War in Israel: Prophecy with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)

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[Music] Hello friends and welcome to the special edition of Friday Night Live coming to you live from the Granite Bay amazing facts studios here in Sacramento California we want to welcome those who are joining us across the country and around the world I'm here with Pastor Doug bachelor president and Speaker of amazing facts and Pastor dou the reason we doing this program is because there is a lot happening right now you just turn on the television or you listen to the news news it's all about the conflict that's currently taking place while we speak in Israel and in Gaza and things are kind of reaching a critical mass with the Israeli armies getting ready to actually bring Ground Forces into Gaza there's a lot happening yeah and and for anyone who's been following the news uh they know that uh the world was horrified when about a week ago I guess it's exactly a week ago on the U the last day of the Jewish holiday suot which we know better as the Feast of Tabernacles that um um militants terrorists from Hamas came streaming across the border and just began to uh Massacre men women children old ladies babies it's just it's a horrific Act of Terror it's not an act of war and taking hostages U last count about 1300 were killed a approximately 150 they're not even sure how many were taken as live hostages they all of the U autopsy of the situation has not been complete and uh in retaliation Israel now has been uh bombing in Gaza and preparing I guess they already have some ground forces that have entered the tanks haven't entered yet and um uh it's you know they're spreading leaflets that are telling the people in Northern Gaza that they need to evacuate a certain area that currently has about 1.1 million people and so it's just a it is a real critical um mess right now and um a lot of people are wondering um you know the world is just already on a powder keg with tensions between you know Russia and the war in Ukraine and China and now this is being exacerbated by uh a major Middle midd East uh war and this is coming just exactly 50 years after the yam Kipper War so we've had a lot of people saying you know you and I teach prophecy all the time we're having a prophecy seminar starts in two weeks a major seminar that this is obviously going to be something that we'll address but we thought we take some time tonight and talk to you our viewers about you know what uh what are some of the prophetic implications of this if any and um just to to uh also to be educated a little more on why this is such a a critical issue M this is not a war between Paraguay and Uruguay it's it's a a a long deep seated war that somewhat date back to the sons of Abraham absolutely well the reason we feel it's important for us to take a few moments to look at what's happening in the light of Bible prophecy is because yes Israel of course is featured in Scripture and goes all the way back to Abraham and his descendants both on the Arab side and the Jewish side A lot of people are wondering well how does this play into Bible prophecy well we're going to get to that and I think Pastor Doug it's appropriate for us to begin this program with prayer because we're going to be delving in the word and so we want to do that so let's stop with prayer dear Father in heaven we thank you for this opportunity that we have to be able to open up your word and study Lord we we live in a a world filled with violence and turmoil and especially what we see happening right now and our hearts go out to all of those who find themselves in the midst of this conflict innocent people suffering and yet Lord we know that the Bible says there'll be wars and rumors of wars and these are signs of your soon coming so Lord as we look at what the Bible says as it relates to end time events we do pray for your blessing we thank you for the opportunity and the freedoms that we have to be at least uh continue to study and share and we thank you in jesus' name amen amen now Pastor D in addition to taking some uh looking at the Bible and seeing what it says we're also going to take some Bible questions so for those of you who are watching if you like to participate live in this program there is a QR code and you could probably see it on your screen you can just take a picture of that QR code or you can text the word questions to 40544 there it is you see the picture of the QR code take your phone and you can take a picture of that that'll take you directly to the spot where we posting the questions you'll be able to read the questions and the the last half of the program we're going to try and take as many of those questions that come in in and we'll look at bible answers as it relates to that we also have something that we've never offered before and uh we just feel like this is so important uh if you've ever wondered about how the story ends we've got a book and the book is entitled the fall and the rise of Jerusalem and Pastor Doug we're making this our free offer this evening for anyone if you've never read the book uh that's also the title is the fall and Rise of Jerusalem the great controversy between good and evil if you have never read this book before you need to read it especially the last few chapters it's very important actually the first chapter talks about the fall of Jerusalem that occurred in 70 AD chapter the New Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem that's right and we will send this to anyone who calls and asks actually who texts you just need to text the word book to the number 40544 again book to 40544 we will send you a free copy of this book read it and then share it with somebody else the fall and Rise of Jerusalem very important especially in the light of what's Happening happening today and I might mention Pastor Ross when I first became a Christian I was struggling with understanding that so many different churches you know and they all have different teachings and I was praying that God would help me to understand the Bible and know where to go what the truth was someone gave me that book and that just changed my life and so I I heartily recommend it and I'm glad they put the QR code back up on the screen for your Bible questions because it takes sometimes a minute for people to find their phones or find the camera on the phones and get that but it does work that's right and they can send in their questions and we'll be putting that throughout the program we'll be putting the QR code up on the screen so if you don't get it now just stay around we'll we'll place that again now Pastor Doug you kind of uniquely positioned to talk about Israel in Prophecy as I think many of our viewers know you have a Jewish mother and you have well you'd say a gentile father you might say but you've seen her from both perspectives you've seen it from the Israeli side you've also seen it from the Gentile side and just what's Happening Here and and um how do you see this playing into to what the Bible says well that's you know that is a