War crimes tribunal going after Putin, but ignoring bigger war criminals?

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so the international criminal court has an arrest warrant out for Russian President Vladimir Putin on war crimes charges cool but you know there are much bigger fish in the wider sea of war crimes right [Music] okay let's get some important disclaimers out of the way first there is no justification for starting any war of any kind for any reason war is wrong invading a sovereign country is wrong so Putin was wrong to invade Ukraine even if he argues that he was first provoked pushed and cornered by the United States and its allies into an existential conflict Ukrainian president of vlodimir zielinski is right to defend his own country but wrong not to sue for peace wrong to let the U.S use them as a convenient tool to host an endless proxy war between Washington and Moscow paid for by U.S dollars and the blood of both ukrainians and Russians not Americans and the US is wrong to assume it can keep pumping billions of dollars in taxpayers money into Ukraine to keep the war going indefinitely refusing to entertain any peace overtures as long as only Ukrainian and Russian blood is built they're all wrong wrong right after that little Preamble let's talk about the international criminal court or ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Putin on war crimes charges the ICC the same hallowed organization up in its Ivory Tower at the Hague which has done nothing NADA zilch so far about much bigger war criminals still sitting pretty because of the Perpetual immunity that only Western leaders get to enjoy the ICC the same great enforcer of international Justice with only enough guts and political backbone to hunt easier darker skinned game on the African continent or sometimes in Eastern Europe when they fall out of Grace with Western Powers the ICC the same invertebrate entity that the U.S is now applauding for going after Putin hard while remaining permanently flaccid on America's Litany of war crimes what is the icc's excuse for ignoring elephants in the room like former U.S President George W bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for what they did to Iraq we are now marking the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion and the biblical scale of death and destruction inflicted upon the Iraqi people by these modern day perpetrators of genocide the fact that hideous deplorables like Bush and Blair are now swanning around as wise and gentle Elder Statesmen with the moral temerity of all people to condemn the invasion of Ukraine is the ultimate obscenity in the long-soded history of Western global domination on the 20th anniversary of the annihilation of Iraq they still talk about it as a war based on intelligence failure in assuming that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction what intelligence failure the only failure of intelligence was on the part of those who bought the bovine feces and blatant lies that the U.S and its cronies sold them to justify this eternal atrocity dirty lies that were dutifully parroted by the compliance stenographers in the Anglo-Saxon media shame on everyone who supported the wanton destruction of Iraq shame on anyone cheering Putin's indictment while giving a free pass to smirking Mass murderers like Bush and last but not least shame on the ICC for being a pathetic puppet of Western imperialism you know whenever I talk like this pointing out basic facts to illustrate the double standards and sheer hypocrisy of Western virtue signaling the counter is always oh that's just what about ISM accusing someone of what aboutism has become the default excuse for duplicity The Glass House refuge for sanctimonious Scoundrels let me put it this way and pardon the crude analogy because this is the only kind of language some people understand at the end of the day when you're a habitual wife beat her and every time I see her she's sporting a black eye you do not get to lecture me on sensitivity because I sometimes forget to buy my girlfriend a Valentine's Day gift what about that's right you heard me what about your wife [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: South China Morning Post
Views: 342,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: International Criminal Court, SCMP, SCMP Studio, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky, War criminals, War in Ukraine, Yonden Lhatoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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