Walmart Cheap Kayak 3 Year Review & Stability Test

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sorry Joe I'm getting bringing another adventure while we're on the cove had 19 lockdown I got a friend of mine that has a pond spoke with a fish biting out there we're gonna take one of Walmart cheap kayaks to do another cheap balm or kayak video drag that sucker up underneath the house and now load it in the truck Reid's already out there fishing so we're gonna meet him out there I didn't help much all right y'all I've had this lifetime Tamarack ten-foot kayak for three years it's been well used and we're gonna do a three-year review on it and then we're also going to take it out on this pond you try to catch some fish we may even try to stand up on it and maybe do a stability test I mean I'll show you how stable it is all right what we got thumbs to ride holders you got storage inside which I hardly ever use on this one because once you get something in there this whole tie is open sorry once you get something inside of it the whole kayak is open on the inside so it just slides from one end to the other I just had that anchor inside the kayak and it took me like four minutes to try to get it out of there because was all the way in the front and I had to get it to come to this port right here and where I could get my hands on it what no big deal but there's not a lot of room in there can't put your paddles or nothing in it for 240 bucks like I bought this thing three years ago they come with a paddle I still have the paddle it still works fine I actually have that paddle as a back up paddle in one of my other kayaks what we did do was put this cushion on it this is it come with a real thin cushion and this is just a big I think two or three inch and neoprene cushion works really well the day I brought this kayak home from Walmart took it out of the back of my truck went to church when I got back from church the neighbor's dog come over and ripped the cushion off the bottom of it so before I could even use it it was tore up but no big deal life happens you know how it goes but no matter what no matter which kayak you get that just has a cushion for a seat get you an extra cushion because you're out and on the water from war in a couple hours that old butt cheek that back stars hurt I'll show you some stuff that's broke but it's no big deal and it's expected to break as you can see this back right here I got a bungee to just kind of help hold it back because when you get out in the water and if you scoot up or do something turn sideways this thing wants to fall down so I just put a bungee on it to kind of help hold it up on these plastic Clips right here that's what holds this in place and there's some little plastic down there to hold it here used to have actual adjustment that you could clip on and do that but it broke that lasted a couple years before it broke but you know I keep these under the house keep on my kayaks under the house so you know they don't get sun exposure year-round or nothing like that when we're not using them they're out of the Sun you know plastic will degrade in the Sun the more you let it set out now of course if you're just out using it don't worry about it you ain't using it enough the time you're out on the water for it to hurt it but if you take your kayak home and just lay it over beside the house or beside the shed no matter what brand it is or how thick that plastic is it will start degrading and getting brittle so don't do that put it under a house and a house in your garage something get it out of the weather out of the sunlight this right here is an actual you put a cable to it if you want to stand up I have never stood up in this kayak and I'm gonna put a cable on it here in a minute after we get done talking and once we get done fishing I'm gonna try to stand up in it it's probably gonna be a bad idea because I don't have very good balance the kayak is stable when you're sitting down I've seen my older son I've seen him stand up in it he done a real good job I said I'm 5/7 210 pounds and I said I just haven't even tried to stand up in it yet I know he had to pee real bad while we was out in the marsh one day and we don't been out there by six hours and he stood up in it and peed off of it so somewhere on this kayak has probably got his pee dribble all over it somewhere like I said that is not the paddle that come with it paddle that comes with it it's a lot shorter than that but it's not a terrible paddle I mean $240 you get a kayak and a paddle ain't too bad so show you the straps you can see this is starting to get frayed which is just rope but it's three year old rope that's been in the salt water been in freshwater it's drug around by that I used both that strap sometimes this one this one's still in good shape and get out of the sunlight so you can see it it is still in good shape but I'll run my straps through it to tighten them down in the truck so I don't think over a three-year period that is too bad it did have Bungie back here and it did not break or rot away or anything of that nature I just took it off because it more or less got in the way for what we use this kayak for it's kayaks bent and out on the pond it's been on the river has been in salt water I would not recommend taking it out in the ocean I would not recommend taking it in moving water this is more just pond you use it's perfect lake use where you don't have a ton of wind and a ton of wake and stuff like that it's perfect backwater salt water you know fishing the brackish water long as there's not a lot of rushing water you're good I mean for 240 bucks you