huge question Pastor Ross um the the conflict between uh certain extremists in Islam and I want to be careful not to uh bundle all Muslims with the terrorists you know certainly you and I've got friends who we play rocketball with that are are Muslims wonderful people very very kind and uh but you know I guess in every relation you can have extremist and there are some extremists that uh tend to violence and so we just want to make that very clear but uh there's been a longstanding a tension between Islam and Christianity and right now the two biggest religions in the world today are the judeo-christians and then you've got Islam Christianity there's only 16 million Jews in the world uh Hitler killed onethird of them in the 1940s and now it's you know up to 16 million uh a little interesting fact some people don't know is that about 51% of all the Jews in the world live in North America and um of the of that number I think the majority are in New York City and many in Florida and California and uh I think 35 40% are in Israel um and of those who were killed in this massacre there were I think 27 Americans and uh they think 11 uh have been taken hostage and so um you know everybody's valuable but as a parent loves their own children every American's especially worried about their own citizens as well and so um this is and you know they're Canadians they people from Germany and France so the whole International Community has been outraged by this and um even I understand Pope Francis issued a an appeal that Hamas would let the hostages go and you know he says Israel has a right to defend themselves it's interesting he always has a statement on these major Affairs that involve uh battles between religions um so you know this is very tense now one thing I thought I'd share with our friends that that was very interesting Jesus said one of the signs of the last days and he says this I think in Luke 21 as it was in the days of lot which we have going on in the world today the the immorality and the sexual perversion and as it was in the days of Noah and if you look in Genesis CH 6 it says in verse 11 violence filled the Earth and that word violence when it first appears in the Bible I think I've got a slide I I asked our studio to have that ready to put up on the screen because you almost need to see it it's the word Hamas there it is you can see the verse from Genesis CH 6:1 the Earth was also corrupt before God and the Earth was filled with violence I underline that now go to the Hebrew the word violence is Hamas which I think is interesting but if you ask a Muslim what Hamas means I say well it means brave and Valiant courageous and um because similar root words but one you go back to the ancient use of the word and it's a word for violence and certainly terrorism is that that's inter in then the other thing to look at and and U if people have their Bibles they might go to U if you got a thought just jump in Pastor Ross because otherwise you know I can go on and on if you look at um Jesus in Matthew 24 when he's talking about prophecy in connection with Israel remember the disciples are showing Jesus all of the beautiful buildings of the temple you and I have been to Israel we've seen those massive Stones Under the temple there by the under the Wailing Wall it was a foundation and retaining wall but huge stones and they were showing Jesus this thought he'd be impressed and he said don't you see there will not be left your one stone upon another that will not be thrown down well they were thunder struck by that and they got him alone privately and then he gives this discourse it's called you know an olvet discourse about the destruction of the world uh of the destruction of Jerusalem time of trouble through history the end of the world his second coming and um he says in verse 6 that you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all this must come to pass but the end is not yet so can there be prophecy connected with what's happening now yes is it because there's a war no because this is certainly not the first war in history and it's not the first war that's involved the Jews and it's not the first war that's involved Israel as a nation so I would not say there's a war that means the end is coming and you know part of the reason I think we're also addressing these things is because just in the last week there has been a blizzard of pastors that have been posting on YouTube Armageddon is here the last days are upon us get ready for the Rapture and just you know all kinds of things and um and and this could be the beginning of birth pains I'm not denying that but I'm saying don't say that because it's a war because that that happens I mean Israel had the Six Day War and there there been a few Wars so um how does it play into prophecy if it does well for one thing we know in the last days there's going to be a global pressure to uh keep certain religious laws that will require people to break the law of God the beast power what is going to bring about the willingness of a population to assed to those laws typically it's through a financial disaster and through fear War natural disasters through fear people are are willing to surrender their freedoms to obtain a sense of security so can this event unfold into another World War III hopefully it won't involve nuclear weapons can it expand well sure it can I mean that's how this happens this is how it happened World War I World War II starts with you know a minor a minor event that escalates and everybody starts get taking sides and developing coalitions and it's terrifying to think with the weapons that the world possesses today that uh this could turn into that um the fact that Israel is having to use overwhelming Force right now and I'm not denying the right to do that I mean they're seeing this as a matter of survival if their neighbors are going to swarm across the border and Massacre civilians um but you know today Hamas one of the former leaders of Hamas was calling for a day of rage and encouraging violence and you know most of the protests in the US as of this recording have been peaceful but it's they got quite a crowd in Jordan MH um and as Israel is riging leaflets on Northern Gaza telling people to evacuate it does create a humanitarian crisis and sympathies May shift and you may see some other Islamic Nations align with Gaza so it's got the potential it's extremely volatile is what I'm saying and that can trigger it can Cascade into the domino effect where it uh starts bleeding over into other nations so of course the question consider is you know you know with that as a background Pastor looking at Bible prophecy Israel just a small country yeah uh not very big and yet it seems to have such a hold on so much of the world and yet and the things that are happening in Israel seems to have the attention of every news Outlet what's so special and significant about Israel yeah well geographically let's talk about that for just a minute I think we even have a a picture we can put up on that you know when you look at the world Israel's a fairly small country I think it's