Disney World Florida 2024 Travel Day TUI Premium & Magic Kingdom | Mr & Mr Lane

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] o hi I'm Andrew and I'm Oliver and we are Mis and Mr L and we are back in Florida on our second Orlando Tre we've already been on the plane um Andrew did do a clip but unfortunately didn't press record yes so the next few clips that you're going to see now are of us in the airport on the plane and we've literally just landed and it's like 40° we've just picked up our car so come along with us yes Oliver upgraded with a premium without his knowing and it was a lovely lovely surprise so enjoy the series bye hi so we have just checked in obviously all of us surpris with premium seat and they've actually told we that we have access to the lounge so scrap getting any food we're going straight to the lounge we're going to go through security and get some lovely food and drinks but I'm so excited I've never ever done premium yet so this is a first so yeah come along with me hi so we've just got through security which has been told off to recording people are so awkward yeah um and we're just now heading to the lounge um so we want to get some Fizz some little breakfast can't wait can't wait so excited wait to start all morning usually we end up in like bloody Burger King or something in the lounge so it's all been just done out as well so this is the Aspire Lounge looks lovely yeah it looks nice get yourself in there Oliver yeah I've got some pepper yeah getting the goods indeed okay so we're just sitting down in the lounge having some breakfast Andre's got every drink you can imagine he's got a cup of tea he's got a water he's got a fresh orange juice um yeah so nice to just come here and chill relax how was your breakfast 10 out of 10 was it actually sausage is Good Egg good beans good did you see sa was spicy yeah had a bit of a kick yeah what can we get next hello so we are gate 26 we are on our way and yeah can't wait can't wait to get we seat to see what it looks like we've just been seeing it's like probably the most chill we've ever been in the airport because usually like wandering around duty free like trying to find somewhere to go for breakfast but it was just so nice to just sit and relax relax and get weighted on really yeah had nice J and tonic just the one yeah yeah it's just been so nice and chill got to drive on the way when we get there so I can have one on the plane I would say cuz we've got a long eight hours to go so like 8 9 hours find yeah but yes nearly there so we'll show you our seats and things when we get actually on the plane yeah exciting I saw we're in the gate and was a bit unorganized but we made it through but we are sitting in the premium section ready to go down the stairs right there so we're very close um but yeah we're nearly on the B yeah hopefully we'll get on the scene and then we'll sit back [Music] [Music] yeah so just got on the plane and we've got a little bit of a travel bag so I'm just going to tell you what we've got in it oh this one is fully SE I'm going have to bite I think RI it oh no there we go so we got a little toothbrush and toothpaste [Music] um ret [Music] Le [Music] cor nice nice mom you have to Bubble come up I'm cra I'm an ey Mas how nice lovely see what may the this time so the drinks are flowing already ching ching ching ching and T's actually working so happy so what I've [Music] got new releases you're very welcome so we've got [Music] Barbie it magic M Scooby-Doo W yeah TV that's friends [Music] so nice we're very stocked up good so the food has come and I went for the sausage broccoli and mashed potato this is the star of the couscous cheeseboard cheesecake red bun we've also been given a lot more fumb sapphires so we work yummy hry that so we've just finished Practical Magic it's like one of my favorite FS we don't watch it enough um had our food and now Andre's having lemon cheese cake is it lemon then like just I don't feel like I'm ever be on the plane Curry but everything else just going to give to Andre willing so we're just trying to um I was skined going puffy going to do a w Sage [Music] devices that resemble cigarettes weed your we're here it's very warm already isn't it yeah um watches so short British weather so it's 30 that up but it's about 35 I think yeah about again 38 I think so wish for luck good time just waiting for the car well thankfully we like cases came out three or four people in so this is our car we've got the Buick and it's like a nice black Jeep isn't it it's lovely it's it's kind of like a cash K basically it's really nice yeah it's very it's higher than what I had last time the last one was longer but it's amazing I love this I would definitely get something like this at home yeah lovely let should quickly show you the inside got the airon on cuz it's boiling okay so we have officially set off um it's so so hot I know I've just said that but like oh my Lord above it is roasting um but we got the air con on um it's going to take us about an hour and a half to get to the hotel last time we did a route that did loads of TOs and like you had to stop every time like I would literally say 2 Mile there was about like about 10 talls so