will do its job pros great firepower thermals and radar and good mobility the cons poor survivability poor weapon handling and low versatility verdict i'd consider it it is way more workable than the sturm but it'll take a while to unlock and only really feels quite a small niche at 9.3 at this point vehicles like this somewhat fall out of the meta they don't really add much to the majority of mbts and ifvs that are way more versatile and overall are worth taking over a vehicle like this however in the right spot it can be really powerful and does come with the best missile stock so from the offset you'll probably be able to take it out and do what you need to do and similarly to the it1 it is worth taking on maps where the other vehicles just don't quite work personally i think your time could be better spent unlocking vehicles that can be used more widely and effectively but if you enjoy the more slower paced support play styles and don't really mind much about the tedium that comes with positioning this thing you still will probably get some enjoyment out of it it certainly is a very unique machine and on that basis it is worth giving it a try down the line so next up we have our anti-air vehicles and we're starting off with the zsu-234 the shulker probably a very recognizable machine like the name implies it's equipped with four 23 millimeter auto cannons with a very fast rate of fire 850 rounds per minute much like most anti-air vehicles though firepower is the only reliable aspect this thing is protected by nine millimeters of armor all over so artillery splashes and heavy machine guns can wreck it very quickly the mobility as well is fairly average it can move around easily but isn't quite fast enough to use mobility aggressively it's just too slow and weak and lacks the penetration power to deal with most tanks frontally the api rounds can get through 46 millimeters of armor at close range which is generally enough to rip through light vehicles but it will struggle against most mbts the advantage it has though is the rate of fire and concentration of the rounds as the spread of the shots is fairly contained it's easy to aim for and blow off the barrels and tracks of enemy vehicles but that's pretty much where its reliability against ground vehicle stops because of how fast it fires you can brute force rounds into weak spots like turret rings but it's not really great at doing this as an ncr though it is a lot more functional but at the same time not really as effective as many other contemporary anti-air vehicles has a great rate of fire and a decent spread but it doesn't really have the range or damage the other anti-airs have to the point where it can be pretty difficult to hit a target over two kilometers away especially one that's maneuvering on top of this its radar is a little underwhelming too most radar aas can detect aircraft in all directions up to a certain range but the shilker can only detect aircraft in this very narrow cone directly in front of it which does make it harder to quickly find targets in the air which you will have to do as it has one of the slowest turret traverses of all the anti-airs around this vr not even close to the point where it's actually hard to track planes but it will lose a second or so snapping to an incoming aircraft when compared to other vehicles the shulker is a bit like the wurble wind in that it's most effective at engaging aircraft at close range you certainly can use it at long range and with the help of the radar you can get some kills at distance but for consistency it's much better to wait until an aircraft is as close as possible before engaging ideally no more than one and a half kilometers away this isn't a hard limit though so mostly you'll just want to use your discretion and wait until an aircraft is as close as possible before firing another aspect the shulker shares with the werble is that enemies will be very cautious once they're aware of you which is why shooting a distance isn't really a great idea as if an aircraft is several kilometers away and notices you firing they're not going to let you get an easy shot let alone get close to you think of it a bit like a crocodile sneaking up on a gazelle if it strikes too quickly or makes itself visible before its prey gets close it's going to lose out that analogy was pointless anyway try and wait until the last moment before striking is what i'm trying to say as for positioning it's only really reliable as an anti-air so most of the time just stick behind some hard cover near the spawn standard stuff really pros decent anti-air ability and the cons poor anti-tank ability for survivability and low versatility verdict i'd consider it just because very recently a new anti-air was released one vr notch above this one we'll cover it in a second but it's fairly different to the shulker with its own set of pros and cons there isn't really an 8.0 lineup so either the shulker or the next vehicle would be a decent pick as you won't really have the opportunity to use both in separate lineups and of course you will likely only need one anti-air so i'd wait until we take a look at the next machine before you make up your mind so as promised next up is the zsu-37 ii a very new addition to the tree and a fairly welcome one it's equipped with twin 37 millimeter guns with a decent rate of fire or 500 rounds a minute a little slower than contemporary nato anti-air vehicles but good enough it comes with three belts solid he solid ap and default being a mix of both the ap rounds and belt this thing has isn't too bad with a maximum