smaller than New Jersey and U well actually there you got a picture on the screen you've got uh the Gaza you can see the line for the um the the West Section there of Gaza the Gaza Strip and you can see that Israel's on the right you can just visually from satellite I just captured this off my computer from Google Earth and you can just see that you know one side is more spacious with Farmland but the congestion of the uh the people that live in Gaza is extremely compressed the area that that is Gaza they call them Palestinians well that word comes from the word then you read in the Bible called Philistine the land of the Philistines which was around you know ashalon and gath and down in there they have the five Philistine cities and um that you know later was occupied by Arabs now these people that are Palestinians are you know historically they they Muslims they speak Arabic it's an Arabic culture you could probably drop most of them into any Arabic country and they'd be right at home it's not like a unique culture but they're called Palestinians because they're living in the region where the Philistines used to live but the whole country of Israel when people call that Palestine that's not accurate because that would be calling the whole thing the land of the Philistines which it never was um so historically God has Israel it's on a land bridge between three continents now that's not as important today with aircraft but in the days of the Bible when armies marched on the ground um every all the armies that went through Europe Asia to Africa would go through that Jordan Valley it was very important for taxes because the incredible that's how Solomon had such incredible wealth the tax income for Caravans going through that's why zakus was so wealthy he was a tax collector in Jericho so it's a strategically very important piece of property um at one time it was a land flowing with milk and honey but over the centuries of War you know it's it's actually the climate has changed some they call it desertification but um anyway that's also the land that you find that God promised to Abraham now I uh Cheryl I didn't tell you this I'm talking to someone in the studio I had a map of the borders of Israel during the time of Solomon and David and if you can find find that and put that up there it is you'll see that was the ancient land that God pretty much gave to Solomon and David now if you look in the lower left corner you'll see a reddish area that's where the Gaza Strip is right now that was the land of the Philistines but Israel's land that was given back following World World War II is much smaller than that the West Bank is Palestinian are given largely to the uh the the Muslims is what it amounts to and so they're kind of surrounded on all sides by Nations that are not very friendly the U Hamas says that they have no right to exist and they're kind of bent on destroying them and today I heard that even Hezbollah in the north up by Lebanon has started firing at least some small artillery so they're already as we speak beginning to get it from the North and the South uh so it's an extremely volatile situation ation I think that Believers should be praying M for this well you know Pastor Doug it's interesting that just the history of Israel you touched that a little bit you God calls Abraham to come out of er the Cales leads him to this new land he promises to give it to Abraham's descendants Abraham and his descendants and yet Israel is a unique Nation no other nation has experienced what they've experienced and yet they still are recognized as a people group they still have their own language they still have you know their own religion uh tell us a little about the history of Israel how they would displace and yet came back yeah there if for no other reason if a person wonders if the Bible's true I would think that Jew would be exhibit a because there's no other nation in the world that has been dispossessed of their native land three times last time 1900 years maintained uh their unique identity and got their land back at least most of it uh you've got Jacob went off into Egypt and then they came back during The Exodus then they're carried off to Babylon for 70 years and they come back and they get their land back again during the time of the Persians and then they're uh carried away and dispersed by the Romans scattered around the world and this was foretold by Moses this was foretold by Jesus these exact things Jesus foretold the temple would be destroyed he said that in 30 ad that in a generation there wouldn't be one stone left upon another 40 years is a Bible generation 40 years later the temple destroyed not one Stone was left on another and U then it said Jerusalem would be trotten down by the Gentiles and this is Luke 21 until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled and some have wondered well in 1948 when they got their land back um that's pretty astonishing and now once again they speak the language they have a unique culture and um it's um just fascinating now why did God choose Israel were they better than all of the other nations I mean you look at the history how he protected them and guided them and just gave them a place to stay and they W always the most obedient people I think the majority of the time they were in Rebellion towards God and yet and yet God chose this group of people what was his purpose in doing so yeah well first and foremost he had a unique relationship with Abraham and Abraham sort of became a um he wanted him to be a pattern for all Jews says Abraham has obeyed my voice and kept my Commandments and kept my charge he's ordered his house after him he worshiped God while surrounded by idolatry he's willing to forsake everything and come where God sent him by faith he left it all behind so Abraham is a model of Faith Of Trust of obedience and God promised through his descendants he would reveal himself not only in the scriptures and Paul said that the Oracles of Truth were committed to Israel and Jesus told the woman at the well salvation is of the Jews it doesn't mean every Jew is saved it means is that God has communicated The Plan of Salvation through the Jewish people through the scriptures and even Paul says you know to the Jew first and then the Gentile um Jesus when he sent out the disciples he said go first to the lost sheep of the House of Israel then they were you know you know this you've done seminars on it they start in uh Jerusalem Judea Sam Samaria the end the utmost parts of the earth and so uh God had a special work for the Jews but it wasn't because God is Prejudice because the Lord is pretty clear um even Peter you know he thought well we can't go to cornelius's house he's a gentile and he had that Vision on the roof and he says God has shown me he is no respector of persons but everybody that obeys him that listens uh he's willing to reveal himself so um God is made of one blood All Nations and uh now this is a part now I I want people to listen carefully in what I'm about to share and I'm watching the clock as we have an important announcement at halftime but um