although it said it was a quicker Journey we felt like it probably slowed us down so picked the route without TOs and and I think it was only like 15 20 minutes longer but we'll see how it works out it's worth a try um and then when we'll get to the hotel we're going to check in dump our bags and then head out and get just some Essentials for in the room and some goodies and bits and pieces and then probably get some food as well yeah cuz although I've eaten on the plane I didn't really eat much of them onest you ate most of my food yeah I think by that point you just feel a bit full and it's nice to just to chill and then have some nice snacks and that so so yeah so we'll keep it updated excited we are here hi uh so it's just been about an hour and 20 minutes or so and we are here it's so nice to recognize where we are cuz with us being here just last year so we're just about to pull in our hotel we haven't actually said yet but we're staying in um the Rosen in Lake buen Vista we stayed here last year and um it's like ideal for what we need yeah yeah so we're just pulling in now is it next one yeah next door good little sensor car has been lovely as well to be honest yeah the car has been nice uhuh but yeah we did this journey every single day so we know this street very well yeah here it is now just put it in nice little Waterfall oh there a rainbow oh it's been painted is it that area was all getting done out last year yeah so yeah we will check in soon here so [Music] like GL yeah so we've checked in it was pretty easy obviously we've done it before um and we're just waiting for the lift now and then um we've been put on the same floor on the same side and I think it might be the room next to the one that we had last time so yeah we'll show you around when we get in there first off obviously Dollar Tree Stack Up on the [Music] goodies so we've just popped into a Dollar Tree just to get some Essentials and now we're heading over at Walmart to see what we can get okay so we have just drove to Walmart um this is our favorite one and we're asked on Tik Tok the other day by the way if you're not following us on Tik Tok please give us a follow there it's the same handle at Mr and Mr Lane um yeah it's the kiss me one it's massive it's like a super store yeah there's loads of goodies in here and there's a Subway so we said we might just actually got to Subway for some food cuz we're a little bit peckish but let's kill two birds with one stone cuz we're a little bit naed so by the way it's so hot it's like 40° it's like beyond beyond beyond so yeah we'll see you in there so we just went for a break I got a meatball and ol got a ham and a nice drink and a bag of Doritos which are to Ranch what we call them Co original yeah Co original so yeah tasty okay so we're in Walmart we're in Oliver's favorite ale which is the cereal ale and we picked up some golden Gams I went for Golden Gams these are like if it could bring these back to the UK I would yeah do life yeah so quick trip in here getting a water and everything going to head back but yeah yeah just a few little bits and then we need a rest because basically it's 7:00 here which means it's what time at home like midnight yeah after midnight and we've been awake since well I've been awake since 5:00 a.m. 6:00 long day yeah we're tired hi so we've checked in we're in the room now we've just came back from Walmart so we thought we'd give you a little room to her cuz last time it didn't really go out the plan so yeah here you go go oh okay so this is it this is the Rosen Inn this is just um the room with two double beds nice and cozy compact the deck was a little bit dated but the airc con's really good it's quite niy but it's it's nice there's a nice little chair there double bed double bed a nice big pineapple lamp there and you've got all your USB ports and a little alarm clock and a safe there as well and then you've got your TV mirror all of your storage there we usually plun with cases in this little Gap here this is our little kitchenet bathroom thing yeah there's a microwave and a fridge and which is really handy so ler we just stocked it up with Waters and things yeah coffee machine teas coffees hair dryer towels and then in this little room here is your bathroom toilet um yeah does the job you've got your iron iring board here as well and then these doors do close if you want a bit of privacy but yes that is the room tour I'll show you the view as well so we are on the top floor facing the car park and it's nice and quiet as well so yes so yeah that's probably it for day one um travel day yes we're going to literally get changed get sorted it's like 8:00 at night we're probably going to be um yeah it's about yeah it's at 1:00 in the morning in the UK or something so Ian we've got a few things to S out here like unpack and stuff so we'll get that done and then but it's quite good cuz like it's still quite early here so we have an early night sleep in a little bit and then we should be raring to go at a decent time in the morning yes ready for Magic Kingdom so we'll see us in the morning bye morning it's day one we've just got ourselves sorted we got up well I was up all through the night on unfortunately