Epic Granada Tapas Tour (2023)

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I'm in the middle of an epic Tapas Coral in Granada with local expert Marta who's showing me the best places in town wow came here because of you guys because I get so many comments from people saying James you have to go to Granada they have the best Tapas in Spain in the world I'm not convinced you and look I know the Tapas here are abundant and free so this notion that we're getting all these freaked up us is misguided but does free does cheap make it the best I had to come to Granada to find out [Music] which is this yeah are included in the price of your drink Marta is a friend and Granada guide extraordinaire she offers historical tours Food Tours and more and she's the person I need to help me demystify Granada's tapasin they gave us two each which is because they're ex you know they're excited we're here normally you would just get one right exactly normally you just get one supper in this place you can choose the tapa they will give you an assortment like menu in this case we have a croqueta of Jamon okay and this is so yummy yeah look at the Bechamel here look at the Jamon you know croqueta's homemade when it's got a kind of strange shape it's not perfectly round and loves it the ugly is the best oh yeah big chunks of ham Bechamel super flavorful we have to retinas Pork Belly This Magnificent mediarathione that we ordered and we will pay for like if I have more than three I get a sore stomach because they're super they're super fatty and Rich and yeah and delicious yum so good so is it possible like go on a tablet School in Granada and not pay for any food outside the price of the drink yes yes fried potatoes egg a little bit of green pepper right exactly perfect the key for this dish is the green pepper it's like without the green pepper it's nothing it's fried eggs and potato green pepper just gives it that beautiful like little bitterness little sweetness salad it's good to be here wow I love this country I love this city I love this Tapas tour best is the the atmosphere yeah I think that's what makes the tapasing Granada so special people tell me this is the best place for Tapas there's a lot of pressure I agree though you agree okay I want to hear about that the next part [Music] okay so they're just opening up better to be there you know before they open because the places get so crowded and I feel like a little thing in Spanish it's a little cultural tip means a lot right a lot a lot is one of my favorite Tapas and well rathiones there you have it how it's being cooked you carve it down there it reminds me of like a kebab is this yeah it's the same style got a beautiful color Martin it's just all those little bits of salt you can just tell the color from the spices dripping with grease [Music] guys wow oh my God that is so good it's like the Rosemary the spices the salt oh my God Alejandro is [Music] so the grease leads to more the fatness I love how Marta there's like two people in this bar and I can't hear myself think that is that is true authenticity okay so here we have Gaius normally cayo's tribe are with a cow stripe in Madrid so this is pork he said there's a slight sweetness that they don't often have in the Madrid caves mayonnaise potato tuna yeah and roasted pepper over there roast pepper that is really yummy that is a really good one or should I I should probably just eat it from the skewer wow we'll try to say everyone it is a very difficult tapa it's cool you can cook it your own way so yeah and it's really yummy and super yummy I told you I got so many comments people saying you've got to go run out of the Tapas for the best of us in Spain are people confusing best with cheapest because it's include what's going on here I do agree the culture it's all about enjoying the moment Tapas here are more about socializing about getting together but especially about disconnecting for a while but I feel like that's the same everywhere all over Spain in Granada we have many students the atmosphere is very fun it's very Lively yeah it's all about that it's not so much because they are cheaper can I be honest sure I'm not convinced yet oh yeah like but what is it about Granada that people are getting obsessed with and saying it's the best tablets in Spain I think I have a hunch but I need to go to more bars to find out thank you it's getting busy right you can tell you so come to this bar every single Sunday with my family after going to mass okay so this is a place that has been open I think since 1986 and it's dedicated to the Andalusian poets like my fellow Federico Garcia was born in Granada carne and salsa the one I always ordered when I was a kid and I swear they had the same plates when I came here when I was 10 11 years old oh my God the same place it's got a beautiful color beautiful color amazing flavor it feels like childhood it's the beautiful sauce the way you can kind of mop it up I was an altar boy and I we never did this after we would maybe have a cup of tea in the church Hall next door I might have stayed Catholic these two glasses of wine were two or seven sixty so it's at 380 each so this notion that we're getting all these freaked up buses is misguided you're just you're probably paying less for the wine than you would if you were from the states or from Canada or from New Zealand but you're paying more than you might in Madrid for the same one yeah because you have the food included before let's say you are so full and you say I don't want to talk about it you should get a chance exactly a cheaper Bill okay wow with three in this is very cool too or it's feeling very local I love that the last place was your uh after Mass stop okay well you like what this one is for me now okay I'm following us let's go we've got this huge fat muscle here it's included in the Drinker you pay a