a lot of our Evangelical friends believe because of some verses in the Bible just a couple of verses I think they misunderstand that what has to happen is the temple has to be rebuilt on the holy Mount there where the mosque of Omar is the Dome of the Rock and rumors were circulating Hamas was getting fed rumors by their leaders that um there's a mosque it's the alasa mosque that's right there next to the Dome of the Rock that it was going to be bulldozed and they were going to rebuild the Temple just total fabrication there are Christians in North America and there you see a picture of the mosque it's in the foreground the Dome of the Rock is in in the back and that's a a sacred place I've been up there before not in the mosque but I've been in the Dome of the Rock I think when you and I went to Israel because of security issues they weren't letting people up at that time and they had in 2021 I guess they had some violence there and there was some shootings and um anyway that mosque was Hamas says that's part of the reason for this massacre that took place well some evangelicals in North America are saying that soon Israel is going to rebuild the Temple that makes the Arab world very nervous because that's one of their holiest sites I think it's the third holiest site in Islam now related to that as you know we'll talk more about that in just a minute but if you look at the actual nation of Israel something significant well beginning with what Jesus said so Christ was there three and a half years his public Ministry but nearing the end of his ministry prior to to his crucifixion Jesus referred to the temple as his father's house he referred to the temple as his house right but then there's a change he says your house is left you desolate and then he spoke about not one stone be left upon another and then Jesus wept over Jerusalem and said if you know our long to gather you together even as a hand gathers or chicks under her wings but you would not and then he prophesied the judgment to come in 70 AD upon Jerusalem and then if you look at the prophetic time period after Christ ascends to Heaven there's another three and a half years of special Focus for the Jewish people by the apostles but then in 34 ad you have the stoning of Steven and somebody present at that stoning is Saul but he converted becomes Paul and we see an explosion of the Gospel going to the Gentiles now uh how does that relate to what we we sometimes read about where Paul says uh he's not a Jew which is one outwardly yeah but rather he says he's a Jew who is one inwardly meaning he's accepted the Messiah he's accepted Christ and me we talk about spiritual Israel this is one of the most important things we could talk about tonight because there are two extremes I hope we're going to strike a balance here you got one group of Christians that believe in what they call replacement theology that the Jew has completely passed off the scene of Bible prophecy and that anything in the Bible that it says after the time of Christ or you know at least after 34 ad is only talking about spiritual Israel now let me share those verses just so you understand the Bible is very clear Paul says he is not a Jew who is one outwardly and he just quoted that it is not circumcision of the flesh but circumcision of the heart uh after all Jesus said to the religious leaders you are not Abraham's children you're of your father the devil so being born Je does not make you a child of Abraham even Jesus said that God said uh he's able to raise up children of Abraham from the stones um so uh it's really clear now that the the Gentiles who came to faith in Christ they don't become a new church instead of Israel Paul says in Romans 11 they are grafted in to the stock of Israel and so they become spiritual Jews but that doesn't eliminate the real Jews I had a couple verses here that talked about that from Romans 11 and this is in verse 1 and two Paul says I say then has God Cast Away his people certainly not so you and I believe there is a spiritual Israel and you know um I get the benefit of being both but you're a Jew by virtue of being a Believer you become a spiritual Jew all the promises in the Bible Belong To You belong to any Gentile um but then Paul says has he Cast Away Israel he says certainly not for I'm also an Israelite the Seed of Abraham The Tribe of Benjamin God has not cast his people whom he forew away he says this long after 34 ad and then you read what he says go to verse 20 Romans 11 well said because of unbelief they were broken off and you stand by faith he's telling the Gentiles do not be hottie but fear for if God did not spare the natural branches he may not spare you either therefore consider the goodness and severity of God on the those who fell severity but on you goodness if you continue in his goodness otherwise you'll be cut off and they also meaning the Jews if they don't continue in unbelief they'll be grafted in again for God is able to graft them in again for if you are cut if you are cut out of the Olive Tree which was Wild by nature and were grafted contrary to Nature into the cultivated Olive Tree how much more will these who are natural branches be grafted into their own Olive Tree and so and there's a lot of other verses I can read while it is true that Israel now also composes anyone who comes to Christ that God has not abandoned his people his eye is still on his people and there are many what we call Messianic Jews they've accepted Jesus as their savior I believe that um as we near the end there's going to be a great Revival among the Jewish people this conflict could get a lot of those people to turn back and say you know what are we missing you know it's Pastor Doug Jesus of course the Messiah was going to come through the descendants of Abraham Jesus was the Jew you have the first Christians were Jews right and they were Jewish Christians that took Christianity to the Gentiles right so just like you mentioned the Christians the Believers in Christ are grafted in true Israel but there is a true Israel and then there is uh an untrue Israel in other words just because you are a literal descendant of Abraham that doesn't make you the true Israel right if you receive Christ then become the true Israel you grafted in God has always had a people who have kept his Commandments they've been faithful to the work something else interesting when you get to the Book of Revelation there's just two groups of people described in the Book of Revelation of course it's a symbolic book but you got the Jew and you got the Gentile and in the Book of Revelation all of those who are saved are described as Jews all of those who are lost are described as Gentiles now of course we don't mean literally that only Jews are going to be saved because you know John who wrote the book of re Revelation he was pastoring a church in Ephesus that was largely made up of Gentiles so it's not talking about literal Jews and Gentiles and yet God's people in the last days are described as at least the name being used as Jews yep exactly you know it's probably a good place for us to take a