like 4 3 5 6 um I managed to get us on um Tron cuz we're heading at Magic Kingdom so we're on Warden group 78 87 yeah um so we're hoping it shouldn't be too long it's about half n now so before lunch we're thinking aren't we um but yeah we're ready we're fresh we're raring to go we cannot wait yeah come along hi so we've just done our quick outfit of the day so if you want to see what we're wearing for the full series we do outfit of the days over on our Tik Tok page so definitely give us a follow over there at Mr and Mr Lane um we're just in the car if you've ever been to Florida you know when you're get in your car getting in a real furnace sweating so the airon on so that's probably is really loud got a blasted don't you yeah and we're just now going to head off to Magic Kingdom so super excited we go get parked yeah put some music on get on the little trolley mhm put your fingerprint in the machine yeah and we're going to get the bat or the monreal bus yes can't wait this is the best partk the first Park is always the best park isn't it yeah we can't wait we can't wait and we've like tried to think different this time we went when we went to Walmart yesterday we bought some like salad boxes and stuff because last year I was sick to death of eating like chicken strips and chips or like just unhealthy things dry stuff dry um so we've bought some little salad boxes so we're going to try and have those for lunch see if it works and if it does we do it this as well um so yeah come along for the day come along also just for reference if you come to the Rosen in hotel and want to use the shuttle bus this is what the que's like on a morning so we haven't used it so we don't actually know what it's like but we definitely recommend getting a car based on this if I'm honest um cuz it looks crazy we have said that one time this trip we might try and do it and then we're going to have a few drinks instead of one of us having a car and so yeah yeah we're heading into Magic Kingdom woo so we're just going through we're going to pay for parking now yeah we'll see you in there see you soon hi hi we've just parked up oh my god this weather is like a dream it's so hot it is currently 30° and it's only 10:00 a.m. thank you got move forward safety um basically when you live in the UK and it rains 11 and 1 half months of the year like you crave this weather this like heat like it's just this is a shock to the system it's not even I I just love it it's meant to be 38 today by like 2:00 I think it said so yeah I'm seeing I love but in a few hours I'm going to be like get me out of here so yeah this is my little ensembly outfit today Oliver got his this t-shirt I love it then Me denim shorts I me comfy trainers yeah and then I couldn't find any it yes before we went I left it last minute so I've got these mini ones B you forgot to bring these ones that you got last year so here we are why not though okay we'll see you soon we're on the tra we're coming to stop here meain seated it's just a temporary stop keep doors [Music] closed so we're just off to get the boat well we were going to get the mon rail but it was quite busy and this is more Scenic as well so yeah we like the board yeah you can see the castle right in the background I forgot how close it was yeah I know well he said it was like 1 and a half mile I think to get there but we only got the boat twice last time I think so one time Grand children remember oh my God we was so yeah oh there's one there and one there so yeah hi so we are on the ferry we got quite near the front but on the bottom deck it's easier I get out but yeah so excited can't wait you can see the castle in the background yeah we're ready and raring to go [Music] we're here we're in Main Street it's so unreal it's weird we saying like not saying it it's Halloween cuz last time we were here it was fully Halloween decorations and orange and Autumn and yeah it's unreal though yeah I think it's all like Fourth of July graduation Vibe at the minute but it's lovely to see it the PE over there a real one a real well looks real yeah it's a real oh it's going to be so hot in this weather bless it oh my God we're [Music] here it's the best feeling ever love it so much like on cloud n again it's just oh it's unbelievable oh I love it it's the best feeling down this street favorite yeah and what I would say is a top tip is as you walk down Main Street there's of the magic for or mega passes first time we came we like went to the first one but as you walk down you get closer and closer to the castle definitely keep on going don't get in those cues at the start cuz the old cues are huge as well and you get a better view now the castle so with less people yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right our first ride tradition is Pirates like last year so we're going to go on that again morning it's only a 25 minute away so we're just going to grit and Berry 25 minutes is fine yeah beas [Music] here I be old in the Treasure M and the key as well what I wouldn't be okay so pirat verdict loved it yeah thankfully we didn't get wet yeah you know just a little splash on the legs but nothing major yeah notar the first time I'm sure we got s the first time