Walking Around Granada, Spain (Why I Stayed for Two Weeks)

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Granada is one of my favorite cities not just in Spain but that I've ever been to I visited with the intention of staying for just a few days and ended up staying for two weeks in this Vlog I'm going to take you on a bit of a walking tour of the city and show you a few of my favorite spots hopefully by the end you'll see why it was so easy to fall in love with this place one thing you should know about Granada is it's a very musical City there's kind of always something going on here like one day I just walked upon this random like hip-hop dance competition in front of the church today there's literally like this says Japan and Granada and it sounds like it's gonna be some type of dance performance as well there's stage but we'll see I'm gonna try to like catch that today and then also Flamenco Granada is one of the places to see a flamenco show I did that earlier this week it was arranged in my hostel and it was incredible it's a whole like cultural performance it sounds like there's going to be storytelling at 11 30 but eventually there will be dancers and all sorts of Japanese inspired things until like nine o'clock today so I'll definitely be popping back and forth here it's a closer look at a sign Capone and Granada we have this little market going on see what they have here mochi oh KitKat kick out of the best oh this is like sake I'm sake shots for breakfast this is actually so perfect they have this because I recently decided okay big announcement I'm going to spend the winter in Japan this year all right so exciting but yeah Japan just opened up I've wanted to go to Japan forever haven't been yet I know winter could be very miserable I need to buy some clothes because I didn't pack any winter clothes but it's Japan literally if all I do is sit in a ram and shop and eat ramen all winter I'll be very happy also I just spied Sumo suits these are full-on sumo suits what is what is happening here it has cute these earrings are little paper cranes this is gonna be here all day so I'll come back they're still setting up it looks like so let's go do some other Granada stuff and then we will return to the random Japanese festival I want to show you this tree the street here in Granada that kind of looks like you've been transported to Morocco it's very touristy but it's cool because it's just so unique I'm on the street now but it's like weirdly quiet I keep forgetting that in Granada like the town wakes up slowly I don't know if this is a southern Spain thing in general or just Granada but yeah don't try to do much in the morning because most things won't be open because people are sleeping so this tree is normally really busy yeah but it's very quiet right now so it's not quite the vibe but I'll show you so here there are some spices lots of souvenirs and things earrings shoes oh yeah and a lot of baklava there are a lot of tea shops I went to one tea shop with some friends when I first got here and you can pretty much find like you know Moroccan mint tea or like a good chai or I thought it was good it's also a lot of touch jeans and couscous dishes there's things that typically you would find in Morocco although there's also just a lot of Middle Eastern cuisine in general instead of sitting at one of those cafes since they're kind of like a bit more touristy I'm gonna take you to a place that a local who has lived here for I guess it's on a local he's from Argentina he works in my hostel and this is a place that he goes to it's kind of like his secret Hidden Gem I'm assuming this video isn't gonna pop off like crazy so if it does I'm sorry Roberto but yes I'm gonna take you to his spot because it's very cool it's called Cafe Quattro Gatos like four cats it's spelled with a four on Google Maps has the best view of the Alhambra you have to hike a bit up a hill so you kind of got to get out of the city just a tad but it's worth it it's really cool okay there's the Alhambra so the cafe is literally right here so if you can snag a table outside you'll have a view of the Alhambra looks like there's already a line of people waiting um I got a seat on the doorstep there's like some little cushions down here but at least this way I got to sit right now and I can still see the yellow on breath so it's good [Music] so right back up in there yeah okay the service at the cafe that I just went to was really slow again like I think if you want a nice view it's a great place if you want to get some work done or you really care about like the food and the service then I have four recommendations one is Kona coffee then there's I need coffee note coffee which is n-o-a-t and then a Tippy Cup Cafe I really like all four of those I've gone multiple times food's always good service is good and you can get some work done there foreign [Music] to go because I've become a bit addicted over the last I would say this started in Bali I was hanging out with two dudes who are really into coffee and they always wanted to like go just like grab a coffee and chat or start doing that with him and I always like I like this taste of coffee I genuinely like the taste of coffee but I've never been like oh I need a coffee today and I still don't feel that I need it to wake up but I just crave the taste of it like every day so I'm hoping this is an actual issue but there's coffee man I really hope not I need it I need to stop okay I'm outside uh that's kind of like main Cathedral and this is where I saw that dance competition the other day but I like to just take my coffee and sit here because during the week it's actually really quiet and you can just sit on the steps soak up the sun here it is it's busy this weekend though like it is Saturday but it's packed I thought I would mention kind of like why I've been in Granada for two weeks my initial booking was actually only three days I think I want to say and I extended instantly for this I was immature and I had really been looking forward to Madrid for a long time a lot of people have recommended it to me and I'm also kind of in a phase where I'm looking for somewhere where I can kind of make a face for a while and I thought you know Madrid sounds like it could be that place I hadn't been to Madrid I went there it's an incredible City don't get me wrong I do want to go back but I think in this current phase of my trip or my life it was just too much it was very hectic it's huge it's actually a massive City came here like I said within an hour I was like he has six and I love it it has a little bit of everything has really great food it's cheap Possible's incredible I could go on I don't know I just feel very comfortable here very safe as well and even though it's like a smaller town like I've been here for five weeks and I still feel like there's a lot here I could do and see and just kind of get into like a comfortable Groove I am actually leaving tomorrow though because I'm starting a Spanish course for two weeks it's Mia but I'm also curious about Sevilla so that's okay at least now I know that I love Granada I will definitely come back here and I can see myself here for three plus months at least I'm back where the Japanese festival is just to see how things have changed if there's anything exciting going on and things you can make a wish and then yeah [Music] so you write a wish on here and then you tie it to this thing over here [Music] foreign things to do in Granada is to walk along this little Canal type of thing this