breath we want folks to know about uh let's tell them about the book again and then we have an important announcement about this upcoming prophecy seminar you can help reach your friends by sharing this message with them absolutely well first of all the book and again as we mentioned before this is something we've never offered for free before it's a book entitled the fall and the rise of Jerusalem it starts in 7 ad with the Romans destroying Jerusalem and it ends with the New Jerusalem we'll send this free to anyone all you need to do is scan the QR code that you'll see in your screen right now that's one way that you're going to be able to get the book there is another way and you can text the word book to the number 40544 there you see that on your screen again just text the word book the number 40544 order the book read it for yourself and then share it with somebody else this is a lifechanging book Pastor I can't overemphasize how important this book is not only does it reflect what's happening in our world today but it tells us according to Bible prophecy how things are going to finish and it doesn't just end with the second coming of Christ it takes Bible prophecy to talk about the New Jerusalem yeah and the earth created new so just a great great book great read and then you'll be doing a special Bible prophecy seminar coming up in just a couple of weeks from now and it's called the Pinnacle of Prophecy and it's going to be broadcast live right here from Sacramento California uh tell us about that event I'll tell you what I'm going to let the commercial tell about it ready to roll that we'll do that and then I might add some to it beasts plagues and the cryptic number 666 for many The Book of Revelation is both frightening and confusing does this last book of the Bible really provide insight for the final days or is it nothing more than an ominous book of Doom and Gloom on the contrary Revelation is as the title suggests a revealing a powerful prophetic book filled with hope encouragement and yes urgent messages of final warning for our world friends please join me Doug Bachelor as amazing facts presents the Pinnacle of Prophecy unlocking Revelations Mysteries starting October 27 at 700 p.m. Pacific time you can attend in person at the Granite Bay Hilltop church and you can view the program on AFV Facebook YouTube and more yes it's true you can know the future for more information and to register visit Pinnacle oppr beasts plagues and the cryptic they're so good they're going to play it twice there you go so any of our friends who are watching I think you can uh see that uh we've got a very important prophecy seminar coming up it's 14 presentations on Revelation 14 and which Revelation 14 is like the high point in the book where everything sort of culminates and it tells us where we are in history and prophecy right now take a make a note of that we hope you can join us online send the link to your friends who are wondering what in the world is going on and I think they'll be real blessed by that okay well let's go to a few questions I know we have a QR code we mentioned that at the beginning maybe they can put that up on the screen again if you have a question you can just take a picture of the QR code and we've got a number of questions 178 questions that have come in Pastor de we're not going to be able to do all of them so I'll kind of pick around from the different questions let me start with the one that's at the top it says how does what's happening now in Israel relate to Bible prophecy and I guess we've been talking about that I don't know if you want to expand on that a little more yeah um well as I mentioned uh Jesus said that Jerusalem would be trotten down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled and um we see that you know they got their land back and now that's become a very volatile situation that has um you know really went through the United Nations following World War Two it was a miracle how it all transpired um and then that's under constant threat right now now I think that they're going to Prevail uh in this but um hostilities from some of the surrounding Nations and Iran were worried about their involvement um it could uh it could accelerate and Trigger other things around the world but I'm almost as concerned about uh some of the misunderstandings of Prophecy let me read something real quick Pastor Ross from the book of second Thessalon 2 Thessalonians because a lot of what's happening this last week sprang out of a misunderstanding of the Jews intentions to rebuild the Temple some of the Christians misunderstand this verse and that's why they're sort of perpetuating that Paul speaking of the second coming he says in 2 Thessalonians chap 2:3 let no one deceive you by any means for that day day of the Lord will not come unless there come a falling away first talking about a falling away in the church and the man of sin is revealed the son of predition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is wor ship so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God so people say well in order for this beast power to sit in the temple temple was destroyed by the Romans they need to rebuild the Temple you can see why people would reason that way unless it's not talking about that Temple you remember Jesus said destroy this Temple made with hands and in three days I will make one without hands so not only do we have spiritual Israel right now the Bible says we are living stones we are royal priesthood Paul and Peter tell us that uh Believers become part of the temple of God what don't you know ye are the temple of God and so this beast power sitting in the temple of God is not talking about the Antichrist some businessman or some half demon half human sitting in a rebuilt Jewish temple as many people think it's talking about something that is already happening you and I were at the vaan a couple weeks ago it's not been that long mhm and uh we looked and we saw a throne that had Angels on the right and the left in one of the biggest if not the biggest most glorious Church in the world yeah that's St Paul's Cathedral and it is a throne that only the popes allow to sit on yeah but the idea that it's flanked by the two chams in the Bible the one flanked by the two cherubims was godh and so for a man to sit in the position where he claims the prerogatives of God and says I am the representative of Christ on Earth um well the Bible calls that blasphemy and so most of the reformers understood that but now the modern interpretation of those verses is that it means a literal Temple's going to be rebuilt but being a Jew I'll promise you I don't know any Jews that are anxious to start the sacrificial system uh and there may be but I don't know any and so this idea that there's this underground movement to rebuild the Temple in Israel uh you know as soon as they take a bulldozer up there to start bulldozing the Dome of the Rock it's you're going to have World War I MH so and the Jews don't want that and the danger of that is you have a lot of Christians based upon a misunderstanding of the