loved it though like it's such a feel good ride like just a good first one I would say 30 minutes now i' say sorry well only waited about 10 minutes I would say oh yeah about 10 minutes yeah every always says about the smells as well like and it it does smell so nice yeah um like water R yeah but no I loved it we're just going to head to Big Thunder Mountain now cuz it is 30 minutes yeah check the map to be honest it's the times are okay um compared to what we've seen so yeah let's go over and rideal roller coer why not yeah [Music] but in the wild wild west oh wow it's bigger than a thought is it me yeah a lot bigger than a thought well we watched uh like a preview Kyle Po's preview and it was massive inside it went on the ages didn't it yeah it looked unbelievable the animatronics inside we both hadn't watched Tiana's princess in the Frog but I watched it the other day and I thought was actually really good it was like an old school Disney film like even the way they've drawn it and stuff it's really good I've not seen it but hopefully it opens we're not going to get on it this time but what they're doing do you think they're just like let it run [Music] wow [Music] good oh the dets are so good like the little crown on that Barrow uhhuh over here oh there it is let's [Music] go we're just in the queue it's saying 45 minutes but we're nearly in the front I would say now so don't even about 15 yeah but it's so hot like I'm terid Ding and the fans aren't very good so wish for Lu uhoh down [Music] [Applause] woo wo w hi so hi hi so we've just got off um Big Thunder Mountain that was posted 45 minutes and we've got in the queue of 20 to 12 and it's 5 12 and we've been on and off so not too bad not too bad at all so the quey was totally wrong at the time yeah um we were right at the front as well so like the drop doesn't feel as good when you're at the front front you got to wait for the back to come down yeah it's very bumpy but it's still fun yeah it's a good little roller coaster yeah um so yeah I don't know where we're going that where we go I don't know I'll check the way times but we'll just head back that way so yeah we need to cool off somewhere I think so yeah we'll see you soon so we're just about to go on P pan cuz it's only 30 minutes we've never done it before so first yeah see how it goes yeah it's cool in this [Music] [Music] oh this is so nice I even come here just for the [Music] air oh that's Tower Bridge oh is it bridge and Tower Bridge say no that's what people get mess up on our video on there teacher B never yeah Okay so we've just been on pet Pan's flight and the queue was really good the theming was really good the airon was amazing yeah the airon was like Tip Top cute the ride itself though was lovely the theming was great you were hanging you could see all of London but it was really quick and yeah you were on for like a couple of minutes but for kids they would absolutely love yeah wouldn't rush on it again maybe if we need a cool down I'd go on that but it was nice I'm glad we've ticked it off the list though so we're going to find somewhere for food now try and cool down yeah just in one of the shops near P pan and these flasks are so [Music] cute the T-shirt but it's definitely kids a woman quite C but I like that $26 so that's like compar what you would that's a lion king [Music] ear oh yeah Alo they are new [Music] oh wow cute it that's huge though that's aium know the can't be a medium that's plain on the back what you think I had on I thought he had to make on the back no that was a totally different to so this is my little chicken Caesar salad all I went for the southern one is it it was it's basically chicken salad we're in the um staright Diner we came here last time but it's very busy we forgot to find the but very very busy yeah so we did cave and get some fries instead yeah just just a little pick me up extra these salads have been like so nice yeah really nice but nice little selection of chips as well beautiful beautiful spot yeah it's so lovely beautiful day hi stay tuned for YouTube Vlogs cuz we will be uploading a lot soon and YouTube we're just live on Tik Tok at the minutes to make sure you follow us on Tik Tok oh it's such a beautiful day [Music] the Disney PR stuff so [Music] cute get me annual Penny annual so I'm going to get this 202 English American flag [Music] wonderful okay [Music] Main Street confection this quiet all the how cute is that little baby Donald no I like Buy Baby Mickey with candy fls oh it's I mean & minis all of no oh look at that marshmallow like cine K when she [Music] got yummy yummy yummy pink [Music] on N same quite hard as [Music] well hi guys so we're just going to head to marand and go on Space Mountain now cuz we're still waiting for our Tron position and but it shouldn't be too long return time return time the parades on at the minute so it's a bit noisy but this is the first time we got toland from the moment I heard your St hopefully we'll get the different track on Space Mountain this time two tracks isn't there just who you are not tracks new tal oh music no yeah yeah no I think I think there is like two different Roots two different Roots yeah that's what I mean I was tell