War Thunder - Beginner's Guide - Keyboard / Rudder Turning

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thank you for tuning in for today's video on improving your personal set of skills in arcade this time we will be focusing on the basics of ladder turning or else known as keyboard controlled turning by default using your mouse in a turnfight seems to be the natural choice while this is true for the most part and will likely appeal most to new players it bears major flaws that will ultimately limit around potential and skill ceiling but as always there is a solution once again we will have to visit the controls setting in the left-hand corner of the menu screen this time you can stay on the aircraft tab now click the main control axes tab and you will be greeted with the roll pitch and yaw axis by default these keys won't come into action most of the time so the sake of simplicity you should only customize the pitch axis click once on the pitch axis now click Edit axis you will now have the option to assign keys to the maximum and minimum value of former mentioned axis these two keys should be above or under each other and notably easy to reach the most common setup would be W as maximum and s as minimum value in my case the keys have been bounded two extra keys that are present on my mouse thus leaving W and s free to the assigned for the throttle axis now that we have this out of the way I will show you how to use them in combat when engaging in a turn flight with an equal plane you can't just rely on your own luck or the enemy pilot making a mistake instead using the pitch and your control surfaces come in handy start by pressing Q notice how the plane starts flying left now press your designated maximum value pitch key to counter the downwards direction congratulations you are now right at earning but wait after some time your plane will start banking left or if you run a turn the opposite way to the right to counter this unpleasant behavior you will have to adjust your old axis by pressing R or D depending on the situation you will need to constantly adjust your old angle to keep your plane on track and being able to reach the desired direction if you aren't seeing the same results as on screen right now don't worry this technique is easy to learn but very hard to master so take your time to give you some further examples I will now show you a couple of clips from my usual matches the p-47 D in this case takes a decently steep dives which won't save him for me next up is a BF 109 K for turning right into me unfortunately my bullets only critic to ensure Michael I do a quick keyboard pitch loop and start shooting right at him again knowing that there are four enemies in front of me I pitch upwards to gain some distance and prepare for eventual helix which then come in fast in the form of the BF 109 the head-on works out very well and a quick look around spots the p-51 which I then target with a swift rider turn and there he goes down let's watch one more example I have two enemies on me one of which is too much of a threat however I need to get rid of the a36 quickly which I do by forcing a head-on but rolling out of it before he can set guns on me now I quickly run a loop around him [Music] before eventually killing the Spitfire as he is too easy of a target to let go I lost sight for a short amount of time allowing the a36 to get away but now I'm going head-on with a p-51 which I bait as his 420 millimeter guns are nothing to joke about unfortunately for him his turn time is something to joke about and I managed to easily rather turn around him before he can even get halfway through his own this has been all I wanted to cover in today's video thank you for watching and I'm looking forward to teaching more to you in the future [Music]
Channel: Zetsuubou
Views: 66,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W4_Xi0yf-nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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