very verse that say Jesus can come until the temple gets rebuilt because that has to precede the day of the Lord yeah now the Bible's clear it says there's a falling away in in the church so the context there is the church it's not talking about a falling away in a city or it's not talking about falling away in a nation talking about a falling way in the church so this Antichrist power Rises within the Christian church so it's pretty clear that people understand that because I think the devil is directing people's attention to what's happening there on the Dome of the Rock in the Middle East and a lot of Po people are putting off decisions they need to make now to get ready for the coming of Christ saying well I'm going to wait until the Temple's rebuilt right and then yeah if I don't make it on the first Rapture that I'm going to have seven years of tribulation but at least I have a second chance at the end of that and that is setting up a lot of people for deception then the other thing that uh is often misunderstood is um a prophecy in Ezekiel that's a fascinating prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and 39 dealing with Gog and meog and talks about rash and it's really talking about the war that you find in Revelation 20 when it says go and Magog attack the city of God in the New Jerusalem and fire comes down from heaven it's a prophecy of that and it's very clear I could if we had time we'd go show all the parallels between Ezekiel 3839 and Revelation 20 is amazing well a lot of my friends in other churches say this is that where Russia is going to be involved in invading Israel they can't they call some are saying Putin is the King of the North I saw that today looking around and that he's going to invade Israel I don't know if Russia would be I don't think he wants to do that um and they say rash the king of rash that's Russia and U when it talks about MOG it's or mesek that's Moscow and just you look at those words from Genesis 10 and that's not who those people were so there's a lot of misunderstandings and people are waiting for this uh literal Armageddon they think the Armageddon is a battle between Russia and China and Israel that's going to happen happened in the valley of megiddo and it tells us in Revelation 12 the battle of Armageddon is between the Beast the dragon and those who keep the Commandments of God the dragon is going to make war with the woman that is the battle and Jesus ultimately comes to deliver so a lot of misunderstandings and there folks are looking at what's happening there in in Israel and they're misunderstanding the events now I do think there's prophetic significance but let's not let's not take our Eye Off The Proven prophecies all right well here's a good question it says how should Christians approach this war it seems like there's innocent blood that's been spilled on both sides yeah there's you know war is brutal and um it's heartbreaking when uh any innocent people uh the collateral damage of War on civilians is terrible I'm just you and I exchang books on history and I'm just finishing this book on Napoleon and it's just amazing to me that hundreds and thousands of soldiers that died over meanless P little pieces of land and titles and and just through history that's why Jesus said there will be wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled and that's one of the most important things you know it breaks my heart to see on the news the suffering caused by War um but uh when he says be not troubled we shouldn't be troubled that our sole safety is at risk the most important thing when you see these events in the world is to know do I have peace with God in my relationship that's the most important thing we could get out of this program and Friends never forget the purpose of all prophecy is Redemptive God does not give us prophecy to wow us like it's a magician trick that he knows the future he gives us prophecy so that he says when you see these things come to pass then you will know that I am he he gives gives us the prophecy so we will know him that's the central meaning of all prophecy all right we've got another question it says when Lucifer comes on the sea he impersonates Christ do you think that he'll set up his throne in Jerusalem you know when when Satan impersonates Christ will he make a trip to Jerusalem I wouldn't be a bit surprised I mean even the pope does photo ops in Jerusalem so you know because it is a center of uh religious attention I wouldn't be surprised if he did I might be surprised if he didn't but um yeah I suppose if he's going to want to impersonate Christ and Jesus came from that country I'd expect that he'd want to show up there okay we got another a bunch of questions dealing with this subject so I'll just put it right out there Pastor D does what's happening in Israel have anything to do with the King of the North and the king of the south of Daniel 11 um yes but maybe more indirectly than you might be thinking you know I don't think Lebanon and hisbah coming down as the King of the North neither do I think that Putin and Russia are the King of the North when you trace the history uh in Daniel there are four and Pastor Ross is going through Daniel don't miss his Bible study tomorrow morning we'll be streaming it on Daniel what chapter are you on chapter seven chapter seven see if you in chapter 11 you'd be you'd be there um but uh so I don't want to steal Thunder but I'll just share very quickly that there are four or five powers that keep getting repeated in Daniel and you've got the kingdom of babyon Meo Persia Greece Rome and then the divided Roman Empire that turns into the papacy that would be the fifth you got those five Metals in the image the gold and the silver and the bronze and the iron and the iron and clay and you've got the then you got the four beasts and then this strange beasts at the end you've got the the horns that divide and then a little horn comes up and it's all the same powers and so when you get to Daniel 11 where you find the King of the North uh it again Segways into that same power that large persecuting power that ruled Europe and much of the world for 12200 years all Protestant reformers believed it was the papacy I still agree and it got a deadly wound and the deadly wound was healed MH and so um I think that's the King of the North there's a lot of debate on who the king of the South is maybe we won't go there we haven't had a question okay all right good question let me ask you this one this I think is important Jesus said do not worry how can you not worry when you see all of these things happening and Chaos going on around us yeah that is a good question and um I wrote a book on worry and I had to think a lot about worry while I was writing the book and I don't think that Jesus is telling us that we shouldn't be concerned about anything and sort of go through life you know with a a l Fair attitude I I think he wants us not to be anxious and that means don't continue to stress over things when there's a problem and you need to address it you think about it you address it and then give it to God