you one's got a bigger draw I don't actually know yeah that could be totally made up but let us nor for tonight yeah we' been waiting about 15 minutes yeah probably yeah just getting through a this bit now so we've just came up Space Mountain and it was about half an hour 40 minutes half an hour yeah yeah and yeah it was better than what remembered wasn't it yeah it was quite fast it's very dark but it's loads of fun that one it's the most thrilling one we've been on yet like today yeah but yeah I feel a bit dizzy to be honest I know yeah we're just going to um see what our return time is for trly we've been on a couple of times before so what I do was just it for today depending on how cuz then we'll want to pop to the outlet after as well so on group 74 75 where 87p 78 now all right yeah we'll hang around and then we might pop down in the space man shop and you seen this where you can make your own phone cases made and you can do watches airpod cases magic hand straps all of us just designing one for it okay so change of plan we've decided just to head out now because we're still going to be waiting another hour at least for Tron by the time we like get our boarding group and then go wait to even get on like yeah it's going to hour and we want to like get back and then we want to go to the outlet as well cuz there a big huge National outlet sale on this weekend so it's literally across the road from our hotel the Vinland one so we're going to pop there see what goodies we can find yeah and just have a nice chilled evening it's only day one we've done a lot so yeah um but we've just got a for other huge Pride flag and he made we like touch heads and stuff so it's been a bit mental looks like a Parade's about to start cheim me out while we're on [Music] hi uh so we've just got back to the room we've just did a quick freshen up Harry Potter's on so that's good I could easily sit and chill cuz Harry Potter's on um but we're just going to head back out now and go to the vyent outlet I've had to change my shoes as well cuz I've had on me Adidas sambers but for whatever reason I just hurt my feet today so I put me do Martin sandals on instead so we're going to head out hopefully we'll find some Bargains MH National outlet shopping weekend so extra discount God knows what that actually means but Andrew's been getting the emails for a week so yeah excited okay so fingers crossed hi so we're here we made it to the vient outlet and parking was hard to get one but luckily we seeing someone coming out and we got straight in yeah um but it seem's pretty busy today I've got all balloons up and stuff cuz definitely like for this this is event yeah so let's see what goodies we can get we are coming at the end of the weekend but hopefully there's some last minute goodies well yeah cuz like some shops it was like um up to 60% off plus weend so oh helicopter and I really can't wait to go into the carer warehouse as well so yeah I'll show you the balloons cuz they're coming up now [Music] oh [Music] yeah so it's been a bit crazy in here hasn't it oh it's like mad but there's so much more than there was when we came last year these jumpers are so cute they're only $20 I think we love the pizza on he is all these Spirit Jers $25 I love the figment one I so cute look at the [Music] back amazing crazy doing good heading to class still very [Music] hot yeah I love that one really nice that [Music] yeah like that cute so oliv I made a purchase got his new Co bag for work yeah I needed a new work bag the work bag I've got is like the bag that me company give us um like a think pad backpack and I've had it for years it's very functional it's got all the pockets and space for the charger and all that sort of stuff but I was like it's ready for I'm ready for a bag that I like and it's like a bit more stylish so yeah treated myself and then I got myself some new Disney ears so I'll show you them soon when we get sat down but yeah good bargain I fell in love with a little yellow crossover bag as well from coach but I had to resist yeah but yeah I might go back you never know it was really really nice that they had like a clearance section it was in wasn't it like good deal 70% off and then some of the stuff had an extra 20% off as well so it was a good day to come yeah yeah it was good it was definitely good we just in Tommy looking at the glasses oh no they we them with blue and Lululemon let's see if oliv I can find something good yeah I know that is lovely oh I love the neck on it so nice yeah good deal so out there hi so we've just left the outlet we're a bit nagged to say the least um it's about half six now we were going to go to Disney Springs and grabbed some food movies Blaze Pizza but we've said actually we might keep that for another day where we'll feel a little bit more refreshed so we've just came to Shake Shack and then there's a Target here as well mhm but this looks like a nice Shake Shack so going to get some food rejuvenate yeah yeah so we'll keep you posted yeah we are here M I know that you can get this in the UK but no I know but it's a nice experience as yeah it's still nice we love the food last time yeah they do these like chili Ranch fries I hope they do them