is one of the ways you can go to the Alhambra I've already been to the Alhambra and I've actually like walked up there again just to like walk around the outside but it's kind of become like one of my favorite little walks because you start here along the river get to like walk uphill you get some views so it's a bit of like a workout you see the Alhambra from the outside and then you can walk down this different like public park that's shaded through the trees which I'll show you after this but it's just a nice Loop and it takes like I'll probably spend like an hour or so doing it but I like it and this is so pretty like I'm on this old little bridge right now there's a little restaurant Cafe some guys playing music it's beautiful I've actually never seen it this busy in the last two weeks I don't know if last weekend I was just working on my laptop the whole time like maybe this is just a weekend thing I don't know but it is very busy today and if it was this busy all the time I probably wouldn't have liked Granada as much but I'm glad to see that like tourism is back and that the sun is still out and that they're still getting visitors so that's cool but normally I mean this feels weird it's so much quieter normally foreign about the exact Fountain because when I first arrived in Granada and I was walking up the street there was a full-on just naked man taken aback standing up in the fountain like not not sitting down in it just full up out and about taking a bath and when I was walking back I passed him again but this time he was walking through the crowd like with a speaker on his shoulder again very naked kind of like a welcome to Granada type of thing I haven't seen him since maybe it was around 11 A.M that day so check that out on 11 A.M and it might be bath time there's the Alhambra up there I'm gonna walk up this way go behind and then walk down [Music] I don't know why I voluntarily walk up this in the heat but I like this hike a lot or like walk yeah it's nice made it to the top of the hill so normally if you're going to see the Alhambra now maybe like five minutes from here there is like the ticket booth which you need to buy your tickets online ahead of time because they always sell out the day of so try to like pick a day once you know your trip dates that you want to see the Alhambra because that's kind of like the only thing in Granada that you'll need to have a specific date and time for I'm just sitting outside the entrance for the album right now and I was thinking about like things you should do in Granada because I know there's not like a very strict format of this video but now understanding two weeks here I would say if you're into hostels definitely stay at El Granado El Granado hostel they have just all the best events I went hiking in Sierra Nevadas with them it's a flamenco show they had a gypsy cave dinner as well I would do the Alhambra of course walk around the city get Tapas and I think maybe like three days would be enough unless you're like me and you're like oh I want to get some work done and chill and put going on going to the Alhambra off for like a week which is what I did if you keep walking up the hill past the Alhambra there's like this random little tree Grove Hill and it looks like just like a dry random field but actually the trees there are olive trees and I'm not used to seeing Olive Tree so to me it is so cool to see olives growing on a tree I think little kid me and even like middle school or High School me thought that olives just appeared in a can you know or like maybe they grew on the bush or something I don't know not a tree okay these are olives I'll show you the olives hang on this is the Olive Tree olive tree just so cool to me this is that shaded little hidden park I was mentioning earlier that is a nice way to either walk up to the Alhambra or down because it never seems that busy it's shaded and it's just very peaceful it's also free so you could just come here with a book or I don't know an empanada and chill there's these little canals on both sides water running down so you get that water sound another nice thing about this park is that there's no cars anywhere here like they even though this is a road only like this tourist train comes by here now and then and there's no like major roads next to it it's just very quiet I mean like you can hear the water noises birds it's very nice especially on a busy day like today to really Escape out of that tourist Rush I was passing this postcard shop and like look at the Sierra Nevadas with snow on them oh it'd be so cool to see it like that something that's interesting about Granada to me is that it was very warm here when I first got here I mean it's still warm right now but everyone is telling me that winter comes very quickly like all of a sudden you'll be warm wearing shorts a tank top and the next you have a jacket on and literally the last two nights I kind of experienced this where like at night it was a very cold and I've had to have like my puffy coat on in the mornings now I'm wearing jeans today so it's definitely changing and Granada does have a winter although I heard it's a very pleasant winter like it's not super rainy or dark you'll have bright blue sunny skies but just cold temperatures sometimes snow up at the Alhambra Guatemala okay I ordered a pionino this is another there's a conflict so they have to change a conflict yeah because it's not it is La Isla it's a company they have like the rights though they like trademarking yeah oh okay gotcha that's complicated okay I got a limonada Arabica so it's homemade it's lemonade with mint in it very good I've already tried it now but I really like it it's nice on a hot day you know yeah it is yeah and then this is a pionino because what's the official name yo no no yeah no no heard about these like they're kind of like a dessert you should try in Granada but apparently pianono is uh what's it called like copyrighted yeah buy some buy some company which is silly to me but yeah so it's a pionino 's it's a historic name it's very good it is like layers of how I describe this like cake multiple layers of cake that's kind of like soaked in a syrup and then there's a little bit of custard filling on top it's like date syrup right I think so yeah it's really cute Cafe and it's called I think I actually had seen that on Google Maps and that it was well rated uh but I didn't know where it was so just when I saw it passing I thought that looks like a really cute little space and it was nice to chat to the owner this drink is actually fantastic the treat was good but it's 250 for that little thing so I kind of just wanted to try it because I knew it was a famous dessert here but I probably want to get it again I mean it was good don't get me wrong but for 250 I think it's kind of expensive [Music] this hostel has a really nice balcony on their eight bed dorms which it's like it's actually quiet still at night but like in the day you can open up the doors and let fresh air in and you can dry your laundry out here it's also funny like you end up seeing like the neighbors daily lives a little bit which sounds weird but yeah here is my bed I'm just packing up my stuff so it's really messy at the moment foreign [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Allison Wolf
Views: 15,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granada, Spain, Alhambra, Andalusia, Andalucía
Id: NWwpRmOyJ4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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