do your best humanly to deal with it if we see these crisis in that are happening our hearts Jesus said weep with those that weep you know I I was looking at some of the reports on what's going on and I cried it just it broke my heart the suffering on both sides MH and um so it doesn't mean that we don't feel concerned or heartache but I'll sleep tonight because you know I've got peace that passes understanding you know I look back during if you look at the history of Israel Israel had a lot of walls one of which was Nebuchadnezzar came and conquered Jerusalem and took the Jews captive many were killed and yet amongst those taken captive to Babylon with some very good individuals Daniel and his three friends right and yet even though they went through all of that they had a peace and a confidence and a trust in God they were Witnesses in that Nation where they were taken and God was able to use them in a mighty way so even if we find ourselves in turmoil or War we can still have that peace if we recognize that our ultimate home is not on the Earth but like Abraham says he's looking for a a kingdom a city whose Builder and maker is God that's the New Jerusalem you know what helps me is I actually heard this from I used to work in the Navajo reservation and I'd go visit some of their services make friends and I heard this Navajo preacher and he said that God is still on his throne and he's not ringing his hands and he's not one bit nervous and I pictured that in my mind I said yeah he knows everything he knows what it's going to play out God is not more nervous today than he was a week ago um that's why Jesus said there's going to be Wars Don't Panic um the end is not yet so uh can this transition into final prophecies yes but my my question would be why do you ask that question my question would be are you wanting to know when the final prophecies are going to happen so you can hurry and get ready before tax returns are are required we should get ready now we don't know the day of our end so it's not a question of waiting till the last minute to get ready because you see the prophecies are being fulfilled uh God wants us to get ready now okay another question it says which books of the Bible talk about this prophecy well uh there are there are a number of prophecies that talk about the history of Israel matter of fact let me just say this in virtually all Bible prophecy talks about Israel so where do you want me to start virtually all Bible prophecy relates to Israel or spiritual Israel would you agree with that absolutely yeah you do so friends when you say which of these Prophecies of course A lot of it is past prophecy but um you've got the Prophecies of Moses in Deuteronomy 28 where he said that you know if God's people turned away they'd be conquered and Scattered that happened but he says if they turn to me I will bring them back into their land that happened well now uh this might be a crisis again God is trying to turn the Jewish people to him um I don't know how much I should say but you know the a lot of the young people that were uh slain were at the this music festival that was at the South and it it was kind of their way of celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles I can promise you that's a little different than the way Moses expected it to be celebrated this might be another way of calling his people back to uh a relationship with him and hopefully to discover the Messiah that's the key that's right I mean those Jews who have discovered the Messiah and accepted it they see the whole picture yeah there's a purpose to all of this those who are rejecting the Messiah they don't have much hope they very depended upon their own strength and their own ability because are they missing the most important thing they still longing for the m mes and the Messiah has already come yeah so you know when we go through chasing we had it in 911 in our country when we go through chasing as a nation uh what does God say if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from Heaven I will forgive their sin I'll heal their land so I may not have quoted that perfectly but I got all the main points in there so um you know I would say that whenever there's a crisis like this God's calling his people to repent and turn to him mhm well another question this is a great one it says America has showed its support for Israel even sending one of our aircraft carriers to the yeah the easn part of the mid and another one's also on its way uh how does America tie to prophecy and what's America's connection with what's happening in the Middle East I heard a preacher say on the my car radio today that um if you ever hear anyone say americaas in Bible prophecy don't pay any attention to them I wanted to say whoever is listening to this preacher don't pay any attention to him because America is very clearly in Bible prophecy I mean all you have to do is look at it right now in the last days America's the United Nations is here it's considered the greatest world power it's got the we the biggest military budget the world economy is based upon the dollar to say it has no role in last day prophecy uh is I think Reckless and we can tell you specifically just go to Revelation 13 and it says a second beast comes up out of the land two horns like a lamb and he speaks like a dragon and tells the world to worship the first Beast who had the deadly wound that did live that Beast is the United States and um so it is very clearly in Prophecy and if you look at what the passage says in Revelation chapter 13 it says that this second beast of the US would grow to be a super power it would have the military strength the economic strength and it would support the agenda of the first beast and it tells it will actually enforce buying and selling or those who don't support certain laws that won't be able to buy and sell so it seems the real Focus according to Bible prophecy is the first and second beast of Revelation 13 the papal power of the United States but there's a big diversion of attention to an antichrist power that people think would suddenly spring up in the Middle East Y and um even when when America was formed it says that this Beast would come up right at the same time the other Beast receives a deadly wound which is 1798 just read this in my history of Napoleon when berier took uh the pope captive and it was in 1798 10 years roughly after the Constitution was signed the world powers began to recognize the United States is completely independent from England and it was seen as a world power it's It just fits the prophecies perfectly so yes us is in Prophecy and we have a magazine I'd like to we got a whole magazine called the US in Prophecy beautiful that you could order and share here's an interesting question it says I've heard of many Muslims turning to Christianity do you think this will also happen with many uh Israelites or Jews yes I do um I believe it from the Bible I believe it from prophecy and even as you read we we didn't read all of Romans 11 but Paul Intimates that uh there's going to be a Revival and a turning of his