WALT DISNEY WORLD 🏰 Travel Day - Gatwick British Airways & All Star Movies Check In β€’ March 2024

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[Music] hello hi welcome back to our Channel or if you're new here I'm jez and I'm Harvey and today is a very exciting day it's Wednesday the 13th of March and it is our pre-travel day for a trip to Walt Disney World woo yeah so tonight we're driving down to London gwick Airport it's about 2 and 1/ half hour Journey For Us yeah we're going to be staying at Premier in ready for our flight into all International with British Airways which is new for us yes it is new we've always flew a virgin haven't we yeah so different we always flew from Manchester with Virgin but this time Gatwick British Airways but yeah and we're staying at Disney's Allstar Movies Resort aren't we yeah which is obviously new to us as well yeah just Disney this trip it's an8 night trip um so we're just doing just Disney staying at allar movies and we are absolutely buzzing I'm so excited but yeah come and join us on another for Walt Disney World trip [Music] woo whenever I'm with you I am all right there's something about the way you make me feel inside I'm counting down the day till we fly away adding to the sun only you and me don't want to waste another day being stuck here in this place no Want to Hold Your Hand in M watch the sunet in your eyes baby I want us to act like we are 22 right now just like go lose control play songs on the radio too loud this could be magical W wo this be magical [Music] w and we are here woo the premier in so after a 2 and 1/ half hour drive with a half an hour stop yeah 3 hours we're here yeah good going that is gwick nice driving yeah thanks but everyone who I've spoke to who has gone to Gatwick has said like how long it takes but I don't think 2 and 1/2 hours is that bad no I think it was all right I think the stop made it a bit more yeah like bar didn't it yeah we got some food as you've seen but yeah I think Harvey are going to do a quick room tour am I yeah you are know apparently I'm doing the room tour but it's the same as every other Premier so you've probably seen this about 5,000 times yeah you'll just make it quick one yeah over to Harvey so we come in there's a little hair dryer mirror and there's like a bigger mirror with some hangers CH is just actually chilling on the bed already I'm just taking my shoes off and then here we go into the bathroom nice big sink space overhead shower looks like a half decent shower to be fair bath someone's excited and then we come into the bedroom TV on the wall desk area nice comfy Premier in bed a premier in bed is always comfy to be fair yeah you know what you're going to get with a premier yeah so we paid 91 for this didn't we ja when the lady checked us in she was like when did you book this and we were like May last year I think and she was like oh that would make sense because your room is a lot cheaper than everyone else she's checked in tonight so F can advance if you can top tip from Jazz for the night that is they've supplied a fan and there's like a little single you've got a I love a fan I love a fan we're all here we're buzzing yeah um the premier in that we're staying at is the Premier in London Road Gatwick yeah south terminal something like that yeah it's about 3 4 miles away from Gatwick south terminal yeah it's not quite on site like at gwick airport but close enough like for the morning isn't it so yeah yeah and it's free parking as well so we haven't got P up T um so we're here yeah we're buzzing mhm absolutely buzzing Jaz probably isn't going to sleep tonight are you I need to though I'm actually tired but my brain will just be like spinning yeah we can't believe we're going back to Florida just doing a Walt Disney World trip as well for eight nights which will be amazing I can't wait to be like in the Disney bubble in that bubble for eight solid nights and get Resort mugs and and eat chicken tenders and it's going to be a hectic one isn't it yeah we don't rest we just go go go go go we've got so many plans yeah um we've got a couple of old favorite dining reservations of ours yes we have so we've got Crystal Palace for breakfast is it yeah breakfast and we've got our number one favorite for breakfast tuska house yes tusker house is amazing in October 2022 we absolutely love it and we didn't originally have that booked that was you last minute until about last week where we were just going through trip plans and I was like jazz there's a breakfast reservation at like 8:15 which is what time you want really yeah so we thought why not let's book it and then we've got Round Up Rodeo barbecue which we're also looking forward to and yak and Yeti so yeah which we've obviously never done before either that's exciting everything else will have to be a watch the Vlogs and find out but yeah we're absolutely buzzing exciting we need to just get all our stuff laid out ready for the morning take my make a off and get to bed and try and have a good night's sleep have a nice good night's sleep before our flight over to Orlando International in the morning is your arm hurting yeah my arm is killing well I think we've got nothing else to say so that's the end of our pre-travel day yeah obviously we'll link this into travel day so the next clip will be us bright and early in the morning yeah our travel day travel day to Florida for an8 night trip yeah staying at Allstar movies to Walt Disney World yes let's go see you tomorrow remember I here good morning good morning it's Thursday the 14th of March yeah and it's coming up to 7:00 and it's travel day talking quietly cuz obviously it's still early isn't it so yeah there's still a lot of people in bed there's still quite a few cars in the car park obviously people haven't got earlier flights like us um so obviously we slept at the premier in last night how did you sleep all right yeah always comfortable sleep is it yeah just a bit hot it was warm luckily we did have the fan but it was still hot um I slept okay not no you didn't nothing to do with the premier in just my brain was just ticking so yeah that was fun but I knew