Waltz Reverse and Natural turns.

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hello welcome to learn to dance calm my name is Anderson Moore this is my partner Eva Allen and in this lesson we're going to teach you the difference between what we call reverse actions in the waltz and natural actions in the walls first starts reverse actions begin with the forward action with the man's left and the forward action with the lady's left essentially the waltz steps are the same for the man as well as for the lady the difference is simply that when I'm going forward with my left she's going backward with her right and when she's going forward with her left I'm going backwards with my right this is using a reverse or left turning configuration let me just show you what I mean if we're dancing a waltz and we're rotating to the left my left foot goes forward and my right foot goes backwards my left foot goes forward and my right foot goes backwards again my left foot is forward a my right foot is backwards this is for a reverse turn or a left turning figure now that's all fine and good but only turning in one direction means you're very limited you're not gonna progress around the room in the natural way that waltz is designed to do because it's based on rotation a natural turning figure means everything is upside-down my forward steps will always be with the right foot and then the lady's forward steps will always be with the right foot let me just show you so now a natural turning figure would be one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three hopefully you could notice the difference between rotating to the right and rotating to the left now in application you have to have one more variation which we have another lesson on our channel here is called a progressive step or a change step and it's simply to change directions but your number one goal has got to be to now reverse that waltz box step if you've only learned the reverse turning figure you've probably locked down in your mind that the left foot always goes forward and the right foot always goes backwards and you would be correct if you qualify that by saying that's a reverse turning figure what's what I'm going to do we're going to dance one left box one two three four five six a change one two three then 1 2 3 4 5 6 again a change and then it left 1 2 3 back with the right 5 6 a change forward with the right 2 3 4 5 6 this allows us to eventually progress around the room using left turns and right turns waltz isn't designed to go straight it's not a linear style dance that's more the foxtrot that waltz is based on rotation so a good waltz is always turning in left and right directions never just staying in the same alignment the whole time so the first thing you're going to have to do is add to your program that you can do the Box step with this other configuration just try it with us let's put your partner beside you and again like I said if the steps are the same let's use our right foot to go forward let's go 1 2 3 4 5 6 right foot 1 to left foot backwards 4 5 again right foot 1 left foot 2 3 our left foot back side together now I know I've seen it a million times you probably went 1 2 3 1 because you're used to the right foot always being the backward action you've said that to yourself and memorize that a hundred million times and that's ok if you only want to turn to the left but we all want to do and look and feel as comfortable when we're dancing which means we need to bring in the turns to the right so the first thing you have to do is practice that box step with the right foot forward and the left foot backwards the concept of the box step is exactly the same now the other little pitfall or another issue that's important when we apply this with partner is whoever has the forward action with the right leg mustn't try to avoid the partner if I show you from this point of view when I step with my right foot into IVA I'm going one my right knee and her right knee have passed right beside each other I'm not gonna go one because I know I'm gonna step on her well I'm gonna step on her if I let that right put it step and drift off to the side because that's putting my right footed step on to the lady's track if we imagine that the lady is standing on two tracks and the man is standing on two tracks and they're running parallel to each other they're not lined up directly with each other then we will never step on each other just notice that as we turn to the right we go one two notice her step is forward notice my step is forward notice her step is forward there is no I'm not going to avoid Eva Eva is not going to avoid me we're going to brush right past each other now when we turn to the left this is not so much of an issue because of the way we're configured we're offset so the left footed step is already outsider so the man never feels like he's going to step on his partner there so a way you can overcome this gentleman is to take your lady into dance hold and let's walk with her but let's go ahead and begin with the left foot for the man I will go forward the right foot I'm gonna go forward as well and I'm just walking with her every time I go forward hopefully you'll notice if I stop here and I'll come right at you you'll notice with my left foot notice my right foot there my right foot is gone right past the lady's foot and if she comes forward now notice with her right foot there and again right there she's not going to try to avoid me the same way I'm not going to try to avoid the lady this is going to make it very easy for us to dance together but again this is be one of the problem areas as you try to incorporate natural turns or right turns so remember reverse turns go to the left natural turns go to the right another way of saying it is left turns or reverse turns go counterclockwise right turns natural turns go clockwise the more you can get yourself to where your dancing left's and rights in the waltz you'll find it way more enjoyable I guarantee it thanks again for visiting learn to dance calm and we sure hope you're enjoying your dancing
Channel: Anderson Moore Dance
Views: 1,263,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waltz, natural turn, waltz reverse turn, dance Dancing, anderson moore, eva allen, Natural And Reverse Turns
Id: l4OiaoSfWjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2011
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