penetration of 85 millimeters at close range which is enough to take out every common enemy from the side and a fair few from the front it can easily blow off tracks and barrels in any case armor is basically the same as the shilker nine millimeters of protection so same story there mobility though is improved as this vehicle shares a very similar hull to the decently speedy su-100p letting this thing cruise around at 40 kph off-road when upgraded it also has a much lower profile than the shulker as well excluding the radar which annoyingly can't be folded down in any way just switched off in any case the 37.2 can be a bit more of a tank hunter with the extra firepower and mobility the rounds can get through turret rings and disable enemies fairly quickly and much more reliably than the shilka for going after tanks there are two main play styles i usually go with the former is to fully commit to the flank rush right and aggressively and try and catch some enemies off guard early on it is quite good at doing this as the enemies will likely meet on the flanks early on are usually very lightly armoured allowing you to chew them up quickly the 37 2 doesn't have a full stabilizer however it is stabilized up to 25 kph though and really even then the guns are stable enough at high speeds to get shots on target although it is something to keep in mind anyway so it can be a decent first spawn flanking like this the spawn is cheap as it's an anti-air and even if you only get one or two kills it'll likely get you enough spawn points to take out a plane early on the second place style is using it a bit more as a vulture hiding behind corners turning off your engine and just waiting for tanks to roll out in front of you that or sticking with a teammate and using them as a buffer when your teammate engages an enemy and the enemy fires you can rush out and leather them with shells either knocking them out right or disabling their tracks and barrel to give your teammate a pretty easy kill and you an assist this style works better on maps that are a bit more open and don't easily allow for flanking into the map for versatility i'd only ever take out the default mixed bell or the solid ap belt pohe cuts your ability in half and just means you can't take out any tanks the default one to one ap to he works fine against planes anyway like before i can't really give you any advice for going after planes just wait until they're as close as possible lock on with the radar and you really should be good to go you can afford to fire at targets a bit further away than the shulker though so keep this in mind especially for helicopters so pros good anti-tank ability decent anti-air ability and decent mobility the cons paul's five ability verdicts i'd get this one as i think this thing has more use than the shulker although with the 906 and bmps you do have a fitting set of light tanks to go for if you want to employ the same playstyles as this thing so if you want a pure anti-air vehicle the shilka will likely still do fine although this one is more versatile and would be the better pick in my opinion especially as 8.3 is the first real lineup we can actually make this tier finally for the tech tree vehicles today we have the zprk 2s6 tunguska russia's current end-of-the-line anti-air system and what a far cry this thing is from the 4m gas in tier 1. the tunguska is very capable like all other anti-airs before it's protected generally by 9 millimeters of armor so nothing special in that department mobility though is pretty good it can cruise off-road in the 40s so that doesn't really hold it back in any way and like the bmp3 it also has suspension control too of course though the firepower aspect is really the only thing of interest here the tunguska is equipped with four 30 millimeter cannons with a fire rate of 1250 rounds a minute so this thing has some serious burst mass the penetration isn't incredible though at a max of 65 at point blank but as the guns fire so quickly they can easily disable enemies and external modules it comes with three belts one to one ap and he is the default then a majority ap and a majority he belt really you'll only want to be using the default belt as the unlockable belts cost a lot of sl to use the ap belt costs 4 600 lions which is only around 500 less than the actual repair cost of the vehicle itself so just stick with the default and you will do fine the other weapon system is of course the missiles it gets eight of them and they're pretty good at taking out aircraft especially helis they travel very fast and get a proximity fuse as well which makes them very very powerful they also have an operational range of eight kilometers these missiles have been nerfed since release and don't quite do as much damage as they once did but they still do get the job done against tanks you can use them to blow off barrels and tracks but overall they're not amazingly efficient at this if you can land one underneath the tank they can one shot them if your aim is very very good but this is quite tedious to do because of the proximity fuse as well they don't really hull break light vehicles either so it's best to use the guns for this sort of thing also you effectively get two types of missile as well at tier 4 you can unlock the m1 upgrade modification which gives the tunguska thermals and adds an improved missile with an extra 2 kilometers range making the total coverage 10 kilometers which lets you cover everything pretty much these missiles aren't the easiest to aim against maneuvering aircraft though as they travel so quickly another