that was going to happen it always does but yeah so we're going to check out now and head over to get with airport we've got valet parking booked haven't we yeah valet parking so just dropped my car off virtually at the terminal this might be the last talking clip that you see of us for a while because we're not very confident but we'll see how it goes we'll just see but yeah come and join us on our travel day to Florida act like we are 22 right now just let go lose control play songs on the radio to this could be magical w w this could be [Music] magical [Music] so we've just checked into the number one Lounge got our drinks and Harvey's gone straight in for I'm guessing your first plate of many the smallest plates ever they are small plates but I'm not hungry yet I'm just going to sip and enjoy my prco and then I'll go and grab some food in a bit it's very busy in here and it's very loud this is Harvey's third plate you just had a pastry you got a bacon bath cup of tea living your best life this could be magical [Music] W so we were due to take off at 11:25 it's now nearly 11: and we are delayed so we're back in the airport with another prco can't help but feel like we might be in W by time we get on the plane but cheers this is the world's flattering angle but your to yours today we go cheers so Ru to the delay we're now on to lunch food how's got a couple of well this is like a kids thing for Jazz no no come on got some oh is that is some pickles oh I love pickles [Music] yum wondering around in a blurry time in a foggy State s Li go but you're still alive there's no time to wait it is time to [Music] it we are in the darkest time [Music] so it's nearly 1:00 and we're boarded this headphones in already and we'll be going toep for the video safety demonstration shut up okay [Music] [Music] this St always feeling lost get is time to leave this is not a game for the fal heart I know you agree no one knows who will be Char to live it's a high green vegetable and Chen mat I don't know what to go for I'm going to wait see what it looks like with the people and then I'll make I don't know I'm scared to have the chicken mat in so we're 2 hours into the flight now we just been served our lunch we both got for the Thai green vegetable curry it actually smells and looks quite nice we've got some butter cheese crackers Cutlery and what's that like a rice little dish cupcake and probably a really hard bread but I'm actually quite hungry so I'm looking forward to eating this see you yeah [Music] oh oh oh I know exactly to do we need to find something new let's bring this up let's bring this up higher higher you will go far I know you are [Music] well everybody Welcome to a lovely day here in Orlando please remain seated with your seat Bel passs until the passs seat Bel sides have been switched off welcome all of us British Airways and the W Alliance it's been our pleasure looking after you on this flight and we do look forward to seeing you again in the not so distant future thank you for tuning to of us and of course we do wish you all safe onward [Applause] [Music] [Music] Journey we're here we're just walking now to I think in the new terminal Terminal C get your bags first yeah and then you do like customers and that so yeah let's go and get our bags hopefully they come out fast so we're just waiting for our lift yeah outside see 4849 what time we left 6:00 it's now 10: to 7: got all bags successfully yeah a breeze no cu no it does work well getting your bags first just St bags and took a while now ordered the yeah which was 48 yeah just over $48 which is really good 6 yeah let's go I'll been lose and sleep what to do could somebody come and take me your way I've been in the day without you and I got it in my head night and day but we are one step closer We're All in This Together put your hand in mine yeah we are one step closer can you feel it baby it's the end of the line it looks like we made it let's get it on we got it going Mo on W it looks like we made it let's get it on we got to go it looks like great it looks like great yeah looks like we made it let's get go strong so just checked in sorted a merchandise dining credit now we're just walk into the room walking through the 101 down room section at the moment and we are in Mighty Ducks I'm so excited Jaz is going to do the honors what if it does it work then we have to use mine no we're using those oh my God it's we've never had that on the Telly kind of provide it's a lovely room is it okay let's get the stuff in we're here oh so happy but yeah we're going to get the stuff in quickly and then we'll just do a quick room tour let's turn the Telly up [Music] [Applause] H [Music] woo I haven't even took my B [Music] off jazz is happy as you can see [Music] oh H the room so room tour is commencing Harvey's summoned me is that wood summoned yeah Harvey's summoned me to do it but I need to take off my bag cuz I'm not done that yet but do want need to turn the me it down does it get copyrighted I don't know just just in case so the room I'm so excited for this okay let's start from the door hello so I'm stood by the door this is what you can see just a little overview it's a lovely room isn't it yeah it's such a good size as well obviously this pulls down which are you going to pull it down you've got to pull it down everyone pulls it down just to look at it I like let you pull it down I'll just stand over here and not be helpful is it heavy do you reckon no a I love that obviously we won't be using it no but it's easy then yeah put the chairs back then shall we oh my God I can't believe we're here go to the left we have this new hey Disney start the magic what does it do oh getting startu hi I'm Margaret and I'm excited to introduce you to our in room interactive experience a Disney but yeah we think this is kind of like an Alexa but for Disney isn't it so we'll be messing around with that at some point won't we yeah yeah that's a new call feature and then big bed and I love the sign is this the same as what they had at Pop I think so I can't yeah I think it is or very similar plugs I feel like everyone's always invested in plugs