people to Christ he said that the conversion being filled with the spirit of the Gentiles is going to create a jealousy among Israel and God is making them jealous so they're going to want what they have and I think that when there's a Revival among Christians and we receive the baptism of the spirit Jews are going to say you know that's what it was supposed to be for us and uh I I think that you're going to see a lot of them turning to Christ and seeing the scriptures for the in a new light now a lot of people realize that all this war and turmoil and death and destruction is there's a power behind that we know that it' be the devil yeah so that ties into this question the question is um why did God create Adam and Eve or sorry why did God allow Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil if he knew all of this would happen yeah and you could just back it up and say people say why did God make an angel that he knew might go bad and turn into Lucifer the devil and um you know the answer and by the way the opening presentation in the Pinnacle of Prophecy series it begins on the 27th and it'll be exactly two weeks from this moment we'll be going it's going to be Friday night on the 27th hope you tune in tell your friends pass it on we're going to be talking about why is there evil in the world why did God make a devil and why did he allow Adam and Eve to eat the fruit it all boils down to a freedom of will you cannot love love without true Freedom true Independence and uh he had to make his creatures with absolute free choice and he gave them those options all right another question that we have it says what are some of the key prophecies that we need to look for before the second coming of Christ well for one thing it says again look at the Pinnacle of Prophecy program they got it on the screen right there if you want the website Pinnacle of Prophecy in there we have a presentation on the second coming that's in Revelation 14 I saw one sitting on a cloud coming in the Clouds Of Heaven um for one thing it says the gospel will be preached in all the world for a witness doesn't say everyone will believe then the end will come so that's one uh Daniel chapter 12 tells us and Michael's going to stand up there'll be a great time of trouble we're wondering if this war in Israel is going to expand into that great time of trouble remember Christ said um except those days be shortened no flesh would be saved so there's going to be some Christ crises in the last days he talks about a time of trouble such as there never has been now the worst part of that is going to be the seven last plagues and at that point probation's closed so you don't want to wait till then but uh I'm not going to give you all the signs because you won't want to tune in for the prophecy seminar so I I've got a whole list of signs of the second coming you can tune in for okay here's another question it says does the Bible say how this war will end that's taking place right now in Israel well ultimately all wars are going to end with the coming of the Lord and that that final war the final part of Armageddon is at the end of the 10,000 years when the wicked and the lost and the devil and his angels are cast into the Lake of Fire and God purifies the planet and it says I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth he creates a new Heaven and a new Earth and Isaiah says they will beat their swords into pruning Hooks and their plows into and their Spears into plows anyway and they won't study War anymore so that's that's when it's going to happen is at ultimately at the second coming maybe you have time for one more question Pastor Doug it seems like Jerusalem is playing a very significant role in the conflict in the Middle East uh why is the city of Jerusalem so important it seems at least in Bible prophecy but at least in the world today why Jerusalem you know that it's interesting that Abraham came back from a war and he gave tithe to mkdc who is the king of Salem later known as Jerusalem then God asked Abraham to offer his son on that mountain mountains Z Mariah then God offered his son on that mountain and Jesus said uh the New Jerusalem would descend on the Mount of Olives it was the land that God gave and so this is the land that all through the the faith of Catholics Protestants Jews it's the holy land and um I got so much more I could say about that too but all maybe it's a good time for us to remind our friends about our free offer again it's a book called the fall and the right of Jerusalem begins with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and it ends with the New Jerusalem and the restoration when the earth is made new it's free we'll send it to anyone all you need to do is text the word book to the number 40544 or take a picture of that QR code with your phone and you'll be able to order the book for free read it share it with somebody else and you know Pastor that folks might be wondering these books aren't free obviously and amazing facts is investing in this we believe that it's important that people get the book and they read the book so we're sending it for free but if there is somebody out there who says you know I want to help sponsor this book going far and wide if that's you and you'd like to help cover some of the expenses for mailing this book for free just visit the amazing facts uh website or you can scan that QR code that you see in your screen the funds raised there will help to send this book as wide as possible y amen we sure appreciate that well friends I know this has been just a really rapid fire dealing with this subject uh we're going to close out by showing sh you one more time the commercial for the upcoming Pinnacle of Prophecy program in 2 weeks tell your friends send them the link invite them into your homes into your churches you can turn on an internet screen and you can watch it there's free material that you can download free advertising and you can lead others to Christ and that's the most important thing about proper uh prophecy is that we find Jesus the Redeemer God bless beasts plagues and the cryptic number 666 for many The Book of Revelation is both frightening and confusing does this last book of the Bible really provide insight for the final days or is it nothing more than an ominous book of Doom and Gloom on the contrary Revelation is as the title suggests a revealing a powerful prophetic book filled with hope encouragement and yes urgent messages of final warning for our world friends please join me Doug Bachelor as amazing facts presents the Pinnacle of Prophecy unlocking Revelations Mysteries starting October 27 at 700 p.m. Pacific time you can attend in person at the Granite Bay Hilltop church and you can view the programs on aftv Facebook YouTube and more yes it's true you can know the future for more information and to register visit Pinnacle of prophecy.com [Music]
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 502,925
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Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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