Walking 1 Mile with Last-Minute Christmas Shoppers in Downtown Chicago
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Channel: Chicago 4K
Views: 21,193
Rating: 4.8957653 out of 5
Keywords: chicago, downtown chicago, michigan avenue, John Hancock building, water tower place, Wrigley building, tribune tower, tribune building, chicago architect, chicago water tower, chicago travel, travel chicago, chicago river walk, last-minute shoppers, christmas shoppers, Shayna brolin, chicago in 4k, GoPro, GoPro hero 8 black, chicago skyscrapers, last minute Christmas shopping, chicago's magnificent mile, dji, dji osmo mobile 3, south middle school, arlington heights
Id: raj_x1zhR2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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