double-edged sword aspect is that after around three seconds the smoke trail on the missile burns off which makes it much harder to accurately aim but at the same time it doesn't give the enemy any indication of where the incoming missile is which doesn't give them enough information to dodge out of the way which can work in your favor once you get the hang of all the missiles work for playstyle it's a pretty standard one for anti-air you can play this thing as a tank under sort of it's incredibly good at shredding light vehicles but against an mbt from the front it's likely they'll click on you first but if you do get the jump on an enemy it's not too hard to disable and flank them either way this relies a lot on luck so your primary purpose should be an anti-air vehicle but you do have the mobility to push into the map late game to secure caps you can still definitely do this make sure though to also turn off your radar for an extra bit of stealth as for just playing it as an aaa it's not too complicated this is a very sophisticated anti-air system and really does a lot of the work for you helis are easy to knock out with the missiles but aircraft are a little harder if they're out of gun range try and wait for the plane to make a hard turn before firing if the aircraft has a lot of speed and is maneuvering it can be very hard to hit them with the missiles if they fly in a straight line though they become very easy to hit so if a plane seems to be oblivious launch a missile and they probably won't dodge in time finally as well you can use the suspension control to lower yourself down a bit to make you a smaller target which can be useful for hiding behind cover on some maps pros great anti-air ability and mobile and cons poor survivability verdict of course get this one it's a really powerful anti-air that does have the ability to engage tanks too though not really to a reliable degree it works perfectly well stock and will be able to counter planes and helis pretty easily after a bit of practice this one is comfortably one of the most powerful anti-airs in the game next up we have a squadron vehicle the bmp-2m squadron vehicles are placed in the premium part of the tree and have a green collar to their card these vehicles can be unlocked passively while playing the game in a squadron or bought instantly for ge the 2m is very similar to the regular bmp2 fundamentally and mainly just adds some technological improvements and they're actually really good as improvements go firstly it gets thermals high quality in the gun sight this is great but as the bmps have the exhaust on the side of the hull this exhaust can mask your vision in thermals which can be a little annoying but it only comes into play occasionally and in general this is a really nice change it also gets a slightly more powerful engine that adds an extra 60 horsepower its primary armament remains the same though the 30 millimeter autocannon with the same rounds although the turret traverse is much faster at 58 degrees a second on a good crew which makes reacting to new enemies especially at close range much faster but the main addition here is of course the atgms it gets four strapped to the sides of the turret with one reload so eight atgms in total and these atgms are very powerful in fact they're not too dissimilar at all to the atgms found on the chrysanthemuma they have identical explosive filler and penetration as well so 1200 millimeters the only real difference of these missiles is that they have a slightly lower max range of 5.5 kilometers oh no anyway these missiles can be fired on the move and simultaneously so you can fire two of them and control both at once which is a bit overkill but still a nice feature it also has a grenade launcher on the top which does basically nothing against tanks that can be used to tear down buildings and trees etc also only on this specific vehicle the key for the secondary weapon fires the grenade launcher whereas the special weapon key fires the atgm it's not like this on any other tank with secondary weapons like this which means you'll have to swap the keys around just so it functions like all the others or just lose the binding of the grenade launcher as it's not really that useful most of the time anyway the m doesn't really change much to the bmp2 play style it just strengthens its already existing advantages you can be more aggressive at close range with the gun traverse and a little buffed mobility the missiles can also work a bit better here as well as you don't need to be still to fire them you can pick out enemies much easier and knock out anything really with these atgms even top top-tier mbts aren't safe so as far as light vehicles go it really is a good one but will probably take a long time to unlock even if you play constantly and are in a squadron with high activity it'll take somewhere around two to three months to get this tank for free you of course then need to purchase it with lions as well you can just buy it outright for 7 300 ge but i wouldn't really recommend doing this it's not a premium so you won't get any bonuses from using it and you could use that g in a lot more meaningful ways i'd aim to unlock it for free by joining a squadron or if you really like it the ge cost of this tank will go down the more research points you put in so you can get it for a bit cheaper down the line ultimately i'd wait until you get this far br wise in the tech tree to even consider buying this thing it's inherently a support vehicle and can't really work on its own so if i were you i'd wait until you get the lineups