can't beat it I'll tell you what let me flip it over show you the bottom three years old you can see just scuff marks on it you can see how wide it is this is they say four 10 foot wide or 10 foot long I think this thing is uh 34 inches wide but you can see she's scuffed up we do our best to not drag it try to pick it up and carry it because the more you drag plastic causing across concrete and rocks and even saying it will wear a hole in it I've already had to fix two of our more expensive kayaks from getting we're hitting oyster beds and stuff like that so far no holes in this one so place it $240 I know I keep repeating that but for the price can't beat it I know this is long-winded I'm very shut the camera off getting my stuff back ready launch out and we will get at it here in a minute super simple to launch best thing to do is have the whole kayak in the water don't try to leave a an end or a side up on the bank to try to not get your feet wet best thing to do with kayaking is not worry about getting wet just it's gonna happen so you can either just step in the water or you can make sure the whole kayaks floating and just sit down on the side right there like I said mess thing you do is just not worry about getting wet clean off you all bless you all aren't y'all I'm getting ready show you I don't like any kind of cloth cables basically any kind of cables connected to my kayaks like the bungees and stuff in the back it's not so bad but in the front I am hooked right there now you would think that's not that big of a deal but I'm trying to get to it without messing my balance up and flipping and you can see I got a mess right here in front of me I don't want to put all that on my shorts and then get my truck but I cannot lean forward and reach that my flexibility is not that good and I'm gonna try to scoot a little bit but if that cable wasn't there which I'm not using it I was able to get it thank goodness no I got it okay that cable is gonna be off I'm gonna cut it off same with this handle up front I snagged on it and had to break off cuz I couldn't reach it I could have got out you know paddle to the bank got out and got it but I didn't want to do that to aggravate quicker just to break off and retie but that is one thing you may want to think about not if you get this guy ACK if you get any kayak it's got some sort of bungee on the front or cords on the front your hooks gonna connect with it sooner or later I just get rid of them alright y'all I don't want unloaded all the stuff out of kayak didn't really show you the stability of it um it's it's pretty pretty stable most kayaks just turn sideways feet hanging over the side not worried about flipping it at all at this point now I don't know about standing up at it I've never done it we're gonna try here in a minute they like said you can see feet hanging off turning around go to the other side I said I'm not being gentle I'm not being easy and it's snuff pretty stable all right aren't y'all I paddled over here to shallow water I'll make sure it's at least a foot deep before I go to stand up so if it does tilt one way or the other you know the bottom is not hitting on the bottom and stabilizing I did put this cable in here just to help me stand up all it is is just some 550 cord and I don't even have it tied in this just ran through that loop and that's what that loop is actually for is to help you pull yourself up but uh I don't think I'm even going to use it in the beginning maybe once I go to stand up but let's give it a shot and see what happens the reason I'm in shallow water is because I still got to go back to the house in my truck and I would like for my truck not to smell like pond water that is actually a whole lot easier and a lot stable more stable than I thought it was gonna be I thought it was gonna be tougher than that now I'm not telling you you know you would want to do this standing out in 50 feet of water but I felt like it was gonna be a lot tougher than that and a lot less stable I say I'm not trying to flip it but I'm also I'm let me get my paddle sitting back down in the front not using the cable I just wanted to get the paddles in case I needed it I did not plan on taking the camera off my head once I was standing up in it but it is about fell out then I'd have been my fault just for being an idiot but just standing here now if you hit something why you a drift fishing or something like that you'd go out but other than that this thing is super stable I did not expect this I could pee out of this thing that's how stable it is all right we're gonna head back to the truck I'm probably going to end this video right here I was going to get home and show you all them brim that we caught and put them in my bait tank but they're already dead so I guess look for a catch clean and cook a brim here shortly some of them are small but I'm not gonna waste them but anyways I appreciate y'all coming along with me remember to Like share and subscribe hope y'all like the video if you are looking to buy the kayak not wanting to spend more than $250 lifetime Tamarack that's the way to go Walmart they say this one here's got rod holders and everything already mounted in it right there it's a rod holder also I just don't ever use it and it comes with that but anyways remember like share subscribe and I will get back at you want to get back at it
Views: 160,199
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Keywords: Walmart Kayak, Lifetime TAMARACK KAYAK, Kayak Stability Test, Kayak Review
Id: myhy6UUyLI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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