but two sock in two USBS is it the same on the other side yeah exactly the same obviously big Telly loads of storage I'm assuming there's a safe yeah safe in there and then we've got the what do you call this tea coffee station the snack stand the snack stand and there's some stuff in there we probably won't use it but it's handy to have and we'll definitely use the fridge got got ground floor because we did request a ground floor didn't we Harry because yeah cuz when we stayed at Pop we loved having a ground floor oh my God is that a lizard it is hello Mr lizard carry on sorry but yeah we had a ground floor at Pop Sentry in October 2022 and we just loved it because when you're at the end of a long day oh your feet and your feet are killing you you don't have to like trample up all the stairs or anything yes we said earlier we're in the Mighty Ducks building pool's literally there and music's there isn't it Allstar music so we if we want we can use the buses we might end up doing that yeah but doesn't matter does it if you use different hotel but yes that's the room and then not really been in the bathroom yet got some hooks here another plug uh bathroom's very bright yeah but yeah it's nice isn't it I like the lights load of storage um sink there's the ironing board where's the iron oh it's down there and if you know us well you'll know that Harvey does all of the ironing not me and the hair dryer I didn't bring mine so that's great coat hanging space not many hangers but is what it is isn't it more storage up there and then there's a full length mirror here you want to come in hello and behind here is the bathroom is this the light yes bathroom toilet and then it's like a bath and then shower over the bath and then the Disney toilet trees and then I think that's it really isn't it no what you forgot the name of them oh no I got one then it's really comfortable I am going to have a good night sleep in this tonight I feel like everyone does that don't they when they check into a Disney Resort but yeah that's the room we're going to quickly freshen up now cuz our plan of action is freshen up food core chicken tenders Resort mugs yes see you in a bit yeah when we go to the food cour I have some chicken tenders which we keep talking about chicken tenders like we can you tell we're excited we mentioned chicken tenders like about 20 times in this 30 second CLI we're so basic but yeah we'll see you in a bit food court time so hungry I know I'm me can you guess what we're going to [Music] have [Music] already found two things that we're going to be gift shop done yeah I'm so hungry [Music] M first yes and I know what color I'm having take a guess obviously pink oh my God now I'm going to get green like birs [Music] yeah so just filled up our Resort mugs that's such an awkward angle sorry and now we're going to have chicken T been waiting so long we've already had a few chips because or fries Disney fries Disney fries cuz we couldn't wait is it really H ready defeated we tried next time we'll share one won't we but for the first night feel like you've got to go all out you know what I mean we're gonna go get the bus now dis spring to collect our gift card it's going to be a I say flying visit but we have to go in World of Disney don't we yeah so probably spend about 5 hours in there so it will be however quick I can make a flying visit to World of Disney yeah yeah let's go to Spring [Music] a [Music] we did walk around World of Disney you didn't see nothing just be honest no I just saw one jumper and the rest I was just a bit like yeah but that's a good thing yeah it a good thing I didn't make any purchases so me just means she's got more money to spend on the rest of the trip now yay me but yeah we're just going to head back to the bus now good evening from a very sleepy Jaz and Harvey yes very sleepy um it's currently 20 to midnight yeah on travel day I think that's unheard of if you ask me it's been a very long day hasn't it if this hasn't beaten jet lag does that make sense yeah if we haven't beaten jet lag then I don't know how you it we'll be awake in about 4 or 5 hours um just a quick we didn't really talk about the flight earli did we no obviously flew a ba from gwick couldn't fault them to be honest no it was good the food was nice the service was good yeah the plane was clean it was good there was an hour delay but we just had you get that anywhere they can't we just had another hour in the lounge yeah it was fine got our bags quite quickly yeah cuz obviously Terminal C you get your bags before you go through like Customs don't you yeah and we waited probably about 15 20 minutes for the bags yeah it was cuz it's a bit of a walk from the plane yeah so you taxi for ages into the terminal yeah it did feel like a long time and you get into like your arrivals and it's like they say an 8 minute walk to the baggage CL there was no C at Customs no straight through Straight in the Uber and obviously we were here yeah we've been Springs sort of the gift card had chicken tenders got the resort MKS and we've literally just unpacked everything hav we we're all done like we' done it quite quick to be fair yeah cuz we're going to be up early and I want to get straight to the park so we just wanted to get it all done tonight yeah both going to have a quick shower now and then go to bed yeah shower bed cuz we need some sleep cuz we've been awake since like half 5 in the morning UK time and it's currently 24 in the morning so 23 hours have been up for yeah 23 or no 22 hours have been up for long enough any yeah so we just want to say thank you for watching yeah we hope you enjoyed our travel day day we had a really good day didn't we yeah obviously long but so worth it and we're just so grateful and happy to be here yeah and we can't wait for the next eight nights nine days back at Walt Disney World yes so we'll see you tomorrow at Magic Kingdom Yay good night good [Music] night [Music]
Channel: Memory Maker Couple
Views: 25,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a6IQUrWeBms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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