little bit more but not so much more that you're like paying a crazy amount of money for the tap on I am falling in love with Grenada and this guy's out of control I love that I love the the bar owner very cool he just brought us this this is not the included I don't think this will be three Euros razor clams here with lemon on them and then we've got these beautiful gumbus that have just been done on the grill with a little salt on them it's going in the razor clam [Music] you know you come out of places like this it's like we were in a whole different world yeah yeah and you could spend hours there kind of pulled into the Vortex of wonderful Tapas bars is very fun like all over but you didn't know that there's something different okay Marta now we're entering I can tell in the older part of town right yes one of the older parts of town and I know this next bar we're going to it has a special place in my heart I mean look at all of these wines up here up here and not just like here everywhere Marta this place is a little quieter than some former places we've been in today it's so popular not only for the locals yeah but especially when when Anthony Bourdain came here he came here yeah he came here to film one of his shows and it became such a popular spot for Americans and for you know English speaking people yeah hi it's good to be back so Martha how does the tapa work here do we ask for it is it just come at some point they bring it depending on the place sometimes they have you know in order like they have the first tapa the second time and they just bring it to you the best tomatoes in town yeah right wow you're just dripping with oil and with the salt on there and this is like some buti Fara Blanca yes it's such a Blanca we call it it's some cooked sausage tomatoes in this country guys yeah so sweet and just the perfect amount of salt we think of tomatoes just like a tomato but it's like a Slither of this stuff is like some Gourmet product that is good really nice right yeah very soft [Music] yeah beautiful sausage up here Totino this like cured pork belly I have permission to do this oh my God foreign it's like you could do whites with this this is like four kilos stay there don't move there we go okay let's go we have more bars to go there right yeah Spanish bars close for a few hours in the afternoon so before rejoining Marta for our last few stops I wondered the historic Albay theme neighborhood and reflected on what we'd experienced so far and I realized I might just know why people say this city is Spain's Tapas Paradise [Music] so this is like a shop that out the back is the backstage the backstage I mean yeah I know it's not free but man it's pretty special huh [Music] there's nothing like the first sip of remote that's like right so good so we have here our original tapat and we ordered this we've got Jamon some greja moniberico salchichon the speaker German cheese truffle pate [Music] and this was seven euros yes yes what about salty Chon this is Raiden let's say it's similar to chorizo it doesn't have paprika better than chorizo yep definitely okay Martha I've been thinking about the whole Tapas thing in Granada come and sit and let we need to talk because you know I disagreed with you a little bit oh I think what you described as like Tapas throughout Spain right yeah but it's like what is unique what are people talking about when they talk about this free Tapas as you've been showing me these wonderful places I've just felt this incredible welcome in these places and I realized there is nothing more welcoming than sitting down in a place ordering a drink and having them give you a plate of home-cooked food without you even asking for it true Hospitality culture we the locals we keep going to bars whenever we feel that connection with the bartender you know if you don't get to have that you never go back to that bar no matter how good the food is I think we have a stop though for a moment there's all you got to stop for the Alhambra views right beautiful I mean that's my office yeah right that's where you get a lot of Tours we've gone into the not touristy part of the touristy part exactly you know in the middle of summer or spring it gets so full of tables and people you know spontaneous flamencoles let's say is the the name that people have given to this place because the actual name is the name but let's say the nickname is Los caracolas because they are popular for this dish for snails have it wow okay boom I've never had it quite like that you actually get the flavor of the snail which often you don't get with caracolas okay delicious it's fussy there's like a spiciness to that broth if you're into snails this is your place I've never had one you've never had a snail no you brought me to this bar having never had a snail yeah because I know they are very yummy but are you nervous about it a little bit I mean they might grow up I didn't know this video was going to become you overcoming your fear of snails but I like that I don't know you're halfway on the water now yeah I kind of want but I'm not sure I should try this nice and then you're on you're on national TV live okay what if I think it's just beautiful it looks like a mushroom the skull is like yummy and really spicy wow I surprisingly like it really yeah yeah yeah yeah and drink it foreign super spicy wow really spicy yeah oh I like it wow yeah thank you James yeah now that you love snails you have to finish you have a whole plate of them here okay I'll go for it yeah yeah there you go [Music]
Channel: Spain Revealed
Views: 109,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james black spain, james blake spain, yoly james, spain revealed, yoly spain, spain couple, spain guide, yolly james, yoli james
Id: CVamh8QoGeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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