and probably unlock the regular bmp2 in the main tree as this way you can get to grips with the basics of the playstyle and work out from there if you really want the m at 8.7 it's a powerful light vehicle that can do anything you needed to do really so it won't be a bad vehicle to dump your squadron research into and as well it fits into almost all modern lineups too next up is our only event vehicle this tier the object 279 which is certainly one of the most unique looking tanks in the game it's really cool anyway this is the highest heavy tank brys in the game currently and it does somewhat deserve that it's decently mobile and has the armor to deflect a lot of the weaker shells but apf sds and atgms will still cut right through it even at its own br of 8.7 it's equipped with a fully stabilized 130 millimeter cannon with the most powerful aphe round in the game being able to get through 363 millimeters of armor it's really quite impressive this was a reward from a previous crafting event and now sits on the marketplace for at time of recording just over 70 gaijin coins so it's more expensive than a top tier premium without any of the premium bonuses this is just an event vehicle it's a really cool and interesting machine but it's not really worth buying if you just want to spend money to progress it can be really fun and you can have some great games in it on some good maps and battle ratings but the armor isn't quite reliable against darts and you very much will be commonly meeting them while playing this thing but against everything else it does have a decent chance to perform visually and functionally i really like it it's a really unique tank and i love unique vehicles but its price is only going to go up it's a nice thing to own but not really worth spending a lot of money on just to have it your money can be better spent if you just want to use it to speed up your progress so next up we have our premiums and we're starting off with the t55 am1 an all-around modernization and improvement of the regular t55a at the same br which features very similar improvements overall to the t62m1 the engine is improved in the same way adding an extra 90 horsepower which improves the general mobility the armor block packages are the same as well with the same thickness on the hull and turret although the turret armor isn't quite as strong as the t62 m1 as the base turret armor on the 55 is slightly weaker anyway so we don't spend too much time repeating things if you've skipped the head feel free to watch the earlier segment on the t62 as we go into more detail on the specifics there firepower is fairly similar but with some improvements the m1 gets a laser rangefinder and a barrel launched atgm the same one the t62 uses so comparatively this tank is pretty good it's at the same br so it is an objectively better vehicle with advantages in every respect brawling is a little more reliable down to the armor and the laser rangefinder and missiles make playing at distance a bit more viable too especially as the turret armor is improved but as always this thing is a product and needs to be judged a bit differently so is it worth it well the advantage this thing has is that it's versatile and more forgiving there are a lot of vehicles you'll see in the downs here that will really really struggle to get through this thing as we've mentioned before the hull is immune to 105 heat from the front and almost immune to sabo 2 if you angle a tiny bit so for a beginner or rather someone less experienced with the game this tank does have some handholds that will help you out this thing's armor while not entirely reliable especially in up tiers is effective at its own vr and against a lot of the weaker tanks you'll fight as well the mobility lets you get to where you need to go and the armor helps you once you get there this thing's largest problem are the up tiers and the firepower to an extent the reload and the dart round are on the weaker side and in 9.3 games this thing really does start to suffer but it isn't unusable plus pretty much all tanks apart from light vehicles suffering up tears of this br anyway so it's not like that's a disadvantage unique to the 55 am all in all it's generally a forgiving vehicle that will work in the right places so it wouldn't be wrong to buy it we do have one more active pack premium to cover though so before you make a decision if you are maybe looking to pick one of these up hold off until we take a look at the last tank this tier so lastly today for the ground vehicles we have the premium t72 av terms t this tank effectively is identical to the base model of the t72a but with some notable advantages armor and mobility are exactly the same the av has the extra hull plate included by default and of course is coated in contact one era similarly to the t72b the main difference though is that the terms gets the mango shell and pretty fantastic thermal optics it gets high quality thermals in the gun sight and commander view making it currently the only russian mbt to have this feature which is a pretty big advantage however the regular drawbacks of the t72 are still there made worse with the terms due to the vr of 97. this thing can see top tier matches and it commonly will which means its armor is not going to be quite as effective this time around practically all of the common rounds at 97 will be able to rip right through you you do have the chance to negate a lot of the stock rounds though so heat projectiles of course unreliable same as the t55 if you've skipped ahead i recommend watching the t72a segment for