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so I have everything set up for me to grab quickly tomorrow it is one o'clock and I'm gonna wake up at five o'clock because I want to wait in line for an iPhone X don't worry about my only four hours of sleep school has prepared me for this see you then [Music] all right five o'clock probably got only two hours of sleep my transformation is complete hate my life 4:45 the sky looks like something from stranger things it actually doesn't look that orange in person for some reason also 45 degrees and the Sun doesn't come out until 650 check to make sure no one's in the backseat perfect did you expect me to go there on my boosted board no thank you it's dark and it's cold also if someone sees me coming out of the store with an iPhone X I don't want to get mugged easily who I'll riding on a skateboard at 16 miles per hour car seems like a good choice this time to the Verizon store the destination is on your right Verizon Wireless arrived all right I'm probably not gonna vlog much in line because probably mostly middle-aged men but I'm trying to vlog as much as possible without dying on the inside yeah blog met a fan here unexpected but nice surprise looks like there's only three people in line four okay cool time for breakfast I guess Hey six o'clock two hours left not much to do that's why I brought this it's a miracle none of us got mug yet at 7 o clock one more hour until the store opens here's the line so far [Music] Space Gray with 64 gigabytes [Music] well I went too far for a gag him good how are you good beautiful but I don't want to touch you want to touch my own that does not sound right uh Nintendo's switch with tax brings us turn 11 22 18 okay enjoy your Thank You YouTube now run back to the car plug in Mott oh oh what the hell I asked for Space Gray this is a silver uh-huh good thing I noticed before I drove home gonna give them a piece of my mind hey I asked for a space gray now I got a silver all right let me look at that sport way for you then I'm sorry it's alright it's alright thank you oh this one back from yeah oh yeah I get those pictures out I hear yeah there you go thank you okay you too bye alright second run to the car before I get mugged uh the right one this time can't wait to unbox it I deserve this food you know actually what I'm gonna do right now remember in bored smash and grocery store phones eight where I said I'm gonna do a Windows Phone next well I just drove across the street to fries and we're gonna get a Windows Phone just so I can say got two phones in one day one high-end one very low-end let's see if they still have Windows phones in stock hmm Android Android Android Android all right they don't have any Windows Phone so I guess I'm gonna have to check a different store for board smashing grocery store phones nine all right back home now back at home and now I'm just gonna do a quick unboxing of it all right I guess that's the end of the wedding in line for the iPhone next vlog thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and I'll see you guys later bye
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 4,784,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone, iphone x, apple, iphone 8, waiting in line, ios, android, tech, technology, smartphone, phone
Id: 3o1PMd2DCUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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