again just wasn't just like a limited edition thing yeah yeah yeah we'll show you what we'll get the most amazing priz in the whole world which so yeah as good as you remember these are different it was like chy Ranch last time yeah and then you got what fig did you get just a cheeseburger in here like nice V very cute I love the little lights outside okay so I went for the dog and I added cheese sauce I always go for a dog I don't know why I think I just prefer hot dogs and then I just went for the plain fries cuz I thought too much cheese is a lot but yeah excited to try Shake Shack smashed it smashed it smashed it out the Paw smashed the p 7 out of 10 I would say I would say five filled the spot maybe actually 7.8 Andrew at my fries in the end really so is that what you're written that on and the cheese sauce is a winner and apart from that it was okay it was okay it was just okay yeah like it was all right we have been before um I think last time I got chicken burger and I think I like the chicken burger better yeah cuz the cheeseburger had no salad on and I like lettuce and onion and very crunch yeah bit of freshness let's open this car cuz Oliver will have a go blast the airon oh now I'm locked out if you press it once it only opens certain doors go we're in good angles Mr ly only driving a second over the road to Target no no I'm not leaving it on don't [Music] worry yeah we're popping a Target to get some little bits aren't we indeed well don't know where else we want to try for like food so we feel like like we're not very adventurous I know we need to just drive and go into somewhere baham Breeze go to Golden Coral yeah Denny's I don't feel like like Denny's and I H to go about those places lots of little little pieces like that pin stripes what's that I don't know I think that's very though yeah I definitely would like to p h try Raising Canes yeah and anywhere else is a bers yeah okay okay see you soon so we have arrived at Target we've literally just went around the C but yeah I'm trying to short and do this one on talk this this that dog that that no said that's what goes on in my mind when I'm a bit spaced no because basically Andrew is not in a hurry to do anything at any given moment so basically we will get we'll drive somewhere get in the carart in space and he like I just need a minute to and I'm like what you doing just say what are you doing so yeah okay see you soon these are the salad boxes we've been getting um they've got them in Target as well they're a little bit more but they're the exact same ones how much was it in Walmart £279 22 um but I'm going to go for this one it's the silly andraw avocado salad and it's a little bit spicier and all of us just going for the Santa Fe one again what have you just said that was called celano No is it not Sal L Ro yeah a lro look at those as well like these are such a little cute ttic you come to the park cuz these are such good things to bring but this is like just the Frozen I mean the chilled section we' got some nice goodies have look at that you would eat that all the time even that chopped salad cake I them in the UK hello back yeah so we've just got back to the hotel room now yeah and we had a little wand around Target and it's about 9:00 um and we are shattered so said instead of like overdoing it on day one we're going to kind of just chill for a couple of hours we got the rest of the week to kind of have a later one and stuff so we want to take it easy we don't know over do a do so yeah we bought and do a bottle of wine yeah we got it from Target and it looks really nice actually R I don't know what's this yeah I'll go get it guys yeah it's it just here um the way it is in America like it's all like locked off it's very strange Californian roots with like a PE R they did actually have whisper on Angel and it was the same price as what it was wor $25 um so yeah Andre also bought these little I want to show you me uh Disney a from the character Warehouse so they do have a B on it but how cute is that and the lounge fly yeah the lounge fly Mak so they've got the prop branding on there and but they're dead comfy as well and they're like a purple leather like a Lila color but they've got all the characters on the ears but I can just take the B off cuz it's just attached by a little piece of string and but how much had the been $45 45 down to $9.99 mhm love them bargain I really wanted some proper Lounge fly ones as well so they'll go good with me bag as well actually l fly yeah so yeah that's it for today so the next video will be a whole new video cuz we're going to put together travel day and day one so well yeah yeah so tune back in um for the next video uhuh but yeah thank you and we'll see you tomorrow for Hollywood Studios thank you thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Mr & Mr Lane
Views: 3,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florida, orlando, disneyworld, Newcastle, tui, disney, vlog, america, husbands, couple, holiday, roseninn, travelday, travel, plane, travel day, trip, mr and mr lane, travel with us, airport, car hire
Id: LETfE56VnSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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