some more details so the terms doesn't really change up the playstyle much but the thermals and improved round make sniping way more viable you don't have the hal armor to brawl and gain no additional advantages from playing at close range so sticking a distance is the most reliable for this thing so is it worth it i think comparing the t55 and the terms would be useful here both tanks are 60 euros currently so as far as a game is concerned it's a fairly big investment both tanks have the same silver line multiplier but the terms does have a slightly higher research percentage so you will earn more with the terms relative to your performance so as far as cold data is concerned the terms is objectively the best premium in the tree in terms of this cold modifier you will get the most rewards playing it but the problem here is that top tier in this game is an almost constant state of flux every update will change the landscape and even sometimes small br alterations completely change the playing field as well for example the addition of the leopard 2a6 affected every russian mbt negatively by being able to effectively negate all of their armor so if you're watching this video half a year later the state of top tier might be so different to where this tank has absolutely no place or it could be performing incredibly maybe the top br will raise i have no idea because of this the performance of the terms relies so much on what happens around it rather than what happens to the vehicle itself meaning that its place in the game has a much higher chance to change personally i think the t55 is in a much more stable place currently it's not the best vehicle but it isn't currently able to be up tiered to fight the best vehicles in the game like the terms is if you're watching this as a beginner i think the situational survivability of the t55 will keep you alive longer than the terms so you would likely do better using it and earn more research although the terms has much more potential to excel you have everything at your disposal to defeat basically any enemy but it requires a lot more in-game knowledge and map knowledge the terms also has the advantage of more longevity the t55 loses a lot of its advantages in the higher tiers its armor firepower and mobility cease to be effective if you play beyond its br range while the terms can still perform if played well as always i personally wouldn't recommend buying into top tier straight away you miss out on a lot of the fun the lower tiers have to offer but if you are dead set on buying one and are a reasonably new player i guess all i can fairly leave you with is this the t55 am1 will do more for you it's versatile to the point where you can play on every map and have some advantage at close range or long range at your own battle rating you will have a lot of advantages but in up tiers you'll have very few the tank will stop doing the work for you but overall it is in a very stable and consistent place and likely always will be the terms however will do very little work for you as mostly all enemies can defeat your armor you'll have to actively use the thermals and your knowledge of enemies and maps to effectively gain research you are still versatile but suffer the close ranges due to the poor reactive mobility and comparatively weak hull armor other vehicles have more advantages over you here so if you get a close quarters map you can still very much click on enemies and knock them out but you will be at the disadvantage overall you'll need faster reaction times in general to play at this br2 as basically all enemies will have a gun that can get through your hull without aiming and full stabilizers you will need to put more effort in to make the terms work better than the t55 if you're a long-term player and know the vehicles and maps you probably can push the terms to its limits and get great results but if not i think the t55 is the more consistent of the two premiums here if in the future the terms isn't fighting the current top tier mbts it of course would perform much better so if you are watching this video in the future look around youtube for some more up-to-date guides or check around the social media for some more up-to-date information on its current place in the game as right now i don't really have any way of predicting where it'll end up i can understand that to a new player and a perspective buyer of both vehicles you'll probably be drawn towards the more advanced one the t72 as they're the same price but vehicles don't quite scale performance wise in that way this game's progression isn't similar to say call of duty zombies you start with a little pistol and upgrade an upgrade to eventually end up with an lmg firing lasers or something while still basically fighting the same enemy it's not the same in war thunder to where say the chaika by plane at 2.0 is a better vehicle relative to the br than say the sea venom at 7-7 being a jet the sea venom is obviously the more powerful plane but that doesn't mean it's more effective just based on that fact so don't get swept up into buying the terms just because it is more advanced as that line of thinking rarely translates to a vehicle that will always perform better so phew that's all the tanks we have for today but it's not quite over yet as we still have the standout cass options for this tier so let's get into them in order of br starting off we have the il-28sh this is the second il-28 in the tree sharing the same vr with the regular version but with more weaponry options the sh can carry six s24 rockets which are really powerful