WAKENER | Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror Journey | Sci-Fi Short Film

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(enchanting orchestral music) - This is Point Station Control. Acknowledge and identify. Repeat: acknowledge and identify - Controller. - Deputy Controller Deepika, sir - Get on with it, deputy. I have a meeting with the Vice Prime. - The station's gravity is pulling in an abandoned vessel - A ghost ship? Destroy it. - The fuel course signature, sir. My readings indicate nuclear. - Impossible. All nuclear devices were terminated centuries ago. - The possibility is 93.765%, sir. - Huh. Dock her in 7, sweep it - Sir, protocol states that- - Yeah, let's not log anything into the box until we're sure. Do you understand? - Yes, sir. Sending an officer and one tech. (space station whirring) - Hall, clear. Bridge, clear. - Technician Zivai, you are cleared to enter the ship. - [Officer] Aft passage, clear. - Old, very old. - [Officer] Forward, clear. (machine whirring) - What the... - Technician Zivai, assessment of the ships power core is priority one. Technician Zivai, acknowledge? Technician Zivai? - You need to respond, technician. - I don't understand helmet. - Answer your com. - Roger that, control. Prime objective understood. Be advised, the ship has modifications. I need to investigate these mods before I can run an accurate core assessment. (walkie-talkie crackling) - Understood. Technician, A-level wants status updates on the Fives. - I don't understand helmet. - I am level-C Officer Leal Oni. Address me as Officer Oni. And you are Technician... Technician, what is your name? Not a problem. - Seriously? - Gunnery sergeant. Correction. Ex-gunnery sergeant Andres Zivai demoted from Level B to E. Still impressive, a lot of accommodations. Caledon Offensive. Battle of Terra Bright and ... Titan Defensiv e Saturn Station. Lost my brother there. - Lady, we all lost someone there. - You just discharged and downgraded? Retired senior NCOs reach A-level in the private sector easily. That makes no sense. Just a technician now? Perfect cover for a resistance inside man. - Look at you. Level C. That is the most ridiculous slog there is. C to an A? It's a distraction, darling. - If I suspect you are resistance, I have full authority to shoot you dead where you stand, darling? - I'm not that lucky. Oh, gotcha! Trace power is leaching from the core. It might be lab equipment. Officer Oni, I need you to locate a lab. - On it. Are we not gonna address any of this? - I've seen worse. I assume no one has told you that the power core on this boat is ancient tech, nuclear. - That's not possible. - Oh, it's possible. It makes more sense now why they would make such a fuss, yet they send me level C's and E's. - Levelism will not provoke me. I'll locate the lab. And stay on task, Gunny. I've got my eye on you. - Gunny. Just Z! (machine whirring) - Readings confirm the core is in fact nuclear. - How about that. - It also suggests contamination. Permission to engage safety protocols. - No, negative. The tech will figure it out. Give him more time. - Z, you need eyes on this! Z! - [Officer Oni] Z, I found a lab. It's very odd. (pyramid zaps) Ow! I just wanna talk. Wow, a nuclear core this hot can split a planet like a melon. - Control? Control? - This is control. - [Zivai] Be advised, the core is nuclear. Repeat: core is nuclear. - We are aware. Run salvage scenarios. Proceed with caution. - Control, please acknowledge that this is now an illegal salvage. - Acknowledged, Technician Zivai. Granting you research clearance. - That will work. - [Zivai] Roger that. - Bend the rules when it suits them. Oh, fucking A's. Assholes. (electricity zapping) (eerie gurgling sounds) - [Officer Oni] Z, you need to see this! Elegant. Simple sonic override. - Technician Zivai, this last reading is dangerously unstable. A nuclear core failure of that size would result in an unacceptable reduction to A-level populations. Stand down. Repeat: stand down. - Stand by, technician, not down. Stand by. - Saturn Station? That was an acceptable reduction? To low a level? - Technician Zivai, acknowledge. Technician Zivai, please resync with your communication device. Technician Zivai, do you copy? - Yeah, I copy. Control, countdown has been initialized. I cannot yet override. There's some kind of locking mechanism, not tech. It's a puzzle. Control? - One moment, Technician Zivai. I'm picking up an erratic increase in core temperature. - You are hands-on technician. What do you advise? - If you're asking me, sir, it's quite simple. I'll pilot to ship far into the void and detonate. That would result in the zero level-A population reduction, sir. - We cannot authorize it. You do not have heroic action clearance at your current level. - Understood. But please note that my entire family did not survive Saturn Station. I believe that grants me grief action clearance. - Grant it. Technician, you now have full authorization to detonate the ship manually. Stand by for coordinates. - Roger that. - [Officer Oni] Z, I can't hold much longer. Z! (mechanical whirring) (evil growling) (tentacles squishing) - Technician Zivai, MP Oni is not responding. What's her status? (mechanical gun sounds) - Control, I'm about to speak to her now. Please stand by. - Technician, our timeframe is narrowing. - Officer Oni, I know we do not fundamentally agree but I am not resistance. I do this thing. Make this sacrifice. Everybody gets what they want. You might even get bumped up a level. But if you arrest me, you'll unnecessarily complicate things. I got this. I need this. (bones crackle) (evil gasping) Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. - Technician Zivai, please report. The core is spiking radically and we are running out of time. - This is Officer Oni. The situation is under control. - Copy that, Officer Oni. Thank you. - [Technician Zivai] Control, ready to disengage. - Officer Oni return to station. - I will stand with Technician Zivai. - That will not track. Officer Oni cannot accompany him. - Let sleeping dogs lie. Consider yourself lucky to put this behind you so easily. - Understood. Officer Oni, technician, you are cleared to exit Point Station. - All levels salute you. Officer Leal Oni and Technician Andres Zivai. - Roger that. (disengage whirring noises) (raspy chattering) Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu! (rocket boost) (alarm ringing) - Course correct immediately! You are heading towards the planet. You are breaching restricted airspace. Abort! Abort! You're headed towards Earth. - [Contoller Deepika] Abort! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. - [Contoller Deepika] Please, stop this madness! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. (machine whirring violently) (rattling engines) (deafening explosion) (high speed sonic engine) (distant engine rumble) (suspenseful music) (electronic synthesizer music)
Channel: createscifi
Views: 459,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lovecraft, short film, Wakener, Lovecraftian, h.p. lovecraft, cthulhu, cthulhu mythos, cthulhu movie, Science fiction, Horror, Short film, Sci-fi horror, Cosmic horror, H.P. Lovecraft, Sci-fi, Alien, Space, Adventure, Action, Thriller, Artificial intelligence, Dystopian, Time travel, Outer space, best short films, Bestshort films20, horror short film, horror short film 2023, blender, short films, best sci fi short films youtube, free short film, short filmmaking, h p lovecraft
Id: odUOQFtAkPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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