if a bit hard to aim with just how far on the wings they are with some practice though they can be very very powerful and will usually one shot with a direct hit the bomb load is pretty good too you can carry either four or 500 kilogram bombs it all drops separately or one massive 3 000 kilogram bomb which is at least a couple of guaranteed kills all the while being decently fast and with a good tail gunner for defense and 223s in the front as well not a bad bomber next up at 8.3 is our first heli the mi4v this is the starter heli you receive for russia and the starter helis go it's not too bad very weak and very slow but you can carry four of the falanga agms which work well as well as a flurry of unguided rockets it comes with a 50 cal mg for defense but overall is a fairly weak target but in the right environment it will work well enough for an early heli next up we have the mig-15 biz on the surface it's a decent versatile fighter with cannon armament that can some tanks on the ground but it can also carry two s21 rockets not quite as powerful as those on the il-28 but a direct hit will usually one shot the biz is folded though with a regular mig-15 so it will take a bit of extra time if you want it for your a7 lineup alternatively there is the mig-17 unfolded at 9-0 so that one is less hassle to get but it doesn't have a direct lineup there are currently no 9.0 tanks so it can only be used in 93 and above which is fine it will still work there to a degree but personally i would go with the biz if you have the time to get it as it will still perform okay at the higher brs and has a set lineup anyway either work on their own as vehicles though next up we have the yak-38s the premium and 9.3 and the tech tree version at 97. these two can carry the kh23m agm which is like a russian bullpup very very powerful and almost always a one-hit kill it's aimed by where your aircraft is pointing so you need to fly right at an enemy to guide the missile in which can be a bit tricky if you also need to dodge anti-air they can both also carry four s24b rockets these perform exactly the same as s24s but they just have a less visible smoke trail which does make them a bit easier to aim these aircraft also both have a ballistic computer which gives you an indicator of where the rockets are going to land you can activate it by bringing up your multi-function menu pressing three for weaponry and one to toggle the ballistic computer this can be very useful but it's not quite pinpoint accurate so it will take some time to get used to it of course though the yak-38 is a 60 euro premium and i wouldn't recommend buying it just for the cass itself although if you were going to get it for the air battle side of things it can work against tanks too but just don't go buying it for this one purpose the ak-38m is practically the same for free in the tech tree although it's the end line vehicle so it has a very high modification cost so it will take a lot of time to unlock it and get all the modules you need it's not the best but it still works for cass if you're interested in the aircraft next up we have the su-7b it's very fast not incredibly maneuverable but it can carry four s24 rockets and has two 30 millimeter cannons for taking out aircraft and strafing ground units its lack of maneuverability does hurt its performance in the close range looping fights who usually get in tank matches but once you get the hang of the rockets it does work really well it also gets the ballistic computer too pretty good choice next up we have the su-7bkl in terms of performance it's basically the same same speed and firepower but it gets some visual differences such as skates on the landing gear and twin drag shoots the regular su7 only gets one the bkl can carry six s24 rockets which gives you a lot of potential it can also carry up to 160 unguided heat rockets if that's more your style too again not the best aircraft suited to combat maneuvers and tank matches but it does still have decent potential yep so i need to talk about the k50 now love it or loathe it the premium k50 is a very capable helicopter with very powerful vakir agms that can take out aircraft and tanks alike it's fast has flares and a 30 millimeter cannon that can lock onto enemies at close range it's actually the same as the cannon the bmp2 uses personally i don't really like playing helis in general it's not quite my cup of tea but it would be dishonest to not cover just how effective this heli can be aiming the missiles is very easy with the lock and if you have the spawn points you can likely get some good results with this thing although it's 50 euros and if you want to spawn with the guided missiles you'll need to get enough spawn points you can always take it out as a first spawn with the unguided rockets but it's not always effective in general it is very powerful though and you can take out a lot of enemies if you're lucky so if you have the money lying around or see this thing on sale it is a very functional vehicle please don't throw rocks at my face or any other part of me actually it is good but there are still other vehicles you can use for free next up back to the tech tree with the ka52 another very powerful heli that comes with thermals vakir's aams and can also carry 20 s13df rockets these are unguided but usually one shot if they hit and once you get the aim down they're very very easy to use you can also take these out as a first spawn so if you get a good roll with no enemy anti-air you can get a lot of kills right from the offset it will take a long long time to unlock though and really a casual player who maybe plays a couple of hours a day isn't going to have the time to unlock all the previous helis to get this thing spaded realistically you could also go for the mi28n which functions very similarly but it will still take a fairly long time to unlock getting a premium like the k50 will definitely help with this but overall it is a situational vehicle and personally i'd say a more achievable top-tier cass aircraft will be one of the remaining planes which we'll cover in just a second currently a top tier for the aircraft you have the mig-21 smt and the biz these two aircraft are very fast very maneuverable and both come with four unlockable s24 rockets with the ballistic computer too the biz is way more powerful than the smt in terms of engine performance and also gets flares but both will work fine for casts and taking out enemy air so if you get to the smt and don't want to push for the beers you won't miss out on a huge amount of cast potential bear in mind though that these two aircraft do share a fairly high repair cost of 25k for the biz and 18 for the smt so they are fairly pricey but do work well if you don't quite have the budget for these two the su-7 bkl for all its faults only costs 8.4k to repair so maybe that aircraft would be a better fit if you want to save on the sl [Music] so there we are guys that's everything for today on screen now are what i think are the best lineups you can make using vehicles from this tier of course a lot of vehicle types at top tier mostly rely on preference so you may prefer light vehicles or vice versa so of course you can swap out vehicles and change these lineups up a bit this is just what i personally have the most enjoyment and success with topsail russia isn't the strongest right now with the addition of the 2a6 and just how prevalent guided cass is the top tier russia is falling behind a little bit in a few respects but they definitely can still work as vehicles with some practice so thank you for watching this whole video i know it's been a bit of a slog hopefully the voiceover hasn't been too disconnected i've recorded basically all of this in the same day and i've got progressively more tired throughout the day as well i think i've drunk uh 15 cups of water so far around that anyway i'm very hydrated i think i've probably spoken more today than i have for a single day in probably years to the point where my jaw is aching from moving my mouth so much but anyway thank you for watching all the way through so yeah if some of you didn't know i work for gaijin now over in germany i've been doing lots of different jobs and i'm really enjoying it so far i love working with everyone the office is really cool and i really like germany in general i don't speak any german so that's a bit terrifying if i need to go to the shops i don't understand how the street lights work the light says green for walk but the cars still drive through so i don't understand but anyway yeah i'm really enjoying the work i initially started just doing partnership management so dealing with all the content creator requests and generally trying to improve the situation there but i've slowly been moving into the more marketing side so that kind of thing and also doing the promo b-roll production so whenever you see a youtuber make a war thunder sponsorship and they show a video in the background it's most likely me who's made that video which is really cool i really enjoy doing that that's really fun so yeah hopefully in the future i will have a fair few opportunities to try and make the general situation better so i'm really looking forward to that it's been going really well so far and thank you for all the support all of you have given me for the job as well it's been really really nice to see everything hopefully now that i'm set up at home with a pc and stuff i can start making all of this content a bit more regularly maybe i might go back to doing personal streams as well i'm not quite sure on that yet but maybe if people would like to see it i might do that not quite sure yet but yeah i've already taken up probably way too much of your time today so i will disappear for the next video it will either be the addendum covering all the things that have changed during the time i've been making this russian guide or it may just be straight on to the next tree which is america what i might do instead is pin a comment on this video either with like a text document or a short video quickly listing all the changes just so i can work on content that people actually want to see as i think the addendum videos are are useful but they're not exactly super interesting and i think i'd just rather go with what people want to see especially as i don't quite have quite as much time anymore to make the videos i will also go back to the shop as well i will get that up and running again as soon as i can it's just a bit difficult right now with corona and everything i can't go back to the uk to get my stock and shipping things internationally is a bit of a nightmare as well so that is still on hold for now but it isn't gone forever so yeah i am off to go home and sleep for a hundred years i really hope you've all enjoyed the video so as always thank you very very much for watching and i will see you next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Oxy
Views: 498,900
Rating: 4.8819604 out of 5
Id: idwfz6_Nl6I
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Length: 134min 38sec (8078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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